Date of Meeting: July 14, 2014
Members Present: Vice Chair Dave Leitenberger, Secretary Jim Kulig, Treasurer
Robert Kirkendall, Renee Bessick, Deanna West-Torrence, Dr.
Michelle Kowalski
Members Absent: Chair Pamela Siegenthaler, Lynn Friebel, Attorney Jason Murray
Others Present: Patty Harrelson, Nikki Harless, Marsha Coleman, Kevin Goshe,
Carl Hunnell
Others Absent:
The regular monthly Board meeting was held on Monday, July 14, 2014, in the Board
Conference Room at Richland County Children Services Board. Vice Chair Leitenberger
called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. by roll call of Board members present.
On a motion by West-Torrence, seconded by Kowalski, the Board unanimously approved
the proposed agenda by all Board members in attendance.
Director of Finance, Goshe, provided the Board with an overview of the monthly finance
report which included an explanation of line items budgeted and actual figures. Goshe
provided an explanation of ProtectOhio which included the history, goals and future
plans. Goshe stressed the importance of ProtectOhio which, if this waiver project is not
renewed by the federal government, the Agency may lose $900,000 and the impact would
impact the 2016 budget. The Board asked Tim Harless come to the August Board
meeting to provide a summary of his visit to Washington in July regarding the
ProtectOhio future. The Board members recognized the good work the finance
department is doing.
On a motion by West-Torrence, seconded by Kulig, the Board unanimously approved the
June 9, 2014 Board meeting minutes.
Executive Director’s Report and Comments
Harrelson provided feedback to questions which included discipline actions and staff
turnover. Harrelson advised the Board of a change in the title of Director of Operations
which will now be known as the Assistant Director. This did not include any increase in
pay but the new title is much clearer as it relates to the role. The Assistant Director is
Nikki Harless.
Harrelson also advised the Board that she is reviewing the School Based unit and
program as it relates to the legal basis to use this program. More information will be
available at the August Board meeting for a recommendation to the 2014-15 school year.
On a motion by Kulig, seconded by Kirkendall, the Board unanimously approved the
consent agenda.
Executive Committee Report
2014 Risk Management Plan Kulig reported the Executive Committee met in July and
reviewed the 2014 Risk Management Plan. The Committee recommended the plan be
edited for wording and not content.
On a motion by Kulig on behalf of the Executive Committee, seconded by Bessick, the
Board unanimously approved the 2014 Risk Management Plan as reviewed. A final
edited for wording copy will be given to the Board in August.
2014 1
Quarter Risk Management Report Kulig reported on the 2014 1
Risk Management Report which was reviewed during the Executive Committee meeting.
There was no issue needing attention as risk to the Agency.
Kulig reported the next Executive Committee meeting will take place on August 4, 2014
at 4:00 at the Agency.
Finance Director Report
Goshe distributed the June 2014 Final Finance Report which was balanced by the
Auditor’s Office.
Goshe reported on the June 2014 Final Financial Report regarding the revenues and
expenditures. This included a beginning balance of $5,754,353.36, $778,570.79 in
revenue, and $751,262.32 in expenses with an ending balance of $5,781,661.83. The
ending fund balance reflects 64.8% or 7.8 months of the 2014 budget.
Goshe reported on revenues included the quarterly IVE Admin and Training, ProtectOhio
capitation payment, levy revenue and the Juvenile Court shared placement cost.
Expenses included the contribution to the pooled funding for Youth and Family Council,
employee tuition for one employee who has graduated and a contribution payment to
Youth and Family Council toward the Agency’s educational consultant contract.
On a motion by Kirkendall, seconded by Kulig, the Board unanimously approved the
Final June 2014 Financial report.
Finance Committee Report
Kirkendall reported the Finance Committee met on June 30, 2014 with one
recommendation. The committee recommends the Emergency Services Assistance
Allocation (ESAA) receive $100,000 from the Emergency Children Expenses line to
cover expenditures thru December 2014.
On a motion by Kirkendall, seconded by Bessick, the Board unanimously approved the
movement of $100,000 from the Emergency Children Expenses line to the ESAA line.
Personnel Committee Report
West-Torrence reported the Personnel Committee met on June 23, 2014 and reviewed
policies relating to
a. Policy 8.23 Vehicle Operation/Maintenance combines Vehicle Fleet
policy and Vehicle Fleet Procedure
b. Policy 3.3 Driver Eligibility no changes
c. Recommend repeal of 8.8 Vehicle Fleet (Archive)
d. Policy 4.15 Vehicle Fleet procedure will also be repealed and archived
e. Policy 12.2 Procurement: Changes to limits from 25, 000 to 50,000 led to
review of this policy
f. Policy 14.6: Grievance Policy Changes
g. Policy 2.1 Recruitment reviewed
h. Policy 2.2 Selection reviewed
i. Policy 2.3 Appointment reviewed
j. Policy 2.4 Orientation reviewed
k. Policy 2.5 Field Placements reviewed
On a motion from West-Torrence on behalf of the Personnel Committee, seconded by
Kulig, the Board unanimously approved the recommendations by the committee for the
policies reviewed and/or revised.
Levy Committee Report
Harrelson reported the Levy Committee met on June 26, 2014 at noon. Hunnell reported
on upcoming activities such as the Shiloh Ox Roast on July 26, the Richland County Fair
and the Blueberry Festival in August and then the Bellville Street Fair in September.
Board members were encouraged to attend these events with the Agency and Hunnell
provided members with new Agency t-shirts without levy language. Hunnell also let
Board members know of the Agency annual Golf Classic on September 19 with a rain
date of September 27 at Pebble Creek Golf Course. This event is the primary levy
fundraiser with a target of $10,000. Fall events with Agency participation will include
the Halloween Parade on October 28 and something new this year the Spaghetti Bowl
which includes a spaghetti dinner on October 27 at Mansfield Senior High to
commemorate the rivalry between Mansfield Senior and Madison Senior High football
game. Proceeds from this event will go to the winning team’s chosen charity Dave
Thomas Foundation for Madison and United Way for Mansfield Senior. Hunnell also let
Board members know of the Agency calendar which is close to completion and will
include the winning pictures from the drawing contest held in April. The calendars will
be distributed at events the Agency will be participating in.
Services and Program Report
Kulig reported the Services and Program Committee did not meet in June but is planning
to meet on August 6 at 2:30 in the Board Room at the Agency.
Payment of Agency Bills - On a motion by Bessick, seconded by West-Torrence, the
Board unanimously approved payment by signature of the Agency bills.
At 5:17 p.m., Vice Chair Leitenberger recommended an Executive Session. On a
motion by Kowalski, seconded by Bessick, the Board voted unanimously to move into
Executive Session to discuss matters of litigation by roll call vote. At that time, each
Board member responded as follows: Kulig, “yes”; Kowalski, “yes”; Bessick, “yes”;
Kirkendall, “yes”; Leitenberger, “yes”; and West-Torrence, “yes”. The Board asked
Harrelson, Coleman, Harless and Goshe to stay.
On a motion by Kirkendall, seconded by Bessick, the Board returned to open session at
5:55 p.m. by roll call vote.
On a motion by West-Torrence, seconded by Kirkendall, the Board moved to adjourn the
meeting at 6:33 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
______________________ Dave Leitenberger, Vice Chair
______________________ Marsha Coleman, Recording Secretary