Psychological Science
24(6) 981 –990
© The Author(s) 2013
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DOI: 10.1177/0956797612465439
Research Article
A large body of work has demonstrated that visual long-
term memory is capable of storing thousands of objects
with significant detail (Brady, Konkle, Alvarez, & Oliva,
2008; Hollingworth, 2004, 2005; Konkle, Brady, Alvarez,
& Oliva, 2010a, 2010b). However, the fidelity of long-
term memory has been examined in only a qualitative
way. For example, in previous work (Brady et al., 2008),
we demonstrated that after seeing thousands of objects,
observers succeeded at subtle object-exemplar discrimi-
nations (e.g., which of two chocolate cakes was seen)
and object-state discriminations (e.g., whether the cake
was half eaten or two-thirds eaten). But the information
observers had to store to make these discriminations is
difficult to quantify and compare across time scales and
items. Therefore, several fundamental questions remain
unanswered: Just how detailed is visual long-term mem-
ory? And how does its precision compare with the preci-
sion of visual working memory and of perception?
Determining the precision of long-term memory
would place significant constraints on models of memory
in general, and is particularly relevant for understanding
the relationship between working memory and long-term
memory. For example, if working memory and long-term
memory have similar fidelity, then it is important to con-
sider unified explanations for the limit on fidelity (e.g.,
fidelity-dependent retrieval limits), as opposed to system-
specific limitations (e.g., the number of “slots” or amount
of “resources” available to working memory; Wilken &
Ma, 2004; Zhang & Luck, 2008). Thus, comparing work-
ing memory and long-term memory can not only help
elucidate the underlying memory representation of visual
XXX10.1177/0956797612465439Brady et al.Fidelity of Visual Memory
Corresponding Author:
Timothy F. Brady, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, 33
Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Visual Long-Term Memory Has the Same
Limit on Fidelity as Visual Working
Timothy F. Brady
, Talia Konkle
, Jonathan Gill
, Aude Oliva
and George A. Alvarez
Department of Psychology, Harvard University;
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; and
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Visual long-term memory can store thousands of objects with surprising visual detail, but just how detailed are these
representations, and how can one quantify this fidelity? Using the property of color as a case study, we estimated the
precision of visual information in long-term memory, and compared this with the precision of the same information
in working memory. Observers were shown real-world objects in random colors and were asked to recall the colors
after a delay. We quantified two parameters of performance: the variability of internal representations of color (fidelity)
and the probability of forgetting an object’s color altogether. Surprisingly, the fidelity of color information in long-
term memory was comparable to the asymptotic precision of working memory. These results suggest that long-term
memory and working memory may be constrained by a common limit, such as a bound on the fidelity required to
retrieve a memory representation.
visual memory, long-term memory, short-term memory
Received 5/11/12; Revision accepted 9/26/12
982 Brady et al.
objects (Brady, Konkle, & Alvarez, 2011), but also clarify
the extent to which these two stores rely on shared rep-
resentations and processes (Jonides et al., 2008; McElree,
2006; Nairne, 2002).
In previous attempts to quantify the fidelity of long-
term memory representations, researchers used simple
stimuli, such as oriented gratings (Magnussen & Dyrnes,
1994; Magnussen, Greenlee, Aslaksen, & Kildebo, 2003).
However, performance in such cases may depend
on memory for decision criteria rather than on perceptual
features of the objects to be remembered (Lages &
Paul, 2006; Lages & Treisman, 1998; Magnussen, 2009).
In addition, although oriented gratings define a well-
characterized space within which to quantify fidelity,
these stimuli are not suited to the strengths of long-term
memory, which is best studied using meaningful stimuli,
such as real-world objects (Konkle et al., 2010b). Thus,
little is known about how detailed visual long-term
memory representations of real-world, semantically rich
objects can be.
In the study reported here, we took a psychophysical
approach to quantify the fidelity of visual long-term
memory for objects. We used color as a case study
because the color of objects can be manipulated in a
continuous space, which allowed us to extend the con-
tinuous-report paradigm used in visual working memory
(Wilken & Ma, 2004) to long-term memory. Furthermore,
there are metrics that allow separable, independent mea-
surements of the fidelity of color memory and of guess-
ing (Bays, Catalao, & Husain, 2009; Zhang & Luck, 2008).
Finally, previous work has shown that continuous-report
metrics do not seem to depend on verbal memory (Zhang
& Luck, 2008) and that results with color generalize to
shape (Zhang & Luck, 2008) and orientation (Anderson,
Vogel, & Awh, 2011). Thus, we were able to quantify how
accurately observers remembered a feature of a given
object after seeing hundreds of objects, and how likely
observers were to completely fail to retrieve a feature.
We found that from perception to working memory,
observers lose significant precision in their representa-
tion of objects’ color. As more items are added to work-
ing memory, the fidelity of these memory representations
reaches an asymptotic limit, and, surprisingly, this limit is
almost identical to the fidelity of representations in long-
term memory. These results suggest that a common limit
may be at work in visual working memory and long-term
memory: The asymptotic fidelity observed in visual work-
ing memory may not be a consequence of a slotlike
architecture (Anderson et al., 2011; Zhang & Luck, 2008,
2009) or a limited pool of resources (Bays et al., 2009;
Wilken & Ma, 2004); rather, the fidelity of visual working
memory may reflect a more general upper bound on
how noisy a memory representation can be before it is
unable to be retrieved.
Experiment 1a and 1b
In Experiment 1, observers performed a continuous-
report task involving pictures of real-world objects.
Observers were shown objects with randomly selected
hues and asked to choose from a color wheel what hues
the objects were. Such continuous-report methods have
been used to investigate working memory for simple
geometric shapes (e.g., Brady & Alvarez, 2011; Wilken &
Ma, 2004; Zhang & Luck, 2008), but have never been
adapted for examining long-term memory.
This method allowed us to measure the fidelity of per-
ception, working memory, and long-term memory using
a within-subjects design. In the perception condition,
observers had to match the color of a visible object. In
the working memory condition, observers were given 3 s
to encode three objects and then had to report the color
of each object after a 1-s delay. We used three objects per
trial to match the set size at which working memory fidel-
ity reaches asymptote (Anderson et al., 2011; Zhang &
Luck, 2008). In the long-term memory condition, observ-
ers viewed hundreds of objects, presented one at a time,
and then were asked to report the color of every single
object, one at a time. In Experiment 1a, observers had
3 s to encode each object in the long-term memory con-
dition, so that the total time that a display was visible in
this condition matched the total time that a display was
visible in the working memory condition. In Experiment
1b, we gave observers only 1 s to encode each object in
the long-term memory condition, so that the display time
per object in this condition matched the display time per
object in the working memory condition. Observers saw
different objects in each of the three conditions.
Participants. Fourteen observers (age range = 18–25
years) participated in Experiment 1: 5 in Experiment 1a
and 9 in Experiment 1b. They gave informed consent and
had normal color vision (assessed using Ishihara’s, 1936,
test for color deficiencies). All participants completed all
three conditions, with the order randomized across
Apparatus. Experiments were run in MATLAB using
the Psychophysics Toolbox (Brainard, 1997; Pelli, 1997).
Stimuli were presented on a 49° × 31° display and viewed
from a distance of 57 cm.
Stimuli. Five hundred forty pictures of categorically dis-
tinct objects were selected from Brady et al. (2008).
chose objects that were largely in a single arbitrary color
(e.g., each object would be recognizable in any color; see
Fig. 1). Objects were rotated randomly in hue space, such
Fidelity of Visual Memory 983
that on each trial, the initial object color was determined
by adding a random angle between and 359° to the
original hue. Across observers, each image appeared
equally often in the three conditions. All stimuli sub-
tended approximately 6° of visual angle.
Perception condition. To assess the fidelity of color
perception, we had participants perform a color-matching
task (see Fig. 1a). On each of the 180 trials, two copies of
the same image were presented simultaneously, centered
5° to the left and right of fixation. The left image was the
standard image, and the right one was the test image
(initially presented in gray scale). The task was to adjust
the color of the test item to match the standard.
Working memory condition. On each trial, three
objects were presented simultaneously for 3 s, in a circle
around fixation (see Fig. 1b). Participants were instructed
to remember the color of all three objects. The objects
disappeared for 1 s, and then memory for the color of the
items was tested one at a time in a randomly chosen
sequence. Participants completed 60 trials, for a total of
180 tests.
Long-term memory condition. During the study block,
participants viewed 232 images presented one at a time,
for either 1 s (Experiment 1a) or 3 s (Experiment 1b) each
(see Fig. 1c). There was a 1-s blank between images. Par-
ticipants were instructed to remember the color and
1 s
3 s / 1 s
Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
Fig. 1. Illustration of the method of Experiment 1. Observers were shown objects that had colors ran-
domly rotated in hue and were asked to report each object’s color (a) while it was still visible (perception
condition), (b) after a 1-s delay (working memory condition), or (c) after seeing several hundred objects
over 30 min (long-term memory condition). In Experiment 1a, each item in the long-term memory condi-
tion was shown for 3 s; in Experiment 1b, each item in that condition was shown for 1 s.
984 Brady et al.
identity of each object as they viewed the images. During
this block, participants performed a repeat-detection task
intended to encourage them to maintain focused attention.
Twenty-six images in the study stream appeared twice in
a row, and participants pushed the space bar when they
noticed a repeat. Participants were given feedback only
when they responded; a red fixation cross indicated an
incorrect response, and a green fixation cross indicated a
correctly detected repeat. No feedback was given for
misses or correct rejections.
Immediately after the study block, we tested the fidel-
ity with which participants remembered the color of the
objects. Items that were repeated in the study stream
were not tested, so there were 180 tested images.
Continuous report. In each of the three conditions,
participants’ color memory was measured using the
method of adjustment. At the beginning of each test, the
item appeared in gray scale, with the mouse pointer at
the center of the item. When the participant moved the
mouse, the test item appeared in color. The angle
between the mouse and the center of the test item deter-
mined the item’s hue, and a dot presented along an
adjustment ring surrounding the item indicated the cur-
rent angular position of the mouse. When participants
decided that the current color was correct, they clicked
the mouse. The angular error was taken as a measure of
accuracy. The color wheel was randomly rotated across
Participants proceeded at their own pace and were
asked to be as accurate as possible in their decisions.
Feedback was given after accurate responses: The words
“good,“great,or “perfect” appeared on the screen for
errors of less than 10°, 5°, or 0°, respectively.
Data analysis. On any given trial, we measured error
in degrees, between 0° (perfect memory) and ±180°
(poor memory). In the continuous-report paradigm, the
histogram of errors over trials typically shows that
responses are centered around 0°, but that across all
responses, there are errors distributed across the entire
range. The error histograms we obtained for the three
conditions (see Fig. 2) were well fit by a mixture of two
distributions: (a) a Gaussian-like distribution (defined on
a circular space as a von Mises distribution), taken to
reflect successful memory retrieval with some degree of
precision, and (b) a uniform distribution, taken to reflect
random guessing (Zhang & Luck, 2008). We used Zhang
and Luck’s method to separate trials in which the color
was retrieved with some level of fidelity and trials in
which the color of the item was forgotten.
The fidelity (precision) of memory representation was
estimated as the standard deviation of the von Mises
distribution. The narrower the distribution around 0°, the
more precise the memory representation. The probability
of guessing was estimated by the height of the uniform
distribution. Maximum likelihood estimation was used to
estimate these two parameters for each condition.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of errors in the percep-
tion, working memory, and long-term memory condi-
tions, combined across Experiment 1a and Experiment
1b. The fidelity and guessing parameters for each experi-
ment are summarized in Figure 3.
Experiment 1a. In the perception condition, observers
were highly accurate, with precision estimated at 6.7°
(SEM = 0.8) and the probability of guessing estimated at
.0 (SEM = .0). Thus, when the stimulus was present on
the screen, observers never responded randomly and
had a tight distribution centered on the correct color.
Results in the working memory condition were in line
with Zhang and Luck’s (2008) findings. Observers’ preci-
sion was 19.0° (SEM = 1.3), and their probability of guess-
ing was .09 (SEM = .02). Thus, there was a major change
in fidelity from perception to working memory: The stan-
dard deviation increased by 183%, a serious cost in mem-
ory fidelity for having to hold the items in mind for
several seconds, t(4) = 10.5, p < .0001.
In the long-term memory condition (3 s/item), observ-
ers’ precision was 20.3° (SEM = 3.3), and the probability
of guessing was .58 (SEM = .05). The increase in the
guess rate from the working memory condition was quite
large (from .09 to .58), t(4) = 17.5, p < .0001. However,
surprisingly, the fidelity observed for 180 items in long-
term memory was not significantly different from the
fidelity observed for 3 items at a time in working mem-
ory, t(4) = 0.81, p = .46. Note that the estimated preci-
sion of working memory in this experiment is similar to
the precision observed in several working memory
experiments that tested memory for color patches at set
sizes of 3 and greater (Zhang & Luck, 2008, 2011), even
though we used real-world objects.
Experiment 1b. In this experiment, observers had only
1 s to encode the color of each item in the long-term
memory condition. Despite this severe decrease in
encoding time, Experiment 1b replicated Experiment 1a
nearly exactly (see Fig. 3). Fidelity was 4.7° (SEM = 0.5)
in the perception condition, 17.8° (SEM = 1.0) in the
working memory condition, and 19.3° (SEM = 0.9) in the
long-term memory condition. The probabilities of guessing
were .006 (SEM = .002), .08 (SEM = .01), and .63 (SEM =
.05), respectively. As before, the fidelity of working
Fidelity of Visual Memory 985
memory and the fidelity of long-term memory were not
significantly different, t(8) = 1.0, p = .33. In addition, there
was no significant difference in the fidelity of long-term
memory between the two experiments, t(12) = 0.36, p =
.72. Thus, the extra encoding time in Experiment 1a
made no difference to the fidelity of color information in
long-term memory. When we combined results across
Experiments 1a and 1b, we again did not find a signifi-
cant difference between the fidelity of working memory
and the fidelity of long-term memory (Ms = 18.2° and
19.7°), t(13) = 0.84, p = .41.
We measured the fidelity of color information in visual
long-term memory in two studies and compared it with
the fidelity of working memory and perception. The data
show an extremely precise fidelity in perception (~5–6°),
Error (°)
Error (°)
Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
Error (°)
050 100 150
050 100 150
050 100 150
Fig. 2. Results pooled across all observers in Experiments 1a and 1b. The histograms rep-
resent the distribution of the magnitude of error in observers’ responses in the (a) percep-
tion, (b) working memory, and (c) long-term memory conditions. The black curves show
the model fits from a mixture model that combines a uniform guessing distribution with a
Gaussian-like distribution of correct responses. The pink solid lines show the width of the
Gaussian at 1 standard deviation and are flanked by illustrations showing the corresponding
colors (±1 SD of error) from a sample trial with a picture of a couch. The pink dashed lines
show the guessing distributions alone, without the Gaussian component.
986 Brady et al.
but a significantly lower fidelity in both working memory
and long-term memory. Surprisingly, the fidelity for color
was comparable between working memory and long-
term memory (~20°). This was true both when long-term
memory encoding time matched the total encoding time
in the working memory condition (Experiment 1a) and
when long-term memory encoding time matched the
per-item encoding time in the working memory condi-
tion (Experiment 1b). The results showed that nearly all
of the information loss from working memory to long-
term memory is accounted for by an increased chance of
entirely losing an item’s color from memory (increased
guess rate).
In the long-term memory condition, participants had
to store hundreds of items for long durations and were
required to encode and then retrieve the items, whereas
in the working memory condition, participants could
keep items and their colors actively in mind. Despite
these major differences between the two tasks, the fidel-
ity of working memory (when three items were held in
mind) and the fidelity of long-term memory were nearly
identical. This indicates that observers have highly
detailed long-term memory representations—even when
fidelity is measured quantitatively rather than with quali-
tative forced-choice comparisons (Brady et al., 2008;
Hollingworth, 2004).
Experiment 2
It is possible that long-term memory and working mem-
ory have the same fidelity because long-term memory
representations inherit their fidelity directly from working
memory. For example, if items have to enter working
memory to be encoded into long-term memory, and if
there is no further degradation of representations once
they are encoded, then long-term memory representa-
tions would have exactly the same fidelity as working
memory representations. Although this is a possible
account of our results, previous work has shown that the
fidelity of visual working memory depends on the num-
ber of items remembered (Wilken & Ma, 2004; Zhang &
Luck, 2008). Thus, because items in our long-term
Experiment 1a
SD (°)SD (°)
LTMWMPerception Perception
Perception Perception
Experiment 1b
Memory Fidelity
Memory Fidelity Guess Rate
Guess Rate
Fig. 3. Estimated fidelity (standard deviation of the von Mises distribution) and probability of guessing in (a) Experi-
ment 1a and (b) Experiment 1b. Results are shown for each of the three conditions: perception, working memory (WM),
and long-term memory (LTM). Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.
Fidelity of Visual Memory 987
memory task were presented sequentially, one at a time,
this inherited-precision account predicts that the preci-
sion of memory representations in that task should match
the fidelity of working memory for a single item. Results
from Experiment 1 cannot directly address this predic-
tion, because multiple items were presented simultane-
ously in the working memory task.
To test this inherited-precision hypothesis, we matched
the encoding conditions in the working memory and
long-term memory tasks in Experiment 2. To preview the
results, we found that observers can in fact remember a
single item with better precision in working memory
than in long-term memory, which is inconsistent with the
inherited-precision account.
Participants. Six observers participated in Experiment 2.
None had participated in Experiment 1. All participants
gave informed consent, were between the ages of 18
and 25, and had normal color vision (assessed using
Ishihara’s test for color deficiencies).
Stimuli. The stimuli were the same objects as in Experi-
ment 1.
Procedure. The procedure was identical to that of
Experiment 1a, except that the working memory condi-
tion was modified to consist of 180 trials with only a
single item presented on each trial. Each object was pre-
sented for 3 s and then tested after a 1-s delay.
Results for the perception condition (fidelity = 5.6°, SEM =
1.1; probability of guessing = .01, SEM = .01) and the long-
term memory condition (fidelity = 20.5°, SEM = 7.0; prob-
ability of guessing = .67, SEM = .15) replicated the results
from Experiments 1a and 1b. However, working memory
fidelity for one item (14.5°, SEM = 1.3) was significantly
better than long-term memory fidelity, given matched
encoding conditions, t(5) = 2.96, p = .03. In addition,
comparing results across experiments revealed that the
fidelity of working memory for one item was significantly
better than the fidelity of working memory for three
items—comparison with Experiment 1a: t(9) = 2.45, p =
.03; comparison with Experiment 1b: t(13) = 2.06, p = .06.
These results show that the memory precision of color
information of real-world object stimuli is not fixed at
encoding; it is possible for the fidelity of working mem-
ory to be better than the fidelity of long-term memory.
The results of Experiment 2 show that when a single real-
world object is encoded, the fidelity of its representation in
working memory is higher than the fidelity the representa-
tion will have when it is later probed in long-term mem-
ory. This indicates that the fidelity of long-term memory is
not directly inherited from working memory, and that
there is additional degradation in long-term memory that
reduces the measured precision of retrieved items to 20°.
Intriguingly, the data across all experiments show that
the level at which the fidelity of working memory pla-
teaus is identical to the fidelity observed in long-term
memory (Fig. 4). To bolster this finding, we conducted
several control experiments (see also the Supplemental
Material available online).
First, we tested working memory using displays with
five items (Control Experiment 1), to more clearly dem-
onstrate the plateau in the fidelity of working memory
(see the green line in Fig. 4). Next, we asked whether we
could make long-term memory precision worse than this
limit. We reasoned that if we doubled the number of
items in memory from 180 to 360, this might lead to less
precise memories. However, we instead found that this
manipulation only increased the probability of guessing,
and the fidelity of the remembered items remained at
about 20° (Control Experiment 2). Finally, we examined
whether long-term memory precision could be more pre-
cise than this limit—which would still be consistent with
a limit on the fidelity of the memory representations.
However, surprisingly, we found that even when the
memory set consisted of only 20 items (Control
Experiment 3), precision was similar; although there was
a benefit in overall performance relative to when the
memory set included 180 or 360 items, this benefit was
due to a lowered guessing rate. The same level of preci-
sion was found when participants performed a verbal
interference task (Control Experiment 4), a result sug-
gesting that the fidelity limit is not likely due to a verbal
coding strategy.
In summary, across a very wide range of overall diffi-
culty levels in the long-term memory task, with guess
rates ranging from .26 to .73, we found that fidelity
remained constant at a standard deviation of 19° to 20°.
Any representation more variable than this limit seems to
be lost entirely to guessing, in both working memory and
long-term memory.
General Discussion
Across several experiments, we found that observers lose
significant precision in their representation of real-world
objects when going from perception to working memory.
However, the precision of three or four actively maintained
representations in working memory is the same as that of
hundreds of representations encoded and then retrieved
from long-term memory. Thus, long-term memory fidelity
is significantly higher than previously believed, even when
quantified using psychophysical methods.
988 Brady et al.
Working Memory
SD (°)
E2 E1a E1b E2 E1a E1b E2 E1aE1bCE1 CE2CE3 CE4
Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
1 item, 3 s/display (E2)
3 items, 3 s/display (E1a)
3 items, 3 s/display (E1b)
5 items, 3 s/display (CE1)
180 items, 1 s/item (E1a)
(E1a, E1b, E2)
20 items, 5 s/item (CE3)
180 items, 3 s/item (E1b)
180 items, 3 s/item (E2)
360 items, 3 s/item (CE2)
20 items, 5 s/item with verbal
interference (CE4)
Low FidelityHigh Fidelity
Fig. 4. Fidelity (standard deviation of the von Mises distribution) estimates from all experiments. Perceptual
fidelity is plotted for Experiments 1a, 1b, and 2. Working memory fidelity is plotted for Experiments 1a and 1b
(three-item displays), Experiment 2 (one-item displays), and Control Experiment 1 (five-item displays). Long-
term memory fidelity is plotted for Experiments 1a, 1b, and 2; a control experiment with 360 items rather than
180 (Control Experiment 2); a control experiment with only 20 items and a longer encoding time (Control
Experiment 3); and a control experiment with verbal interference (Control Experiment 4). The solid line for
working memory shows fidelity as a function of set size. The dashed lines for perception and long-term memory
indicate the mean standard deviation for those conditions. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean. The
list to the right of the graph summarizes key characteristics of the various experiments (see the Supplemental
Material available online for additional details about the control experiments). The gray rectangle highlights
the fidelity at which working memory reaches a plateau, which is the same as the fidelity estimated for visual
long-term memory. CE = control experiment; E = experiment; SS = set size.
Furthermore, the fidelity of long-term memory is not
directly inherited from the fidelity of representations at
encoding, but instead seems to represent an asymptotic
limit on the fidelity of items retrieved from memory: In
working memory, as the number of items stored increases,
fidelity plateaus at a standard deviation of about 20°.
Similarly, fidelity of items retrieved from long-term mem-
ory is degraded relative to items retrieved from working
memory, but for remembered items, fidelity of long-term
memory does not get worse than a standard deviation of
approximately 20°, despite the necessity of representing
more items for a longer duration and making use of an
encoding and retrieval process rather than active storage.
Additionally, this degree of fidelity for long-term memory
is robust to a variety of encoding durations, a variety of
number of objects to be stored, and the presence or
absence of a verbal interference task. Thus, we suggest
that a standard deviation of about 20° may represent a
limit on the fidelity of arbitrary color information that can
be successfully retrieved from memory: Any memory
representations that degrade so that they have more vari-
ability than a standard deviation of about 20° seem to be
irretrievable (for a visualization of this memory fidelity,
see Fig. 5).
This pattern of results suggests a dramatic reinterpre-
tation of existing data on working memory: The plateau
in working memory fidelity is likely not caused by factors
intrinsic to working memory, such as the fidelity of a slot
(Anderson et al., 2011; Zhang & Luck, 2008, 2009) or the
quantity of a resource (Bays et al., 2009), but is instead a
general property of the memory encoding and retrieval
system. That is, the fidelity of working memory and long-
term memory may reflect an upper bound on how noisy
a memory representation can be before it is unable to be
Relationship between working memory
and long-term memory
Several influential studies have found that working mem-
ory fidelity plateaus at a standard deviation of approxi-
mately 20° (Anderson & Awh, 2012; Anderson et al.,
2011; Zhang & Luck, 2008, 2009, 2011). In particular,
fidelity does not seem to decrease when more than three
Fidelity of Visual Memory 989
or four items are encoded (Zhang & Luck, 2008) or when
observers hold items for longer durations (Zhang & Luck,
2009). On the basis of this apparent asymptote in fidelity,
all of these researchers have concluded that working
memory represents items with discrete slots that undergo
catastrophic failures when items are held for long dura-
tions (Zhang & Luck, 2009).
However, these explanations for why fidelity does
not become worse are based entirely on models of
active storage in working memory (slots, resources). For
example, Zhang and Luck (2008) interpreted this asymp-
tote as resulting from a limited number of memory slots
that maintain fixed-resolution representations in working
memory. According to this theory, if you have three slots
in memory, you can use them to represent fewer than
three items with more precision by allocating multiple
slots per item, but after you have three items in memory,
you can no longer split your representations among more
items, so all subsequent items are simply not encoded.
This failure to encode more than three items results in an
increased probability of guessing but a flat fidelity asymp-
tote as the number of items exceeds the number of slots.
Other researchers have argued that the asymptote is a
natural consequence of spreading a continuously divisi-
ble memory resource across multiple items, which leads
to decreased precision and an increased likelihood of for-
getting items as set size increases (e.g., Bays & Husain,
2008; Wilken & Ma, 2004).
However, our finding that long-term memory shares a
similar limit suggests an alternative model. Rather than
reflecting an intrinsic property of the working memory
system, this asymptotic fidelity limit may instead reflect a
property of the broader memory system and factors that
limit memory retrieval.
Conclusion: shared limits for an
integrated visual memory system
The broader working memory literature—particularly the
literature on verbal stimuli—has accumulated significant
evidence for shared principles between short-term and
long-term memory (Jonides et al., 2008; McElree, 2006;
Nairne, 2002). For example, items putatively held in active
storage are not accessed any faster than those held in pas-
sive storage (McElree, 2006). In addition, a number of
empirical results highlight that working memory tasks do
not isolate working memory mechanisms independently
of long-term mechanisms. For example, performance on
any given working memory trial is influenced by previous
trials, an influence that includes systematically induced
biases and proactive interference (Hartshorne, 2008;
Huang & Sekuler, 2010; Makovski & Jiang, 2008). These
findings suggest an obligatory influence of long-term stor-
age on working memory (Brady et al., 2011; see also
Olson, Moore, Stark, & Chatterjee, 2006, for evidence from
The present empirical results showing that long-term
memory fidelity is so high—and, in fact, equivalent to the
asymptotic fidelity of working memory—lead us to pro-
pose a new link between working memory and long-
term memory: They appear to have the same lower
bound on memory fidelity. Recalled items are never nois-
ier than a fixed limit; after that limit, an item is lost, per-
haps irretrievable via conscious access because it no
–1 SD
+1 SD 0
–1 SD +1 SD
Fig. 5. Pictorial representation of the memory fidelity observed in perception, working memory,
and long-term memory. In each triplet, the central stimulus shows the studied color, and the items
to the right and left represent colors 1 standard deviation above and below the studied color (±6°
in perception, ±19° in working memory for three items, ±20° in long-term memory).
990 Brady et al.
longer sufficiently resembles the original memory trace
that was laid down.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. 1016862 to A. O. and by a faculty
research award from Google to A. O.
Supplemental Material
Additional supporting information may be found at http://pss
1. The stimuli may be found on Timothy F. Brady’s Web site,
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Control Experiment 1: 5 items in working memory.
This experiment was designed to verify the plateau in working memory fidelity was
present with our real-world object displays. This experiment was identical to Experiment
1a’s working memory condition except five items were presented in working memory
rather than three. All timing and feedback was the same as Experiment 1a. The average
probability of guessing was 0.28 (SEM = 0.01), and observers’ precision was 19.5° (SEM
= 1.1).
Control Experiment 2: 360 items in long-term memory.
This experiment was designed to test whether long-term memory might be less precise
when more items were studied. This experiment was identical to Experiment 1a’s long-
term memory condition, except that observers studied 360 objects rather than 180. All
timing and feedback was the same as Experiment 1a. The average probability of guessing
was 0.73 (SEM = 0.03), and observers’ precision was 19.6° (SEM = 2.3).
Control Experiment 3: 20 items at a time in long-term memory.
This experiment was designed to test whether long-term memory might be more precise
when fewer items were studied; when these items were presented for longer durations;
and when the length of time they needed to be held in memory for was shorter. Items
were presented one at a time for 5s each and observers were tested after blocks of 20
objects. In between studying the 20 objects and being tested on them, observers had to
perform two trials of a color change detection task to ensure we were tapping long-term
memory rather than working memory. This change detection task was identical to that of
Brady and Tenenbaum (2013)’s Experiment 2. Observers performed 10 repetitions of
20-object study blocks, each consisting of new objects, for a total of 200 memory trials.
As expected, overall performance was quite high: the average probability of guessing was
only 0.29 (SEM = 0.05). However, despite this high overall performance, the precision of
observers’ reports was nearly identical to Experiments 1a, 1b and 2 (18.9°; SEM = 0.83).
Control Experiment 4: Verbal interference in long-term memory.
This experiment was designed to examine the role verbal labeling might play in the long-
term memory experiments. This experiment was identical to Control Experiment 3, but
all items were studied under conditions of verbal interference. Observers rehearsed 4
randomly-generated digits aloud and we monitored them to ensure that they were
continuously speaking these digits throughout the encoding period (a common verbal
interference task for working memory studies; e.g., Hollingworth, 2005). These digits
were randomly generated and displayed to observers at the beginning of each block. This
task ensures that observers cannot be using verbal memory to encode the colors (e.g.,
it’s a pink couch”) which could artificially lead both working memory and long-term
memory to appear to have a constant fidelity limit. With this dual task paradigm, we
found a slightly higher probability of guessing (0.42, SEM = 0.11) but no change in
precision (20°, SEM =2.5). This provides evidence that the fidelity of representations in
visual long-term memory is not strongly influenced by the ability to verbally encode the
color names.
Brady, T. F., and Tenenbaum, J.B. (2013). A probabilistic model of visual working
memory: Incorporating higher-order regularities into working memory capacity
estimates. Psychological Review, 120(1), 85-109.
Hollingworth, A. (2005). The relationship between online visual representation of a scene
and long-term scene memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, and Cognition, 31, 396-411.