Federal Agency Name: AmeriCorps
Funding Opportunity Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 AmeriCorps Seniors’ Senior
Companion Program Quarter 4 Continuation and
Announcement Type: Final Announcement
Assistance Listing Number: 94.016
Disclosure: Publication of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (Notice) does not obligate
AmeriCorps to award any specific number of grants or to commit any particular amount of
funding. The actual level, timing, and process of grant funding will be subject to the
availability of annual appropriations.
Important Dates
Applications are due not later than Thursday, March 9, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Successful applicants will be notified by May, 2023.
Table of Contents
A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 4
A.1. Purpose of AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program Funding .... 4
A.2. Funding Priorities ...................................................................................... 4
A.3. Performance Goals or Expected Outcomes .............................................. 5
A.4. Program Authority ..................................................................................... 6
B. FEDERAL AWARD INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 6
B.1. Estimated Available Funds ........................................................................ 6
B.2. Estimated Award Amount .......................................................................... 6
B.3. Period of Performance ............................................................................... 6
B.4. Type of Award ........................................................................................... 7
C. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 7
C.1. Eligible Applicants ..................................................................................... 7
C.2. Cost Sharing or Matching .......................................................................... 8
C.3. Other Eligibility Requirements .................................................................. 8
D. APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION ............................................................................. 9
D.1. Address to Request an Application Package ............................................ 9
D.2. Content and Form of Application Submission .......................................... 9
D.2.a. Application Content ......................................................................................................... 9
D.3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) ..... 11
D.4. Submission Dates and Times ................................................................... 11
D.4.a. Application Submission Deadline .............................................................................. 11
D.4.b. Additional Documents Deadline ................................................................................ 12
D.4.c. Late Applications ............................................................................................................. 12
D.5. Intergovernmental Review ...................................................................... 13
D.6. Funding Restrictions ................................................................................ 13
D.6.a. Award Funding Requirements ..................................................................................... 13
D.6.b. Indirect Costs ................................................................................................................... 13
D.6.c. Pre-Award Costs .............................................................................................................. 13
D.7. Other Submission Requirements ............................................................ 13
D.7.a. Electronic Application Submission in eGrants ......................................................... 13
E. APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION................................................................................................ 15
E.1. CONTINUATION APPLICATIONS (Going into Year 2 or Year 3 Only) ................... 15
E.1.a. Executive Summary............................................................................... 15
E.1.b. Program Design .................................................................................... 16
E.1.c. Work Plan(s)/Performance Measures.................................................... 16
E.1.d. Budget .................................................................................................. 16
E.1.e. Other Narrative ..................................................................................... 16
E.1.e.ii. Additional federal funding Request to maintain volunteer level:
(Required if maintaining VSY level) ................................................................ 17
E.2. RENEWAL APPLICATIONS (Going into Year 1 only) .................................................. 17
E.2.a. Executive Summary............................................................................... 17
E.2.b. Program Design .................................................................................... 18
E.2.c. Work Plans ............................................................................................ 18
E.2.d. Recruitment and Development ............................................................ 19
E.2.e. Organizational Capability ..................................................................... 20
E.2.e.i Program Management ......................................................................... 20
E.2.e.ii Organizational Capability ................................................................. 20
E.2.f. Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy ............................................ 21
E.2 f.i. Budget ................................................................................................. 21
E.2.g. Other NarrativeE.2.g.i. Evaluation (Required) ..................................... 21
E.2.g.ii. Additional federal funding request to maintain volunteer level:
(Required if needing additional federal funds to cover $4 Stipend Increase)
........................................................................................................................ 21
E.3. Initial Application Compliance and Eligibility Review ............................ 22
E.4. Application Review .................................................................................. 22
E.5. Pre-Award Risk Assessment ..................................................................... 22
E.6. Consideration of Integrity and Performance System Information .......... 23
E.7. Selection for Funding ............................................................................... 24
E.8. Feedback to Applicants ........................................................................... 24
E.9. Transparency in Grant-making ................................................................ 24
F. FEDERAL AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ...................................................................... 25
F.1. Federal Award Notices ............................................................................. 25
F.2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements .................................. 25
F.2.a. Uniform Guidance ............................................................................................................ 25
F.2.b. Requests for Monitoring or Payment Integrity Information ................................ 25
F.2.c. AmeriCorps Terms and Conditions .............................................................................. 25
F.2.d. National Service Criminal History Check Requirements ....................................... 25
F.2.e. Official Guidance ............................................................................................................. 26
F.3. Use of Material ......................................................................................... 26
F.4. Reporting ................................................................................................. 27
G. FEDERAL AWARDING AGENCY CONTACTS ....................................................................................... 27
H. OTHER INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 28
H.1. Technical Assistance ................................................................................ 28
H.2. Re-Focusing of Funding........................................................................... 28
I. IMPORTANT NOTICES .............................................................................................................................. 28
APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................................................. 29
List of Funding Opportunities ......................................................................... 29
APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Performance Measures ................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX C .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Terms and Definitions ..................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX D .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Litmos Resources: Continuations and Renewals Fiscal Year 2023- Q4 (July 1
start date) ........................................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX E .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Grant Application Instructions ........................................................................ 29
APPENDIX F................................................................................................................................................... 29
AmeriCorps Focus Areas ................................................................................. 29
APPENDIX G .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Volunteer Service Year (VSY) Adjustment Calculator for the FY23 Stipend
Increase ........................................................................................................... 30
A.1. Purpose of AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program Funding
AmeriCorps improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through
service and volunteering. AmeriCorps brings people together to tackle some of the country’s
most pressing challenges through national service and volunteerism. AmeriCorps members
and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers serve with organizations dedicated to the improvement
of communities and those serving. AmeriCorps helps make service a cornerstone of our
national culture.
Established in 1974, the AmeriCorps Seniors’ Senior Companion Program (SCP) engages
adults ages 55 and over to provide companionship and support to other adults in need of
extra assistance to remain at home or in the community for as long as possible. AmeriCorps
Seniors volunteers in the Senior Companion Program typically perform volunteer service that
takes place in the homes of their clients. Among other activities, they provide companionship
to ease loneliness and social isolation, assist with transportation and light chores, help to
serve as eyes and ears to professionals who can intervene in the case of medical or other
deterioration on the part of the clients, and give support to informal caregivers. While
serving, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers in the Senior Companion Program improve their own
lives by staying active and civically engaged.
AmeriCorps Senior prioritizes grant making in the Healthy Futures focus area identified by
the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended by the Serve America Act.
Under this focus area, grants must address health needs within communities by focusing
specifically on independent living (aging in place), and access to health care. Activities may
include supporting the ability of homebound, older adults and individuals with disabilities to
live independently.
A.2. Funding Priorities
AmeriCorps recently released its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan that defines the agency’s goals,
objectives, and strategies to both meet and exceed the agency’s mission to improve lives and
strengthen communities. Over the next 5 years, AmeriCorps will execute the following goals
to better position the agency to respond to national and local needs and help the
communities it serves prosper: partner with communities to alleviate poverty and advance
racial equity; enhance the experience for AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors
volunteers; unite Americans by bringing them together in service; effectively steward federal
resources; and make AmeriCorps one of the best and most equitable places to work in the
federal government.
Over the next five years, AmeriCorps will invest in existing and new partnerships with non-
profit, faith-based, and Tribal organizations, and state service commissions, to get things
done for America. We will prioritize investment in the most critical issues of our time public
health, climate and the environment, and education and economic opportunity within
AmeriCorps’ Focus Areas (Appendix F) and will increase our efforts to ensure our
AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Senior volunteers reflect the communities where they
serve. We will target our investments toward communities where the need is greatest,
particularly those with populations that face racial inequality and poverty. These steps will
enable more Americans than ever to strengthen the communities that need it most across the
nation through their service.
Incumbent projects that currently receive an AmeriCorps Seniors SCP grant are invited to
submit applications for the AmeriCorps Seniors SCP grant sponsored by their organization.
Incumbents are invited to apply for grant continuation or renewal based upon the
determination that the project is continuing to meet the eligibility criteria as detailed in this
AmeriCorps Seniors will prioritize national service investments in the following areas:
AmeriCorps Seniors is committed, in this grant cycle, to focus on programs that
actively engage in removing structural racial inequities, advancing racial equality, and
increase opportunity to achieve sustainable change in communities.
AmeriCorps Seniors encourages grant applications to include work plans
that advance justice and equality in areas such as healthy futures.
AmeriCorps Seniors encourages applicants to focus on efforts to help local
communities respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants may
propose programming in the healthy futures focus area to aid communities as they
recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
To receive priority consideration, applicants must show that the priority area is a significant
part of the program focus and intended outcomes, and must include a high-quality program
design. Proposing programs that receive priority consideration does not guarantee funding.
A.3. Performance Goals or Expected Outcomes
National Performance Measures
AmeriCorps expects applicants to use National Performance Measures as part of a
comprehensive performance measurement strategy that relies on both performance and
evaluation data to learn from their work and to make strategic adjustments to achieve their
Applicants are required to use the specific performance measures outlined in this Notice. For
more information, please refer to the National Performance Measures Instructions. See the
Program-specific evaluation requirements.
Applicants must identify a Primary Focus Area. Work plans must include at least one service
activity in the selected Primary Focus Area. The Primary Focus Area should represent the area
in which the incumbent aims to make the most impact.
All proposed volunteers and the intended impact of their service must be represented in the
narratives, in a performance measure and in the budget.
This funding opportunity requires applicants to demonstrate cost-effective practices in
achieving performance goals through the services described in the proposed work plans.
Applications must include work plans that meet the following minimum requirements: for
every $9,000 in annual base federal funding, at least one Volunteer Service Year (VSY) must
be incorporated in outcome-based work plans, and must produce National Performance
Measure outcomes in:
the Healthy Futures focus area; or
National Performance Measure outcomes in “Inclusion of people with disabilities”
(H15A) work plans for incumbents that have historically supported programming in
this area (see Appendix B)
Volunteer Service Year (VSY): VSY is a budget term which equals 1044 service hours. The
standardized stipend cost per VSY is calculated by multiplying the number of hours served by
the current cost per hour for the stipend (1044 hours x $4.00 per hour).
A.4. Program Authority
Awards under this Notice are authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990,
as amended, (42 U.S.C. §12501 et seq.), the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as
amended (42 U.S.C. §4950 et seq.).
This Notice includes the deadlines, eligibility requirements, submission requirements, review
criteria and other information applicable to SCP continuation and renewal applications. This
document in addition to the grant application instructions must be reviewed in order to
complete your application. This Notice is for current grantees in Year 3 of their current grant
and seeking to renew their grant with a renewal application (for Year 1) or current grantees in
Year 1 or 2 of their current grant and seeking to continue their grant with continuation
applications (for Years 2 or 3). Please pay careful attention to sections that are specific to
continuation applicants and sections specific to renewal applications.
AmeriCorps Seniors has increased the hourly stipend rate for volunteers from $3.15 to $4.00
an hour for FY23. Grantees must ensure their FY23 proposed budgets incorporate this rate
increase, and cost per VSY does not exceed $9,000.
B.1. Estimated Available Funds
AmeriCorps Seniors anticipates approximately $45 million for FY 2023 Senior Companion
Program awards. The actual level of funding is subject to the availability of annual
B.2. Estimated Award Amount
Award amounts will vary, as determined by the scope of the projects. AmeriCorps Seniors
expects to make awards in the range of $0.00 to $875,000.00.
B.3. Period of Performance
AmeriCorps expects to issue awards by June 30, 2023, to support a period of performance
that begins on July 1, 2023.
B.3.a. Continuation Grants:
Continuation funding for years 2 and 3 is not guaranteed and may be dependent upon:
Organizations that have current program awards that continue beyond FY 2022 must
submit an application in order to be eligible to receive funding for the following year.
If a continuation application is not submitted by the due date, or if approval is not
given for an extension, this will be an indication that the organization is no longer
interested in receiving funding. Please see the Application Instructions and other
Satisfactory performance that signals the grantee is on track to achieve its proposed
performance measures at the end of the grant
Demonstrated capacity to manage the grant
Compliance with grant requirements, including terms and conditions, criminal history
checks, reporting and securing the required non-AmeriCorps share
Availability of Congressional appropriations
B. 3.b. Renewal Grants:
Organizations that have current program awards and are eligible for renewal funding must
submit an application in order to be eligible to receive funding for the following year. If a
renewal application is not submitted by the due date, or if approval is not given for an
extension, this will be an indication that the organization is no longer interested in receiving
AmeriCorps anticipates making three-year grant awards for successful renewal applications.
However, applications for funding must be based on a one-year period of performance and a
one-year budget. Actual award periods will vary due to program requirements, the
availability of appropriations, or specific circumstances of an individual application.
AmeriCorps reserves the right to adjust the amount of an award.
B.4. Type of Award
FY 2023 Senior Companion Program grants will be awarded on a cost reimbursement basis.
Award recipients will be assigned to an AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager, who will be
responsible for assessing recipient performance, providing training and technical assistance,
and serving as the agency’s primary point of contact.
C.1. Eligible Applicants
Through this Notice, only AmeriCorps Seniors SCP grantees who currently receive federal
funds for an AmeriCorps Seniors SCP grant or have an approved no-cost grant ($0), may
apply for funding.
The following non-Federal entities (all of which are defined in 2 CFR 200.1) are eligible to
Indian Tribes
institutions of higher education
local governments
nonprofit organizations
state service commissions
states and US Territories
In addition to Indian Tribes as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, tribal organizations that are controlled,
authorized, or chartered by Federally recognized Indian Tribes are also eligible to apply. If an
entity applies for an award as a tribal organization that is controlled or chartered by one or
more Indian Tribes, and if it does not meet one of the other eligibility categories, the
organization must provide copies or links to documentation which demonstrates that the
organization is controlled or chartered by a federally recognized Indian Tribe. If an entity
applies as an organization authorized by a federally recognized tribe, or multiple specific
federally recognized tribes, it must submit a resolution or other authorization, adopted by the
Tribal Council (or comparable tribal governing body) of each Indian Tribe. The
authorization(s) must identify the entity applying for an AmeriCorps award by name as a tribal
organization that is authorized by the Indian Tribe(s) for the purpose of applying for
AmeriCorps funding (or federal grant funds generally).
Applicants must have a valid SAM registration and Unique Entity Identifier to receive an
award. See Section D.3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
for more information.
C.2. Cost Sharing or Matching
Applicants are required to match funds equal to 10% percent of their total requested one-
year program budget. The applicant’s match can be non-AmeriCorps cash and/or in-kind
contributions. Applicants must indicate whether the match is proposed or secured and
maintain documentation. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to meet the 10% percent
match requirement at the time of application submission. If needed, match waiver request
can be submitted. Please see the Match Waiver information for AmeriCorps Seniors
Grantees located on the AmeriCorps website’s Manage Your Grant webpage.
Non-AmeriCorps Federal funds are allowed as match if the Federal agency that is the source
of the funds approves its use as match. Applicants must maintain documentation of this
See Section D.6. Funding Restrictions for more information.
C.3. Other Eligibility Requirements
Applications that propose to engage in activities that are prohibited under AmeriCorps’
statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of its awards are not eligible to receive
AmeriCorps funding.
Note that under appropriations provisions annually enacted by Congress, if AmeriCorps is
aware that any corporation has any unpaid federal tax liability
that has been assessed;
for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have
lapsed; and
that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority
responsible for collecting the tax liability;
that corporation is not eligible for an award under this Notice. However, this exclusion will not
apply to a corporation that a federal agency has considered for suspension or debarment
and determined that suspension or debarment is not necessary to protect the interests of the
federal government.
Pursuant to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, an organization described in the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. §501 (c)(4) that engages in lobbying activities is not eligible
to apply for AmeriCorps funding.
This Notice should be read together with the AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion
Program regulations, 45 CFR Part 2551, AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program
Grant Application Instructions, Appendix A: List of Funding Opportunities, and Appendix B:
AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program Performance Measure Instructions. These
documents are available online at https://americorps.gov/grantees-sponsors/scp
D.1. Address to Request an Application Package
All information associated with this funding opportunity is available through the AmeriCorps
Seniors webpages. Applicants should refer to AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion
Program Grantees page for more information and instructions on how to fully respond to this
Notice. Applicants can also send an email to the assigned Regional Office for a printed copy
of the Notice, Guidance or Application Instructions. AmeriCorps also offers live text chat at
D.2. Content and Form of Application Submission
D.2.a. Application Content
Complete applications must include the following sections:
AmeriCorps Seniors SCP Continuation Grantees (Going into Year 2 or Year 3): (Also see
Section E.1 for more detailed information)
Standard Form 424 (SF-424) Face Sheet: This is automatically generated when
applicants complete the data elements in the eGrants system.
Narrative Sections:
o Executive Summary: This is a brief description of the proposed program.
Executive Summaries must match the language templates as provided in the
Notice. Executive Summaries of all compliant applications are made available
to the public following grant awards.
o Program Management: Inform of any changes or challenges to your program,
otherwise enter N/A if there are no continuation changes. Leave previous
information in this section.
o Work plan(s)/Performance Measures: Update, if necessary, and make sure to
leave the previous information there.
o Cost-Effectiveness & Budget Adequacy: Update, if necessary, and make sure to
leave the previous information there.
o Other: Respond to questions specific to DEIA and retention. If other
information is present, please leave it.
Standard Form 424A Budget
Performance Measures
Authorization, Assurances, and Certifications
Do not delete content in the other fields (such as Strengthening Communities, Recruitment
and Development, and Organizational Capability) that have populated unless you are
changing the number of VSY or cost per VSY. Because eGrants is our system of record, it is
critical that previous information stays and that you update only where specific items
AmeriCorps Seniors SCP Renewal Grantees (Going into Year 1):
Standard Form 424 (SF-424) Face Sheet: This is automatically generated when
applicants complete the data elements in the eGrants system.
Narrative Sections:
o Executive Summary: This is a brief description of the proposed program.
Executive Summaries must match the language templates as provided in
application instructions and the Notice. Executive Summaries of all compliant
applications are made available to the public following grant awards.
o Strengthening Communities
o Recruitment and Development
o Program Management (Program Design)
o Organizational Capability
o Cost-Effectiveness & Budget Adequacy
o Other
Standard Form 424A Budget
Performance Measures
Authorization, Assurances, and Certifications
D.2.b. Page Limits
Applications may not exceed 17 double-spaced pages as according to the pages printed out
from eGrants. The application sections that count toward the page limit are the:
SF-424 Face Sheet;
Executive Summary; and
Strengthening Communities, Recruitment and Development, Program Management,
Organizational Capability, Other, and Cost-Effectiveness & Budget Adequacy
The application page limit does not include the Budget, Performance Measures,
Continuation Changes, Clarification, or any required additional documents.
Please note that the length of the application as a word processing document may differ from
the length of the document printed out from eGrants. The character limits in eGrants do not
align with page limits set in the Notice. AmeriCorps strongly encourages applicants to
print out the application from the “Review and Submit” tab in eGrants prior to
submission in order to confirm that the application does not exceed the page limit.
AmeriCorps will not consider the results of any alternative printing methods when
determining if an application complies with the page limit. Reviewers will also not consider
material that is over the page limit, even if eGrants allows applicants to enter and submit
additional text.
D.3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
All applicants must register with the System for Award Management (SAM) and maintain an
active SAM registration until the application process is complete. If an applicant is awarded a
grant, it must maintain an active SAM registration throughout the life of the award. See the
SAM Quick Guide for Grantees.
SAM registration must be renewed annually. AmeriCorps suggests that applicants finalize a
new registration or renew an existing one at least three weeks before the application
deadline, to allow time to resolve any issues that may arise. Applicants must use their SAM-
registered legal name and physical address on all grant applications to AmeriCorps.
The legal applicant’s name and physical address in eGrants must match exactly the
applicant’s SAM-registered information.
Applications must include a valid Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), which is generated as part of
the SAM registration process. AmeriCorps Seniors will not make awards to entities that do
not have a valid SAM registration and Unique Entity Identifier.
Applications must include an Employer Identification Number. The UEI and Employer
Identification Number must be entered by the organization’s Grantee Administrator as an
organization attribute, and this will apply the information to all applications for the
If an applicant has not fully complied with these requirements by the time AmeriCorps is
ready to make a federal award, AmeriCorps may determine that the applicant is not qualified
to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making a federal award to
another applicant.
D.4. Submission Dates and Times
D.4.a. Application Submission Deadline
Applications are due not later than Thursday, March 9, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
AmeriCorps will not consider applications submitted after the deadline, except as noted in
Section D.4.c. Late Applications. AmeriCorps reserves the right to extend the submission
deadline. AmeriCorps will post a notification in the event of an extended deadline on
AmeriCorps’ website.
D.4.b. Additional Documents Deadline
Additional documents are due by the application submission deadline. See Sections D.4.a.
Application Submission Deadline and D.7.b. Submission of Additional Documents for more
D.4.c. Late Applications
All applications received after the Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time,
submission deadline published in this Notice are presumed to be non-compliant. To
overcome this presumption, the applicant must:
submit a written explanation or justification of the extenuating circumstance(s) that
caused the delay, including:
o the timing and specific cause(s) of the delay
o the ticket number if a request for assistance was submitted to the AmeriCorps
o any information provided to the applicant by the AmeriCorps Hotline
o any other documentation or evidence that supports the justification
ensure that AmeriCorps receives the written explanation or justification and any other
evidence that substantiates the claimed extenuating circumstance(s), via email to
[email protected], no later than 24 hours after the application deadline
as stated in the Notice.
Communication with AmeriCorps staff, including an applicant’s Portfolio Manager, is not a
substitute for a written explanation or justification of the extenuating circumstance that
caused the delay as outlined above. Applicants are required to continue working in eGrants,
AmeriCorps' web-based application system, and with the AmeriCorps Hotline to submit the
application. AmeriCorps will determine whether to accept a late application on a case-by-
case basis.
Applicants that do not meet the application submission deadline and do not submit a written
explanation or justification or any other evidence to overcome the presumption of non-
compliance within the published timeframe will be deemed noncompliant. If AmeriCorps
sustains a noncompliant determination, the application will not be reviewed or selected for
AmeriCorps will not consider an advance request to submit a late application. Please
carefully review and follow the guidance in this section and submit your application as soon
as possible.
D.5. Intergovernmental Review
This Notice is not subject to Executive Order 12372, “Intergovernmental Review of Federal
D.6. Funding Restrictions
D.6.a. Award Funding Requirements
Awards under this Notice are subject to cost share or matching requirements. The amount of
funding AmeriCorps provides will be limited to 10 percent of the total allowable costs for the
funded activity, as determined under 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles.
D.6.b. Indirect Costs
Application budgets may include indirect costs. Based on qualifying factors, applicants may
either use a Federally approved indirect cost rate, a 10 percent de minimis rate of modified
total direct costs, or may claim certain costs directly, as outlined in 2 CFR 200.413. States,
local governments, and Indian Tribes may use previously-approved indirect cost allocation
plans. All methods must be applied consistently across all federal awards. Applicants that
have a federal negotiated indirect cost rate must enter that information in the Organization
section in eGrants.
The instructions for how to enter the organization’s indirect cost rate are located
here: eGrants Indirect Cost Rate User Instructions. Applicants should not submit
documentation addressing the indirect cost rate agreement via email.
Please note: To request a federally negotiated indirect cost rate agreement, when
AmeriCorps is the applicable cognizant agency for an organization’s indirect costs, the
applicant must submit a request to [email protected]. The applicant may also obtain
instructions and additional information by contacting the email address above.
D.6.c. Pre-Award Costs
Pre-award costs, where authorized, are allowed after receiving written approval from
D.7. Other Submission Requirements
D.7.a. Electronic Application Submission in eGrants
Applicants must submit applications electronically via eGrants, AmeriCorps' web-based
application system. AmeriCorps recommends that applicants create an eGrants account if
necessary and begin the application at least three weeks before the deadline. Applicants
should draft the application as a Word document, then copy and paste the text into the
appropriate eGrants field no later than 10 days before the deadline.
The applicant’s authorized representative must be the person who submits the application.
The authorized representative must use their own eGrants account to sign and submit the
application. A copy of the governing body’s authorization for this official representative to
sign must be on file in the applicant’s office.
Applicants should contact the AmeriCorps Hotline at (800) 942-2677 or via eGrants
Questions if they have a problem when they create an account, prepare, or submit the
application. AmeriCorps Hotline hours are posted on website.
Be prepared to provide the application ID, organization’s name, and the name of the Notice
to which the organization is applying. If the issue cannot be resolved by the deadline,
applicants must continue working with the AmeriCorps Hotline to submit via eGrants.
If circumstances make it impossible for an applicant to submit in eGrants, applicants may
send a paper copy of the application via overnight carrier below. Applicants must include a
written explanation and any other documentation or evidence that support their inability to
submit their application electronically.
ATTN: Office of AmeriCorps Seniors/FY 2023 Senior Companion Continuation or
Renewal Q4 Application
250 E Street, SW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20525
Please use a non-U.S. Postal Service carrier to avoid security-related delays. All deadlines
and requirements in this Notice also apply to paper applications. AmeriCorps does not
accept applications submitted via fax or email.
D.7.b. Submission of Additional Documents
Applicants are required to submit the following additional documents by the application
submission deadline:
1. Tribal organization eligibility documentation, if applicable (See Section C.1 Eligible
2. Renewal (going into Year 1) applicants only regardless of are required to submit an
Operational and Financial Management Survey (OFMS). Please submit the OFMS
using this link.
Additional documents must be emailed to [email protected] with the following
subject line: “Legal Applicant Name” – “Application ID Number.” Emails should include:
the legal applicant’s name and its point of contact information
the application ID number
individually attached files that are clearly labeled, and that include the legal
applicant’s name and application ID number within the file name and heading of each
document. To ensure that all required additional documents are considered, please
provide each document as a separate single file, labeled appropriately. Please do not
send multiple documents in one combined file, and do not send a single document in
multiple files.
Failure to submit the required additional documents, following the email instructions in this
section, by the deadline may have a negative effect on the assessment of your application.
Do not submit any items that are not requested in this Notice and Application
Instructions. AmeriCorps will not review or return them.
AmeriCorps Seniors SCP Continuation Grantees must review section E.1. and provide the
information as instructed.
AmeriCorps Seniors SCP Renewal Grantees must review section E.2. and provide the
information as instructed.
E.1. CONTINUATION APPLICATIONS (Going into Year 2 or Year 3 Only)
Continuation Funding Information and Requirements
Organizations that have current program awards that continue beyond FY 2022 must submit
an application in order to be eligible to receive funding for the following year. If a
continuation application is not submitted by the due date, or if approval is not given for an
extension, this will be an indication that the organization is no longer interested in receiving
funding. Please see the Application Instructions and other appendices.
The hourly stipend rate for FY23 is $4.00. Requests by existing continuation applicants for
increases in the level of funding will be assessed based on review of information provided in
the continuation application, most recent progress reports, most recent federal financial
report, and AmeriCorps staff’s knowledge of the grant program.
To be approved for continuation funding, recipients must demonstrate satisfactory
performance with respect to key program goals and requirements, as well as compliance
with the terms and conditions of the grant. AmeriCorps reserves the right to award
applications in an amount less than the requested level of funding and will document the
rationale for doing so. Continuation applications must respond to the items noted below
for executive summary, program design, work plan, DEIA, and budget.
See section D.2.a for Continuation Application content.
E.1.a. Executive Summary
Please ensure the Executive Summary is in the correct format as noted below. Do not
deviate from the template below. If the executive summary does not match the template
below, applicants will be instructed to correct prior to award.
“The [Name of the organization] proposes to have [Number of unduplicated]
AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who will [service activities the volunteers will be doing]
in [the locations the AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will serve]. The primary focus
area of this project is [fill in AmeriCorps Focus Area]. At the end of the three-year
grant, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will be responsible for [fill in the anticipated
outcome (s)]. The AmeriCorps investment of $ [fill in the annual AmeriCorps grant
amount or the requested amount] will be supplemented by $ [fill in the anticipated
level of non-AmeriCorps resources].”
E.1.b. Program Design
If there are changes you are proposing changes for FY23, please update the appropriate
section(s) in eGrants. For example, if the information is no longer accurate due to project or
sponsor organization changes, or if you are proposing changes to the number of VSYs or cost
per volunteer, you must update your application in the following sections: Strengthening
Communities and in the Recruitment and Development of volunteers. If there are no
changes, enter N/A. For continuation applications, please leave any pre-populated
E.1.c. Work Plan(s)/Performance Measures
Information will copy from your previous awarded application into your continuation
application. Work plans are designed to align with the three-year performance period. If you
are making changes to your VSYs, then the work plans need to reflect the current number of
volunteers and other changes to your service activities. Your performance measures must
also be aligned with any changes to your number of volunteers and service activities. If there
are no changes, please make no edits to the workplan.
E.1.d. Budget
Update the budget based upon the revised stipended VSY for this project period. Please
refer to the Append G. Stipend Calculator and Cost per VSY for assistance in calculating the
impact of the $0.85 stipend increase. Incorporate any changes such as new sources of non-
AmeriCorps funds, adjustments to the stipend lines, etc. The non-AmeriCorps share must be
a minimum of 10% of the total amount. If needed, you may request a match waiver (see
section C.2).
E.1.e. Other Narrative
E.1.e.i. All Continuation Grantees must respond to the following: (Provide responses to
the following questions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) and
Recruitment in the “Other” section of eGrants. Do not revise previous DEIA and recruitment
responses in other sections of the application.
Describe your organization’s DEIA goals and demonstrate what progress has been
made toward achieving them?
In what ways could your organization utilize training, technical assistance, and other
resources related to DEIA?
Describe any challenges your organization is experiencing with recruitment and/or
retention of volunteers. Include any relevant information with regard to influencing
factors (e.g., Covid-19, inflation, school protocols), and how AmeriCorps can assist
your project in meeting those challenges?
E.1.e.ii. Additional federal funding Request to maintain volunteer level: (Required if
maintaining VSY level)
If after completing your VSY review (use the VSY Adjustment Calculator to determine the
minimum number of VSYs) and a determination is made that additional funds are required to
meet your local community and programmatic needs, then complete the following
statements in the “Other” section in eGrants: (Note, applicants should not request more VSYs than
previously awarded, this is a request to maintain levels of VSY being met in the community):
Our past performance indicates that we will be able to maintain our current
number [include number of VSYs ] of VSYs. As a result, we are requesting
additional funding to cover the stipend increase of $0.85 per VSYs [insert
number] in order to maintain the current service activities.
With the volunteer stipend increasing to $4, our program will need an
additional $X,XXX in AmeriCorps funds.
E.2. RENEWAL APPLICATIONS (Going into Year 1 only)
Organizations that have current program awards and are eligible for renewal funding must
submit an application in order to be eligible to receive funding for the following year. If a
renewal application is not submitted by the due date, or if approval is not given for an
extension, this will be an indication that the organization is no longer interested in receiving
Applications should include a well-designed plan with clear and compelling justifications for
receiving the requested funds. Reviewers will assess the quality of applications by using the
selection criteria described below and will rate them accordingly.
See section D.2.a for Renewal application content.
E.2.a. Executive Summary
Please fill in the blanks of these sentences to complete the Executive Summary. Do not
deviate from the template below. If applicant does not follow the template below, the
application will be returned for correction before an award can be made.
“The [Name of the organization] proposes to have [Number of unduplicated]
AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who will [service activities the volunteers will be doing]
in [the locations the AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will serve]. The primary focus
area of this project is [fill in AmeriCorps Focus Area]. At the end of the three-year
grant, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will be responsible for [fill in the anticipated
outcome (s)]. The AmeriCorps investment of $ [fill in the annual AmeriCorps grant
amount or the requested amount] will be supplemented by $ [fill in the anticipated
level of non-AmeriCorps resources].”
E.2.b. Program Design
Reviewers will consider the quality of the application’s response to the criteria below. Do not
assume all sub-criteria are of equal value.
The Strengthening Communities narrative addresses:
The proposed interventions are responsive to the identified community problem(s).
The applicant’s proposed interventions are clearly articulated including the design,
dosage, target population, and roles of AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers. The
applicant’s intervention is likely to lead to the outcomes identified in the applicant’s
work plans.
The expected outcomes articulated in the Strengthening Communities narrative and
Performance Measures represent meaningful progress in addressing the community
problems identified by the applicant.
The rationale for utilizing AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers to deliver the intervention(s),
addressing the community need is reasonable.
How the service of AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will produce significant
contributions to existing efforts to address the stated problem.
For incumbent organizations, if the anticipated outcomes (Performance Measures)
were not met in the previous three-year grant cycle and those same outcomes are
included in this application, include what actions will be taken to meet those
outcomes under this new award.
The applicant’s (organization or institution’s) definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion,
and accessibility are included AND activities the organization is engaged in related to
diversity, equity, inclusion. And accessibility are clearly identified.
The proposed plan to ensure the project engages a diverse and inclusive group of
volunteers is clearly articulated.
The application clearly states how the project will serve members of the community
through an equity lens.
The description of the community to be served includes demographic, income, and
additional relevant information.
E.2.c. Work Plans
Performance Measures should include:
Description of the community problem being addressed by the individual performance
Description of the service activities that address the community problem.
Description of the intended outcome of the service activity.
Each Performance Measure must logically connect the four major elements to each
other and be aligned with National Performance Measures.
1. The community need(s) identified
2. The service activities that will be carried out by AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers
3. The instrument description and data collection plans
4. Target numbers that lead to outcomes or outputs, and are appropriate for the
total number of volunteers assigned to the Performance Measure
The service activities that are defined in each Performance Measure must include the
intervention the AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers will implement or deliver, including:
o The duration of the intervention (e.g., the total number of weeks, sessions or
months of the intervention)
o The dosage of the intervention (e.g., the number of hours per session or
sessions per week)
o The target population for the intervention (e.g., disconnected seniors/youth,
third graders at a certain reading proficiency level)
o The measurable outputs that result from delivering the intervention (i.e.,
number of beneficiaries served, types and number of activities conducted). If
applicable, identify which National Performance Measures will be used as
output indicators
o Outcomes that demonstrate changes in knowledge/skill, attitude, behavior, or
condition that occur because of the intervention. If applicable, identify which
National Performance Measures will be used as outcome indicators. For every
$9,000 in annual base federal funding, at least one Volunteer Service Year (VSY)
must be incorporated in outcome-based work plans, and must produce
National Performance Measure outcomes in: the Healthy Futures focus area; or
National Performance Measure outcomes in “Inclusion of people with
disabilities” (H15A) work plans for incumbents that have historically supported
programming in this area (see Appendix B)
o All proposed AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers must be included in at least one
outcome-based Performance Measure.
E.2.d. Recruitment and Development
Reviewers will assess the extent to which the proposed project demonstrates a plan and the
organization’s infrastructure to provide for effective volunteer recruitment and management
by assessing the extent to which the application:
Describes how the proposed recruitment strategy is a strategic response to the
demographics in the community served.
Demonstrates a plan and infrastructure to ensure volunteers receive training needed
to succeed in the service activities described in the Performance Measures.
Describes the demographics of the community served and plans to recruit
AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers from geographic or demographic communities in
which the program operates. This could include but not limited to the following:
a. Volunteers from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color)
b. Volunteers from LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and
Questioning) communities
c. Individuals with varying degrees of English language proficiency
d. Individuals with disabilities
e. Veterans and military family members as volunteers
Demonstrates a plan and adequate infrastructure to retain and recognize volunteers.
This includes:
a. An explanation of how the applicant will foster an inclusive service culture
where different backgrounds, talents, and capabilities are welcome.
b. A description of how engaged volunteers will remain active over the course of
grant funding.
Demonstrates a plan for developing and growing a culture of inclusion at volunteer
stations to ensure volunteer station supervisors who are involved in the recruitment of
volunteers are invested in addressing community disparities and the root causes of
biases in recruitment efforts.
E.2.e. Organizational Capability
E.2.e.i Program Management
Reviewers will consider the extent to which the application:
Describes the plans and infrastructure to ensure management of volunteer stations
are in compliance with the program regulations
Demonstrates plans to address culture of volunteer stations to be safe inclusive
spaces for diverse volunteers.
Demonstrates plans and infrastructure to develop and/or oversee volunteer stations
to ensure that volunteers are performing their assigned service activities, including:
a. Sufficient guidance and support of AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers for provide
effective service.
b. Adequate training and preparation of station supervisors to follow AmeriCorps
Seniors program regulations, priorities, and expectations.
E.2.e.ii Organizational Capability
Reviewers will consider the extent to which the application:
Describes the organizations commitment to equity when addressing critical
community needs reflected in the organizations mission and vision, as well as the
application’s Performance Measures.
Describes the plans and infrastructure to provide sound programmatic and fiscal
oversight (both financial and in-kind) and day-to-day operational support to ensure
the following:
a. Compliance with program requirements (statutes, regulations, and the Uniform
Guidance/2 CFR 200 and related appendices);
b. Accountability;
c. Efficient and effective use of available resources; and
d. Plans to engage non-federal funding sources for sustainability of
Clearly defines paid staff positions, including identification of current staff assigned to
the project (name, title, and brief position description) and how these positions will
ensure the accomplishment of program objectives.
Describes your organization’s experience with, and/or plans for diversity, equity, and
inclusion within your organization. This can include the inclusion of diversity on the
Board of Directors, agency staff and leadership, and/or volunteers.
Demonstrates organizational capacity to develop and implement internal policies and
operating procedures to provide governance and manage risk, such as accounting,
personnel management, and purchasing.
Describes the extent to which the organization has an effective mechanism in place to
report, without delay, any suspected criminal activity, waste, fraud, and/or abuse to
both the AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General and AmeriCorps and a plan for
training staff and participants on these reporting protocols.
Describes the extent to which the organization has sufficient policies, procedures, and
controls in place to prevent, detect, and mitigate the risk of fraud, waste, abuse, and
mismanagement (this can include an assessment of appropriate segregation of duties,
internal oversight activities, measures to prevent timekeeping fraud, etc.)
Describes the extent to which the organization has a monitoring and oversight plan to
prevent and detect non-compliance and enforce compliance with AmeriCorps rules
and regulations including those related to prohibited activities and criminal history
checks at the grantee, and service site locations.
E.2.f. Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy
Please describe the extent to which the proposal:
Has a reasonable cost per volunteer in proposed work plan that will lead to National
Performance Measure requirements (See Appendix B and section A.3 of the Notice).
Has plans and infrastructure to secure the non-federal support for program
sustainability-including dedicated staff, grant proposal processes and other plans.
E.2 f.i. Budget
Update the budget based upon the revised stipended VSY for this project period. Please
refer to the Append G. Stipend Calculator and Cost per VSY for assistance in calculating the
impact of the $0.85 stipend increase. Incorporate any changes such as new sources of non-
AmeriCorps funds, adjustments to the stipend lines, etc. The non-AmeriCorps share must be
a minimum of 10%. If needed, you may request a match waiver.
E.2.g. Other Narrative
E.2.g.i. Evaluation (Required)
Evaluation is a tool for improving a program and increasing its ability to serve people more
efficiently and effectively. To ensure the applicant has a quality evaluation plan, describe the
The applicant’s data collection system and how it is sufficient to collect high quality
performance measurement data. If the applicant does not yet have a data collection system,
describe the plan and timeline for developing a high-quality system during the propose
planning period.
How the applicant will use performance data.
For more information, about evaluation plans and data collection methods, please visit the
AmeriCorps Evaluation Resources website.
E.2.g.ii. Additional federal funding request to maintain volunteer level: (Required if
needing additional federal funds to cover $4 Stipend Increase)
If after completing your VSY review (use the Appendix G: VSY Adjustment Calculator to determine the
minimum number of VSYs) and a determination is made that additional funds are required to meet your
local community and programmatic needs, then complete the following statements in the “Other”
section in eGrants. (Note, applicants should not request more VSYs than previously awarded, this is a
request to maintain levels of VSY being met in the community):
Our past performance indicates that we will be able to maintain our current number
[include number of VSYs] of VSYs. As a result, we are requesting additional funding to
cover the stipend increase of $0.85 per VSYs [insert number] in order to maintain the
current service activities.
With the volunteer stipend increasing to $4, our program will need an additional
$X,XXX in AmeriCorps funds.
E.3. Initial Application Compliance and Eligibility Review
AmeriCorps will conduct an initial Compliance and Eligibility Review to determine if an
application meets the eligibility requirements published in this Notice and advances to the
next stage of the review process.
An application is compliant if the applicant:
is an eligible organization
submitted an application by the submission deadline
Reviewing for eligibility is intended to ensure that only those applications that are eligible for
award are further reviewed. However, determinations of eligibility can take place at any point
during the application review and selection process. Applicants that are determined to be
ineligible will not receive an award.
E.4. Application Review
Internal Review
AmeriCorps Staff Reviewers will assess the applications based on the information provided in
E.1 or E.2. Staff Reviewers will also consider the priorities and strategic considerations
detailed in this Notice. All Staff Reviewers will be screened for conflicts of interest.
E.5. Pre-Award Risk Assessment
AmeriCorps staff will assess the risks to the program posed by each applicant to determine
an applicant’s ability to manage Federal Funds. This evaluation is in addition to those about
the applicant’s eligibility and the quality of its application on the basis of the Selection Criteria
(E.1 for Continuation, E.2 for Renewal). Results from this assessment will inform funding
decisions. If AmeriCorps determines that an award will be made to an applicant with
assessed risks, special conditions that correspond to the degree of assessed risk may be
applied to the award. Additionally, if AmeriCorps concludes that the reasons for applicants
having poor risk assessment are not likely to be mitigated, those applications may not be
selected for funding.
In assessing risks, AmeriCorps may consider the following criteria:
1. Due Diligence, including:
Federal debt delinquency
suspension and debarment
information available through Office of Management and Budget (OMB)- designated
repositories of government-wide eligibility qualification or financial integrity
information, such as:
o Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)
o U.S. Treasury Bureau of Fiscal Services
o System for Award Management (SAM)
o “Do Not Pay”
reports and findings from single audits performed under Uniform Administrative
Guidance and findings of any other available audits or investigations
IRS Tax Form 990
Public Litigation Records
2. Operational and Financial Management, including: (Renewals Only)
financial stability
Operational and Financial Management Survey (OFMS)
3. Past Performance, including:
an applicant’s record in managing previous AmeriCorps awards, cooperative
agreements, or procurement awards, including:
o timeliness of compliance with applicable reporting requirements
o accuracy of data reported
o validity of performance measure data reported
o conformance to the terms and conditions of previous Federal awards
o applicant’s ability to effectively implement statutory, regulatory, or other
requirements imposed on award recipients
o timely closeout of other awards
o meeting matching requirements
o the extent to which any previously awarded amounts will be expended prior to
future awards
o national service criminal history check (NSCHC) compliance. See section F.2.d.
National Criminal History Check Requirements and the NSCHC webpage for
more information
4. Other Programmatic Risks, including:
publicly available information, including from the applicant organization's website
amount of funding requested by the organization
E.6. Consideration of Integrity and Performance System Information
Prior to making any award that exceeds $250,000, AmeriCorps is required to review and
consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and
performance system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS) (See 41 U.S.C. §2313).
Additionally, AmeriCorps may expand upon these requirements and use its discretion to
review and consider information about any applicant receiving an award, including those
under $250,000.
Any applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated integrity and
performance systems accessible through FAPIIS and comment on any information about itself
that a Federal awarding agency previously entered and is currently in the designated
integrity and performance system accessible through FAPIIS.
AmeriCorps may consider comments by any applicant, in addition to the other information in
the designated integrity and performance system, in making a judgment about the
applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under federal awards when
completing its review of risk posed by the applicant under the Risk Assessment section of this
E.7. Selection for Funding
The review and selection process are designed to:
identify how well eligible applications are aligned with the application selection
criteria (E.1 for Continuation; E.2 for Renewal)
build a diversified portfolio based on the following strategic considerations:
o AmeriCorps Funding Priorities (See Section A.2. Funding Priorities)
o meaningful representation of
geographic diversity
rural communities
small and medium programs
faith-based organizations
In selecting applicants to receive awards under this Notice, the Director of AmeriCorps
Seniors will endeavor to include a diverse portfolio of applications based on staff
recommendations, alignment with selection criteria, and strategic considerations.
AmeriCorps reserves the right to award applications in an amount other than at the
requested level of funding and will document the rationale for doing so.
AmeriCorps reserves the right to adjust or make changes to the review process, if
unforeseen challenges or urgent circumstances make it impossible, impracticable, or
inefficient to conduct the review process as planned. Any such adjustments or changes
will not affect the selection criteria (E.1. for Continuation; E.2. for Renewal) that will be
used to assess applications.
E.8. Feedback to Applicants
After review of applications, continuation and renewal applications may receive resolution
items, which are clarification and/or budget items which must be resolved prior to an award
being made. Applicants are expected to adhere to all deadlines or may risk receiving a late
award, or no award.
E.9. Transparency in Grant-making
Information about funded grants is available in USASpending.gov.
F.1. Federal Award Notices
AmeriCorps will make awards following the selection announcement. AmeriCorps anticipates
announcing the results of this funding opportunity by late May 2023, contingent on the
availability of congressional appropriations. All applicants, successful or not, will be notified
of funding decisions via email.
Notification of an award is not an authorization to begin activities. The Notice of Grant Award
signed by the Office of Grant Administration Grant Award Specialist is the authorizing
document. An awardee may not expend Federal Funds until the start of the Period of
Performance identified on the Notice of Grant Award.
F.2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
F.2.a. Uniform Guidance
All awards made under this Notice will be subject to the Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform
Guidance), in 2 CFR Parts 200 and 2205.
F.2.b. Requests for Monitoring or Payment Integrity Information
AmeriCorps will request documentation from award recipients in order to monitor the
grantee and award to ensure compliance with legal requirements, including the Payment
Integrity Information Act of 2019. Failure to make timely responses to these requests may
result in award funds being placed on manual hold, reimbursement only status, or other
remedies as appropriate.
F.2.c. AmeriCorps Terms and Conditions
All awards made under this Notice will be subject to the FY 2023 AmeriCorps General Terms
and Conditions, and the FY 2023 Program-Specific Terms and Conditions for the particular
program (when applicable). These Terms and Conditions contain detailed, mandatory
compliance and reporting requirements. Current versions of the AmeriCorps General and
Program-Specific Terms and Conditions for each of its programs is available at SCP grantees |
F.2.d. National Service Criminal History Check Requirements
The National Service Criminal History Check (NSCHC) is a specific screening procedure
established by law to protect the beneficiaries of national service. We encourage grantees to
minimize barriers to service without putting their program beneficiaries at genuine risk.
In general, award recipients and subrecipients must conduct an NSCHC for
AmeriCorps members, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers, and all staff funded under, or
whose salary is reflected as match on, the award.
AmeriCorps strongly encourages applicants to review the regulations and additional
guidance to fully understand how to comply with the requirements (see the National
Service Criminal History Check webpage). AmeriCorps also strongly encourages
award recipients to utilize the agency-approved vendors to conduct the required
Failure to conduct a compliant NSCHC may result in significant disallowed costs.
The cost of conducting NSCHC is an allowable expense under the award and the
individual subject to the NSCHC may not be required to cover the cost without being
An NSCHC consists of a check of the:
1. National Sex Offender Public website (nationwide check);
2. State criminal history record repository or agency-designated alternative for the
individual's State of residence and State of service; and
3. Fingerprint-based check of the FBI criminal history record database through the State
criminal history record repository or agency-approved vendor.
All checks must be conducted, reviewed, and an eligibility determination made before the
individual begins work or service.
An individual is not eligible to serve or work in a position subject to the NSCHC requirements
the individual refuses to consent to a criminal history check;
makes a false statement in connection with a criminal history check;
is registered, or is required to be registered, on a state sex offender registry or the
National Sex Offender Registry; or
has been convicted of murder.
See 45 CFR 2540.200 2540.207 and National Service Criminal History Check Resources for
complete information and FAQs.
F.2.e. Official Guidance
AmeriCorps active Guidance is available on the agency’s Guidance webpage. The contents
of these documents do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the
public in any way unless incorporated into a contract or grant agreement. These documents
are intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the
law or agency policies.
F.3. Use of Material
To ensure that materials generated with AmeriCorps funding are available to the public and
readily accessible to recipients and non-recipients, AmeriCorps reserves a royalty-free,
nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to obtain, use, modify, reproduce, publish, or disseminate
publications and materials produced under the award, including data, and to authorize
others to do so (2 CFR §200.315).
F.4. Reporting
Award recipients are required to submit a variety of reports that are due at specific times
during the life cycle of an award. All reports must be accurate, complete, and submitted on
Award recipients are required to provide annual progress reports and semi-annual financial
and narrative progress reports through eGrants, AmeriCorps’ web-based grants
management system. All award recipients must submit quarterly financial reports to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System.
In addition, at the end of the award period, award recipients must submit final financial and
progress reports that are cumulative over the entire award period and consistent with the
close-out requirements. The final reports are due 120 days after the end of the period of
Award recipients will be required to report at Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) on all subawards over $30,000 and
may be required to report on executive compensation for the recipient organization and its
subrecipients. Award recipients must have the necessary systems in place to collect and
report this information. See 2 CFR Part 170 for more information and to determine how these
requirements apply.
Once the grant is awarded, award recipients will be expected to have in place data collection
and data management policies, processes, and practices that provide assurance that they are
reporting high quality performance measure data. At a minimum, award recipients should
have policies, processes, and practices that address the following five aspects of data quality
for themselves and for subrecipients (if applicable):
data measures what it intends to measure
data reported is complete
grantee collects data in a consistent manner
grantee takes steps to correct data errors
grantee actively reviews data for accuracy prior to submission.
Failure to submit accurate, complete, and timely required reports may affect the award
recipient’s ability to secure future AmeriCorps funding.
For more information email [email protected]. AmeriCorps also offers live text
For technical questions and problems with the eGrants system, call the AmeriCorps Hotline at
(800) 942-2677. AmeriCorps Hotline hours are also posted. Be prepared to provide the
application ID, organization’s name, and the name of the Notice to which the organization is
H.1. Technical Assistance
AmeriCorps will host technical assistance calls to answer questions about the funding
opportunity and eGrants. AmeriCorps strongly encourages all applicants to participate in
these sessions. Information for these technical assistance calls is available on the AmeriCorps’
Funding Opportunities website.
Recordings will be posted in Litmos, one week from date recorded.
H.2. Re-Focusing of Funding
AmeriCorps reserves the right to re-focus program dollars under this Notice in the event of
disaster or other compelling needs.
Public Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for collection of information under this
Notice of Funding is estimated to average six hours per submission, including reviewing
instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the application and
reporting forms. AmeriCorps informs people who may respond to this Notice of Funding that
they are not required to respond unless the OMB control number and expiration date are
current valid. (See 5 C.F.R. 1320.5(b)(2)(i).) This collection is approved under OMB Control #:
3045-0035, Senior Corps Grant Application, Expiration Date: November 30, 2024.
Privacy Act Statement: The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C §552a) requires that we notify you
that the information requested under this Notice of Funding is collected pursuant to 42
U.S.C. §§12592 and 12615 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 as amended,
and 42 U.S.C. §4953 of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 as amended.
Purposes and Uses - The information requested is collected for the purposes of reviewing
grant applications and granting funding requests. Routine uses may include disclosure of the
information to Federal, state, or local agencies pursuant to lawfully authorized requests. In
some programs, the information may also be provided to Federal, state, and local law
enforcement agencies to determine the existence of any prior criminal convictions. The
information may also be provided to appropriate Federal agencies and contractors that have
a need to know the information for the purpose of assisting the government to respond to a
suspected or confirmed breach of the security or confidentiality or information maintained in
this system of records, and the information disclosed is relevant and unnecessary for the
Effects of Nondisclosure - The information requested is voluntary; however, to be a recipient
of this grant program, disclosure of personal or sensitive information is required to receive
federal benefits.
List of Funding Opportunities
Performance Measures
Terms and Definitions
Litmos Resources: Continuations and Renewals Fiscal Year 2023- Q4 (July 1 start date)
Grant Application Instructions
AmeriCorps Focus Areas
The National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended by the Serve America Act,
emphasizes measuring the impact of service and focusing on a core set of issue areas. In
order to carry out Congress’s intent and to maximize the impact of investment in national
service, and to achieve the goals laid out in our Strategic Plan (2022-2026), AmeriCorps has
the following Focus Areas:
Disaster Services
Helping individuals and communities prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the
effects of disasters and increase community resiliency.
Economic Opportunity
Improving the economic well-being and security of underserved individuals.
Improving educational outcomes for underserved people, especially children. AmeriCorps is
particularly interested in program designs that support youth engagement and service
learning as strategies to achieve high educational outcomes.
Environmental Stewardship
Supporting communities to become more resilient through measures that reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, conserve land and water, increase renewable energy use and
improve at-risk ecosystems, especially in underserved households and communities.
Healthy Futures
Supporting for health needs within communities, including mitigating the impacts of COVID-
19 and other public health crises, access to care, aging in place, and addressing childhood
obesity, especially in underserved communities.
Veterans and Military Families
Improving the quality of life of veterans and improve military family strength.
Capacity Building
Support indirect services that enable AmeriCorps-supported organizations to provide more,
better, and sustained direct services. Capacity building activities cannot be solely intended to
support the administration or operations of the organization.
Volunteer Service Year (VSY) Adjustment Calculator for the FY23 Stipend Increase