craigslist, the Attorneys General listed below, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children ("NCMEC"), announce new measures that craigslist is taking to help combat unlawful activity
and improve public safety on its web site.
This agreement culminates a series of discussions and in person meetings between Jim Buckmaster,
CEO of craigslist, Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General of the State of Connecticut, and NCMEC.
craigslist is a popular internet classifieds service that provides the public with many benefits. Like
all communication tools, it can unfortunately be misused to facilitate unlawful activity.
craigslist has a long record of implementing measures to prevent misuse of its web site, assisting
law enforcement investigations, and of improving safety for craigslist users. Law enforcement personnel
have called craigslist's attention to misuse of craigslist's "erotic services" category to facilitate unlawful
activity. This problem requires new safeguards for craigslist and new ways of working together with law
enforcement. Further innovation and collaboration in addressing these issues will be beneficial for the
safety of craigslist users and the general public. Accordingly, craigslist, the Attorneys General, and
NCMEC, announce the following measures for combating unlawful activity and improving public safety
on craigslist:
craigslist has implemented a community self-policing program which allows users to "flag" a
posting the user believes violates the terms of use, including the prohibition against pornography.
The objectionable posting is eliminated automatically if it receives above a threshold number of
craigslist uses electronic screening to block certain advertisements that craigslist believes will
violate its Terms of Use before they are posted.
craigslist digitally tags adult sections of the site using industry standard PICS rating headers to
facilitate the effectiveness of PC-based parental screening software.
craigslist has implemented a telephone verification system for the "erotic services" section of the
site requiring any person seeking to post an advertisement to provide a working telephone number.
Telephone verification enables craigslist to permanently block the phone number of any person
posting unlawful or inappropriate advertisements.
craigslist plans to implement credit card verification and fee to post for its "erotic services"
category. Persons wishing to post ads in this category will be required to pay a fee using a valid
credit card.
Credit card verification and fee to post will reduce ad volume significantly, and encourage more
responsible usage.
Credit Card verification provides additional identifying information that will enable craigslist to
block the accounts of persons who violate craigslist's terms of use.
credit card information would be available to law enforcement agencies through a subpoena
craigslist plans to contribute 100% of the net revenues from these advertisements to charity. A
public accounting firm will verify the net revenue amounts.
Misuse of craigslist is facilitated by companies providing spamming, posting, and/or flagging
services. These businesses seek financial profit by providing services and/or software that
circumvent craigslist's terms of use and defense mechanisms or facilitate circumvention by other
craigslist has initiated (or will soon initiate) lawsuits against a number of these companies that
violate craigslist's terms of use (or facilitate the violation of craigslist's terms of use by others).
craigslist will provide evidence of unlawful activity by these operators to the Attorneys General for
potential prosecution.
craigslist has developed search capabilities that enhance its ability to assist NCMEC and law
enforcement agencies to locate missing persons, and identify exploited minors and victims of
human trafficking.
craigslist is continuing its development efforts in this area to further enhance its ability to assist law
enforcement NCMEC and even social welfare agencies in their efforts to protect children from this
type of victimization.
craigslist will cooperate with law enforcement utilizing the subpoena process.
craigslist is visited by more than 40 million Americans each month, generating more than 12 billion
monthly page views. Information presented by craigslist can help raise awareness among
Americans regarding the enormous suffering caused by human trafficking and the exploitation of
minors in this country.
craigslist, the Attorneys General, and NCMEC will work together to further refine and improve
educational materials that are currently available on craigslist.
craigslist and the Attorneys General will meet on a regular basis to discuss design and functionality
improvements to combat unlawful activity and improve safety on its web site.
craigslist will explore the implementation and use of technology that prevents image uploads likely
to violate its terms of use.
craigslist will work with the Attorneys General to develop more robust electronic screening of
language used in craigslist postings.
Jim Buckmaster Ernie Allen
President and Chief Executive Officer President and Chief Executive Officer
craigslist, Inc. National Center for Missing and Exploited
Richard Blumenthal Terry Goddard
Attorney General of Connecticut Attorney General of Arizona
Dustin B. McDaniel John W. Suthers
Attorney General of Arkansas Attorney General of Colorado
Richard S. Gebelein Peter J. Nickles
Acting Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of the District of Columbia
Thurbert E. Baker Alicia G. Limtiaco
Attorney General of Georgia Attorney General of Guam
Mark J. Bennett Lawrence G. Wasden
Attorney General of Hawaii Attorney General of Idaho
Lisa Madigan Stephen Carter
Attorney General of Illinois Attorney General of Indiana
Tom Miller Steve Six
Attorney General of Iowa Attorney General of Kansas
Jack Conway James D. “Buddy” Caldwell
Attorney General of Kentucky Attorney General of Louisiana
Steven Rowe Douglas F. Gansler
Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland
Jim Hood Mike McGrath
Attorney General of Mississippi Attorney General of Montana
Jon Bruning Catherine Cortez Masto
Attorney General of Nebraska Attorney General of Nevada
Kelly A. Ayotte Anne Milgram
Attorney General of New Hampshire Attorney General of New Jersey
Gary King Roy Cooper
Attorney General of New Mexico Attorney General of North Carolina
Wayne Stenehjem Nancy H. Rogers
Attorney General of North Dakota Attorney General of Ohio
Drew Edmondson Hardy Myers
Attorney General of Oklahoma Attorney General of Oregon
Tom Corbett Patrick C. Lynch
Attorney General of Pennsylvania Attorney General of Rhode Island
Henry McMaster Lawrence E. Long
Attorney General of South Carolina Attorney General of South Dakota
Robert E. Cooper, Jr. Mark L. Shurtleff
Attorney General of Tennessee Attorney General of Utah
William H. Sorrell Vincent F. Frazer
Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of the Virgin Islands
Robert F. McDonnell Rob McKenna
Attorney General of Virginia Attorney General of Washington
Darrell V. McGraw, Jr. J. B. Van Hollen
Attorney General of West Virginia Attorney General of Wisconsin
Bruce A. Salzburg
Attorney General of Wyoming