Student, Parent, and Staff Official Notification for the standards of conduct in our school.
Wilsonville High School
6800 SW Wilsonville Road
Wilsonville, OR 97070
At Wilsonville High School, we believe that young people have the right to receive the best education that our
resources can provide. Our educational programs are rooted in six "Vision Themes" identified by our community and
staff: 1) academic excellence; 2) personalized education; 3) community partnerships; 4) circle of support; 5) the
whole person; and 6) integrated technology. The orderly operation of our school requires the respectful cooperation
of students, parents, community, staff, and the School Board.
This guide is prepared and distributed annually to inform students of policies and practices as they apply to student
rights and responsibilities. It is understood that students have rights of citizenship as outlined in the United States
and Oregon Constitutions. The following guidelines are written to correspond with all applicable local, state, and
federal statutes. Students shall have all rights to which they are entitled as outlined in this handbook.
These rights also carry related responsibilities for each student. The school and home share responsibility to provide
an educational program that will help students accept responsibility for their learning and their behavior. Students
are charged with the responsibility to contribute to a positive educational climate, to actively participate in learning,
to behave appropriately, and to respect the rights of others. The rights and responsibilities described focus on
school-sponsored activities. Such activities include: 1) any activity on school grounds and school facilities during
school hours (this includes traveling to and from school); 2) any activity financed or supervised by the school or
school district on or off school grounds; 3) any activity that is the direct result of an in-school program; and 4) any
activity requiring the use of district transportation.
This handbook is intended to be a guideline for the purpose of ensuring an environment conducive for optimal
student learning. It is only a partial representation of the laws, rules, and regulations governing the behavior of
students. To that end, the contents herein shall be subject to periodic revision by the administration and school staff.
It is the policy of the West Linn-Wilsonville Board of Education and School District that no discrimination or
harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age or disability in any
educational programs, activities or employment shall occur. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and
nondiscrimination should contact the Personnel Director at the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, 503.673.7000.
The West Linn/Wilsonville School District is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
Title IX Coordinator: Kathe Monroe
Section 504 Coordinator: Jennifer Spencer-Iiams
22210 SW Stafford Rd, Tualatin, OR 97062 503.673.7000
Students have the RIGHT:
To a copy of the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
To use district equipment and supplies (textbooks, lockers, etc.) for their intended purpose.
To appeal disciplinary decisions of Staff and Administration.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To read and understand the contents of this handbook.
To follow staff directions, and to comply explicitly with requests from a teacher, administrator, school employee
and/or school volunteer.
To promote a safe school environment by protecting their own rights, the rights of others, and complying with
rules of the school and district.
To reimburse the district for any lost or damaged district owned property or equipment.
The parent* has the ultimate responsibility for the student's welfare. It is expected that parents help the student learn,
exercise self-control, and develop socially acceptable standards of behavior. Parents have the responsibility to set an
example for the student, especially as it affects respect for law, the authority of the school, and the rights and property of
others. By example, a parent can instill within the student a desire to learn respect for honest work and an interest in
exploring various fields of knowledge.
Parents are requested to study and understand the regulations which govern the student's activities at school, and the
consequences of disobeying those regulations. Parents are natural role models for the appropriate behavior expected of
students. Parents are urged to become acquainted with the school through open house visitation, parent/teacher
conferences, and school functions. Parents are welcome during school hours and are expected to sign in at the main
office and obtain a visitor's pass upon entering the school facility.
* The term ‘parent’ also includes legal guardian or person with power to act as a parent.
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that the student attend school regularly. Parents have the responsibility to
inform the school by telephone, by e-mail, or in writing, of their child's absence and the reason thereof. Parents are also
responsible to ensure that a student is clean, in good health, free from communicable disease, in compliance with the
requirements of Oregon's immunization law, and dressed appropriately.
The School Board, through the Superintendent, is responsible for providing a quality educational program delivered
by a qualified staff, and to provide full support in enforcing discipline that is consistent with District policies and
regulations. When disciplinary action involving a student is appealed, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall
follow the proper procedure as stipulated in Board policy.
The administrators have the responsibility for providing leadership to create the best possible educational
environment. Administrators are responsible for carrying out school district policies and procedures and making them
known to staff, students, and parents.
Administrators will be fair, firm and consistent, maintain open lines of communication, and demonstrate respect in
decisions affecting students. With regard to disciplinary actions, administrators will confer, when possible, with
teachers, counselors and students. Administrators will communicate with parents relative to established procedures
concerning the improvement of student behavior when needed. Administrators shall follow processes as outlined in
District regulations and inform parents or guardians of actions and related policies involving their student.
Staff members have the responsibility to guide students' educational and behavioral experience while they are
involved in school activities. All staff members shall model respect for law and school rules. A staff member's
conduct and guidance will encourage the student to learn, to respect honest work, and to have an interest in various
fields of knowledge. Staff members have an obligation to inform students of their responsibilities and to take
appropriate action with those students who disobey stated expectations. Staff members have a responsibility to
demonstrate concern for the individual student and to work cooperatively with parents. A staff member will be fair,
firm, and consistent in active enforcement of school regulations within the educational arena (i.e., classrooms,
hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, media and technology centers, school buses, school grounds, etc.) not only during the
school day but at all school-sponsored activities. All staff members share in the responsibility to maintain safe and
orderly educational environment.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To monitor their own academic performance and progress.
To participate in class and complete assigned work promptly.
To behave in a manner that promotes a positive academic environment.
To demonstrate academic integrity and refrain from plagiarism or cheating.
Students have the RIGHT:
To be informed of, and to participate in, an appropriate course of study.
To use and benefit from up-to-date print and electronic resources.
To be informed of the teacher's expectations, assessment procedures and policies, and evaluation criteria in
each class.
To be informed of their academic performance and progress or changes in grade status in a timely manner,
including electronically via the school website.
The primary purpose of public education is the education of the youth of the community. Students have the right to
an appropriate education, and the responsibility to be actively involved in the learning process. "Public school
students shall comply with the rules for the government of such schools, pursue the prescribed course of study, use
the prescribed textbooks and submit to the teachers' authority." ORS 339.250 (1)
Wilsonville High School is committed to offering a program of educational excellence. Advanced Placement and/or
college-level classes are currently available in social studies, language arts, mathematics, science, world languages,
music, fine arts, and computer science. Specialized services and classes are available for the handicapped and
special education students. For specific information, please refer to the Wilsonville High School Forecasting Guide.
Parents and students may monitor academic progress and attendance via the Wilsonville High School website.
Grades are posted electronically throughout the school year every two weeks. If unable to access grades online,
parents may contact teachers via e-mail or telephone. A printed copy of grades is available upon request.
In order to earn a diploma from the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, students must meet competency
requirements and earn a minimum of 24 units of credit in grades 9-12. Please contact the counseling department for
additional information on credit requirements in content areas. One half(0.5) credit is earned by successfully
completing a semester's work in one course. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony and attend grad
night party, students must have successfully completed all academic requirements and complied with all behavioral
Students have the RIGHT:
To attend school if they have not completed graduation requirements or reached the age of 19. If a student's
19th birthday occurs during the school year, he/she shall continue to be eligible to attend for the remainder of
the school year. Students may attend school until the age of 21 if the student is receiving special education.
ORS 339.115
To receive information about alternative education programs when erratic attendance, poor academic
performance, or serious disciplinary issues are keeping the student from benefiting from his/her educational
program. ORS 339.250 ORS 339.065 (2)
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To attend all classes on all scheduled school days.
To be punctual and observe policies governing absences or late arrivals. Parents have the responsibility to
inform the school by phone or in writing of their child's absence and the reason thereof.
To resolve all absences within 24 hrs by note or phone call ( 503.673.7602 ) to the Attendance Office.
For any anticipated absence that will be more than one day, students are expected to pick up a Pre-arranged
Absence Form from the attendance office to take around to their teachers. Upon completion, the form must be
returned to the attendance office at least one day prior to the absence.
When students need to leave school during the school day they are expected to check in and/or out at the
attendance office. A reasonable effort will be made to notify a parent when the student leaves school.
A student who is absent from school or from any class without permission will be considered unexcused and will be
subject to disciplinary action including detention, Saturday school, in-school or out-of-school suspension, and/or other
possible interventions. Students are ineligible to participate or practice in athletics or activities on the day the
unexcused absence occurs.
Upon request: When a student is or will be absent for three or more school days, the attendance office will work
with teachers to provide assignments and/or make-up work for the days missed. Please contact the attendance
office (503.673.7602) to make such a request. Collecting work for short-term excused absences (1-2 days) or
pre-arranged absences is the responsibility of the students who should contact teachers directly.
Students have the RIGHT:
To attend school in a safe environment free of harassment, intimidation, or any threat to personal safety.
To attend a school that is free of fighting or physical violence.
To take reasonable precautions to ensure the security of their personal property.
To attend a school that is clean, safe, well maintained and in a state of good repair.
To attend school without fear of weapons.
To attend school free of threat to his/her physical and emotional well being.
To attend school in an environment free of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances as defined in Chapter 475,
Oregon Revised Statutes.
To attend school in an environment free of tobacco/nicotine, tobacco smoke and other vapors.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To respect the rights of others.
To seek the help of authority when they have knowledge of a wrongful act, harassment, or a potentially unsafe
To seek help if needed to resolve personal disputes in a peaceful, responsible manner.
To seek safe, peaceful alternatives to fighting and physical violence in settling all disputes.
To respect the property of others including students, staff, school district and community.
To take reasonable precautions to protect their personal property. School lockers are for storage only. Valuable
items, including money, should not be left unattended or unlocked in a school locker or PE basket.
To inform authorities of known thefts.
To assist in the maintenance of a clean school and refrain from littering and damaging property.
To make a report to school or law enforcement authorities when vandalism is observed.
To keep weapons or "look-alikes" off school grounds/facilities or at school-sponsored activities.
To report knowledge of weapons that might be in a student's possession or on school grounds.
Not to possess or use alcohol, inhalants (vape devices), unlawful drugs, paraphernalia, or other illegal
substances intended to alter mood (not taken at the direction of a physician) while under school jurisdiction;
within 1000 feet of school district property; going to or from school; on or off school property during the school
day; or attending school-sponsored activities. Use of non-prescription anabolic steroids to enhance athletic
performance is also prohibited. Violation of these guidelines will result in disciplinary action and/or referral to
law enforcement officials.
Not to possess, distribute or attempt to distribute "look-alike" substances or alcohol.
Not to use or carry tobacco/nicotine products in any form, either smoking, vaping or chewing. ORS 167.000
states: "It is unlawful for any person under 18 years of age to possess tobacco products."
All students are entitled to attend school without harassment or menacing. Harassment includes intentionally
annoying another either verbally or by physical contact, and menacing includes attempting to place another person in
fear of injury. The creation of a hostile or uncomfortable environment due to uninvited, unwelcome, personally
offensive attention is also considered harassment.
If you are the victim of any type of harassment or menacing, inform your parent(s) and immediately report the incident
to a counselor or an administrator. School officials will attempt to protect the anonymity of any student who reports or
comes forward with information regarding violations of this handbook or other school rules but complete anonymity may
not be possible in all circumstances.
All students are entitled to attend school in an environment free of fighting or physical violence of any kind. Students
who promote or become involved in such activities can expect to be held responsible and disciplined for their actions
in addition to the possibility of civil and legal action being taken against them and their families. Disciplinary action
may include suspension and/or expulsion.
Membership or affiliation in gangs or non-sanctioned clubs, is prohibited at Wilsonville High School. These group
affiliations, which initiate, advocate or promote activities that threaten the safety or well being of persons or property
on school grounds or which disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process. The use of hand
signals, graffiti or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its
color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attribute which indicates or implies membership or affiliation
with such a group, presents a clear and present danger to the school environment and educational objectives of the
community and are forbidden.
Incidents involving initiations, hazing, intimidation and/or related activities of such group affiliations, which are likely
to cause bodily danger, physical harm or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to
students are prohibited. Any student wearing, carrying or displaying gang paraphernalia or exhibiting behavior or
gestures which symbolize gang membership, or causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the
attendance of another student will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and expulsion.
Theft constitutes criminal conduct under the laws of the State of Oregon. Disciplinary action will be taken by the
school regardless of consequences or sanctions imposed by law enforcement. Restitution shall be provided and
suspension or expulsion may result. Proper law enforcement agencies will be notified at the discretion of the school
Violation of school rules regarding weapons or explosive materials will result in suspension and expulsion for a
period of one year as permitted by ORS 330.240.6 . The Superintendent may, on a case-by-case basis, modify this
expulsion requirement. Disciplinary action may include suspension, expulsion, and or involvement of civil or legal
The school recognizes that the abuse of drugs and alcohol pose extremely serious health risks. Administrators are
responsible for assessing penalties to students who possess, distribute or attempt to distribute, or are under the
influence of alcohol or controlled substances on school premises, at any school-sponsored activity or under any
circumstances when the student's conduct is subject to school district jurisdiction. A student will be suspended for up
to ten school days for violation of the district's rules regarding alcohol and controlled substances, with possible
expulsion recommendation.
No student may possess, use, sell, or distribute tobacco/nicotine/vaping paraphernalia in any form on any school
grounds, at school-sponsored activities, in school-provided transportation, or in student vehicles on campus.
Wilsonville High School is tobacco free for all staff, students, visitors and community members. Students possessing
or using tobacco/nicotine products or vaping paraphernalia will be subject to discipline.
No person has a right to enter a school building or grounds unless he/she is a student in good standing or has bona
fide school business to conduct. All visitors must report directly to the main office and must wear
appropriate visitor identification. Students attending another school will not be permitted on campus during the
school day. The district reserves the right to trespass individuals or press charges against individuals who violate the
state statutes on loitering and trespassing.
In order to better supervise students and maintain an orderly learning environment, the following areas are off limits
or restricted to all students: 1) Halls and common areas during class time, unless students have a valid hall pass, 2)
Locker rooms, unless permission has been granted by the P.E. teacher, coach, or an administrator, 3) All forest areas
adjacent to Wilsonville HS or Boeckman Creek Primary unless supervised by a staff member, 4) Baseball fields and
dugouts, and 5) Any other unrestricted area as designated by an adult or otherwise identified.
Scooters, bicycles and skateboards (long and short boards) may be used as transportation to and from school
but not on school grounds. Longboards and skateboards must be stored in student lockers or designated area and
bikes must be parked in bike racks at designated areas.
Our goal is to promote positive character: honesty, integrity, respect, responsibility, compassion, kindness, and
courage. We believe that the best discipline solutions present students with meaningful learning experiences.
Although consequences for violating school rules may result in significant hardships to students, the administration
will work diligently with students and their families to develop student outcomes that help students learn alternative
ways to successfully comply with school rules.
Repeated minor violations or a single serious violation of school rules may result in a range of consequences,
including parent conferences, detention, suspension (for a period of one to ten days), or expulsion from school.
Examples of serious violations include: insubordination to school personnel, fighting, harassment, vandalism,
possession of drugs or alcohol, and theft.
Students have the RIGHT:
To express themselves verbally, in writing or by assembly, in such a way that they do not violate the rights of
other individuals or groups.
To attend school in an atmosphere free of slurs based on religion, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital
status, age or disability.
To attend school in an atmosphere free of verbal assaults, privacy invasion, profanities, obscenities (as outlined
in Oregon Revised Statutes), ridicule, threats of physical harm, and physical harm.
To express affection for friends and staff in an appropriate manner.
To dress and groom according to their choice, within the guidelines of what is appropriate for school.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To respect another person's right to privacy, and a responsibility not to invade either verbally or in publication,
another person's lawful right to privacy without the person's consent.
To understand the effects of their expressions on other individuals or groups. (Verbal assaults, harassment,
profanity and obscenity are prohibited.)
To refrain from public displays of affection.
To dress and groom in a manner that is modest, neat, and clean, and to dress and groom in keeping with a
positive school climate.
The student is entitled to verbally express his/her personal opinions, provided that it does not disrupt the learning
environment, undermine the authority of staff members, or infringe on the rights of other students. The use of
verbal assaults, harassment, profanities, obscenities, or ridicule may result in disciplinary action.
All aspects of school-sponsored publications, including newspapers and/or yearbooks, are completely under the
supervision of the teacher and administrators. Students may be required to submit such publications to the
administration for prior approval.
Written materials, flyers, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes or other visual or auditory materials may not
be sold, circulated or distributed on district property by a student or a non-student without the approval of the
administration. Materials outside the editorial control of the district must be submitted to the principal or his
designee for review and approval before being distributed to students. Materials shall be reviewed based on
legitimate educational concerns.
Wilsonville High School recognizes the constitutional right of students to assemble. Student assembly should be
related to the school program, must not disrupt classes or the learning environment, and must not cause a hazard to
persons or property. Requests for student assembly shall be made in advance to the principal. Students will be
notified of the decision and conditions governing the assembly within a reasonable time.
Each student's appearance must be neat, clean, and appropriate for school. Dress and appearance which may cause
disruption of the educational process or present immediate health or safety problems shall not be permitted. Attire
that shows words, pictures, or symbols which make reference to illegal substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) is
prohibited. Clothing that promotes negative concepts, profanity, or support for anarchical behavior and/or gang
affiliation is prohibited. Students may be sent home to locate appropriate clothing.
Students have the RIGHT:
To be present, whenever reasonable, when his or her property is being searched. There may be occasions,
however, when school officials believe it is in the best interest of the safety of the students or the general
welfare of the school to conduct a search in a student's absence.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To cooperate with school staff during all searches.
Not to bring dangerous weapons (or look alikes), unlawful drugs or other prohibited substances or items,
constituting a potential threat to the health or safety of any person.
If school officials have reasonable suspicion to believe that evidence of a violation of laws or school rules is contained
on the person, in any locker, or other property utilized by students, including automobiles on campus, search thereof
may be conducted under the general authority of the District in connection with the obligation to maintain the safety
and welfare of all students.
Students have the RIGHT:
To be presented with a verbal or written statement of the rule violations.
To be given the opportunity to be heard and to respectfully present his/her view of the occurrence.
To all due process guarantees contained in the school district's procedures for suspension and/or expulsion.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To comply with school rules and regulations at school and at all school-related activities as outlined in this
To obey all federal, state and local laws.
To submit to the lawful authority of school personnel and to respond appropriately to any district-recognized
adult requests.
To conduct themselves individually and collectively in an orderly fashion.
Suspension temporarily removes the privilege and duty of a student to attend school or school activities for a period
of time determined by the administration. The administration may suspend students, and in issuing the suspension
will take into account the severity of the act and the previous behavior of the student. Suspension periods are not to
exceed ten consecutive school days. Temporary suspension may be necessary while officials review evidence and
possibly take further action. In the case of a suspension, the student is informed of the suspension charges by the
administration and asked to explain his/her view of the event. When the decision to suspend is made, parents are
notified and a procedure for reinstatement is explained. When a student with an IEP is being considered for
suspension or expulsion from school, all procedures mandated by IDEA will be addressed. A conference may be
required for the student and/or the student's parents before reinstatement takes place. Students have the right to
make up all daily work missed (or its equivalent) during the time of a suspension.
Expulsion means that a student is removed from school and all school-related activities for an extended period of
time. Expulsions are recommended by a school administrator to the district Superintendent. Expulsion is used in
cases of extreme severity or for repeated serious violation of school rules or District regulations. District procedure
provides for written notification to the student's parents, identification of alternative education options, the right to a
hearing, all rights guaranteed by due process and rights unique to certified handicapped students.
In all disciplinary cases, students have due process rights, which will, at a minimum, guarantee them a right to hear
the charges, respond to the charges, and request a hearing to appeal an administrator's decision. Appeals must first
be made to the building principal, then to the superintendent or his designee. For cases of expulsion, the due
process rights are fully explained in the district's expulsion policy (District Policy: JGE). A copy of this policy will be
given to students for whom a recommendation for expulsion is a possibility.
Students and their parents have the RIGHT:
To inspect and review the student's records.
To receive a copy of the student's educational records.
To request that the records be amended to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in
violation of the student's privacy or other rights.
To consent to disclosure, with certain exceptions, of personally identifiable information contained in the student's
education records.
To file a complaint regarding the District's compliance with the federal law governing educational records.
To obtain a copy of the District Student Records Policy from the Superintendent's Office.
Eligible students and their parents have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To make a written request to the principal to inspect any of the student's educational records. The request
should specify as precisely as possible the record to be inspected.
Educational records requested under OAR 581-21-250 ( l ) ( m ) and ( p ) will be forwarded within 10 days of receiving
the request. The school will also release directory information unless the parent or eligible student requests
otherwise. Providing a student's social security number is voluntary. An amendment to a student's education record
may be made to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of a student's rights.
Students are expected to remain on campus during the school day. We have open campus for 10th, 11th and 12th grade
students during lunch only. 9th grade students are to remain on campus all day, including lunch. When off campus,
student should conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with school campus regulations.
Students have the right, in coming to or going from school, to a safe environment free of harassment, intimidation, or
any threat to personal safety. Students will be subject to school discipline for conduct on the way to and from school or
at lunch.
Vehicle parking at Wilsonville High School is offered to Seniors and a limited number of Juniors only. Sophomores and
Freshman will not be allowed to park on campus. Parking permit tags must be purchased and displayed. Each student
will be assigned a specific parking space in a school lot (Front, Pointe, Tennis or Boeckman) and will be given a
corresponding permit. Parking permits need to be purchased through the bookkeeper’s office for $85 with ASB card.
Students must hang their WHS parking permit from the rearview mirror when on campus. Student cars not
displaying a parking permit or parked in staff or other reserved spaces will be subject to a $20 fine for the
first violation. Second violation will result in a $40 fine. Students may have their parking privileges
revoked if 3 or more violations occur during the school year.
Permission to drive and park on campus may be revoked at any time due to a driving infraction or if a student does not
maintain good standing with respect to behavior and attendance. In cases of serious driving infractions, law enforcement
may be notified.
For specific route information, go to: . Students must follow the rules
governing behavior on school buses or may forfeit the right to ride. Students should understand that the bus driver
is responsible for the safety of students. A licensed teacher or certified coach is responsible for establishing
departure times of field trips and school activities, and for maintaining order during these trips.
The following are state regulations from OAR 581-53-010 :
Pupils being transported are under authority of the bus driver.
Fighting, wrestling or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
Pupils shall use the emergency door only in case of an emergency.
Pupils shall be on time for the bus both morning and evening.
Pupils shall not bring animals, firearms, weapons, or other potentially hazardous material on the bus.
Pupils shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Pupils may be assigned seats by bus driver.
When necessary to cross the road, pupils shall cross in front of the bus or as instructed by the bus driver.
Pupils shall not extend their hands, arms, or head through bus windows.
Pupils shall have written permission to leave the bus other than at home or school.
Pupils shall converse in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
Pupils shall not open or close windows without permission of the driver.
Pupils shall keep the bus clean, and must refrain from damaging it.
Pupils shall be courteous to the driver, to fellow pupils, and passersby.
Pupils who refuse to obey promptly the directions of the driver or refuse to obey regulations may forfeit their
privilege to ride on the bus.
Rules Governing Pupils Riding School Buses must be kept posted in a conspicuous place in all school buses.
Students have the RIGHT:
To use the district's network for educational purposes including academic research, professional or career
development, and limited high-quality exploration of appropriate personal interests.
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY:
To use the computer for school-related and academic purposes only and to log off the network properly,
returning the computer to its standard state for the next user.
To comply with expectations with respect to illegal activity, system security, inappropriate conduct, limited
expectation of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, inappropriate access of material, and other
restrictions of computer use.
To protect and maintain confidentiality of network username and password, and to report to administration
or technology staff if you suspect someone is using your account to gain access to the school network.
Students have the responsibility to ensure that their electronic devices (Mp3
s, iPods, cell phones, etc.) do not
disrupt the learning environment . Refer to WLWV district policy, Personal Electronic Devices and Electronic
Communication: JFCEB.
Extracurricular and co-curricular activities in high school are extremely important in teaching the many intangible
skills and qualities necessary for success in life. Students who are active in school clubs, drama, music, arts and/or
athletics are often more likely to be successful academically. School activities also provide opportunities for students
to build friendships and to experience the kind of challenges and successes that are essential to building
self-confidence, self reliance, and self esteem. Students are encouraged to GET INVOLVED!
Those involved in extracurricular activities/athletics are expected to sign the WLWV Activity/Athletic code of conduct.
Both participants and spectators represent the school and community at extracurricular and sporting events.
Wilsonville High School students and parents are expected to uphold the traditional high standard of conduct and
sportsmanship that has come to be expected of them at extracurricular events both at home and away. Students
representing Wilsonville High School at school-sponsored events, as participants or spectators, are subject to the
rules of the school discipline code. The School District reserves the right to limit spectator participation due to
inappropriate conduct.
Dances are sponsored by various classes and student clubs. The adult advisors are responsible for coordinating and
supervising, while the class members or club members are responsible for recruiting chaperones, decorating, and
cleaning up.
1. Students are expected to have student I.D. cards or temporary replacement cards for admission to dances
and other functions.
2. Students are not permitted to re-enter a dance once they have left.
3. Wilsonville students may bring one guest only if they have completed the dance guest pass form at least 3
days prior to the dance. Guests must be 19 or younger and are subject to administrative approval. The
Wilsonville host student is responsible for the behavior choices of his/her guest and must make the guest
aware of applicable school rules.
4. Students who have been suspended, expelled, or otherwise barred from the campus are not permitted to
attend dances.
Any medication administered or taken at school must be done in accordance with state guidelines and school district
policy. Written parent and/or physician permission is required for all prescription, non-prescription and self
administered medication. Forms may be obtained from the counseling office and questions should be directed to the
school nurse. Parents of students with special health needs (i.e. diabetes, etc.) are encouraged to work with the
district nurse to develop a plan for emergent/urgent health problems.
Closure due to inclement weather or unforeseen emergencies will be communicated to families in a timely manner.
The district will communicate information on School and District Websites as well as local media outlets and other
electronic means.
Fire Drill/Earthquake/Emergency Evacuation:
Drills will be scheduled at approximately one-month intervals throughout the school year.
Evacuation Procedures: All students must be familiar with the regulations and procedures outlined below.
Proceed quietly to the designated safe area, stay with the rest of his/her respective class, and
check in with his/her assigned classroom teacher.
Wait for the all clear signal from administration before returning to the building.
Earthquake Drill Procedures:
Students are expected to drop and cover, turn away from windows, stay under shelter until shaking
stops, and listen for instructions.
Wilsonville High School is committed to reasonable and effective means for resolving student and parent complaints
at the lowest and most accessible level. Generally, this means bringing problems first to the teacher, then to the
school administration. Our ultimate goal is to serve the educational welfare of all students. (WLWV School Board
Policy: AC)
Our purpose in working with students is to help them develop behavioral patterns that reflect the values of honesty,
integrity, respect, responsibility, compassion, kindness, and courage. We assign natural and logical consequences in
response to student behaviors that are not congruent with these values. Our purpose is to guide students to make
more appropriate behavior choices in the future.
Because the behavior problems of students vary in the degree of seriousness, the restorative actions to be taken
must be determined by all parties involved. For more detailed information refer to WLWV district policy section J.
The district shall be responsible for the safety and protection of each student in its care; an effective working relationship
will be established with law enforcement officials to accomplish this.