Correcting Page Margins for the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables
Correcting content for the Table of Contents, List of Figures or List of Table if the text is not aligned with the left or right page margins. It may also be
useful with adjusting the text if it spills over into the page margin.
To begin:
1. Turn on the ruler feature in your document:
a. The ruler feature can be found under the View tab on the ribbon in the Show grouping.
. Check the box next to Ruler
2. Formatting can be corrected using one of the following methods, depending on the current formatting of your document. Highlight the lines of
text you want to correct and:
Aligning the Tab marker with the right page margin
Aligning the First Line Indent with the right page margin or remove it completely by dragging it off the ruler.
Moving the Hanging Markers.
Once you have identified the left/right tab stops or hanging indent markers, highlight the text that needs to be moved to correct the formatting, then
move the tab stop or hanging indent marker. I recommend you work the first line or two on the page to determine what needs to be adjusted.
Additional resources on tab stops and hanging indents in Microsoft Word
This link leads to instructions at for instructions on how to use the ruler in Word.
Using the ruler in Word
Adjust indents and spacing in Word
How to adjust the indents and tabs in Microsoft Word
and align your page numbers with the right margin.
VAE/TY 10/09/2019