An Analysis of Symbolic Images in The Scarlet
Haihong Gao
ShanXi Normal University, China
AbstractThe Scarlet Letter was written by Nathanial Hawthorne in 1850, with the background of seventeenth
Century of the early American colonies, taking the tragic love between pastor Arthur Dimmesdale and a
woman named Hester's as content, which revealed the dim of American law, and hypocrisy of religion. So this
novel filled with the religion plot and conveyed the humanity feelings. This paper focuses on the symbolic
technique to analyze The Scarlet Letter. By rethinking and criticizing the Puritanism, this paper wants to
reveal the dark side of man nature and arouse readers ’thought on morality. Predecessor researchers analyzed
The Scarlet Letter from the aspects of feminist, religion and moral. But this paper turn view, it analyze the
novel from symbolic images technique. This paper consists of three parts. The first part introduces the author,
including his background, study and work experience, and the influence of his novels. The second part
introduces the symbolism, including its definition and effect. In the third part, in order to reveal the hypocrisy
of the religious at that time, to reveal the rebellious spirit of women, I will interpret the symbolic images from
three aspects: the nature, color, time. Through the analysis of the symbolic images, readers can find the deep
meaning of the context, which can strengthen people’s understanding of the characters, scenes and the plot of
the novel. This can promote the comprehensive understanding of this greatest novel.
Index Termssymbolization, imagine, application analysis, freedom, religion
Nathanial Hawthorne is not only the pioneer of romantic novel in the late 19th century, whose works have a deep
influence at that time, but also a founder of American literature. For the style of profound, unique, and fantastic, his
works were regarded as the typical romanticism literature, which had a profound influence on the area of American
literature even the world. The reason why the works have wide influence is that it has a closely relation to the author's
ingenious techniques. There are a lot of techniques in The Scarlet Letter. And the symbolization is very famous. The
purpose of this technique is to express the protagonists' inner world by using the connection between the objective
things and the inner world. Using this technique can skillfully avoid the Puritan persecution at that time .So it is
possible to reserve his works by this method. Without carefully study of the symbolic images in the works, it is difficult
for us to understand the roles of those scenes. We would appreciate the work with our own view, so the author's
intention of the work cant convey or understand by ourselves. Sometimes we think it is useless to use those scenes. We
can have a new perspective to appreciate the work by understanding those symbolic images. The Scarlet Letter is a
romantic novel of the United States in 19th Century. The obscure theme, extraordinary form and ingenious artist made it
become the object of literature research all the time. The Scarlet Letter not only involved a serious and sensitive topic of
extramarital affairs, but also touched on the controversial and radical feminist thought. Most importantly, It revealed the
hypocrisy of the human moral and religions. So it is a challenge to the judgment of Christian value. It is wisdom to use
the symbolic images to avoid the literal meaning of the religious doctrines. This work exposed the social darkness at
that time.
Based on the analysis of The Scarlet Letter from the aspect of symbolic images in a comprehensive and multiplex
angle, readers can have a better perspective to understand the deep meaning behind the literal, which can attract more
scholars to use and pay more attention to symbolization in their works. This paper acts as a guiding role for readers who
will have a further understanding of Hawthorne' s work. Most importantly, it is also useful to have an overall sight to
learn the development of American capitalism social system in late nineteenth Century. This paper makes us have
important attention to study of symbolization. Applying the symbolization will make the article has a strong artistic
atmosphere, so that people can have the courage to break the traditional constraints, and pursue of freedom and equality.
A. The Introduction of the Writer and Novel
1. Introduction of Hawthorne
Nathanial Hawthorne was born in the town of Salem Massachusetts. His grandparents were one of the three judges of
the famous Salem deceit in 1695. His father was a captain and died when he sailed in the sea. Hawthorne was four years
old and was brought up by his mother. In 1821 Hawthorne was supported by the relatives and then sent him to the
Bowdoin Institute of Maine. In 1824, graduated from college, Hawthorne returned to his hometown and began to write.
ISSN 1799-2591
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1725-1731, December 2018
After completing some short stories, he began to write his own novels with the experience in the Hakata Institute, which
was the novel Fanshawe. But it was so bad that this novel neither published in 1828, nor paid any attention. Hawthorne
put this novel into the fire. From 1836 to 1846, Hawthorne was twice worked at the customs office, and in 1848 due to
political disagreement with the authorities, so he lost his customs position. After that, he was absorbed in the activities
of writing creative works, so he wrote his most important novel The Scarlet Letter. From that time he created a lot of
works. In order to avoiding the persecution of the Puritans, Hawthorne took the romantic form as his creative style. He
believed that only in this way, the author can conceive and create in his own way. Without having to be constricted in
authentic of the detail, it can find intermediate zone which can combination the reality and imagination between the real
worldland and fairyland. The greatness of Hawthorne' s was that he could reveal the darkness, irony and reveal the truth
in a gentle and substantial sharp style of writing. Hawthorne' s works are rich in imagination and rigorous structure. His
works style not only used the style of psychological analysis and description, but also used of symbolism. His conceive
imaginative image, which added the romantic color of the work and deepened the meaning. In addition to that his work
is also with a sense of mysterious obscure.
2. Introduction of The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter was written by Hawthorn, a romantic writer of the United States in 19th century, and it was
published in 1850. The novel took the era of America's colonial years as background, but it revealed the barbarous
essence of the law, religious deceit and moral hypocrisy of America when capitalist developed in the 19th century. A
young fascinating girl, born in England, had dark eyes and black hair. She married an old man who is doctor and scholar,
named Roger Chillingworth. It was a British New World boom at that time. Roger Chillingworth decided to settle in the
United States Boston. Without knowing what reason, whether he intended to test Hester's faithful or he had important
things to deal with, he let Hester came alone, but the old scholar did not come to the United States until two years later.
During this period, Hester had met the person who she really loved, whose name is pastor Arthur Dimmesdale. They
fell in love and gave birth to their daughter Pearl. According to the law of Puritan, she was accused of adultery and
forced to wear a red word A in front her chest. But the pastor did not confess his sin to the public until the end of life.
From that time on, Hester lived alone tenaciously far away from the city and made a living by sewing. When Hester's
husband was aware of the scandal he acted as a doctor, but he pretended that he and his wife was strange, attempting to
find out who is the man that committed crimes with his wife. In the process of his treatment for Arthur Dimmesdale,he
found out that Arthur Dimmesdale was the right person. Therefore, he managed to kill him. Pastor has been tortured by
his inner world as well as the guilty of his own hypocrisy. After suffering from the mental torture for seven years, in a
new mayor inauguration ceremony, he finally committed to the public frankly about his crime, and then died in the arms
of Hester. Hester took her daughter Pearl away from this land. A few years later when Pearl grew into a young lady,
Hester returned to Boston again, still with the red letter A. The meaning of red letter A, however, represent moral and
glorious. Therefore, this novel is not only a masterpiece of the romantic novels in the United States, but also known as
an original novel of psychological analysis.
B. The Introduction of Symbolism
1. Definition of Symbolism
Symbolism is one of the basic artistic techniques. The symbolization refers to external meaning by using a specific
thing or some profound thoughts of his artists, or some things that has specific meaning (chen bei. 2016). There is no
necessary relationship between the symbolic meaning and symbolic meaning of this tenor, but the artist stresses the
characteristic of the tenor things, which makes arts' appreciator generated association from here to there. So the art
appreciator can realize the meaning which the artist wants to express. In addition, according to the traditional habits and
a certain society, the author choices things that people are familiar with as a tenor. Doing that, it can express a specific
meaning. Such as the red symbol of jubilation, white symbol of mourning, the magpie symbol of good fortune, the dove
symbol of peace. Using the symbolization as artistic technique, which can make the abstract concept specific, vivid, and
make the profound and complex things simple, single and can also extend the description of the connotation, create a
kind of artistic conception. The aim is to arouse people's association, strengthen the work of the expression and artistic
effect. The symbolization can be divided into metaphorical symbol and suggestive symbol. Symbolization is different
from the metaphor, and it is more extensive than the general metaphor of the content. So some works choose
symbolization to express the hidden meaning. An artistic way of expressing certain ideas, thoughts, and feelings is to
utilize a specific image with a particular association. There are some similarities between the vehicle and the tenor,
which can be linked with the reader's imagination and association. Such as candles, burning themselves, whose specific
image is to give light to others, so that we can associate the lofty spirit of sacrifice. The candle is a symbol of self
sacrifice. At this point, we can further define the symbolization, and the symbolization is a form of expression according
to the culture to convey another meaning. Symbolic culture express meaning through metaphor, allegory,
personification, symbols, freehand brushwork, contrast and other specific symbolic. Symbolic culture in the existence
and its way of expression is universal, where there are people, different races, time and region have symbolic culture.
Because of the different cultural background of race and geographical environment, the symbolic meaning of the same
cultural symbol is different, sometimes even the opposite. So the content of symbolization is specialization in some
context. From the perspective of the symbolization, it can help us to understand meaning from the outside to the inside,
and the original process to complete understanding of all the meaning of culture.
2. The Function of Symbolization
Appropriate use of symbolization, the article can make the concept of lofty, implicit and profound, so as to leave the
space for readers to chew after tasting, giving the article deep meaning. American poet and literary critic Arthur
Simmons (1899) said that the form of thought was a symbol of all common tangible and intangible performance. The
formation of symbolic image is closely related to the specific cultural literary tradition and social psychology. Therefore,
in order to analyze the symbolism in the works, we must study the internal and external relations of these images. The
significance of each image lies in its relationship with other images. There is no substantive meaning of the image, only
combination with situation, the real meaning can express, which can explain and define each other. The role of
symbolization, first of all, it is the abstract sense of the performance of a specific image can be perceived. Secondly, it
can make the article more subtle. Using of the immediate objects to express far-reaching meaning. The implication of
the symbol is profound, which can enrich people's association, thought-provoking, and make people get infinite mood
feeling. It can give a person a feeling of brief and vivid, which can expresses sincere feelings. It is a symbol of the
description of some specific images to express some abstract concepts or thoughts and feelings, which will lead to the
reader's imagination and thinking. As in the novel, Hawthorne uses a wonderful description of symbolization giving
readers an extraordinary world. The world is a combination of reality and imagination, reality and fantasy. In the word,
every person and every object is endowed with profound symbolic meaning.
A. The Symbolic Meaning of Nature
1. The Brook: Symbol of the Reflection of Protagonists’ Heart
The mirror, as well as the object of reflection and representation, such as glass, eyes, puddles, streams, and so on,
runs through Hawthorne' s novel The Scarlet Letter and forms a series of image combinations. These seemingly
ordinary images often appear in the plot and the psychological development of the critical moment, with a very
profound meaning. This section attempts to fill the black in this area, in-depth excavation and analysis of mirror image
meaning in The Scarlet Letter .The objects of mirror and something is resemblance to mirror ,which not only hold the
important function of narrative, but also have meaningful roles in characterization of figures and psychological
character, self certification (Wang Deyi, 2016). At the same time, they also hold the ethical significance of self
reflection, and become the metaphor of the frame of mind. The pastor and Hester spoke beside the brook, which is far
from Pearl, this brook become the boundaries of guilty and innocent like a needle stab into his chest. When he met with
Hester in the forest, his soul in the past saw their appearance in the mirror.
For the pastor, the brook has three functions or meanings: first, it is the reflection of the physical self to the spiritual
self, and the carrier of the subconscious image. The stream can be clearly mapped inner truth, reveal the secret and
hidden truth. Second, the brook in the classification category, is belong to the mirror, and the mirror as the ethics it has
the function of persuasion and self-examination .So the brook means the self examination of the pastor. Third, the brook
like a flashback making objective and psychological time overlap, which confused boundary between imagination and
reality, the past and present. So from above all, we can see the role of brook in this work. First of all, the brook shows
not the sick face of the pastor, but his tortured soul and void world, which refers to his strong guilt and the pain that he
can’t become public confession. The image in the mirror sometimes represents himself but one a moment it is the only
audience of himself, and he is the witness of self punishment and torture, because he can only reflect on the mirror
secretly and privately. The use of the brook image, it showed contrast between the fierce inner conflict of Puritan
moralist and wonderful performance as a public figure, which clearly depicts the pastors dual personality. When tore
his double mask, the character shapely produced great aesthetic tension. The mirrors have a very important role on
ethics. For oneself it presents self reflection and self improve the moral realm. It was because of the pastor's constant
confession to the mirror that he finally made up his mind open. He faced and confessed his own sin and then paid the
price of life.
So from this aspect, brook plays an important role on self salvation. Without the brook, there wasn’t so much sense of
guilty and punishment in his heart.
2. The Weather: Symbol of the Change of the Protagonists’ Mind
Weather, a variety of natural phenomena, in the master's pen, sometimes gives it a mysterious sense (Guan qin, 2013).
There are many scenes in the novel that are associated with the weather, in which the weather symbolizes the change of
the heart. At the beginning of the novel, a gloomy weather, Hester tortured in scaffold, and the pastor did not say his
crimes in front of so many people. This kind of weather shows a kind of sad and depressed mood. In this weather, Pearl
laugh like a bird, reflecting her innocence, she did not know why the judge took away her mother, and she is waiting for
an unknown result. A dark night, the pastor was painful because of misery tortured by the crime, walking around to the
place where Hester accepted the torture. His heart was full of contradiction and hesitation, forced him to confess the
secret, but coward dragged him back. He imagined himself confessing his crimes to the public. However, everything is
shrouded in darkness, and the dark weather is the reflection of the gloomy heart. Rainy days like tears, falling in the
rush, seems to reveal the pastor's crime. The pastor fell several times in the rain, a symbol of this intention that he want
to wash his sins through the rain. Every time when he fell, with the rough breathing even unconscious, because he was
surrounded with the deep regret and each time he struggled to speak his crimes. But the Puritan discipline forced him to
fear his own the crime. Through this way, he wanted to reduce his pain. So he tired to accept the baptism of rain, hoped
to be a man without the sin. On the other hand, the weather and the rainy days are both religious hypocrisy. Religion
does not dare to express its crimes openly in daylight, rather than to reveal its true feelings through the vague concept of
rainy days and cloudy days.
Sunny is a symbol of good start. After raining the sky gets light, some dark clouds took away all the pain and pain,
and open a new journey. The Meng Haoran in the miscellaneous described the mountain that emptied after raining, the
weather late autumn. This reflected the blue sky after raining. Happiness can be shown among the lines of the work. In
the novel, one afternoon, Hester wants to escape from this piece of land, under the blue sky and white cloud, Hester and
Pearl was so happy. A boat carried them start a new life. Sunny symbolized the freedom.
3. The Meteor: Symbol of the Release of the Sin
The significance of the meteor lies in the fleeting of time and the meaningful of meteor is also due to the beautiful
things in the twinkling of an eye. We can't hold her beautify, nor can we extend the wonderful of her. If we hold on the
meteor at that moment, maybe she and our lives will become eternal life, which is to do meaningful things. To do
something meaningful is to live well.
Meteor A is also a memorial to Arthur Dimmesdale’s sins. Arthur Dimmesdale is a combination of contradiction.
Everything seemed calm on the surface, he is a saint in the eyes of the saints, but he is a real sinner. As a pastor, he is
both the spokesman of the Puritanism and the victim. He is in a dilemma between faith and love. He denied the most
fundamental needs of human beings and opposed the human nature and the divine, and even regarded his own human
nature as a manifestation of the disloyalty of God. So he is always in a spiritual torment. He don't know what he should
choose .Whether he should confess his sin through his inner repent and live just for the sake of remaining , or he should
confess his sin in the public and take responsibility to his punishment in order to make the guilty mind to be free. For
example, an obscure night in early May, Arthur Dimmesdale and Hester and Pearl stood hand in hand on the scaffold.
Before he finishing his speech, there is a flashed light in the sky. The pastor looked up at the sky, he regarded the
ordinary meteor light as word A which drawn by a dark red line. Confronted with this meteor A, he realized that it is
necessary to confess his sin and this letter A represents the relief of his sin. At the end of the novel, pastor Arthur
Dimmesdale finished his sermon. In Hester's arm, handed with Pearl, faced with his fellow pastors and the public, he
went to the scaffold. He stood there, with all his might, in a solemn and terrible voice, admitting his crimes openly. He
tore the sacred hoop and left uncovered chest, at that time the letter A exposed. After Pearl kissed him, he died in his
beloved arm. Pearl's kiss washed away his total sins.
In this case, Hawthorne used the shooting stars to convey us a spirit, the error itself is not wrong, but if we blindly
cover up mistakes, mistakes will inevitably become a mistake (Li Shiqiang,2008). How many mistakes should one man
take in his life until the end his life? The answer is an unknown. But we must realize through The Scarlet Letter that the
release of sin is not a shame, that sin, like a meteor, falls from the heart, and is the beginning of a new life.
B. The Symbolic Meaning of Colors
1. Color Red: Symbol of Temptation
Yeats(1920), a famous Irish poet, said red is the color of magic. It symbolizes passion, a symbol of desire, and it is a
symbol of recklessness, a symbol of shame and a symbol of tragedy. Red also represents God's purification and eternal
punishment. In many literary works, to describe the woman who is easy to seduce would always use the red color. In
Apocalypse ,the great whore always dressed in scarlet, the pagan idols is usually depicted as red, so red is a color a
symbol of hell, which stands for the devil's color, a symbol of anger and hatred.
To some extent, as for Hester, red is a symbol of impulsive and reckless. Special impulse and recklessness is the root
of her tragic life. Marry with Chillingworth, Hester was extremely irrational. A young, beautiful, brave and enthusiastic
girl married with an old, ugly, cold, extreme man. It is unreasonable for those two persons live together, which means
the beginning of the tragedy life. When Hester lost her way with her husband, she was driven by impulse and desire, but
she had no reason to be in love with the pastor, because this love can’t be accepted by people and people.
Another performance, it is this impulse and reckless act that bring her endless tragedy and pain. In these figures, the
negative meaning of the red is also reflected in Hester's husband, who is holding the revenge. For Chillingworth, the red
symbolizes cunning, hatred, and blood. When he saw the letter A wore on the clothes of Hester, he felt angry. He hated
Hester's betrayal, and when he found out that Arthur Dimmesdale was the sinners who is the person he try to find .After
that he embarked on the path of revenge doomed eternally. Pretending to be a trusted friend, but actually he liked a
vampire. He approached to the pastor, until he spied on his soul, and lured the minister to all the anguish, pain,
repentance, and condemnation. He tortured pastor until he felt exhausted. As a doctor it is his duty to insight the health
and look over the early death sign of the pastor, but he did not do his duty. Rather than on the opposition way, he
accelerated the speed of torment, and increased his revenge plan .He should be acted as mediate to stop the story of
tragedy, but he acted as a maker of the tragedy. The red revenge plan is full of his mind, the red A step by step to lure
himself to fall. So with the red A, he achieved his revenge plan at the end of the story.
Red, a color is full of temptation and impulse, giving people mind to revenge. The color itself is not the matter, but
when put it in the environment of human being, we give it a different meaning (Li Fangfang,2015).
2. Color Grey: Symbol of Darkness
In The Scarlet Letter, what Hawthorne shown the readers is almost a gloomy world. Both of the characters’ inner
world and the surrounding they lived in are all covered by gray color. This dark hue existed from the beginning in the
introduction chapter extended to the end of the novel. The local building is a single color in Hawthorne's vision, which
seemed unattractive. This shows only a form of compliance customs office with cobweb, old painting makes the room
unusually dark, and everywhere on the floor is gray dust. At the beginning of the story showed the reader a scene that
makes people sacred a wood prison which means civilized dark flower. The old prison is ghastly with heavy and rusty
doors which seemed to be a sad sight. But the outside door is a disorder grass ground surrounded with planets such as
cattle, toxic work like ugly weed. People in prison can’t see sunshine and cloudy forest. Nobody wanted to step towards
this land. Only the witch visited here at the middle of night. She regarded this place as magic land.
The description of these scenes buried the tragic seed of main characters in the story As Hawthorne told it, in this
piece of land, a generation of their personality keep and continue the behavior and consciousness characteristics of their
ancestors, with the time passed. Their human nature will like the poor bean which can’t get any nourishment when it
sewed in the same land without any changes. So it can involve the healthy growth. Corresponding to the dark
environment is the reflection of characters' inner depression and dark. When the heroine of Hester's adultery was
discovered, the guilt and outside pressure made her heart full of fantasy and youthful heart covered with the cloud. In
the next few years, she felt there is no sunshine around the world. She always covered with coarse gray clothes, with a
hat to hide her hair. Through this kind of depressed and full of tragic color description, the writer wanted to the readers
deeply appreciate the Puritan discipline which constrict and ruin people's sprits. Mostly significantly the writer wanted
to show Puritan treatment of adultery. Confronted with a couple of young people who had been forced into madness by
emotion and guilt, the people around them had no sympathy, understanding, and sincere persuasion, instead of the cruel
punishment imposed on them by the name of god.
Gray is a color symbol of sincere, calm, elegance. The iron ash, charcoal ash and dark gray, emitting a strong,
intelligent, successful etc message under the invisible. Gray and light looks like a calm philosopher. Grey is whiter than
black while is blacker than white. Standing between the white and black, which had a gloomy beautiful. The gray sight
of the beginning of the world, it is a color with the ash, a bit simple, a little lonely, somewhat ethereal, unpredictable.
This color looks like most of the people who are often the fickle. This elusive feeling, as of Hester's heart, people could
not guess why she kept secret.
3. Color Black: Symbol of Holiness
In the color system, black is a kind of extreme color, no transparency, giving a heavy, depressing feeling. In western
culture, it is a symbol of seriousness, mystery, sadness, despair and terror. In the Bible, the black symbol of the devil,
evil, pain and despair. Such as Black Friday, is the crucifixion of Jesus. Black sheep often brought an evil member of
the herd. In the story, Schwarzwald symbol of a hell, and the black man in Schwarzwald is a symbol of the devil. Hester
told Pearl that she is seduced by the black devil and red A was the black mark of the sin. From here, it is easy to find
that black is a symbol of the devil. Even the children, from childhood people often instill the knowledge that she is the
production of evil. Pearl's born is a mystery in the eyes of the people, and who lured Hester to crime is the devil or man,
we do not know, and it remained unknown. So Hester regarded the mistake as mistake, and told pearl that she is God's
derivative. Sometimes she said that she was tempted by the devil, so pearl came to earth.
But, on the other hand, the black in The Scarlet Letter is a symbol of scared. Master Dimmesdale is always dressed in
his black cassock, the dark plain, which shows him as a Puritan divine status contact. But on the other side there is a
feeling that he can always cover the confessions, who cant see how a restless heart is black hidden below, how an
exciting soul. His eyes were always full of melancholy light, his special tension was agitated, it is customary to hold his
hands on the chest, and it was suffering from mental and spiritual consequences. So that all the pious people doubt that
his work, his sorrow, his sin, and his pain will end with him. The pastor that is also guilty of his own, but he is so
hypocritical, Arthur Dimmesdale can’t afford so much guilt. For him, it is of great pain, until finally a passionate speech.
He bravely took the hand of Hester and pearl stood there and told his secret openly. Uncover the robe, a significant
drain originally self. From then on, the black cover on him and finally opened the black. The false appeared, cowardly
abandoned by the weak body. This mystery made public and all evil gone. The mystery of Pearl's life and the reason
why the pastor fell frequently has finally been solved.
At the same time, the mystery of the black is also reflected in the baptism of Pear, at that time the pastor dressed in
black clothes, and so is Pear. In this sacred and mysterious time, black undoubtedly gives a mysterious color. But on the
other hand, it expresses the hypocrisy of the religious doctrine at that time, and the pastor baptized the seeds of his own
C. The Symbolic Meaning of Time
1. The Day: Symbol of Disguise
Daytime is usually considered as justice and integrity, which means to represent ourselves without reservation,
privacy or secret in the open day. However, with a careful analysis of this paper, daytime signifies a completely
different symbol meaning from a new point of view. That is to say, daytime refers to concealment.
Under the rules of social norms and religious doctrine, people were unconsciously dominated by personality mask.
Their behavior was refrained, and they lived a pretended life during the daytime. The argument can be fully justified by
the love relationship between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. They committed misdeed at night while hiding
their secret in the days. In the daytime, Hester Prynne rejected to confess her accompany when she accepted the torment
on scaffold, nor did Arthur Dimmesdale admit his blunder in the public. Although at the end of his life, he finally
revealed to the public the matter that has been tortured him for seven years. No one had thought that Arthur
Dimmesdale,a venerable and knowledgeable pastor, should have committed such a crime. He used to be a man that
Hester Prynne deeply loved and the pastor that exclude difficulties and anxiety for the local people. Nevertheless, he
turned out to be a coward who left his lover in a condition of crucial torment physically and mentally. Even though he
underwent severe inner pain, it became nothing compared to what Hester Prynne had tolerated. Looking at his beloved
woman insulted and bullied by others on a public occasion, he could do nothing but continued his preach like an
outsider. Indeed, he was longing for freedom, forgiveness and true love, yet his fainthearted nature stemmed him from
taking the responsibility on the key point. In the end, he passed away in the merciless world. Day had an opposite
meaning as we usual regard as.
2. The Night: Symbol of Honesty
It seems that night is a word of concealment, for human beings cannot see clearly what and who existed in darkness
without tools. As a result, night indicates mystery and disguise. Night enables people to meet their mental and physical
needs, which lead to free from any bondage and release their imagination as well as desire. Therefore, from a certain
angle, night symbolizes honest in The Scarlet Letter. From the first time Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale met
each other and fell in love to being honest with each other. All their emotions had been expressed and revealed at night.
Night seemed to be a carnival stage when affections were allowed to expose freely. At night, the doctor walked slowly
through the wood to threat Hester, not to divulge his secret, and it was until at night that he brought out his
discontentment and hatred. In contrast, he pretended to see nothing strange at daytime. Roger Chillingworth presented
that he is knowledge and intellect in front of the public, and people admire his outstanding medical skills, not realizing
his hostility filling his mind. In the dark time when Roger Chillingworth stayed alone with the pastor, he racked the
pastor badly with irritating words which caused greater damage to the pastor. Incisive words hurt his heart and soul,
sometimes suppressing the harm to body. What Roger Chillingworth did to the pastor is detested by reader. Why
couldn’t they be frank and forthright? Just as what the author written at the end of the novel: We can learn a lot from the
tragic experience of this poor pastor, and we can put it all down to one sentence. If you can't show your deepest sin to
others, then at least show some clues, so that people can deduce your sins.
As is commonly acknowledged, darkness revealed our true feeling. As we often say, the night is the real feeling, the
night swallowed up all pride, leaving no need to cover up our own. In our life, it is necessary to behave as straight as
3. The Seasons: Symbol of Eternity
The four seasons represent the cycle of life, which means the beginning and the end of life. The beginning means the
end, and the end means a new beginning. Maybe it's a little hard to say, but it is the true reflection of the season. Once
there was a saying: if winter comes, can spring be far? It shows that the alternation of the four seasons means the cycle
of life. A quarter year is a life cycle. Each quarter is not the same but sometimes it is the same. The difference is that
everyone has their own unique four seasons; the same is that we have to go through this process. In this cycle of
alternating phenomenon, some things are eternal.
This is reflected in the eternal love that Hester persist in it. Winter to spring, and Hester brought the child by herself,
living in the eye sand whispers of others. Hester said, Pearl’s father is God, and the child is God's gift to her and she is
the crystallization of love. Even abused, and consulted teach recorded punishment, she has not spoke out the name of
the father.
Hester stand in scaffold on the street, showing a proud smile, and the glow of beauty, which unexpectedly have magic
power. The power can be merged into a halo shrouded in her misery and shame, reminded us the imagine of
Madonna's .Despite suffering with misery, Hester still infatuated with Arthur Dimmesdale, she refused to leave away
from the pastor. After Arthur Dimmesdale’s death, she chose to give up the good life. She buried his bones to his old
haunt, and put The Scarlet Letter again, until after the death beside him. In order to stay forever, she chose to lean
against him. Hester chose to depart from in the traditional marriage, challenge the traditional sense of rights and abide
by the women. She convinced that her power of love, hoping to establish a good future. In order to the pursuit of
freedom and happiness of love and purity, she looked for self survival value. Faced with the unacceptable love, she is
bravery and dedication, which led to the letter A accompanied her life. But the meaning of letter finally turned into her
unyielding, everlasting love fireworks, which made her a saint of love.
The four seasons is also reflected a sense of strong and courageous .Even under the punishment, and put on the red A
with shame, she still did not say his accomplice. This kind of strong personality, assertive behavior is the secular
concept of the church and was not the decadent. But even if she was in a dangerous situation to accept nail shame post,
Hester also did not bow, and she chosen to carry on A with her life. Faced with any situation, she showed no fear at all.
She would keep the child with any sacrifices. She would rather use her own hands to feed herself and pearl than accept
any benefaction. She is good at sewing, which can support herself and their children, but she earns a difficult birth plan,
while the rest are given to the poor people. She is as much as possible to serve the public or benefit with others,
regardless of any rewards and costs. She does not require any return. Hester strive for women's personality liberation,
and struggled against the hypocrisy of religious. Her spiritual realm is much higher than that of the Puritans and the
ignorant governors. Her sprits of nurturing children and bearing bitter hardships touched people around, and people
gradually changed their attitude to her. She despised the religion and the secular with a proud heart, and maintained the
independence of the personality, so that this seemingly painful life of slavery to which given a new implication. After a
long practice and action, the meaning of the letter A changed from adultery to able, even synonymous worth admirable
and angel. Hester eventually received the respect of the world.
By the analysis this work, it is not difficult to find that the symbolization has deeper meaning than the literal meaning.
Compared with all those symbolization in The Scarlet Letter, we can know the deeper meaning with the background of
that time that is to say the strict doctrine of Puritanism.
The Scarlet Letter is one of the famous novels in the history of America literature. By reading again and again, it
always gives us a new feeling. We are amazed by the symbol meaning. Every time we read it, we can get a new
understanding with the aspect of symbolism (Zhou Shaobin, 2014). We call this as it couldn’t be boring after hundreds
of reading. The artistic features of the novel are reflected in the delicate, dreamy romantic atmosphere and the using of
the abundant symbolic techniques, so that the works are full of a charming artistic charm, emitting infinite luster.
Through the use of symbolic images in the novel, Hawthorne drew the reader's attention from the material world to
the real character. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne used symbolic skillfully and created vivid characters. Hester and the
pastors love were the tragic ending in the novel at that time under restrict of the social system and religious law, while
Hester and Chillingworth unreasonable marriage got the protection of the law, which reflected the extremely
unreasonable, obliterate humanity social system. The using of nature, time and color as images reveals the theme of this
paper, that is to say reveals the social nature of the Puritan hypocrisy, and praises the pure love and the liberation of
In a word, the novel conveys an idea: the so-called perfect personality that is advocated by old morality will only
bring new sink. We should pursue the new moral of this new morality rather than anti morality. Ancestors are not
necessary to be afraid of evil, and escape and hypocrisy is fatal to refuse guilty. Refusal of The Scarlet Letter is the
refusal of salvation. It is necessary to reevaluate the world, and ultimately achieve the integrity and integrity of the
whole world. When we see the works of Hawthorne, one thing we can’t ignore. He was deeply influenced by the
Puritanism which resulted in his way to solve the problems with the perspective of religion. But anyway, Hawthorne's
superb artistic techniques --symbol is worthy to discuss and research.
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Haihong Gao was born in lvliang, China in 1993. She is a postgraduate student in ShanXi normal university. Her major is
Pedagogy of English discipline. But she is also interested in the literature.