Special Education Graduate Program Handbook
Updated August 2021
This handbook applies to students in the following programs:
Master of Arts (MA) in Special Education
MA in Special Education with Endorsement in Special Education Generalist (Ages
Added Endorsement: Special Education Generalist (Ages 5-21)
Your successful experience in the Special Education is important to us. This handbook is a tool
to ensure you maintain academic progress according to SEHD and University of Colorado
Denver (CU Denver) policies and procedures. In addition to this handbook, students should refer
to the School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) Student Policy Handbook,
available on the SEHD Current Student Resources website. The Policy handbook includes
information on registration, Financial Aid, grades, graduation, and other topics that relate
to students in all SEHD MA, EdS, and Graduate licenses, endorsements, and certificate
The student assumes full responsibility for meeting all basic requirements for the degree, as well
as the specific requirements outlined by their program.
Table of Contents
Special Education Program Overview ............................................................... 3
Curriculum ........................................................................................................... 5
MA Special Education .............................................................................................................7
MA in Special Education .........................................................................................................9
with Special Education Generalist Endorsement, Ages 5-21 ..................................................9
Special Education Generalist Endorsement, Ages 5-21 ....................................................... 10
Internships (Added Endorsement) Upon Special Education Faculty
Recommendation .............................................................................................. 11
Temporary Educator Eligibility (TEE) .............................................................. 11
Content Licensure Exam Policy ....................................................................... 12
Preparing for Success in On-Line & Hybrid Learning Environments ............ 13
Resources for Students with Disabilities ........................................................ 14
LiveText ............................................................................................................. 14
Student Council for Exceptional Children ....................................................... 14
Grading Policies ................................................................................................ 15
Completing the Program: Endorsement, COMPS Requirements .................. 15
Endorsement through CDE ...................................................................................................... 15
Special Education MA COMPS ............................................................................................... 15
Contacts for Special Education Program ....................................................... 17
As a member institution of the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER), faculty in the
University of Colorado Denver’s School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) have
committed to foster the nation's youth with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for
effective participation in a social and political democracy; to ensure that the young have access
to knowledge required for satisfying and living responsible lives; to develop educators who
nurture the learning and well-being of every student; and to ensure competence in, and
commitment to, serving as stewards of schools. To achieve these ideals, individuals choosing
the CU Denver program will be expected to demonstrate knowledge and competencies in the
following areas:
Cultural, Ethnic, Linguistic, Sexual, Age, Religious and Ability Differences. We strongly
believe in inclusive practices that honor diversity as we design and support
differentiated educational programs to meet the needs of all learners.
Creating Equitable Student Access to Learning Opportunities. We are committed to
ongoing improvements and enrichments that foster school equity for all learners.
Research-based Approaches. We emphasize the collective research and development
efforts that span best practices for learners with disabilities from direct instruction
(systematic, teacher-led approach) to indirect instruction (learner strives to make
meaning from environmental experiences).
Transition Planning for Lifelong Learning. Teachers learn to plan for transitions from
neonatal units to home to preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, secondary, and
eventually to adult life as they help learners develop self-advocacy skills.
Standards-based Curriculum. Students are encouraged to reference the development
of curriculum and instruction to state standards and to skills that will generalize to the
domains of education, community, family and vocation.
Positive Behavior Supports. Students learn to implement proactive strategies that
prevent behavioral challenges. Individualized and whole group planning focus on
environmental accommodations as well as prevention strategies. Teacher candidates
are also encouraged to teach developmentally appropriate pro-social skills.
Family-School Partnerships. Interaction between family members and school personnel
promotes family leadership in developing individualized educational plans and
individualized family service plans.
Ecological Approaches to Assessment. Teachers determine student needs through
assessments that acknowledge linguistic, cultural, ethnic and economic differences
among learners, as well as intra-learner characteristics in cognitive, affective,
communicative and physical domains.
Consultation & Collaboration Skills. In order to work effectively with families, other
educators, members of the trans-disciplinary team, paraprofessionals, and community
agency representatives, special educators learn to function effectively as team
members and collaborators.
Systematic, Data-Driven Instruction. Decisions about how to teach are based on the
careful and consistent assessment of instructional outcomes for individual learners.
Refinements to the teaching process are based on student performance.
Leadership for School Renewal. We emphasize the students’ responsibility to uphold
the principles of social justice and democracy and encourage leadership for school
The faculty in the Special Education program developed the following values to guide the
learning experiences in our courses across programs of study. Our vision is that each graduate
will acquire the awareness, knowledge, skills, and dispositions that align and promote our core
values as follows:
Moving from medical model to socio-cultural and socio-political understandings of
Acknowledgement of historical bias of racism/oppression directly and its disproportionate
impact on students who are culturally linguistically diverse.
Deconstructing deficit perspectives to promote strengths-based approaches and learning
environments to support student’s growth and learning throughout life.
Valuing diversity as a resource rather than at-risk.
Inclusion for all.
Teacher as researcher (consumer and skeptic of research as well as skills to conduct).
Understand different types of research, what is research versus literature.
Data-based decision making to guide instruction, pre-referral, and programming.
Developing mindful reflective practitioners for social justice.
Faculty in the University of Colorado Denver’s Special Education program emphasize the
development of reflective practitioners through trans-disciplinary training. The Special Education
faculty foster reflective inquiry about teaching and learning, as well as the development of the
skills and dispositions necessary to work effectively in elementary and secondary classrooms.
Our Special Education conceptual framework addresses the complexity within our field while
also emphasizing the values that we, as a faculty, share. Through rigorous course work,
advanced study candidates are challenged in each course to translate these ideals into reality in
schools through a variety of reflective experiences and activities. Reflection and inquiry provide
an informed and integrated basis for advocating for all learners. Through this process, University
of Colorado Denver advanced study candidates will develop the ability to:
Integrate theory and practice
Guide students to construct their own knowledge
Understand the contextual nature of learning
Collaborate with students, teacher, administrators, parents, policy makers and the
community at large
Engage in meaningful inquiry endeavors.
Special Education students may pursue the following program options:
Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Special Education
Students may pursue a stand-alone Master’s degree in the field of Special Education. This
program option does not lead to licensure as a special education teacher or director and is most
often pursued by licensed teachers. Therefore, if you are seeking endorsement or licensure,
please see other program plans of study (https://education.ucdenver.edu/). Students pursuing a
Master’s degree must complete a minimum of thirty semester (30) hours including a focus on
special education content. Program length and a personalized plan of study are crafted through
consultation with your Faculty Advisor. Development of the plan of study follows a thorough
transcript review and an in-depth interview with the Faculty Advisor.
MA Degree with Special Education Generalist Endorsement (Ages 5-21 years)
The added endorsement in Special Education Generalist plus MA is designed for currently
licensed teachers seeking career advancement and the expertise needed to work effectively
with students with special needs and from diverse backgrounds. The program is fully accredited
by the Colorado Department of Education and guided by the Council for Exceptional Children' s
Professional Preparation Standards.
Students will complete a minimum of 30 semester hours, which might include an internship as
part of the program plan of study. Upon admission, the Special Education faculty may require an
Internship (elementary & secondary level in special education) on the job or through our
professional development schools. Admitted students will receive that information upon
acceptance into the program. Courses can be taken in either a traditional on-campus format,
hybrid, or online.
Students who hold a CO license in anything other than Elementary or Secondary Education
(English, Math, Science, or Social Studies) may be required to complete additional coursework
in elementary or secondary literacy, mathematics content and methods, and human
development. Special Education faculty will review transcripts to make that determination for
completion of the program.
Special Education Generalist Endorsement (only)
The added endorsement as a Special Education Generalist is designed for currently licensed
teachers seeking career advancement and the expertise needed to work effectively with
students with special needs and from diverse backgrounds. The program is fully accredited by
the Colorado Department of Education and guided by the Council for Exceptional Children' s
Professional Preparation Standards.
Students will complete a minimum of 21 credit hours (seven graduate-level courses), which
might include an internship as part of the program plan of study. Upon admission, the Special
Education faculty may require an Internship (elementary & secondary level in special education)
on the job or through our professional development schools. Admitted students will receive that
information upon acceptance into the program. Courses can be taken in either a traditional on-
campus format hybrid, or online.
Students who hold a CO license in anything other than Elementary or Secondary Education
(English, Math, Science, or Social Studies) may be required to complete additional coursework
in elementary or secondary literacy, mathematics content and methods, and human
development. Special Education faculty will review transcripts to make that determination for
completion of the program.
MA Special Education
Students in the MA SPED program will choose a core area from the following:
1. Literacy/Specific Learning Disability: Leadership in support of the systematic literacy development
of K-12 learners
2. Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports/ Leadership in support of the systematic social and emotional
development of K-12 learners
3. Inclusion; or
4. Secondary Special Education.
In consultation and with approval from your Faculty Advisor, select 5 courses from the Thematic Course
Categories to customize your learning (15 semester hours.) Finally, take RSEM 5080 Research for
Teachers (3 credits) and then complete SPED 5401 Advanced Seminar which fulfills the capstone
requirement (3 credits) for a total of 30 credits.
*This degree plan does not include a license or an endorsement.
Choose One Core Concentration; 9 credits required
SPED ______
SPED ______
SPED ______
Total Concentration Core
Choice of 5 courses from the Thematic Course Categories; 15 credits required
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
Course 5
Total Thematic Course Categories Credits
RSEM 5080: Research for Teachers
SPED 5401: Advanced Seminar in Special Education
Total Credit Hours
30 minimum
Course Title
SPED 5740 or
SPED xxxx
Intersections of Literacy, Culture, & Exceptionality OR
Curriculum & Instruction in Inclusive Gifted Education
SPED 5780
Literacy Interventions for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5140
Assessment: Inquiry, Instruction, & Intervention
SPED 5151
Slashing Stigmas: Promoting Positive Behaviors
SPED 5140
Assessment: Inquiry, Instruction, & Intervention
SPED 5010
Intentional Interventions for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5000
Universal Design for Learning
SPED 5300
Family, Professional, and Community Collaboration
SPED 5140
Assessment: Inquiry, Instruction, & Intervention
SPED 5500
Transition and Secondary Methods in SPED
LCRT 5029
Developing 21st Century Literacy Curriculum, Gr 4-12
SPED 5010
Intentional Interventions for Exceptional Learners
RSEM 5080
Research for Teachers
SPED 5401
Advanced Seminar in Special Education
The Special Education program faculty integrates Special Education Law across coursework
and utilizes a common textbook to support the concepts. All students must own a copy of the
identified book at the beginning of your program; you will be referencing this book across
Chapman, R., (2008). The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law. ISBN 10: 0977017931;
ISBN 13: 978-0-9770179-7-3. https://disabilitylawco.org/resources/mighty-rights-
MA in Special Education
with Special Education Generalist Endorsement, Ages 5-21
The MA Special Education with Special Education Generalist Endorsement is designed for
currently licensed teachers seeking career advancement and the expertise needed to work
effectively with students with special needs and from diverse backgrounds. The program is fully
accredited by the Colorado Department of Education and guided by the Council for Exceptional
Children' s Professional Preparation Standards.
Recommendations for endorsements are made by the Special Education Program, but
endorsement is granted by the State of Colorado. Individual State requirements vary and may
include teaching experience and examinations in addition to a valid teaching credential.
Students should consult with the Colorado Department of Education
(http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/licensure_authorization_landing) or the state in which they
wish to be endorsed for the most updated endorsement requirements.
Use this Course Plan to map out your coursework during your program.
A) Special Education (21-26 hours)
SPED 5030: Frameworks for Understanding (dis)Ability in
Contemporary Classrooms (waived if already completed)
SPED 5740: Intersections of Literacy, Culture, & Exceptionality
SPED 5010: Intentional Interventions for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5151: Slashing Stigmas: Promoting Positive Behaviors
SPED 5300: Family, Professional, and Community Collaboration
SPED 5780: Literacy Intervention for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5140: Assessment: Inquiry, Instruction, & Intervention
**If required by the Special Education faculty upon admission
SPED 5932: Internship & Site Seminar (Approximately 128 Hours or
16 days); SPED 5933: Internship & Site Seminar (Approximately 192
Hours or 24 days)
B) Advanced Study (9 hours)
EDHD 5240: Cognition & Instruction OR
SPED 5500: Transition and Secondary Issues in Special Education
RSEM 5050: Classroom Assessment OR
RSEM 5080: Research for Teachers
SPED 5401: Advanced Seminar in Special Education
Total Credit Hours
Special Education Generalist Endorsement, Ages 5-21
Recommendations for endorsements are made by the Special Education Program, but
endorsement is granted by the State of Colorado. Individual State requirements vary and may
include teaching experience and examinations in addition to a valid teaching credential.
Students should consult with the Colorado Department of Education
(http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/licensure_authorization_landing) or the state in which they
wish to be endorsed for the most updated endorsement requirements.
*This course plan does NOT lead to MA degree.
Use this Course Plan to map out your coursework during your program.
SPED 5030: Frameworks for Understanding (dis)Ability in
Contemporary Classrooms (waived if already completed)
SPED 5010: Intentional Interventions for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5740: Intersections of Literacy, Culture, & Exceptionality
SPED 5151: Slashing Stigmas: Promoting Positive Behaviors
SPED 5300: Family, Professional, and Community Collaboration
SPED 5140: Assessment: Inquiry, Instruction, & Intervention
SPED 5780: Literacy Interventions for Exceptional Learners
SPED 5500: Transition and Secondary Issues in Special
**If required by the Special Education faculty upon admission
SPED 5932: Internship & Site Seminar (Approximately 128 Hours
or 16 days);
SPED 5933: Internship & Site Seminar (Approximately 192 Hours
or 24 days)
Additional Courses as Necessary
Total Credit Hours
SPED 5932
SPED 5933
Added Endorsement
(with or w/o MA)
2 credits
(128 hours/16 days)
3 credits
(192 hours/24
On the Job
Student may be required to experience one internship at Elementary (K-5) and Secondary
(6-12) Levels, for a total of 2 internships.
Students must apply for internship placements, either on-the-job or in a CU Denver partner
professional development school (PDS). The application documents can be found here under
“Internship Documents & Forms”:
For internship placements with CU Denver partner professional development schools, the
Special Education Internship Request Form must be submitted by the deadline - April 1st for
Fall Internship, October 15th for Spring Internship.
TEE provides licensed teachers the opportunity to work in a Special Education classroom while
they earn the added endorsement to their license. Please see the CDE web site for full
information and forms at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/auth
By Colorado State mandate, special education candidates must pass the Praxis Exam - 5354
Special Education Core Knowledge & Applications prior to being allowed to engage in the final
semester of internships. If the special education candidate has not passed the appropriate
content exam AND submitted passing scores within 20 days of the final semester of
internships beginning, the candidate will have to delay his/her final semester of
internships and connected courses until the exam has been passed. Please be aware that
the exam is offered 4-5 times per year and requires advance registration. Also be aware that it
typically takes 4-6 weeks to receive the results. Please see the table for more detailed
information. If you need accommodations for the exam, please request those immediately from
ETS. CU Denver Disability Resources & Services can support you as you navigate
accommodations: https://www.ucdenver.edu/offices/disability-resources-and-services
Information about preparing for the PRAXIS 5354 can be found at
Test scores should be sent to the University of Colorado Denver.
Beginning Oct. 1, 2021 Praxis 5205 will be a Colorado Department of Education required
licensure exam for any teacher applying for added endorsement in special education generalist
with the following allowances:
• Current elementary and special education candidates in a Colorado approved educator
preparation program who have attempted and/or passed all or even one subtest of the
Elementary Praxis 5001 series prior to Oct. 1, 2021 will not be required to take Praxis
exams 5901 and 5205, as long as they submit for their initial license or added
endorsement no later than Dec. 31, 2022.
Full information about CDE’s Praxis requirements for the Special Education Generalist
Endorsement, can be found on this page by scrolling down to “Special Education Teacher
CU Denver offers students a completely automated system to register for classes. UCDAccess
will tell you when you may register. As a student, you are responsible knowing the deadlines,
rules, regulations, course loads, prerequisites and policies of the university, as well as those of
the SEHD. Visit the Registrar’s website for further information, deadlines, policies and
instructions on how to register: https://www.ucdenver.edu/registrar
In order to accommodate the working teacher, the SPED program utilizes innovative online and
hybrid learning environments for many courses. When taking online/hybrid courses, please
consider the following characteristics of the successful on-line student:
Self-directed, independent learner.
Does not need face to face contact (with either the professor or peers) for success.
Reads and comprehends written instructions well.
Consistently demonstrates the ability to advocate for self whenever there is a question,
concern or frustration.
Strong long range planning skills.
Effective time management skills.
Does not procrastinate.
Committed to reading the materials without the weekly accountability of an on-campus
Competent skill level with computer technology or willing to seek out sources of
information to learn.
Has consistent, dependable access to computer with online capability and email access.
As with any university course, the time expectation for outside work is two hours for every hour
spent in class. In a traditional on-campus 3 credit course the student attends a three hour class
once per week and then is expected to spend at least six hours (2 hours for each of those 3
hours in class) working on assignments and other course-related activities. An online class has
similar expectations. Students in the on-line course (or portion of the course that is hybrid) have
interactive online learning activities to take the place of the three hours spent in class. The major
assignments are the same. For a 3 credit on-line class, you should expect to spend
approximately nine hours per week. In other words, the expectations for time for the online
section are the same (it just looks a bit different). Please note for every special education
course that is offered in an online format, it is also offered in a traditional face-to-face format.
What to expect from an online environment:
Group work
Possibility of a Zoom conference call with professor/classmates
Involvement in class/small group dialogs
Integration of innovative technologies to reinforce learning
If you struggle with any part of the online format, please discuss this with your instructor
immediately and utilize the Success Center to support you. Canvas tutorial is available
The Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS) is committed to providing equal
opportunities and fostering the personal growth and development of students with disabilities.
The DRS staff strives to meet the needs of a large and diverse community of students with
disabilities. They are available to provide assistance and to arrange for reasonable
accommodations that will address specific educational needs. It is the student’s responsibility to
initially seek out services.
Office of Disability Resources and Services
Student Commons Building, Suite 2116
303-315-3510, [email protected]
LiveText is a web-based technology tool required for all advanced study candidates in the
Special Education program. This tool allows advanced study candidates to complete
performance-based assignments and program assessments in SPED as well as develop an on-
line portfolio demonstrating their teaching abilities which can be showcased for potential
employers. In addition, the LiveText system provides opportunities for advanced study
candidates to get immediate feedback from instructors about their work and for the program to
use data about teacher candidate performance to continually improve the program and maintain
As an instructional tool, LiveText additionally provides advanced study candidates access to an
extensive library of on-line instructional videos through United Streaming Video that can be used
in teaching lessons in the classroom. It also provides access to an extensive library of lesson
plans and other teaching ideas. These tools will be available to advanced study candidates well
into their first years of teaching because students have access to LiveText for a minimum of five
Details on how all SEHD students obtain their LiveText subscription as well as important training
workshops and other resources are available on the SEHD assessment website at
The University of Colorado Denver has a chapter of Student Council for Exceptional Children
that meets monthly. This professional organization is an advocacy group for children with
exceptionalities. The organization provides leadership and networking opportunities,
professional development, and community involvement. Each year the students utilize
university funds to attend the Courage to Risk Conference in Colorado Springs (Jan/Feb) at the
Broadmoor. Students will have an opportunity to get involved with the {Colorado} Council for
Exceptional Children.
A “B-” grade or above is required in all required courses and internships with a
cumulative SPED program GPA of 3.0 or higher. Courses in which a student receives a
grade below “B-” will not be counted toward the endorsement or degree and will need to be
Endorsement through CDE
As you come to the completion of your SPED program, endorsement students will need to
complete the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) endorsement application. Please review
the instructions for applying here:
Special Education MA COMPS
The Special Education course SPED 5401: Advanced Seminar in Special Education fulfills
the university requirement for MA COMPS/Comprehensive Exam. Students should enroll in this
class in their final semester.
Checklist for a Successful Program
Date Completed
Identify which course plan of study you will be using
Complete the plan of study by penciling in proposed semester dates
for taking courses
Plan when you will take the Praxis Exam(s): Date(s) Planned:
Introduce yourself (ask questions) to your Faculty Advisor (insert
Introduce yourself (ask questions) to your Academic Advisor (insert
Update your Course Plan each semester (check in with advisors as
Get involved with Student Council for Exceptional Children (ask your
advisor/professors about when it meets).
Get support from the SEHD Success Center
Get services from Disability Resources & Services
Apply for a scholarship
Apply for an internship (if part of your course plan)
Apply for graduation
Apply for endorsement with CDE
Academic Services Manager
Rebecca Schell, 303-315-4978
SEHD Academic Services Center
Lawrence Street Center, 1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 701
Special Education Program Resources:
Special Education Faculty