2024-2025 Student Handbook
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Avenue
Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 328-1885
Dr. Richard J. Melson, President
Dr. Jonathon Woodyard, Vice President of Student Life
President’s Welcome
Dear Bearcat,
We are thrilled that you have chosen to invest these critical years of your life at Southwest Baptist University. We take
our mission very seriously: we aim to equip you to become a servant leader who will impact your home, church, and
world for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Our amazing faculty, staff, and administration are committed to making SBU a place where you belongwhere you build
rich relationships with others and know that you are seen and loved. Likewise, we long for you to be inspired and
challenged while you are here to love and follow Jesus Christ in all of life. All truth is most beautifully seen and enjoyed
when we discover how it belongs to and relates to him (Colossians 1:1517)and we want you to experience that joyful
discovery in your journey of faith. Finally, we are eager to see you grow as a leader who serves others with courage,
compassion, and joyand have a ton of fun while you are at it.
SBU is a great place to be and we are praying that these years together will be some of the best of your life so far.
For His Glory and our joy,
Rick Melson, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
President’s Welcome ................................................................................................................................................ 2
2024-2025 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ................................................................................................................. 4
The University........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Principles & Expectations ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Student Life ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Student Activities ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Residence Life ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Health Services ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
University Chapel and Discipleship Ministries ....................................................................................................... 24
The Center for Global Connections ........................................................................................................................ 27
Counseling Services ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Meyer Wellness and Sports Center ......................................................................................................................... 30
Intercollegiate Athletics .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Opportunities in Fine Arts and Related Areas ........................................................................................................ 32
Ed and Theo Clark University Success Center ....................................................................................................... 34
Student Guidelines and
Compliance Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Academic Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................. 58
University Libraries ................................................................................................................................................ 59
Information & Technology Services (ITS) ............................................................................................................... 62
The SBU Campus Store .......................................................................................................................................... 63
Dining Services....................................................................................................................................................... 64
SBU Alumni Association ........................................................................................................................................ 68
Department of Safety and Security ......................................................................................................................... 69
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The University reserves the right to amend policies and regulations from time to time by authorized persons. Changes
will only be made when they are considered to be in the best interest of the University community. Any changes made
within a given academic year of the Student Handbook will be delineated by red text and dated.
(*denotes online/8-week term courses)
Fall 2024
August 1
Deadline for cancelling fall semester courses
Faculty and Staff Back-to School workshops
Division Head Workshop
College Meetings
Division Meetings
Move-In Day for new students, Faculty help new students move into dorms
Welcome Weekend for new students
Returning students arrive
Fall classes begin
*Term 1 begins
*Last day to add or drop Term 1 courses
Last day to add or drop full-term courses
Last day to add full-term courses for international students and students
returning from active military duty
Undergraduate and Graduate deadline for
Intent to Graduate forms
September 2
Labor Day No classes, offices closed
SBU Clubs and Organizations Servant Leadership Fair
*Midterm grades due for Term 1
*Last day to withdraw from Term 1
Fall Preview Day (Admissions event)
Five-week grades due for full-term Discover courses
October 10-11
Fall Break No classes, offices open
*Last day of Term 1
*Term 2 begins
*Final grades due for Term 1
Midterm grades due for full-term undergraduate courses
Oct 16-Nov 15
Pre-registration for Spring courses
*Last day to add or drop Term 2 courses
Last day to withdraw from full-term courses
Fall Bearcat Days (Admissions event)
November 7
Scholarship Celebration Luncheon
*Midterm grades due for Term 2
*Last day to withdraw from Term 2
Fall Preview Day (Admissions event)
Thanksgiving Break No classes, offices closed
December 2
Classes resume
Employee Christmas Banquet, Marketplace, Bolivar Campus (tentative)
Last day of classes
Final Exams
Academic Honors Night
Commencement Ceremonies
Deadline for cancelling spring semester courses
Final grades due by noon for 16-week courses
Final grades due by noon for Term 2
Dec 23-Jan 3
Christmas Holiday No classes, offices closed
Spring 2025
Offices open
Winter Welcome Week
Returning students arrive
Spring classes begin
*Term 1 begins
*Last day to add or drop Term 1 courses
Martin Luther King Jr. Day No classes, offices closed
Last day to add or drop full-term courses
Last day to add full-term courses for international students and students
returning from active military duty
Undergraduate and Graduate deadline for
Intent to Graduate forms
Scholars Day (Admissions event)
*Midterm grades due for Term 1
*Last day to withdraw from Term 1
SBU Showcase (Admissions event)
Five-week grades due for full-term Discover courses
Pre-registration for Summer and Fall courses
*Last day of Term 1
*Term 2 begins
*Final grades due for Term 1
Midterm grades due for spring semester undergraduate courses
*Last day to add or drop Term 2 courses
Spring Break No classes, offices open
Last day to withdraw from full-term courses
Spring Bearcat Days (Admissions event)
*Midterm grades due for Term 2
*Last day to withdraw from Term 2
Scholars Day
Good Friday No classes, offices closed
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday Offices closed, classes resume at 3 pm
Deadline for cancelling courses starting in May
Last day of classes
*Last day of Term 2
Junior Preview Day
Final Examinations
Academic Honors Night
Commencement Ceremonies
Final grades due by noon for 16-week courses
Final grades due by noon for Term 2
Divisions focus on assessment
Last college meeting of the academic year
Continuous Improvement Day
Professional development and academic year review
May Term 2025
May 12
All May term courses begin
Last day to add or drop May term courses
Deadline for cancelling courses starting in June
Last day to withdraw
Memorial Day - No classes, offices closed
June 6
Final exams, last day of May term courses
All final grades for May term due
June-July Session 2025
June 9
June and 8-week term courses begin, including online courses
Last day to add or drop 4-week June term courses
*Last day to add or drop 8-week courses
Deadline for cancelling courses starting in July
Juneteenth No classes, offices closed
Last day to withdraw from courses in the June term
SBU Summer Showcase (Admissions event)
July 3
June term ends, final exams
Independence Day No classes, offices closed
July term begins, including online courses
All final grades for June term due
Midterm grades for 8-week courses due
Last day to add or drop classes for July courses
*Last day to withdraw from 8-week courses
Last day to withdraw from courses in the July term
Degree date for the May-July terms
August 1
Last day for all active terms final examinations, including online courses
All final grades due
The University
University Mission Statement
Southwest Baptist University is a Christ-centered, caring academic community preparing students to be servant leaders
in a global society.
University Vision Statement
Southwest Baptist University will be the exemplar Christian university, providing a transformative and holistic
educational experience.
Principles & Expectations
As a distinctively Christian and Baptist institution, Southwest Baptist University believes it should demonstrate how the
life values commanded in Scripture can be integrated with academic instruction. These values include sensitivity to the
needs of the larger community; a commitment to justice, mercy, and personal integrity; a desire for moral growth; and a
sense of mutual accountability. The moral values of the University are expressed as ethical standards and are guided by
an understanding of Scripture and a commitment to its authority regarding all areas of Christian faith, learning, and
Because of the prevailing moral confusion in our society, the University must speak clearly about Christian ethical
standards. Five statements of ethical standards have been adopted by the Board of Trustees for the University family,
which is composed of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and trustees. These standards concern Academic Integrity,
Christian Lifestyle, Sexual Conduct, Marriage and Family Responsibility, and Respect for People and Property.
These statements of ethical standards guide the University in its obligations to students and others in the University
family who are involved in an honest pursuit of the truth by requiring integrity in academic pursuits, by encouraging a
Christian approach to sexuality, by supporting a stable family life, and by modeling responsible Christian interpersonal
relationships. The University is committed to providing education and counsel to those of its community; to extending
Christian love to those involved in strife, marital discord, or the struggle for proper sexual expression; and to
demonstrating the acceptance of the forgiveness for human failure, which is available through Jesus Christ.
Statement on Academic Integrity
PRINCIPLE: Truthfulness, diligence and commitment are part of the very nature of God. God’s plan for believers is that
their nature will become like His. Because of this, our lives should demonstrate these qualities. Scripture commends
personal integrity and condemns that which undermines it.
EXPECTATION: Academic integrity is based on truthfulness and is the responsibility of both faculty and students.
Faculty members are responsible for maintaining integrity in their academic pursuits. Faculty members also have the
responsibility for setting and clarifying academic requirements for the work of students. Academic integrity is a personal
responsibility of students to represent as their own work in reports, papers or examinations only what they are entitled
to present honestly. Academic integrity also includes the collective responsibility of faculty members and students to
ensure that all uphold the spirit and letter of this principle. Conduct which violates academic integrity includes cheating
in any form on examinations and presentations of the ideas or writings of others without proper credit.
Statement on Christian Lifestyle
PRINCIPLE: Scripture teaches that believers are set apart to God’s purpose through sanctification, but will sin.
Scripture also demands that believers demonstrate a lifestyle that is distinctively different from that of non-believers.
EXPECTATION: A Christian lifestyle is expected of all members of the University family. It consists of demonstrating
those attitudes produced by the gift of the Spirit, practicing truthfulness in all relationships or activities, and exhibiting
our dedication to Christ through our commitment to excellence in daily work or academic activities. A Christian lifestyle
avoids such specific sins as greed; jealousy; pride; lust; bitterness; uncontrolled anger; prejudice based on race, sex, or
socioeconomic status; use of alcohol as an intoxicant; substance abuse; stealing; profanity; dishonesty; occult practices;
illegal activities; use of pornography; and sexual sins, such as pre-marital sex, adultery, and homoerotic behavior.
Statement on Sexual Standards
PRINCIPLE: Scripture teaches that heterosexual union is the only acceptable expression of sexuality and must be
reserved for marriage and insists on sexual abstinence for those who are unmarried.
EXPECTATION: All members of the University family should abstain from unbiblical sexual practices and from
behavior, which may lead to a violation of God’s standards on sexual activities.
Statement on Marriage and Family
PRINCIPLE: God’s idea for marriage is a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman. Scripture views marriage
as a witness to the permanent relationship between Christ and His Church and the family as God’s first institution.
EXPECTATION: The University has a concern over the increasing pressure being placed by external and internal forces
on the institution of marriage. It recognizes the struggle of those within the University family who strive to keep their
marriages stable under these pressures. Nevertheless, members of the University community should not enter into
divorce except under the most severe circumstances and then only after pursuing all possible options, including
counseling, and after considering the impact of divorce on their families, their personal lives, and their professional
responsibilities at SBU.
Statement on Respect for People and Property
PRINCIPLE: Scripture teaches that all people, regardless of their socioeconomic, physical, mental or spiritual condition,
are individuals of worth in the eyes of God. Scripture also teaches that ownership of property is to be respected. It
exhorts Christians to look out for the welfare of other people, to be good stewards of the possessions God has given, and
to be honest with one another.
EXPECTATION: The University expects behavior from all members of the University family that demonstrates the
highest standard of respect for people and property and that exemplifies the Christian commitment to loving one
another. Certain behaviors are not acceptable according to this ethical standard. These include sexual harassment,
disrupting the rights of others to pursue appropriate University activities, depriving individuals of the use of their
property or depriving the University of the use of its property.
Student Life
Dr. Jonathon Woodyard, Vice President of Student Life
Mrs. Christina Hardt, Student Life Coordinator
(417) 328-1885
Student Life is an administrative unit of the University that provides services and programs that address student needs
and facilitate learning opportunities outside the classroom environment.
Student Life complements the academic experiences of students by:
o Providing holistic support for students, including advocating for students to University leadership
o Cultivating community among the student body and wider SBU family
o Encouraging the spiritual and personal growth of students through a variety of means
o Integrating student life, including opportunities for spiritual and social development within a formal
education environment
o Encouraging student behavior consistent with University expectations
o Promoting the general health and welfare of students
Student Life office includes the following departments: Student Activities, Intramurals, Residence Life, Health Services,
Campus Counseling, Camps-Conferences-Events, and Safety & Security. The Office of Student Life is responsible for
student conduct and discipline, student crisis management, student grievances, and other policies and procedures as
noted in the Southwest Baptist University Student Handbook.
The Office of Student Life is located in the Student Life Center of the Goodson Student Union and is the headquarters for
the Student Activities and Residence Life offices. The office phone number is (417) 328-1885. Students may contact the
Office of Student Life for any type of assistance.
Campus Communications
University officials utilize the University’s student portal (https://portal.SBUniv.edu) campus e-mail addresses, and
campus mail to communicate pertinent information. Students are accountable for any and all information sent through
these communication channels.
SBU has established the SBU e-mail address as the official e-mail address for use by all University employees. The SBU
email address is the e-mail address ending in @SBUniv.edu that is provided to each employee and registered student. All
official University e-mail communication sent from an SBU employee must originate from the SBU e-mail account. If the
SBU communication is being sent to an SBU employee or registered student, the e-mail should be addressed to the
recipient’s SBU e-mail address.
The University expects that students will receive and read e-mails in a timely manner. Failure to receive and read
University communications delivered to the official e-mail address in a timely manner does not absolve recipients from
knowing and complying with the content of such communications.
Students, faculty, and staff may redirect their official SBUniv.edu e-mail address to another address at their own risk. The
University is not responsible for the handling of e-mail by other service providers. Having e-mail redirected does not
absolve recipients from knowing and complying with the content of the communication sent to their official University
e-mail address.
Directory Information
The University designates the following items as Directory Information: student name, address (permanent and college),
telephone number (permanent and college), e-mail address, (permanent and college), date and place of birth, major field
of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates
of attendance, degrees and awards received, most recent previous school attended and photograph. The University may
disclose any of those items without prior written consent unless notified in writing to the contrary by the end of the first
week of classes of each semester.
Inclement Weather Policy
During severe weather conditions that could potentially impact the safety of students or employees, SBU will consider
closing, initiating a remote learning and working day, or moving to a delayed start schedule. Decisions to implement any
of these options will be made as early as possible. Announcements will be made via text and email through the SBU Alert
System, the student portal, social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), and local television stations.
Additional information about the delayed start schedule, remote learning plan, and campus services can be seen at
Use of University Facilities
Students, faculty, and staff who plan to use a campus facility must arrange through the Assistant Director of Events. For
more information, please contact Christina Hardt at [email protected].
Southwest Baptist University prohibits solicitation on campus by outside organizations and businesses. Individuals or
organizations wishing to sell or solicit on campus must have permission from the Vice President of Student Life. All
forms of mass communication, i.e., posters, flyers, mass mailings through campus mail, etc., must be approved through
the Office of Student Life under the supervision of the Vice President of Student Life.
Identification Card
The identification (ID) card is used for different reasons around campus. This card is to be used for identification and
should be carried at all times. If required by an SBU employee, it must be presented upon request. The card verifies SBU
student status and is to be used for admission to social or athletic events, for voting rights in student elections, and for
other events requiring evidence of student status. This card is not transferable to anyone else. Students may not use their
card to grant access to non-authorized individuals on SBU campus. The student ID card is used to record Chapel
attendance, access library materials, and as a meal card for the The Marketplace, Corner Market, Deli Craft, and Shake
Smart, as well as access to dorms, the Wellness Center, and other campus buildings.
Students may obtain this card by contacting the Department of Safety & Security in the Safety & Security Office located
in the Student Union (south end of the building). If your card is lost, you must purchase a new card at the cost of $50.00.
If your card is damaged or malfunctioning a new card will be made for you at no cost.
Cards become void upon termination of student status and must be returned to the Safety and Security Department.
Goodson Student Union
The Felix Goodson Student Union is a center for Student Activities. Included in the Union are Deli Craft, student lounge,
game room, student leadership offices, The Marketplace, bookstore, Safety & Security office, and a missions training
room. The Student Union also houses the administrative offices of Student Life, Student Activities, Residence Life, the
Center for Global Connections, Provider Food Services, and the Campus Pastor.
Student Activities
Mr. Taylor Wehrle
Director of Student Activities
(417) 328-1828
Student Association
SBU’s Student Association (SA) consists of an elected body of students who are given the responsibility of representing
the desires and interests of the entire student body to the university administration. Eligibility requirements for joining
SA can be found in the SA Operations Manual. SA has weekly meetings that are open to all SBU students. SA can be
contacted at sa@SBUniv.edu.
University Activities Council
The University Activities Council (UAC) is a group of students who coordinate many of the activities and major events
that are offered throughout the year. There are four committees within the UAC: Campus Events, Integration of Faith &
Culture, Major Events, and Publicity. Students wishing to be involved with the UAC should contact the Office of
Student Life.
Welcome Week
Welcome Week is SBU’s new student orientation program. The Welcome Week steering committee assists the Director
of Student Activities in planning and executing the activities. The Welcome Week steering committee is designed to help
incoming students become better acquainted with SBU and with each other. Welcome Week begins the weekend before
the first day of classes for each Fall Semester.
Winter Welcome Weekend happens the weekend prior to classes resuming in the Spring Semester. The aim is to
welcome all students back to campus and help any transfer student or any student beginning mid-year to assimilate into
the life of SBU.
Formation of New Organizations
The Director of Student Activities will work with the Campus Involvement Chair of the Student Association to review
and register new organizations and submit them to the Student Association. For information concerning how Clubs and
Organizations work, see the Clubs and Orgs Manual which is available in the Student Life Office.
Speakers and Entertainers
Students who wish to invite a speaker or entertainer to campus must first seek approval and sponsorship through a
recognized campus organization and the Director of Student Activities or Vice President of Student Life.
Intramural Sports
The intramural sports program is led by the Director of Student Activities and the Intramural Assistant. Intramurals
present opportunities for students to deepen relationships and stay physically active throughout the year. A number of
sports are offered including flag football, sand and indoor volleyball, basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and a variety of
eSports. Students of all skill levels are encouraged to participate.
Residence Life
Mr. Jacob Banks, Director of Residence Life (417) 328-1826
Mrs. Christina Hardt, Student Life Coordinator (417) 328-1885
Southwest Baptist University is interested in providing the best possible residential environment for its students by
providing quality services and programs that ensure effective administration of all aspects of residence life. Residential
living is a particularly unique experience for undergraduates, providing an opportunity for individual growth,
development, and learning outside the classroom.
Residence Life Mission
The mission of Residence Life is to shape servant-leaders for a global society. Residence Life coalesces with the
University mission statement by encouraging the growth of the student through interaction with their fellow peers,
instructors, and administrators, cultivating community through connections with students in their residence halls, and
providing support for the student by providing or connecting them with individuals who can help them academically,
spiritually, socially and emotionally.
Residence Life Vision
The Office of Residence Life strives to meet individual and corporate needs among students while connecting with them
in genuine relationships that promote motivated academic pursuits, respectful peer interactions, and Christ-like servant
The University encourages all students to secure their personal belongings. The University is not responsible for any
theft, loss, or damage of students’ personal property. It is recommended that students obtain renter’s insurance through
their insurance provider.
Student conduct policies, described later in this publication, apply to campus residence hall facilities as well as other
locations. Residence Life regulations and student conduct policies pertain to students or guests who are visiting or living
in the University’s residence halls.
Housing Assignments
Housing assignments and all residence life requests are made through our housing program called eRez. eRez can be
accessed through the student portal by clicking on the Residence Life link or through the direct link:
https://SBUniv.erezlife.com. All students, incoming and returning, will log into eRez with their SBU username and
password in order to access all housing documents. Applications and forms available in eRez include:
On Campus Housing Application
Commuter or Off-Campus Application
Housing Change Requests
Meal Plan Change Requests
Early Arrival Forms
Residence Life Guidelines
Other forms as needed
On-campus housing is available year-round to all students who qualify
. Housing assignments are prioritized according
to special needs, student class (graduate, senior, junior, sophomore, freshman), age, credit hours, and the date the
student’s housing application was received (freshmen applications are prioritized by deposit date).
Students should submit their housing applications as soon as possible to receive their preferred housing requests.
Residence Life reserves the right to prioritize housing assignments according to availability and information submitted
by applying students. Full-time students who do not meet the University’s off-campus/commuter qualifications are
required to live on-campus. Housing applications for returning students are due by November 15
for the spring semester
Disqualifications for on-campus housing are: not being enrolled as a full-time status student (12 credit hour minimum), they
are a registered sex offender, or are pregnant.
and by April 15
for the fall semester. All applications turned in after those dates will receive a $100 late application fee.
Private Room Option
Private rooms may be available based on housing demands. Private room options are the cost of the dorm room plus an
additional fee of one-half the cost of the dorm room. Below is the private room rate for each dorm. Please consult with the
Student Life Coordinator or a Resident Director with inquiries regarding private rooms.
Room Rate
Private Charge
Total Price Per Semester
Beasley, Leslie, Landen
Plaster (Premium Private Housing)
Private charge
built in
Casebolt, Roseman
Cancellation of Housing Reservations
Students who cancel housing reservations before the fifth day of classes during the fall and spring semesters will receive a
90% refund of semester housing charges. Students who cancel housing reservations after the fifth day of classes will not
receive a refund of semester housing charges. Cancellations for the summer and January semesters must be made prior to
the beginning of those semesters. In addition, apartment/house residents will be required to pay a fee of $300 if they
break their lease agreement or terms. The student will be responsible for the reasonable costs of collection, including
attorney fees and costs.
Meal Plans
Students residing in residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan. Students may choose one of the residential meal
plan options. Commuter plans
are available for students living in campus apartments and off-campus students. Students
with specific medical needs that require a special diet may make arrangements with the Food Service Director.
Room Decorations
Sticky-tack and 3M-Brand strips and hooks may be used to hang pictures (no tape or nails). Posters and objects are
expected to reflect good taste. Students may be required to remove items judged objectionable (by a Resident Director or
by Student Life personnel) in light of the University’s Christian heritage. Darts or dart boards are permitted in residence
Commuter plans are available for commuter students as defined below (living less than 30 miles away from the Bolivar
campus are eligible for commuter status). In addition, Roseman and Casebolt apartment residents, while still considered on-
campus residents, may purchase commuter plans.
Students may not remove furniture from residence hall rooms or move furniture in residence hall lobbies without
permission of the Resident Director. Students may furnish their room as space permits and with the approval of the
Resident Director. All common space furniture must be provided by the Residence Life Staff.
Lofts must be freestanding (not attached to walls, floor, or ceiling). They may not exceed the floor area of the beds they
replace and should include the original framework and mattresses of the beds. All lofts must be constructed with 4x4s
and 2x4s or be solidly structured.
Bolts must be used to construct all lofts (nails cannot be used). A minimum of one-third of the room's air space must be
kept clear. The resident must be able to get out of the loft quickly. The loft must not block windows that open, heaters, or
doorways. Lofts may have a solid wood top instead of using the bed frames for this residence hall.
No wiring may be attached to lofts. Lofts must not interfere with smoke detectors or be enclosed with, or attached to,
flammable materials like paneling, tapestries, curtains, posters, or fish nets. All lofts must be removed by the students
who own them when they check out of their rooms.
Approved Kitchen Appliances
Approved appliances for residence halls include: refrigerators (cannot exceed a 110-voltage capacity), popcorn poppers,
percolators/coffee makers, and crockpots. No other kitchen appliances are allowed, including microwaves and toasters.
Students are not permitted to have personal pets in any University housing facility. Service Animals, Emotional Support
Animals, and Fish are the only routine exception.
Service Animals
SBU does not view service animals as pets. Service animals are defined by ADA and DOJ as “dogs that are individually
trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people
who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a
seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not
pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose
sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA” (Final
Regulations Implementing the ADA, Federal Register, September 15, 2010). Students who have a service animal should contact SBU’s
Special Service Coordinator (disabilityservices@SBUniv.edu or (417) 328-1741).
Emotional Support Animals
An “emotional support animal” is defined as an animal that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a
person’s disability. It allows the student with a disability to receive full benefit or enjoyment of the residence facility. A
“pet” is defined as an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship.
Emotional support animals may not be brought into University housing without expressed approval from the Office of
Residence Life. The presence of emotional support animals is approved for University housing only and will not be
permitted in other campus buildings (e.g. libraries, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, student center). The residential
life setting is an inappropriate environment for very young animals. Generally, dogs and cats must have been owned by
the student seeking ESA approval for at least 10 months and be at least 12 months of age before being allowed to live in
SBU’s housing facilities.
Office of Residence Life
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Avenue
Bolivar, MO 65613
Office Phone: (417) 328-1885
Email: residencelife@SBUniv.edu
Vacations and Breaks
The University is not obligated to provide housing when classes are not in session. Therefore, residence life halls are to be
vacated by posted closing times and may not be re-entered prior to the posted opening times unless approved. The
University is not responsible for items left in residence hall rooms.
During breaks in the academic calendar, students are not allowed to reside in residence hall housing. Students may seek
permission from their Resident Director if special circumstances exist. Students receiving such permission may be
subject to an additional charge (except for instances related to a University-sponsored activity) of $20.00 per day.
Provisions are made for graduate students who remain on campus and in class during the times undergraduate students
are on break.
Students assigned to university apartments and/or houses are provided the option of residing in those facilities during
designated breaks and holidays.
At the end of each semester, and prior to leaving for school breaks or vacations, all residents must check out with a RA or
make prior arrangements with their Resident Director. Students who fail to properly check out of their housing facility
will be cited with a class-A violation.
Examples of improper checkout include failure to do any or all of the following:
1. Room not cleaned.
2. Key not returned.
3. Not following check-out procedures.
4. Failure to check out by specified time.
5. Failure to check out with a staff member.
Residents may be fined for violating one or all of the above. Each violation will incur a $50 fine. Residents who fail to
check out with a residence life staff member will be fined $100. Damage to, or loss of, university property will result in a
fine and/or charged to the resident according to the actual cost of repair/replacement. When the person responsible is
unknown, the costs of damages may be assessed to roommates, suitemates, and wing or hall residents. At the time of final
checkout, the student’s room must be returned to its original condition. Fines may be assessed after check-out by any
residence life staff member.
Campus Apartment
Apartment residents have the option of choosing from the following lease agreements: Fall/January/Spring; Fall Only;
January/Spring; June Only; July Only; June/July. Upon expiration of their lease (if it is not extended), tenants must: check
out with a Residence Life staff member at the end of the lease term, return the key(s), clean, and remove all personal
items from the apartment. Items not removed will be discarded or donated.
Care and Upkeep of Campus Apartment
Cleaning is the full responsibility of the resident. This includes cleaning the oven, refrigerator, and bathroom. All
assigned tenants of the apartment/house, if it is not properly cleaned, will be assessed a flat fee for cleaning purposes to
be determined by the Resident Director or Assistant Resident Director. Apartments will be checked periodically for
cleanliness. Violations will be handled in the same manner as in the residence halls.
Off-Campus Housing Policy
To apply for off-campus housing, student applicants must:
1. Be 21 years of age or older by October 1 for fall semester applicants and March 1 for spring semester
2. Or be married and/or have dependents.
Qualified students may apply for off-campus housing by submitting the Off-Campus and Commuter application via eRez.
Off-campus housing applications are decided on a case-by-case basis. Applications from students currently living in on-
campus housing must be filed by November 15
for the spring semester or April 15
for the fall and/or summer semester.
Fall and spring semester applications received after the filing dates will be assessed a $100 late filing/processing fee.
Students whose applications are denied may appeal the decision with Vice President of Student Life.
Commuter Student Policy
To be eligible for commuter status, a student must either meet off-campus housing requirements or reside with his or her
parents, grandparents, or approved legal guardian and within a 30-mile radius of SBU’s Bolivar campus. Students meeting
these qualifications may apply for commuter status by submitting the Off-Campus and Commuter application via eRez.
Once the form is approved, the student will remain assigned as a commuter until the student’s parent or legal guardian
moves residencies or the student wishes to change his or her status.
Students living in on-campus housing who wish to change to commuter status must submit the Off-Campus and
Commuter application by November 1 if applying for the spring semester or April 1 if applying for the fall semester.
Applications received after the filing dates will be assessed a $100 late/filing processing fee.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours for all on-campus housing facilities (including apartments/houses) are Sunday-Thursday 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
and Friday-Saturday 12 a.m. to 10 a.m. Students are expected to abide by these hours unless otherwise stipulated by their
Resident Director. When quiet hours are not in effect, residents must still refrain from making excessive noise, especially
when asked to do so by a student or staff member. Students must refrain from making excessive noise (with electrified
musical or other instruments) that would cause a disturbance to persons in neighboring premises. All stereos must be
kept inside and speakers must be kept out of window areas, etc.
Room Check
All on-campus rooms and apartments/houses will be checked 1-3 times monthly for cleanliness and compliance with
University regulations. The schedule for and the frequency of room checks will be determined by the Resident Director.
Room Entry Fee
A $25 charge may be assessed by the Residence Life Department and/or the Office of Safety and Security for residents
who are locked out of their room and/or apartment/house.
Dorm Guest Policy On-Campus
Guests of the opposite gender in residence halls are restricted to the hall’s lobby areas. Members of the opposite gender
are allowed in specified lobbies from 10 a.m. 10 p.m., and main lobbies from 8 a.m. 10 p.m. Extended stay in the specified
lobbies is granted during Open House. Guest privileges of the same gender in residence hall rooms are subordinate to a
resident’s rights of privacy within his or her room. The presence of a guest should in no way interfere with the rights of
the roommate or other residents.
Open House
Open House hours are held on Friday and Saturday nights from 7-11 p.m. Female dorms can host male students while
male dorms can host female students. During these Open House times, guests of the opposite gender are allowed in the
resident’s room. Students who choose to participate in Open House must register their participation with their dorm
office and the front door of their room must be open at all times. Resident Assistants will check rooms periodically during
this time. Specific guidelines will be communicated to residents when they register at the dorm office.
Each visitor is required to sign in at the office of the residence hall and must leave his/her student ID with the office
worker at the front desk. The visitor must sign the hall’s participation sheet beside the name and room number of the
host. The host must escort the guest to the room. All room doors must be kept open at all times and a Resident Assistant
will be on the floor(s) during Open House to monitor and enforce policy. Guests may only visit in the room of their host
and each host is limited to a maximum of four guests per visit.
Guest Policy Campus Apartments/Houses
Apartment/house guests are anyone who does not live in the apartment. Guests should not interfere with other residents
studying or sleeping. Guests may visit during the established hours of Friday-Saturday, until 2 a.m. and Sunday-Thursday
until 12 a.m. Members of the opposite sex are not permitted in bedrooms at any time and must remain in the living
room/kitchen areas. Violations will be dealt with accordingly.
Overnight Guests
Residents of all on-campus housing (including apartments) may be permitted to have overnight guests of the same
gender for a maximum of two consecutive nights, provided that all roommates and the Resident Director give advance
approval. All overnight guests must be registered with the Resident Director. Persons under 16 years of age may not be
overnight guests at any time without the written permission of the Resident Director. The hosting resident will be
responsible for the conduct of guests at all times and must be present with the guest at all times. All guests are required
to behave in a way consistent with the University Principles and Expectations, as outlined on pages 8 and 9. Hosting
overnight guests of the opposite gender will result in a disciplinary referral to the Office of Student Life. Guests staying
beyond two consecutive nights will need to be approved by the Resident Director and are subject to a $20 per night per
Response to Residence Hall Staff Members
Residents are expected to respond appropriately to the reasonable requests of all University staff including Safety and
Security, Resident Directors, Assistant Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, and Desk Assistants. Failure to do so will
result in referral for formal University disciplinary action.
Students should follow proper protocol when addressing concerns with the residence life staff. Concerns should be
directed to staff in the following hierarchy: the Resident Assistant, Resident Director, Director of Residence Life, and the
Vice President of Student Life.
Residence Hall Side and Back Doors
All side and back doors lock at midnight (12 a.m.). The propping open of outside access doors will result in a Class-A
violation and a fine or community service. After 12 a.m., all entries and exits must be made through the hall’s front door.
Entry must be gained by using the card-access security system. If your student ID card has been misplaced or stolen,
please contact Safety and Security at (417) 328-1556. Misplaced and stolen ID cards may be replaced at the Office of
Safety and Security located in the Goodson Student Union.
Lounges and Recreation Rooms
Students of the opposite gender may visit in the main lobbies of each residence hall between the hours of 8 a.m.- 10 p.m. if
invited by a resident of that residence hall. Lounges and recreation rooms outside the main lobby of each hall are for use
by all residents of the hall. Considerate behavior is, therefore, in everyone’s best interest. If inappropriate behavior is
displayed, the Resident Director may ask guests to leave the lounge or recreation area.
Residence Hall Curfew
Curfew will be required of all first semester undergraduate students residing in University housing unless otherwise
waived by the Vice President of Student Life.
Curfew hours are:
Sunday Thursday 12 a.m. (midnight) to 6 a.m.
Friday Saturday 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Students on curfew must sign in at the residence hall office by curfew time. Students must sign out when leaving campus
overnight. This is to ensure that the student can be reached in case of an emergency. Students on curfew may not sign
out for overnight absences during the week (Sunday - Thursday). If a student is going home, visiting relatives, or has
special circumstances, they must sign out at their hall’s front office and receive special permission from their Resident
Director or approved Residence Life staff member. Signing out during the week or weekend to circumvent curfew is
considered a Class-B student conduct violation.
Second-semester students may earn the privilege of having curfew regulations removed if they fulfill the following
1. The resident has not exceeded their allotted number of misses during their first semester under curfew.
2. The resident has maintained a 2.0 or higher institutional cumulative GPA. Residents who drop below a 2.0 GPA
will be placed on academic curfew.
3. The resident’s previous behavior has not necessitated excessive disciplinary action (i.e. the student has not had
excessive residence hall violations or had disciplinary action imposed by the Office of Student Life).
If an individual who is on curfew needs to be out beyond curfew for a reasonable cause, a late pass may be obtained from
the Resident Director up to eight times per semester. Passes should be obtained by 10 p.m. prior to use. When the
Resident Director is not on call, the on-call Resident Assistant may issue a late pass.
Curfew Violations
At the beginning of each semester, individuals on curfew will be given four free misses for curfew. After 5 misses, a fine
will be issued. Students who knowingly fail to sign in or knowingly fail to receive a late pass will be subject to a possible
fine or community service. Repeated circumventing of curfew will result in a violation referral to the Director of
Residence Life.
Selling & Canvassing
To protect the privacy of students and to provide them with maximum security, the following policy shall govern
solicitation: door-to-door solicitation is prohibited for all groups and individuals (official university business excepted).
All posters, which must be stamped, or sales promotions; e.g., coupons, must be approved by the Office of Student Life.
Recognized organizations or individuals wishing to make products available to students must acquire approval from the
Office of Student Life.
Deliberate Damage to Property
Deliberate damage to property (whether personal property or University property) is considered a violation of the
University’s student conduct policy and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Fire Hazards
The possession of candles, candle warmers, incense, fireworks, firearms, flammable items, or any other open flame
apparatus is prohibited. Halogen lamps, heating units, and hot plates are also not allowed. Power surge protector strips
are recommended and should have a self-contained circuit breaker. Residents are advised to keep a flashlight on hand in
the event of an extended power failure.
Emergency Procedure and Drills
In accordance with State law and for the safety of students, fire and tornado drills will be conducted at various times. The
University will conduct other emergency procedure drills as needed. All residents must participate and comply with the
directions of the drill. Procedures will be posted in each residence hall and/or instructions will be issued by a residence
life staff member.
Inspection of Property, Room and Locker Procedures
Southwest Baptist University officials reserve, at their sole discretion, the right to inspect any University-owned building
or property or lockers at any time, for reasons including, but not limited to: housekeeping, maintenance, fire prevention
and safety, in accordance with federal or state laws and University policy, it is acknowledged that the University is not
obligated or required to give official notice to the student of the inspection before its occurrence.
Automobiles on University property are subject to visual inspection by full-time University employees at all times.
Search of Room or Locker
Southwest Baptist University officials may search any University-owned building, property or locker, including
residence halls and individual rooms within halls. These areas may be searched when there is reasonable suspicion that
individuals or contents within the University-owned building, property or locker, including residence halls and
individual rooms within halls are in direct violation of University, local, state, or federal policy or laws.
When a University official determines there is reasonable suspicion for a search, an official search may be conducted only
by authorization of the President, Vice President of Student Life, or Director of Residence Life, except in the case of an
immediate and clear emergency involving safety and health. If the President or Vice President of Student Life are not
available, another executive officer of the University may provide authorization.
The search must be conducted by an SBU Safety and Security officer, which may include the on-duty safety and security
patrol officer, lead officer, associate director of safety and security, or director of safety and security, in the presence of a
witness who must be an employee of the University or a law enforcement official.
Prior to searching a University-owned building, property or locker, including residence halls and individual rooms, an
attempt to notify the occupant of the purpose the search should be made. If the occupant does not respond to the
contact, the University may proceed with the search. The occupant has the right to be present when the occupant is
immediately present or can arrive within a reasonable time.
The employee conducting the room search should have a written description that includes the following information:
Date, time, and reporting safety and security officer
Purpose for search, including items searched for
Names of individuals responsible for authorizing the search
Names of individuals conducting the search
Duties and responsibilities of individuals involved with the search process
Name of occupant and contact details
Items found during the search
When conducting the search, records will specify the results of the search. If applicable, pictures of discovered items
should be included with the above documentation. Upon the conclusion of the search, the occupant will be informed of
the outcome.
Automobiles on University property are subject to search. A complete search of automobiles may be conducted under the
same procedure as individual residence hall rooms, where there is reason to believe they contain articles, which are not
permitted on University property and/or are in violation of University, local, state, or federal policy or laws.
Missing Student Notification Policy
In compliance with the Missing Student Procedures 20 USC 1092 (j) (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity
Act of 2008), it is the policy of Southwest Baptist University’s Student Life and Safety and Security offices to investigate
any report of a missing student who resides on-campus at SBU. This policy, as seen on the Safety and Security section of
SBU’s (www.SBUniv.edu) website, establishes a framework for cooperation among members of the University
community aimed at locating and assisting students who are reported missing.
When an on-campus residing student is reported absent from the University for more than 24 hours without any known
reason, SBU’s Safety and Security should be notified immediately. Upon notification, SBU’s Safety and Security will
investigate each report and make a determination whether the student is missing in accordance with the missing student
If a missing student is under 18 years of age and not an emancipated individual, the University is required to notify a
custodial parent or guardian of the missing student not later than 24 hours after the determination by SBU’s Safety and
Security that the student is missing.
SBU’s Safety and Security will also notify the Bolivar Police Department, no later than 24 hours after it determines the
student is missing, even if the student has not registered a contact person.
A complete viewing of the institution’s Missing Student Policies and Procedures can be seen at www.SBUniv.edu/safety.
Health Services
SBU’s Killian Health Center
(417) 328-1888
Southwest Baptist University (SBU) Killian Health Center, located inside the Meyer Wellness Center, is open from 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, during fall and spring semesters.
Appointments begin at 9:00 am. Office hours are limited during Summer Session.
General health services are provided for undergraduate and graduate students who pay the student fees. Services
provided include telehealth visits (billed to student insurance), limited medical assessment and injury treatment, vision
and health screening, limited physicals, medical equipment loans, consultation, referrals, self-care recommendations,
immunizations, and Tuberculosis skin testing.
Students who require specialized medical assistance or tests are referred to local medical facilities. Students needing
additional treatment will be financially responsible for any services acquired. The University will not be financially
responsible for costs incurred by the student for services provided by any physician or medical center. Students injured
during intramurals or any other University activities are financially responsible for any treatments received beyond those
provided by the Health Center. Additional information is available at the Health Center by calling (417) 328-1888 or SBU
website under student services.
Students are encouraged to make an appointment prior to their arrival at the Killian Health Center. This will ensure a
more efficient visit.
Electronic Medical Record
Killian Health Center has partnered with Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record), a leading provider of
electronic student health record software to store your Electronic Medical Record.
As an enrolled student, you must update your medical data history and submit immunization documentation and
Tuberculosis screening questionnaire through Magnus no later than the Friday prior to the first day of class.
If you have any difficulties navigating the Magnus system, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by
phone at (877) 461-6831 or by email at service@magnushealthportal.com
Southwest Baptist University (SBU) strives to be a model health-promoting campus. Therefore, SBU students shall
satisfy the University’s immunization requirements. Religious or Medical exemption requests must be filed with the
Office of Student Life before the start of the students' first semester at SBU.
Required Immunizations
DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) childhood series
Polio childhood series
MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) series, two doses for students born after 1956
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis)
Meningitis, two doses required if first dose is given prior to age 16
Hepatitis B, three dose series
Recommended Immunizations
Varicella (chicken pox), two-dose series
Hepatitis A, two-dose series
HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
Annual influenza, one dose
Covid-19 Vaccine
Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire
Missouri Senate Bill 197 requires new or transfer students attending any college or university in the State of Missouri be
screened for Tuberculosis (TB). The screening must follow the Center for Disease Control protocols that screen
individuals based upon their time outside the United States, and their possible exposure to TB, or those who are likely to
have come in contact with someone who has TB. The legislation requires colleges and universities to place a hold on a
student’s registration if they do not complete the Tuberculosis screening within their first semester at a Missouri college
or university. The TB Screening Questionnaire can be submitted through Magnus Student Electronic Medical Record.
Verification Note of Health Office Visit
To obtain documentation for a class absence (one or more days), a student must be seen at the Killian Health Center by a
medical professional on the first day of the class absence.
Student Insurance
All students are encouraged to carry health insurance. The University does not provide health insurance.
Communicable Disease
Residents diagnosed with a communicable disease, as defined by Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services,
may be moved out of university housing at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life or Vice President of Student
Life upon the recommendation of Health Services. A student with a diagnosed communicable disease is expected to
notify Health Services. Health Services may require a student with signs or symptoms of a communicable disease to be
evaluated by another healthcare professional with the results to be made available to the University.
Note: The University reserves the right to refuse class admittance to any student who has been diagnosed as having a
communicable disease.
University Chapel and Discipleship Ministries
Mr. Stedman Valentine, Campus Pastor and Director of Discipleship
(417) 328-1902
Chapel: The Heart of the SBU Experience
Chapel is an integral part of the SBU experience and central to our life together. Chapel helps to build a sense of
community at SBU by providing a shared experience of worship, biblical teaching, community, and prayer.
Chapel services will be held each Monday and Wednesday from 10:0010:50 a.m. in Pike Auditorium, which is located
inside Mabee Chapel.
Chapel Attendance
Residential Students:
All full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students on the Bolivar campus have the opportunity and are expected to
attend Chapel during their time at SBU. Students must attend a minimum of 75% of the Chapel services offered during
the semester.
In order to help track attendance at chapel, SBU uses the iAttended app available on Google Play and the Apple app
store. Students should download the app and become familiar with how it works prior to the start of the school year.
Students must enter the entry code in the iAttended app, remain for the entirety of Chapel, and enter the exit code at the
end of Chapel each Chapel service to confirm Chapel attendance. In the event that the code does not work, a QR code can
be found in the front of the Chapel. Any student who encounters any problems with app should email the Campus
Pastor, Stedman Valentine, at [email protected] within 24 hours of when the Chapel service has ended.
Evening, weekend, and other special Chapel services may occasionally be offered for extra credit. Chapel is not a
substitute for participation in the life of a local church and students are strongly encouraged to prioritize church
membership and attendance.
Students will be shown their Chapel attendance via iAttended each time they receive credit.
Students should check their Chapel attendance via MyBearcat Self-Service Portal weekly.
Off Campus Students:
All full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students who reside more than 15 miles away from the Bolivar campus are
encouraged to participate in chapel but are exempt from the attendance requirement. Graduate, part-time, and high
school students are welcome to participate. All students who are not able to gather with us corporately are encouraged to
attend virtually at SBUniv.info/YouTube.
Chapel Etiquette
We gather at Chapel to be reminded of the goodness of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways. All
participants are asked to follow the chapel behavior guidelines listed below:
Arrive in a timely manner, be seated before we begin, and remain for the entirety of chapel
Engage as an active listener and participant in worship
Refrain from the use of electronic devices, including computers and phones
Refrain from engaging in personal conversations or other distracting behavior
Refrain from studying or any other reading not directly related to the chapel program
Remove caps during times of prayer
Students who do not observe these above guidelines are subject to disciplinary action which may include, but is not
limited to, losing attendance credit for that chapel, and other sanctions that can include Class A, B, or C violations.
Chapel Credit, Chapel Warning, and Chapel Probation
For followers of Jesus, chapel is a time to be reminded of who God is and all that he has done. We gather to worship,
pray, and hear teaching from the Scriptures. If you’re not a Christian, we’re grateful that you have joined the SBU
community and committed to make chapel part of your undergraduate experience. We hope that you’ll see the beauty
and kindness of Jesus and, through chapel, find your rest in him.
Because chapel is central to our life together as a community, SBU makes attendance a priority for administration,
faculty, staff, and students. Students are expected to attend at least 75% of the chapel services each semester.
Students who do not attend at least 75% of chapels during the semester will be placed on Chapel Warning for the
following semester. While on chapel warning, the student must meet the chapel requirement and make up missed
chapels from the previous semester (up to 4). Students must pay a $10 fine for each chapel absence that cannot be made
Students who do not attend at least 75% of chapels during the semester will be placed on Chapel Warning for the
following semester. While on chapel warning, the student must meet the chapel requirement as well as make up missed
chapels from the previous semester. Students must pay a $20 fine for each chapel absence that cannot be made up.
Students placed on Chapel Warning who fail to meet chapel requirements will be placed on Chapel Probation the
following semester. In addition to the semester chapel requirement, students must (a) make up their previous absences,
(up to 4) (b) pay a $20 fine for each unexcused absence that cannot be made up, and (c) meet with the Campus Pastor.
Students placed on warning who fail to meet chapel requirements will be placed on Chapel Probation the following
semester. In addition to the semester chapel requirement, students must (a) make up their previous absences, up to four
chapels, (b) pay a $20 fine for each unexcused absence, and (c) complete a book report assigned by the campus pastor.
Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement after being placed on Chapel Probation must meet with VP of
Student Life.
Southwest Baptist University is a Christ-centered, caring academic community preparing students to be servant leaders
in a global society. To accomplish our mission, we aim to create a culture of discipleship. This means we want to
introduce every student to the gospel of Jesus Christ, call them to follow Jesus, and help them learn what it means to be a
disciple of Jesus.
To make disciples on the campus of SBU requires partnerships across departments. From the academic team to residence
life, to student activities and athletics, we hope to see students not only succeed academically, but come to faith in Jesus
and learn to live for his glory in every sphere of life.
College is a prime opportunity for discipleship in the lives of our students. We have a desire and hope that every student
who attends SBU will be encouraged to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul, and love their neighbors as
themselves. This is not just something we just pray for we encourage our staff and faculty, we equip our Resident
Directors and Resident Assistants, and we offer a variety of discipleship opportunities to accomplish these hopes. Any
student who desires to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ during their time at SBU will experience no shortage of
opportunities to do so.
There are eight characteristics we want to see students grow in during their time at SBU. We want students to
increasingly become:
1. Bible-saturated We want to see students grow in their understanding and application of the Bible.
2. Servant Leaders We want to see students grow in their capability and capacity to lead their peers and others.
3. Peacemakers We want to see students grow in thinking about and handling conflict biblically.
4. Mission-minded We want to see students grow in sharing their faith with peers and others.
5. Prayerful We want to see students grow in their frequency of and joy in prayer.
6. Humble We want to see students grow in remembering who they are, who God is, and what He has done for
7. Joyful We want to see students grow in keeping their eyes on things they can thank God for and do so
8. Local Church committed We want to see students grow in their involvement in the local church by finding a
church, attending that church, giving to that church, serving that church, and becoming a member at that church.
We offer a variety of opportunities and shared practices that help students to grow in these areas for their good, the joy of
those they will one day lead, and God’s glory.
One of the best (but not only) opportunities for discipleship at SBU comes through the SBU Discipleship Groups (D-
Groups). These SBU D-Groups are student-led and overseen by the Campus Pastor and Director of Discipleship. For
more information, contact the Campus Pastor and Director of Discipleship at (417) 328-1902 or email him at
The Center for Global Connections
Dr. Kelly Malone, Education Leader for the Center for Global Connections (417) 328-1733
Mrs. Marketa Garrison, Center for Global Connections Logistical Coordinator (417) 328-1903
Ms. Abby Yohn, Center for Global Connections Administrative Assistant (417) 328-1901
Southwest Baptist University’s Center for Global Connections (CGC) coordinates local, domestic, and international
ministry projects and study trips, providing students opportunities to experience diverse cultures, serve others, and share
the Good News of the Gospel. The CGC is dedicated to representing Christ globally by equipping the SBU community to
live on mission and providing strategic educational experiences to be holistically transformed.
The Center for Global Connections Mission
The Center for Global Connections’ purpose is to provide a framework and strategy to increase cultural and mission
awareness, education, and participation through both on and off campus experiences while developing students who will
have a global vision and live a missional lifestyle.
The Center for Global Connections Vision
The vision for the Center for Global Connections is to make God’s name known among the nations by providing
awareness, education, training, and mission outreaches in order that the campus can be an instrument of God’s
redemptive plan for all peoples.
Global Mission Projects
The SBU Center for Global Connections offers evangelistic mission projects for student participation and provides a wide
variety of mission projects in a cross-cultural context. SBU teams volunteer locally during the academic year. As SBU
students volunteer, they go with the intent of sharing the gospel and being a blessing to others. The impact on the
students and their development is often greater than the outcome of the actual missionary endeavor. The evangelistic
outreaches develop and mature students in all areas: educationally, spiritually, culturally, socially, physically, and
emotionally, which assists in fulfilling SBU’s commitment to prepare students to be servant leaders in a global society.
Academic Credit and Training for Mission Projects
Student mission projects are a co-curricular educational experience. Students are exposed to other cultures and learn to
communicate and serve in cross-cultural situations. Students gain a stronger biblical worldview from the pre-training to
prepare for the mission and return from their experience with greater world awareness.
Students participating in a CGC mission can enroll in a course that fulfills three hours of Missions academic credit which
can meet a requirement in the DISCOVER core and/or be applied to a major or minor in Missions. The semester before
serving on a mission, students are required to attend regular team meetings for training and preparation. Each mission
has required curriculum. The curriculum and training's content includes spiritual preparation, evangelistic training,
team building, safety/security training, and cross-cultural preparation, along with unique preparation to each mission.
For further information on specific CGC mission projects, please refer to the Center for Global Connections project page:
Faculty-Led Trips
The Center for Global Connections supports 1-2 week trips led by SBU faculty for the purpose of learning and/or service.
These trips provide academic credit related to various majors throughout the university, and may be taken for major,
minor, or elective credit. In most cases, the trip is connected with a specific course in the fall or spring semester with
three hours of credit. Courses are designed to provide opportunities to extend learning in specific disciplines in cultural
settings beyond what is available through the usual classroom or online learning. These opportunities prepare students to
become servant leaders in a global society.
For further information, look for announcements on campus and online or contact: Dr. Kelly Malone, Education Leader
for the Center for Global Connections, kma[email protected].
Global Student Services
Southwest Baptist University Center for Global Connections provides a variety of services for international and third-
culture students. These services include:
Visa and SEVIS registration for international students
Local transportation assistance to and from Springfield to go to the airport, social security and tax offices, and
other needed services
Assistance with employment and tax issues, such as campus employment and social security. However, CGC
staff who work with international students are not tax experts so they cannot process tax returns. They will
attempt to assist international students in locating the assistance they need to meet federal and state tax
Mediation between global students and campus resources such as housing, food services, academics, health
services, and counseling
Global student events
Global Connections Week
Each semester the CGC conducts a weeklong mission’s emphasis to bring a greater awareness of missions and mission
opportunities. Special mission chapels could include student missionary testimonies, guest missionary speakers,
introductions of upcoming mission projects, worship, and mission focused messages. Mission awareness events are
presented through the emphasis week which could include missional and cultural educational activities.
Leadership Development
The Center for Global Connections focuses on developing leadership, including student leaders. The CGC is unique
among universities in allowing some CGC teams to be led by SBU students. All CGC leaders are required to participate
in leadership training/events, as well as meet with CGC staff on a regular basis to prepare and discuss the team training.
The aim of the CGC is to work in consensus with team leaders throughout the formation, training, and on-field portion of
the mission.
Global Majors
The Center for Global Connections provides support for majors that prepare students for global leadership and service. If
you are interested in any of these majors, please talk with Dr. Kelly Malone, Education Leader for the Center for Global
Connections, [email protected]. At present these majors include:
Missions Major and Minor (Courts Redford Division of Christian Ministries)
International Business (Robert W. Plaster College of Business)
Global Education, Elementary and Middle School (Division of Education)
Counseling Services
Mr. Kevin Marcum, Director of Counseling Services, (417) 328-1404
Students at Southwest Baptist University have available to them one part-time SBU Licensed Mental Health
Professional, other Licensed Mental Health Professionals coming to campus, Biblical counseling options, a robust referral
network, and counseling interns to assist with personal and emotional issues. This service is provided without direct cost
to students.
The counseling offices are located within the Office of Student Life in the Student Union. To make an appointment to see
a counselor, students should go to the Student Portal, Health and Wellness Services, and click on the Counseling Services
link (https://portal.SBUniv.edu/pages/counseling-services). Students are also welcome to visit the Student Life Office to
make an appointment in person. Once the completed counseling intake form is received, an email will be sent containing
an appointment time (between, before, or after classes).
You may visit or call the Counseling Office in the Office of Student Life at (417) 328-1404 with any questions.
Mr. Kevin Marcum, MS; Director of Counseling Services
(417) 328-1404 | [email protected]
Bill Walkup, M.S., L.C.S.W.; Licensed Clinical Social Worker; Assistant Professor of Psychology
(800) 526-5859; (417) 328-1731 | [email protected]
In case of an emergency, call 911 or Safety and Security at (417) 328-8733.
Suicide Crisis Prevention
Ask, Listen, Refer Individuals have access to the SBU Suicide Prevention Training Program. The program was designed
to help faculty, staff, and students prevent suicide by teaching individuals to:
Identify people at risk for suicide
Recognize the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs of suicide
Respond to and get help for people at risk
This training program can be found at www.asklistenrefer.org or a link is provided on the SBU Website under
Counseling Services. Showing an interest and helping others affirms their validity and worth. Often, listening
and providing encouragement is exactly what is needed. When one senses that this is not enough, referral to
Counseling Services is a viable option. Please see the Counseling Services information above.
Talk Campus
Southwest Baptist University values and prioritizes the mental wellbeing of our students. Our current students
also have free access to the TalkCampus app, which provides 24/7 peer-to-peer mental health support. There is a
link to download the TalkCampus app on the SBU Website under Counseling Services.
Meyer Wellness and Sports Center
Mr. Stefan Skillman, Assistant Athletic Director for Facilities
(417) 328-1739
The Wellness and Sports Center is located at the center of the Southwest Baptist University campus. The Wellness
Center is designed to provide a healthy and motivating environment where students, faculty and staff and others can
meet to enjoy wellness and sports opportunities and build relationships. The Center’s primary purpose is to service the
wellness needs of SBU students and assist in the recruitment of prospective students. The Wellness Center is comprised
of multipurpose intramural courts, a natatorium, fitness room, racquetball courts, rock climbing wall, Shake Smart, an
aerobic room, classrooms, and offices.
Admission to the Wellness Center is based on an active Wellness Center Membership and possession of a valid SBU
identification card. Student membership is paid through the student service fee, assessed at the beginning of each school
term. Faculty, Staff and SBU retired employee memberships are available through the SBU benefits package.
Memberships are available to student spouses, alumni, and community members by contacting the Wellness Center
office at (417) 328-1411.
Facility reservations can be made by submitting a Facilities Request Form. For more information, please visit the
Wellness Center website at http://www.SBUniv.edu/campus-life/student-activities/campus-recreation/facilities.php
Intercollegiate Athletics
Clark Sheehy, Director of Athletics
(417) 328-1785
Varsity sports are an important part of University Life. SBU is NCAA Division II and is a member of the Great Lakes
Valley Conference. There are eight varsity men’s teams and ten varsity female teams which account for approximately
400 student-athletes. Team and facility information, as well as schedules, can be found at www.sbubearcats.com
Mission Statement
SBU Athletics helps student-athletes become leaders by providing a great experience academically, athletically,
relationally, socially, and spiritually.
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is a student-athlete organization focusing on four key components: community
service, personal and professional development, NCAA compliance, and marketing and social media for teams and the
athletic department. Representatives are selected by their coaches and teammates and collaborate throughout the year
with other departments on campus. One of the main goals of SAAC is to integrate student-athletes within the student
body of SBU and be good stewards inside and outside of competition. Student-athletes are encouraged to speak with
their coach or SAAC representatives if they have questions or concerns about Bearcat athletics. Questions about SAAC
can be directed to Tripp Swisher, Head Softball Coach, at [email protected].
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is open to the SBU student body and meets weekly at the Football Fieldhouse. FCA
leaders plan and promote the sharing of the gospel through their sports while also bringing together athletes and non-
athletes on campus. Meetings include guest speakers, devotionals, and games that bring out friendly competition among
all attendees. Questions about FCA can be directed to Brad Sterling, Regional Director of FCA, bsterling@fca.org.
Opportunities in Fine Arts and Related Areas
Dr. Kwasi Ofori-Yeboah, Head, Division of the Arts and Humanities
kofo[email protected] (417-328-1723)
Many opportunities are provided to observe and participate in the fine arts and related areas here at Southwest Baptist
Numerous choral groups and instrumental ensembles provide experience in public performance and credit in the area of
Music. Performances are given in the Casebolt Music Center, in Chapel, at special events on the campus, such as the
Festival of Christmas, at conventions, on road tours, and for other occasions. These performances are free and open to all
students and the public.
Choral and Vocal Studies
Dr. Sarah Howes, Director of Choral Activities
showes@SBUniv.edu (417) 328-1642
SBU Chorale The premiere auditioned choral ensemble of the university. Chorale performs concerts on campus and
regularly tours domestically, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
University Singers Non-auditioned choral ensemble is open to students, faculty, staff, and community singers.
Opera Theatre Open to all students by audition. Singers develop performance skills relative to operatic and/or music
theatre. Music theatre shows are performed in collaboration with SBU Theatre
Worship Arts
The worship leadership collective at SBU serves student worship leading opportunities (staffing worship
leaders/worship bands) on and off-campus. Worship Arts includes Locamente (Thursday evening on-campus student-
led worship opportunity) and Higher Ground (travelling worship leading, weekend youth worship/Discipleship Now
events). Includes vocalists and instrumentalists. Musicians meet for rehearsals before worship services and once together
as a collective, weekly.
Instrumental Studies
Dr. Steven Mathews, Director of Instrumental Studies
Bearcat Marching Band The Bearcat Marching Band performs for SBU home football games in Plaster Stadium. Prior
marching experience is not required, please contact Dr. Mathews to join. Involves outside of school rehearsals and
Wind Symphony The University’s finest woodwind, brass, and percussion players and open to all students by
audition. Concerts on campus and annual tour stops include schools and churches throughout Missouri and surrounding
Chamber Orchestra comprised of music and non-music majors who play string instruments. Concerts on campus
(Andy Johnston, Orchestra Director, ajohnsto[email protected])
Jazz Ensemble Open to all students by audition, the group performs repertoire for the classic big-band
instrumentation: saxophones, trumpets, trombones, piano, bass, guitar and drums. Concerts on campus.
University Band Open to all SBU students, faculty, staff and community members with previous high school band
experience. No audition is required and concerts are performed on campus.
Pep Band Select musicians that perform for SBU men’s and women's home basketball games.
Brass Ensembles SBU offers various brass groups in both the fall and spring semesters. Participation is open to all
interested brass instrumentalists.
Woodwind Ensembles A number of woodwind ensembles are active in any given semester; typically, these have
included flute quartet, woodwind quintet, clarinet quartet, saxophone quartet, and woodwind trio. Open to all students
by audition.
Percussion Ensemble Open to all percussionists and performs a variety of music for the total percussion section
drums, keyboard, metallic and wooden instruments.
The University also cooperates with the Bolivar community to bring a series of community concerts each season.
Students are admitted to hear these outstanding artists at a reduced membership fee. Specific information may be
obtained by contacting the Area of Music, located in the Casebolt Music Center.
All students are welcome to participate in art classes. The area of Art provides instruction in the visual and graphic arts
and sponsors exhibits of student art. The University Gallery provides students with hands-on opportunities in curating
exhibits, hanging shows and displaying their own work. Additionally, the Driskill Art Gallery hosts regional artists
throughout each academic year. Exhibits are free and open to students and the public.
The area of Theater provides opportunities in a variety of theatrical experiences. Auditions for University productions are
open to any member of the student body. Student productions have earned national recognition and may be attended by
both students and public audiences. Tickets for all SBU Theatre productions may be purchased in-person at the Box
Office (located in the Jester Learning and Performance Center), online using the links listed for each show, or by phone
by calling (417) 328-1691.
Communication Arts
The Division of Arts and Humanities is home to a nationally recognized intercollegiate debate and forensics program.
Membership in the traveling group is achieved by performance auditions.
Speaking Bearcats
Taylor Corlee, Director of Forensics
[email protected], (417-328-1960)
The Speaking Bearcats, SBU's nationally acclaimed forensics team, has a long history of excellence in competitions as the
team fulfills the motto of Pi Kappa Delta, the national collegiate speech and debate honor society: "The art of persuasion
beautiful and just."
Ed and Theo Clark University Success Center
Mabee Chapel, contact: [email protected]
Dr. Scotti Moats, Assistant Provost for Student Success
Dr. Jordan Edwards, Director of the Dutile Honors Program
Mr. Kevin Marcum, Director of Counseling and Cornerstone
Mr. Eric Smith, Director of Disability and Tutoring Services
The University Success Center provides a variety of support services for students throughout their time at Southwest
Baptist University.
Success Coaches
Each incoming student is paired with an advisor in the University Success Center (USC) who will help guide them
throughout their first year of college. These advisors work with students to make their initial schedule, help in the
transition to college, and are a first point of contact to connecting students with the broader SBU community. Success
Coaches also teach the first-year courses geared at challenging students to explore who they are personally and
The Cornerstone program offers resources and personalized care for students who have demonstrated the need for
additional support in their transition to SBU. Cornerstone develops students’ academic skills, connects students with
academic assistance, and engages students in community.
Tutoring Services
Within the Success Center, Tutoring Services take place Monday Thursday evenings. Peer tutors are available for help
in specific areas such as math, science, and writing, along with general academic support across all courses of study.
Tutoring hours are established each semester and posted on MyBearcat.
Career Services
Success Coaches are available to help students in the area of Career Services. The Success Center offers a space to
conduct interviews and take professional headshots. Success Coaches also provide for students to complete career
assessments and select a major. Through seminar, all incoming freshman write an initial cover letter and resume and
participate in multiple interview processes. Success Coaches offer support for all students through resume and cover
letter reviews.
Disability Services
Undergraduate students requiring accommodations for an academic disability should contact the Director of Disability
Services. Students must complete and initial Disclosure of Disability form with required documentation which can be
found at https://www.SBUniv.edu/academics/academic-resources/disability-services.php.
For more information, see sections titled “Student with Disabilities” and “Student with Disabilities Appeal Process.
The Gordon & Judy Dutile Honors Program
The Dutile Honors Program supports and challenges high-ability students by fostering curiosity, pursuing humility, and
engaging in community. Students apply to be in the Honors Program before entering SBU and are notified of their
acceptance prior to their first semester. Students who are accepted into the Honors Program must maintain a cumulative
grade-point average of 3.25 and complete components of the program. The Honors program provides students to engage
with other students through specialized classes and colloquiums. Each student completes a Senior Capstone project
which allows students to conduct research in their field. Students build community through on-campus student-led
events and local cultural-engagement activities.
Student Guidelines & Expectations
Southwest Baptist University’s behavior guidelines and expectations are meant to reflect Christian values. Like any
community, there are certain standards, requirements and responsibilities that help secure a safe environment that
coincides with the University’s mission and helps students flourish. Students, by virtue of their enrollment, whether or
not school is in session, are seen as members of the University community and are expected to accept and live in
accordance with the University’s guidelines and expectations. Incoming students those who have applied for
admission, been accepted, and enrolled in the coming term/semester become an official SBU student upon the first day
of the enrolled term/semester. Students are expected to know and abide by the student guidelines and expectations in
the Student Handbook and University Catalog. Students who choose to disregard these guidelines and expectations are
subject to disciplinary action.
SBU is a caring University that promotes Christ-like forgiveness, grace, and truth. Students are held responsible for their
actions that conflict with the University’s community expectations. SBU utilizes a preponderance of evidence in
determining an allegation outcome. When it is determined the allegation is more likely true than not, any disciplinary
measure is intended to serve the following purposes:
To be redemptive.
To uphold University guidelines and expectations.
To promote personal responsibility.
To be educative in redirecting student behavior.
To secure a safe environment on SBU campus(es).
Disciplinary matters involving Bolivar campus graduate and undergraduate students both on and off campus will be
addressed in the following categorical manner:
Class A offenses (including alleged violations of non-dismissible residence hall offenses) will be referred to the
Resident Director after one warning.
Class B offenses (including alleged violations of non-dismissible offenses, which may or may not have taken place
inside a residence hall) are generally referred to the Office of Student Life or the relevant University official.
Class C offenses (including alleged violations of any potentially dismissible offense) are reviewed by the Student
Life Judicial Council (SLJC) or Vice President of Student Life.
Class A and Class B disciplinary matters involving Springfield, Mt. View, and Salem campus graduate and undergraduate
students will be addressed in the above categorical manner by the campus director and the Vice President of Regional
Campuses. All Class C violations will be reported to the campus director, the Vice President of Regional Campuses, and
the Vice President of Student Life, who will work together to handle the violation.
The following procedural process is applicable in cases where an alleged Class C violation has occurred and may require
official student disciplinary action:
1. Acknowledgment of alleged incident including statement of facts and violation will be submitted to the Vice
President of Student Life via Maxient.
2. Investigation procedures will be initiated as outlined in the Student Handbook (page 37).
3. Notice will be provided to the student charged with an alleged violation of student conduct policy. The charged
student will be granted a hearing with a Student Life official or the SLJC.
4. A written hearing notice will be provided to the student charged with an alleged violation of student conduct
policy that explains the alleged violation, date and time of the hearing, and the hearing process.
5. Following the hearing, the charged student will be informed of the outcome, including any imposed sanction(s).
At this time, the student will also be informed of the disciplinary appeals option(s) as outlined in the Student
Handbook (pages 38-39).
Student Infractions Peer Committee (SIPC)
The Student Infractions Peer Committee consists of five (5) students who must be of sophomore, junior, or senior
standing. A Student Life officer serves as the committee’s advisor. Candidates are nominated by the Student Association
and are approved by the Vice President of Student Life. The length of service is one academic year. Members are eligible
to serve more than one term. Students may ask the SIPC to review disciplinary sanctions resulting from Class B and C
infractions and make alternative recommendations for sanctions. The recommendation of the committee is sent to the
Vice President of Student Life for consideration.
Student Life Judicial Council (SLJC)
The Student Life Judicial Council will consist of the Vice President of Student Life (ex-officio) and members representing
the University’s faculty and staff. The function of this council is to hear disciplinary appeals and Class C violations.
Upon hearing allegations and reviewing evidence, the council will have authority to absolve allegations or issue
Investigation Procedures
University’s procedures related to investigating allegations made against a student should include the following steps:
1. Assess allegations and determine what investigatory efforts are necessary. If the allegations made against a fellow
student involves domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, rape, acquaintance rape, stalking, or sexual
harassment, then the procedural steps associated with these items will be pursued (see Student Handbook).
2. Research allegation, which may include, but certainly not limited to interviewing individuals, reviewing video
surveillance footage, or requiring a drug test.
3. Collect and review relevant information pertinent to submitted allegation.
4. Follow proper student hearing procedures, if it is determined that a hearing is necessary.
5. Interview individuals with knowledge of facts. Interviewees will be summonsed to an interview with
acknowledgement that they are assisting with information collection.
6. Consult with appropriate University constituents, which may include the Student Life Judicial Council.
7. Discuss and evaluate collected data.
8. Present conclusions to the accused and take necessary actions. If the evidence shows that the reported allegation
is more likely true than not true, then appropriate sanctions will be applied. The accused student will be made
aware of the appeals process.
Video Surveillance
Security cameras have come into increasing use on college and university campuses, principally as part of crime
prevention strategy, to aid in the protection of public safety and personal property. In regard to investigative procedures,
the University may use video surveillance, when appropriate, as part of its inquiry efforts. When using video surveillance
equipment for investigation efforts, review of video surveillance can be initially activated by the on-duty safety and
security patrol officer. An officer’s incident report, and video footage, is reviewed by the associate director of safety and
security. A final level of review for video monitoring is then reviewed by the associate director of safety and security, the
director of safety and security.
Law Enforcement
The Department of Safety and Security should be notified when a potential violation includes possible criminal conduct.
It is then to be determined by the Director of the Department of Safety and Security whether to involve law enforcement,
and if so, the Director shall alert law enforcement of the investigation and cooperative with law enforcement.
Disciplinary Appeals
Below are the Disciplinary Appeals for class A, class B and class C violations. Students who are issued sanctions are
encouraged to appeal any sanction for any violation (disciplinary action) against them if they disagree with the decision
or believe the decision or information, upon which the decision was based, was improper.
To appeal a violation a student must file a written appeal as designated below within five (5) days of the notice of the
sanction. The appeal must include:
The grounds upon which the appeal is based (see Grounds for Appeal)
The name of each witness supporting the appeal
The identification of each document which you believe is relevant and supports your appeal
Class A violations: The Vice President of Student Life serves as the first and final level of appeal for Class A violations.
The student who wishes to appeal a decision must notify the Vice President of Student Life in writing within five days of
the date of the imposed sanction(s).
Class B violations: The Vice President of Student Life serves as the first and final level of appeal for Class B violations.
The appeals procedure will follow the format in place for Class C violations (see the reference to Class C violations
included next in the Disciplinary Appeals section of this handbook).
Class C violations: The student who wishes to appeal a decision at this level must notify the Vice President of Student
Life in writing within five days of the date of the imposed sanction(s). The Vice President of Student Life serves as the
final level of appeal for class C violations initially heard by the SLJC. The SLJC serves as the final level of appeal for class
C violations initially heard by the Vice President of Student Life.
Students have the option of requesting the SIPC to review disciplinary sanctions resulting from Class B and C infractions
and make alternative recommendations for sanctions. The recommendation of the SIPC is sent to the Vice President of
Student Life for consideration. The request to have the SIPC review the disciplinary sanctions must be made within 5
business days of when the sanctions are given.
Grounds for Appeal
General Policy: It is not the function of the appeals process to permit a rehearing of factual issues originally presented to
determine the outcome. The function of the appeals procedure is to regulate the procedural correctness and fairness of
the judicial process. Thus, grounds for entertaining appeals are specifically limited to the following:
Irregularities in fairness that influenced the outcome of the original action. It is the burden of the party seeking
relief to demonstrate that the original decision would more likely than not have been different had the
irregularity or error not occurred.
Prejudice demonstrated against either respondent or plaintiff on the part of the Student Life Officer, Student Life
Peer Committee or Student Life Judicial Council participating in the disciplinary action. This prejudice must be
more than simple opposition to the appealing party’s point of view. Evidence must show a significant conflict of
interest, bias, pressure or influence that prevented a fair and objective hearing.
New and significant evidence discovered after the original hearing.
Disproportional sanction(s) extraordinary to the conducted violation.
Requests for appeal will not be automatically granted and may be denied by the appeals board if one (or more) of the
above conditions is not demonstrated.
Appeals Board Procedure
An appeal of the decision made by the Vice President of Student Life will be handled by the SLJC in the following
1. A representative of the Office of Student Life will present charges
2. The accused will be given the opportunity to respond
3. Questions by the Board
4. Summation by the representative of the Office of Student Life
5. Discussion and decision by the Board in closed session. (The accused and the representative of the Office of
Student Life may not be present.)
6. Notification of the Board’s decision to the student and the Office of Student Life within twenty-four (24) hours
of the hearing concerning the committee’s decision
The following examples represent the types of discipline that may be imposed. One or more sanctions may be imposed for
a particular violation.
Official Reprimand: This sanction serves to inform the student that the incident reflects behavior unacceptable to the
community and is inconsistent with University regulations. The purpose of this sanction is to serve as a warning to the
student that further violation is likely to result in more severe consequences, which would become part of the student’s
disciplinary records.
Suspended Fines: This sanction allows the student to withhold payment unless the offense is repeated, in which case the
student is held responsible for paying the fine for the original offense and for the repeated violation.
Fines: Fines are used as a deterrent for those who disregard residence hall regulations. Fines are separate from restitution.
Restitution: Students are obligated to compensate a party for any damage or loss of property for which they are
Community Service: Students may be required to perform community service hours either on or off campus as an
appropriate response to the violation.
Educative Sanctions: Tasks, assignments or experiences which a student is obligated to complete as a result of the
decision of an officer of Student Life. Examples are: letters of apology; research of an issue related to the offense; attending
a workshop, lecture or meeting.
Restrictive Sanction: If it is believed by the Vice President of Student Life that a certain restriction is an appropriate
response to a violation, the student will be restricted accordingly for a specified period of time. Examples of restrictions
that may be imposed include the following but are not limited to:
Restricting participation in a particular activity or activities
Restricting the on-campus housing assignment (may require a housing adjustment)
Restricting off-campus living privileges (may require the student to remain in campus housing for an extended
period of time or move from an off-campus residence to campus housing)
Disciplinary Notice: This sanction places the student on official notice to the effect that the violation has become part of
the student’s disciplinary records and that any further violation is likely to result in the student being placed on the
status of Disciplinary Probation or Dismissal.
Disciplinary Probation: The imposition of this sanction affects the student’s good standing with the University for the
duration of the probationary period. Further violations that occur during the probationary period are likely to result in
suspension or dismissal. Students placed on the status of Disciplinary Probation are ineligible to represent the University
in any University-sponsored activity (see listing of activities under Academic Probation). The Vice President of Student
Life will communicate with the affected student and with appropriate faculty/staff. The length of the probationary
period imposed by the Vice President of Student Life will depend on the nature of the violation and the time frame of the
semester. Probationary periods include one to five weeks, five to eight weeks, eight weeks to one semester, and one
semester to two semesters.
Denial of Privilege to Re-enroll: This sanction places the student on indefinite disciplinary probation, allows for
completion of the current semester but prohibits enrollment for subsequent semesters without permission from the Vice
President of Student Life.
Suspension: Students on suspension are not permitted to enroll or continue to be enrolled in classes on campus and may
be required to remain off campus except when an appointment with a University official has been arranged. Students
who are suspended are not permitted to live in University housing.
Dismissal with Suspended Imposition of Sentence: This status enables an alternative recourse while stipulating that
the student’s status will be automatically terminated following a second offense. (For further explanation, see the section
on University Sanctions for Alcohol Policy Violation found elsewhere in this handbook.)
Dismissal: Dismissal is the termination of student status for a stated period of time. The conditions of readmission, if any,
shall be stated in the order of dismissal. If a dismissed student, who is later allowed to return, conducts a class C
violation, that student is subject to immediate dismissal.
Impositions of sanctions that deny a student the privilege to continue or re-enroll at the University will be
communicated to the Registrar and noted as part of the student’s transcript for the duration of the dismissal or probation
period. Any SBU NCAA varsity athlete who is not allowed to continue their enrollment due to a sanction will be
considered suspended or disqualified according to NCAA terminology.
Student Conduct Policies
All Southwest Baptist University students are expected to follow the conduct policies set forth in this handbook.
Unfamiliarity with institutional regulations or rules does not excuse a violation. Attempting, abetting, or being an
accessory to any prohibited act set forth in this handbook shall be considered the same as a completed violation. These
regulations are not designed to define prohibited conduct in exhaustive terms.
Class “A” Violations
The following residence hall violations are considered class A offenses and are regulated by each residence hall in
accordance with minimum and maximum guidelines established by the Office of Student Life.
Curfew violations
Unauthorized entry to, presence in, or exit from the residence hall. Examples include entering or exiting through
windows or through side/back doors after they have been locked, and being in a restricted area of the residence
hall without permission. NOTE: This violation also applies to students who assists others in unauthorized entry
to, presence in, or exit from the residence hall, and to students who fail to properly register guests.
Jeopardizing the security of the residence hall or the safety of the residents. Examples include propping outside
access doors and violating the regulations stated in this handbook concerning fire hazards.
Uncooperative response to a legitimate request from a member of the residence hall life staff. Examples include
requests involving inappropriate room displays and inappropriate behavior (including language) offensive to
others. Harassment is prohibited.
Deliberate misuse of residence hall furnishings or facilities, including any related damage to the university
property. NOTE: This violation also includes the unauthorized removal of screens.
Use or possession of tobacco or electronic cigarette paraphernalia in the halls
Unapproved pets in the residence hall (automatic prior approval is granted only for pet fish)
Loss of room key
Failure to abide by the procedures of the residence hall regarding room check
Failure to abide by the procedures of the residence hall regarding attendance at mandatory meetings
Failure to abide by the procedures of the residence hall regarding quiet hours
Failure to abide by the procedures of the residence hall regarding proper check-out
The preceding list of residence hall (Class A) violations will be addressed in the following manner:
1. A written warning will be issued by the Resident Assistant
2. A second violation of the same offense will result in referral to the Resident Director. Action may include:
a. Absolve the student of the charge(s) relevant to the violation(s)
b. Find the student to be in actual violation resulting in one of the following options (as determined by the
Resident Director in consultation with the student:
i. Community service in the residence hall (one hour is equivalent to a $10 fine)
ii. Financial penalty (including restitution, fine, or suspended fine. Note: Residence Hall fines may
not be issued arbitrarily or automatically and are limited to increments of $5, $10, $20, or $40,
depending on the offense).
The student will be given a maximum of 72 hours to resolve the matter with the Resident Director, after which the
matter will be referred to the Office of Student Life for action by the Vice President of Student Life (who serves as the
final level of appeal for class A violations).
NOTE: If the student fails to make an attempt to resolve the matter within the 72-hour time frame, the class A violation
becomes a class B violation resulting in a permanent record in the Office of Student Life and the possibility of class B
sanctions which would be in addition to any class A sanctions already imposed.
Class “B” Violations
The following are class B violations which, although, serious, are normally considered non-dismissible offenses that
would not require the immediate termination of student status:
Violating the curfew policy on five or more occasions after the grace period has been exhausted
Circumventing rules by fraudulent or deceitful means, including regulations pertaining to curfew, chapel and
class attendance, and requirements for living on campus
Defiance of the dormitory guest policy (see Guest Policy within Residence Life section of the Student Handbook)
Failure to meet the Chapel attendance requirement (see Chapel Credit and Discipline within the University
Chapel and Discipleship Ministries section of the Student Handbook)
Incurring debt for the University or a student organization without the approval of a University official
Breach of housing contract terms and conditions including any excessive violation of a class A offense that does
not reach the level of a class C offense
Misuse of a student ID card
Refusing to present student ID or other identification upon the request of a University official
The use of profanity and/or abusive language on campus
Organized gambling activities on campus
The intentional use or possession of pornographic materials including that which is accessible through
computing resources, books, magazines, video tapes, and telephones. An initial violation may result in a warning
from any University official; however, repeated violations will result in referral to the Office Student Life for
appropriate action.
Violation of clothing guidelines. While a strict dress code does not exist, the guidelines for dress at Southwest
Baptist University are intended to reflect the standards of the University. Thus, any article of clothing
considered inappropriate and in clear conflict with the standards of the University, should not be worn on
campus. Clothing that advertises tobacco or alcoholic beverages or gives reference to immoral behavior is
unacceptable. Students who are known to be in violation of the stated clothing guidelines are subject to
disciplinary action by the Office of Student Life.
Unintentional damage to university property, property of another institution, commercial property, or private
property. (Restitution will typically be required.)
Use of wheeled vehicles or devices (such as bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, and roller blades) inside campus
Excessive noise disturbance on campus
Defacing property on or off campus
Use of tobacco or electronic cigarettes on campus
The preceding list of Class B violations will be addressed in the following manner:
1. A written incident report will be turned in to the Office of Student Life for action by the Vice President of
Student Life.
2. Action may include:
a. Absolve the student of charge(s) relevant to the violation(s)
b. Find the student to be in actual violation resulting in one or more of the following sanctions (see the
section on sanction found elsewhere in this handbook)
i. official reprimand
ii. financial restitution
iii. community service (one hour is equivalent to a $10 fine)
iv. educative sanction(s)
v. disciplinary notice
vi. restrictive sanction(s)
3. The Vice President of Student Life serves as the final level of appeal for class B violations.
Class “C” Violations
Class C violations consist of unacceptable moral or ethical behavior; serious law violation(s); serious damage to property;
or behavior that is harmful (or potentially harmful) to self, others, or the University. Therefore, the following Class C
violations are considered potentially dismissible offenses, depending on the severity of the incident.
Violation of federal, state, or local laws
All forms of dishonesty such as plagiarism, cheating and violation of the computing resources policy. The
computer resources policy appears in this publication under Information and Technology Services or on the
MyBearcat Portal.
o Plagiarism: (1) Using the ideas or writings of another as one’s own; (2) Appropriating passages or ideas
from another and using them as one’s own, as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language, New College Edition published by Houghton-Mifflin, 1980. Examples of plagiarism include, but
are not limited to:
Using ideas, words or phrases, and/or wholesale scripts from another’s work without
proper citation.
Submitting the same work in two courses without the written permission of each
Note: Additional examples of plagiarism may be found in the textbooks for English
Composition I and II.
o Cheating: (1) To deceive by trickery; (2) To mislead; (3) To practice fraud; and/or (4) To act dishonestly,
as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, New College Edition published by
Houghton-Mifflin, 1980. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
Collaborating without authorization.
Presenting work done by another as one’s own, either in part or in whole.
Altering a paper or other instrument after the grade has been assigned for the purpose of
misrepresenting the student’s performance.
Enlisting another person to take one’s evaluation procedure.
Using prohibited sources of information for examinations or other testing procedures.
Knowingly providing any unauthorized assistance to other students.
Falsifying or changing information concerning academic achievement.
Facilitating any act that promotes academic dishonesty including the withholding of
information concerning the academic dishonest conduct of another.
Forgery, alteration or fraudulent misuse of any university document or instrument of identification; fraudulent
misrepresentation relevant to any transaction with the University (including, but not limited to knowingly
furnishing false information to university personnel, withholding material information from the University, and
writing bad checks); misrepresenting the truth before a hearing of the University; or making a false statement to
a university official. Note: This violation also applies to any student who attempts to maintain a residence in
campus housing while knowingly disregarding class attendance requirements and students living off-campus in
violation of the residency requirement.
Intentional disruption or obstruction of any official university function
Physical, social media, and/or psychological hazing, harassment, stalking, bullying, or other abuse of any person
on or off the university campus (including, but not limited to, verbal abuse, physical or sexual assault, and other
physical altercations)
Harassment of any kind directed toward another student, faculty, or staff member
Obstructive or disruptive behavior that seriously hinders the normal university performance of another student,
faculty, or staff member
Failure to comply with the directions, instructions, or disciplinary sanctions issued from a university official
acting in performance of position-related duties including, but not limited to, failure to comply with an official
summons from the president or the Vice President of Student Life
Theft of any kind from students, faculty, staff, or persons outside the university community, including seizing,
receiving, or concealing property with knowledge that it has been stolen
Intentional possession or use of hazardous materials on campus, including materials which may be used in the
construction of explosive devices
Possession or use of firearms (or any type of deadly weapon) on campus
Shooting off fireworks on campus
Starting a fire on university property without permission from a duly authorized university official. Both the
Office of Student Life and the physical plant office must be made aware of scheduled events involving a bonfire
planned by a student organization.
No person shall take part in a false fire alarm or tamper with, damage, or misuse fire safety equipment.
The unauthorized use of keys and the unauthorized entry into, presence in, or use of university facilities
Sale or possession of property (including textbooks) without the owner’s permission
Vandalism or any intentional damage to or destruction of property on or off campus
Financial delinquency to the university
Violation of the University alcohol policy (see complete policy statement and sanctions elsewhere in this
Violation of the University policy on illegal drugs (see complete policy statement and sanctions elsewhere in this
Moral impropriety, including sexual misconduct that is inconsistent with the “Principles and Expectations” of
the University as stated in the university catalog
The preceding list of class C violations will be addressed in the following manner:
1. A written incident report will be turned in to the Office of Student Life for action by the Vice President of
Student Life.
2. The Student Life Coordinator will schedule a hearing for the student with a representative from the Office of
Student Life or the SLJC.
3. Action may include:
a. Absolve the student of charge(s) relevant to the violation(s)
b. Find the student to be in actual violation resulting in one or more of the following sanctions (see the
section on “sanctions” found elsewhere in the handbook).
i. official reprimand
ii. financial restitution
iii. community service
iv. educative sanction(s)
v. disciplinary notice
vi. restrictive sanction(s)
vii. disciplinary probation
viii. denial of privilege to re-enroll
ix. suspension
x. dismissal with suspended imposition of sentence
xi. dismissal
4. The appeals process for class C violations is outlined in detail in the appeals section of this handbook.
Compliance Policies
Title IX Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Violence
SBU prohibits domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, rape, acquaintance rape, stalking, and sexual
harassment. The University expects behavior from all members of the University family that demonstrates the highest
standard of respect for people and property and that exemplifies the Christian commitment to loving one another.
Certain behaviors are not acceptable according to this moral and ethical standard.
It is important to recognize that emotional, verbal, and economic abuse are part of the umbrella of domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and can exist without the presence of physical abuse. For detailed Title IX
policies and procedures, see the Title IX document under Resources on the MyBearcat portal.
Sexual Assault Recommended Response
In the event of sexual assault, the victim should be aware of the following procedures:
1. Report the incident
a. Bolivar Police; 345 South Main Avenue; (417) 326-5298
b. A victim that is a student should inform the Vice President of Student Life; Goodson Student Union;
(417) 328-1827 (A member of the residence life staff may serve as a liaison for a student/victim residing in
a residence hall). Employees should inform one of the following designated reporting officials: President,
Provost, Vice-President for Administration, Vice President of Student Life, Athletic Director, or Director
of Safety and Security.
c. A victim at the Springfield Campus should notify the Springfield Police at (417) 864-1810. In addition, the
center director or building coordinator should be notified.
d. A victim at the Mountain View Campus should notify the Mountain View Police at (417) 934-2525. In
addition, the center director should be notified.
e. A victim at the Salem Campus should notify the Salem Police at (573) 729-4242. In addition, the center
director should be notified.
2. Seek medical assistance [student health center: (417) 328-1888], [Ambulance: (417) 326-7000], [Citizen’s
Memorial Hospital Room: (417) 326-0301].
3. Consider the importance of preserving evidence.
4. Seek counseling on or off campus (SBU Counseling Center: (417) 328-1404)
5. Complainant and respondent are encouraged to communicate with their local police. If either party needs
assistance with contacting or notifying the police, assistance will be offered. Complainant may decline notifying
proper authorities, but are encourage to notify police.
6. Consider pressing charges.
7. University officials will cooperate with local officials.
8. If the accused is a student, university disciplinary measures may also be taken at the appropriate time with both
the accused and the accuser informed of the outcome.
9. Consider requesting changes regarding academic and living situations. Changes will be made if requests are
received that may be reasonably accommodated. Requests for changes should be addressed to the Vice President
of Student Life.
10. The accuser and accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary
11. Both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any institutional disciplinary proceeding
brought alleging a sex offense (the institution’s final determination and any sanction against the accused).
12. Refer to the student guidelines and expectation section of the handbook to learn discipline and sanctions related
to sexual assault.
Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents of students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for
admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional
agreements with Southwest Baptist University are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status in employment, admission, access to, or treatment in, its
programs and activities, except to the extent permitted by religious exemptions recognized by law.
Any person having inquiries concerning Southwest Baptist University’s compliance with the regulations implementing
Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, section 504, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 is directed to the Vice President for
Administration, 1600 University Avenue, Bolivar, MO, 65613, (417) 328-1511.
Any student having inquiries concerning Southwest Baptist University's compliance with regulations implementing the
American with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is directed to SBU’s 504/Special Services
Coordinator, 1600 University Avenue, Bolivar, MO, 65613, (417) 328-2081.
Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, regarding the institution’s
compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. The
Office of Civil Rights website is http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html.
Procedures for Formal Student Complaints and Grievances
Students are encouraged to settle any differences they may have with other persons associated with the University in a
timely and responsible manner. It is recommended that a Matthew 18:15-17 approach be considered when resolving issues
of differences. If circumstance warrants, a formal written complaint should be filed.
SBU understands and emphasizes the dignity and equality of all persons and adheres to a strict nondiscrimination policy
regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students.
SBU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, or veteran status
except to the extent permitted by religious exemptions recognized by law.
Students may submit a formal written grievance if circumstances go beyond differences of opinion and violate
community, state, or federal laws.
Students who feel they should submit a written grievance, or they have been discriminated against shall report their
concern to the Vice President of Student Life. Complaints and claims of discrimination will be investigated by the
University and appropriate action taken based on the outcome of the investigation.
SBU is committed to resolving filed grievances, especially discrimination complaints in a timely and effective manner and
providing prompted and appropriate action if discrimination has occurred. The investigative objective will be to provide
an adequate, reliable and impartial investigation of complaint. The complainant will have the opportunity to present
witnesses and other evidence regarding the grievance filed. When such a grievance is filed against a student or employee
of SBU, then that person in which the complaint is filed against will also have the opportunity to present witnesses
and other evidence pertinent to the allegation.
Confidentiality The University recognizes that maintaining the confidentiality of the person who files a complaint is
of the utmost importance. While all discrimination complaints will be handled discreetly, there is not a guarantee that
absolute confidentiality will occur.
Retaliation against a person who files a complaint, or persons who participate in related proceedings and investigative
efforts, is prohibited. Any retaliation against a person filing a complaint will be classified according to the constituency
(student or employee) expectation guidelines.
Those involved with a grievance or discrimination complaint (complainants, witnesses, and other parties) should refrain
from gossip or divulging information about the filed grievance or discrimination complaint to anyone who does not have a
need to know. Such action is unprofessional and inappropriate for the quest of resolving the acknowledged issue.
Claims Process Written grievances or discrimination claims should include information that helps with an
investigation. The following items are necessary for an investigation process to begin:
Complainant’s name and contact information
Who Name of person(s) directly responsible for alleged actions leading to the grievance or discrimination
What Nature of grievance or discrimination allegation;
When Date(s), and time(s) of the incident(s)
Where Location(s) of the incident(s)
Description Provide as much information regarding the incident(s) that is leading to the basis for the
grievance or discrimination complaint allegation
Evidence Provide any documentation that supports the allegation
Witnesses Submit names and contact information of witnesses to the allegation
The timeframe for completing a claim of grievance or discrimination complaint investigation process will depend upon
the particular circumstances. Upon the receipt of a filed grievance, investigative efforts will begin within one week. The
normal timeframe for the completion process is 30 days. However, depending on the complexity of the investigation
process, extended time may be needed due to factors, such as holidays, witness availability, or semester breaks.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the University will use a preponderance of the evidence standard (i.e., it is more
likely than not that the allegation did occur or did not occur) to determine the outcome. In addition, all appropriate
parties will be informed of the outcome of the complaint.
The University is committed to taking steps, as appropriate, to remedy the effects of and prevent the reoccurrence of
issue(s) that created the grievance or discrimination complaint. In addition, the University is committed to correcting the
effects of a valid incident and taking reasonable steps to prevent recurrence of words and/or actions that may have
initiated a valid complaint.
Any student who wishes to file a written grievance or discrimination complaint should bring the complaint to the
attention of SBU’s Vice President of Student Life in the Office of Student Life, who is designated by the University to
investigate grievance or discrimination complaint reports. Following is the appropriate contact information:
Dr. Jonathon Woodyard, Vice President of Student Life
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Avenue, Bolivar, MO 65613
Office phone: (417) 328-1885
Email address: jonathon.woodyard@SBUniv.edu
When the complaint is one of discrimination, it may, and is encouraged, to be filed with U. S. Department of Education,
Office of Civil Rights, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 268-0550, or
Students with Disabilities
It is the policy of Southwest Baptist University to provide equal access to educational opportunities to qualified students
with physical or learning disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
Students requesting physical or academic accommodation need to complete the Disclosure of Disabilities form, which
can be accessed online at https://www.SBUniv.edu/academics/academic-resources/disability-disclosure.php . If the
student wishes to complete the form physically, he/she can obtain a copy from the Special Services Coordinator, located
in the University Success Center. Accommodations will only be implemented after the student’s needs are determined.
After you return your form, please make an appointment or call the Special Services Coordinator to discuss your needs.
The Special Services Coordinator must visit with you by phone or appointment before accommodations can be
determined. Students with appropriate documentation will be provided reasonable accommodations to give students
equal access.
In addition to submitting the Disclosure of Disability form, students must also submit documentation from a professional
that outlines the nature of the disability. The documentation is used to help determine appropriate accommodations.
The documentation may include educational or medical records, reports, and assessments created by health care
providers, school psychologists, teachers, or the educational system. This information is inclusive of documents that
reflect education and accommodation history, such as Individual Education Program (IEP), Summary of Performance
(SOP), and teacher observations. External documentation will vary in its relevance and value depending on the original
context, credentials of the evaluator, the level of detail provided, and the comprehensiveness of the narrative. Disability
documentation should be current or relevant but not necessarily “recent.” Students with appropriate documentation will
be provided reasonable accommodations, which will allow the students equal access to learning and/or facilities.
For academic accommodations, the Special Services Coordinator will contact the student by email or phone as
documentation is received. Once appropriate academic accommodations are determined, the Special Services
Coordinator will email the student a draft of the accommodations. Students should then correspond with the Special
Services Coordinator regarding the accommodations, concluding with the student signing a verification form indicating
their understanding of and agreement with the academic accommodations. At the beginning of each term, the student’s
academic accommodations will be sent to the student’s professors, with a copy of the communication also being sent to
the student’s SBU email. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with their professors regarding
implementation of academic accommodations within the classroom.
For physical accommodations, the Vice President of Student Life will review the documentation and communicate with
the student regarding appropriate accommodations related to facilities and mobility. Overall, students with properly
documented disabilities have the responsibility to: Identify himself or herself to the Special Services Coordinator for
academic disabilities and the Vice President of Student Life for mobility disabilities in a timely manner.
Identify himself or herself in a timely manner, through the completion of the Disclosure of Disability form.
Submit the required documentation and correspond with the Special Services Coordinator (academic
accommodations) or the Vice President of Student Life (physical accommodations) regarding appropriate
For academic accommodations, communicate with the Special Services Coordinator before the start of each
academic term, along with maintaining regular communication with the faculty members for each course
regarding the implementation of their accommodations
Develop and utilize self-advocacy skills and motivation to self-reliance and independence
SBU’s 504/Special Services Coordinator Email: disabil[email protected]
Student with Disabilities Appeal Process
If a student is not satisfied with the specified accommodations, he/she may follow an appeals process.
Appeal process for changing accommodations as established by the Special Services Coordinator
o Student will request in writing to the Special Services Coordinator a review of the established
o The Special Services Coordinator will communicate to the student the result of the review.
Appeals for students not satisfied with classroom accommodations.
o The student is encouraged to discuss the accommodations with the professor and determine if the
situation can be resolved.
o If the situation with the professor cannot be resolved the student can submit a written appeal to the
Special Services Coordinator. The director will communicate to the student and the faculty member the
result of the review.
o If the student is not satisfied with the results of the review, a written appeal may be sent to the Provost.
The Provost will review and meet with the student to discuss the situation and decision. The Special
Services Coordinator and the faculty member will be notified of the result.
Dr. Tracy Manly, Provost and Vice President for Academic Administration
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Avenue
Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 328-1601
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education
records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives
a request for access.
Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official,
written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements
for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not
maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of
the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate or
Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should
write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed,
and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the
student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when
notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education
records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory,
academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a
person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent);
a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or
grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Southwest
Baptist University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The names and addresses of the offices which
administer FERPA are:
Roberta Rasor, Registrar
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Avenue, Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 328-1607
Fax: (417) 328-1996
FERPA revisions Effective Aug. 7, 2000
The University may notify the parents of any student under the age of 21 if the student violates any university alcohol or
drug policy.
In cases involving crimes of violence or non-forcible sex offenses, the University may release the “final results” from a
campus proceeding once it is concluded and need not wait on any appeals process. All such records produced on or after
October 7, 1998, may be revealed.
The University need not depend upon referral to a criminal court to establish that records may be released. The “final
results” include the accused student’s name, along with a general description of the violation alleged and the nature and
duration of the sanction imposed. Victim and witness information remains confidential.
These revised rules do not mandate the disclosure of these records but merely define what records are permitted to be
disclosed under FERPA. State public records laws and university policies will govern the actual release of the records.
Sexual Assault Policy and Procedure
POLICY: Southwest Baptist University is committed to maintaining high standards of professional ethics in a humane
atmosphere in which individuals do not abuse their personal authority or power. All members of the University family
are responsible for maintaining a positive working and learning environment. The faculty, staff and students of
Southwest Baptist University will not condone actions which a reasonable person would regard as either gender
discrimination or sexual harassment.
Gender discrimination occurs when a person, due to their biological sex of being male or female is treated unequally.
Gender discrimination also includes the unequal or unfavorable treatment of a person due to social behavior such as the
nonconformance of gender roles.
Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on any characteristic protected by law when: (1)
the behavior can reasonably be considered to adversely affect the school or work environment; or (2) an employment
decision affecting the employee is based upon the employee's acceptance or rejection of such conduct." Conduct that
"adversely affects the work environment," even though it may not be "severe or pervasive" as required under federal law
may also be deemed harassment.
PROCEDURE: Any person(s) who believes he or she has been the object of gender discrimination or sexual harassment
by a co-worker, supervisor, manager, visitor, teacher, or student is encouraged to report the incident to the cabinet
member in charge of his/her particular area, the human resources director, his/her supervisor, or any other member of the
executive cabinet. (Note: The Vice President of Student Life is responsible for any student concerns.) An individual must
not assume SBU is aware of his/her complaint. It is the individual’s responsibility to report all complaints and concerns
as soon as possible. Supervisors with any knowledge of harassment should report all complaints to the University
Affirmative Action Officer (Director of Human Resources) immediately.
A person found bringing a complaint in good faith will suffer no retaliation.
Investigation of the complaint in will be undertaken immediately. The investigation will be conducted in an expeditious
and impartial manner, assuring as much confidentiality as possible. Such investigations will include interviews of the
individuals directly involved and other individuals who may have relevant information.
All persons are encouraged to cooperate fully with any resulting investigation. Additionally, there will be no retaliation
against any individual who participates in or assists with an investigation.
If an individual feels he or she has been retaliated against for filing a complaint or cooperating with an investigation,
he/she is encouraged to report the matter to the cabinet member in charge of his/her particular area, the Director of
Human Resources, his/her supervisor, or any other member of the executive cabinet.
If the investigation substantiates any part of a complaint filed under this policy, immediate and appropriate corrective
and/or disciplinary action will be taken. Violations of this policy may result in termination.
Whatever the investigation’s outcome, the complaining party will be notified of the results.
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
The University is required by the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act to adopt and implement a program to prevent
the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. Every student shall receive a copy of the
program annually as printed in the SBU Student Handbook. Additional copies of the handbook may be obtained in the
Office of Student Life. Questions concerning the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act may be directed to the Vice
President of Student Life, who is designated by the University to coordinate the institution’s efforts to comply with the
University Alcohol Policy
Consistent with our Baptist heritage, Southwest Baptist University takes a position of abstinence regarding the use of
alcohol. The student will be subject to disciplinary action if behavior is found to be inconsistent with the stated policy of
the University. The University alcohol policy prohibits consumption, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages
on campus and at off-campus university-sponsored functions or while representing the University. It is unacceptable for
any student to put him or herself or others in harm’s way while under the influence of alcohol and/or violate established
legal standards. Students in such conditions are encouraged to seek help from university officials but are still subject to
disciplinary action.
University Sanctions for Alcohol Policy Violation
(Board of Trustees approved and adopted on October 19, 2009)
Students who fail to abide by the University’s alcohol policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of student status. At the discretion of the University, the status of Dismissal with Suspended Imposition of
Sentence may be applied to first-time offenses. Students placed on this status are referred to an approved counselor for
assessment. Students must follow all recommendations and are financially responsible for all services. Additional
sanctions and educational requirements may be specified, depending upon the situation. If there is a failure to comply
with all specified guidelines and stipulated deadlines, or if there is another class C violation contained within the
student’s disciplinary file, the resulting consequence may be the termination of student status. A second alcohol-related
offense will result in the immediate termination of student status.
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, no student shall be subject to discipline for entering alcohol counseling,
evaluation or treatment provided that the alcohol abuse counseling is undertaken at the student’s initiative and is not
undertaken as a result of an incident that is reasonably likely to subject the student to discipline. Participation in an
alcohol program may not be used as an excuse for continued violation of the University’s alcohol policy.
University Policy on Criminal Issues
If any SBU student is arrested by law enforcement, immediate suspension from any and all University activities, practices
and events will be imposed until the University exonerates the student. As outlined in SBU’s Student Handbook,
discipline is intended to uphold University standards, promote personal responsibility and be educative in redirecting
student behavior. All students who choose not to abide by student conduct policies are subject to disciplinary action.
Local, State and Federal Legal Sanctions for Alcohol Offenses
The standards of conduct are developed through the mission and function of the University and are not limited to
standards of criminal action. The University will cooperate with any investigation of suspected illegal action by students.
Local Sanctions Bolivar
The City of Bolivar local ordinances can be found at: http://ecode360.com/BO3244. The ordinances pertaining to
prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages can be found in
sections 225, 230, and 343.
The penalty for ordinance violations within the City of Bolivar “shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and
imprisonment.” Section 100.220.A.
Specific ordinances pertaining to alcohol and intoxication include:
Section 225.720.B.4-6 Disorderly Conduct and Definitions
Section 225.1870 Drinking Alcoholic Beverages in Public
Section 230.010 Possession of Alcoholic beverages
State Sanctions
The Liquor Control Law for the State of Missouri (311 RSMo.) provides that any person under the age of 21 years who purchases, attempts to
purchase or has in his/her possession any intoxicating liquor is guilty of a misdemeanor (311.325 RSMo). Anyone who shall procure for, sell, give
away or otherwise supply intoxicating liquor to any person under the age of twenty-one years is guilty of a misdemeanor (311.310 RSMo). It is a
Class A misdemeanor for a property owner to knowingly allow a person under the age of 21 to drink or possess intoxicating liquor or fail to stop
a minor from drinking or possessing liquor. Any subsequent violation is a Class E felony (311.310 RSMo). Anyone 17 - 20 years old that uses a
fake ID to obtain alcohol is also guilty of a misdemeanor (311.320 RSMo). Under current Missouri law, a subject under the age of 21 who is
visibly intoxicated can be arrested without being in physical possession of the intoxicating beverage. A person who has been convicted of a
misdemeanor may be subjected to a fine ranging from $50.00 to $1,000.00 and/or imprisonment for up to one year (311.880 RSMo.). Under
current Missouri law, a subject under the age of 21 who is visibly intoxicated can be arrested without being in physical possession of the
intoxicating beverage (311.325 RSMo).
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Missouri (RSMo. 577)
A person commits the crime of "driving while intoxicated" if he/she operates a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated or
drugged condition (577.010.1 RSMo.). A person is in an "intoxicated condition” when he/she is under the influence of
alcohol, a controlled substance, or drug, or any combination thereof (577.001 RSMo.). An individual is considered
intoxicated with any amount of a controlled substance or other specific drugs in their system.
A person may be subject to receive a DWI when driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher
(577.012 RSMo.); or driving ability is impaired under .08.
First offense: Class B misdemeanor subject to a fine up to $1,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment (577.010 RSMo.) and
must also participate in a Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP) (302.580 RSMo.) Multiple offenses
offense: Class A misdemeanor (a fine up to $1,000 and/or 1-year imprisonment) to Class B felony (5 - 15 years in prison)
(see 577.023 RSMo.).
Refusal to Take Blood Alcohol Test
In the state of Missouri, driving a vehicle grants consent to submit to a chemical test for blood alcohol concentration
(577.020 RSMo.). Refusal to submit to a test is considered an admission of guilt and may result in forfeiture of license
(577.041 RSMo.).
Missouri Abuse and Lose Law (Drivers Under 21)
The BAC limit for drivers under 21 is .02. Penalties include suspension of license 90 days (first offense); 1 year (any
subsequent offense). The Abuse and Lose Law also includes the possession or use of alcohol and or drugs while driving or
using a fake ID (see 302.400 & 302.425 RSMo.).
Administrative Sanctions (RSMo. 302 specifically 302.500 302.540)
Persons arrested for driving while intoxicated, driving with a BAC of .08 or higher, or driving under the influence of drugs
(DUID) are processed administratively as well as criminally (302.505 RSMo.). A driver license is suspended or revoked
for 90 days for a first offense. Conviction of a second alcohol or drug-related offense, regardless of the length of time
between convictions, may result in a 1-year revocation. A second conviction for an alcohol or drug-related offense within
a five-year period may result in a 5-year license revocation (302.525 RSMo.). Three or more alcohol or drug conviction
will result in a 10-year license revocation (302.060 RSMo.).
University Policy on Illegal Drugs (Federal)
The purchase or unlawful manufacture, use, possession, dispensing or distribution of illegal narcotics, hallucinogenic,
amphetamines, sports enhancement or controlled substances (as defined by Missouri statutes) or controlled medications
without a doctor’s prescription or non-prescription hallucinatory drugs (e.g., K2, Spice, or any other product which,
when consumed, mimics the effects of cannabis) or hosting gatherings where such substances are used, is prohibited.
While the State of Missouri has declared that marijuana possession or use is no longer a crime, marijuana remains illegal
under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use or
possession of marijuana as well as products containing THC (gummies, vape, edibles, etc.) is prohibited for all SBU
students on or off campus. Use of marijuana under state medical marijuana laws will not be recognized.
In addition, the University reserves the right to require a student to undergo a drug screening analysis. A drug screening
analysis may occur when, at the University’s discretion, there is reasonable suspicion that the University’s policy on
illegal drugs is or has been violated. Reasonable suspicion includes any act, factor or information which may be indicative
of potential violation of the University’s policy on illegal drugs, including, but not limited to:
Reported information of violation of the University’s policy on illegal drugs
Unexplainable incoherent behavior
Repeated tardiness or absenteeism from class
Drug-related odors on person, clothing or equipment
Information of affiliation with others believed to have violated the University’s policy on illegal drugs
Possession of drug paraphernalia
Previous positive drug screen results
Being cited for or convicted of substance abuse violations by University or municipal authorities
Observable phenomena, such as direct observation of substance abuse or physical symptoms or manifestations of
being impaired due to substance abuse
Reported substance abuse or use from any source
Students, those requiring drug screenings and who test positive for drugs, will be responsible for the cost of the
screening. The test will be conducted at a time chosen by the University. Failure or refusal to take the screening when
scheduled, attempts to elude or attempts to alter a drug screening will be interpreted as evidence of illicit drug usage and
will result in disciplinary action.
University Sanctions for Violation of Policy on Illegal Drugs
Students who fail to abide by the University’s Policy on Illegal Drugs are subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of
the University up to and including termination of student status. At the discretion of the University, the status of
Dismissal with Suspended Imposition of Sentence may be applied to first-time offenses. Students placed on this status
are expected to follow sanctions, including, but not limited to, involving required drug screenings or other rehabilitation
programs, and are financially responsible for all services. Additional sanctions and educational requirements may be
specified, depending upon the situation. If there is a failure to comply with all specified guidelines and stipulated
deadlines, or if there is another class C violation contained within the student’s disciplinary file, the resulting
consequence may be the termination of student status. A second drug-related offense will result in the immediate
termination of student status. Dismissed students who are allowed to return will be subject to random drug screening
throughout their remaining attendance.
In addition to any sanctions that may be imposed on a student for violating the University’s policy on illegal drugs, any
student employed in the work study program or through campus employment may be terminated.
As a condition of accepting employment as a work study student, a student does hereby agree to abide by the above
statement and should the student be convicted of any criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace, the student will
notify the University’s personnel office in writing in five days.
Local, State, and Federal Legal Sanctions for Illegal Drugs
Bolivar Sanctions: The City of Bolivar local ordinances can be found at: http://ecode360.com/BO3244. The ordinances
pertaining to prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, or use of controlled substances and
illegal drugs can be found in section 225.
The penalty for ordinance violations within the City of Bolivar “shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and
imprisonment.” Section 100.220.A.
Specific ordinances pertaining to controlled substances and illegal drugs include:
Section 225.1800 Possession of Marijuana or Synthetic Cannabinoid
Section 225.1810 Possession of a Controlled Substance
Section 225.1830 Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Section 225.1840 Inhalation or Inducing Others to Inhale Solvent Fumes to Cause Certain Reactions, Prohibited
Section 225.1850 Inducing, or Possession with Intent to Induce, Symptoms by Use of Solvents and Other
Substances, Prohibited
Section 225.1860 Possession or Purchase of Solvents to Aid Others in Violations, Prohibited
Section 225.1880 Possession, Etc., of Certain Substances
Section 225.1890 Unlawful Delivery or Manufacture of Drug Paraphernalia
Section 225.1900 Possession of an Imitation Controlled Substance
Section 225.1910 Delivery or Manufacture of an Imitation Controlled Substance
State Sanctions: The manufacturing, possession, sale, and distribution of illicit drugs (i.e. controlled substance or
imitation controlled substance) are prohibited by state law. Penalties for first-time offenses for a drug possession
violation can range from a fine of $1,000 to life imprisonment. Other prohibited acts include possession with intent to use
drug paraphernalia and advertising the sale of drug paraphernalia. The tables below give information on penalties and
fines for specific drug crimes in Missouri (see 195.010 RSMo. for definitions and 195.017 RSMo. for the scheduling
information of controlled substances in Missouri).
Missouri Offenses for Drug Violations (RSMo. 579)
195.244 Advertisements to promote sale of drug paraphernalia or imitation controlled substances prohibited,
penalty. - 6 months, B/misdemeanor
579.015 Possession or control of a controlled substance. *Triggers 10g and >35g marijuana any amount of any other
controlled substance or synthetic marijuana (formerly RSMo. 195.202) - Up to 1 year or up to 7 years, D,
A/misdemeanor or D/Felony
579.020 Delivery of a controlled substance (formerly RSMo. 195.212) - Up to 4 15 years, E, C, B,/Felony
579.030 Distribution of a controlled substance near protected location. (formerly RSMo. 195.218) - 10 years life
(30 years), A/Felony
579.040* Distribution, delivery, or sale of drug paraphernalia - Up to 1 or 4 years, A/misdemeanor E/Felony*
579.050* Manufacture of an imitation controlled substance - Up to 4 years, E/Felony*
579.055 Manufacture of a controlled substance (formerly RSMo. 195.211) - Up to 4 years or 3years - life (30 years),
E, C, B, A/Felony
579.065 Trafficking drugs, first degree (formerly RSMo. 195.222) - 5 years life (30 years), B/A Felony
579.068 Trafficking drugs, second degree (formerly RSMo. 195.223) - 3 years life (30 years), C, B, A/ Felony
579.072 Providing materials for production of a controlled substance (formerly RSMo. 195.226) - Up to 4 years,
579.074 Unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, (formerly RSMo. 195.233) - Up to 1 or 4 years, D, A/misdemeanor
579.076 Unlawful delivery or manufacture of drug paraphernalia, (formerly RSMo.
195.235) - Up to 1 or 4 years, A/misdemeanor E/Felony*
579.078 Possession of an imitation controlled substance (formerly RSMo. 195.241) Up to 1 year, A/misdemeanor
579.080 Delivery of an imitation controlled substance (formerly 195.242) - E felony
579.101 Possession or purchase of solvents to aid others in violations (formerly RSMo.
578.260) - Up to 6 months or Up to 4 years B/misdemeanor or E/Felony
579.103 Selling or transferring solvents to cause certain symptoms (formerly RSMo.578.265) - Up to 7 years,
579.105 Keeping or maintaining a public nuisance (formerly RSMo. 195.202) - Up to 4 years, E/Felony
579.110 Possession of methamphetamine precursors (formerly RSMo. 195.420) - Up to 4 years, E/Felony
579.170 Prior and persistent drug offenders (added increase in charge) (formerly 195.275). -1 or 2 classes higher
than previous offense
Medical Amnesty Law (RSMO 195.205): The medical amnesty law offers protection from criminal liability (arrest,
charge, prosecution, and conviction) to a person who calls 911 for a drug or alcohol overdose.
Crimes from which there is immunity:
Possession of a controlled substance
Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia
Possession of an imitation of a controlled substance
Minor use of an altered ID, purchase/possession of liquor by a minor, and sale of liquor to a minor
Violating a restraining order and or violating probation or parole
Maintaining a public nuisance
The law does not provide immunity for:
Delivery, distribution, or manufacturing of a controlled substance, except in regard to minors and alcohol.
In order to receive immunity, a person must first make the call to 911 for help, in good faith.
*All trafficking and distribution penalties shall be sentenced to be served without probation or parole if the court finds
the defendant is a prior or persistent drug offender depending on the charge.
Missouri Penalties and Fines for Offenses
Felony Class
Penalties (Years of imprisonment 558.011 RSMo.)
Fines (558.002 RSMo.)
10 30, or life
5 - 15
3 - 10
Up to $10,000
Up to 7
Up to $10,000
Up to 4
Up to $10,000
Misdemeanor Class
Penalties (Term of imprisonment 558.011 RSMo.)
Fines (558.002 RSMo.)
Up to 1 year
Up to 6 months
Up to 15 days
Federal Sanctions: It is a violation of federal law to possess, manufacture, or distribute a controlled substance. Defined
by federal statute, controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, LSD, and other
narcotics (See 21 CFR 1308.11 21 CFR 1308.15 for Drug Schedule info). The severity of the sanctions imposed for both
possession and distribution offenses depend on the type and quantity of drugs, prior convictions, and whether death or
serious injury resulted.
Possession: A student or employee found guilty of possessing a controlled substance may be subject to some or all of the
following sanctions under criminal federal law:
Fines and/or Penalties for Possession (21 USC 844.(a)):
Up to 1 year
2nd (Incl. any previous state)
15 days to 2 years
(Incl. any previous state)
90 days to 3 years
In addition, any individual who knowingly possesses specific controlled substances (i.e. heroin, cocaine, or their
derivatives) may be assessed a civil fine of up to $10,000 (21 USC 844a).
Where a person at least 18 years of age distributes a controlled substance to any person under 21 years of age, or where a
person possesses with intent to distribute, distributes or manufactures a controlled substance in or on, or within 100 feet
of a public or private elementary, secondary, vocational or public or private college or university, or within 1,000 feet of a
playground, youth center, public swimming pools or video arcade facility, the punishment shall be a term of
imprisonment of twice the amount of time and a fine of twice the amount above-provided. 21 U.S.C. Sections 845,845a.
Forfeiture of property: Federal law may require the forfeiture of property used to possess or to facilitate possession of a
controlled substance, and the forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft or any other conveyances used to transport or conceal a
controlled substance (21 USC 881(a)(4)).
Denial of federal benefits: If an individual is convicted on federal or state drug charges for possession, distribution/sale,
or trafficking, the federal government may also deny or revoke federal benefits such as grants (i.e. Pell and FSEOG), loans,
or work study. A student can receive financial aid prior to the end of the revocation period, if certain rehabilitation
requirements are met (see the 20 USC 1091(r), drug eligibility worksheet and studentaid.ed.gov for more info). See table
of Revocation below:
20 USC 1091(r)
20 USC 1091(r)
21 USC 862(b)
Health Risks
Alcohol: Even low doses significantly impair judgment and coordination. Moderate to high doses cause marked
impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. It results
in an inability to deal realistically with problems and increases aggressive behavior. High doses can cause respiratory
depression and death. Alcohol can permanently damage the liver, heart, and brain. If used during pregnancy, it can
damage the baby. High doses may cause death.
Tobacco: Smoked or smokeless tobacco is a health hazard. Long-term health effects include cancer and heart and lung
disease. Smoking is considered to be the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.
Amphetamines (speed, uppers): Can cause a feeling of panic and careless behavior. It can be addictive and can cause
brain damage when used in large doses.
Sedatives: Slows mental processes and reflexes. They are often addictive. Continued use can cause kidney and liver
damage or death by overdose, especially if mixed with alcohol.
Inhalants: Inhaling paint, glue, dry cleaning fluids, etc. can cause harm to one’s vision, memory, thought processes,
memory and coordination. They are usually poisonous and many can kill instantly by interfering with breathing or
causing heart failure.
Anabolic steroids: The use of steroids may result in more than 70 side effects ranging in severity from liver cancer, heart
and reproductive system damage to acne. Psychological effects such as aggression or depression may occur. Even years
after discontinuing steroids, they may result in heart attacks and strokes.
Depressants: The effects are similar to the effects of alcohol. Large doses can cause slurred speech, staggering and altered
perception. Very large doses can cause respiratory depression, coma and death.
Hallucinogens phencyclidine (pcp): Interrupts the function of the section of the brain that controls the intellect and
keeps instincts in check. Memory and speech problems may result as well as self-inflicted injuries, mood disorders,
depression, anxiety, and violent behavior. Large doses may result in convulsions, coma, and heart and lung failure. Severe
reactions to LSD often occur. Individuals may have delayed effects or flashbacks after discontinued use.
Narcotics: Initially produce feelings of euphoria followed by drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. Other symptoms include
constricted pupils, watery eyes and itching. An overdose may result in slow, shallow breathing clammy skin,
convulsions, coma, and possible death. The use of contaminated syringes may result in diseases such as AIDS,
endocarditis, and hepatitis. The use of narcotics while pregnant could result in premature, stillborn, or addicted infants.
Designer drugs: Often several hundred times stronger than the drugs being imitated. They can produce severe
neurochemical damage to the brain. Symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, depression, and paranoia may
result. They may also cause illusions, hallucinations, and impaired perception.
The descriptions of health risks were obtained through What Works: Schools Without Drugs, United States Department of
Education, 1989.
Drug and Alcohol Counseling Treatment or Rehabilitation Programs
The counseling center provides confidential counseling and will make referrals for assessment and / or treatment. The
University will review the alcohol program biennially to determine its effectiveness and will implement changes if they
are needed and ensure that the sanctions are consistently enforced.
Academic Guidelines
Students are given the responsibility to be aware of student guidelines and expectations within the Student Handbook
and University Catalog. The primary source of academic guidelines and requirements is the University Catalog. Refer to
the catalog for information regarding the following topics:
Excused absences (Reporting absences)
Remote learning accommodations for extended absences from seated courses
Changes in enrollment of courses
Course withdrawal
Administrative withdrawal for non-attendance
Institutional withdrawal
Medical institutional withdrawal
Academic probation
Academic dishonesty sanctions
Academic dishonesty appeal process
Appeals procedure for academic probation and dismissal
Grade appeal policy
Registrar procedures
o Changing your major
o Degree audit (credit check)
Graduation information
o Graduation application
o Commencement attendance
o Walking early
Transcripts and Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits to SBU from another institution: A student must send an Official Transcript from the institution
where the credits were taken to the SBU Registrar’s Office. Official Transcripts must be sent directly from the
original institution. Note: Dual Credit courses will not be transferred from a high school transcript they must
be received via an Official Transcript directly from the institution where the credits were taken.
Transfer credits to another institution from SBU: Transcript Requests must be made in person or on the web via
the National Student Clearinghouse (https://www.SBUniv.edu/academics/academic-resources/registrar/).
Transfer credits to another institution without withdrawing from SBU: Students wishing to transfer work from
another institution and not withdraw from Southwest Baptist University must obtain "Permission for a Transfer
of Credit" from the Registrar's Office prior to enrolling in another institution or see if the course is approved by
looking at the Course Equivalency Page on the SBU Website. Note: A past or current tuition balance owed (or
defaulted Perkins Loan) will prevent a transcript from being released.
Weather Policy:
Classes may be canceled but only under extreme conditions. MyBearcat Portal, SBU Alert, SBU website, local radio and
TV stations will broadcast pertinent information.
University Libraries
Dr. Scotti Moats, Assistant Provost for General Education and Transition
Shellie Austin, Library Director and University Archivist, University Libraries
(417) 328-1626
University Libraries Mission Statement
The University Libraries advances the mission of Southwest Baptist University by building collaborative relationships;
nurturing scholarship; providing information access and instruction; encouraging curiosity, exploration, discovery, and
knowledge creation; and supporting learning in and beyond the university.
University Libraries Vision Statement
We bring the library to you. The University Libraries integrates dynamic, user-centered services with the teaching,
learning, and researching needs of the University community.
University Libraries Core Values
The University Libraries:
Embraces the University’s Christ-centered mission by serving the needs of its constituents and promoting
spiritual growth;
Initiates and nurtures collaborative relationships with its constituents;
Regards academic excellence as the standard in its instruction, information access, knowledge creation, and
operational practices;
Promotes lifelong learning: educating users on the successful retrieval and ethical use of information; and
cultivating critical thinking skills through information literacy instruction;
Supports scholarly endeavors through the acquisition of information resources and innovative technologies;
Builds physical and virtual infrastructures, organizing information into accessible, user-friendly collections;
Acts with integrity and financial responsibility, modeling academic honesty and intellectual freedom; and
Delivers a user-friendly, welcoming library experience by providing convenient, reliable, and proactive services in
a positive learning environment.
Access (Catalog, Databases, Research Guides)
The catalog, subscription databases, electronic journals, and research guides are accessible from the University Libraries’
website (https://library.SBUniv.edu). The catalog provides access to the University Libraries’ content as well as access to
resources from MOBIUS member libraries. The University Libraries subscribes to 173 databases containing e-books, full-
text journals, streaming media, and indices. To make finding information across these platforms easier, the
SearchEverything box on the Library’s homepage enables users to search and retrieve content from multiple databases
with one convenient search. Also, faculty librarians have developed research guides to help locate course-specific
resources, offer tutorials on library resources and systems, and provide other useful information. Students across all
campuses have access to these electronic resources.
The University Libraries provides access to over 128,000 books, 467,000 e-books, 469,000 microform items, 39,000
multimedia items, and 119,000 online periodicals.
Faculty Librarians
Faculty librarians specialize in helping students and faculty find and use information. If you need research assistance,
contact information for faculty librarians is listed on the University Libraries’ website. In the event that a faculty
librarian is unavailable, please feel free to ask any of the University Libraries’ staff for help.
Library Facilities
The University Libraries provide a variety of spaces catering to different study preferences, including quiet areas for
focused work and conversation zones for collaborative discussions.
The Harriett K. Hutchens Library, located on the Bolivar campus, is a 40,000 square foot facility. The Hutchens Library
houses two computer labs/electronic classrooms, a curriculum lab, a media production lab, the Joyce Sells Heritage
Center, the R. Earl Allen Model Pastor’s Library, and the University Archives. Ten computers are available at the Online
Information Center (OIC). Three electronically enhanced and five individual study rooms are available for small group
study and may be reserved in advance. . In addition, there are many locations available for individual and group study.
The College of Health Professions Library is located in the Academic Resource Center (ARC) on the Springfield Campus.
The library contains books, games, and DVDs, as well as various technology items that can be checked out by students.
Students have easy access to the study areas, the computer lab, and printing facilities at the ARC.
Library Hours and Contact Information
Library operating hours vary based on location and time of year. Please see the University Libraries’ website
(https://library.SBUniv.edu) for current hours. Special hours for holidays and non-semester times are posted on the
Contact Information
Harriet K. Hutchens Library: (417) 328-1620
Springfield Academic Resource Center: (417) 893-7149
Mountain View Campus Main Office: (417) 934-5057
Salem Campus Main Office: (573) 729-7071
SBU is a member of MOBIUS, a statewide consortium of 64 academic libraries, 11 public libraries, 4 special libraries, and
the Missouri State Library, serving more than 200 physical branches. Students may request books from member libraries
at no charge. Requested books will be delivered to the library the student selects. Delivery time will vary. Generally,
books listed as “Available” in the catalog are delivered within 3-6 days. Access to MOBIUS is available through the
Library’s catalog.
Interlibrary Loan
Books and periodical articles not owned by SBU and not available through MOBIUS may be requested through
Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Depending on the item, the lending library, and the delivery route, the delivery time will vary
between 1-6 weeks.
Borrowing Privileges
Students are required to present their current SBU ID card to check out materials. This applies to reserve items, media
materials, and media equipment in the listening and viewing labs, as well as other items which circulate outside of the
Renewing Items
Students may renew materials in-person, over the phone, or through the Library’s catalog.
Fines & Fees
The University Libraries is a fine-free library. What does that mean for you?
You will not be charged overdue fines on late items.
Library items need to be returned or renewed by their due date.
You will receive regular notifications as items are due.
If you have four or more overdue items, you will not be allowed to borrow anything else until the items have been
If you borrow items from the library, you are responsible for their safe return.
If your items are not returned by the end of the semester, you will be charged a $20 non-refundable fee and the
cost to replace the items.
Charges for lost books, damage, and/or other fees will apply.
Lost, Damaged or Non-Returned Materials
Items that have been lost, irreparably damaged, or are unreturned by the end of the semester will be considered lost, and
your student account will be charged for the material in the following manner:
1. The replacement cost of each item (Refundable if material returned).
2. A $20.00 processing fee for each item (Non-refundable).
At the end of each semester, students have a deadline for returning all items. Items that are not returned by the posted
deadline will be charged to the student’s account as indicated above.
Lost or damaged books borrowed from a MOBIUS consortium member will incur a mandatory minimum $120.00 fee per
item. Books lost, damaged, or late that were borrowed through Interlibrary Loan will incur fees established by the
lending institution. The University Libraries does not have the authority to alter these fees.
Information & Technology Services (ITS)
Information technology services provide support for students who need assistance logging into their accounts,
connecting to campus devices, printing, or have questions about other campus software/hardware.
ITS Mission & Vision Statement
Information and Technology Services provides leadership in the effective use of information and technology resources as
it serves the vision of the university. Information and Technology Services' vision is to integrate information technology
throughout the academic community, to enhance learning, teaching, access to higher education, productivity, and
Contact Information
Help Desk: (417) 328-1702, helpdesk@SBUniv.edu and located in Wheeler 135
You can open a ticket, check the status of a ticket, search FAQs and more at our service portal here:
Computing Resources
There are a number of computer labs located on the Bolivar campus. Three of those labs are available full-time for student
use. The other labs are available for classroom and instructional use or are software-specific labs related to a specific
degree program i.e.: Art, Accounting, Business, Computer Science, Communications, Education, Music, Physiology,
Physics and Physical Therapy. Computer labs are equipped with printing capabilities for student use. Each of the
University’s campus sites has a computer lab available for their students.
MyBearcat Portal
The SBU MyBearcat Portal serves as the University’s internal communication tool with faculty/staff/students. MyBearcat
Portal provides single sign-on access to our learning management system (LMS), Self-Service (grades, registration,
financial information/financial aid), and Office 365 (Email, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). MyBearcat also provides
access to university event calendars, university announcements and prayer requests. All students receive an account to
access the portal upon admission to the university.
ITS Policies
Please be familiar with the following Information Technology Policies:
Acceptable Use Policy (can be found on the MyBearcat)
SBU Privacy Policy: http://www.SBUniv.edu/privacy-policy.php
All SBU technology users (students, faculty, staff, contractors, etc.) are responsible for adhering to the cybersecurity best
practices. This includes never transmitting or storing unencrypted personally identifiable information like social security
numbers, heath information, etc., through SBU systems or email. Never store passwords in plain text or in a browser, use
a password manager instead. Never respond to requests for sensitive information. ITS will never ask you for your
password or ask you to confirm your account by clicking a link. If you notice spam, phishing attempts, strange messages
or activity, please report it to Information Technology immediately. We are happy to assist, even if it’s nothing to worry
about, we would rather be safe than sorry! SBU provides OneDrive for students to use during their time as a student for
file storage. Please ensure that prior to graduation any data you wish to keep that is stored in Teams, OneDrive, email, or
other SBU systems is backed up to your personal storage accounts (outside of SBU systems and email).
The SBU Campus Store
Debbie Lewis, Manager (417) 328-1530, dlewis@slingshotedu.com
Every single student, every single book, by the 1st day of class at an affordable price!
The SBU Campus Store partners with Slingshot to provide all your required course materials to you by the first day of
class. Simply enroll in your courses and Slingshot takes care of the rest, no ordering is necessary, and your course
materials cost is included in your SBU tuition. Your materials will be delivered to your campus residence, available for
pick up in the campus store, or shipped to your preferred address. Watch your SBU email throughout the year for
updates on orders, material fulfillment, pick up reminders, and rental return deadlines.
Every SBU student is provided with a Slingshot Custom Student Account, which can be accessed at
SBUniv.slingshotedu.com. Simply login to manage your account preferences, view your transaction history, check when
your book rentals are due, and access your digital course materials. There is also an FAQ page to assist you when you have
The SBU Campus Store has a wide selection of SBU spirit gear, school supplies, and gifts. Be sure to check out our ON
MISSION line of clothing and unique items specially crafted for SBU. Enjoy shopping from the convenience of your home
on our website at SBUgear.com!
The SBU Campus Store is conveniently located in the Goodson Student Union, normal business hours are Monday -
Friday, 8:30am - 4:00pm and open for select special events and game days. Watch our Instagram and Facebook social
media accounts for the most current store information at Southwest Baptist University Campus Store. If you need
assistance, stop in or call the store at 417-328-1530 or email us at [email protected]. If you need assistance after
hours, contact Slingshot Customer Support at 1-888-392-2930 by phone or chat or email at support@slingshotedu.com.
We are here to help!
Dining Services
Southwest Baptist University is proud that Provider Contract Food Service (“Provider”), a company with fresh, regional
cuisine and globally inspired menus, provides our campus community with quality food service options. Provider
manages the on-campus food service program and campus catering services. Campus Leadership and Provider work
closely together to create dining options that meet the needs of the SBU community.
Dining Locations
Students and guests have four different dining options on the SBU Bolivar campus:
1. The Marketplace Cafe
2. Deli-Craft & Craft Coffee
3. Shake Smart
4. Corner Market (adjacent to The Marketplace Café)
Meal Plan Guidelines
All students living on campus (except on-campus apartment residents) must have an on-campus meal plan as part of
room and board. SBU students can request a change to their meal plan by logging on to sbuniv.erezlife.com and filling out
the Meal Plan Request Form. Changes may be submitted until the end of the 1
week of class. For more information
about meal plan orders, please contact the Student Life Office at (417) 328-1885.
Flexible Meal Plans
Block Plans are available for greater flexibility. Food that you want, when and where you want it. Unlike the Traditional
Plans, all Block Plan meals can be redeemed throughout the semester and are not restricted to a weekly allotment. Meal
Swipe Combos are available at all Dining Locations. Meal Swipes can be used to gain entry to The Marketplace and to
obtain a Meal Swipe Combo in Deli-Craft & Craft Coffee, Shake Smart and Corner Market. Students may swipe up to
five times a day during the week and three times a day on weekends.
Students living in University residence halls must purchase either the 15 meal, 15+ meal, 20 meal, 20+ meal, 150
Block, or 175 Block meal plan.
Students living in SBU's on-campus apartments can purchase any University meal plan or block plan.
SBU off-campus and commuter students can purchase any University meal plan or block plan.
Students, faculty and staff members who are over their meal plan limit may pay cash or use Bearcat Bucks when
purchasing meals at The Marketplace Cafe, Deli-Craft & Craft Coffee, Shake Smart, or the Corner Market.
Payment options: All meal plans will be charged to student accounts. Payments can be made online or in the
Cashier's Office.
Traditional Plans offer you the opportunity to redeem the number of meals in a given week. Any unredeemed meals do
not carry forward and expire at the end of each week. Bearcat Bucks can be used for snacks and beverages in the Market,
Shake Smart, or Deli-Craft & Craft Coffee locations. Bearcat Bucks expire at the end of the semester for which the plan is
Block Plans provide maximum flexibility to get meals across campus anytime throughout the day to meet busy changing
schedules. Meals do not reset weekly. Unredeemed meals expire at the end of the semester for which the plan is
purchased. Bearcat Bucks can be used for snacks and beverages in the Market, Shake Smart, or Deli-Craft & Craft Coffee
locations. Bearcat Bucks expire at the end of the semester for which the plan is purchased.
Residential Meal Plans
Bearcat Bucks
Price Per Plan
Reset Weekly
Reset Semester
20 Meal Plan
20 Meal Plan Plus
175 Block Plan
15 Meal Plan
15 Meal Plan Plus
150 Block Plan
Commuter Block Plans
Bearcat Bucks
Price Per Plan
Reset Weekly
Reset Semester
75 Block Plan anytime
60 Block Plan anytime
40 Block Plan anytime
25 Block Plan anytime
5 Meal Plan
Points only Plan Commuter
1. Students must present their ID cards to obtain a meal at any location. Any student who does not present a
proper ID will be denied access to food service until proper ID can be re-established. If you lose your card or it
does not work you may go to the Department of Safety and Security located in the Student Union from 8 a.m. - 5
p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, call Safety and Security at (417) 328-1556.
2. Students are expected to follow appropriate social etiquette when dining. Any student who demonstrates rude
behavior may be denied food service upon the recommendation of the Dining Manager and will be reported to the
Vice President of Student Life.
3. Bearcat Bucks may be used to buy meals for guests or as cash to purchase items at any on-campus eateries, except
The Marketplace.
4. Meal Swipes are intended for the cardholder only and may be used up to 5 times a day M-F and 3 times a day
Saturday - Sunday in the following periods:
Meal Swipe Periods 2024/2025
Mon- Fri (5 Daily)
Sat-Sun (3 daily)
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Total Meal Swipe Opportunities
Making Changes to Your Meal Plan
Students, faculty, and staff members who wish to change their meal plans may contact the Office of Residence Life in the
Student Life Center in the Goodson Student Union from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, please
stop by or call the Office of Student Life at (417) 328-1885.
Guidelines for Changing Meal Plans
All meal plan cancellation requests must be made through the Office of Student Life.
During fall and spring semesters, meal plan change requests must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the fifth day of
classes. Meal plan cancellations also must be filed by 5 p.m. on the fifth day of classes.
During summer terms, meal plan cancellations must be filed by 5 p.m. on the third day of classes.
Meal plan cancellation requests will not be accepted after the deadline.
Cancellation refunds, per the University's room-and-board refund policy, will be based on the following
Prior to the start of classes: 100% refund
Before the fifth day of classes (for fall and spring semesters): 90% refund
Before the third day of classes (for summer terms): 90% refund
Cancellation requests made after deadline: No refund
Meal Plan Ordering Information
SBU students, faculty, and staff members wishing to purchase, change, or cancel a meal plan may do so by completing a
Southwest Baptist University Meal Plan Application, available from the SBU Office of Student Life. For more information
about meal plan orders, please contact the Office of Student Life at (417) 328-1885.
Declining Cash Balance (DCB) Account Order Information
SBU students, faculty, and staff members may purchase a declining cash balance (DCB) account by contacting SBU
Student Life. For more information, please contact the Student Life Office at (417) 328-1885.
Special Services
Special Diet and Menu Options
Special Dietary Needs
The Dining Services Team is committed to working with individuals who have special dietary needs. Students, faculty,
and staff who have special dietary needs due to specific medical conditions (including food allergies, diabetes, Chron's
disease, celiac disease, chronic kidney disease, high cholesterol, gout, and others) are encouraged to contact Provider’s
Dietary Coordinator, Cristilyn Wesner at SpecialDiets@providerfoodservice.com
Students under the care of a doctor for dietary reasons may submit a Request for Meal Plan Modification/Exemption
form along with the particular dietary needs and a Doctor’s Note to the Office of Residence Life in the Student Life
Center in the Goodson Student Union from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, please stop by or call
the Office of Student Life at (417) 328-1885.
Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Dining Services will meet with you to create a specialized plan for
your dietary needs. We work hard to accommodate requests as we are able. Although we take every precaution to
protect foods from cross-contamination with allergens, the preparation kitchens are not allergen-free.
Individuals with allergies are expected to let the Manager on duty know so that they can assist with any questions or
Sick Meal Requests
We request that you do not go to the Marketplace if you are ill. You can request a sick meal in advance from your
Resident Director.
Students living in residence halls have additional sick meal options (chicken noodle soup, crackers and Sprite) that can
be obtained through the Resident Director.
Catering Services
Catering Services on the campus of SBU are provided by Provider Contract Food Services. Our Catering Team will
impress even the most critical guest with our attention to detail and the ability to truly elevate any event.
Menus and requests for events are located on SBU Dining Page. Once you have booked your space through the SBU
Conference Center by submitting an event request form, then you can go online and submit a Catering request.
Provider’s Catering Manager Rose Ahern, catering@SBUniv.edu, will reach out to you to discuss the details of your event.
Catering events are not confirmed until you receive, sign and return your catering event requisition.
Dining Hours
Dining location hours can be found on the SBU website at https://www.SBUniv.edu/campus-life/living/food-
services.php . Students can also download the Provider Dining App to see the hours of operation and projected menu
SBU Alumni Association
The Alumni Association is composed of all SBU alumni (graduates and former students who have attended at least one
semester), and the total membership of the Association is nearly 39,000 living members. These alumni are represented by
a national board of up to 25 members that meet three times a year and oversee an annual budget. The Alumni Association
has an endowed scholarship fund that provides four scholarships of up to $2,000 per year to children of alumni who are
students at SBU (an annual application process is required and explains full eligibility rules). The Association also
invests annually in campus projects and events such as: Welcome Week, Homecoming, and provides graduation gifts for
The Alumni Association seeks to keep alumni involved with their alma mater. Through Homecoming, alumni regional
events, Southern Baptist and Missouri Baptist Convention receptions, alumni directories, the SBU Life magazine, alumni
emails, and special on-campus events, alumni are encouraged to stay informed and to participate in the life of Southwest
Baptist University. For more information about the Alumni Association, please contact via email at .
Department of Safety and Security
Dr. Matt Rice, Director of Safety and Security
Office: Goodson Student Union
1460 S. Pike
Bolivar, MO 65613
(417) 328-1556
The staff of the department of safety and security consists of the director, associate director, lead officer, four officers, and
student safety officers. Officers are available 365 days a year.
The department of safety and security aids in enforcement of federal, state, local statutes and university regulations.
Safety and security officers are non-commissioned and are the duly constituted representatives of Southwest Baptist
University. While safety and security officers do not make arrests, officers do have the right to detain and identify any
individual on university property. Safety and security officers cooperate with and may request assistance from local law
enforcement authorities when needed.
The department of safety and security provides for the safety and protection of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the
environment. In addition, the department is charged with protecting property, enforcing university regulations, and
maintaining order. The entire staff strives to serve the university community. The department’s mission is to promote an
atmosphere free from fear for personal safety, property loss, or accidents and thereby contribute to SBU’s academic
Annual Crime and Fire Safety Report
The department of safety and security is charged with preparing and distributing the annual crime and fire safety report.
Included in the report is all information required by federal regulations including the Jeanne Clery Act, fire report
information, crime statistics, fire statistics, sexual assault policy, sex offender information, missing student policy,
emergency notification policy, and much more. All members of the campus community are encouraged to review this
important report. The report is available online at www.SBUniv.edu/safety or in hard copy form at the Safety and
Security Office. The report is published and made available each year by October 1.
Reporting a Crime
If a student, employee, or visitor believes criminal activity has taken place on university property, the Bolivar Police
Department should be contacted by calling 417-326-5298. Safety and security can be contacted by calling (417) 328-1556
or (417) 328-8733. The department of safety and security may be notified by local law enforcement authorities of any
reported criminal activity occurring on campus or in the contiguous area. Incidents of criminal activity will be posted in
the daily incident log. The daily incident log is available for review at the department of safety & security during normal
business hours.
If an incident occurs on the Mountain View campus, the Mountain View Police Department should be notified at (417)
934-2525. The Mountain View Police have been asked to notify the campus director of any reported criminal activity
occurring on campus or in the contiguous area.
If an incident occurs on the Salem campus, the Salem Police Department should be notified at (573) 729-4242. The Salem
Police have been asked to notify the campus director of any reported criminal activity occurring on campus or in the
contiguous area.
If an incident occurs at the Springfield campus, the Springfield Police Department should be notified at (417) 864-1810.
The Springfield Police have been asked to notify the campus director of any reported criminal activity occurring on
campus or in the contiguous area.
Rights and Options After Filing a Complaint of Sexual Violence/Assault, Domestic
Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking
The following information provides a summary of a student’s rights and options after filing a complaint of sexual
violence/assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking under the University’s Sexual Violence/Assault Policy.
University Resources
Counseling: SBU has designated counselors (female and male) trained in responding to sexual assault victims. Their offices
are located within the Department of Behavioral Sciences located on the second floor of Gott Educational Center Bolivar
Campus. You may visit or call the Department of Behavioral Sciences at (417) 328-1736 or 328-1729 with questions. If
necessary, a counselor may be reached after hours at (417) 399-5175.
Health Services: The Director of Health Services is available for care and support generally from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday in the Meyer Wellness Center, (417) 328-1888.
Safety and Security: Assistance is available 24/7 by calling the Southwest Baptist University Safety and Security Department
at (417) 328-8733. An officer can provide assistance for medical treatment, contacting a counselor, support person, local
resources, as well as reporting the crime to local law enforcement (if requested).
General Information
Physical issues surrounding the complaint: It is extremely important that you preserve evidence as it may be necessary to prove
the complaint you are making or needed to obtain a protection order or prosecute a crime. In the case of physical violence,
including sexual violence/assault, domestic violence, and dating violence, you should go directly to the emergency room
and should not bathe, urinate, douche, brush teeth, drink liquids, or change clothes until after you are examined and, if
necessary, a rape examination is completed.
Once you have made a complaint, you have several options, including, but not limited to:
Contacting parents or a relative
Seeking legal advice
Seeking personal counseling
Pursuing legal action against the perpetrator
Pursuing disciplinary action
Requesting that no further action be taken
If requested, the Title IX Deputy Coordinator or designee will assist you in contacting SBU’s Safety and Security or local
law enforcement regarding the incident. You may decline to notify such authorities.
If you have obtained a temporary restraining order or other no contact order against the alleged perpetrator from a
criminal, civil, or tribal court, please provide such information to the Title IX Deputy Coordinator or designee. The
University will take all reasonable and legal action to implement the order.
Institutional Expectations and Procedures
SBU’s Guidelines and Expectations, which includes investigation procedures, are found in the University’s Student and
Employee Handbook. Investigation procedures regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence/assault policies are used
for complaints of sexual violence/assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. These procedures include:
Providing a prompt, fair, and impartial resolution of your complaint
Conducting an investigation that promotes safety and accountability by University officials who have received
training on these issues
Communicating to you and the accused the right to have a support person accompanying during all aspects of
the investigation and resolution process. The support person of choice is there for support only and may not be a
spokesperson or advocate on your behalf and must agree to not interfere with the process.
Ensuring that both you and the accused will be notified simultaneously in writing of the outcome of all stages of
the process, including any appeals
Prohibit retaliation by the accused or anyone else against you for making a complaint
Possible Sanctions or Protective Measures
Interim Measures: At any time during the investigation, the Title IX Deputy Coordinator or designee may impose interim
remedies or protections for the parties or witnesses. These may include separating the parties, placing limitations on
contact between the parties, suspension, or making alternative living, class-placement, or workplace arrangements.
Sanctions: If there is a finding that a violation has occurred, sanctions may include: no-contact orders, classroom
reassignment, the provision of counseling or other support services, training, and referral of the perpetrator for discipline
to be imposed pursuant to applicable procedures depending on the alleged perpetrator’s status as an employee, student,
faculty member, or third-party.
If you request confidentiality or ask that a complaint not be investigated, the University will take reasonable steps to
investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the request. However, the University’s ability to respond may
be limited in such cases, and the University may not be able to grant such a request when the accused poses a continuing
threat to the University community.
If you wish to discuss an incident with complete confidentiality, you can contact a Designated Counselor who will
maintain confidentiality and not forward the report for investigation without your consent (unless required to do so by
For counseling, request a confidential counseling appointment with a licensed counselor from: Counseling Services
Center, Gott Education Center, (417) 328-1736.
Options for Changing your Current Situation
Pending final outcome of an investigation, you may be allowed to change your academic, living, transportation, or work
situation if options to do so are reasonably available. Upon your request, the University will work with you on such
changes. This may occur regardless of whether you choose to make a complaint to campus security or local law
Video Cameras
SBU recognizes maintaining the safety and security of students and staff, as well as safeguarding property belonging to
students, staff, or the University, requires a multifaceted approach. Modern technology, including video surveillance,
provides tools toward maintaining safety and security. SBU utilizes video surveillance cameras throughout the public
areas of SBU campuses and uses that video to monitor activities, and investigate incidents. Upon a reasonable request
from a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, SBU will provide relevant, recorded video footage to that agency for
purposes of that agency investigating alleged, reported, or suspected criminal conduct.
Resources Available
SBU prohibits domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, rape, acquaintance rape, and stalking. The University
expects behavior from all members of the University family that demonstrates the highest standard of respect for people
and property and that exemplifies the Christian commitment to loving one another. The following are available resources
addressing these issues:
Bolivar Police Department (417) 326-5298, 624 South Albany Avenue, Bolivar, MO 65613
House of Hope, Bolivar (417) 777-8137, Hotline: (417) 399-6744, Website: http://www.pchouseofhope.org
Harmony House, Springfield (417) 837-7700, Hotline: (800) 831-6863
Joyful Heart Foundation Website: http://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org
National Domestic Violence Hotline Website: http://www.thehotline.org/, Phone Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) Website: http://www.rainn.org/get-help/national-
sexual-assault-hotline, Phone Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE (4673), Online Hotline: https://ohl.rainn.org/online/
National Suicide Prevention Hotline Website: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org, Phone Hotline: (800)
273-TALK (8255)
Stalking Resource Center, National Center for Victims of Crime Website:
Information on Safety Planning http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/help-
Information on Stalking Laws: http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/stalking-
Womenshealth.gov; Office on Women’s Health, US Department of Health and Human Services Information on
Stalking https://www.womenshealth.gov/violence-against-women/types-of-violence/stalking.html
Love is Respect Website: http://www.loveisrespect.org/, Phone Hotline: (866) 331-9474, Online Hotline:
Bystander Intervention Website: http://onestudent.org/,
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ycYPmzisfk
SBU Counseling Services http://www.SBUniv.edu/campus-life/student-services/counseling.php
SBU Student Handbook http://www.SBUniv.edu/_resources/documents/student-
SBU Health Center http://www.SBUniv.edu/campus-life/student-services/health-center.php, Phone: (417)
SBU Safety and Security http://www.SBUniv.edu/safety/, Phone: (417) 328-1556
Citizens Memorial Hospital, Bolivar Website: http://citizensmemorial.com/index.html, Phone: (417) 326-6000
National Dating Abuse Helpline Website: http://www.loveisrespect.org/
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs Website: https://avp.org/get-help/
One Love Danger Assessment App Website: http://www.joinonelove.org/my_plan_app
Emergency Preparedness and Notification
Sign Up for SBU Alert: Through the SBU Alert emergency notification system, you will receive emergency safety and
weather notifications delivered via text messaging or email. Students will be able to access their SBU Alert account
(through Rave Mobile Safety) by clicking on the SBU Alert link in the Applications tab of MyBearcat portal.
If you are a parent of an enrolled student and want to receive alert messages, please ask your student to add your email
address and/or cell phone number to his or her account. For more information, please contact the SBU help desk at (417)
The University conducts regular fire and tornado drills in all campus dorms, as well as tabletop exercises and panel
discussions of many other emergencies.
Emergency maps are located in each campus building with evacuation routes and recommended areas to take shelter
during severe weather. Emergency procedures are available online by clicking on the Safety and Security link under
Campus Services of MyBearcat portal. Students and employees should take time to review what to do in a variety of
emergency situations.
Motor Vehicle Regulations
General Information
The operation and parking of a motor vehicle on the property of Southwest Baptist University is a privilege
granted to the students, faculty, staff, and guests of the university.
SBU reserves the right to make and enforce regulations which are deemed to be in the best interest of the
Motor vehicle privileges may be denied, suspended or revoked by the university.
The university assumes no responsibility for the safety, care, or protection of any vehicle parked or operated on
All motor vehicle regulations are subject to enforcement 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
Motor vehicles include but are not limited to any form of transportation that makes use of a motor. Motorized
wheelchairs are not included in this category.
Any special arrangements for parking must be made in advance with the Department of Safety and Security to
avoid tickets.
It is the driver’s responsibility to be familiar with these regulations.
All vehicles operated or parked on university property must display a current SBU parking permit.
Permit Information
Each member of the university community who operates a vehicle on campus is required to register that vehicle
with the Department of Safety and Security. It is the personal responsibility of the owner to notify the
Department of Safety and Security of any corrections that need to be made concerning vehicles registered in their
The registration of a vehicle in no way guarantees that a parking space convenient for the individual will be
provided. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
Lost or stolen permits should be reported to the Department of Safety and Security.
The permit issued is free replacements are available.
Permits are the responsibility of the registrant and should be removed prior to the sale of a vehicle. Permits are
non-transferable to any other person.
Permits should be displayed in the vehicle's rear window on the driver's side. A permit may be displayed in the
front driver’s side windshield if the vehicle has tinted windows.
Classes of Permits
Faculty/Staff (Purple) Allows for parking in reserved Faculty/Staff parking spaces
Commuter (Gray) Allows for parking in all general parking areas and the commuter parking lot
On Campus (White) Allows for parking in all non-reserved parking spaces
Temporary Permits Issued as needed to regular permit holders, visitors, or guests when special conditions
Visitor Issued to persons who frequent the campus but are not students or employees of the university
General Regulations
Vehicles shall be operated in a prudent and careful manner at all times.
The speed limit on campus streets is 20 m.p.h. All parking lots are 5 m.p.h.
Pedestrians shall be given the right of way at all times.
All faculty/staff and housekeeping spaces are reserved from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Mabee Chapel (Commuter) parking lot is reserved for commuter permits from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday.
Maintenance and Resident Director parking spaces are reserved 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and are strictly
Visitor parking should only be used by visitors of SBU. These parking spaces require a visitor's permit. Visitors
should register their vehicles with the Department of Safety and Security and display the SBU visitor permit as
All vehicles must park in marked parking spaces.
No vehicles shall be operated or parked on sidewalks or grassy areas.
Vehicles shall not emit loud, obnoxious or unreasonable noise or music.
Violators may be ticketed for repeated violations.
Students will be provided with a 1-week grace period in which to register at the beginning of the fall semester.
Students using abusive, argumentative or threatening language toward any safety and security officer who is
performing his/her duties in accordance with these regulations will be referred to the Office of Student Life for
disciplinary action.
Violations & Fines
Fines will be posted to whomever the vehicle was last registered to whether that person owns the vehicle or not. Fines
may be paid at the office of accounting in the Sells Administrative Center.
Permit Violations:
No Current Permit displayed $30
Failure to Register $30
Use of counterfeit or falsified permit $30
Use of stolen or falsely obtained permit $50
Parking Violations:
Parking in Reserved Space $30
Parking in Restricted Lot $30
Parking in a grassy or unmarked area $30
Double Parking / Obstructing Traffic $30
Parking in Fire Lane $50
Parking in Disabled without disabled hangtag or plate $50
Fraudulent Use of Disabled Space $50
Moving Violations:
Careless and Imprudent driving $30
Speeding $30
Failure to stop at stop sign $30
Moving barricades / Going beyond the limits of barricades $30
Operating a vehicle on areas other than streets or roadways $30
Miscellaneous Violations:
Mutilation or discarding of a ticket $30 (in addition to original ticket)
Excessive Noise $30
Vehicles may be issued one ticket in a 24-hour period for a parking or permit violation provided the vehicle is not
If a student feels that a protest against a ticket is justified, an appeal with a full explanation may be submitted to the
Department of Safety and Security at 803 South Pike Avenue.
All appeals must be submitted within 10 working days following the ticketed offense. Appeals will not be accepted after
the 10-day period and charges will be final.
All ticket appeals are reviewed by the Student Ticket Appeals Committee. Ruling of this committee is final and no further
appeals will be accepted.
Inability to locate a legal parking space is not an acceptable excuse for violation of these regulations.
Bicycle Regulations
Bicycles improperly parked for a period of 24 hours may be impounded. Bicycles parked legally at an academic
building for a continuous period of 2 weeks will be considered abandoned and may be impounded and discarded.
Note: Locking devices may be cut and removed as necessary during impounding. Impounded bicycles may be
claimed and released for a fine of $25.00. Bicycles not claimed by September 1 of each year will be disposed of.
There are to be no wheeled vehicles in the academic buildings. This includes skateboards, roller skates, roller
blades, unicycles, bicycles, hoverboards, and scooters.
Bicycles shall yield the right of way to pedestrians at all times.
Bicycles are to be parked in or immediately adjacent to the bicycle racks provided. Bikes are not to be parked in
grass, sidewalks, and academic buildings. Bikes may be stored in a dorm room.
Bicycles may not be secured to any property other than designated bicycle racks.
Crime Prevention Tips
Vehicles and bikes should be locked while on campus
Report strangers who behave suspiciously to Safety & Security
Keep your residence room or apartment room locked
Walk in groups of two at night
Stay in control. Substance abuse puts you at risk
Do not leave personal property unattended
Crimes occurring on university property should be reported to the Department of Safety & Security
ID Cards
The department of safety and security is responsible for the issuance of student and employee ID cards. The ID cards on
the Bolivar campus utilize proximity card technology. This function enables the user to access buildings and rooms on
the card access system during designated hours. The cards also feature user’s first and last name, picture, SBU ID number,
and user barcode. The initial SBU ID cards are issued to students and employees free of charge. Replacement fee for a lost
or stolen card is $50. Any problems with cards should be reported to the department of safety and security. Damaged or
malfunctioning cards will be fixed or replaced for free.
The Associate Director is in charge of all university locksmith functions. Any problems related to keys and locks should
be reported to the department of safety and security. Students should report lost room keys to the resident director and
will be charged a replacement fee. Employees should report lost keys to their supervisor and to the department of safety
and security as soon as possible.
Department Contact Information
Director: Dr. Matt Rice
Officer on Duty (24/7/365): (417) 328-8733
Office Information
1460 S. Pike
Bolivar, MO 65613
Office Phone: (417) 328-1556
Fax: (417) 328-2034
Website: www.SBUniv.edu/safety
Important Phone Numbers (Bolivar Campus)
Emergency 911: 911
SBU Safety and Security: (417) 328-1556
Citizens Memorial Hospital Emergency Room: (417) 328-6000
Bolivar Fire Department: (417) 326-5853
Bolivar Police Department: (417) 326-5298
Polk County Sheriff’s Department: (417) 777-9020
Counseling Emergency: Contact SBU’s Safety and Security on-call: 417-328-8733
Important Phone Numbers (Mountain View, Salem, Springfield Campuses)
Mountain View Police: (417) 934-2525
Mercy Hospital (Mountain View): (417) 934-7000
Salem Police: (573) 729-4242
Salem Hospital: (573) 729-6626
Springfield Police: (417)864-1810
Mercy Hospital (Springfield): (417) 820-2000
Cox Hospital (Springfield): (417) 269-6000
SBU Address Assignments for 911 Service
Beasley Hall: 234 W South St
Casebolt Apts: 614 S. Clark Ave.
Casebolt Music Center: 1364 S. Pike Ave.
Cribbs Athletic Facility: 1951 W Jones St
Davis Physical Therapy: 2103 S Springfield Ave
Meyer Sports & Wellness Center: 1260 S. Pike Ave.
Goodson Student Union Building: 1460 S. Pike Ave.
Gott Education Center: 138 W. Estep Dr.
Grounds Building: 1270 S Lillian Ave
Hammons Center for Facilities Excellence: 520 W. Aldrich Rd.
Jim Mellers Conference Center: 300 W. Estep Dr.
Landen Hall: 1520 S. Pike Ave.
Leslie Hall: 1026 S. Pike Ave
Mabee Chapel: 200 W. Andersen Dr.
McClelland Dining Commons: 1700 E. Andersen Dr.
Memorial Hall: 806 S. Clark Ave.
Meyer Hall: 1715 University Dr.
Plaster Athletics Center: 1111 S. Pike Ave
Plaster Football Stadium: 1401 S. Pike Ave.
Plaster Lodge: 1730 University Dr.
Roseman Apartments: 1860 & 1870 Maple Tree Ln.
Safety and Security: 1460 S. Pike Ave
Sells Administration Building: 1600 University Ave.
Taylor Free Enterprise Building: 100 W. Estep Dr.
University Library & Jester: 651 E. Andersen
Wheeler Science Building: 301 E. Andersen
Woody/Gott Hall: 105 E. Aldrich Rd.
SBU-Mountain View Campus: 124 S Oak St, Mountain View, MO 65548
SBU-Salem Campus: 501 S Grand, Salem, MO 65560
SBU-Springfield Campus Johnson Building: 4431 S. Fremont, Springfield, MO 65804
SBU-Springfield Campus Hutchins Nurse Training Center: 1265 E Lark St, Springfield, MO 65804