Welcome to the PhoenixMiles frequent flyer program.
PhoenixMiles is a frequent flyer program designed with you in
mind. Earn mileage from all over the globe with Air China family
carriers including Shenzhen Airlines, Shandong Airlines, Air
Macau, Dalian Airlines, Air China Inner Mongolia, and Beijing
Get ready for an outstanding experience on every flight, with
more attentive services and eligibility for generous mileage
awards, from the moment you become a PhoenixMiles member.
You can redeem mileage for award tickets, class upgrades, items
from the PhoenixMiles online store, as well as a host of additional
online and offline offers specially designed for you. Make the
most of every trip with PhoenixMiles. Read this guide for a
detailed overview of the basic information on earning mileage
and redeeming awards.
PhoenixMiles member services center (Beijing)
Tel: +86-10-95583 or 4006-100-666
Fax: +86-10-59281560
Table of Contents
1. Joining Our Program 2
1.1 Joining 2
1.1.1 Membership Eligibility 2
1.1.2 How to Join 2
1.2 Managing Your Account 2
1.2.1 Personal information Management 2
1.2.2 Password Management 3
1.2.3 Nominees 3
1.2.4 Membership Card 3
1.2.5 Mileage Consumption Suspensions 4
1.3 Glossary 4
1.4 PhoenixMiles Junior Card 5
1.4.1 Joining Our Junior Program 5
1.4.2 Important Information 5
1.5 Communications 6
2. Earning Mileage 7
2.1 How to Earn 7
2.1.1 About Mileage 7
2.1.2 Earning mileage from airline partners 7
2.1.3 Earning mileage with non-airline partners 8
2.1.4 Claiming Mileage for Past Flights 8
2.2 Earning Junior Mileage 9
2.2.1 Earn by Flying 9
2.2.2 Earn by Transfer 9
2.2.3 How to Transfer Mileage 9
3. Elite Membership Upgrade & Renewal 10
3.1 Qualifying Thresholds 10
3.2 Requirements for becoming an Elite member 10
3.3 Requirements for retaining your Elite member 11
3.4 Equivalent Star Alliance Status 12
4. Redeeming Mileage 13
4.1 Redeeming PhoenixMiles Mileage 13
4.1.1 Account Requirements 13
4.1.2 Provisional Award Bookings 13
4.1.3 Flights 13
4.1.4 Ticketing Requirements 14
4.1.5 Ticket Issuance 14
4.1.6 Use 15
4.1.7 Voluntary Changes 15
4.1.8 Flight Irregularities or Involuntary Downgrades 16
4.1.9 Rules on Award Tickets/Class Upgrades on Air China family Airlines 16
4.1.10 Rules on Award Tickets/Class Upgrades on Star Alliance Airlines 19
4.1.11 Receiving Award Tickets from Other Partner Airlines 21
4.1.12 Service Charges 22
4.1.13 Redemption method 23
4.2 Junior members Redeeming PhoenixMiles Mileage 23
5. Privacy Policy 24
6. Legal Matters 25
7. Contact Us 26
Joining Our Program
If you oen fly with PhoenixMiles airlines or purchase services from PhoenixMiles partners, join the
PhoenixMiles program for a range of awards and benefits!
Membership Eligibility
1) Any passenger aged 12 and over is eligible for a PhoenixMiles membership.
2) Any passenger aged between 2 and 12 is eligible for a PhoenixMiles Junior membership.
3) Members who are under age 14 must be associated with their guardian's PhoenixMiles Club
membership card number and will be automatically disassociated when they reach the age of 14.
4) Companies and other legal persons are not eligible to join the PhoenixMiles frequent flyer
5) Each passenger may submit one application for PhoenixMiles membership. Joint applications are
not accepted.
How to Join
1) PhoenixMiles official website: hps://; hps://;
2) Air China App;
3) Air China WeChat official account;
4) Non-airline PhoenixMiles partners;
5) Via one of the Air China family airlines.
Managing Your Account
Personal information Management
Each passenger can only register one member account and fill in a mobile phone number, for which
only one PhoenixMiles frequent flier program member account can be registered. PhoenixMiles
Club does not accept duplicate registrations and reserves the right to merge or close duplicate
1) The personal information contained in your account includes Chinese/English name, ID number,
nationality, date of birth, home or work address, postal code, email address.
2) If you need to make any changes to your account personal information, you should do so via
the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app or Air China WeChat official account at your earliest
convenience, in order to ensure that your account stays secure.
3) To help you accumulate mileage, we have launched an automatic membership number
identification service. When you purchase a ticket for an Air China-operated flight via the
TravelSky system and the passenger's name and ID number match the information registered in
your PhoenixMiles account, your membership number will be automatically identified and the
corresponding flight may be automatically added to your account. If you do not want to use the
automatic identification service, you can log into PhoenixMiles to enter your account via My
Account > Account Management, or use the Air China WeChat official account applet to disable
the Automatic Member Status Identification function. When you purchase tickets for flights of Air
China family carriers the next day aer you disable the function, we will no longer recognize your
membership status, we will not be able to provide the appropriate level of membership services
and you will no longer automatically accumulate mileage. Please handle this service with caution.
Any changes you make to the "Automatic Member Status Identification" function will take effect
from the following day. If you make any changes to the function aer having purchased a ticket, the
ticket record for that booking will be determined in accordance with the Automatic Member Status
Identification seings before your changes were made.
4) If you discover that the membership card number on your boarding pass is incorrect, please
inform check-in staff of the mistake so that they can help correct it and ensure that mileage can be
successfully credited to your account.
Password Management
1) We will send you an initial password via SMS when you enroll via an offline channel or by applying
for PhoenixMiles co-branded credit cards, or when you handle the password initialization. You
should change your initial password as soon as possible using one of the online self-service
2) If you join via the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app or Air China WeChat official account, you
can redeem mileage by using the password entered at the time of registration. This password can
also be changed at any time via any of our self-service channels.
3) After verifying your identity, you can change or retrieve your initial password or a forgotten
password via the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app or Air China WeChat official account.
4) If your personal information is incomplete or you have not yet verified your identity, you will be
unable to change or retrieve your password via the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app, or Air
China WeChat official account.
5) Please do not use the last 6 digits of the card number as your password. To ensure that your
account stays secure, we recommend that you change your password regularly and do not share
this password with anyone else. Your card number and password should not be disclosed to others
or used for any applications other than those specified by PhoenixMiles.
6) Members must use their card number and password to redeem mileage awards.
1) When redeeming reward vouchers and reward upgrades, in addition to the mileage for personal
use, you can also redeem on behalf of assignee(s) that you have designated in advance and who are
eligible for the reward.
2) Every member (including PhoenixMiles Junior members) can set up to eight redemption assignees.
Assignees cannot be companies or other legal entities.
3) Aer successfully creating or modifying an assignee list, there is a validation period of 30 days
before an assignee can redeem mileage.
4) In order to ensure timely assignee validation, you are advised to fill in and complete assignee
information as soon as possible.
5) Assignee deletion effective immediately.
Membership Card
1) Once a member, you can view or download an electronic membership card (e-card) via the Air
China app or Air China WeChat official account. Your e-card features your membership details,
including your card number, name in English or Pinyin, and membership level. All members are
eligible to download and use an e-card, regardless of their membership level.
2) PhoenixMiles physical card: It is called physical card for short. For Gold and above VIP members
and PhoenixMiles Junior card members, we will send a physical card. Silver and regular members
do not have physical cards. Membership details, including card number, name in English/Pinyin,
and validity period are printed on it. Members can use the card to enjoy the benefits and services.
Please keep it in a safe place. The physical card will be sent to the valid address you provided in your
account information.
Mileage Consumption Suspensions
To protect your mileage safety, PhoenixMiles can apply Mile consumption suspensions to your
account without notifying you in case of the following conditions:
Abnormal account information.
The password has not been changed for a long time.
No mobile phone number.
Abnormal account operation.
Accounts signed up by others.
If mileage consumption has been suspended for your account, you can restore mileage
consumption permissions by confirming your identity. This can be done by logging into
PhoenixMiles via the PhoenixMiles official website or Air China App or Air China WeChat official
accountor, or by calling the member services center and submiing proof of your identity.
IATA: The International Air Transport Association is an international organization composed of
various airlines from around the world. The IATA is responsible for seing global aviation standards.
Air China family Carriers: Refers to those airlines which form part of the PhoenixMiles frequent
flyer program. The Air China family currently includes Air China, Shenzhen Airlines, Shandong
Airlines, Air Macau, Dalian Airlines, Air China Inner Mongolia, and Beijing Airlines. For the purpose
of this guide, Air China family carriers may also be referred to as "Air China family airlines" or simply
the "Air China family" depending on the context.
Star Alliance Members: Refers to those airlines which form part of Star Alliance.
Star Alliance Connecting Partners: Refers to Star Alliance airline partners.
Other Partner Airlines: Refers to those airlines which do not belong to the Air China family or Star
Alliance, but have partnered with the PhoenixMiles frequent flyer program.
Partner Airlines: Refers to those airlines which have partnered with the PhoenixMiles frequent
flyer program. These include Star Alliance Members, Star Alliance Connecting Partners and Other
Partner Airlines.
Non-airline Partners: Refers to those non-airline companies and entities which have partnered
with the PhoenixMiles frequent flyer program. These include banks, hotel groups, e-commerce
websites, and special merchants.
Ticket Carrier: Refers to the carrier as listed under the corresponding column of the ticket.
Operator carrier: Refers to all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the stated passenger
and their baggage.
Issuing carrier: Refers to the air carrier that issues the ticket.
Status Miles: Mileage earned through flying that is used to count toward your membership
upgrade and renewal. Eligible flights are those operated by an Air China family airline under a
Star Alliance member airline code or Air China family airline code, or any flight operated by a Star
Alliance member and codeshared with another airline. Not including Star Alliance Connecting
Lifetime Platinum Mileage: "Lifetime mileage" for short. This refers to all mileage accrued by
traveling on flights operated by an Air China family airline or codeshared with an Air China family
airline after joining the PhoenixMiles program. Only used to assess upgrades to the Lifetime
Platinum Card and Annual Premium Lifetime Platinum Card. Shenzhen Airlines and Shandong
Airlines joined PhoenixMiles on January 8, 2013. Air Macau joined PhoenixMiles on January 1, 2015.
Tibet Airlines was a member of Air China family from January 8, 2013 to August 31, 2019.
Status segments: Segments accumulated while flying that are used to count toward your
membership upgrade and renewal. Eligible segments are those operated by an Air China family
airline under a Star Alliance member airline code or Air China family airline code, or select bookings
operated by a Star Alliance member airline under any airline code, depending on the booking class.
Flights with Star Alliance Connecting Partners are excluded.
Redeemable Mileage: Refers to the mileage which can be used to redeem awards that you
have earned by taking flights operated by Air China family airlines and partner airlines, making
purchases from non-airline partners (excluding special merchants), or participating in PhoenixMiles
promotions, events, etc.
Redeemable Mileage Validity Period: "Mileage validity" for short. This refers to the term from the
month of departure or purchase up until the mileage expires. You can redeem your mileage at any
time during this period. Mileage will automatically be deleted from your account aer it expires.
PhoenixMiles Junior Card
Nowadays an increasing number of minors are traveling, so why not get your child their very own
PhoenixMiles Junior card? Using the PhoenixMiles Junior card, your child can earn mileage awards
every time they fly or pay for services from a non-airline partner. In addition, a wide range of gis
are waiting to be redeemed by cardholders on the PhoenixMiles store. PhoenixMiles members can
even transfer a certain proportion of mileage to a connected PhoenixMiles Junior account. Read on
for more information on PhoenixMiles Junior membership!
Joining Our Junior Program
PhoenixMiles Junior membership is designed for children aged 2-12. Membership applications may
be submitted via the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app, or Air China WeChat official account.
Each Junior member card must be linked to the card number of an adult PhoenixMiles member. The
member linked to this Junior member card should be a guardian. Each Junior member account can
only be linked to one adult member.
Junior members cannot be upgraded to a higher membership level. When Junior members reach 12
years of age, they automatically become PhoenixMiles members. If the mobile phone number in the
Junior member's account is the same as the mobile phone number of the associated guardian, it
can no longer be used and must be changed to a new mobile phone number.
Important Information
1) Junior members cannot be upgraded to a higher membership level.
2) If a Junior has been registered as an adult member due to not filling in their date of birth, the
member must re-register using the correct personal information. Any accumulated mileage from
the adult account can then be transfered to the newly registered Junior account, and the original
adult account will be closed.
3) If there is no transfer relationship between the Junior member and the associated guardian's
account, the associated guardian can be changed aer it has been associated for 6 months.
4) Before the Junior member reaches the age of 12, the guardian should check and correct the
contact details used in the Junior member's account. If the mobile phone number in the Junior
member's account is the same as the mobile phone number in the associated guardian's account,
it can no longer be used and must be changed to a new mobile phone number in order to receive
5) Unless otherwise specified, the rules that apply to PhoenixMiles members also apply to Junior
To check any changes to your account mileage and for up-to-date information on all of the latest
PhoenixMiles updates and promotions, you can use one of the following methods:
1. Mileage information: View information on mileage via the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app, Air
China WeChat official account, Air China Alipay offical account, PhoenixMiles membership services
hotline,or the ticketing office of any Air China family airline.
2. PhoenixMiles website: Log in to view all of the latest PhoenixMiles news and make use of a range
of other functions and self-service options.
3. Mileage Statement: You can view your mileage bills by logging into the PhoenixMiles website, Air
China Alipay offical account, Air China app, Air China WeChat official account.
4. E-magazine: E-magazine is an electronic magazine from PhoenixMiles, filled with the latest
information on the products and services from Air China family airlines, as well as special
promotions. E-magazine keeps you in the know, for an improved travel experience. You can also
download E-magazine by logging in to the PhoenixMiles website, the Air China app.
Earning Mileage
How to Earn
PhoenixMiles has long been committed to providing customers with the best travel experience.
With our specially selected partners you can earn even more mileage even faster. For example, you
can earn mileage when you take a flight, stay in a hotel, use your credit card. You also earn bonus
mileage by taking part in our promotional offers. Join PhoenixMiles now and have fun earning
About Mileage
1) Mileage is calculated in kilometers.
2) When purchasing a ticket, checking in for a flight, or using services from a non-airline partner,
please present your physical or electronic membership card or provide your membership card
number. Always keep one of the following on your person: ticket, electronic itinerary, original
boarding pass, proof of purchase issued by a non-airline partners (excluding special merchants).
3) You will receive a text message confirmation when mileage is credited to your account. You can
also log in to the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app or Air China WeChat official account, or call a
PhoenixMiles member service center hotline for information on earning mileage.
4) The deadline for mileage usage is 36 months, which is taken from the month as per either the
flight date, or from the purchase date for non-airline partners.
5) Our airline and non-airline partners have different policies on earning mileage that are subject to
change from time to time. Please refer to the PhoenixMiles website at any time, where we aim to
publish the latest policies as soon as is possible.
6) Aer you have successfully registered as a PhoenixMiles member, you can earn mileage by taking
flights operated by an Air China family airline or partner airline, or by making purchases from a
PhoenixMiles non-airline partner.
Earning mileage from airline partners
1) The mileage you earn for each flight depends on the distance between the origin and destination
as calculated by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), as well as the final calculated
operating carrier's mileage earnings ratio for your booking class on the day of travel. Please note
that IATA distance figures are subject to change.
2) Please provide your member number when booking flights and checking in. Your mileage and
segments will be credited to your account within two weeks aer the flight is completed. The time
of mileage accumulation is the time when it is actually recorded in your account.
3) Mileage can only be credited for the paid class once the flight ticket has been purchased and
taken according to the itinerary and booking class listed on the ticket. Award, charter, designated
flight and special offer tickets are not eligible for mileage accrual.
4) Mileage is earned based on the accrual ratio of the operating carrier on the date the flight is
5) We do not accept mileage transfers from other frequent flyer programs. You cannot earn mileage
with more than one carrier for the same flight. Mileage cannot be removed from an account once
credited. When booking tickets or checking in, please provide staff with the membership card
number of the account which you want to earn mileage.
6) In the event of an involuntary change to the booking class of a paid tickets, mileage will be
calculated as per the original class.
7) In the event of a voluntary or involuntary carrier change, and when the new carrier is a
PhoenixMiles partner airline, mileage will be calculated according to the operating carrier's mileage
accrual policy.
8) If any mileage is missing, please make a retro claim before the deadline to avoid missing out on
redeemable mileage and membership level upgrades.
9) Please note the code of the carrier/operating carrier shown on your itinerary/e-ticket. If the two
codes are different, this may affect upgrades to PhoenixMiles Elite membership. Please see the
table below for more information.
Ticket carrier
Actual carrier
Mileage accumulation
Qualifying mileage and
qualifying segments
Any airline
Star Alliance Member
Based on operating carrier's
mileage policy for the booking
Air China family or
Star Alliance Member
Air China family
Lifetime mileage Air China family Air China family
The ticket carrier is the carrier shown on your e-ticket travel itinerary. For codeshare flights, the ticket carrier and
operating carrier may be different.
Qualifying segments are applicable to some booking classes of Star Alliance Carriers.
This does not apply to Star Alliance Connecting Partners.
10) Please check the mileage earning rate of each airline partner through the PhoenixMiles official
Earning mileage with non-airline partners
1) Policies relating to mileage accrual with non-airline partners are set by the relevant non-airline
partner. Please check the PhoenixMiles website.
2) You can submit a request to non-airline partners to convert purchase points earned with non-
airline partners into PhoenixMiles mileage.
3) You cannot earn mileage by making purchases at special merchants of non-airline partners.
4) Mileage earned through non-airline partners is collected and transmitted by each non-Airline
partner and will be added to your account within 2 months of the date of your purchase/application
for redemption, unless otherwise specified.
Claiming Mileage for Past Flights
Airline partner mileage
partner mileage
Air China family
Star Alliance
E-ticket Boarding pass (original or photocopy) Proof of purchase
Membership Card Number
How to apply
PhoenixMiles website, Air China mobile app,
Air China WeChat official account
PhoenixMiles Platinum hotline: 95583
PhoenixMiles Gold hotline: 95583
PhoenixMiles Member Services Center
5 days to 6 months
aer travel
14 days to 6 months aer travel
According to the
rules set by each
non-airline partner
Earning Junior Mileage
Earn by Flying
Junior members earn 50% of the mileage earned by an adult account per flight. Mileage is valid for
36 months.
Earn by Transfer
1) Valid mileage can be transferred to a PhoenixMiles Junior member account from the associated
guardian's PhoenixMiles account.
2) In order for mileage earned from a flight to be transfered in this way, transfers from the
associated guardian's account to the Junior account must have been enabled and the transfer
relationship must not have been terminated prior to the flight.
3) The transferred mileage is 10% of mileage accumulated on CA-coded flights operated by Air
China and credited to the account of the associated guardian. The transferred mileage is not
rounded up to the nearest whole number.
4) Once credited to the associated guardian's account, the corresponding mileage is automatically
transfered to the Junior account.
How to Transfer Mileage
1) The guardian of a PhoenixMiles Junior member can log into the PhoenixMiles website and apply
for mileage transfer. Aer the application is successful, mileage can be transferred instantly to the
Junior member's account.
2) The mileage transfer is valid from the date of application. Canceling a transfer relationship or
changing the associated guardian's account can only be done through the "PhoenixMiles" website
aer the transfer relationship has existed for at least 12 months.
3) The guardian can check the transfer details by logging in on the PhoenixMiles website. The
details are recorded on the account statements of both the Junior and associated guardian
4) When the PhoenixMiles Junior member turns 12 years old, the transfer relationship will be
stopped automatically.
Qualifying Thresholds
Requirements for becoming an Elite member
1) The upgrade criteria and assessment period for tiers of Silver, Gold and
Level Silver Card Gold Card Platinum Card
Sample Card
assessment cycle*
The previous 12 consecutive months, including the month when assessment starts.
General Upgrade
40,000 km qualifying
mileage OR 25 qualifying
80,000 km qualifying
mileage OR 40 qualifying
160,000 km qualifying
mileage OR 90 qualifying
Validity period
aer upgrade
24 months from the month you become an Elite member,
until the end of the 24th month
*On the date when flights are credited to your account, only check the flight records for the rating period that are
available in your account.
Elite Membership Upgrade & Renewal
You will gain your corresponding PhoenixMiles VIP membership status if the qualifying mileage
and qualifying segments in your account meet the upgrade or renewal standards on the day when
flights are credited to your account. Except for the Lifetime Platinum Card and the Annual Premium
Lifetime Platinum Card, which may be upgraded directly after reaching the standards, the rest
Elite Membership statuses are upgraded level by level. To become an Elite Member (excluding
the levels above Lifetime Platinum), you are required to reach the standards corresponding to a
higher membership level and upgrade from your existing membership level. Prior to expiration, your
existing Elite Membership Level is subject to the membership renewal assessment in accordance
with the renewal standards for the existing level. Once you receive your new Elite card or e-card
for your upgraded or renewed membership, you may enjoy the Elite Membership services at the
corresponding level. Elite Member must be at least 12 years of age.
As a PhoenixMiles VIP member, you are entitled to exclusive VIP services when flying with Air China,
Air China family carriers and Star Alliance members, such as bonus mileage, priority on reservation
waiting lists, and access to airport lounges.
Your use of VIP services must be in compliance with the laws, regulations and rules on the use
of public facilities in airports. If your behavior is found to pose a risk to staff or other passengers,
airport staff reserve the right to withhold your access to the services.
2) The upgrade criteria and assessment period for tiers of Lifetime Platinum
and Annual Premium Lifetime Platinum
Level Lifetime Platinum Card
Annual Premium
Lifetime Platinum Card
Sample Card
Upgrade Standards
1 million Lifetime Platinum
/2 million Lifetime
Platinum mileage
Annual 300,000 Lifetime
Platinum mileage
assessment cycle
From the date when the
membership takes effect
From January 1 to December 31
of the previous year
Validity term
aer upgrade
From the date when the Annual Premium
Lifetime Platinum Card takes effect to
December 31 of the same year.
On the date when flights are credited to your account, only check the flight records for the rating period that are
available in your account.
Assessment takes place on January 1 every year, and you must be a Lifetime Platinum Card member before the date
of assessment.
Since the date each carrier joined PhoenixMiles, members take flights operated by each of Air China Family carriers
with its own code. Or, taking Tibet Airlines with TV code during the days from January 8th, 2013 to August 31st, 2019.
Since the date each carrier joined PhoenixMiles, members take flights operated by each of Air China Family carriers
with any carriers code. Taking Tibet Airlines with CA, ZH, SC, NX and TV codes during the days from January 8th, 2013 to
August 31st, 2019. Or, taking Air China, Shenzhen Airlines, Shandong Airlines and Air Macau with TV code to accumulate
Shenzhen Airlines and Shandong Airlines joined PhoenixMiles on January 8, 2013. Air Macau joined PhoenixMiles on
January 1, 2015.
Requirements for retaining your Elite member
Level Silver Card Gold Card Platinum Card
35,000km qualifying mileage OR 23
qualifying segments
70,000km qualifying
mileage OR 36
qualifying segments
145,000km qualifying
OR 80 qualifying
12 consecutive months from the month prior to the one when the existing
membership expires.
Validity period aer
From the month following the one when the existing membership expires to the end
of the 12th month thereaer.
During assessment, only the existing flight record in your account is checked, and the flight dates must be within the
assessment cycle.
If Elite Membership still remains after downgrade, its validity period is the same as that of Elite Membership after
It will be no longer expired once members reach to the Lifetime Platinum tier.
Equivalent Star Alliance Status
PhoenixMiles status Corresponding Star Alliance status
PhoenixMiles Annual Premium Lifetime Platinum
Star Alliance Gold
PhoenixMiles Lifetime Platinum
PhoenixMiles Platinum
PhoenixMiles Gold
PhoenixMiles Silver Star Alliance Silver
Redeeming Mileage
You can use your mileage to purchase the following products:
Tickets and class upgrades for flights operated by Air China family carriers.
Tickets and class upgrades for flights operated by Star Alliance carriers.
Tickets for flights operated by Star Alliance Connecting Partners.
Tickets for flights operated by other partner carriers.
Log in to the PhoenixMiles website, Air China app, or Air China WeChat official account and find
the PhoenixMiles online store to redeem products. Online orders can only be delivered to addresses
in Mainland China.
In some online channels, mileage can be spent to purchase tickets and related travel products.
In some offline stores, mileage can be spent to make purchases.
Visit the PhoenixMiles website or Airchina App for details on the rules and standards for redeeming
Redeeming PhoenixMiles Mileage
Account Requirements
1) After becoming a PhoenixMiles member, you can redeem mileage for non-flight awards
immediately, but you must complete at least four qualifying flight segments before you can redeem
mileage for award tickets/upgrades.
2) Mileage used to redeem awards must be accumulated on the same member account. You must
have adequate mileage to redeem the award.
3) Members must use their card number and password to redeem mileage rewards.
4) When redeeming a reward for an assignee, please note that an assignee is only eligible for
the reward provided that they were successfully added to your account at least 30 days prior to
Provisional Award Bookings
When you redeem award tickets with Star Alliance carriers, you can reserve your seat in advance.
If your booking is made more than 96 hours before departure, the ticket must be issued within 72
hours. If your booking is made less than 96 hours before departure, the ticket must be issued within
24 hours.
1) Mileage can only be redeemed for award tickets or upgrades on scheduled non-stop flights
operated by PhoenixMiles member airlines and partner airlines. This does not apply to codeshare
and charter flights. You cannot request upgrades for award tickets/upgrades, regardless of the
payment method.
2) When using mileage to redeem an award ticket, the flight airline code and the operating airline
code must be the same. When using mileage to redeem a class upgrade, the issuer, flight airline
code and operator code must all belong to the same airline. For accurate flight information as per
PhoenixMiles member airlines and partner airlines, you can refer to the booking system and award
search results.
3) The number of award tickets/upgrades available on each airline's flights is limited. Please redeem
your award ticket as early as possible.
Ticketing Requirements
1) When you redeem award tickets for flights of Air China Group airlines or partner airlines via any
PhoenixMiles channel, you are required to pay all taxes.Aer you redeem your award tickets, you
are responsible for making up any tax and fee differences caused by changes to your booking. Your
payment is non-refundable and any excess will not be reimbursed. The tax for the award tickets is
charged based on the normal fare tax for paid tickets. The mileage redemption rule is subject to the
data published by the Air Transport Association.
2) The same amount of mileage is required to redeem award flights for adults, minors and infants.
3) When redeeming award tickets/upgrades, you must confirm the booking details (passenger
information, itinerary, flight number, travel dates and booking class), and ensure that the status of
the booking record is "reserved."
4) Award tickets/upgrades redeemed for yourself or a nominee may only be applied to individual
ticket purchases, not group tickets. If the original booking for you or your nominee is for a group
ticket, you must change your booking to an individual ticket purchases before redeeming the
5) Please note that mileage fares may vary depending on differences in routing, travel type, travel
direction, carrier, travel dates, and redemption class. Mileage fares also vary between the peak and
off-peak seasons.
6) When redeeming award upgrades for a flight with an Air China family carrier, the ticket carrier, the
carrier of the upgraded segment, and the operator must be the same as stated on your purchased
7) Passengers requiring special services (such as unaccompanied minors and ground wheelchair
services), also qualify for award tickets on flights operated by Air China family carriers, except for
those requiring a stretcher. Please ensure that you read the specific carrier's requirements on
special services before using your mileage to purchase an award ticket. Aer purchasing a ticket,
contact the Air China sales office at the place of departure to inquire or book your desired service.
8) We will provide carriage only to the passenger named on the ticket. At the time of departure, you
must present the valid form of identification indicated in the booking.
Ticket Issuance
1) All Air China family carriers can issue award tickets for flights operated by the Air China family
with an Air China family code. This means that the ticket issuer may differ from the operator.
(Example 1: Shenzhen Airlines may issue the ticket for an SC-coded flight operated by Shandong
Airlines. OR Example 2: Air Macau may issue the ticket for an NX-coded flight operated by Air
2) An Air China family carrier can process award upgrades for flights operated by the corresponding
carrier, and coded as per that carrier. In these cases the ticket issuer must be the same as the
operator. (Example 1: Shenzhen Airlines may process an award upgrade on a ZH-coded flight
operated by Shenzhen Airlines. OR Example 2: Air China is not able to process an award upgrade on
a SC-coded flight operated by Shandong Airlines.)
3) Air China and Shenzhen Airlines can issue award tickets for flights operated by Star Alliance
carriers or connecting partners, coded as per the corresponding carrier. This means that the ticket
issuer may differ from the operator. (Example: Air China may issue an award ticket for an LH-coded
flight operated by Luhansa.)
4) Air China and Shenzhen Airlines can process award upgrades for flights operated by Star Alliance
carriers or connecting partners, coded as per the corresponding carrier. In these cases the ticket
issuer must be the same as the operator. (Example: Air China may process an award upgrade for
flights operated by Luhansa and flights with an LH code.)
5) Air China can issue award tickets for flights operated by other partners, coded as per the
corresponding carrier. This means that the ticket issuer may differ from the operator. (Example: Air
China may issue an award ticket for a TV-coded flight operated by Tibet Airlines.)
6) Tibet Airlines can process award upgrades for flights operated by Tibet Airlines, and coded as
Tibet Airlines, and the ticket issuer must be the same as the operator.
If a ticket is outside the scope of the above, the issuer and operator are unable to issue or change
the ticket for you.
1) As award tickets and award upgrades are classified as special tickets and the rules for the use
of award tickets and award upgrades differ from those of Air China Limited General Conditions of
Carriage for Passengers and Baggage. If no part of your award ticket has been used, the validity
period of your ticket is 365 days, starting from 00:00 (inclusive) of the next day following the date
of purchase. If any part of the ticket has been used, the validity period is 365 days, starting from
00:00 (inclusive) of the next day following the date of your first flight.The validity period will remain
unchanged, regardless of any subsequent changes to your ticket. For tickets including award
upgrades, the validity period of the ticket is subject to the validity period of the original paid fare
class on the flight date of the last upgraded segment.If all award upgrade segments have been
used, the validity period of the ticket will be calculated according to the use rules for the paid fare
class following the last award upgrade segment.
2) Aer purchasing an award ticket/upgrade, you cannot change the passenger name or route, or
rebook with another carrier.
3) Aer purchasing an award ticket/upgrade, the airline cannot be changed.
4) Once mileage has been used to redeem an award ticket/upgrade, it cannot be refunded.
5) Award tickets/upgrades must be used in order, as according to the ticket. Itineraries cannot be
abandoned or used in reverse order.
6) Taxes for unused flight segments can be refunded provided that the ticket is still valid. Mileage is
7) For any processing rules that were not addressed in this guide, bookings will be processed in
accordance with the ticket sales regulations of the corresponding carrier.
8) For other rules of carriage, refer to the carriage terms and ticket regulations issued by the
corresponding Air China family carrier.
Voluntary Changes
1) Passengers are only eligible to make changes to flights and flight dates for award tickets/
upgrades within the validity period of the ticket.
2) An Air China family carrier can make changes to award tickets issued by the corresponding
carrier for flights operated by an Air China family carrier and coded as per the same carrier.
Air China can make changes to award tickets issued by the corresponding carrier for flights
operated by Star Alliance carriers or connecting partners and coded as per the same carrier.
Air China can make changes to tickets issued by Air China for flights operated by other partners
and coded as per the same carrier.
3) For award tickets/upgrades issued by a Star Alliance carrier or other partner, changes must be
made by the corresponding carrier. Air China family carriers are unable to make changes to tickets
issued by carriers under other frequent flyer programs.
4) Changes must be made within the validity period of your ticket and in accordance with the
corresponding PhoenixMiles regulations on award tickets redemption and rescheduling.
5) Date changes are only applicable for award tickets or upgrades issued by an Air China family
Redemption ight scope
Conditions for
and regional
Air China family
Before ticket
CNY 100 (or
equivalent) per
change, per
CNY 300 (or
equivalent) per
change, per ticket
Star Alliance Carriers
Star Alliance
Connecting Partners
Other Partner Carriers
Air China, Shenzhen
Airlines, Shandong
Airlines, Air Macau,
Tibet Airlines
Air China, Shenzhen
Airlines, Shandong
Tickets for
members and
valid assignees
are changed
voluntarily for the
first time within
the validity period
and before the
flight takes off.
For each flight segment, the change
fee is 10% of the mileage required for
a 1/2 round-trip flight in your booking
If your flight departs from a city in Mainland China with more than one airport and you wish to change the departure
airport, the rules on date changes for award ticket or upgrades apply.
Each ticket is distinguished by a ticket number. For multiple tickets with consecutive numbers, each ticket number is
considered a ticket.
Flight Irregularities or Involuntary Downgrades
1) Aer the redemption of an award ticket/upgrade for a flight operated by an Air China family airline or partner, should
you receive a notice regarding an issue such as an early departure, delayed departure, or flight cancellation, you are
eligible to request an involuntary refund for the unused segments. To receive your mileage refund you must provide
proof of the flight irregularity, as issued by the airline. Please note that this service is not applicable to award upgrades
for flights operated by Star Alliance members. Mileage used to purchase the unused segments will be refunded
according to the amount used at the time of redemption.
2) Aer the redemption of an award ticket/upgrade for a flight operated by an Air China family airline or partner, if you
proceed to the scheduled flight as per the booking date and, for involuntary reasons, are required to travel in a lower
class than is stated on the ticket, you are eligible to request an involuntary refund for the downgraded segments. Aer
all tickets have been used, to receive your mileage refund you must provide proof of the downgrade, as issued by the
airline. Please note that this service is not applicable to award upgrades for flights operated by Star Alliance members.
3) Each operator has its own criteria for determining flight irregularities. The corresponding proof required for your
refund is provided by the operating carrier.
4) Under the circumstances indicated above, when mileage is refunded to the account used at the time of redemption,
the validity of the refunded mileage extends until the end of the 36th month following the refund date.
5) If you are forced to change your travel plans due to the fault of the carrier, please contact an Air China family
representative office, ticketing office or airport ground staff for assistance.
Rules on Award Tickets/Class Upgrades on Air China family Airlines
The mileage required for the purchase of an award ticket or a class upgrade depends on the flight distance. For domestic
travel within Mainland China, there are four different zones based on the distance between the origin and destination
released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). There are 12 zones for international travel. Any changes
made to these zones will be updated in our system and award search results.
Zones for Domestic Flights within Mainland China
Flight distance (km) Example routes
(A1) 0–800 Beijing-Baotou, Beijing-Weihai, Hangzhou-Qingdao
(A2) 801-1,200 Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Shenyang
(A3) 1,201-2,000 Beijing-Chengdu, Chengdu-Shanghai, Chengdu-Guangzhou
(A4) Above 2,000 Beijing-Haikou, Beijing-Lhasa
Zones for Air China Domestic Routes
Zone Provinces/cities
Northeast Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongiang
North Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia
East Shanghai, Shandong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang
South Henan, Hunei, Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi
Northwest Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai
Southwest Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet
Zones for International and Regional Flights
Area code Region Countries/regions/cities
Zone A Mainland China Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Xi'an, etc.
Zone B
Hong Kong (China),
Macau (China),
Taiwan (China)
Hong Kong (China), Macau (China), and Taiwan (China)
Zone C North Asia Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia
Zone D Southeast Asia Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.
Zone E South Asia India
Zone F Europe Russia, France, UK, Germany, Italy, etc.
Zone G Oceania Australia, New Zealand
Zone H North America US, Canada
Zone I South America Brazil
Zone J
Central America,
Zone K Hawaii Hawaii
Zone L Middle East, Africa South Africa, Pakistan, Kuwait, UAE, Ethiopia, etc.
Award Tickets
Provided that the same carrier is used, award tickets can be used to redeem tickets for both
domestic and international round-trip open-jaw journeys, i.e. where the departure point of the
return journey is different from the destination of the outbound journey, or the departure point of
the outbound journey is different from the destination of the return journey. International open-
jaw trips must be within the same country; this rule does not apply to Hawaii. For domestic travel,
the destination and return origin must be in the same zone (see the "Zones for Air China's domestic
routes" table for details). For example, to redeem a Beijing - San Francisco/Los Angeles - Beijing
award ticket; or to redeem a Beijing - Harbin/Dalian - Beijing award ticket.
When the round-trip award ticket includes one carrier but different regions and classes, the
redemption standard is calculated based on the sum of 1/2 of the round-trip fare for the different
regions and classes. When the round-trip ticket includes different carriers, the redemption standard
is calculated based on the one-way fare for the different classes for each flight segment.
A maximum of eight flight segments is allowed when redeeming award tickets on flights operated
by any Air China family airline. For example, for an award ticket with two segments, the destination
city for the first segment must be the same as the departure city for the second segment.
Please note that mileage fares may vary depending on differences in routing, travel type, travel
direction, carrier, travel dates, and redemption class. Mileage fares also vary between the peak and
off-peak seasons. For the final mileage fare, please refer to the mileage reduction at the time of
Class Upgrades
Class upgrades can only be used to upgrade a paid ticket purchase to the next higher class.
Namely, having purchased an Economy class ticket (including Super Economy class) you can use
mileage to upgrade to Business class on the same flight, or if you purchase a Business class ticket,
you can then use mileage to upgrade to First class on the same flight. If the flight is divided into
First and Economy classes, with no Business class, an upgrade from Economy class to First class
is allowed; the redemption standard is the sum of the mileage required to upgrade from Economy
class to Business class and Business class to First class.
When processing a class upgrade for multiple flight segments on a ticket, the upgrade must be
processed separately for each segment.
For bookings with more than two passengers, in order to avoid any unwanted upgrades, if you do
not wish to apply the class upgrade to every passenger in the booking, please provide the names
and information of the specific passengers you wish to upgrade.
Aer redeeming an award upgrade, miles will be accumulated for said flight segment based on
the class paid for before the award upgrade; the ticket validity period following an award upgrade
shall be the same as the validity period for the class prior to the seat upgrade. In the event that a
voluntary endorsement is proposed following a seat upgrade, the endorsement will be processed
based on the class paid for before the seat upgrade, but the miles used for the seat upgrade will
not be refunded. In the event that a voluntary date change is proposed following an award upgrade,
date changes are allowed within the validity period of the purchased ticket, and providing that it
is possible to book seats, date change fees will be charged based on the standard for the class
following the award upgrade. Any change in the taxes and fees arising from the seat upgrade must
be compensated.
Please note that mileage fares may vary depending on differences in routing, travel type, travel
direction, carrier, travel dates, and redemption class. Mileage fares also vary between the peak and
off-peak seasons.
Eligible classes vary among Air China family airlines. For more information on class upgrades,
please visit the PhoenixMiles website.
Rules on Award Tickets/Class Upgrades on Star Alliance Airlines
Star Alliance Zones
Area code Scope Countries/regions/cities
Zone A Mainland China
Zone B Hong Kong (China), Macau (China), and Taiwan (China)
Zone C North Asia Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Mongolia
Zone D
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Zone E South Asia
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Zone F Europe
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia, Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (excluding
Guadeloupe and Martinique), Macedonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands (excluding Netherlands East Indies),
Norway, Poland, Portugal (excluding Madeira), Romania, Russia, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (excluding Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, Ukraine
Zone G Oceania
Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, New
Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu
Zone H
Canada, United States (including Guam and Mariana Islands)
Zone I
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay,
Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
Zone J
Antigua, Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Cayman
Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada,
Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico,
the Netherlands East Indies, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, St. Louis,
St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and
Caicos Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands
Zone K Hawaii Hawaii
Zone L
Middle East,
Angola, Bight of Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Bahrain, Burundi,
Cameroon, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad,
Côte d'Ivoire, Congo (Kinshasa), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt), Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-
Bissau, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya,
Democratic Republic of Madagascar, Madeira, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania,
Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman,
Rwanda, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia,
South Africa, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab
Emirates, Republic of Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Award Tickets
Redemption of award ticket redemption is applicable for one-way tickets with only one flight
segment within a single Star Alliance zone or across different Star Alliance zones. Redemption of
award tickets is applicable for one-way tickets with a maximum of two flight segments. For award
ticket redemption on a one-way ticket with two flight segments, the flight must be across different
Star Alliance zones, with no intermediate stopovers at the transit destination.
For round-trip travel redemption within the same IATA region, an open-jaw is allowed at the
turnback point; however, the open-jaw must occur within the same country. For redemption for
round-trip travel across different Star Alliance zones, one intermediate stopover is allowed in each
of the departure regions or destination regions in both directions of travel, and one open-jaw is
allowed for each, but the open-jaw must be within the same country. Mileage of 10,000 km will be
added for each intermediate stopover (or transfer), regardless of class.
When redeeming a round-the-world journey, sequential travel is only allowed by IATA regional
breakdown in one direction and in three Star Alliance zones; the three Star Alliance zones crossed
must fall within IATA Zones 1, 2 or 3. Two intermediate stopovers or transfers are allowed in each
Star Alliance zone, and up to a maximum of five free intermediate stopovers or transfers throughout
the journey; the journey must not feature more than eight flight segments. Open-jaw segments are
allowed on round-the-world journeys, but the open-jaw must be within the same country. If there
are different cabin classes on a single journey, the redemption standard for the entire journey must
be calculated based on the highest cabin class.
Class Upgrades
Passengers can use their PhoenixMiles mileage to redeem class upgrades for personal use or
use by nominees on select paid tickets issued and operated by the same Star Alliance member and
coded as per the same carrier. Passengers can only upgrade to the next available class. Check-in
procedures, use of the lounge, and free baggage allowance are subject to the standards following
the seat upgrade.
Star Alliance award upgrades will not be issued for group discount tickets, award tickets or AD
(agency discount)/ID (industry discount) tickets.
Star Alliance award upgrades must be redeemed on the PhoenixMiles website.
Time periods for the redemption of Star Alliance award upgrade requests are subject to the
regulations of the airline actually operating the flight, with flights departing in less than 24 hours or
7 days generally excluded. Refer to the website of the airline actually operating the flight for details.
Class upgrades are allowed in Economy class, and are subject to the classes displayable on the
websites of each actual flight operator.
Requests are processed based on the availability of award upgrade seats on the airline actually
operating the flight; no wait-listing is allowed. Award upgrades can only be to the next higher class;
cross-class requests are accepted when a flight is divided into Economy and First classes.
A maximum of four award upgrades on the same booking record can be processed for
PhoenixMiles members; mileage can only be deducted from four accounts simultaneously, and the
number of accounts used must not exceed the number of seat upgrades. The mileage earned in
each account must be sufficient to process redemption for a single person. Each award upgrade
can only be performed for a single flight segment; all passengers on the same booking record must
upgrade seats. If there are more than four people on the original booking record or not all of the
passengers upgrade their seats, the operating carrier must first separate the booking record before
seat upgrades are requested.
Please contact the operator directly should any changes be required once the award upgrades
have been confirmed. In the event of an involuntary change or downgrade aributable to the airline,
the miles should be returned to the account.
Operator regulations determine whether passengers with infants or pets, as well as
unaccompanied minors, etc. can request Star Alliance award upgrades.
Seat number reservations and other special service requests such as wheelchairs, special meal
requirements, etc., should be re-submied to the operator aer the Star Alliance award upgrade
has been requested.
Once a member redeems an award upgrade, mileage will continue to be accrued based on the
class purchased prior to the upgrade, and the originally reserved class seats will be canceled.
Any taxes and fees arising from the award upgrade must be paid by the member. For example:
a passenger departing from a UK airport is required to pay a British Air Passenger Duty; similarly,
passengers departing from a French airport are required to pay a Solidarity Tax on Air Tickets.
For more information on redemption criteria, visit the PhoenixMiles website.
Receiving Award Tickets from Other Partner Airlines
Tibet Airlines award tickets
Award tickets are available for all TV-coded scheduled flights operated by Tibet Airlines, including
one-way and round-trip tickets, as well as class upgrades.
For more information on redemption criteria, visit the PhoenixMiles website.
Cathay Pacific award tickets
Award tickets are available for all scheduled flights operated by Cathay Pacific, including one-
way and round-trip tickets.
Cathay Pacific code-share flights with other carriers are not included.
Class upgrades and Elite Member services are not included.
Cathay Pacific zones
Region Country
Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
(does not include China, Japan, South Korea)
Middle East United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia
Australia, New Zealand
Europe United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands
US, Canada
UNI Air award tickets
Round-trip award tickets can be redeemed for all B7-coded flights operated by Uni Air.
For more information on redemption criteria, visit the PhoenixMiles website.
Service Charges
Should you lose your physical card or find that the card has been damaged to an extent that
you are unable to read the information on the card, you can apply for a card replacement via the
PhoenixMiles website, Air China app, or Air China WeChat official account. Card replacements incur
a service fee in the form of a set mileage deduction from your account.
Service Lifetime Platinum/Platinum/Gold Junior
Card replacement Free 800 km mileage
Redemption method
Air China
offices or
offices of Air
China family
Award tickets of Air
China family carriers
You or
your valid
Class upgrades on Air
China family carriers
—— —— ——
Award tickets of Star
Alliance carriers
Class upgrades on
Star Alliance carriers
—— ——
provided by Air
China staff
Award tickets of Star
Alliance Connecting
Award tickets
of other partner
Date changes to
award tickets
Products from
PhoenixMiles online
—— ——
When redeeming your mileage, please present your PhoenixMiles membership card, valid ID and the ID of any
alienees. You must also provide your account password. When appointing a third party to redeem mileage on your
behalf, the appointee must present the original copy of his/ her ID.
Air Macau can only issue and process award tickets/ upgrades for Air Macau or Air China tickets with a number
starting with 675.
Mileage can be used to pay for date changes to flights operated by Air China, Shenzhen Airlines or Shandong Airlines.
For more information on how you can use your mileage to purchase products from the PhoenixMiles online store,
visit the PhoenixMiles official website. Orders can only be delivered to addresses in Mainland China.
You may go to the official website or the branch offices in Tibet to complete ticket redemptions. If you want to redeem
for the cabin class upgrade, you need to go to the branch offices in Tibet.
Junior members Redeeming PhoenixMiles Mileage
PhoenixMiles Junior mileage can be redeemed for award tickets/upgrades and products in the
PhoenixMiles online store.
When using mileage to purchase an award flight for children, the required mileage is the same as
for adults.
Privacy Policy
Please refer to the Air China Privacy Policy on the official website.
Legal Matters
PhoenixMiles reserves the right to terminate or change the terms of this program at any time
without prior notice, even if such changes or termination may affect your right to earn mileage or
receive awards.
You are responsible for keeping your password confidential. We shall not be liable for any losses
that arise if your account is compromised.
In the event that a member abuses the PhoenixMiles mileage rewards or membership benefits,
including selling mileage, providing false documentation (such as flight records or card numbers
of other people), making profit with the membership status, and any actions violating the terms
and conditions of this program, PhoenixMiles reserves the right to take the following measures at
its own discretion, with or without giving prior notice to the member: request compensation for
losses incurred by Air China; terminate membership; revoke mileage credits; require the member
to reimburse the full cost of used award tickets (Economy class, Business class and First class),
relevant legal and court fees, etc.; and require the member to compensate for the resources used
during the period of improper profit-making according to the current price. In addition, if a member
violates any of the terms and conditions specified in this manual, PhoenixMiles reserves the right
to take legal action against the member, request compensation and terminate the member's
The retroactive period for mileage accumulation and consumption in the member account is six
months. If members have any questions about mileage accumulation and consumption in their
accounts, please contact us within six months of the transaction date. After this period expires,
such requests will not be accepted by PhoenixMiles.PhoenixMiles strives to ensure that members
can enjoy all disclosed member benefits but reserves the right to suspend or withdraw benefits due
to limited availability or changes.
PhoenixMiles strives to ensure that members can enjoy all disclosed member benefits but
reserves the right to suspend or withdraw benefits due to limited availability or changes.
In the event that any content in this guide is found to be in conflict with any applicable law, the
applicable law shall prevail.
The original version of this guide is published in Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies
between the Chinese version and this version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this program shall be resolved through arbitration
by the Beijing Arbitration Committee (BAC) under BAC rules in accordance with the laws of the
People's Republic of China (excluding the laws of the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong
and Macau or the provisions in the region of Taiwan, China).
This guide replaces all previous versions. If any information included in this version conflicts with
information on the PhoenixMiles website, the information on the PhoenixMiles website shall prevail.
This guide is effective as of September 23, 2022.
Contact Us
PhoenixMiles member services center
Tel: +86-10-95583 or 4006-100-666
Fax: +86-10-59281560
PhoenixMiles member services center
Tel: +86-10-4008-808-666
PhoenixMiles member services center
Tel: +86-531-95369-3
Air China call center (Mainland China)
Tel: +86-10-95583
Fax: +86-10-95583-1-0
Air China call center (Europe)
Phone: +800-86-100-999 (from landlines)
Fax: 0049-52-418-089-888
Air China call center (North America)
Phone: +1-800-882-8122
Fax: +1-310-322-1133