IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
Automotive Technology
Module 1: Introduction to Automotive Technology
Student Reference
Produced by the Instructional Materials Laboratory
1400 Rock Quarry Center
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211
(800) 669-2465
2006 Edition
Catalog no. 70-1801-S
© 2006. The Curators of the University of Missouri.
All Rights Reserved.
Ken Estes
Robin Ferguson
Steve Reese
Erica Kassel
Janis Levsen
Chris Benedict
Jacqueline Craig
AutomotIve technology
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
The 2006 revision of Introduction to Automotive Technology represents the
Instructional Materials Laboratory’s commitment to the continual improvement
of the Automotive Technology Curriculum. Introduction to Automotive Technology
is the rst in the nine-module series. The other modules are as follows:
Module 2 Electrical Systems
Module 3 Engine Performance, Section 1: Ignition Systems
Module 3 Engine Performance, Section 2: Fuel and Exhaust Systems
Module 3 Engine Performance, Section 3: Emission Control Systems
Module 4 Engine Repair
Module 5 Steering and Suspension Systems
Module 6 Brakes
Module 7 Manual Drive Train and Axles
Module 8 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
Module 9 Heating and Air Conditioning
All modules are based on the National Automotive Technicians Education
Foundation (NATEF) task list. For years the National Institute for Automotive
Service Excellence (ASE) has set the professional standards for automotive
technicians. A strong NATEF orientation makes the nine curriculum guides an
effective tool for preparing students to enter the technologically advanced eld of
automotive technology.
IML gratefully acknowledges the important contribution of the advisory
Roger Donovan, Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL
Ken Estes, Grand River Technical School, Chillicothe, MO
Robin Ferguson, Kirksville Vocational Technical School, Kirksville, MO
Sam Jeanrenaud, Lee’s Summit, MO
Keith Kendrick, John A. Logan College, Carterville, IL
Steve Reese, Lewis and Clark Vocational Technical School, St. Charles, MO
Ron Tuetken, Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey, IL
John Walker, Hannibal Area Vocational Technical School, Hannibal, MO
Rodney Wolken, Eldon Career Center, Eldon, MO
AutomotIve technology
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
Introduction ................................................................................................................ i
Title Page ...............................................................................................
Acknowledgments .............................................................................iii
Components .......................................................................................vii
References .........................................................................................viii
Unit I Careers in the Automotive Field ..................................................S 1
Lesson 1: The Automotive Technology Career .......................... S 5
Unit II Safety ...............................................................................................S 11
Lesson 1: Protecting Yourself and Others in the Shop ............ S 15
Lesson 2: Shop Safety Features and Emergency
Procedures ...................................................................................... S 35
Lesson 3: Raising and Supporting Vehicles Safely .................. S 41
Lesson 4: Federal and State Hazardous Material
Regulations ..................................................................................... S 49
Unit III Chemicals and Their Use ............................................................S 59
Lesson 1: Solvents, Soaps, and Cleaning Solutions ................. S 63
Lesson 2: Lubricants and Specialty Chemicals ......................... S 71
Lesson 3: Gases, Asbestos Dust, and Battery Acid .................. S 79
Unit IV Basic Hand Tools ..........................................................................S 85
Lesson 1: Types of Wrenches ...................................................... S 89
Lesson 2: Types of Screwdrivers and Pliers .............................. S 97
Lesson 3: Types of Hammers, Punches, and Chisels ............. S 103
AutomotIve technology
Unit V Specialty Tools, Fasteners, and Measuring Tools ................S 107
Lesson 1: Specialty Tools ........................................................... S 111
Lesson 2: Fasteners ..................................................................... S 119
Lesson 3: Measuring Tools ........................................................ S 129
Unit VI Power Tools and Shop Equipment ..........................................S 135
Lesson 1: Power Tools ................................................................ S 139
Lesson 2: Shop Equipment ........................................................ S 151
Unit VII Vehicle Information ...................................................................S 161
Lesson 1: Service Information and Vehicle
Identication ................................................................................. S 165
Unit VIII Customer Service ........................................................................S 169
Lesson 1: Customer Service, Work Orders, and
Vehicle Preparation ..................................................................... S 173
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
I. Objectives — Each unit is based on objectives that state the measurable
unit and specic behavioral or performance objectives that the student is
expected to achieve. Because the objectives of the unit provide direction
for the teaching-learning process, the teacher and student need a common
understanding of the intent of the objectives.
II. Information Sheets — Presented in outline format, the information sheets
provide content essential for meeting the cognitive (knowledge) objectives
in the unit. The student should study the information sheets before any
class discussion or completion of the assignment sheets. The corresponding
Student Reference page numbers appear in the upper corner of the
Instructor Guide.
III. Assignment Sheets — The assignment sheets allow the student to respond
to cognitive questions in writing.
IV. Job Sheets — The job sheets are designed to guide the student through
various key tasks and provide a means for the instructor to evaluate a
student’s performance of the task.
V. Unit Tests — The unit tests evaluate the student’s knowledge of the
VI. Student Workbook and Student Test Packet Tracking Sheets — These
provide the instructor with an effective way to track student progress on
the assignment sheets, job sheets, and unit tests.
AutomotIve technology
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.
“Aqueous Parts Cleaning.” Best Environmental Practices for Auto Repair,
November 1999. Environmental Protection Agency.
Automotive Lift Institute.
“Battery Safety.” National Ag Safety Database (NASD).
Duffy, James E. Modern Automotive Technology. Tinley Park, IL: The
Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 2000.
“Floor Cleanup.”
Best Environmental Practices for Auto Repair, November 1999.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Ford Motor Company.
General Motors.
National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006–07 Edition. United States Department of
Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Screw Drive Systems.
Sunkin, Ed. “Trends and Traits of Today’s Technicians: The 2001 Professional
Automotive Technicians Survey.” Underhood Service, March 2001.
Tobolt, William K, Larry Johnson, and W. Scott Gauthier. Automotive
Encyclopedia. Tinley Park, IL: The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 2000.
United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
United States Environmental Protection Agency.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 1
I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plan
A. Lesson 1: The Automotive Technology Career
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L1-UI: Automotive Technology Field
III. Unit I Test
AutomotIve technology
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 3
After completing this unit, students will be able to identify some of the
opportunities in the automotive eld and various facts about the automotive
technology career. Students will demonstrate mastery of the material by
completing the assignment sheet and achieving a score of _____ on the Unit I
After completing the lesson in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify some of the opportunities in the automotive eld.
II. Identify the importance of training and how automotive technicians and
training programs are certied.
III. Identify job prospects in the automotive technology eld.
IV. Identify common methods used to pay automotive technicians.
V. Identify other facts about working as an automotive technician.
VI. Complete the assignment sheet on the automotive technology eld
AutomotIve technology
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 5
I. Opportunities in the automotive eld
A. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, over
800,000 people in the United States are employed as automotive
service technicians and mechanics.
1. Most are employed in the following businesses:
a. Automotive repair and maintenance shops
b. Automobile dealers
c. Retailers and wholesalers of automotive parts, accessories,
and supplies
2. Others work in the following businesses or organizations:
a. Gas stations
b. Home and automotive supply stores
c. Automotive equipment rental and leasing companies
d. Federal, state, and local governments
3. Over 16% own their own their own business.
B. Many job opportunities are available that relate directly and indirectly
to the automotive technology eld.
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1. Opportunities directly related to automotive technology
a. Automotive technician
b. Automotive technician’s apprentice
c. Repair shop supervisor
d. Exhaust and emissions technician
e. Tune-up technician
f. Service writer
g. Mechanical unit repairer
h. Technician in automotive manufacturing plants
i. Air conditioning technician
j. Engine technician
k. Teacher or trainer
NOTE: Many graduates of automotive technology
programs qualify to pursue a career as a teacher or trainer
with little or no extra training required for an entry-level
l. Diesel technician
m. Bus inspector
n. Tractor technician
o. Parts salvager
2. Opportunities indirectly related to automotive technology
a. Farm equipment technician
b. Aircraft technician
c. Ofce equipment service technician/service representative
d. Machinist apprentice
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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e. Air conditioning and heating service apprentice
f. Industrial machine maintenance technician
g. Small engine technician
h. Marine equipment technician
i. Motorcycle technician
II. Training and certication
A. Repairing and maintaining today’s sophisticated vehicles requires
knowledge in many diverse systems and technologically advanced
1. The days of getting a job based on performing automotive
repair as a hobby or tinkering in the garage are gone.
2. Most job opportunities require formal training in automotive
technology in high school or a postsecondary school or college.
B. Certifying organizations
1. As stated on their Web site, the National Institute for
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) is a nonprot organization
that aims to “improve the quality of vehicle repair and service
through the testing and certication of repair and service
professionals. “
a. Automotive technicians can be certied in one or more of
the eight areas below.
Electrical/electrical systems
Engine performance
Suspension and steering
Automatic transmission and transaxle
Engine repair
Heating and air conditioning
AutomotIve technology
S 8
Manual drive train and axles
b. To be certied, technicians must have at least 2 years of
experience and pass an ASE written examination. They
must retake the exam every 5 years to maintain their
2. The National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation
(NATEF), an arm of ASE, reviews training programs to ensure
they are meeting ASE standards and staying up-to-date with
the continuously changing automotive technology and repair
a. Training programs request the review process on a
voluntary basis. If a program passes the review, NATEF
recommends it to ASE for certication. Programs must be
reviewed again every 5 years to be recertied.
b. In ASE’s automobile specialty, training programs can be
certied in the eight areas listed in 1a.
C. To stay current with changes and advancements in the eld,
automotive technicians will need to attend training classes
throughout their careers. Technicians may receive training at their
workplace or may need to attend classes at a technical school or
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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III. Job prospects in the automotive technology eld
A. Prospects are very good for individuals with training and skills in
diagnosis, problem solving, electronics, and mathematics. Knowledge
in electronics has become crucial because most vehicle concerns
involve working with or analyzing the electrical system. According to
the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, “electronics now control
more than 86% of all systems in a typical vehicle.”
B. Many employers in the industry have reported that there is a shortage
of automotive technicians and they have difculty hiring individuals
with education and experience in the areas desired.
C. According to the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S.
Department of Labor, job opportunities for automotive technicians
are expected to increase 9% to 17% through the year 2014. The
growth will be due to the increased number of vehicles on the road
and the loss of technicians because of retirement or advancement to
specialized positions.
D. Work for automotive technicians is generally steady throughout
the year and not very sensitive to changes in economic conditions.
Therefore, layoffs are not a big concern.
IV. Common methods used to pay automotive technicians
A. Hourly–The technician is paid for the time he or she puts in.
B. Salary–A salary is a set amount of money, usually 40 hours per week,
regardless of the volume of work performed.
C. Flat rate–The technician is paid his or her hourly wage multiplied
by the time listed for a specic job in a factory at-rate manual or
an aftermarket labor time guide. These guides are sometimes called
parts and labor estimating guides. Technicians refer to these as “book
hours.” The technician is paid this at rate regardless of the time
spent on a job.
D. Hourly plus a percentage of labor and parts
V. Other facts about working as an automotive technician
A. Automotive technician’s use many different tools and equipment,
including those in the following list. Technicians usually purchase
their own hand tools, whereas the shop provides the more expensive
power tools and equipment.
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1. Common hand tools
2. Power tools
3. Machine tools
4. Welding and oxyfuel cutting equipment
5. Lifts and jacks
6. Computers to perform administrative tasks and access service
7. Computerized diagnostic equipment
8. Measuring tools
9. Test instruments
10. Other specialty tools, depending on the automotive technology
B. Some shops are unionized, which means that technicians employed
there are subject to union rules regarding pay and other issues. For
example, the technician may be required to work for 2 years as an
apprentice before advancing to the journey level. The union also
functions to help employees negotiate with their employers regarding
salaries and working conditions.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plans
A. Lesson 1: Protecting Yourself and Others in the Shop
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L1-UII: Work Safety in the Shop
3. Job sheet
a. JS1-L1-UII: Identify Vehicles Equipped With a
Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) and Antilock Brake
System (ABS)
B. Lesson 2: Shop Safety Features and Emergency Procedures
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheets
a. AS1-L2-UII: Safety Features and Emergency Procedures in
the Shop
b. AS2-L2-UII: Shop Safety Inspection Checklist
C. Lesson 3: Raising and Supporting Vehicles Safely
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L3-UII: Lift and Support Vehicles
3. Job sheet
a. JS1-L3-UII: Lift a Vehicle
AutomotIve technology
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D. Lesson 4: Federal and State Hazardous Material Regulations
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L4-UII: Hazardous Material Regulations
III. Unit II Test
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 13
After completing this unit, students should be able to identify various safety
rules for personal safety in the shop, lifting and supporting a vehicle, and
working with hazardous materials. They should also be able to identify safety
features and emergency procedures in the shop. Students will demonstrate
mastery of the material by completing the assignment sheets, successfully
performing specic tasks on the job sheets, and achieving a score of _____ on the
Unit II Test.
After completing the lessons in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify who is responsible for safety in the shop.
II. Identify federal agencies and guidelines for safe practices.
III. Identify general shop safety rules.
IV. Identify general safety rules for handling tools and equipment.
V. Identify rules for electric welding safety.
VI. Identify rules for oxyacetylene welding and cutting safety.
VII. Identify rules for lifting heavy objects safely.
VIII. Identify the personal protective clothing and equipment that is used in the
IX. Identify the importance of proper grooming and hygiene.
X. Identify rules for using hazardous materials safely.
XI. Identify safety precautions for supplemental restraint systems (SRSs) and
antilock brake systems (ABSs).
XII. Complete the assignment sheet on work safety in the shop
AutomotIve technology
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XIII. Demonstrate the ability to:
A. Identify vehicles equipped with a supplemental restraint system and
antilock brake system (ABS) (JS1-L1-UII).
Lesson 2
I. Identify the safety features and equipment in the shop.
II. Identify the importance of maintaining cleanliness and order in the shop.
III. Identify emergency procedures used in the shop.
IV. Complete the assignment sheet on safety features and emergency
procedures in the shop (AS1-L2-UII).
V. Complete the assignment sheet on a shop safety inspection checklist
Lesson 3
I. Identify terms and denitions associated with lifting vehicles.
II. Identify common lifting devices.
III. Identify common support devices.
IV. Identify principles of lifting and supporting vehicles.
V. Complete the assignment sheet on lifting and supporting vehicles
VI. Demonstrate the ability to:
A. Lift a vehicle (JS1-L3-UII).
Lesson 4
I. Identify the requirements in OSHA’s hazardous material regulations.
II. Identify the requirements in the EPA’s hazardous material regulations.
III. Complete the assignment sheet on hazardous material regulations
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 15
I. Responsibility for safety
A. Safety in the automotive shop is the responsibility of everyone.
Safety means protecting yourself and others from injury at all times.
Working in the shop requires the use of a large variety of tools,
materials, and equipment that can injure the worker and others in the
shop if not properly handled.
B. Safety in the shop includes the items listed below.
1. Following federal guidelines for safe practices
2. Keeping the shop free of hazards
3. Using protective clothing and equipment
4. Handling and using materials containing potentially harmful
chemicals correctly
5. Using hand tools, power tools, and equipment correctly
6. Following welding safety rules
II. Federal guidelines for safe practices
A. Two federal agencies issue guidelines and oversee safety in the
1. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) issues
guidelines concerning safety for the worker.
2. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) issues guidelines
concerning safety for the environment.
B. OSHA guidelines and EPA guidelines
1. Each school will have a copy of OSHA and EPA guidelines that
must be followed. Due to the changing nature of OSHA and
EPA guidelines, the instructor will go over current guidelines
with students. All students are required to follow OSHA and
EPA guidelines.
AutomotIve technology
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2. OSHA guidelines concern the correct labeling of hazardous
components of equipment, the correct storage of equipment
and materials, the use of protective clothing and equipment,
the placement of warning and safety signs, and general safety
3. EPA guidelines concern proper handling, storage, and disposal
of hazardous materials. They cover any materials that may
be hazardous if released into the environment, including the
environment of the shop.
4. See Lesson 4 for more information about these agencies.
III. General shop safety rules
A. During the course of working in the shop, an automotive technician
moves from one area of the shop to another, moving parts and
equipment around the shop and performing varied tasks. It is
important that the shop oor be free of hazards that could cause
technicians to slip or trip.
B. In a wide variety of shop tasks, waste materials are produced that can
cause dangerous situations unless the waste materials are disposed of
or stored properly.
C. Always be sure that shop exits are well-marked with an “EXIT” sign
and are clear of obstructions.
D. For personal safety and to help keep the shop free of hazards, always
comply with the following safety rules.
1. Work quietly and focus solely on the job at hand.
2. Do not leave creepers laying on the oor. Always stand them
against the wall, wheels outward, when not in use.
3. Do not indulge in horseplay in the shop. Immature and
improper behavior in the shop can cause serious accidents.
4. Before performing a task, consider the relevant safety
precautions related to the task and formulate a prevention plan
for each hazard.
5. Always wear protective clothing and equipment in any situation
where it is necessary.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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6. Wear protective eyewear at all times in the shop area.
NOTE: The law requires that protective eyewear be available
and worn in career and technical education courses where there
is a reasonable probability of injury.
7. Do not wear rings, bracelets, watches, or necklaces when
working around moving machinery or electrical equipment.
a. Jewelry can catch in moving machinery with serious
A necklace can become entangled in running
machinery, which could pull the technician into the
machinery and cause great bodily harm.
If a ring or bracelet becomes entangled or caught, it
could result in a severed nger or serious injury to
the head or neck.
b. If a ring or bracelet should accidentally create a short
circuit of a vehicle battery, the metal of the ring or bracelet
could become white-hot in an instant, causing a serious
8. Do not put sharp objects into the pockets of work clothes. They
could cause personal injury or damage to a vehicle’s interior.
9. Keep hands free from oil and grease.
10. Wipe up grease and other spills from the shop oor
immediately, or at least put an oil-absorbing compound over
11. When cleaning up ammable liquids, always dispose of the rags
in a metal container with a tight-tting lid.
AutomotIve technology
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12. Do not look in the direction of another person who is welding.
13. Do not run a vehicle engine inside a closed garage unless the
vehicle exhaust is hooked up to exhaust ventilation equipment.
A deadly amount of carbon monoxide, which is present in the
exhaust, can collect in a very short time.
14. Do not smoke in the shop, except in an area designated for
15. When pumping a ammable liquid from a large container into
a small one, be sure to rst attach a ground wire between both
16. Always be alert for hazardous situations in the shop. Promptly
correct them, if possible, and inform the instructor of the
17. If road testing a vehicle, always use seat belts, even if only going
a short distance.
18. Disconnect the battery as appropriate. This eliminates hazards
from shorts that could occur during repair procedures.
CAUTION: The vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations
must be followed for disconnecting batteries. Some onboard
vehicle computer systems can be damaged if the battery is
incorrectly disconnected.
19. When parts are removed from a vehicle, they should be stored
away from the work area (on a bench or, if large parts, against a
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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20. Asbestos particles can cause cancer. Asbestos is found in brake
shoes and clutches. Therefore, wear a particle mask when
doing any cleaning work on brake or clutch parts. Do not use
compressed air to clean brake or clutch parts.
21. Do not let the leads on testing equipment fall into the fan of a
vehicle while the engine is running. Electric fan motors can turn
on even with the ignition off.
22. Do not play with re extinguishers. Use re extinguishers only
to extinguish res.
23. Always read the labels on chemicals and materials and follow
the instructions.
IV. General safety rules for handling tools and equipment
A. Do not operate any piece of equipment unless trained in the use of the
B. Even if instructed in the use of a piece of equipment, do not use it
unless given specic permission by the instructor.
C. Select the tool or piece of equipment that will handle the job in the
safest and most efcient manner. Use tools or equipment only as
recommended by the manufacturer.
D. Before using a tool or piece of equipment, inspect it for defects,
missing or improperly adjusted safety guards, and any other missing
or malfunctioning parts.
E. Maintain and store tools and equipment properly. Develop a regular
maintenance schedule for shop equipment. Discard, repair, or replace
worn tools because worn tools can be a safety hazard and adversely
affect work quality.
F. Do not use compressed air to blow dirt from clothes and do not point
a compressed-air hose at another person.
G. When using compressed air for cleaning objects in the shop, the air
pressure must not be more than 30 pounds per square inch (psi).
H. Keep tools, especially tool handles, free from oil and grease.
I. Before using a tool, check the handle to make sure it is secure. For
example, a hammer with a loose handle is unsafe because the head
may y off during use.
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J. When operating electric tools, use the proper precautions to avoid
electric shock.
K. Before inspecting or making adjustments to pneumatic or electric
tools, always disconnect them from the air or power supply.
V. Electric welding safety
A. Protection from electric shock
1. Make sure the welder is installed and hooked up properly.
2. Do not use equipment that is damaged or defective, such as an
electrode holder with damaged insulation.
3. Do not put the electrode holder in water to cool it.
4. Do not use water to extinguish an electrical re or any re near
the welder.
5. Keep the work area, equipment, and clothing dry when using
electric welders because even a slight amount of moisture can
conduct enough electricity to cause a severe shock.
B. Protection from burns and re
1. Make sure the work area is as re resistant as possible.
2. Do not drag welding cables or hoses through dirt or oil, and do
not pull on a cable to force it over an obstruction.
3. Take precautions when handling hot work pieces. Use tongs or
pliers, not hands, to pick up hot metal.
4. Radiation from a welding arc is strong enough to sunburn or
sometimes blister bare skin if the exposure is intense or for an
extended period, so the arms, legs, and torso should be covered
with durable, ame-resistant clothing.
5. Keep the work area clean and free of trash, grease, oil, and other
ammable materials.
6. Keep a re extinguisher, rst-aid kit, and safety equipment
within easy reach.
7. Do not drape an electric welding cable over any type of gas
cylinder, and do not strike an arc on a gas cylinder.
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C. Protection from arc rays
1. A welding arc produces ultraviolet and infrared radiation that
can severely burn eyes that are unprotected with a proper shade
of protective lens.
NOTE: A welding hood or helmet protects the head from ying
sparks and the shaded lens protects the eyes.
2. Make sure all others in the welding area are wearing eye
protection as well.
3. When using a welder, enclose the welding area to protect others
from the dangers of arc rays.
D. Protection from toxic fumes and vapors
1. Many welding activities produce toxic fumes and vapors that
are hazardous to breathe, and every work station should be
equipped with a ventilation or exhaust system capable of safely
removing dangerous and irritating smoke and contaminants.
CAUTION: Always position the head to the side of rising
2. In conned areas where the hazard of toxic fumes is increased,
a welder should wear an air-supplied respirator or a self-
contained breathing apparatus, not a lter-type mask that
cannot compensate for oxygen displacement.
3. Clean the metal before welding. Cleaning the metal helps
remove any chemical that might mix with the fumes produced
by welding.
VI. Oxyacetylene welding and cutting safety
A. Protection from burns (from heat or light rays), re, and explosions
1. Do not allow oil or grease to come in contact with oxygen under
AutomotIve technology
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NOTE: No lubrication of the apparatus is necessary.
2. Do not use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air.
3. Before starting to weld or cut, make certain there is no
ammable material nearby.
4. Always wear welding goggles and heavy gloves when working
with a lighted torch.
5. Wear welding goggles and protective clothing that blocks
harmful light from the acetylene ame.
6. When using a welder, enclose the welding area to protect others
from the dangers of acetylene ames.
7. Do not use matches for lighting acetylene torches. A spark
lighter, held at an angle, should be used to light a torch.
8. Do not relight oxyacetylene ames on a hot work section in a
small conned space.
CAUTION: Acetylene gas gathers in one spot.
9. Do not use acetylene at a pressure above 15 psi.
CAUTION: Using acetylene at a pressure above 15 psi may
result in hand burns.
10. Use particular caution when welding or cutting in dusty or dirty
CAUTION: Dust can explode.
B. Protection from toxic fumes and vapors
1. Many welding or cutting activities produce toxic fumes and
vapors that are hazardous to breathe, and every work station
should be equipped with a ventilation or exhaust system
capable of safely removing dangerous and irritating smoke and
CAUTION: Always position the head to the side of rising
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
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2. In conned areas where the hazard of toxic fumes is increased,
a welder should wear an air-supplied respirator or a self-
contained breathing apparatus, not a lter-type mask that
cannot compensate for oxygen displacement.
CAUTION: Argon is much heavier than air and quickly
displaces oxygen, so be especially careful using the MIG
process in a conned area, even though the area appears to
have adequate ventilation.
3. Clean the metal before welding or cutting. Cleaning the metal
helps remove any chemical that might mix with the fumes
produced by the process.
4. Some of the materials that give off especially toxic fumes are
brass, bronze, galvanized materials, iron or steel coated with
lead, or paint containing lead.
C. Safe handling of gas cylinders
CAUTION: The acetylene and oxygen cylinders are highly
pressurized and may explode if not handled properly.
1. Oxygen and acetylene cylinders must be stored in a ventilated
area and must be kept separate. Allow at least 20 ft between
oxygen cylinders and acetylene cylinders.
2. All gas cylinders must be secured in both the storage area and
on the wheeled cart with a safety chain or approved lashing.
3. The protective caps must be in place any time the cylinders are
not in use.
4. Do not move the cylinders without protective caps in place.
5. Do not drop or knock cylinders around.
6. Do not tamper with safety devices or markings on a cylinder.
7. Do not use a hammer or wrench to open a cylinder valve.
8. Do not move a cylinder unless condent in handling it.
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S 24
9. Always move a gas cylinder by using a hand truck with a safety
chain or by tilting it slightly and rolling it on its bottom edge
with one hand on the protective cap.
CAUTION: Do not tilt the cylinder too far over center; it may
cause the cylinder to drop.
VII. Lifting safety
A. The technician will encounter many situations in which heavy objects
must be lifted from the oor. Back injuries are common if lifting is
not done properly.
B. Alternatives to lifting heavy objects
1. Avoid lifting, if possible.
2. Move heavy objects by pushing, pulling, rolling, or sliding.
3. Use hoists, jacks, carts, and wheel trucks when possible.
C. To avoid injury when lifting a heavy object, use a mechanical device
or get the assistance of another person.
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D. Steps of procedure to lift an object
CAUTION: Do not lift in an area where the oor is wet or greasy.
1. Spread the feet slightly, until comfortable, with one foot slightly
ahead of the other and along side of the object.
2. Bend the knees, kneel, or squat; do not bend the back.
3. Use blocking under objects to get a hand hold.
4. Get a good grip and use gloves if the object has sharp or jagged
5. Lift with the leg, arm, and shoulder muscles, straightening the
legs and coming to a standing position.
6. Shift the feet to turn; do not twist.
7. Lower the load by bending the knees, keeping the back straight
and using leg and arm muscles, and keep ngers and toes clear
of objects.
8. Use blocking to keep from pinching the ngers when setting the
object down.
VIII. Personal protective clothing and equipment
CAUTION: Personal protective clothing and equipment should not be
considered the rst line of defense against injury but rather as backup
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S 26
A. Wear protective eyewear at all times in the shop area.
NOTE: The law requires that protective eyewear be available and
worn in career and technical education courses where there is a
reasonable probability of injury.
1. Special splash-resistant goggles are worn when there is a
potential chemical hazard.
2. When welding, a welding hood or helmet must be worn to
protect the head from ying sparks and protect the eyes from
3. Tinted goggles may be required if welding is being performed
close to the work area. Consult the instructor for the
appropriate tinted goggles for the welding operation.
4. Proper glasses and wire mesh goggles or plastic spectacles
with side shields are required in impact hazard areas, such as
grinding areas.
5. Every person, including visitors, must wear industrial-quality
protective eyewear at all times in the shop area.
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B. Wear a full face shield in situations where sharp ying objects could
injure the face.
C. Respiratory protection is sometimes necessary. Respiratory devices
consist of a mesh that covers the nose and mouth. Wear a respiratory
mask when doing tasks that can create dust.
D. Noise in the shop can cause hearing damage, depending on the level
and duration. Wearing ear plugs and ear muffs helps protect the ears
from noise created by equipment such as pneumatic tools, grinders,
and engines.
E. Adequate footwear should be worn in the shop area. Feet can easily
be crushed, cut, or punctured if not properly protected.
1. Footwear should have leather or rubber oil-resistant soles.
2. Footwear should provide a full leather or strong fabric cover for
the entire foot up to the ankles.
NOTE: Footwear with steel-reinforced toes provides even more
3. High-top leather boots are recommended for welding
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S 28
F. Protective clothing for the body and hands reduces the hazard of
injury and protects street clothing.
1. Gloves and hand leathers are important pieces of protective
clothing. Different tasks require different materials (e.g., rubber
gloves are worn when handling caustic chemicals and heavy
leather gloves with gauntlets are worn when welding).
CAUTION: If operating machinery and wearing gloves, the
gloves may become entangled in the moving parts.
2. Aprons are used to protect from sparks, hot metal splashes,
and splashing liquids. The material should be suitable for the
intended use.
CAUTION: Never wear loose aprons around revolving or
reciprocating machinery.
3. Coveralls protect the body. Overalls, a variation of coveralls, do
not have sleeves. Fire-resistant coveralls made of cotton or wool
are recommended for welding operations.
4. Shop coats provide protection against dirt and grease that
soil street clothing. These also offer some protection against
chemicals and hot substances.
IX. The importance of proper grooming and hygiene
A. Long hair can become caught in moving machinery, which can result
in a portion of scalp being lost or pulled into the machinery. Keep
long hair out of machinery by pinning it up or wearing a cap.
B. Jewelry should not be worn in the shop. See section III in this lesson
for the specic hazards related to jewelry.
C. Having greasy hands can cause slippage when working with hand
tools. Grease also soils interiors and paint.
D. Having grease on work shoes can spread grease across the shop
oor, which increases the risk of slipping and falling. Dirty, greasy
coveralls/overalls and shoes can ruin vehicle interiors.
E. Having brake uid and other chemicals on the hands could allow
accidental transfer to painted surfaces and cause expensive repairs.
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F. Protective eyewear that is dirty and scratched is difcult to see
through. Protective eyewear should be kept clean. Do not place the
lenses down on the oor or table. The soft, plastic coating can easily
be scratched.
X. Hazardous materials safety
A. Five general safety rules
CAUTION: Consult the instructor before using an unfamiliar
1. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Refer to material
safety data sheets (MSDSs). See Lesson 4 for information about
2. Carefully read the product label for correct uses and hazards.
3. Be careful to prevent spills, damage to the vehicle, or unsafe
4. Properly store chemicals and used rags.
5. Use chemicals only for their intended purposes.
B. Hazardous materials include the following:
NOTE: The following list includes some of the more common
chemicals found in the shop and is not meant to be all-inclusive. See
Unit III for the safety precautions and uses of these chemicals.
1. Solvents and acids — Part-washing solvents, choke and
carburetor cleaner, brake cleaner, gasket remover,
digestive-type carburetor cleaner, and vehicle battery acid
2. Lubricants — Rust-penetrating oil, silicone lubricant, liquid
graphite, motor oil, automatic transmission uid, power
steering uid, gear lube, hydraulic uids, various greases, and
specialty additives (e.g., oil treatment and gas treatment)
3. Gases and dust — Gases in engine exhaust, vapors from
gasoline, refrigerant gas, and asbestos dust from brake and
clutch linings
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C. Safety from skin damage and re
1. Many chemicals in the shop pose a hazard to the skin and eyes.
Follow the safety precautions on the product label.
2. Keep electrical devices, sparks, and any hot material away from
ammable chemicals.
D. Safety from toxic fumes
CAUTION: Breathing toxic fumes can cause dizziness, nausea,
headaches, unconsciousness, and can even lead to death.
1. A common source of toxic fumes in the shop is the exhaust from
a running engine. Each time a vehicle’s engine is run in the
shop, exhaust ventilation equipment should be attached to the
vehicle to properly vent the carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas
emitted in the exhaust.
CAUTION: Be sure to use approved exhaust ventilation
equipment when operating a vehicle in an enclosed area.
2. Whenever fumes or vapors are present, be sure to turn on the
shop’s ventilation system as soon as possible to remove them.
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3. Use breathing protection, such as a respirator, when working
with any materials or chemicals that could be hazardous if
XI. Safety precautions for supplemental restraint systems (SRSs) and
antilock brake systems (ABSs)
NOTE: Technicians need to be aware of special safety considerations
when working on or around these systems.
A. SRS or air bag system
1. First appearing in a few 1985-model vehicles, air bag systems
are standard equipment on most vehicles on the road today. A
ruling by the National Highway Trafc Safety Administration
required all new passenger cars to have dual air bags (one on
the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side) by 1998 and
all new light trucks to have dual air bags by 1999.
2. The SRS is designed to inate when a vehicle collides head-
on with an object at a speed of more than 14 mph. During the
collision, the driver and passenger impact the air bag rather
than the steering column or dashboard.
3. In addition to driver-side and passenger-side air bags, some
vehicles may be equipped with side-impact, window, and rear-
seat air bags.
4. Air bags are relatively new devices. New safety issues
regarding air bags are continually being recognized and
5. Air bags must be used with seat belts, shoulder harnesses, and
the proper headrests to provide maximum protection.
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NOTE: It is important for everyone in the automotive industry,
including automotive technicians, to explain to the public
that the SRS alone does not provide maximum protection in a
6. Before working near a vehicle’s air bags, be sure they are
CAUTION: The force of an air bag can break bones and cause
other serious injuries.
7. Even if an air bag has been disabled, the air bag may deploy if
the diagnostic module’s reserve power has not been depleted.
CAUTION: The diagnostic module keeps the air bag
activated for some time after the negative battery cable has
been disconnected. Wait until the diagnostic module’s reserve
power has depleted before working on or around the SRS.
The time can vary from a few seconds to over 30 minutes.
1. An ABS helps the driver maintain control of the vehicle when
braking. If the wheels lock during braking, the vehicle may
slide out of control. The antilock system prevents the brakes
from being applied hard enough to lock the wheels.
2. Even when the antilock system closes down, normal
power-assisted braking remains. A warning light located in the
instrument panel indicates problems.
3. Listed below are general precautions to observe when servicing
the ABS.
CAUTION: Failure to observe these precautions may result in
personal injury and damage to the ABS.
a. Follow the service information carefully. Use the proper
service information for the vehicle. Using the wrong
sequence of service steps, skipping steps, or using the
wrong information leads to unnecessary replacement of
b. Some brake parts contain asbestos bers that can become
airborne as dust during brake service. Follow the latest
federal procedures when working with asbestos.
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CAUTION: Asbestos is a cancer-causing substance. Do
not breathe asbestos dust or allow it to escape into the
c. Many components of an ABS are not serviceable; replace
them as an assembly. Disassembling an ABS component
that is not designed to be serviced may cause personal
injury or system malfunction.
d. There is no one bleeding procedure that applies to all
ABSs. Procedures vary greatly from system to system.
To bleed a vehicle with an ABS, use the manufacturer’s
specic bleeding method for the vehicle being serviced.
e. If using electric arc welding equipment on a vehicle with
an ABS, disconnect the battery and powertrain control
module (PCM).
f. An ABS operates at very high pressures. Always
depressurize the accumulator before servicing the ABS.
g. To protect the control module, never disconnect or connect
any ABS connector while the ignition switch is on.
h. Portions of an ABS operate at very low system voltages;
therefore, never use a conventional 12-volt test light
to probe circuits. A conventional 12-volt test light can
damage the antilock components. Always use a high-
impedance digital multimeter (DMM) to probe the circuits.
i. When working with wiring on an ABS, never touch the
electrical connections or pins or allow them to contact the
brake uid. This kind of contact damages the PCM.
j. Before test driving a vehicle with a brake problem, test
the brakes at a low speed to be sure that the car stops
C. Procedures for identifying vehicles equipped with an SRS and ABS
1. On some vehicles, the vehicle identication number (VIN)
indicates that the vehicle is equipped with an SRS and ABS.
Check the manufacturer’s service information to determine what
digits indicate that the vehicle is equipped with an SRS and ABS.
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2. The schematics may also come with various warnings that the
vehicle is equipped with an SRS and ABS.
3. Some vehicles have a mark on the steering wheel cover to
indicate an SRS.
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S 35
I. Observe the following guidelines about safety features and equipment in a
A. Walk around the shop to become familiar with the various areas (e.g.,
work bays, management ofces, parts department, customer waiting
area) and the trafc ow of vehicles coming in and out of the shop.
B. Note the location of shop exits, which should be well-marked with an
“EXIT” sign. Keep the area around the exits free of obstructions.
C. Be familiar with the shop’s evacuation routes and procedures in case
of re or other emergencies.
D. Note the location of specic work areas, such as those for welding,
painting, and grinding, which should be clearly marked.
E. Know the location and how to operate the eye wash station, which is
used to ush the eyes in case of a chemical splash.
F. Know where the rst-aid supplies are kept and be familiar with the
supplies available and how to use them.
G. Locate the telephones that can be used for emergencies and where
emergency numbers are posted.
H. Note the location of storage containers for hazardous wastes and
I. Know the location of the shop’s re blanket. Every shop must have
a 100% wool re blanket. The re blanket can be wrapped tightly
around a person who is on re to smother the ames.
1. Avoid using a re blanket on a burning person wearing
synthetic clothing. Doing so can cause serious skin damage.
Use water to extinguish burning synthetic clothing.
2. Work coveralls and shop clothing should be made of cotton.
CAUTION: Do not allow a person on re to run.
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J. Know where the re alarm is and how to activate it at the rst sign of
a re that has any possibility of getting out of control.
K. Know where re extinguishers are located and how to use them. It
is critical to be familiar with how the re extinguishers in the shop
operate to be prepared if a re should start.
1. Types of re extinguishers
a. Class A — Plain water
b. Class BC — May be carbon dioxide, ordinary dry chemical,
or halon
c. Class ABC — Multipurpose dry chemical
d. Class D — Dry powder
2. Classes of res and the appropriate extinguisher for each
a. Class A res include burning paper, wood, rubber, cloth,
and other materials commonly found in classrooms and
ofces. These res may be effectively handled with either
a dry-chemical or water re extinguisher.
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b. Class B res include burning liquids, gases, grease, and
oil. Use only dry-chemical re extinguishers. Water re
extinguishers cause the burning liquid to spread.
c. Class C res are electrical res. Use only a Class C re
extinguisher that contains dry chemicals and carbon
dioxide. Water or foam-type re extinguishers can
electrocute people in the area.
d. Class D res include burning metals, such as magnesium
or sodium. Use only Class D re extinguishers that
contain the appropriate dry powder and are identied by
a 5-point star with the letter “D” printed within the star.
NOTE: Most shops use multiple-class re extinguishers
that can be used on Class A, B, and C res.
3. Universal symbols for re extinguishers
4. General procedure for using a re extinguisher
CAUTION: Do not operate a re extinguisher if not trained
to do so, if the ames are large or progress beyond their initial
stage, or if the re becomes too hot or smoky. If there is any
doubt about being able to extinguish the re, evacuate the
building immediately.
CAUTION: Before attempting to put out a re with a re
extinguisher, be sure to identify a safe evacuation route.
NOTE: The instructor will demonstrate the proper operation
of the re protection equipment available in the shop. Most
re extinguishers operate using the P.A.S.S. method, which is
included below.
a. Pull — Pull the pin, ring, clip, etc. from the extinguisher’s
handle. This action will break the tamper seal.
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b. Aim — Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the
c. Squeeze — Squeeze the extinguisher handle to release the
d. Sweep — Sweep from side to side at the base of the
ames, discharging the extinguishing agent until the re
is out.
II. The importance of maintaining cleanliness and order in the shop
A. A clean shop environment reduces the hazards of slipping and
soiling clothing. It also protects vehicles from grease or paint
B. An orderly shop with clear pathways allows employees easy access
to exits. Regulations from the EPA and local re codes empower the
local re marshal to insist on an orderly, uncluttered, and safe shop
C. Keep tools, equipment, and supplies organized to allow greater
efciency. Store tools, equipment, and supplies in their proper place
when not in use.
D. A clean and orderly shop is the mark of competent professionals and
promotes business growth.
III. Emergency procedures
A. If someone is injured in the shop, notify the instructor at once.
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B. Do not give rst aid to a victim unless trained to do so. However, if
properly trained, do not hesitate to give rst aid.
C. If someone comes into contact with electrical current and receives
an immobilizing shock, do not try to move him or her if the current
is still on and the person is still in contact with it. Shut off the main
circuit to the shop. Electrical current will ow through whoever
touches the person being shocked. Notify the instructor at once.
D. General re emergency procedure
NOTE: Specic procedures for dealing with re emergencies vary. It
is important to know the specic procedures for your shop.
1. If a person is on re, immediately wrap the person in a re
blanket to smother the ames.
2. For other res, turn on the re alarm.
3. Notify the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor will
decide whether or not to attempt to extinguish the re or to wait
for emergency personnel.
4. Turn off any machines and power in the event of an alarm if
time or circumstances allow.
5. Follow building evacuation procedures as required.
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 41
I. Terms and denitions
A. Jack — A device, such as a hydraulic oor jack, that raises the front,
rear, or side of a vehicle off the ground.
B. Lift — A piece of hydraulic equipment used to lift the whole vehicle
off the ground.
C. Lifting — Using a device to raise a vehicle off the ground for the
purpose of inspection, service, or repair.
D. Safety stands — Lightweight frames used to support a vehicle after
being lifted by a jack.
E. Torque box areas — The four corners of the passenger compartment
regardless of whether the vehicle actually has torque boxes.
F. Torque boxes — Located in each corner of the passenger
compartment and designed to minimize damage to the compartment
in a collision.
G. Wheel blocks or wheel chocks — Blocks that are placed on one or
more wheels before lifting to keep the vehicle from rolling.
II. Common lifting devices
A. In order to inspect or repair a vehicle, it is frequently necessary to get
the vehicle off the ground to provide access to the underside.
B. A wide variety of equipment is available for lifting vehicles, such as
lifts and hydraulic oor jacks. Most equipment is hydraulic, but there
are also pneumatic lifts.
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C. Hydraulic lift
1. Functions hydraulically to raise the whole vehicle off the oor
2. Allows for inspection under the vehicle
3. Allows repairs to be done at a more comfortable height for the
4. Safety
a. Refer to service information for positioning the vehicle on
the lift and follow all safety precautions for operating the
b. Before lifting the vehicle, check for proper clearance on all
sides of the vehicle in the lift area so that the vehicle does
not hit other objects.
c. Do not lift vehicles with passengers inside or with the
doors, hood, or luggage lid open.
d. Be sure that the lift’s locking mechanism is in the locked
position before walking under the lift.
e. Be familiar with safety lock release mechanisms for safe
lowering of vehicles.
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D. Hydraulic oor jack
1. Uses mechanical force, with the operator using a lever to pump
up the jack
2. Is mounted on four wheels for portability
3. Used often in raising the front, rear, or side of a vehicle for
placement on safety stands
4. Safety
a. Ensure the vehicle being lifted is on a level, solid surface.
b. Always be sure the release valve is completely closed
before attempting to lift a vehicle.
c. Refer to service information to nd the correct lift point on
the vehicle to position the saddle of the jack.
d. Never crawl under a vehicle held up only by a jack, either
hydraulic or pneumatic. Always use safety stands to
support the vehicle.
e. Be sure that the load-capacity rating for the safety stands is
sufcient to safely support the vehicle.
f. After positioning the safety stands under the vehicle, shake
the body of the vehicle to make sure it is stable.
g. After raising a vehicle with a oor jack, be sure the handle
of the jack is pointed straight up.
h. Do not operate hydraulic jacks if they are leaking because
they may fail.
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i. Do not lift vehicles with passengers inside or with the
doors, hood, or luggage lid open.
j. Make sure everyone in the vicinity is standing well away
from a raised vehicle before opening the release valve to
lower it. When lowering a vehicle, the release mechanism
should be opened a little at a time, and then closed, to
lower the vehicle a little at a time.
CAUTION: If the release mechanism is opened all the
way, it will drop the vehicle to the oor instantly. This
may cause injury to the operator and others in the area as
well as damage to vehicle.
III. Common support devices
A. Safety stands
1. Sturdy metal devices that support the vehicle after being lifted
by a jack
2. Available in different heights and load capacities
3. Placed under secure points on the vehicle such as the frame and
axle housing
NOTE: Refer to service information and the manufacturer’s
instructions for the correct points to place safety stands.
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B. Wheel blocks, also known as wheel chocks
1. Wedge-shaped blocks used as a safety measure, in addition to
safety stands, to keep the vehicle from rolling after being lifted
2. Used before lifting the vehicle with a jack
3. Placed in the front and rear of a wheel that will remain on the
ground after lifting
IV. Principles of lifting and supporting vehicles
A. Each vehicle has specic lifting points. Consult current service
information or the owner’s manual for each model to determine
proper lifting points.
CAUTION: Identication of proper lifting points is extremely
important. Damage caused by improper lifting can be severe.
Common sense, along with an understanding of vehicle
construction and vehicle supporting techniques, must be used in
each repair instance.
B. The purpose of raising the vehicle is to get the vehicle high enough in
the air to safely inspect, service, or repair the underside.
C. Before lifting a vehicle, check both the vehicle and equipment
manufacturer’s recommendations.
D. In getting the vehicle off the ground, there are two separate points to
be considered as follows:
1. Proper lifting methods
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2. Proper supporting methods
E. Lift and support points
NOTE: The correct lift and support points depend on the model of
the vehicle and the type of lift equipment being used. Refer to service
information and the manufacturer’s instructions.
1. Torque box areas are generally acceptable lift points.
a. These areas are designed to absorb twisting (torque) force
caused by a collision and route damage away from the
passenger compartment.
b. The four torque box areas are located at the corners of the
passenger section.
c. Even if the vehicle does not have actual torque boxes, the
four corners of the passenger compartment are referred to
as torque box areas.
d. Torque box areas are generally the strongest areas of the
vehicle for lifting and supporting.
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2. The pinchweld area of the rocker panel, which is the factory weld
that fuses the bottom ange of the outer rocker panel to the inner
rocker panel, is a strong support area on unibody vehicles.
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 49
I. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations
A. OSHA is a federal organization that sets and enforces work
environment standards to protect the health and safety of the
individual worker. Any employer or institution that does not adhere
to OSHA standards is subject to prosecution.
1. If employees provide their own eye and face protective
equipment, OSHA requires that the employer make sure the
equipment meets specic safety standards.
2. OSHA requires the employer to provide a ventilation system,
masks, and any other such devices needed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases,
smokes, sprays, and vapors.
3. OSHA requires that ammable liquids like gasoline and solvents
that are packaged or kept in small containers be stored in an
approved metal cabinet in quantities of less than 60 gal.
NOTE: The metal cabinets must be approved by the
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).
4. OSHA requires that potentially hazardous chemicals stored on
site be clearly labeled. Safety training for employees should
address the correct procedures for chemical handling, storage,
and disposal.
5. OSHA requires that employers provide adequate ear protection
for all workers exposed to noise levels deemed harmful.
B. The Hazardous Communication Standard or Right-to-Know law
informs employees about the hazardous substances that are available
in their shop.
1. Requirements of the Right-to-Know law
a. A specic person or group is responsible for the operation
of the company’s Right-to-Know program.
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b. All hazardous substances and harmful physical agents
must be identied.
c. A written program describes training activities, chemical
identities, and waste disposal.
d. All containers of hazardous substance must be labeled
with the necessary health and safety information.
e. Employers must obtain written information on each
hazardous substance and provide them to employees in
the form of material safety data sheets (MSDS).
f. All employees must be trained in the details of the Right-
to-Know requirements.
C. OSHA uses certain basic characteristics to determine which materials
are included on its hazardous substance list.
1. A hazardous material is any substance that could cause injury or
death to people or could damage and pollute land, air, or water.
2. To be considered hazardous a substance must be either toxic,
ammable, corrosive, reactive, or come into contact with the
a. “Toxic” is the term used to describe a material that can
cause illness or death after being inhaled or coming into
contact with the skin. OSHA and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) have lists that include hundreds
of different toxic chemicals.
b. “Flammable” is used for an ignitable substance that can
easily catch re or any material that has a ash point below
c. “Corrosive” is used for a substance strong enough to
dissolve metal, burn skin, or cause eye damage. Acids and
bases are examples of corrosive materials.
d. “Reactive” is used for a material that can become unstable,
burn, explode, or give off toxic vapors if mixed with air,
water, heat, or other materials.
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D. Employee training is required.
1. Employers are required to train the following people.
a. Workers who are routinely exposed to hazardous
chemicals or hazardous waste.
b. Workers who handle packages containing hazardous
c. Anyone that could be exposed to hazardous materials in a
foreseeable emergency or could be involved if an accident
d. New employees that meet the above examples must
be trained before they begin work where they could be
exposed to hazardous materials.
e. Ofce workers that only encounter hazardous chemicals in
isolated cases do not require training.
2. The following must be included in the training.
a. Employees must be trained to recognize hazardous
materials and how to gather information about those
hazardous materials.
b. Employees must be trained in the basic ways to protect
themselves from harmful exposure.
c. Employees must be trained in the proper use of levels and
MSDS materials.
d. Employees must be trained in what to do in an emergency
and how to use equipment.
e. Employers must educate employees on the details of the
Right-to-Know program.
3. Federal regulations do not include annual Right-to-Know
training, but many states now require safety training be
repeated on an annual basis.
E. Employers have certain responsibilities.
1. There must be at least one person appointed to administer the
Right-to-Know program.
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2. Hazardous materials in the workplace must be identied and
3. An MSDS must be obtained and kept for each hazardous
chemical on site.
4. A written plan must be developed that outlines the
requirements of the Right-to-Know program.
5. Employees must be trained to understand the physical and
health hazards of the chemicals.
6. The information on container labels must be explained and
7. Workers must be shown how to protect themselves from
chemical hazards.
8. There must be instructions on what to do in an emergency and
how to use protective equipment.
F. Employees have certain responsibilities.
1. They must know where the MSDSs are kept.
2. They must know how to read labels and MSDS information and
how to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings.
3. They must know how to obtain information and ask questions.
4. They must know the proper procedures for dealing with
hazardous materials.
5. They must know the proper procedures for dealing with an
emergency that involves hazardous materials.
G. MSDS requirements include the following:
1. Per OSHA requirements, chemical manufacturers and material
importers must obtain or develop an MSDS for each hazardous
material they produce or import. A sample MSDS appears after
the next page.
2. Employers must have an MSDS in the workplace for each
hazardous material they use.
3. Each MSDS must be in English.
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NOTE: The employer may maintain copies in other languages.
4. Chemical manufacturers and importers can use any form for a
MSDS as long as it is in compliance with OSHA standards and
contains the specic following information.
a. The name, common name, and common name of any
chemicals used in the mix
b. The physical and chemical characteristics
c. Physical hazards including the potential for re, explosion,
and reactivity
d. Health hazards including the signs and symptoms of
exposure and any medical conditions that are generally
recognized as being aggravated by exposure
e. Primary routes of entry on the body, such as inhalation
and skin absorption
f. The OSHA-permissible exposure limit, the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) threshold limit, and any other exposure limits
that are used or recommended
g. Whether or not the chemical is listed by OSHA and the
National Toxicology Program (NTP) annual report on
carcinogens or is considered to be a potential carcinogen
in the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
h. Any applicable precautions for safe handling and use that
are known
i. Any applicable control measures that are known
j. Emergency and rst aid procedures
k. Date of preparation of the MSDS or the date of the last
change to the MSDS
l. Name, address, and telephone number of the chemical
manufacturer, importer, or employer that prepared the
5. Each manufacturer will have specic information about how to
read an MSDS.
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II. EPA regulations
A. The EPA is a federal agency that writes and enforces regulations
on hazardous waste and is responsible for how the health of the
population is affected by the environment.
B. Federal laws dene three categories of hazardous waste generators.
1. A Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator generates
100 kg or less of hazardous waste per month and never stores
more than 1,000 kg at the business.
2. A Small Quantity Generator generates between 100 kg and 1,000
kg of hazardous waste per month. The amount of hazardous
waste stored on site must never exceeds 6,000 kg.
NOTE: The typical shop is classied by the EPA as a Small
Quantity Generator.
3. A Large Quantity Generator generates 1,000 kg or more per
month of hazardous waste. This type of generator does not have
a hazardous waste storage limit but cannot store waste on site
for more than 90 days.
C. All categories of generators are subject to the following requirements.
1. A generator must determine which materials are hazardous.
2. A generator must obtain an EPA ID number.
3. A generator must prepare and store hazardous waste as
required by law.
4. A generator must ship wastes for treatment and disposal only to
companies with proper EPA ID numbers.
5. A generator must follow the proper hazardous waste storage
rules for tanks and drums.
a. Drums must be marked with the date the waste was rst
placed in the drum.
b. The correct labels must be used.
c. There must be a secure storage area to prevent
unauthorized access.
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d. Outdoor storage must be shaded from sunlight if the
wastes are ignitable.
e. The oor in the outdoor storage area must be curbed and
impermeable to catch and contain leaks of the waste.
6. A generator must keep manifests for at least 3 years. Exception
reports are led if a waste shipment is lost.
7. The facility must be operated to minimize accidents and be
equipped with internal and external communication equipment.
Local authorities, re, police, and emergency medical must be
familiar with the layout, entrance routes, access routes, and the
list of wastes at the facility and related locations.
NOTE: Any refusal by the local authorities to respond should
be documented.
8. A generator must inspect waste containers on a weekly basis.
Containers must be kept closed between use. If the facility is
ever closed, all waste must be removed.
D. Additional requirements for category 2 and 3 generators are as
1. An emergency coordinator must be designated for the site. This
person is on call 24 hours a day to respond to any emergency.
2. The name and phone number of the emergency coordinator, the
location of the re extinguishers, the location of the spill control
equipment, and the re department phone number must be
posted by the telephone.
3. The generator must ensure and document that employees have
been trained in emergency operations and communications
4. The emergency coordinator must respond to any emergency and
follow the emergency response plan.
E. Hazardous wastes must be stored properly.
When wastes are generated, a label is created with the start date,
facility address, EPA ID number, the words “Hazardous Waste, “
waste information, and shipping information.
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2. A warning sticker may also be necessary. Some wastes have
more than one hazard and require a warning label for each
3. Container management requires that a log must be kept to
record weekly inspections of drums during storage. Drum
inspections require the date and initials of the inspector. See
Section II, C, 5 for other requirements.
F. EPA regulations related to the storage of hazardous wastes include
the following:
1. The different types of hazardous wastes cannot be mixed.
2. Storage containers must be in sound condition and have the
proper design and characteristics for the type of material.
3. Containers must be clearly marked and stored away from the
shop area. The EPA and Department of Transportation (DOT)
require specic labels to indicate various types of wastes.
G. EPA regulations related to the handling of hazardous wastes include
the following:
1. Employees must be trained in the proper use and disposal of
hazardous wastes.
2. Signs and charts identifying and describing the hazardous
materials must be displayed in the shop.
a. Emergency procedures for dealing with hazardous waste
accidents must be displayed in the shop.
b. The phone numbers of the emergency coordinator,
re department, police, health center, and the national
response center must be posted by the telephone.
3. The shop area must be uncluttered and exits easily accessible.
The local re marshal determines if the shop is meeting these
4. The shop operator must have on le precise information on the
chemicals contained in each product in the shop. The operator
should also have on le rst aid procedures relating to exposure
to these chemicals.
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H. EPA regulations related to the disposal of hazardous wastes include
the following:
1. Hazardous wastes must be collected by an approved waste
2. A shop representative must complete a waste manifest each time
a waste hauler picks up hazardous material. The hauler cannot
accept waste without the correct forms.
NOTE: An exception to this rule involves the use of solvents
that will be recycled by the waste hauler. In this case, the
paperwork is handled by the hauler.
3. The shop must obtain a twelve-digit code number from the EPA.
This number registers the shop as a Small Quantity Generator.
A waste hauler must have this code.
4. Each type of waste must be in a suitable package or container
and identied with a code name as specied by the DOT.
5. Failure to observe EPA regulations results in criminal liability to
the shop or waste hauler.
I. Chemicals or products that are designated as hazardous waste can
change. The following are two ways a material is judged “hazardous”
and subject to EPA regulations.
1. The EPA has a published list of specic chemicals deemed to be
hazardous to health and the environment.
2. If an operator believes a material is ammable or corrosive, will
react chemically with other materials, or will release hazardous
materials, the material can be deemed hazardous.
J. The following are ways in which a shop can reduce the production of
hazardous waste and the cost of disposing of it.
1. Encourage the conservative use of solvents to reduce waste
disposal costs as well as the replacement costs of solvent.
2. Use heaters that burn oil, which saves on heating bills as well as
waste disposal costs.
3. Ship the hazardous waste directly to a recycling plant that will
pick the waste up at no charge and usually not require a waste
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I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plans
A. Lesson 1: Solvents, Soaps, and Cleaning Solutions
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L1-UIII: Solvents and Soaps
B. Lesson 2: Lubricants and Specialty Chemicals
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L2-UIII: Lubricants and Specialty Chemicals
C. Lesson 3: Gases, Asbestos Dust, and Battery Acid
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L3-UIII: Gases, Dust, and Acid
III. Unit III Test
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After completing this unit, students will be able to identify common chemicals
used in the shop, their purpose, and how to use them safely. The students will
demonstrate mastery of the material by completing the assignment sheets and
achieving a score of _____ on the Unit III Test.
After completing the lessons in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Describe the ve general rules for using automotive chemicals.
II. Identify the types and uses of solvents.
III. Identify the types and uses of soaps and cleaning solutions.
IV. Complete the assignment sheet on solvents and soaps (AS1-L1-UIII).
Lesson 2
I. Identify the types and uses of oils.
II. Identify the types and uses of greases.
III. Identify the types and uses of specialty additives.
IV. Identify the types and uses of specialty chemicals.
V. Complete the assignment sheet on lubricants and specialty chemicals
Lesson 3
I. Identify gases and the hazards they present.
II. Identify the hazards of asbestos dust.
III. Identify the hazards of battery acid.
IV. Complete the assignment sheet on gases, dust, and acid (AS1-L3-UIII).
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I. Five general rules for using chemicals
CAUTION: Consult the instructor before using an unfamiliar product.
A. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
B. Carefully read the product label for correct uses and hazards.
C. Work to prevent spills, damage to the vehicle, or unsafe situations/
D. Properly store chemicals and used rags.
E. Use chemicals only for the intended purposes.
II. Types and uses of solvents
A. Parts-washing solvent (petroleum based)
1. This type of solvent dissolves oil, grease, and varnish from
engine components and other parts of the vehicle. It is usually
dispensed in a parts-washing tank that lters and recycles the
2. This solvent contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that
give off toxic vapors and must be managed as a hazardous
waste. Parts-washing solvent is not as ammable as some other
solvents, but can burn and does present a re hazard.
a. Keep electrical devices, sparks, and any hot material away
from the parts-washing tank.
b. The solvent tank should be equipped with a safety link,
which will melt should the solvent ignite. When the
safety link melts, the lid on the washer tank will close and
smother the re.
c. Parts-washing solvent presents a hazard to the eyes and
skin, especially when the solvent is fresh. Breathing
solvent vapors is also a health risk. Wear personal
protective equipment (PPE) when working with the
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CAUTION: Some technicians may have a severe allergic
reaction to the parts-washing solvent.
3. Petroleum-based parts-washing solvent can melt some shoe
rubber and should never be splashed or poured on the shop
oor. If a solvent spill is not immediately wiped up from the
oor, it can cause people to slip and fall.
4. Never put units such as electric motors in the solvent tank. Such
units may sustain insulation damage; they may also be hard to
dry on the inside.
5. To extend the usable life of the solvent and to prevent clogging
the tank, remove most of the grease, gasket material, and dirt
from parts before washing. Never pour other liquids into the
solvent tank.
B. Parts-washing solvent (aqueous based)
1. This type of solvent is used for the same purposes as the
petroleum-based solvents, but it is typically nonammable and
contains less than 5% VOCs. Besides water, the ingredients in
aqueous-based solvents generally include a detergent, corrosive
substance, or alkaline agent and a rust inhibitor.
2. Rather than dissolving grease and solids with chemicals,
aqueous solvents use heat, agitation, and detergents to clean
automotive parts.
3. Special cleaning equipment is required that heats the aqueous
solvent and sprays it with great force.
a. Spray cabinets, which are totally enclosed, are best for
cleaning heavily soiled parts or a large number of parts.
b. Sink-top units are used for more lightly soiled parts or
fewer parts.
4. The life of the solvent can be prolonged by using lters,
maintaining the solvent’s concentration, and skimming grease
from the solution.
5. Aqueous solvent may become hazardous waste through use.
Waste disposal professionals must analyze the solution to
determine how to dispose of it safely.
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C. Choke and throttle body cleaner is an aerosol product that is more
aggressive than parts-washing solvent in the cleaning of oil, grease,
and varnish from carburetor components and other small precision-
machined parts. It is a petroleum-based product.
1. Choke and throttle body cleaner is extremely ammable and
presents a dangerous re hazard. Never spray the cleaner on
hot engine parts or around sparks or re.
2. The cleaner can damage paint. Do not spray the cleaner near the
body of the vehicle or other painted components.
3. The cleaner can damage eyes and irritate skin. Breathing its
vapors is also hazardous. Always wear PPE. Spray the cleaner
away from the body so that vapors are not inhaled and the
cleaner does not contact the skin.
4. Observe the safety warnings on the cleaner can. Do not expose
the cleaner can to heat under any circumstances because heat
will cause the cleaner can to explode.
D. Brake cleaner is an aerosol product that is extremely effective in
removing grease and oil from brake drums, rotors, and engine
1. Brake cleaner is extremely ammable and presents a severe re
hazard because the cleaner is sprayed from an aerosol can.
2. Brake cleaner can damage paint. Do not spray the cleaner near
the body of the vehicle or other painted components.
3. Brake cleaner can damage eyes and irritate skin. Breathing its
vapors is also hazardous. Always wear PPE. Spray the cleaner
away from the body so that vapors are not inhaled and the
cleaner does not contact the skin.
4. Observe the safety warnings on the cleaner can. Do not store
brake cleaner in a hot area. Do not expose the can to heat under
any circumstances because heat will cause the cleaner can to
E. Gasket remover is an aerosol product that loosens gasket material that
may be tightly stuck to engine components with sealers or glue.
1. Gasket remover is extremely ammable and presents a serious
re hazard because the gasket cleaner is sprayed from an aerosol
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2. Gasket remover can damage paint. Do not spray the remover
near the body of the vehicle or other painted components.
3. Gasket remover can damage eyes and irritate skin. Breathing its
vapors is also hazardous. Always wear PPE. Spray the cleaner
away from the body so that vapors are not inhaled and the
cleaner does not contact the skin.
4. Observe the safety warnings on the gasket remover can. Do not
store gasket remover in a hot area. Do not expose the can to
heat under any circumstances because heat will cause the gasket
remover can to explode.
F. Digestive-type carburetor cleaner is an aggressive chemical agent that
is usually stored in a 1- or 5-gallon container. The chemical dissolves
organic material, leaving only clean metal that is then rinsed with
1. Digestive-type carburetor cleaner reacts vigorously with organic
material. It presents severe hazards to the eyes and skin.
Always wear PPE.
2. Do not splash digestive-type carburetor cleaner.
CAUTION: Digestive-type carburetor cleaner will quickly
burn skin that it contacts, so ush aficted areas immediately
with water.
3. To clean parts, gently submerge the basket of parts into the can.
When the solvent has nished cleaning, carry the basket with lid
in place to the sink. The basket of clean parts should be placed
in the sink and the parts rinsed in a gentle stream of water.
4. Any spills must be cleaned up immediately. Rags or towels used
in the cleanup should be discarded.
5. Because digestive-type cleaner reacts with organic and some
nonorganic substances, use it only on metallic parts.
a. Parts made of rubber, ber, or plastic may be ruined by
digestive-type carburetor cleaner. The cleaner may even
remove anodized coatings along with paint and varnish.
b. Never use any of these chemicals for purposes other than
those listed on the product can or container.
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6. To keep fumes and evaporation to a minimum, add a 1-in layer
of water on top of the cleaner and cover the can with a lid.
7. Digestive-type carburetor cleaner is an expensive chemical
and should be used only to clean small, precision components.
Larger components can be cleaned with other solvents.
G. Safety warning about gasoline
1. Do not use gasoline as a solvent. Gasoline is intended for use as
a fuel not as a cleaner for automotive parts.
CAUTION: Never use gasoline or other chemicals for
purposes other than those listed on the product can or
container. Consult with the instructor before using any
solvent or chemical.
2. Gasoline fumes can cause similar health problems as cleaning
solvents and contribute to hydrocarbon emissions. The fumes
are also extremely ammable and, if ignited, can cause severe
burns or death.
3. Prolonged exposure to liquid gasoline has been shown to cause
cancer in laboratory animals.
4. Gasoline additives can leave harmful deposits on important
engine components.
III. Types and uses of soaps and cleaning solutions
A. Soaps and cleaning solutions are water-soluble agents used for
cleaning dirt and grease.
B. Liquid detergent, or dishwashing liquid, is a mild detergent that is
convenient to use. Liquid detergent is suitable for washing engine
blocks after honing or glaze breaking.
C. Glass cleaner and windshield washer uid are available in aerosol,
pump spray, or liquid form. The best results are obtained when glass
cleaner is used with paper towels rather than shop towels. Shop
towels almost always retain grease and leave lint.
CAUTION: When lling the windshield washer uid reservoir in
the winter time, read the label on the solution to see if it contains
the necessary antifreeze. Freezing can result in a cracked reservoir
tank due to expansion.
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D. Hand soaps that are typically used contain an abrasive to help clean
ground-in grease. These soaps can cause rawness or cracking of the
CAUTION: Never use abrasive hand soaps on vehicle nishes or
plastics because scratches can occur.
E. Hand-cleaning creams are more effective than ordinary hand soaps
on grease and dirt. Hand-cleaning creams are also available with
abrasives for tough cleaning jobs. These can be used in conjunction
with hand soaps.
F. Hand-protecting creams that are applied before work are effective in
preventing dirt and grease from staining the hands and arms. Use of
ordinary hand soap will remove the hand-protecting cream.
G. Cleaning methods for shop oors should be as dry as possible to help
prevent water pollution.
1. According to EPA guidelines, shop workers should keep
the shop oor as dry as possible to minimize the amount of
wastewater that is generated.
2. Ways to keep the oor dry and clean include the following:
a. Keep spills off the oor by using dedicated containers for
substances like used oil and antifreeze.
b. Clean up spills immediately to prevent workers from
slipping in the substance and tracking it to other areas.
c. Use rags to clean up small spills and dispose of the soiled
rags properly.
d. Use absorbent pads or mops to clean large spills and wring
the substance from the pads or mops into a dedicated
container for recycling or disposal.
e. Use oor sweep (granules that absorb liquids) only when
cleaning up hazardous waste spills such as gasoline or
f. Sweep the oor with a broom every day to prevent the
buildup of dirt and contaminants.
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g. Do not hose down the oor with water or dump mop
water because the contaminants will go into the storm
drain or sewer, causing pollution.
h. Use water, a mop, and a mild detergent only if necessary
after the spill has been removed. Check with local
authorities for the proper disposal procedure.
H. Examples of specialty cleaning agents
1. Spot remover
2. Bug and tar remover
3. Velour upholstery cleaner
4. Carpet cleaner
5. Vinyl cleaner and conditioner
6. Battery cleaner
7. Wire wheel cleaner
8. White sidewall cleaner
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I. Types and uses of oils
A. Oil is a petroleum-based or synthetic product that lubricates parts or
acts as a hydraulic uid. When using oil, follow the safety precautions
CAUTION: Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when
working with oils.
1. All types of oils can represent a signicant re hazard.
Spontaneous combustion, re initiated without ame, can and
does occur with rags soaked in any type of oil. Oil must be
stored in a designated area away from heat, ame, or sparks.
a. Oily rags must be stored in a metal safety container with
an airtight lid built for this purpose.
b. Oil can ignite at any temperature above 0° when
mixed with pure oxygen. Oil must never be applied to
oxyacetylene welding equipment.
c. Immediately use or discard bottles and cans that are
leaking oil.
2. If oil is dripped or spilled on the shop oor, clean it immediately
to prevent slipping.
a. Wipe up small spills or drips with a towel.
b. Larger spills may need to be absorbed with sawdust or oil
absorbent granules and then swept up and discarded. If
necessary, scrub remaining slickness with soap and water.
c. Drain pans help to prevent oil spills.
3. Avoid prolonged contact with oils.
a. Short-term contact can cause irritation, chapping, or
drying of the skin.
b. Long-term contact can cause a variety of skin diseases that
includes cancer.
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B. Light or penetrating oils are aerosol products that include rust-
penetrating oil, silicone lubricant, liquid graphite, and belt dressing.
1. Light oils are used to lubricate precision parts because the
lubricant gets into tight clearances and does not attract as much
dust and dirt as heavier oils.
2. Because they can dissolve some rust, rust-penetrating oils are
used to aid in the removal of rusty bolts and fasteners.
3. Liquid graphite dries to a slick, black coating that does not
attract any dust or dirt. This makes it desirable for components
with tiny moving parts, such as locks.
4. Belt dressing is sprayed on drive belts to prevent slippage and
quiet belts that dry out and get noisy.
CAUTION: Aerosol cans are pressurized. The can must not be
punctured or crushed, even when empty. The can should not be
stored near heat or sparks. Never spray these products towards the
C. Standard and heavy oils are motor oil, automatic transmission uid,
power steering uid, and gear lube.
1. Motor oils are used in vehicle engines and classied by viscosity
or weight (e.g., 10W-30) and a two-letter grade (e.g., SJ and SL).
a. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendation for the
correct viscosity and service classication for the vehicle
being serviced.
b. Refer to the vehicle service information for the proper
interval for changing the motor oil.
2. Automatic transmission uid (ATF) is available in three main
types: Type F, Dexron II, and Dexron III.
a. ATF is used in all automatic transmissions and some
manual-shift, front-wheel-drive transaxles.
b. Some vehicle manufacturers recommend using only
their products that include specic additives. Refer to the
manufacturer’s recommendation when selecting and using
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3. Power steering uid is similar to ATF. Refer to the
manufacturer’s recommendation when selecting and using
power steering uid.
4. Gear lube is thicker than motor oil or ATF and provides superior
lubrication between the large and highly stressed gears of
manual gear boxes and differentials.
D. Hydraulic uids include hydraulic jack oil and brake uid.
1. Hydraulic jack oil is used in shop equipment that has a
hydraulic cylinder, such as jacks, engine hoists, lift racks, and
CAUTION: Do not add hydraulic jack oil to shop equipment
without the permission and supervision of the instructor.
2. Brake uid is added to the master cylinder reservoir and clutch
master cylinder in a hydraulic clutch system.
a. In America, brake uids must be rated at least DOT-3
(Department of Transportation Specication #3).
b. Using the incorrect brake uid can result in brake fade, the
deterioration of rubber seals, or complete brake failure.
3. Most hydraulic uids, especially brake uid, attack and dissolve
NOTE: If you suspect that brake uid has contacted a painted
surface, immediately wash that surface with soap and water.
a. Cover fenders when adding brake uid.
b. Thoroughly wash hands immediately after contact with
brake uid.
4. Hydraulic uids, especially brake uid, must be capped tightly
to prevent dirt and moisture from contaminating the uid.
a. Small amounts of moisture can turn to steam when brake
uid becomes hot during brake application. The steam
reduces the effectiveness of the brakes.
b. Hydraulic uids must be stored in a designated area away
from heat, ame, or sparks.
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c. Never substitute other types of oil for hydraulic oil.
Nonhydraulic oil may harm rubber seals or fail under the
heat generated by the brake system.
II. Types and uses of greases
A. Grease is used when a lubricant must stay on parts for a long period
of time and endure high pressure. When working with grease, follow
the safety precautions below.
CAUTION: Wear PPE when working with greases.
1. Greasy rags are also subject to spontaneous combustion. Greasy
rags must be stored in a metal safety container with an airtight
lid built for this purpose.
2. Grease products must be stored in a designated area away from
heat, ame, or sparks. Wipe up grease spills and clean the area
immediately with soap and water.
3. Avoid prolonged contact with greases.
a. Short-term contact can cause skin irritation, chapping, or
drying of the skin.
b. Long-term contact can cause a variety of skin diseases that
includes cancer.
B. Multipurpose grease is suitable for lubricating such items as steering
linkage components and wheel bearings.
1. Multipurpose grease can also be used as an assembly glue when
packing bearings into a manual-shift transmission.
2. Read the information on the lubrication label before using
multipurpose grease to be sure that it is recommended for the
planned application.
C. Wheel bearing grease is suitable for steering linkage components as
well as wheel bearings. If packing wheel bearings in a disc brake or
high heat application, use an extreme-pressure (EP) wheel bearing
grease compatible with the disc brakes.
D. Brake grease is applied in small amounts to the backing plate on
vehicles equipped with drum brakes.
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E. Cam lubricant is sometimes included with a new camshaft. The
lubricant can help with breaking in the camshaft.
F. White lithium grease is a general-purpose lubricant available in a tube
or aerosol can. Uses of white lithium grease include hood hinges,
door hinges, cables, linkage, and shop equipment maintenance.
G. Stick lubricants are used on door strikers because they do not stain
H. Some light-colored greases, such as white lithium grease, are not
compatible with ATF and should not be used as an assembly glue or
as a prelube for internal transmission parts.
CAUTION: If noncompatible grease is used during automatic
transmission assembly, components in the valve body of the
transmission can become stuck, resulting in shifting problems.
I. Dielectric grease, available in a tube, is used to seal electrical
connections to prevent voltage leakage and keep out dirt, corrosion,
and moisture.
J. Brake system silicone compound is a greaselike lubricant that comes
in a tube. It is used to lubricate sliders, rubber parts, or plastic parts
on brake systems.
III. Types and uses of specialty additives
A. Specialty additives include oil treatment, gas treatment, transmission
conditioner, and starting ether. Refer to the container label for hazard
warnings and handling procedures.
CAUTION: Wear PPE when working with specialty additives.
B. Oil treatments are used to raise motor oil viscosity or to free sticking
valves or lifters. Raising the motor oil viscosity can extend engine life
by increasing oil pressure.
NOTE: Adding too much oil treatment can result in poor lubricating
properties or oil that exceeds the proper viscosity, especially in cold
C. Gas treatment is used to help reduce moisture in gasoline and
eliminate buildup of carbon, gum, and varnish in fuel lines. Gas
treatment usually contains alcohol. Excessive amounts of methanol
can destroy rubber carburetor or fuel system components and damage
the lining of the fuel tank.
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D. Transmission conditioner is added to automatic transmission uid to
prolong the life of the uid and improve the shifting performance of
worn transmissions.
E. Starting ether is sometimes used to start an engine in extreme cold.
The directions for using starting ether must be followed carefully.
CAUTION: Starting ether is extremely ammable and can create an
explosion if the engine backres.
IV. Types and uses of specialty chemicals
CAUTION: Wear PPE when working with specialty chemicals.
A. The two types of sealers are hardening and nonhardening.
1. Hardening sealers form a hard seal between components.
They are used to seal permanent assemblies and to ll gaps in
irregular surfaces.
2. Nonhardening sealers remain pliable. They are used in areas
that are exposed to vibration, expansion, and contraction.
a. Room temperature vulcanizing sealer (RTV), typically
available in a tube, is a special rubber that sets up at room
temperature and forms a seal between components. RTV is
used instead of a rubber or ber gasket. It is aerobic, which
means it cures when exposed to air.
NOTE: Some RTVs cannot be used on engines in vehicles
equipped with components such as oxygen sensors or
automatic transmissions.
b. Gasket sealers, applied with a brush or from a tube, help to
ensure a good seal between gaskets and irregular surfaces.
These sealers are anaerobic, which means they will cure
only in the absence of air.
c. Thread sealant is used to seal threads and bolts that are
exposed to liquids, usually either lubricating oil or coolant.
B. Locking and antiseize compounds
1. Locking compounds prevent a fastener from loosening by acting
as a lock washer. Locking compounds have various strengths
that range from “wrench removal” to “permanently bonded.”
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2. Antiseize compounds prevent threaded fasteners from becoming
permanently bonded to another component and are used
when the fastener is made of a different type of metal from the
component to which it is attached.
D. Two common adhesives are weather strip and gasket adhesive and
rearview mirror adhesive.
1. Weather strip and gasket adhesive is used to glue gaskets to
metal and weather strips to the vehicle’s doors and trunk.
2. Rearview mirror adhesive is used to glue inside rearview
mirrors to the windshield.
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I. Gases and the hazards they present
NOTE: Gases include those emitted from engine exhaust, vapors resulting
from evaporating fuel, and gases stored in pressurized containers.
A. Internal-combustion gasoline engines emit a variety of gases. Carbon
dioxide (CO
), water vapor, and sulfur dioxide (SO
) present few, if
any, health risks. Gases in the exhaust that present the most serious
health risks are carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HCs), and
oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
1. CO results from incomplete combustion of fuel and air in the
a. When inhaled, it displaces oxygen in the blood that causes
asphyxiation and death. CO has no noticeable odor, which
makes it particularly dangerous.
b. To avoid CO poisoning, exhaust fumes must always be
ventilated to the outside. Consult the instructor for the
proper use of exhaust ventilation equipment.
2. HCs contain hydrogen and carbon. Raw unburned gasoline is a
HC. Exhaust gas contains small amounts of HCs.
a. Excessive levels of HCs causes nausea, vomiting, and
possibly even cancer.
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b. To avoid inhaling HCs, exhaust fumes must always be
ventilated to the outside. Consult the instructor for the
proper use of exhaust ventilation equipment.
3. NOx are produced during high combustion temperatures.
NOx has a pungent odor and must be ventilated to the outside.
Consult the instructor for the proper use of exhaust ventilation
B. Fuel vapors, such as gasoline vapors, are extremely ammable and
toxic. Gasoline vapors can be released from the fuel tank or other
storage tanks and the engine carburetor. To avoid the risks of re and
explosion of fuel vapors, the following steps must be taken.
1. Gasoline destroys many types of containers and must be stored
in Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved containers. These
containers must then be stored in a metal safety cabinet away
from sparks and heat.
CAUTION: Never leave gasoline cans open or uncapped in
the shop area. Fumes can collect and explode.
2. Avoid gasoline spills. Wipe up spills immediately. Disconnect
and plug the fuel lines. Drain or siphon the fuel tank before
removing from the vehicle.
3. An empty fuel tank is dangerous because of gasoline fumes.
Never attempt to weld a fuel tank. This must be done only by
experienced professionals.
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4. Sparks and heat must be kept away from engine carburetors.
Even empty carburetors may contain gasoline residue and
fumes. Never make electrical ground connections to the
5. Consult the instructor for the proper disposal procedure in
the shop. Never pour gasoline down a sink or into the sewer.
Doing so is a serious violation of federal regulations.
C. Gases from the vehicle’s battery
1. Batteries produce hydrogen gas that can collect at the top of the
battery. The gas can explode if exposed to a spark or ame.
2. Keep sparks and ames away from the battery.
a. Inspect the battery in daylight, not with a lamp.
b. Do not wear jewelry that could contact the battery and
create a spark.
c. Do not smoke or have open ames around the battery.
d. Connect battery cables properly and use tools carefully
around the battery to prevent sparks.
D. Stored gases
1. Propane is hydrocarbon gas that is usually stored in metal
containers under pressure.
a. Propane is used in torches during some carburetor
adjustments, vacuum leak detection, and catalytic
converter tests.
b. Propane tanks must be stored away from heat and sparks.
The tank must never be punctured. Never discard a
propane tank that still contains pressure.
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2. Acetylene is a synthetic hydrocarbon gas commonly used for the
cutting and welding of metal.
a. Acetylene gas is extremely ammable and chemically
unstable. Acetylene, in conjunction with oxygen, presents
grave and unusual hazards.
b. Only experienced technicians, who have had extensive
safety training, should use an oxyacetylene torch set.
c. Oil presents the most prominent danger because it can
create an explosion in the presence of pure oxygen.
CAUTION: Never allow oil to contact any part of an
oxyacetylene torch set or use oxygen or acetylene as
compressed air.
E. R-12, or Freon, is a refrigerant gas used in air conditioning systems
prior to 1995. Since 1995, the environmentally safe R-134a has been
1. Refrigerant should not be directly inhaled or exposed to open
ame. Refrigerant is stored under pressure and creates extreme
cold when released.
2. Blindness can result if refrigerant contacts the eyes.
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3. The area should be well ventilated and personal protective
equipment (PPE) must be worn.
4. Never allow a refrigerant container to be punctured or stored
near heat.
II. The hazards of asbestos dust
CAUTION: Asbestos dust from brake linings and clutch discs is a
hazardous material that requires special precautions.
A. Until recently nearly all brake and clutch linings contained asbestos,
a material that can withstand extremely high temperatures. Asbestos
dust has been shown to cause lung cancer, even in minute quantities.
For this reason, special care must be exercised during brake and clutch
CAUTION: Some imported brake products may still contain
1. Never use compressed air to blow out brakes or clutches.
2. Wear a dust mask and use the proper dust evacuation system
when working on brake systems.
3. All old brake linings and clutch discs must be returned to a
tight-sealing box. Never leave these parts lying around the
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S 84
III. The hazards of battery acid
A. Vehicle batteries contain battery acid, also called electrolyte, which is
a solution of 40% sulfuric acid and 60% distilled water. Sulfuric acid,
made from sulfur dioxide, is a highly corrosive acid.
B. Observe the following safety precautions when cleaning and handling
a battery.
1. Wear PPE (goggles, face shield, apron, and gloves) when
inspecting, cleaning, or handling a battery.
CAUTION: Do not allow battery acid to contact the skin or
eyes because it causes serious burns and damage. The acid
will burn holes in clothing as well.
2. If battery acid contacts the skin, ush the area immediately with
plenty of water.
3. If battery acid contacts the eyes, ush the eyes with water
immediately for 30 minutes and seek medical attention.
4. Avoid rubbing the eyes or unprotected skin while working with
a battery to prevent contact with the acid.
5. Wash hands immediately after working with a battery.
6. If acid spills in the shop, neutralize the acid with a mixture of
baking soda and water, wipe up the spill, and rinse the area
with clear water. If acid gets on clothing, ush the clothing with
the baking soda and water mixture.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 85
I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plans
A. Lesson 1: Types of Wrenches
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L1-UIV: Wrenches
B. Lesson 2: Types of Screwdrivers and Pliers
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L2-UIV: Screwdrivers and Pliers
C. Lesson 3: Types of Hammers, Punches, and Chisels
1. Information outline
2. Assignment Sheet
a. AS1-L3-UIV: Hammers, Punches, and Chisels
III. Unit IV Test
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After completing this unit, students should be able to identify basic hand tools
and their uses. Students will demonstrate mastery of the material by completing
the assignment sheets and achieving a score of _____ on the Unit IV Test.
After completing the lessons in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify the differences between metric and USCS wrenches.
II. Identify the types and uses of common wrenches.
III. Identify the types and uses of socket wrenches.
IV. Identify the types and uses of other wrenches.
V. Complete the assignment sheet on wrenches (AS1-L1-UIV).
Lesson 2
I. Identify the types and uses of screwdrivers.
II. Identify the types and uses of pliers.
III. Complete the assignment sheet on screwdrivers and pliers (AS1-L2-UIV).
Lesson 3
I. Identify the types and uses of hammers.
II. Identify the types and uses of punches and chisels.
III. Complete the assignment sheet on hammers, punches, and chisels
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S 89
I. Metric and U.S. Customary System (USCS) wrenches
A. All technicians should have a set of both metric and USCS (also called
SAE) wrenches for loosening and tightening bolts and nuts.
1. Metric wrenches are sized per the measurement in millimeters
(mm) of the jaw opening, from face to face. The jaw size is
actually a little larger than the bolt or nut of the same size to
allow the jaw to t around the bolt or nut.
2. USCS wrenches are sized per the measurement in fractions of
an inch of the jaw opening, from face to face. The jaw size is
actually a little larger than the bolt or nut of the same size to
allow the jaw to t around the bolt or nut.
B. Metric and USCS wrenches are not interchangeable. For example, if
removing a 14-mm nut, a 9/16-in wrench is close in size but is not the
proper size to effectively remove the nut. The 9/16-in wrench may
slip and round off the sides of the nut. A 14-mm wrench should be
II. Common wrenches
A. The open-end wrench turns nuts and bolts that have already been
loosened. If too much torque or turning action is applied, it can
round off the corners of nuts or bolts. The ends of the wrench are set
at a 15° angle to reduce the distance the wrench is moved to grip the
next side of the hex head.
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B. The box wrench completely encircles the nut or bolt to grip all the
corners, which allows considerably more torque to be applied without
stripping the nut or bolt. This wrench is particularly useful for
loosening tight bolts and nuts. More time is required to turn loose
bolts with the box wrench.
C. The combination-end wrench is a combination open-end and box
wrench. It is a favorite of technicians because of its multiple uses.
D. A tubing wrench, or are nut wrench, has ends with a portion of one
side cut away so that the wrench may be slipped over a steel line.
Each end partially encircles the hex head of a nut or bolt. Steel line
ttings are usually brass and require this type of wrench to loosen a
tight tting without causing damage.
NOTE: In addition to the tubing wrench, an open-end wrench is used
to rmly hold the tting while attaching it to the steel line. Do not
allow the steel line to become twisted.
E. Maintenance
1. Wrenches should be kept free of dirt and grease and stored in a
dry place to prevent rust.
2. Wrenches with distorted jaws should be discarded.
F. Safety
1. Always use the proper size wrench. Do not use metric wrenches
on USCS bolts or vice versa.
2. Do not use a wrench as a hammer or pry bar.
III. Socket wrenches
A. This wrench is so named because it has a cylindrical socket (in the size
of the bolt) that ts down over the bolt, much like a box-end wrench.
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S 91
B. The socket wrench is the preferred tool of most technicians when they
work with nuts and bolts. Socket wrenches can be used in places that
are inaccessible to common wrenches and are faster at removing bolts.
C. The two basic parts of a socket wrench are the socket and bar or
1. Sockets come in metric and USCS sizes and are sized according
to the size of the bolt head they t and the size of the bar they
take. They are available in four point types: 4 point, 8 point, 6
point, and 12 point, with the 6-point and 12-point sockets being
the most commonly used.
a. A shallow 12-point socket is used for turning hexagonal
bolt heads in tight places because it offers twice as many
starting positions.
b. A shallow 6-point socket is used for turning hexagonal
bolt heads because it offers better grip and less chance of
rounding off the bolt head when excess torque is used.
c. A deep-well 12-point socket is used to turn nuts when a
bolt or stud protrudes through the nut enough to prohibit
the use of the shallow socket.
d. A deep-well 6-point socket is used in the same situation as
described above. It is particularly useful when there is a
risk of rounding off tight nuts.
e. Swivel sockets, or universal sockets, have a universal joint
built into the socket drive end that allows bolts and nuts
to be turned when it is not possible to get straight onto the
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f. Impact sockets are designed to withstand the great torque
and impact delivered by air impact tools. An impact
socket has thicker construction than a standard socket.
CAUTION: Do not use standard sockets on air impact
guns because the socket may shatter.
2. Bars and handles are used to turn the sockets. The drive end is
square and available in 1/4-in, 3/8-in, 1/2-in, and 3/4-in sizes.
NOTE: The 3/4-in size is used for large, heavy-duty bolts
that are found in trucks. The 1/2-in size is used on large
automotive bolts. The 3/8-in size is the most commonly used by
technicians. For very small work, the 1/4-in size is used because
of its compactness.
a. The breaker bar is a sturdy handle that is used when great
torque is required to loosen bolts and nuts. The end of the
breaker bar can swing to allow clearance.
NOTE: The length of the handle on the breaker bar
provides superior leverage for tight nuts and bolts.
b. The ratchet is the most commonly used handle for turning
sockets. By rotating back and forth, the ratchet turns nuts
and bolts in areas of limited access without being removed
after each partial turn.
The ratchet is not intended for use under extreme
torque because the teeth on the ratchet mechanism
may strip.
Some ratchets have heads that swivel, which allows
clearance while turning.
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c. Extension bars aid in reaching recessed bolts and nuts
by extending the ratchet drive end. Common extension
lengths include 3 in, 6 in, and 12 in. Many other lengths
are also available.
d. Speed handles and T-handles are occasionally used to
speed assembly. One advantage of these handles is they
do not place side stress on the extension and socket. These
handles are not used for the nal tightening.
e. A torque wrench is a special handle that indicates the
amount of twisting force (torque) that is being applied in
tightening a bolt.
This wrench is necessary when the torque of bolts
must meet manufacturer’s specications.
Some models have a scale or dial to indicate torque.
Others click or release momentarily when the preset
torque is reached.
Most recently, electronic versions are available that
have easily programmable and accessible torque
settings and indicate torque by vibrating, producing
an audible signal, and providing a digital display.
NOTE: Specications for the torque of bolts are extremely
important. If too much torque is applied, the surfaces
being joined or the bolt/nut will be damaged. If too little
torque is applied, the bolt may work loose.
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D. Occasionally, the technician must use a socket adapter on a socket to
ease bolt removal.
NOTE: The torque capacity of the socket and ratchet must be
considered so that the tool is not damaged or broken.
1. A size adapter allows the technician to use a different drive size
socket on the ratchet or torque wrench.
NOTE: Care must be exercised when adapting large breaker
bars down to smaller drive sockets because the torque capacity
of the small socket may be exceeded.
2. A universal adapter operates best when a socket has limited
access that prevents the ratchet and extension from engaging
straight onto the socket. These adapters cannot withstand great
amounts of torque.
E. Maintenance
1. Sockets and handles should be kept free of dirt and grease and
stored in a dry place to avoid rust.
2. Ratchet handles can become worn and should be reconditioned
if the ratchet starts to slip.
F. Safety
1. Ratchet handles can turn both counterclockwise and clockwise
and the lever that switches the direction should be rmly and
fully placed into its proper position.
2. Do not use a ratchet handle as a hammer or pry bar.
3. The exact size socket must always be used. Damaged sockets
should be discarded, because they can slip off a bolt.
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a. When using a socket on a damaged bolt head, be
especially careful so the wrench does not slip off and cause
an injury to the knuckle or hand.
b. Always be sure the socket is completely over the bolt head.
If the bolt head is so damaged that the socket cannot t
completely over the head, use another method of removal.
IV. Other wrenches
A. An Allen wrench is used on hex head fasteners, which contain a
cavity with six sides. A torx wrench is used on torx bolts, which
contain a cavity of six rounded points. This design reduces the risk of
stripping or disengaging the threads of small fasteners.
B. An adjustable wrench has a screw that allows the jaw to adjust to
different sizes. Under normal circumstances, technicians do not use
an adjustable wrench for turning nuts and bolts.
1. It has the disadvantage of not gripping as solidly as box-end
wrenches, and unless properly adjusted and in good condition,
may not grip as solidly as open-end wrenches.
2. An adjustable wrench may be used if the technician does not
have immediate access to the proper wrench and if torque
requirements are not too high.
C. Standard wrenches cannot be used on pipes because of the round
shape of pipes. The pipe wrench has teeth that dig in as the wrench
turns the pipe. The risk of scarring the pipe can be reduced by
placing a leather strap between the pipe and the wrench teeth.
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I. Screwdrivers
A. The standard screwdriver has a straight blade for turning screws with
a slot that is the same width and length as the screwdriver blade.
CAUTION: The standard screwdriver is not intended for use as a
pry bar, chisel, or gasket scraper. These misuses of the screwdriver
can damage the tool and injure the technician.
B. The Phillips screwdriver ts the crossed slot of a Phillips screw. One
advantage this screwdriver has over the standard one is when it is
inserted in the slot, it is self-centering.
1. Phillips screwdrivers are available in various tip sizes (e.g., #0,
#1, #2, #3, #4) with the lower number being the smallest.
2. A technician should not attempt to use a standard screwdriver
to turn a Phillips screw.
3. A good deal of pressure must be applied when using a Phillips
screwdriver or the tip may disengage the slot, damaging the
screw or the tool.
4. If the slot of a Phillips screw is stripped, it will have to be drilled
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C. The Pozidriv screwdriver is similar to the Phillips in that it is used on
a cross-slotted screw. However, the Pozidriv screwdriver and screw
head have four additional points of contact.
1. More torque can be applied with the Pozidriv screwdriver
because the blade will not slip out of the screw head as easily as
the Phillips screwdriver will.
2. Although not recommended because of improper t, a Phillips
screwdriver will turn a Pozidriv screw. A Pozidriv screwdriver,
however, will not turn a Phillips screw.
D. The torx screwdriver has a 6-point tip that is used on torx-head
E. Nut drivers have a handle and shaft like a screwdriver but have a
socket at the end of the shaft that is not removable. Because nut
drivers can be operated with greater speed than socket wrenches, they
are ideal for loosening and tightening the small nuts and bolts found
on vehicles.
F. Maintenance
1. Keep screwdrivers free of dirt and grease and store them in a
dry place to prevent rust.
2. Keep the heads in good condition, free from nicks.
G. Safety
1. The right size screwdriver should be used for each job.
a. The screwdriver should be the right length for access to
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b. The head of the screwdriver should match the head of the
screw (both type and size of the screw).
2. Do not try to use another tool, such as locking pliers, to grab the
handle of the screwdriver and get more leverage. If it cannot be
turned by hand, another tool is needed.
3. Use screwdrivers with insulated handles to prevent electric
4. Do not use a screwdriver as a punch or chisel.
II. Pliers
A. Standard slip-joint pliers are one of the most common types of pliers
used by technicians. These grip irregular parts and hold work during
B. Locking pliers are very similar to standard slip-joint pliers. By
turning a knob and then clamping the handles in place, the locking
pliers hold work securely.
CAUTION: When clamping or removing locking pliers, keep a
proper grip on the handles. The handles snap together and snap
apart with considerable force.
C. Adjustable-joint pliers have a long slot with a wide variety of
adjustment positions. The offset jaws of the adjustable-joint pliers
offer a reach advantage.
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D. Long-nose pliers, or needle-nose pliers, are useful for gripping tiny
pins and parts during the service of carburetors and other small
E. Diagonal-cutting pliers are used to cut electrical wire and tape as well
as a variety of other material. Diagonal-cutting pliers are well-suited
for removing cotter pins on front-end components.
CAUTION: Do not use on live electrical circuits.
CAUTION: Do not cut spring steel with diagonal-cutting pliers
because the pliers will be nicked and ruined.
F. Snap-ring pliers come in many styles and types. Snap-ring pliers are
required for spreading or compressing springy snap rings found in
transmissions. Snap-ring pliers are available that can remove internal
snap rings, external snap rings, or both.
G. Maintenance
1. Pliers should be kept free of dirt and grease and stored in a dry
place to prevent rust.
2. If the jaws of the pliers are held by a screw, the screw should be
kept snug.
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H. Safety
1. When working near electrical equipment, use pliers with
insulated handles.
2. Do not use pliers as a hammer.
3. Do not hammer on the handles.
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CAUTION: Wear protective eyewear at all times when using a hammer,
punch, or chisel to protect the eyes from ying metal chips. Never strike one
hammer with another, because hammer heads are very brittle and metal chips
can y off.
I. Hammers
A. The ball peen hammer is the most common hammer used for driving
punches and chisels. It has a domed head on one side and a at head
on the other.
B. A hand-held sledgehammer can be used when a great deal of driving
power is required.
C. A soft-faced hammer can be used to avoid damage to the work being
driven. The head can be made of brass, bronze, rubber, or rawhide as
these materials do minimal damage to iron and steel components.
D. A plastic-tip hammer is used when light driving power is needed and
a brass hammer could cause damage.
CAUTION: Do not use this hammer to drive punches and chisels.
It will destroy the plastic tip.
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E. A rubber mallet is useful for installing wheel covers. Always strike
the wheel cover evenly around the perimeter.
F. Maintenance
1. Hammers should be kept free of dirt and grease, with the faces
smooth and free of all foreign matter.
2. Hammers should be stored in a dry place to prevent rust.
G. Safety
1. Always be sure the head is secured rmly on the handle.
2. Be sure the handle is in good condition.
3. Strike a at-surfaced hammer at against the object being
struck, not at an angle.
II. Punches and chisels
A. Punches
1. A taper or starting punch is the most commonly used punch.
This punch is designed to drive out rivets after the heads have
been removed. It is also used to punch out straight and tapered
2. A pin punch is used when a small roll pin must be driven
through a hole.
3. The center punch is used to make a small dimple in metal prior
to drilling. This mark helps ensure that the hole will be drilled
in the proper place and that the drill bit will not move.
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4. A brass or bronze punch is used when in an area where
ammable liquid or gasoline is present. This ensures that no
sparks will be created.
B. Chisels
1. The standard cold chisel is used to cut and remove metal. The
end of the chisel should be ground to a sharp point on a 60°
2. Different chisel shapes are available for particular jobs. The
shapes include the round nose, diamond point, and half round.
These chisels are used to cut or chip metal.
C. Maintenance for punches and chisels
1. When the head of the punch or chisel mushrooms, the
mushrooming must be ground off with a grinding wheel.
2. When the cutting edge of the punch or chisel becomes dull and
chipped, it must be sharpened with a grinding wheel.
3. After a certain amount of maintenance with the grinding wheel,
the punch or chisel becomes too short or the edge becomes too
blunt. When this happens, it should be discarded.
4. Punches and chisels should be kept free of dirt and grease and
should be stored in a dry place to prevent rust.
D. Safety for punches and chisels
1. Always wear heavy gloves and safety glasses when working
with punches and chisels.
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2. Grind down a mushroomed head immediately. The
mushroomed metal may y off and cause injury. Also, the
hammer slips off of a mushroomed head more easily.
3. Punches should be tapped gently rather than with brute
force. Usually several light hits on the head work better for all
purposes than a heavy hit.
4. Use a chisel holder to minimize the risk of missing the chisel and
hitting a hand.
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I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plans
A. Lesson 1: Specialty Tools
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L1-UV: Specialty Tool Uses
B. Lesson 2: Fasteners
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L2-UV: Common Vehicle Fasteners
C. Lesson 3: Measuring Tools
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L3-UV: Use and Care of Measuring Tools
III. Unit V Test
AutomotIve technology
S 108
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 109
After completing this unit, students should be able to identify the types and
uses of specialty tools, fasteners, and precision measuring tools. Students will
demonstrate mastery of the material by completing the assignment sheets and
achieving a score of _____ on the Unit V Test.
After completing the lessons in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify the types and uses of specialty tools.
II. Complete the assignment sheet on specialty tool uses (AS1-L1-UV).
Lesson 2
I. Identify common fasteners used on vehicles.
II. Identify tools and methods for cutting threads, repairing damaged threads,
and removing broken bolts.
III. Complete the assignment sheet on common vehicle fasteners
Lesson 3
I. Identify the types and uses of measuring tools.
II. Identify the procedures for the use and care of measuring tools.
III. Complete the assignment sheet on the use and care of measuring tools
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S 110
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 111
I. Types and uses of specialty tools
A. Special cutting tools
1. Hacksaws cut metal parts to size or shape and remove damaged
a. The hacksaw cuts on the forward stroke only and is lifted
on the return stroke.
b. Hacksaws are sized according to blade length. When
installing the blade, point the teeth away from the handle
and tightly secure the blade.
CAUTION: Always wear safety glasses and heavy
gloves when using a hacksaw. The blade can break. In
addition, be sure to rmly secure the object being sawed.
2. Tubing cutters cut without bending, kinking, or scarring the
a. The cutter is placed on a piece of tubing and tightened as it
is rotated.
b. Tubing cutters vary in size according to the diameter of the
tube they are designed to cut.
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3. A hand reamer smooths or enlarges holes. Both straight and
tapered reamers are used. Straight reamers may be either xed
in size or adjustable through a specic cutting range.
4. Files smooth or shape metal. Files are designed in various
shapes for different tasks and have different teeth designs for
ne or rough work.
CAUTION: Use a handle on the le to prevent hand injury.
Never hammer on or use a le as a pry bar. Files are brittle
and can shatter with dangerous results.
CAUTION: Always wear safety goggles and heavy gloves
when working with a le.
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S 113
B. Electrical system tools
1. The digital multimeter (DMM) checks the condition of electrical
system components.
a. This test device is a voltmeter, ohmmeter, and ammeter all
in one.
b. A DMM has two leads, one black and one red. One end
of the lead is plugged into the DMM. The other end is a
2. A scan tool is used to diagnose electrical problems. The tool is
connected to the vehicle’s data link connector (DLC) to retrieve
diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and engine sensor information
that are generated by the vehicle’s on-board diagnostics system.
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3. An oscilloscope, or scope, is a voltmeter that displays voltage
in relation to time, showing voltage vertically and time
horizontally. Its connections are similar to a DMM.
a. It produces a line on a cathode ray tube (CRT) or liquid
crystal display (LCD) when connected to circuit voltage.
b. A circuit problem can be found by comparing the line
“pattern” to a known good pattern.
4. The continuity light checks power in various circuits. One end
of the light is grounded and the other end is pressed into the
electrical device.
NOTE: The continuity light should never be used to check the
power supply of electronic components.
5. A timing light determines if the ignition system is delivering
electric charge to the spark plugs at the correct time.
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S 115
6. The remote starter switch allows the technician to use the starter
to crank the engine without actually being in the vehicle.
C. Battery specialty tools
1. A cable puller removes the cable from the battery terminal
without breaking the cable or battery posts.
2. Terminal and post cleaners clean the posts and terminal ends.
3. A battery lifting tool and carrying strap lifts and transports the
battery safely.
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D. Lubrication specialty tools
1. A transmission funnel is a funnel with a long, small, exible
neck that is ideal for adding transmission uid.
2. An oil lter removing tool is a wrench or socket adapter that ts
around an oil lter to remove it.
3. A grease gun forces grease into ttings. Pressure is created by
hand action on the gun’s lever.
E. Miscellaneous specialty tools
1. A blowgun uses compressed air to clean or dry various items in
the shop.
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S 117
2. The C-clamp is a holding device that is commonly used to
compress the calipers on oating caliper disc brake systems.
3. A puller set functions to remove objects (e.g., gears, bearings)
that are pressed onto a shaft, pull objects (e.g., retainers, oil
seals) from various openings, and remove shafts (e.g., pinion
shafts, transmission shafts ) from another object.
4. Pressure gauges test the air and uid pressure in various
components such as the tires, oil pump, and fuel pump.
5. Vacuum gauges check the condition of the engine and various
vacuum-operated components. Gauges compare the pressure
in a component to atmospheric pressure at sea level.
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 119
I. Common vehicle fasteners
NOTE: Vehicles use many types of fasteners to hold various components
together and technicians need to be familiar with each type. Some of the
more common types of threaded fasteners include nuts and bolts, washers,
screws, and studs. Other common fasteners include snap rings, rivets, and
NOTE: American automobile manufacturers have largely switched to the
metric system of sizing fasteners and threads.
A. Nuts and bolts in the U.S. Customary System (USCS)
1. Bolt diameters come in increments of 1/16 in, starting with 1/4
in. The measurement is the overall diameter of the bolt threads.
NOTE: It is easiest to measure the unthreaded or shank portion
of the bolt.
2. The length of a bolt is its effective length measured from under
the head to the end of the threads. Bolt lengths usually come
in 1/4-in increments, starting from 1/2 in. The longest bolts
normally used in the eld are 6 in.
3. Thread type is either ne or coarse. Do not thread
ne-threaded bolts into coarse threads or vice versa.
NOTE: Nuts are very difcult to measure for diameter, so it is
usually best to trial t the nut onto a bolt and then measure the
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4. Thread size is determined by measuring the number of threads
per inch. A thread gauge, available in both metric and USCS,
can be used to determine the thread size of bolts.
5. The strength of a bolt is important. A bolt that is not strong
enough can break. The strength or hardness of a bolt is
determined by counting the points or slashes on the head of the
CAUTION: Never substitute a bolt with one of less strength.
A lower strength bolt may break and cause injury and system
a. Grade 1 or 2 bolts have no points and are unsuitable for
automobile assembly due to their unknown and possibly
low strength.
b. Grade 5, or 3-point, bolts have three points on the head.
These bolts are the most common in automobile assembly.
c. Grade 8, or 6-point, bolts have six points on the head.
These bolts are expensive but very strong and are used in
high-stress conditions. Examples of grade 8 bolts include
harmonic balancer bolts, ywheel bolts, and steering
linkage bolts. Never substitute a lower grade bolt for a
grade 8.
6. Right-hand thread nuts and bolts are the most common and turn
clockwise to tighten. Left-hand thread nuts and bolts also are
available that turn the opposite way. Left-hand nuts and bolts
have notches cut at the corners of the hex head or the letter “L”
stamped on them.
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S 121
NOTE: Very old automobiles (built before 1960), Chrysler
products up until the early 1970s, and Ford vans up through the
mid 1980s have left-hand thread wheel lugs only on the driver’s
B. Nuts and bolts in the metric system
1. The diameter of a metric bolt or nut is measured in the same
way as in the USCS; however, the diameter of a metric bolt is
expressed in millimeters.
2. The bolt is measured for its effective length from under the head
to the end of the threads.
3. Thread size in the metric system is determined by measuring the
distance from the crest of one thread in millimeters to the crest
of the next thread.
4. Metric bolt strength is indicated by a number stamped on the
bolt head. This number is called the property class. Examples
of property class numbers include 4.6, 4.8, 5.8, 8.8, 9.8, and 10.9.
The higher the number, the stronger the bolt.
CAUTION: Never substitute a bolt with one of less strength.
A lower strength bolt may break and cause injury and system
C. Washers are frequently used with threaded fasteners.
1. They t onto a bolt or screw between the surface being fastened
and the nut, or under the bolt or screw head.
2. They have two main functions.
a. Improve the fastening ability by increasing the area that is
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b. Prevent the bolt or nut from damaging the part surface
D. Many sizes and types of screws are used to fasten automotive parts.
Two of the more common types are the following:
1. Machine screws are used in threaded holes to clamp small parts
2. Self-tapping screws (also called sheet metal screws) have hard,
tapering threads that make their own threads when driven into
a surface.
E. Studs have threads on each end and no head. Some studs have
threads throughout their length.
1. Fastening with studs is accomplished by threading one end
of the stud into a part, placing another part over the stud, and
fastening the other end of the stud with a nut.
2. Studs are useful for achieving accurate alignment of parts.
F. Snap rings (also called retaining rings) are used to hold components
such as shafts, bearings, and gears in place.
1. Internal snap rings t in a groove inside an opening and external
snap rings t in a groove on the outside of a part.
2. Snap-ring pliers are required for installing and removing snap
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 123
G. A rivet is a nonthreaded metal pin with a head on one end. Rivets are
available in different designs and are typically made of copper, steel,
or aluminum.
1. Rivets are used to fasten parts that are not usually taken apart.
2. Parts are joined together with a rivet by putting the rivet
through a hole in the parts and hammering the headless end
with a ball peen hammer or hammer and rivet set until the end
is rounded.
3. Rivets are removed by cutting off the head with a chisel and
driving out the pin with a punch.
H. Various types of adhesives, or glues, are used to bond parts together.
Parts that may be glued include trim, moldings, and various plastic
and rubber parts.
CAUTION: When using adhesives, it is important to follow the
manufacturer’s specications because some adhesives are toxic,
ammable, and harmful if inhaled.
II. Cutting threads, repairing damaged threads, and removing broken bolts
A. Using a tap to cut threads into a hole
1. Types of taps
a. The taper tap is the most commonly used tap because the
taper allows easy starting. It cannot cut threads to the
bottom of a blind hole, a hole that does not go completely
through the metal.
b. The plug tap cuts threads part of the way to the bottom of
a blind hole.
c. A bottoming tap cuts threads all the way to the bottom of a
blind hole but cannot start the cutting process. A taper tap
must be used before the bottoming tap.
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d. The machine screw tap cuts the small-diameter threads of
numbered screw sizes.
2. The sequence for cutting threads with a tap is shown below.
3. General procedure for using a tap
CAUTION: Before drilling a hole to cut threads, choose the
correct drill bit size for the thread size. Failure to use the
correct drill bit size can result in a broken tap or inadequate
thread depth.
a. First apply a thread cutting oil.
b. Start the handle with the tap straight and then make a half
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c. After each partial turn, back the tap off until the metal
chips begin to break loose.
d. Repeat this process until all of the needed threads are cut.
Add oil as needed during the process.
B. Using a die to cut threads onto a rod
1. A special die stock holds the die for the cutting process.
2. Dies are selected in the same manner as taps, but the die can be
improperly placed in the die stock. The die should be positioned
in the die stock so that the tapered end engages the rod rst.
3. General procedure for using a die
a. First apply a thread cutting oil.
b. Put the tapered side of the die on the rod.
c. Start the die stock with the die straight and then make a
half turn.
d. After each partial turn, back the die off until the metal
chips begin to break loose.
e. Repeat this process until all of the needed threads are cut.
Add oil as needed during the process.
C. Procedures for repairing damaged or stripped threads
1. Chasing threads involves using a standard tap or die to run
through existing threads of the same size. The purpose of this
procedure is to correct small imperfections that interfere with the
threading of the nut or bolt.
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NOTE: Use a thread cutting oil during this procedure.
2. When threads in a hole are so severely damaged that they cannot
be adequately repaired by chasing, a helicoil can be installed to
restore the threads back to their original sizes. The basic steps
for this procedure are as follows:
a. Completely drill out the old, damaged threads with a drill
bit supplied in the helicoil kit.
b. Tap with a special tap from the kit.
c. With a special handle, screw in an insert that looks like
a spring or coil. The inside of this coil is the same as the
original thread of the hole.
3. A thread insert can also be used to repair damaged threads. The
insert is almost identical to the helicoil but is somewhat larger. It
is retained in place by driving down four pins around the insert.
4. Thread repair cement can be used on low-torque applications.
The cement is applied to the bolt, and the bolt is then placed
back into the damaged hole. New threads are molded as the
glue-like substance hardens.
D. Procedures for removing a bolt that is broken off in a threaded hole
because of overtightening
1. A screw extractor can be used to remove bolts. The screw
extractor has utes or grooves that spiral in a counterclockwise
a. Drill a hole in the center of the broken bolt.
b. Insert a screw extractor in the hole.
c. Use the tap handle to rotate the extractor and bolt
counterclockwise and remove them as a unit from the bolt
2. Remove a bolt that is not bound to the threaded hole.
a. Drive a sharp punch into the center of the bolt.
b. Use pliers to retrieve the bolt.
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NOTE: Breakage due to the wrong thread design,
a cross-threaded bolt, or a bolt that is bottomed out in the
hole can make removal difcult. Drill out the bolt and
retap the hole. Use the correct bolt and start it into the hole
with the ngers.
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S 129
I. Types and uses of common measuring tools
NOTE: Some vehicle components, particularly in the engine and
transmission, contain precision machined parts that require precise
measurements for inspection or replacement.
A. The outside micrometer is used when an outside measurement must
be accurate to .001 in or less. Parts requiring these measurements
include crankshafts, pistons, valves, and camshafts.
B. The inside micrometer is used when a measurement of the diameter
of a hole must be accurate to less than .001 in. Examples of such holes
are cylinder bores and main bearing bores.
C. The depth micrometer makes precise depth measurements of holes or
cavities. For example, it can be used to measure the distance from the
center of the crankshaft to the top of the engine block (deck height)
and the distance from the top of the piston to the top of the engine
block (piston deck clearance).
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D. The dial indicator tool measures thrust, back-and-forth movement,
and runout (side-to-side play). These measurements are made
on valves, crankshafts, and ywheels. The dial indicator can also
measure the backlash or movement between gear teeth.
E. A feeler gauge measures air gaps and clearance between moving
parts and has numerous at leaves of different specic thicknesses.
F. A dial caliper is used for inside, outside, and depth measurements.
One application is measuring bolts and small machined parts.
G. Plastigage is a tiny strip of clay-like material that measures clearances
such as between engine bearings and their journals and main bearings
and connecting rod bearings. The strips are color coded according to
the clearance range.
II. Procedures for the use and care of measuring tools
CAUTION: The proper care and use of precision measuring tools
are critical to the accuracy and long life of the tool. An incorrect
measurement can result in expensive component failure.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 131
A. Use an outside micrometer.
1. Before using an outside micrometer, become familiar with its
parts. See the illustration below.
2. Read the outside micrometer.
NOTE: The outside micrometer does not readily display the
measurement. Some addition is required in order to arrive at
the micrometer reading. The technician must develop a feel for
the outside micrometer in order to achieve accurate results.
a. Place the object to be measured between the anvil and
spindle and turn the thimble until the object is lightly
contacted by the anvil and spindle. Lock the spindle and
remove the micrometer from the object.
b. Read the number indicated on the micrometer sleeve
(upper scale). Each number represents one tenth (.100) of
an inch.
c. Add 25 thousandths (.025) of an inch for each additional
line showing on the sleeve (lower scale) past the number.
d. Add the number of thousandths (.001) of an inch indicated
on the thimble.
e. Add the number of inches of the minimum dimension that
the micrometer can read 0 in through 5 in.
B. Reading an inside micrometer and depth micrometer is similar to
reading an outside micrometer. Be sure to add the correct gure for
the minimum measurement.
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C. Use the dial indicator.
1. Securely attach the dial indicator so it will not move and give
inaccurate readings. The dial indicator is positioned with a
clamp-on base or with a magnetic base.
2. Position the plunger against the part being measured.
3. Rotate the indicator until the needle is on zero. If making a
thrust measurement, the shaft or gear that is to be measured
must rst be pried one way.
4. Rotate the part for runout measurements or pry the gear or shaft
for thrust measurements, and note the reading in thousandths of
an inch on the dial.
D. Use the feeler gauge.
1. Select a sample leaf and make a trial t between the two
NOTE: The thickness of the leaf is printed on the leaf.
2. If the leaf is too loose or too tight, try another leaf.
3. When there is a slight, smooth drag as the feeler gauge is
removed, the correct leaf has been found. The size printed on
the feeler gauge is the clearance.
4. After use, put a little oil on the leaves to prevent rust.
E. Use a dial caliper.
NOTE: A dial caliper is accurate to approximately + or - 0.002 in.
When more precision is required, use a micrometer.
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S 133
1. Before using a dial caliper, become familiar with its parts. See
the illustration below.
2. Adjust the dial caliper with the roll knob until the jaws lightly
contact the work.
3. Read the measurement on the linear scale and add the reading
on the dial.
F. Use Plastigage.
1. Select a small piece of Plastigage material.
2. Place the Plastigage material on the crankshaft journal. The
Plastigage piece must span the full width of the journal and be
centered with the bearing cap.
3. Install the bearing cap and tighten to the proper torque.
4. Remove the bearing cap and inspect the Plastigage. It should
appear somewhat smashed. Compare the width to the paper
gauge on the Plastigage package.
G. Care of measuring tools
1. Adjust precision measuring tools carefully. For example,
only very slight pressure is needed to tighten the thimble on a
micrometer. Overtightening can destroy the adjustment.
2. Do not attempt to adjust measuring tools with the lock on.
3. Always store measuring tools in their case or in a safe place to
protect them from damage, grease, dirt, and moisture.
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4. Check the calibration of precision measuring tools frequently.
Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 135
I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plans
A. Lesson 1: Power Tools
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L1-UVI: Power Tools and Their Uses
B. Lesson 2: Shop Equipment
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L2-UVI: Shop Equipment Use
III. Unit VI Test
AutomotIve technology
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 137
After completing this unit, students should be able to identify characteristics
and the proper use of power tools and equipment used in the automotive eld.
Students will demonstrate mastery by completing the assignment sheets and
achieving a score of ____ on the Unit VI Test.
After completing the lessons in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify the principles of using various types of power tools.
II. Identify the characteristics and safe use of power drills.
III. Identify the characteristics and safe use of power wrenches.
IV. Identify the characteristics of miscellaneous power tools.
V. Complete the assignment sheet on power tools and their uses
Lesson 2
I. Identify the characteristics and safe use of electrical equipment.
II. Identify the characteristics and safe use of pneumatic equipment.
III. Identify the characteristics and safe use of hydraulic equipment.
IV. Complete the assignment sheet on shop equipment use (AS1-L2-UVI).
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S 139
I. Principles of using power tools
A. Electric tools
NOTE: Electric hand tools are still in use in shops, but some have
been replaced by pneumatic (air-operated) equipment, which is
usually lighter.
1. Electric tools are driven by an electric motor.
2. Using electrical equipment is a matter of common sense and
using good safety practices.
3. Safety
a. As with any electrical devices, be aware of the dangers of
electric shock.
b. Do not stand on wet ground or a wet surface when
operating an electric tool.
c. Always check that the power cord will not be damaged by
the operation of the equipment and do not run over power
cords with any heavy object.
d. Always check that the power cord is not frayed or worn.
e. All electric tools must have a three-pronged plug unless
the tool is double insulated. Double-insulated tools cannot
short to the outside case and require only a two-prong
f. Do not eliminate the ground terminal of a three-prong
plug by using an adapter or clipping the terminal.
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g. Do not put cords in water or across moving machinery.
h. Wrap up cords carefully after use and store them properly.
i. Keep hands and clothing away from the moving parts of
electrical equipment.
j. When inspecting or making adjustments to electric tools,
always disconnect them from the power supply.
4. Maintenance
a. Check the service manual for the equipment being used.
b. Electrical equipment should be kept free of dirt and grease
and should be stored in an area that is dry and free of dust.
B. Pneumatic tools
1. Pneumatic tools are powered by compressed air.
2. Pneumatic tools have advantages over electric tools. They
are lighter and, unlike electric tools, are not damaged by
overloading or stalling.
3. Although there are dangers associated with compressed air, the
dangers are not as great as those associated with electricity.
4. Safety
a. Operate air tools only for their intended purpose.
b. Air impact guns, air hammers, and air drills can create
ying metal chips that are dangerous to the eyes. Wear
protective eyewear at all times when working with or
around air tools.
CAUTION: Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
when ying metal chips are possible.
c. Pneumatic tools produce a great deal of power. Using an
improper attachment or placing the attachment on the tool
incorrectly can result in breakage. Use only impact sockets
on air impact guns.
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d. Water and oil can accumulate in air compressors. These
should be drained daily. It is possible for compressed air
to carry infection even with daily draining.
CAUTION: Do not play with compressed air blowguns
or hoses. The high-pressure air stream on the skin can
cause severe infection, require the amputation of a limb,
and cause death.
e. Pneumatic tools create a great deal of noise. Wear ear
plugs, ear muffs, or other types of ear protection.
f. Do not look into the air-outlet valve or nozzle on any piece
of air-powered equipment.
g. Do not grab the movable portion of an air-powered tool
with the hand when it is hooked up to the air line.
h. When inspecting or making adjustments to pneumatic
tools, always disconnect them from the air supply.
5. Maintenance of pneumatic equipment
a. Before any new air tool is used, three or four squirts of
ushing oil should be applied to the air inlet to ush any
dirt or moisture from the rotor and to lubricate the moving
parts. Do not use ushing oil around an open ame—the
ushing oil is ammable.
b. Oil pneumatic tools regularly according to manufacturer
c. Pneumatic equipment should be kept free of dirt and
grease and should be stored in an area that is dry and free
of dust.
d. Care should be taken that no foreign matter enters the
nipple opening of the couplings on pneumatic equipment.
6. Basic designs of pneumatic tools
a. Rotary — The air drives a rotor (turbine) that spins a shaft
and provides the power.
b. Reciprocating — The air drives a piston that is forced back
and forth by the compressed air.
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NOTE: The exceptions to the above two kinds are
blowguns and paint-spraying equipment, which use a
direct stream of air.
7. Pneumatic couplings
a. Pneumatic equipment is connected to air supply
equipment through quick couplers.
b. The quick coupler is on the end of the air supply hose and
connects into a nipple on the equipment.
c. On some tools, the manufacturer recommends attaching a
short leader hose to the tool and installing the nipple at the
end of the leader hose.
d. The quick coupler operates by pulling back a collar on the
coupler, which allows the nipple to be inserted into the
coupler. When the collar is released, it locks the nipple
into the coupler.
C. Cordless tools
1. These tools use a battery cell as the power supply, instead of
electricity from a wall outlet.
2. They are convenient in shops due to portability and the absence
of power cords; however, frequent recharging is necessary.
3. Safety
a. Always disconnect a cordless tool from its battery before
inspecting it and making adjustments to it.
b. Use only the battery specied by the manufacturer for the
tool being used.
c. Always store battery packs safely so that no metal can
come in contact with the terminals. Contacting the
terminal can short-circuit the battery and cause sparks, re,
or burns.
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D. Hydraulic tools
NOTE: Most hydraulic tools t in the category of shop equipment,
which is discussed in the next lesson.
1. Hydraulic tools use pressurized uid within a cylinder to create
great pressure.
2. The uid is hydraulic uid, a petroleum product that is much
like oil.
3. The hydraulic pressure within the tool is created by air pressure
or the manual pumping of a handle.
4. Common hydraulic tools and equipment used in the shop
include jacks, lifts, hoists, and presses.
5. Safety
a. Before operating a hydraulic tool, inspect its parts to make
sure none are damaged or deteriorated.
b. Keep hydraulic hoses away from potential damage such
as grease, oil, sharp objects, and hot surfaces.
c. Before using a hydraulic tool, consult the manufacturer’s
information to be sure it is appropriate for the task and
that the task will not exceed the tool’s load limit.
d. Check hydraulic tools frequently for leaks. Leaks can
cause the tool to fail, with dangerous results.
6. Maintenance
a. Check the service manual for the tool being used.
b. Inspect tool components and report any damage, leaks, or
deterioration to the instructor.
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II. Power drills
A. Electric drills can be used interchangeably with pneumatic drills.
B. Drills are used with drill bits to drill holes or with special attachments
to remove rust or gasket material.
C. Electric drills use an electric motor to drive a chuck, a device that
holds the drill bit in place and aligns it properly. Pneumatic tools use
a rotor, which drives the chuck.
D. A chuck key is used to loosen and tighten the chuck. Drills are also
available with keyless chucks.
E. The size of the drill is determined by the maximum diameter of the
drill bit shaft that the chuck holds. For example, a 1/4-in drill holds a
drill bit with a shaft diameter no larger than 1/4 in. The most popular
sizes are 1/4 in, 3/8 in, and 1/2 in.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 145
F. Drill bits
1. Drill bits come in various sizes and lengths and are
interchangeable between electric and pneumatic drills. When
looking for a particular size of drill bit, use a drill gauge.
2. Drill bits are made of high-grade steel and, if used properly,
they seldom need sharpening.
3. Drill bits are sized according to the size of hole they drill. Do
not use metric drills in place of United States Customary System
(USCS) drills or vice versa. If a 12-mm hole is required, use a
12-mm bit.
G. Safety for power drills
1. Make sure the bit is tightly seated in the chuck, securing it by
turning the chuck key in each hole. Be sure to remove the chuck
key before starting the drill.
2. Make sure the work is rmly secured before starting to drill.
3. Keep a rm grip on the drill and be ready to shut it off if it jams.
Drills often jam just as they are about to penetrate what they are
4. If an electric drill jams, turn the drill off and pull it back out,
then start it and continue to drill the hole. The same procedure
should be performed for restarting a pneumatic drill. Such
jamming may damage an electric drill.
5. Remove the bit from the drill when the work is completed.
III. Power wrenches
A. Impact wrenches
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S 146
1. These tools can be either pneumatic or electric and are used to
drive impact sockets to loosen or tighten nuts and bolts.
2. They use sockets that are specially made to have greater
strength than standard sockets.
3. The wheel torque socket, also called torque stick, is a type of
socket commonly used with impact wrenches.
a. Torque sticks are long-shafted sockets that work in
combination with an impact wrench to install lug nuts on
b. They are designed to ex when the proper torque is
reached, helping to prevent the damage that can result
from overtorquing.
c. The sticks are color coded per socket diameter and torque
CAUTION: Torque sticks are designed for tightening
lug nuts, not loosening them; using torque sticks to
loosen lug nuts will damage the sticks.
4. Using impact wrenches
a. A built-in regulator allows for adjustments in speed and
torque. However, do not rely on the regulator to adjust the
amount of torque accurately. Final tightening should be
done with a torque wrench.
b. Hold the wrench with a slight forward pressure on the bolt
or nut.
c. Soak rusty bolts and nuts with penetrating oil before using
an impact wrench to loosen them.
d. A switch can change the impact wrench from
counterclockwise to clockwise operation.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 147
B. Air ratchet
1. Is a smaller version of the impact wrench and usually uses a
1/4-in or 3/8-in drive lug
2. Delivers less force than the impact wrench and standard sockets
may be used with it
3. Has a switch to change it from clockwise to counterclockwise
NOTE: An air ratchet should be used only to snug a bolt. A
conventional ratchet or torque wrench should be used to
complete the tightening of a bolt.
C. Air chisel (air hammer)
1. Uses reciprocating motion to provide rapid impact force, much
like a rapid series of short hammer blows
2. Attachments available include cutters, chisels, and punches
3. Often used to break welds loose, cut rivets, punch holes, and
shear sheet metal
D. Safety for power wrenches
1. Always wear PPE when using power wrenches.
2. When operating an impact wrench, only use sockets that are
made for impact wrenches. If a standard socket is used, it may
break or be damaged and y off of the tool.
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S 148
3. Be sure that the chisel in the air chisel is rmly secured and that
the cutting edge is sharp.
IV. Miscellaneous power tools
A. Heat guns
1. Heat guns are hand-held heaters that use forced air passing
through heated coils.
2. They are used in various repair procedures to soften, loosen, and
thaw vehicle components. Specic uses include softening vinyl;
loosening sleeves/trim and adhesives; thawing frozen locks,
wipers, and weather strips; and heating decals for easy removal.
B. Tire burnishing tool
1. The tire burnishing tool is used for tire repair.
2. The wheel makes the rubber on the inside of the tire rough. This
prepares the rubber for the application of a tire patch.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 149
C. Mini die grinder
1. A mini die grinder is used for cutting metal; removing gasket
material; and cleaning brake rotors, backing plates, and pad
2. The grinder illustrated has a head angled at 90° for easy access
and handling.
D. Blowguns
1. A blowgun is a pneumatic attachment that directs a small,
powerful stream of air.
2. A blowgun is used to clean and dry surfaces to be painted and
to clean dust from shop equipment.
CAUTION: Only blowguns that have an approved pressure
limiter should be used in the shop. A proper blowgun
attachment limits the maximum pressure to 30 pounds per
square inch (psi).
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 151
NOTE: The term “shop equipment” refers to large or expensive pieces of
equipment or tools, which are generally provided by the shop owner.
I. Electrical equipment
A. Shops equipped to mount tires have a wheel balancer.
1. Many shops now use computerized wheel balancers. Wheel
balancers are used to equally distribute weight around the
wheel’s centerline.
2. Safety
a. Consult the instructor before using the wheel balancer.
b. As with any electrical devices, be aware of the dangers of
electric shock.
c. Do not stand on wet ground or a wet surface when
operating electrical equipment.
d. Ensure the guards are in place before operating the wheel
balancer. Be aware of the rotating mass that could cause
injury if contact is made.
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S 152
B. A bench grinder is a common piece of shop equipment.
1. A bench grinder is generally used to maintain tools that have
become dull and to grind sharp edges from metal pieces.
2. The grinder is mounted to a bench and is powered by an electric
3. In addition to the grinding wheel, the grinder can be used with a
wire wheel that cleans rust and dirt off parts.
4. Safety
a. As with any electrical devices, be aware of the dangers of
electric shock.
b. Always wear safety glasses and a particle mask when
working with a bench grinder. Wear a respirator, as
needed, for grinding certain materials.
c. Be sure that clothing, hair, and other combustibles in the
area are protected from the sparks given off by the grinder.
d. The bench grinder should have a tool rest platform in front
of each abrasive wheel, in addition to a wheel guard and
an eye shield.
e. Do not put excessive pressure on the wheel because it
could break apart. Do not use wheels that are broken or
f. Follow the bench grinder manufacturer’s
recommendations for removing and replacing grinding
wheels. Do not overtighten the spindle nut.
g. When grinding small parts, never hold the parts by hand.
The parts can be very hot and easily propelled through
the air by the wheel. Use standard slip-joint pliers to hold
small parts.
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S 153
h. Abrasive wheels are designed for specic types of metals.
Do not grind aluminum on grinding wheels designed for
steel. Aluminum chips will clog the wheel’s surface.
C. Some shops have a drill press for drilling holes in metal parts.
1. Maintenance
a. Inspect bits regularly. Sharp bits cut better and are less
likely to break.
b. Oil the bit as needed to prevent binding.
2. Safety
a. As with any electrical devices, be aware of the dangers of
electric shock.
b. A full face shield and protective eyewear should be worn.
c. Parts drilled by the press must be securely held by a vise
or standard slip-joint pliers. This prevents the work from
spinning out of control and cutting hands.
d. When using the drill press, do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Do not allow long hair to hang freely.
D. A variety of electrical test and service equipment can be found in the
shop. Each piece of equipment has its unique safety considerations.
Consult the instructor before using a new piece of equipment.
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S 154
E. General maintenance guidelines for electrical equipment
1. Check the service manual for the equipment being used.
2. Electrical equipment should be kept free of dirt and grease and
should be stored in an area that is dry and free of dust.
II. Pneumatic equipment can be permanently attached to the shop air
compressor or temporarily attached to the compressor by rubber hoses.
A. An air compressor provides the compressed air needed to operate
pneumatic hand tools and equipment in the shop.
1. Compressors are usually operated by an electric motor and are
composed of the following three main parts.
a. Motor
b. Compressor
c. Storage tank
2. The motor drives a compressor that takes in the air around it,
compresses it into a smaller volume (thus increasing pressure),
and then stores the compressed air in a large storage tank.
3. Maintenance
a. Check the oil each week and maintain the oil at the proper
b. Drain water from the tank and check the air-safety valve
each day.
c. Change the oil, check the belt condition and tension,
and clean the air-intake breather per manufacturer’s
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 155
4. Safety
a. Always disconnect an air compressor from the power
before inspecting or making adjustments to it.
b. Before operating an air compressor, inspect its parts to
make sure none are damaged.
c. Make sure the electrical outlet for the air compressor is
properly grounded.
d. Water and oil can accumulate in air compressors. These
should be drained daily. It is possible for compressed air
to carry infection even with daily draining.
CAUTION: Do not play with compressed air blowguns
or hoses. The high-pressure air stream on the skin can
cause severe infection, require the amputation of a limb,
and cause death.
e. Air hoses should not be run over with vehicles or
equipment and should not be used to pull tools across the
shop oor.
f. Air hoses should be kept free of grease and oil and neatly
coiled for storage at the end of the workday.
B. The tire machine uses great force to manipulate tires.
1. Its uses include removing and reinstalling the tire onto the
wheel and inating the tire to the proper pressure.
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S 156
2. Safety
a. The tire machine is one of the most dangerous pieces of
shop equipment. Do not use the tire machine without
proper training.
b. Truck tires that use the split rim type of mounting are
very dangerous. These must be inated in a special cage.
Consult the instructor before attempting to mount a truck
tire or any type of tire.
c. Wear protective eyewear when working with a tire
C. A pneumatic jack can raise a vehicle by the bumper or axle.
1. Special instruction is required to use a pneumatic jack.
2. The vehicle must be lowered onto safety stands before a
technician can work under a vehicle supported by a jack.
3. Safety
a. Never work under a vehicle supported only by a jack.
b. Consult the instructor and repair manual when placing
safety stands for the proper locations of the stands.
c. Be sure that the load-capacity rating for the safety stands is
sufcient to safely support the vehicle.
d. Do not lift vehicles with passengers inside or with the
doors, hood, or luggage lid open.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 157
D. General maintenance guidelines for pneumatic equipment
1. Consult the maintenance instructions provided by the
equipment manufacturer.
2. Keep the piece of equipment free of dirt and grease and store it
in an area that is dry and free of dust.
3. Care should be taken that no foreign matter enters the nipple
opening of the couplings on pneumatic equipment.
III. Hydraulic equipment develops pressure as a result of the closing of a valve
and the pumping of a handle or as a result of a combination of air pressure
over hydraulic uid.
A. The hydraulic oor jack has a cylinder that raises the front, rear, or
side of a vehicle by pumping a handle.
1. A oor jack is mounted on four wheels for portability.
2. It should only be used after thorough instruction. The vehicle
must also be supported by safety stands.
3. Refer to Unit II, Lesson 3 for safety guidelines.
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B. A lift raises the entire vehicle off the ground.
1. Most lifts use air pressure to pressurize hydraulic uid, which is
then pumped into one or more large cylinders.
2. Refer to Unit II, Lesson 3 for safety guidelines.
C. A hydraulic press is found in most shops. It uses a powerful pushing
force to press bearings and gears onto and off of shafts.
1. Pulling a handle on the press raises or lowers a ram. The ram
presses the part against a table.
2. Safety
a. Consult the instructor for the procedure for properly
setting up and using the hydraulic press.
b. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while using a
hydraulic press.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 159
D. The engine hoist, or portable engine crane, is used to raise heavy
engines and transmissions. After turning a valve, a handle is pumped
to raise the hoist.
1. A hoist is simply a hydraulic jack that is designed for attaching
onto the top of an object and pulling it upward, instead of
getting underneath of an object and pushing it upward.
2. The engine hoist is not intended to support an engine while it
is being serviced. The engine should be mounted on an engine
stand during service.
3. Safety
a. Consult the instructor before using the engine hoist.
b. Stand clear of any object being raised in case the hoist fails
or topples, or the object being lifted comes loose.
c. When moving an object that is suspended from the crane,
move the crane very slowly.
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d. Do not work on any object while it is suspended from the
crane. Lower it to a workbench or the oor (or into an
engine stand for a motor).
E. General maintenance guidelines for hydraulic equipment
1. Consult the maintenance instructions provided by the
equipment manufacturer.
2. Inspect equipment components and report any damage, leaks, or
deterioration to the instructor.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 161
I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plan
A. Lesson 1: Service Information and Vehicle Identication
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L1-UVII: Vehicle Information and Identication
III. Unit VII Test
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S 162
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 163
After completing this unit, students should be able to identify the different types
of service information and vehicle identication. Students will demonstrate
mastery of the material by completing the assignment sheet and achieving a
score of _____ on the Unit VII Test.
After completing the lesson in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify the different sources and formats of vehicle service information.
II. Identify guidelines for using a manufacturer’s service information.
III. Identify the common locations of vehicle codes and how to read the codes.
IV. Complete the assignment sheet on vehicle information and identication
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S 164
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 165
I. Vehicle service information
A. Sources
NOTE: Vehicles have become so technologically advanced that
service information is used on every job. This information contains
diagnosis procedures, specications, and service procedures.
Technicians must know how to locate and use the information that is
1. Vehicle manufacturers publish service information for each
model year of the vehicles they manufacture.
a. This service information is the most comprehensive and
the best source of information for a specic vehicle.
b. It includes vehicle specications, diagnostic and repair
procedures, parts diagrams, and special tools required.
c. Because many technical changes occur after the service
information is published, manufacturers provide technical
service bulletins (TSBs) to update the information. The
information in the TSBs also appears in the next edition of
the service information.
2. Professional general service manuals are used by independent
repair shops because one manual can contain information for
many domestic or foreign cars produced over several years.
These books summarize the most important information and do
not include all the specics.
3. Aftermarket specialty manuals are often sold at bookstores and
may cover one model of vehicle produced over several years.
These manuals are written for individuals with and without
experience in the automotive repair profession and are popular
with the “do-it-yourself” individual.
4. An owner’s manual, prepared by the vehicle manufacturer, is
provided to the purchaser of the vehicle and is usually stored in
the glove compartment. It includes basic information about the
location and function of vehicle accessories, starting the vehicle,
and maintaining the vehicle.
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S 166
5. Sites on the Internet are available to nd information that a shop
may not have in its library, such as more up-to-date information,
recall information, or information about a hard-to-diagnose
repair issue.
B. Formats
1. Besides printed manuals, service information is available for use
on computer hard drives, networks, and CD-ROMs.
2. Using computerized information rather than printed materials
saves space. In addition, accessing the information on a
computer is easier and saves time.
II. Using the manufacturer’s service information
A. Get familiar with the components of the service information and how
they are organized. Doing so will help in nding information quickly.
1. The general information section includes vehicle information
such as identication (e.g., reading the vehicle identication
number (VIN) to get data about the vehicle), basic maintenance,
and lubrication.
2. The repair sections, which cover each system of the vehicle, have
detailed procedures for diagnosing, inspecting, testing, and
repairing the systems. These sections also include the following
a. Illustrations of exploded views of parts or steps in the
b. Diagrams showing the layout of hoses or circuits
c. Diagnostic or troubleshooting charts for systematically
nding the source of a problem
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 167
B. Before performing a procedure, read it through once to get an
understanding and overview of what is required.
C. Be careful to do all steps in a procedure and perform them in the
correct order. Missing steps or performing them out of order may
cause unsuccessful results.
III. Locating and reading the vehicle codes
A. In the early 1980s, the National Highway Trafc Safety
Administration began requiring vehicle manufacturers to identify
each vehicle made for highway use with a VIN.
1. A vehicle’s VIN is a code with 17 characters (letters and
numbers) that is permanently afxed to the vehicle.
2. The VIN is typically found in several locations on a vehicle.
Some of the more common locations are listed below.
a. Dashboard near the lower part of the windshield on the
driver’s side
b. Certication label on the driver’s door frame
c. Engine compartment
3. The VIN uniquely identies a vehicle and provides a great deal
of information about the vehicle’s origin and features. See the
sample VIN below for a breakdown of the code.
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S 168
4. For help in reading the VIN for a specic vehicle, check the
general service information section of the service information for
that vehicle.
B. An engine serial number and identication number or code is
generally stamped on the engine block.
1. The exact location of these numbers depends on the
2. Engine codes provide technicians with specications for the
vehicle’s engine, such as the horsepower rating and whether the
engine was designed for a manual or automatic transmission.
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 169
I. Unit objective
II. Lesson plan
A. Lesson 1: Customer Service, Work Orders, and Vehicle Preparation
1. Information outline
2. Assignment sheet
a. AS1-L1-UVIII: Customer Service, Work Orders, and
Vehicle Preparation
3. Job sheets
a. JS1-L1-UVIII: Complete a Work Order With Concern,
Cause, and Correction
b. JS2-L1-UVIII: Perform a General Diagnosis
III. Unit VIII Test
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S 170
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 171
After completing this unit, students should be able to identify principles of good
customer service, components and functions of work orders, and how to prepare
a vehicle before and after service. Students will demonstrate mastery of the
material by completing the assignment sheets, successfully performing specic
tasks in the job sheet, and achieving a score of _____ on the Unit VIII Test.
After completing the lesson in this unit, students should be able to:
Lesson 1
I. Identify proper customer relation procedures.
II. Identify the procedures for preparing a vehicle before and after service.
III. Identify the functions and components of a work order.
IV. Identify the three C’s and how to use them to diagnose a vehicle problem.
V. Complete the assignment sheet on customer service, work orders, and
vehicle preparation (AS1-L1-UVIII).
VI. Demonstrate the ability to:
A. Complete a work order with concern, cause, and correction
B. Perform a general diagnosis (JS2-L1-UVIII).
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IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 173
I. Proper customer relation procedures
NOTE: Studies have shown that more people are red for their inability to
get along with others than for a lack of technical expertise. The behavior of
the technician and other workers can jeopardize the nancial stability of the
NOTE: The amount and degree of customer contact required in an
automotive technician position will vary depending on shop organization
and policy.
A. All employees in the shop should greet the customer when
appropriate and act in a friendly, courteous manner. Refer to the
customer by using “Mr.” or “Ms.” and the person’s surname.
B. Listen carefully and patiently. After the customer has explained
the problem, ask questions that may help in the diagnosis. People
communicate at different paces and in different styles.
NOTE: The customer is likely to be upset that the vehicle he or she
depends on is unavailable and that the repair may be expensive.
C. It is important to verify the complaint. Some customers unknowingly
give a false diagnosis.
D. Give the customer an estimate. A customer will likely be very upset
if presented with a large repair that was not expected. Obtain the
customer’s phone number and call the customer before beginning the
E. Look for potential problems other than those described by
the customer. Explain any new problems to the customer in a
professional manner.
NOTE: In most shops, the service manager/writer usually has the
responsibility of calling the customer.
F. Perform the repair in a professional manner. Remember that the
customer is paying for a repair. The outcome of the job performed
makes a statement to the customer and employer about the
technician’s skills and professionalism.
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S 174
G. Verify the repair. One of the most common complaints of vehicle
owners is that they paid to have a repair performed only to experience
the same problem after the repair was to have been made.
II. Preparing a vehicle before and after service
A. Another important part of customer service is making sure each
customer’s vehicle stays clean and free of damage during its time in
the shop.
1. Place fender covers on the fenders, front grille, and other areas
as needed to protect the vehicle from grease, scratches, and
2. Use oor protectors to ensure dirt and grease from technicians’
shoes do not soil the carpet.
3. Use seat covers to ensure that dirty or greasy hands and clothing
do not soil the seats.
4. Cover the steering wheel with a steering wheel cover to protect
it from greasy hands and ngerprints.
B. After service, follow the shop’s policy on preparing the vehicle to
return it to the customer.
1. Some shops may require that all protective covers are removed,
whereas others may want covers such as the oor protectors left
2. Ensure that the customer’s vehicle is as clean as when he or she
dropped it off. Clean off any dirt or grease that may have gotten
on the vehicle’s exterior or interior.
III. The automotive technician should be familiar with the functions and
components of a work order.
NOTE: A sample work order appears in this section.
A. The work order serves several functions.
1. Itemizes the repairs by listing the cost of parts and labor
2. Can be used to authorize the repair
3. Has the necessary information on how to contact the owner and
serves as documentation for future reference
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 175
4. May also specify limited warranties and liabilities of the shop
5. May serve as a reference for recent service history for warranty
or legal purposes
B. A work order typically has the following components.
1. Customer name, address, and phone number (home or work
with extension number)
2. Date
3. Invoice number
4. Year, make, model, vehicle identication number (VIN), and
mileage of the vehicle
5. Name/initials of the service writer and technician
6. Customer authorization signature to allow repairs
7. Description of customer concern
8. Vehicle service history information
9. Related technical service bulletins (TSB)
10. Technician’s notes that includes diagnostic procedures
performed, the results of diagnosis, and any important
observations or remarks
11. Component or system defect responsible for the concern
12. Service performed to successfully correct the concern
13. Labor procedures and costs based on the parts and labor
estimation guides
14. Outside labor procedures and costs that include if a shop sent a
particular part out to another shop for repairs
15. Listing of each part that includes name, description, and cost
16. Sales tax, which is usually calculated on parts only
17. Total that represents the nal price that the customer will pay
for all charges related to the repair
AutomotIve technology
S 176
Smith’s Automotive Repair
Customer’s Name: Tom Steffensmeier Date: 3/24/2006 Invoice #: 5463874093
Address: 601 N. Ann St., Macon, MO 63552 Phone: (660) 442-1577
Year/Make: 2000 Ford Model: Taurus VIN: 1FAFP538BYA145471 Mileage: 67, 349
Service Writer: F. Smith Technician: F. Smith
Customer Authorization Signature: Tom Steffensmeier
Customer Concern: Front brakes are making grinding noise
Vehicle Service History Information: Routine maintenance performed 12/14/05
Related Technical Service Bulletins:
Diagnostic Procedures Performed: Inspected front brakes and rotors and rear drums
Cause: Worn brake pads
Correction: Replaced front brake pads, machined front rotors, and adjusted rear drums
Labor Procedures and Costs
Estimated Actual
Brake Repair 85.00 70.00
Drum Repair 10.00 10.00
Outside Labor Procedures and Costs
Total Labor Costs 95.00 80.00
Parts Costs
Quantity Part # Description
1 1U2-5680 Kit – Brk Friction 49.95 49.95
Total Parts Costs
Labor Total
Parts Total
Sales Tax
IntroductIon to AutomotIve technology
S 177
C. Work orders may be handwritten or prepared by entering codes in a
computer terminal and then printed.
D. Depending on the part, the following information may be required
for ordering repair parts.
1. Make, model, and model year (found on the driver’s side door
jamb) of the vehicle
2. VIN
3. Engine information that includes engine size, in cubic inches or
liters, the number of cylinders, and the type of fuel system
4. Wheelbase
5. Number of doors
IV. Use the three Cs (concern, cause, and correction) to diagnose the vehicle
A. Identify the concern. If possible, ask the owner/driver the following
1. Under what conditions does the problem occur?
2. Are there unusual sounds?
3. How long has the problem existed? Is it getting worse?
B. Test drive the vehicle under the conditions that the problem has
been observed.
CAUTION: Always obtain instructor’s approval before conducting
a road test. Conduct the road test in an area with little or no trafc.
Never exceed the legal speed limit during the road test. Always
wear safety belts. An assistant should record all observations made
during the road test. Do not attempt to drive and record results at
the same time.
C. Isolate the cause of the problem.
1. Locate and interpret vehicle and major component identication
a. VIN
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S 178
b. Vehicle certication labels
c. Calibration decals
2. Research applicable vehicle and service information.
a. Applicable components and their operation
b. Vehicle service history
c. Service precautions
d. Technical service bulletins
3. Perform a visual inspection of the applicable system.
a. Look for damaged or broken components.
b. Look for worn or misaligned components.
c. Check uid levels.
d. Inspect related electrical sensors, corrector, controls, and
4. Test the systems and components that could cause the problem.
Eliminate good components until the cause is found.
D. Determine the necessary action and correct the problem.