Updated 6/28/21
Student Teaching Handbook
For UNC Teacher Candidates, UNC Supervisors, and Cooperating Teachers
K-12 World Language Education, 2021-22
Dr. Karla DelCarpio, World Language Education Coordinator
Lynette Kerrigan, STE Field Placement Officer
COURSE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
TEACHER PREPARATION, STATE LEVEL ............................................................................................................................... 2
STUDENT TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................................... 2
Assignments ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Student Teacher Expectations ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Development Plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Student Teaching Development Plan Form ........................................................................................................................ 4
Student Teacher’s Class Schedule Template ...................................................................................................................... 5
MENTOR TEACHER INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Paperwork........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Mentor Teacher Compensation .......................................................................................................................................... 7
UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 8
Paperwork........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
STATUS OF STUDENT TEACHER IN COLORADO ....................................................................................................................... 8
EDFE 444, K-12 Student Teaching is a course designed to provide a program of experiential learning activities in the teacher
candidate’s content area within an approved school setting and under the supervision and coordinator of UNC World
Language Faculty and school personnel. Emphasis is on the development of competencies in the areas of planning,
instructional methods and assessment, use of materials and resources, classroom management and organization,
diversity, human relations skills, content knowledge, and the developmental stages of students.
EDFE 444 course activities and field experiences include 16 weeks of supervised student teaching. A full student teaching
assignment is defined as a minimum of 16 weeks in a school setting from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or a similar amount of time that
conforms to the host school schedule. During this 16-week period, the student teacher gradually assumes full
responsibility for classroom instruction and other school related professional roles. S/U graded.
Rules for Educator Licensing: https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/resources
Colorado Quality Teacher Standards: https:// www.cde.state.co.us/educatoreffectiveness/smes-t eacher
Please submit all forms in a timely manner; you will not be issued a grade for the course without a complete set of forms.
Note that to pass, you must complete 16 weeks of student teaching (missed time must be made-up), score Proficient or
above on the last lesson observation form. Forms available at:
, unless otherwise noted.
Where to turn it in
Due on
1. Development Plan
UNC Supervisor
First Visit
2. Work Sample Unit of Instruction
Via Live Text as an attachment
See syllabus
and class
materials for
and due dates
3. Two Lesson Observation Forms completed by the Mentor
Submitted on Live Text
End of
4. 2 Lesson Observation Forms completed by the UNC
Submitted on Live Text
End of Finals
5. Disposition Rubric (PDQ) completed by the Mentor Teacher,
Student Teacher and Supervisor
Submitted on Live Text
End of Finals
6. ‘Completer’ evaluation filled out by Mentor Teacher,
UNC Supervisor and Student Teacher
Submitted on Live Text
End of
Student Teacher Expectations
1. EMAIL or print a copy of this handbook and send or give it to your Mentor Teacher.
2. Plan lessons on a daily/weekly basis and submit the plans to the Mentor Teacher for review and recommendations
prior to teaching the lesson. Lesson plans must be made available to the UNC Supervisor on each visit.
3. Conform to and comply with the host school and district’s rules, policies, and standards of professional behavior.
4. Participate in all of the activities expected of the regular classroom teacher inclusive of arriving and leaving at
appropriate times. Call the school and the Mentor Teacher in the event of illness; missed time must be made up.
5. Attend Seminars as instructed by Dr. Del Carpio.
6. Gradually assume full teaching and related responsibilities (as agreed upon by Mentor Teacher and UNC
Supervisor and in accordance with licensure guidelines).
7. Assume other professional roles in the school (particularly those roles expected of professional educators).
Development Plan
One of the most commonly asked questions during the student teaching experience has to do with the
timing of the teacher candidate’s teaching responsibilities. The Teacher Candidate should assume and
release teaching responsibilities in a planned, gradual manner. The Student Teaching Development Plan is
designed as a “road map” for the teacher candidate to follow during his/her student teaching experience. It
is a specific, week-by-week time line that indicates the teaching duties and other professional duties to be
assumed by the teacher candidate during student teaching.
The Teacher Candidate and the Mentor Teacher should develop the plan jointly during the first two weeks of
the student teaching assignment.
The plan should be submitted to the UNC Supervisor during the first visit.
The Education PTEP faculty recommends the following suggested schedule. Each of the areas may be
compressed or extended according to the readiness of the particular Teacher Candidate.
Week 1: Familiarize self with classroom and students; plan with Mentor Teacher(s); observe management strategies;
examine texts and materials; observe/discuss lesson plans; assume some procedural tasks in the classroom;
develop the Student Teaching Development Plan.
Week 2: Continue to plan with Mentor Teacher(s); prepare lesson plans; work with individuals and small groups.
Week 3: Continue to plan and assume some classroom responsibilities, inclusive of teaching planned lessons.
Week 4: Continue to prepare lesson plans and teach lessons daily; continue to add other teaching responsibilities.
Weeks 5-7: Full-time teaching responsibilities are reached.
Week 8: Begin to gradually release responsibilities back to Mentor Teacher(s).
Student Teaching Development Plan Form
Activities may be compressed or extended according to the Teacher Candidate readiness. Teacher Candidate may require
a more extensive week-by-week narrative of student teaching activities.
Week(s) _______ (date):
Week(s) _______ (date):
Week(s) _______ (date):
Week(s) _______ (date):
Week(s) _______ (date):
Week(s) _______ (date):
Student Teacher
Mentor Teacher
UNC Supervisor
Student Teacher’s Class Schedule Template
Student Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________________________
Mentor Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________
School: ____________________________________ Semester/Year: _______________
Submit to UNC Supervisor on or before first visit. You may use your own format if more appropriate.
Live Text Student Account
Teacher Education programs across the nation are highly regulated by various standards from the state and/or
professional organizations. A majority of teacher education programs in the nation with enrollment similar to UNC use an
electronic data management system for program assessment and improvement to benefit the students. At UNC Live Text
is required for field experience assessment submissions and is used for documentation of field hours, lesson evaluations,
professionalism evaluation, Work Sample/Capstone units and serves as a portfolio tool for future employment and as a
teaching resource. Additionally Live Text will be used in some educator preparation courses.
Education students have paid a one-time UNC program fee to cover the cost of a 7-year Live Text account.
If you have not already used Live Text in a previous semester complete the following:
Student Live Text Registration Information
AFTER you receive an email from UNC (in your Bear Email), please follow these instructions.
Go to www.livetext.com and click on the REGISTER tab at the top of the LiveText homepage
Click the Register button under Register Membership. The registration form opens.
Select the radio button for Student.
Enter the 16 character key code that was provided to you in the email.
Register Your Student Membership.
o Please complete your profile to the best of your ability. Name, Date of Birth, and Institution and Email
Addresses are required fields. Use your bear email address for BOTH the school email and the
personal email!
Create Your LiveText Membership Account.
o You will be prompted to create a unique username and password. When creating a username, the name
will be compared to all LiveText users. If you receive the message “Username is already taken”, you will
have to modify your username.
Select a security question from the dropdown menu. This may be used in the username/password recovery
Select the Terms of Service check box and Click the Register My Membership Account button to complete the
registration process.
Account Activation completed.
After successfully completing the registration process, LiveText will display a screen with your newly
created username and password.
Your login information will also be sent to the email address provided during account registration.
After the UNC Add/Drop date for course registration, your field placement will be created in Live Text. At that time you,
your mentor teacher and your UNC supervisor will receive an email indicating the placement has been made.
Your mentor teacher will also receive instructions to set up a user name and password if they have never used Live Text
before. Please let them know they will receive an email directly from Live Text with account registration information.
*Please note: the manual entry of placements in Live Text can take several weeks. Please be patient and wait to receive
the email letting you know your placement is active.*
The Teacher Candidate is REQUIRED provide you with the entire handbook via print or email, and all
needed forms.
1. Two lesson observation forms, reviewed by you with the Teacher Candidate. Submit via Live Text.
2. Submit ‘Program Completer’ Survey on Live Text.
Optional/As Needed:
1. Graduate Credit registration if choosing this compensation method (see below).
Mentor Teacher Live Text
After the UNC add/drop course registration deadline, Live Text placements will be entered for your student teacher. Once
entries are complete, you will receive an email directly from Live Text (Watermark) with information to access your Live
Text account. You do not need to pay for this account!
Mentor Teacher Compensation
All UNC Mentor Teachers may choose to receive graduate credit for supervising teacher candidates OR a stipend
*Note that this credit cannot be used toward a degree program. It is credit that will appear on an official transcript and
is typically used by Mentor Teachers to make a move up on their district pay scale.*
There is no longer a form needed to receive Graduate credit! Please use this link for more details and instruction:
This is a two-step process! Step one, application for UNC Non-Degree seeking student status, must be completed
by the appropriate deadline below. Upon completion of step one, you will received an email with step two
instructions and additional deadlines. If you do not complete step one by the deadlines listed below you will
automatically receive paperwork to process the stipend payment at the end of the semester. We are sorry,
Non-Degree Student enrollment deadlines:
Spring semester hosting, Add Deadline is March 20
Fall semester hosting, Add Deadline is October 20
In addition to either the graduate credit or the stipend payment, mentor teachers may request a verification form
used for licensure renewal credit with the State. Contact Lynette Kerrigan, lynette.kerrigan@unco.edu to request
this form.
Other suggestions:
Prepare for the student teacher by making available art materials and providing him/her with other materials such
as class schedules, school bulletins, school handbooks and curriculum guides. Explain methods of keeping
attendance, homeroom records, grade and report cards, cumulative folders, and other necessary records.
Welcome the student teacher and familiarize him/her with the school building. Introduce the student teacher to
the students, principal and other personnel. Allow the student teacher time to visit and observe throughout the
Provide the student teacher a work and study area or space.
Assist the student teacher in designing a schedule for assuming full responsibility for assigned classes (see
Development Plan).
Schedule weekly conferences with the student teacher to plan and/or discuss progress (impromptu conferences
should occur as needed).
Evaluate the student teacher on a formal basis (see above). Share these evaluations openly with the student
Meet/communicate with the UNC Supervisor on a regular basis to assess and discuss the student teacher’s
Provide the student teacher with a letter of reference/recommendation, as appropriate.
Please immediately alert Dr. Schuttler about any incomplete paperwork or concerns of cooperating teachers or teacher
candidates, or any other circumstances which may potentially affect passing grade.
What to do with it
By this date
Development Plan
Collect from student teacher, evaluate,
provide feedback, and ask for revisions
if necessary.
During first
Professional Dispositions Qualities (PDQ) Rubric Live Text
of Placement
Two observation forms evaluated by you
Check if Proficient level is achieved in
the last observation. Discuss with
student teacher and allow him/her to
retain a copy.
of Placement
Student Teacher ‘Completer’ evaluation
Live Text
of Placement
Substitute Teaching as a Student Teacher
The intention of student teaching is to experience supervised teaching in classrooms in schools. As a partner in the
school, you may be asked, as a part of this experience, to substitute teach to assist in the operation of the school.
Substitute teaching is an exception to your student teaching experience. It should not happen frequently and may be
a very positive situation especially when it is substituting for your mentor teacher. You must have UNC permission to
serve as a substitute whether paid, unpaid or as a long-term sub hired by the host school. Please contact the Field
Placement Officer for this process. The process requires you to apply for a one-year substitute license.
Applying for a One-Year Substitute Teacher Endorsement
Whether or not you plan to substitute teach during student teaching, you may be asked to obtain a sub license.
You can apply on this site: https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/checklist-substituteauth1year
You will be asked to upload some documents including one signed by the school district. We are here to support
you if needed. You will be working with the Human Resources Department in the school district to complete the
forms. The cost to you when you apply to the Colorado Department of Education will include an application fee to
CDE for $60.00.