Elementary School
Student & Family
We are a learning community dedicated to creating
a culture of belonging and education excellence.
Lake Oswego School District
2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97034-0070 (503) 534-2000 losdschools.org
Table of Contents
Elementary School Principals............................................................................................................................3
Equity Lens.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Lake Oswego School District Board Members................................................................................................ 5
School Schedule.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Extended Day Programs.....................................................................................................................................5
Councils and Committees..................................................................................................................................6
General Information.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Attending School.................................................................................................................................................8
Health and Safety............................................................................................................................................. 15
Student Services............................................................................................................................................... 16
What you should know about Dyslexia......................................................................................................... 18
Elementary Handbook 2
Elementary School Principals
Welcome to Lake Oswego School District! We look forward to working with you and your child. Please use
this handbook as a reference and feel free to call or email if assistance is needed.
Forest Hills
1133 Andrews Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Jim Mangan, Principal
16800 Hawthorne Drive
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Melissa Griffiths, Principal
melissa.griffi[email protected]
Lake Grove
15777 Boones Ferry Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Jennie Knapp, Principal
River Grove at Uplands
2055 Wembley Park Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Dan Draper, Principal
Oak Creek
55 Kingsgate
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Barb Keeton, Principal
3400 Royce Way
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Laura Weaver, Principal
Palisades World Language School
1500 Greentree Avenue
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Noah Hurd, Principal
Elementary Handbook 3
Equity Lens
LOSD Equity Statement: We are committed to equity, access, inclusion, embracing diversity, and the
success of each and every student. We strive for an inclusive and barrier-free environment, with practices
that ensure that each and every person has meaningful access to high-quality education and opportunities
to thrive. We align with these commitments by using the following guiding questions.
Guiding Questions When making decisions and taking action, we apply the following questions:
1. How does this decision align with our mission to create an inclusive, safe learning community with
challenging opportunities that develop lifelong learners and contributing world citizens? How does this
decision support our strategic priorities of 1) diversity, equity, inclusion; 2) college and career success; 3)
facilities and infrastructure; 4) communications and community relations?
2. Who does it impact? For example, who are the socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, ability, disability, gender
identity, sexual orientation groups affected by this practice or decision? What are the potential impacts on
these students, staff, families, community members? Who has opportunities and who does not?
3. Does this policy, program, practice or decision ignore, worsen or disrupt existing disparities and
opportunity gaps? Does it produce other unintended consequences?
4. How does this decision contribute to a sense of inclusiveness and belonging for all, prioritizing students
and families who have been historically underrepresented or marginalized?
5. How will we follow up to ensure this decision has met its intended outcomes? How will we measure
View all policies, including Educational Equity, developed through our Equity Lens by searching the
LOSD Policy Manual
American Disabilities Act and Section 504 Coordinator: Scott Schinderle, Executive Director of Student
Services, [email protected], 503-534-2359.
District Title IX Coordinator: Lou Bailey, Executive Director of Secondary Schools,
[email protected], 503-534-2305.
Nondiscrimination Statement: It is the policy of the Lake Oswego School Board of Education that there
will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups based on race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, or age (including state and federal
protected classes) in any educational programs, activities or employment.
For information on the district’s discrimination complaint process go to: Public Complaint Policy
For questions or concerns contact:
Dr. Donna Watson, Executive Director, Human Services and Civil Rights Coordinator
Scott Schinderle, Executive Director of Student Services and American Disabilities Act and Section 504
Lou Bailey, Executive Director of Secondary Programs and Title IX Coordinator
Elementary Handbook 4
Lake Oswego School District Board Members
The Lake Oswego School District School Board is the elected governing body of our school district. The
Board comprises of five members that serve a four-year term and two student members that serve a
one-year term.
Brian Bills, Board Chair
John Wallin, Board Vice Chair
Kirsten Aird
Neelam Gupta
Liz Hartman
Ayse Bakircioglu, Student Representative
Abby Flaa, Student Representative
School Schedule
Elementary School Office Hours:
7:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade school hours:
8:10 a.m. first bell
8:20 a.m. tardy bell
2:40 p.m. dismissal
Early Release Thursdays 2:00 p.m.
For holiday, in-service and teacher planning dates, please refer to the district calendar or your elementary
school calendar posted on your school’s website.
Information regarding resident elementary school attendance boundaries can be found on the district
website (About LOSD/ Boundaries/School Search Boundary Database).
Extended Day Programs
All seven LOSD elementary school facilities are available for use by third-party childcare providers for
before- and after-school services. Please visit your child’s elementary school website under
PROGRAMS/Extended Care to find information about the service provider and to register your student.
Elementary Handbook 5
Councils and Committees
Parent Clubs
These energetic organizations (PTA’s/PTO’s/PTSO’s) are responsible for a wide variety of accomplishments in
each of our schools. They sponsor numerous curriculum enrichment activities in each of our schools,
including our ongoing Art Literacy Program. In order to maintain this level of support, buildings encourage a
large and active membership. Parents are encouraged to be involved in this organization and meeting dates
are determined and posted in all of our schools in advance of the first day of school.
School Advisory Committee
Each school has a School Advisory Committee (SAC) that provides an important communication link
between the school board, the school, and the community. SAC members work to facilitate citizen
involvement in the decision-making process of the school. SACs assist school principals in establishing
priorities and goals, suggesting ways to address issues, and assisting with the collection of information and
citizen opinion.
Applications are accepted each spring for committee openings beginning the following school year.
Members serve two-year terms and are appointed by the School Board. School Advisory Committees
typically meet once a month. For more information, contact the principal at your school.
Board-appointed District Advisory Committees
The Lake Oswego School Board of Directors invites students, teachers, staff members, parents/guardians
and community residents to consider serving on its advisory committees. As part of its continuous efforts to
increase communication with the public and to provide for citizen involvement, the Board appoints advisory
committees to consider matters of district-wide importance. Committees meet monthly, September through
Please click on the committee to review its charge:
Culture of Belonging
Equitable Academic Outcomes
Health & Resiliency
Teach & Practice Sustainability
Bond Accountability Committee
Long Range Facilities Planning
Applications open in February-March each school year.
Legal Budget Committee
The Legal Budget Committee consists of the members of the school board and five citizen members who
are charged with reviewing and approving the budget for the upcoming school year. Citizen members are
appointed to three-year terms. The budget committee's work is typically accomplished during three or four
meetings in the spring. For more information, visit the Legal Budget Committee website.
Elementary Handbook 6
General Information
Emergency Information
In an emergency, the school must have information that will enable us to promptly and directly contact
parents. For this reason, emergency data is maintained in the school office. If, at any time during the year,
there is a change in any telephone number, address, list of persons authorized to pick up your child, or
person to call in an emergency, please update this information by contacting the school office with the new
information immediately.
School-to-Home Communication
Our district and schools use ParentSquare for all school-to-home communication. It is a seamless platform
that is easy to use and offers features and functionality for engagement, security, and effectiveness,
Send and receive all district, school, and classroom communication via email, text, or app -- you
personalize how and when it is best for you
Urgent alerts reach you instantly
Communicate in your native language seamlessly
View and sync calendars and RSVP for events
Sign up to volunteer (after completing the required background check) and/or bring items
Schedule parent-teacher conferences and other school appointments
Access essential and frequently used links, such as ParentVUE/StudentVUE, portals that will still be
used to upload documents such as registration/verification, schedules, report cards, and
And much more…all organized in one centralized place
Once enrolled in the district, you will receive an invitation to join ParentSquare. Please click the link to
activate your account. It takes less than a minute. You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can
download the free iOS or Android mobile app or desktop version at www.parentsquare.com.
School Closures
On occasion, schools may need to be closed due to inclement weather, prolonged power outages, or other
unexpected situations that arise. The district Superintendent and Transportation Services make the decision
to close school in weather related situations.
If severe weather is forecasted, in most circumstances, the decision to cancel classes or start late will not be
made the night before, but will be made before 6:20 a.m. on the day of the weather event.
Information will be communicated via some or all of the following channels:
Email, text, voice message, and app notification via ParentSquare
Alert on homepages of school and district websites
Local TV and radio broadcast stations
For more information, please visit the Emergency Communications website.
School Closure While School is in Session
In the event of a school closure or evacuation, students are only released to parents, legal guardians, or
persons listed on your students’ enrollment card or specifically stated in your plan. A picture ID may be
required if the person is not known to office staff and parents may be called should there be any question of
verification of identity and permission to release a child. While each situation is different, we will adhere to
our emergency management plan guidelines to ensure the safety of students and staff.
Elementary Handbook 7
Attending School
1. Children should proceed directly to and from school unless special arrangements have been made by
their families for participation in after-school classes, etc. For more information about before school
care, please see your school’s website under PROGRAMS/Extended Care.
2. Students should not arrive at school prior to 8:05 AM on school days.
3. Schools provide adult supervision when the first bus arrives.
4. Students need to be picked up immediately following dismissal time if they are not walking home, riding
the bus, attending a pre-arranged after school activity. Schools provide adult supervision outside until all
buses are loaded to ensure students have departed safely. Brothers and sisters designated to meet
their elementary siblings after school should meet at a predetermined spot outside the school at the
end of the day rather than waiting inside the building. High School and Middle School students are
expected to remain off all other school grounds until after dismissal time.
5. Please hold to a minimum the change of plans for your children at the end of the school day. It is
extremely difficult for office staff at the end of the school day to take messages that must be
transmitted to the teacher and child regarding changes in after school plans. Our schools cannot
guarantee that last minute messages can be delivered in a timely manner. Your student’s well-being is
foremost in our minds just as it is in yours. For this reason, we are requesting 24-hour notice from
families who find it necessary to change end-of-day plan notifications. While we realize that emergencies
do arise that could necessitate contact at the end of the day, we would expect these to be exceptions
and not the norm.
*Please consult your child’s school for specific practices around change of “go home” plans.
Assemblies and Programs
Throughout the school year, theatrical and musical performances, science assemblies, author visits, and
other programs are scheduled to provide children with cultural and educational experiences. These
programs are usually provided during the school day by the Parent Club.
Arriving at school on time for class is also important. If children need to accompany you to appointments,
please plan these activities before or after school. Absences cause a break in the planned program and
adjustments must be made after returning to school.
Please notify the front office at your child’s school. If the attendance secretary has not received a call or
email for an absent/tardy child, an automated phone call will be generated asking about your child’s
attendance status. While it is always a good idea to let the teacher know when your child will be out, your
first contact should be with the school’s main office.
If a student has been absent without illness or is unexcused more than four days in a month, it is viewed as
excessive absences. Excessive absences or tardies may affect a child’s success at school. The importance of
regular daily attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be over emphasized. The regular
contact of students with one another in the classroom and their participation in well-planned instructional
activities are vital to the learning process. If a problem exists that may cause your student to have excessive
absences or tardies, please discuss the matter with your school principal. Our schools maintain positive
attendance expectations for all students and are always willing to discuss difficult situations that may be
impacting student attendance.
Elementary Handbook 8
Tardy: Students who are tardy on a regular basis are missing the first instructions of the school day and late
arrival also may be disruptive to the class with students entering after instruction is underway. Please make
every effort to have your children arrive at school on time. The first bell rings at 8:10 a.m. Students are tardy
if they are not in the classroom at 8:20 a.m., when the school day begins. Students must “check-in” with the
office when they arrive late. The teacher and/or the principal may contact parents concerning a student’s
absences or late arrivals in an attempt to problem-solve this situation and get students to school on time.
Check-in Procedure
All adults, parents, and volunteers are required to check-in at the school site front office.
Check-out Procedure
Children will never be sent home during school hours until the office has first contacted the
parents/guardians, or prior arrangements have been made by the parents in communication with the
school office, principal or teacher. If your child has an appointment and must leave school early, please be
sure to check-out your child in the main office. You will be asked to either use a computer installed
specifically for this purpose, or a paper and pencil system will be available for this purpose. For safety
purposes, it is important that you always sign-out your child in the office prior to your child leaving the
building while school is in session. If your child returns while school is still in session, please sign-in your
child again to ensure that the school has a record of your child’s return. All adults, parents, and volunteers
are required to check-out at the school site front office.
Classroom Celebrations
Seasonal holidays or events which may be celebrated with parties vary from school to school. Classroom
volunteers usually plan these events with the input of the classroom teacher. Information will be sent home
in advance of such events.
Please check with your child’s teacher for information on scheduled celebrations and guidelines around
student birthdays including food restrictions or potential allergies.
We do not permit distribution of invitations for private parties in our classrooms.
Children not enrolled at our elementary schools are not allowed to visit in classrooms.
Cyberbullying, Hazing and other Inappropriate Behaviors
Hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying, menacing, cyberbullying, teen dating violence, domestic violence
clearly defines these prohibited behaviors in our Board policy. The process for lodging a complaint is
delineated in the board policies or by submitting an Incident Report. Information on both can be found on
your school website under RESOURCES.
The K-12 Student & Family Manual can be found on your school’s website under RESOURCES, and on the
district’s website under Find It Fast/Resources, and when completing online
registration/verification process. It is very important that parents/guardians read and review this
information with their children. If you do not have access to the internet and would like to receive a copy,
please contact the school office.
Dress Code
School is a child’s place of business; therefore, children are asked to dress appropriately and in a manner
that is not distracting to the wearer or to others. Suggestions for appropriate dress vary with the seasons as
well as the grade level of the child. Elementary students need exercise daily, and as a general rule of thumb,
clothing should provide for freedom of movement at school.
Elementary Handbook 9
Lake Oswego School Board Policy states, “Dress and grooming must not create health or safety problems for
the student or others who attend or work in school.” Dress that is considered disruptive, inappropriate,
distracting, or unsafe to the teaching/learning atmosphere will not be permitted. If worn, the student will be
asked to correct the situation and may need to call home for a change of clothing.
The following are not allowed at our elementary schools:
Symbols of hate are prohibited. “Symbol of hate” means a symbol, image, or object that expresses
animus on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or national
origin including nooses, symbols of neo-Nazi ideology, or the battle flag of the Confederacy.
Clothing, jewelry and accessories which advertise alcohol, drugs or tobacco and those with nudity or
obscene or questionable language.
Clothing or accessories that signify or are recognized as an affiliation with a secret society or gang.
Wheelie shoes are not allowed in the building due to the wear on the floors.
Please be advised that:
Shoes are to be worn at all times on school grounds.
Students should wear clothing appropriate for the weather. Students go outdoors for recess even in
the winter months.
Field Trips
These trips are scheduled to provide children with extended learning experiences. Students may be charged
admission or transportation fees. However, many of these trips are sponsored by a school’s Parent Club as
enrichment activities. A permission slip signed by the parent is mandatory to participate. If payment is
required and causes undue financial hardship to your family, please contact the teacher or principal for a
fee waiver.
Instructional Equipment/Textbooks
Students will have use of available textbooks and instructional materials. If textbooks, equipment or
materials are lost, stolen or not returned in good condition, students will be assessed up to the full cost for
replacement or repair of lost or damaged school-owned books, materials, equipment or other property in
accordance with District procedures.
School specific discipline procedures and behavior expectations may be found on each school’s website.
Kindergarten Admission
Students must be age 5 on or before September 1st of the enrollment year, or may be admitted under
specified Early Admission procedures with a birthday falling between September 2-15 of the enrollment
year. For more information, please review information available on the District website in ABOUT
LOSD/Kindergarten or contact your school.
Money Brought to School and Selling Items
Students should not carry extra money to school. They should carry lunch money in a safe place on their
person if needed. Students who bring money for field trips, parties, etc. should bring it in an envelope
labeled with the child’s name, amount of money, your child’s teacher’s name and purpose of the money.
Students are not allowed to sell items at school.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled each semester. Parents are expected to use this time to meet
with their teachers during the fall conference window, and again in the spring. This scheduled conference
time provides a predictable opportunity to discuss your child’s social and academic growth, and conferences
are placed approximately half-way between the beginning and end of each semester. This provides a perfect
time to check in and discuss your child’s progress prior to the scheduled Progress Report Cards posted
Elementary Handbook 10
online in ParentVUE twice during the year. We ask that you honor these scheduled times available to
teachers for these meetings.
Personal Possessions
Students will assume responsibility for any items they bring to school. We have no way to safeguard items of
real or personal value. The only time students should bring toys, games, sports and playground equipment,
etc. to school is when their teacher instructs them to do so (for show and tell or other established
purposes). Cell phones are not to be used during school hours, including during recess. Cell phone usage
includes sending and receiving calls or text messages and taking pictures.
*Teachers are empowered to use their professional discretion in regard to their own classroom
expectations around student personal possessions.
All students have a recess either before or immediately after their lunch. Students are expected to go
outdoors to the playground and should dress appropriately. In the case of extreme cold, rain, or snow,
students may remain indoors for their recess. On rare occasions, parents request that their child be kept
indoors for recess. This request should be made in writing to the teacher. The child will stay in a place where
there is adult supervision. We do encourage all students to participate in this daily opportunity to socialize
with friends and enjoy physical exercise.
Report Cards
Report Cards are posted online in ParentVue for grades Kindergarten through 5th at the end of each
semester (twice per year). Teachers also communicate students’ progress throughout the year through
folders, notes, emails, phone calls, etc.
School Pictures
Individual student pictures are taken in the fall. It is important for all students to get their picture taken for
emergency and identification purposes. If you wish to buy the photos, the picture purchase procedure is on
a prepaid basis to be paid on the day the picture is taken. Specific information will be provided prior to
Picture Day. Make up dates will also be advertised for those who are absent or wish to have a re-take.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The Student Rights and Responsibilities policy preserves the rights of all students attending our schools and
provides an instructional framework for teaching appropriate social behaviors. The following rights and
responsibilities are granted to all students in an effort to promote a positive, caring atmosphere that
encourages cooperation and good citizenship. Our goal is an environment that maximizes student growth
and learning.
All students have a right:
To learn in a supportive and safe environment.
To have their feelings and property respected.
To have clean surroundings.
To be free from physical and verbal abuse.
All students have a responsibility:
To respect and support the rights and feelings of others.
To put forth their best effort.
To help maintain a safe and clean environment.
To respect school and other people's property.
To follow directions courteously.
To obey all school and district rules.
Elementary Handbook 11
To make choices that promote the positive well-being of themselves and others.
To accept consequences for their own behavior.
To use technology appropriately and only as instructed by your teacher or other adult in charge.
To follow the rules regarding use of electronic devices, including cell phones on school grounds.
To respect the rights and feelings of yourself and others.
To respect school property and the property of others.
To respect the authority of adults and those who are in charge.
To be responsible for your own behavior.
To be responsible for their safety and the safety of others.
A list of basic school supplies can be found on individual school websites. In addition to regular school
supplies, all students are asked to have a pair of tennis shoes and to wear shorts or long pants for physical
education classes. Periodically, you may receive information from your child’s teacher that supplies may
need to be replenished or additional items may be needed for special activities or projects. Should this
impose a hardship on any family, please contact your school principal.
Technology Use
The use of any Lake Oswego School district computer equipment is a privilege and all users are expected to
follow the established rules, the rules of use. Students will be held responsible should they be responsible for:
Damage, vandalism, or theft of equipment.
Theft, piracy, or altering of software.
Use of the system to transmit computer viruses.
Access, communicating, or printing information which is deemed inappropriate in nature by school
Any conduct in violation of school rules, including cyberbullying.
Any student involved with inappropriate use of any computer equipment will be referred to the principal for
disciplinary action.
When the community is involved, we can do an even better job of providing a quality education for your
children. A cooperative effort between school and home enhances your child’s educational experience.
Children love to see their parents involved in their education. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is
to volunteer to help at school. Classroom parent volunteers are very important and welcome. In addition,
volunteers are needed for Parent Club and School Advisory committees.
Throughout the year, many special program events and field trips come up which definitely need parent
Additionally, classroom teachers may need assistance from parents with copying materials, putting up
artwork or bulletin boards for example. Your child’s teacher will let you know of their needs and provide
volunteer opportunities as appropriate. We ask that all volunteers in classrooms follow strict guidelines
regarding student confidentiality. You may not share information about any student other than your own
outside the school environment.
All adults working with our students must submit a volunteer application annually. Applications submitted
between July 1-June 30 are valid for the current school year. Volunteer applications are found on the school
and district website.
Volunteer Required Application/Background Check
Elementary Handbook 12
Adult Conflict Resolution
We understand that conflicts may arise between adults during the school year. In the spirit of building
community, we encourage all parties to communicate directly with those involved in a respectful,
collaborative manner. If resolution cannot be reached, we encourage parties to refer to either the building
administrator or LOSD’s complaint policy and procedure available online on the district website under Find
It Fast.
Adult Use of Social Media
Our expectations for adult social media use are the same as our students. Please refrain from bullying,
harassment, and derogatory commentary about LOSD students, families, teachers, and administrators
online or while using social media.
As an additional resource SafeOregon is a new service from the Oregon State Police that provides an
additional way for students, staff or other members of the public to anonymously report and share
confidential information of a threat or a potential threat to student safety. Tips can be submitted 24/7/365
through the SafeOregon.com web portal, by e-mail to [email protected], through the SafeOregon mobile
application (available for Android and iOS devices), or by calling or texting 844-472-3367.
Homework assignments might be given to make up work as a result of an excused absence or complete
work that was not completed in class. Additionally, homework may be given to practice a skill being learned,
to enrich or expand regular classroom work, or to establish independent study skills. Homework for
students is not always in the form of specific assignments. For example, parents are asked to read with their
elementary-age child for at least 20 minutes each day. Students in grades 3-5 should read 20 to 30 minutes
independently on a daily basis.
The following are examples you can promote in your home:
Student reads to self
Student reads to parent, sibling
Learn math facts
Practice counting
Practice handwriting
Put objects in alphabetical order
*In general, homework should be no more than 30 minutes including home reading from K-2, and 60
minutes including home reading from grades 3-5. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions
or concerns around your child’s homework.
The Library is an integral part of elementary school instructional programs. Children have the opportunity to
utilize a variety of learning resources in addition to classroom instruction and textbooks. Students are
encouraged to check out books for recreational and independent reading. Most may be taken home to use.
Please help your child return the checked-out materials when they are due. Costs for replacing lost or
Elementary Handbook 13
repairing damaged books will be charged to the student. Please consult with your child’s school regarding
practices and availability around e-books.
Music and Physical Education
Students in Kindergarten through grade 5 are provided 30 minutes of instruction, by a specialist, two times
a week in both music and physical education.
Spanish Immersion
Kindergarten through grade 5 programs are available and are located at the Palisades World Language
School. Kindergarten is the point of entry for these programs and students are chosen through the lottery
process (with priority given to Heritage Speakers and siblings of Mandarin/Spanish Immersion Program
students); all kindergarten students that reside in the Lake Oswego School District are eligible for the lottery
regardless of their resident school. The wait list is generated through the kindergarten lottery; students
whose names are not drawn in the lottery are placed on the waitlist in order of lottery name drawn. Wait
lists carry over each year; students are contacted if/when space becomes available at any of the grade
levels. At that time, the student will be assessed by the Spanish Immersion Literacy Specialist to make sure
they are at a language level concurrent with the classroom they will be joining. Taking Mandarin/Spanish
language classes is recommended.
For further information, please contact Lisa Oliva at Central Office: 504-534-2120 or
Statewide Assessments
Student assessments are important because they enable instructors to measure the effectiveness of their
teaching by linking student performance to specific learning objectives. LOSD elementary student
assessments through the year may include DIBELS, Rigby, i-Ready, CogAT, OLSAT, ELPA, STAMP, OSAS/SBAC,
local performance assessments/work samples, and end-of-year math testing. Principals notify families in
advance of all assessments and follow up accordingly.
Student Placement
We are always willing to receive input from parents regarding their children’s learning needs; however, we
do not honor specific requests for teacher placement. A confidential parent input form is available to all
families in the month of May. Placement in all classes will be made with the best interest of each child in
mind. The placement teams strive to provide each child with an enriching and successful school experience.
We balance class sizes by giving consideration to a variety of factors.
Student Progress
The progress of students is measured and communicated in a variety of ways. Two important methods are
standardized achievement testing and regular reporting periods (semester report cards and parent
conference twice a year). Teachers are continually monitoring pupil progress with both formative and
summative assessments, both informal and formal. Once a week elementary schools have early release
days for teachers to meet school wide and collaboratively to discuss instruction, common assessments and
review and analyze student data to help inform their day-to-day instruction and targeted interventions. If
you have any concerns about your child, please contact your child’s teacher. Communication is essential to a
healthy and collaborative learning environment.
Student Records
Parents of students attending any of our schools may have access to records kept on their children. School
personnel will assist parents in their analysis of the data contained within their child's records. Contact your
child's teacher or the principal if you wish to review student records. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours
for the school to complete your request.
Elementary Handbook 14
Talented and Gifted (TAG)
A district TAG Coordinator consults with teachers and may support instruction at each of our elementary
schools. For more information on TAG services, please contact your child’s teacher.
Health and Safety
Animals at School
Parents/Guardians may walk their dogs along with their students to school. We do ask that you respect the
varied level of comfort our students and parents have with animals and refrain from bringing pets onto
school grounds without prior approval.
Common Safety Rules
1. Caution children about contacts with strangers.
2. Review the common rules of pedestrian safety:
Use sidewalks and crosswalks when available
Look both directions - then cross streets
3. Review the common rules for bicycle safety:
Do not ride double
Ride on the right with the flow of traffic
Use the standard arm signals when turning
Walk bicycles across heavily traveled streets
Ride only during daylight hours
4. Children should always get out of the car on the curb side of the vehicle.
5. Children's dogs should not accompany them to school. Strange animals should be avoided at all times.
6. Each child should know the safest and most direct route to and from school.
*In order to assure everyone’s safety, please comply with your school’s traffic rules and obey all traffic laws.
Immunization Law
Oregon law requires parents/guardians to have their children properly immunized and to provide their
child’s school with accurate records. Any student that does not meet these requirements may face exclusion
from school by order of the Clackamas County Health Department. If your child has a medical or
non-medical exemption to any or all immunizations, or if you have any other questions you may contact
your school office. Additional information on immunizations and other common childhood diseases is also
available from the Lake Oswego School District or school websites, under Departments/Student
Services/District Nurse.
Student Illness
The health of your child is important to all of us. Children who have signs of illness should not be sent to
school. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, the child will be cared for temporarily and the
parent/guardian will be notified. Please see “Please Keep Students with Symptoms Out of School” flyer
distributed in the Back-To-School packet.
Student Medication
Specific student medication (provided by the parent/guardian) can be administered at school, following
strict regulations from the state. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) needs to have an
“authorization to administer” form on file either a staff administration form or a self- administration form
(available at the school office and on the District Nurse website link). Medication must be brought to school
in the original container. Instructions on a prescription label must match the instructions a parent/guardian
Elementary Handbook 15
provides. A parent/guardian must bring the medication to the school office (please do not send your child
with the medication).
For additional information on rules regulating administration of medications at school, please see the
“Parent Guide for Student Medication at School” instruction sheet distributed in the Back-To-School packet
or visit the Lake Oswego School District or school website, under District Nurse.
Smoking on School Premises
It is the policy of the Lake Oswego School Board that all persons, including adults, shall be prohibited from
using tobacco in all schools, on school grounds, at all District facilities and at all District-sponsored activities.
Use of Facilities
The school grounds, including the playground, are closed to the public during regular school hours.
All visitors must report to the office for check-in. This is for your well-being as well as the safety of all of our
students. While you may be in the building often, you may not be known to everyone. If you are not wearing
an identification tag, you will likely be approached by someone asking if they can help you who will direct
you back to the office for identification.
The district encourages family members to visit schools for special programs and events; many parents also
choose to visit during lunchtime. If you have made plans with your child’s teacher to visit and purchase a
lunch, please notify the office early in the day or have your child notify the classroom teacher so our kitchen
staff will have the proper number of lunches prepared.
Student visitors are welcome to come to school during lunch times, but we ask that arrangements be made
with the classroom teacher at least one day in advance to avoid conflicts or are arranged by a sign-up
provided by your child’s teacher. Scheduled days for lunch visitation may vary by individual teacher.
Parent visitations to observe in classrooms are not permitted, since they can be distracting for students and
teachers. In order to eliminate unnecessary interruption to instruction, we also request that parents and
other visitors leave messages, forgotten lunches, books, etc. in the school office for their child. In this way,
the teacher is given the article or message at break times, rather than during classroom instruction. Your
cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. If you wish to speak with a staff member about your child's
work or any other concern, please contact the teacher to arrange a convenient time that will not take away
from instruction and will allow ample time for discussion.
Please read Lake Oswego School Board Policies relating to visitors in our Schools.
Student Services
Nutrition Services Meals
Students will have access to both breakfast and lunch meals daily. Meals can be purchased by using a
SchoolCafe account, cash or check. Each school will have its own salad bar where students can serve
themselves fresh fruits and veggies. Our menu will include scratch made recipes that have been created by
our Nutrition Services staff. Whenever possible we will be using local and PNW ingredients on our menus.
On Thursdays we will have “Organic Thursdays” which will be featuring local organic produce on our salad
bars. Our menus will also be featuring plant based and vegan entrees daily.
Modified Meals— A parent or guardian will need to complete a medical form in order to receive a modified
meal. This includes meals that must avoid specific allergens. Contact the school nurse and Nutrition
Elementary Handbook 16
Meals may be purchased using a SchoolCafe meal account, cash or check. In order to set up an account or
check the balance of your student’s meal account, you will need to create a parent/guardian account. Meal
Account Information can be found on the district website under Find It Fast/Meals.
If the cost of meals is a financial hardship for any family, free and reduced meals are available by application
which can be completed online or at the school office. More detailed information regarding Nutrition
Services is located on the LOSD website.
Lost and Found
Lost or unclaimed clothing and other articles are placed in the Lost and Found located in each of our
elementary schools. The lost and found is generally emptied of unclaimed items three times a year once
during winter break, once during spring break, and in June prior to the last day of instruction. Children
should have their belongings labeled for identification.
School Telephone
The school telephone may be used only for urgent calls; the office staff or classroom teacher must grant
permission. A call to ask permission to go home with a friend is not considered an emergency. Please have
your child make playtime arrangements before coming to school. Students and parents are asked to plan
ahead. We realize that there are unavoidable circumstances that may necessitate a student receiving or
communicating a message during the school day. However, we appreciate your cooperation in keeping
interruptions to an absolute minimum.
Student Services
Lake Oswego Schools provide specialists who are trained to support student needs that may be necessary
to ensure every student is successful in their environment. If a need for the services of the team of
specialists is indicated, we will work with you to provide the most appropriate learning situation for your
child. If you have questions about meeting the special needs of your child, please contact your child’s
teacher or the principal.
Please check the District website for information on bus services for your child. The bus routes are posted
on the school and district websites under Find It Fast/Transportation prior to the opening of school. Bus
services are contracted and coordinated through Student Transportation of America (STA). Buses load and
students disembark near the front at each school. If you have questions regarding bus transportation,
please contact STA at (503) 387-5078. You may also contact your school office.
The student conduct policies apply to all students on the bus as well as the bus stop, and to and from
school. Students who consistently are unable to comply with the guidelines and safety procedures may be
denied bus transportation. Students will receive instruction on these guidelines and procedures at specified
times throughout the year (beginning of the school year,after winter break, after spring break). The Board,
as a part of the district's ongoing program to improve student discipline and ensure the health, welfare and
safety of all those riding school transportation vehicles, may utilize video cameras on any school vehicles
transporting students to and from curricular and extracurricular activities.
Bicycles, Skateboards, etc.
The decision to permit a student to use a bike, a skateboard, Heelys (shoes with built in wheels), etc. and the
duty to see that the student complies with policy and basic safety rules relating to their use are the
responsibilities of the student and their parents. The School District does not undertake any responsibility
for the safety of students when they are not on school grounds. Parent/guardians are solely responsible for
giving permission to their child to come to or leave school on bikes, skateboards, Heelys, etc. The School
Elementary Handbook 17
District does not undertake regulating this mode of transportation for students, but establishes rules
regulating use on school property:
1. Walk bicycles on the school grounds
2. Park bicycles in the bike racks
3. Carry skateboards on school grounds
4. Store skateboards in assigned areas
5. Take wheels out of shoes before entering the building and do not use them while in the school
building or on school grounds.
Parking Lot
Each of our schools has their own parking and traffic flow patterns for cars and for buses. Restricted areas
are also well defined and procedures for drop off and pick up are communicated by each individual school.
All schools ask that you not leave your vehicles unattended any place other than a designated parking
space. Please be particularly aware of reserved spaces and those marked as Handicapped only. By following
procedures outlined by your school, you will facilitate the timeliness of both car and bus drop off and pick
up. If parents must drive, they are encouraged to carpool to diminish the amount of traffic before and after
school. They are also encouraged to use the bus service available to them, again in an effort to help regulate
traffic and congestion during peak drop off and pick up times.
*In order to assure everyone’s safety, please comply with your school’s traffic rules and obey all traffic laws.
What you should know about Dyslexia
What is Dyslexia? An unexpected struggle learning to read, write, spell, and/or do arithmetic is the
hallmark of dyslexia. Sometimes it involves trouble with spoken language as well. Dyslexia is a disability
protected by state and federal law.
The Formal Definition of Dyslexia according to IDA: Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is
neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and
by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological
component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of
effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension
and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.”
Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002.
Characteristics of Dyslexia
Signs of Dyslexia in Preschool
Mispronounces words, like saying “beddy tear” instead of “teddy bear”
Struggles to name familiar objects and uses general words like and instead
Has a hard time learning nursery rhymes or song lyrics that rhyme
Has trouble remembering sequences, like singing the letters of the alphabet
Tells stories that are hard to follow; has trouble talking about an event in a logical order
Has difficulty remembering and following directions with multiple steps
Signs of Dyslexia in Grades K–2
Has trouble learning letter names and remembering the sounds they make
Often confuses letters that look similar (, , , ) and letters with similar sounds (/; /; /)
Struggles to read familiar words (like or), especially if there aren’t pictures
Substitutes words when reading aloud, like saying when the story says
Elementary Handbook 18
Has trouble hearing the individual sounds in words and blending sounds to make a word
Has trouble remembering how words are spelled and applying spelling rules in writing
Signs of Dyslexia in Grades 3–5
Confuses or skips small words like “and” when reading aloud
Has trouble sounding out new words and quickly recognizing common ones
Struggles to explain what happened in a story or answer questions about key details
Frequently makes the same kinds of mistakes, like reversing letters
Has poor spelling; may spell the same word correctly and incorrectly in the same exercise
Avoids reading whenever possible or gets frustrated or upset when reading
Signs of Dyslexia in Teens and Tweens
Reads slowly, leaving out small words and parts of longer words when reading aloud
Struggles to remember common abbreviations, including ones on social media
Often seems to be searching for words; may use substitutes like instead of
Often doesn’t “get” the joke; has trouble understanding idioms and puns
Has an easier time answering questions about a page of text if it’s read aloud
Takes a very long time to complete reading assignments
IDA Fact Sheets https://dyslexiaida.org/fact-sheets/
State and Federal Laws Relating to Dyslexia
Federal and Oregon laws create minimum requirements for Oregon public schools in serving students with
dyslexia. The following are key pieces of state and federal legislation and guidance that govern our work.
The Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 612 in 2015. SB 612 did the following:
Required the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to designate a Dyslexia Specialist to provide
school districts with support and resources to assist students with dyslexia and their families
Required ODE to develop and communicate annually a list of training opportunities for districts
related to dyslexia
Required each school district to ensure that at least one K-5 teacher in each K-5 school receives
training related to dyslexia
Required ODE to develop a plan to ensure that every student who is first enrolled at a public school
in the state for kindergarten or first grade receives a screening for risk factors of dyslexia. The plan
was developed and presented to the legislature in September of 2016
The Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 1003 in 2017. SB 1003 did the following:
Carried forward the dyslexia-related training requirements from SB 612
Extended the deadline for completion of the training
Included requirements for districts to universally screen for risk factors of dyslexia in kindergarten
Required ODE to develop guidance for districts regarding instructional support for students who
demonstrate risk of reading difficulties, including dyslexia
Required ODE to submit a report to the legislature related to best practices for screening and
instructional support
Elementary Handbook 19