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Winter 12-21-2019
Google Effect and Long Term Memory: A Study on the Perception Google Effect and Long Term Memory: A Study on the Perception
of Youth in Kerala of Youth in Kerala
Abdul Gafoor Manningachali
University of Calicut
Vinod V. M Dr
University of Calicut
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Manningachali, Abdul Gafoor and V. M, Vinod Dr, "Google Effect and Long Term Memory: A Study on the
Perception of Youth in Kerala" (2019).
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
. 3797.
Google effect and Long term memory: A study on the perception of youth in
Abdul Gafoor Manningachali,
Professional Assistant Gr.I,
C.H. Mohammed Koya Library
University of Calicut
Dr. Vinod V. M.
Assistant LIbrarian
C.H. Mohammed Koya Library
University of Calicut
Memory is the process of maintaining information overtime. It is the mean through which
human experiences are codified in brain and retrieved and utilized at the need. There are
various models of memory put forwarded by different theorist. The Atkinson-Shiffrin model
(also known as multi store model) is a prominent model, which asserts that human memory
has three stages, which are sensory registry stage, short term memory stage and long term
memory stage. Some of the information in the short term memory is transferred to long term
memory store. The transfer of information from short term to long term memory is based on
the rehearsal given to the particular information. The strength of long term memory trace in
the brain is directly related to amount of rehearsal given in the short term store. Information
and communication technology and its tools have simplified human life to a great extent.
But the dependence on ICT and its tools may have some unhealthy impact on our life. The
accessibility to World Wide Web has deeply influenced the way we seek information. The
study tries find out whether Google effect has direct influence on long term human memory.
The study is based on the primary data collected from the youth of Kerala. The findings
show that Google effect has a direct influence on Long term Memory.
Key Terms: Google effect, Long term memory, Internet-Use, Information search
Memory is the process of maintaining information overtime (Matline 2005). Memory is the
mean through which human experiences are codified in brain and retrieved and utilized at
the need. There are various models of memory put forwarded by different theorist. The
Atkinson-Shiffrin model (also known as multi store model) is a prominent model, which
asserts that human memory has three stages that are sensory registry stage, short term
memory stage and long term memory stage. As per the theory, human memory can be
classified into three categories that are sensory memory, short term memory and long term
memory. Sensory memory is the short persistence of stimuli following the transduction. The
purpose of sensory memory is to permit stimuli to be perceived, recognised and entered into
short term memory. That stimulus which is given attention to be perceived is reached in the
short term memory. Short term memory has the capacity for holding small amount of
information in an active mode for a short period. Some of the information in the short term
memory is transferred to long term memory store. The transfer of information from short
term to long term memory is based on the rehearsal given to the particular information. The
strength of long term memory trace in the brain is directly related with amount of rehearsal
given in the short term store. Information and communication technology and its tools have
simplified human life to a great extent. But the over dependence on ICT and its tools may
have some unhealthy impact on our life. The accessibility to World Wide Web has deeply
influenced the way we seek information. The study conducted by Sparrow and others (2011)
on Google effect and memory indicates that internet has become a transactive memory
device to which we turn for information than to our own mind. The dependency on such an
external device is not without limitations from a long term point of view. A direct
connection between dependency on an external device and deterioration of long term
memory can be seen throughout the human history. The work Orality and literacy by
Walter J Ong emphases impact of technologising world on human life. Now, we may turn to
the question how does the dependency on Google affect our long term memory? If we
approach long term memory(LTM) from a Multi store model, ( Atkinson-Shiffrin model)
for an information to be stored for a long time, it needs to go through the stages of sensory
memory and short term memory with attention and rehearsals. As we have the opportunity
to avail any information any time at our fingertips, the motivation for fully attending and
rehearsaling is getting limited, which affects the LTM. The Consequences of losing LTM
will be alarming as far as human life is concerned as it leads to loss of many precious gift
of nature like individual autonomy and many intellectual capacities like analytical and
reasoning skills, decision making skills etc. Thus the study try to shed light on the impact of
Google effect on LTM of the youth in Kerala.
The study was conducted to;
Identify the frequency and purpose of use of mobile / internet by the youth of Kerala
To find out the effect of mobile / internet use on the long term memory of the youth
of Kerala.
Scope and Limitation
Although Information and communication technology and its tools is playing a monumental
role in making life easy and comfortable, it has made some deep-seated challenges to many
hard earned gifts of man like human cognitive capacity, especially memory. This study is an
attempt to unriddle the relationship between use of internet/mobiles for information
searching and long term memory of man. The study focus on use of internet/mobile phones
by youth and its impact on their long term memory. In the study context the ‘Google effect’
is considered as the overdependence on mobile / internet technologies by the youth for
information management.
Sparrow, Liu & Wegner (2011) conducted a study on “Google effect on memory: Cognitive
consequences of having information on our finger tips”. The study is based on four
experiments. The findings of the studies indicate that when faced with difficult questions,
people are tempted to think about computers. Googling is also affecting the individual’s
ability to recall information. The internet has become a form of primary external or
transactive memory, where information is stored collectively outside ourselves.
Tara Brabazon (2006) conducted a study on The Google effect: googling, blogging, Wikis
and the flattening of expertise”. The study discussed the consequences to librarians and
teachers for the flattening of expertise, or the Google effect. It also addresses the social
choices about computer use and information literacy, and the intellectual choices we make
in our professional lives as teachers and librarians. And the Investigator pointed out, the
Google Effect raises stark questions about the value of reading, research, writing and
Jessica Siler (2013) conducted a study on “Generation and the Google effect: Transactive
memory system (TMS) preference across age. The objective of the research was to
investigate whether TMS type varies across age groups. Data were collected from 53
individuals. The result of the study was not consistent with the findings of Sparrow. The
findings did not show significance for TMS preference.
This is a survey type study based on ninety samples selected randomly from the youth
between the age of twenty and forty using mobile and internet for various purposes residing
in the state of Kerala. Required data was collected by using a scale type questionnaire.
‘Google forms’ was used to create the questionnaire, and data was collected online using the
respective ‘e-mail ids’ of the respondents. The data was consolidated by using open office
‘Calc’ and analysed with ‘GNU PSPP’. Percentage and Chi-Squire methods were used in
the data analysis to draw inferences.
The analysis is carried out to find the influence of mobile and internet use on the long term
memory of the youth residing in the geographical area of Kerala. Area of residence, gender
and average time spent on mobile and internet were used as background variables for
analysis. The cross section of the sample used in the study is presented below.
Area wise representation of the sample
In the study the place of residence of the respondents are classified in to two viz., Rural and
Urban and their distribution is given in Figure No. 1.
Figure No. 1
The above figure shows that 65.56 percent of the partcipants are from rural area while 34.44
are from urban areas. Though the number of users is more from the rural areas, adequate
representation has been given to mobile and internet users from urban area as well.
Gender wise representation of the sample
The gender wise distribution of the sample is shown in the Figure No. 2
Figure No. 2
The gender wise distribution of sample clearly shows that more or less same representation
has been given to both male and female as their percentages are 48.89 and 51.11
Time spent on Internet / Mobile wise distribution of the sample
For the study purpose the time spent by an individual on mobile and internet per day has
been divided into four categories i.e., less than two hours, two to four hours, four to six
hours and more than six hours and their respective representation is given below.
Figure No. 3
Figure No. 3 clearly shows that 65.55 percent (48.89+13.33+3.33) of the youth are using
mobile / internet for more than two hours a day. The number of users using the same for
more than four hours is 16.66 percent (13.33+3.33). The data clearly shows the dependence
of the youth on mobile / internet.
Frequency and purpose of use of Internet / Mobile Phones
The youth is supposed to use internet / mobile for different purpose. The purpose for using
internet / mobile has been categorised in to six and their frequency is given in the table
Table No. 1
Frequency and Purpose of Internet / Mobile Use
Information check
Doubt Clearing
Validity Checking
Source of
Organise Personal
Data presented in the table clearly shows that 93.33 percent (51.11+42.22) of the youth use
internet / mobile for clearing doubt frequently and most frequently and it shows their
dependence on the modern communication technologies. 64.44 percent (30+34.44) of the
youth use these technologies frequently or more to find the information sources they need.
For checking the validity of information also they depend heavily on internet and mobile as
their respective percent put together is 76.67 (25.56+51.11). For checking information also,
internet and mobile are the preferred by the youth as their accumulated percentage is 54.45
(17.78+36.67). Apart from the use for organising personal information, the reliance on these
technologies by the youth is quite evident.
Use of Internet/Mobile for instant information checking and its effect on Long Term
Thanks to the evolution of information society, men of modern era are leading an
information centric life. The excessive dependence on a external tool like internet for our
day to day life related information may destroy the invaluable human cognitive capacity
especially memory power. Many of the greatest achievements of man are by products of
human memory and such other capacity which may vanish if not used frequently. A life
style which weakens capacities like memory can lead to a reverse evolution and man may
become a ‘lesser man’.
Figure 4
*LTM Long Term Memory
The above figure indicates that the adverse effect of depending on Google for
information checking on long term memory. 50 percent of sample says that use of Google
for instant information checking affect their long term memory. This may be because people
are not willing to do the rehearsal work necessary for passing for information from short
term memory to long term memory. This lack of motivation for rehearsal may destroy the
invaluable cognitive capacity of man.
Use of Internet/Mobiles for instant doubt clearance instantly and its effect on Long
Term Memory
Internet/mobile phones are used for clearing the doubts which arise in us frequently. If we
do some recollection, reflection, thinking or analysis we can clear many of the doubts which
may arise in our minds. The advantages of the use above said process is that they can
increase the knowledge base of the person. Instead of spending time for such processes, we
tend to move into internet for clearing the doubts which may give one only information and
not knowledge or understanding.
Figure 5
As shown by figure 5 above, 44.44 percent of youth perceives that frequent use of Google
for instant doubt clearance adversely affect their long term memory. This may be due to the
belief that if they need the information again they can visit internet, so no need to take it to
the memory.
Use of internet for ensuring the validity of information and its effect on Long Term
A firm conviction is the result a successful learning process. Knowledge can give a
conviction whereas information cannot. Usage of internet to check the validity of
knowledge we already know leads to break down of our conviction and thereby it can leads
to minimisation of the applicability of a particular information.
Figure No. 6
Data presented above clearly indicates that 38.89 % of the youth in Kerala are feeling the
effect of validity checking of information on their LTM and 44.44 % are yet to feel the
Effect of Using Internet as Source of Information on Long Term Memory
Plato had scared that the writing may leads to the dependency of man on an external
devices.( ******) Centuries after, the fear of Plato is proven relevant. The dependency on
Google / internet as a source of information may have a solid effect on LTM.
Figure 7
Data presented above shows that the frequent use Google as a source of information have
adverse effect on their long term memory of 53.33 percent of the youth of Kerala and
17.78% are not sure of effect. The percentage who say it affect on long term memory is
really high, which indicates the Google effect and its impact of long term memory.
Effect of using internet/Mobile for Organising Personal Information on Long Term
Self awareness and self organisation are considered very important skills necessary for a
happy life. The invasion of internet in these areas may have an adverse impact on the
quality of human life. Perceptions of the youth relating to this area are presented below.
Figure No. 8
Data presented above indicates that 37.78 percent of the sample agrees that use of internet
/mobile based self organisation applications have a negative effect on their long term
memory. 33.33 percent are of the opinion that it is not affecting the LTM and the rest i.e.,
28.89% are yet to form an opinion about it.
Even though Chi-Square test were carried out to find the relations if any, between the
classificatory variable like Gender, Area of residence, Time spent on Internet / Mobile and
their Frequency of use and ‘Long Term Memory’, the association is not found statistically
significant as the ‘p-value’ in all cases are above the accepted level of 0.05. It clearly shows
that irrespective of the background and use pattern of the youth, Internet / Mobile use is
adversely affecting the ‘Long Term Memory’ of the youth in Kerala.
Human memory has always played a pivotal role in the development of human beings from
the very beginning. In that era the accumulated human experiences were passed from
generation to generation mainly thorough human memory. The invention of writing and
printing has helped the human beings to have an external device to keep their amalgamated
knowledge. Even both formal and informal educations are memory centred. But the
information technology revolution is causing a paradigm shift in human memory. The
effects of such changes are found in the studies like Sparrow, Liu & Wegner (2011). The
present study also confirms those worst fears as the youth in Kerala also shows a similar
trend. Unless counter strategies are initiated immediately, our youth are also likely to waste
the most precious gift mankind has ever got.
1. Matlin, M. W. (2006). Matlin: Cognition, 5th ed. Mississauga: J. Wiley Canada.
2. Ong, W. J. (2002). Orality and literacy. London: Routledge.
3. Brabazon, T. (2006). The Google Effect: Googling, Blogging, Wikis and the Flattening
of Expertise. Libri, 56(3). doi: 10.1515/libr.2006.157
4. Generation and the Google Effect: Transactive Memory ... (n.d.). Retrieved from
5. Sparrow, B., Liu, J., & Wegner, D. M. (2011). Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive
Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips. Science, 333(6043), 776778. doi: