November 21 Board of Education Meeting 2023
November 21, 2023
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The Mansfield City Schools Board of Education met in a regular session on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 5:30
p.m. in the Lowell T. Smith Boardroom. The following members answered the roll: Renda Cline, present, Chris
Elswick, present, Gary Feagin, present, Linda Golden, absent, Sheryl Weber, present, Superintendent, Stan
Jefferson and Treasurer, Tacy Courtright were present.
The pledge of allegiance was recited
23 - 162 Resolution to Approve the Agenda with an addendum
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Elswick to approve the agenda with the addendum
Roll call: Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes
Every Student, Every Day Champion and Student Tyger Champions
Mr. Rizzo announced that Chioke Bradley, our OCC Coach of the Year is also our Every Student, Every Day Champion this
month. Coach Bradley was unable to attend our meeting but asked Assistant Coach Antonio Fletcher to accept the award
on his behalf. Coach Bradley has had an astounding career beginning in the 1990’s as a lettering student athlete in 3 sports.
His accomplishments in football and the OCC are many. Coach Bradley feels that he is most proud of the number of players
that he has sent to college. Coach Fletcher then introduced our Tyger Champions and Tyger Football Captains, Dondreas
Reese, Ahmaan Thomas, Carmelo Smith, Daylan McGinty, and Amarr Davis.
Strategic Plan Update Stephen Rizzo, Chief Academic Officer and Nikia Fletcher, Director of College and Career
Mr. Rizzo reviewed our Strategic plan and gave an update on the work that has been completed and the ongoing
initiatives that the team is working on. Mr. Rizzo displayed the new instructional materials, interventions and
professional developments that have been implemented to address Literacy and the next steps that will be taken to
refine literacy instruction and the use of instructional materials across grades/tier. Mr. Rizzo introduced Mrs. Nikia
Fletcher, the Director of College and Career Readiness who spoke to the work and strategies that her team has
addressed in the Strategic Plan to support our Graduation initiatives.
Restructuring of the District Superintendent Stan Jefferson
Mr. Jefferson reviewed the progress of our Strategic Plan and how the re-structuring of our district aligns with the strategic
plan. Restructuring will help to improve the financial and efficient operation of the Mansfield City Schools. It will also
maximize the focus on instructional resources in our grade level settings. The proposed recommendation is as follows:
All Students (K-8) from Spanish Immersion (Brinkerhoff) will move to Woodland
Woodland Elementary (K-2) students will move to John Sherman Elementary (Pre-K-2) and Springmill STEM
Elementary (K-6)
The Brinkerhoff building will be repurposed or classified as an abandoned building
Mr. Jefferson reviewed the benefits of the restructuring proposal and assured the board and the community that there would
ongoing communications as plans develop for this transition.
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23 - 163 Resolution to approve amendments to the Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Feagin to approve the amendments to the Student Code of Conduct and the Dress
Code as follows:
Dress Code:
f. Wearing/displaying clothing, colors, insignia or any paraphernalia that intentionally identifies the student as a gang
member or a supporter of a gang is prohibited and violation of the code of conduct.
Student Code of Conduct: Gangs
Gang activity is defined as when a student uses gestures, dress, and/or speech to display affiliation with a gang. Gangs are
defined as a group or two or more people organized for the purpose of engaging in activities that threaten the safety or well-
being of persons or which is disruptive to the school environment. Gang activities include, but are not limited to:
wearing/displaying clothing, colors, insignia or any paraperhalia that intentionally identifies the student as a gang member
or a supporter of a gang; using words, phrases, written symbols, or gestures that intentionally identify a student as a member
or as a supporter of a gang; engaging in activity or discussion promoting gangs; recruiting student for gangs or anti-social
behavior. Levels 3,4,5
Roll call: Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes
23 164 Resolution to approve the submitted board policy updates and revisions
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Feagin to approve the submitted board policy updates and revisions
Policy 2623.02 - Third Grade Reading Guarantee (Revised)
Policy 3120.08/4120.08 - Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities (Revised)
Policy 8120 - Volunteers (Revised)
Policy 5113.01 - Intra-District Open Enrollment (Revised)
Policy 5320 - Immunization (Revised)
Policy 5330 - Use of Medications (Revised)
Policy 5330.05 - Procurement and Use of Naloxone (Narcan) in Emergency Situations (Replacement)
Policy 5337 - Care of Students with Seizure Disorders (New)
Policy 6700 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (Revised)
Policy 7440 - Facility Security (Revised)
Policy 8330 - Student Records (Revised)
Policy 8600 Transportation (Revised)
Policy 8650 - Transportation by School Van (Revised)
Policy 9160 - Public Attendance at School Events (Revised)
Policy 9211 - District Support Organizations (Revised)
Policy 9270 - Equivalent Education Outside the Schools & Participation in Extra-Curricular for Students Not Enrolled
in the District (Revised)
Roll call: Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes
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23-165 Approval of Centegix Safety Alert System Middle/High School, Malabar and Springmill STEM
Mr. Elswick moved, seconded by Mrs. Weber to purchase the Centigex Safety Alert System
Roll call: Mr. Elswick; Yes, Mrs. Weber, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes
Superintendent’s Report
Our Fall Newsletter went out to 13,423 residents in the Mansfield community last week.
John Sherman Elementary 2nd graders produced a video promoting Peace on my Block. Speaking of 2nd graders, the
Second and Seven Foundation Reading Program has started for this year. All 2nd grade students will receive a book each
month. A total of 1,500 books this year will be distributed to our 2nd graders throughout the district. Student Athletes and
Staff will be reading to our 2nd graders.
Victoria Watkins, Malabar Intermediate's Art Teacher was recently recognized as North Central Ohio's Outstanding Art
You have been provided with a list of our District's upcoming Holiday Concerts and events in December. We will also post
this on the website for the community. I would like to call your attention to the Winter Fest Family Night on December 7,
2023 - this is an event sponsored by our High School and Middle School PBIS team to celebrate the successes of their
program with our families. The event will be followed by the HS/MS Band and Orchestra Concert at 7:00
Our winter sports season has begun. Bowling, E-Sports, Basketball, Gymnastics, Swimming, Wrestling and Cheerleading
have begun practices, scrimmages and non-competitive games.
23 166 Resolution to approve the Five-Year Forecast
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Feagin to approve the Five-Year forecast
Roll call: Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes
23 167 Resolution to approve the Treasurer’s agenda items, Board Minutes, October’s financials and gifts to the
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Elswick to approve the Treasurer’s agenda items, Board Minutes, October’s financials
and gifts to the district
a. Board Minutes: Board of Education Meeting, October 17, 2023
b. October’s financials
c. Gifts to the District
The following items were gifts to the district:
1) $500.00 donation from Roby-Foster to the SAFE program. 2) $600.00 donation from Lehr Awning Company in the
form of an invoice reduction when charging for new pennants for the flag poles at Arlin Field.
3) $350.00 from Gorman-Rupp to Mansfield Senior High to support program activities, 4) $4,500.00 from the Russell
and Mary Gimbel Foundation to Special Education Services.
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5) $2,000.00 from the Russell and Mary Gimbel Foundation to Senior High art classes for frames for student art work.
6) $3,373.00 donation from Robin McCullough-Bade (Class of 1974) to Malabar Intermediate toward instructional
7) The Kinship Foundation (Kids in Need) has arranged the donation of items from JoAnn
Fabrics (monthly) to Springmill/STEM. This school year STEM has already received $5,283.20 worth of
calendars, cake decorating materials, science projects, art supplies, journals and blanket kits.
8) Bank of America has processed donations totaling $ 1 1 8.26 for Malabar Intermediate to be used toward staff
9) $300.00 donation from the VFW #291 of Columbus, OH toward the Youth in Government Conference Spring
2024 Conference.
10) $200.00 donation from Butler Lions Club toward the Youth in Government Spring 2024 Conference.
11) The following are donations to the SAFE program:
Virginia A. Long - $73.00
Park National Bank - $150.00
12) The following are donations to the PBIS program:
Park National Bank - $150.00
Shay M Wilkins - $25.00
Anonymous - $30.00
Bishop Insurance Services - $250.00
Roll call: Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr.Feagin, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes
23 168 Resolution to approve the Superintendent’s recommended contracts
Mr. Feagin moved, seconded by Mrs. Weber to approve the Superintendent’s recommended contracts
a. Open Door Academy Partnership Agreement
b. MOESC St. Peter’s Intervention Specialist and Guidance Counselor
c. Addendum - Silver Linings student placement contract
Roll call: Mr. Feagin, Yes; Mrs. Weber, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes
23 - 169 Resolution to approve the Superintendent’s recommended Personnel actions
Mrs. Weber moved, seconded by Mr. Feagin to approve the Personnel actions
A. Retirements
Eff. Date
Bechtol, Debra
Teacher - Student Support Specialist
Malabar Intermediate
Shepherd, Mildred
Food Service 4-Hour General Help
Malabar Intermediate
Smith, Dorothy
Food Service 5-Hour General Help
Malabar Intermediate
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B. Resignations
Eff. Date
Tommelleo, Louis
Adult Education Instructor
Adult Education
Anka, Maria
Substitute Bus Aide
Baney, Terry
Bus Driver
Briggs, Link
Paraprofessional - Special Education
Malabar Intermediate
C. Appointments
Eff. Date
Brunet-Espuela, Jordi
Teacher - Spanish
Senior High
$42,715.66, step 10, MA+15; prorated
Adult Education Instructors, 7/1/2023-6/30/2024; $24.98/hour, paid as worked per timesheet, <30 hours/week, no
Doan, Amanda
Goodwin, Kathleen
Lumadue, Lori
Bus Aide
$12.45, step 0, 4 hours/day, 5 days/week
D. Change of Status
Eff. Date
Dasi Carbonell,
Teacher - Grade 5
Spanish/Social Studies
Spanish Immersion
$67,276, step 10, MA+30;
change in assignment
Laura Lester
Food Service 5-Hour General
$16.17/hour, step 15, change in
Substitute to Teacher Contracts; $35,690 (pro-rated based on number of days worked), step 0, Bachelor
Cook, Tammy
Grades 2-3
Tyger Digital
$23,276.40 (120 days)
Dorsey, Stacey
English Language Arts/Social
Tyger Digital
$23,858.31 (123 days)
Eldridge, Julie
School Counselor
Senior High
$23,664.34 (122 days)
Ginn, Kashema
Intervention Specialist
Mansfield Middle
$21,336.37 (110 days)
Meeks, El-Hazziq
Physical Education
Mansfield Middle
$23,664.34 (122 days)
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Palser, Jesse
Intervention Specialist
$23,858.31 (123 days)
Patterson, Holly
Career Connections
Senior High
$22,694.49 (117 days)
Reynolds, R.
Intervention Specialist
$22,306.55 (115 days)
Rogers, Sherrita
Intervention Specialist
Senior High
$23,276.40 (120 days)
Tackett, Jennifer
Intervention Specialist
$23,082.43 (119 days)
Thompson, Tina
Intervention Specialist
Hedges Success
$22,500.52 (116 days)
E. Substitutes - 2023-2024
Bus Aide
Carpenter, Mikenna
Jordan, Jean
Burchett, Marilyn
Brown, Lisa
Bise, Alex
Watkins, Rose
Watkins, Rose
Compton, Olivia
Hubler, Kerry
Jordan, Jean
Current Paraprofessional as Teacher; receiving $12/hour differential
Parker, Emilee
Berger, Vicki
Nared, Johnnice
Whitmore, Katy
Shelby, Lillie
F. Supplementals 2023-2024
Supplemental Amount
Albert, Matt
Assistant Football Coach
Senior High
$3,569.00 (10%)
Brown, Daisjah
Lifeguard for Swim Team
Middle/Senior High
$12.00/hour; per
Cramer, Ava
Lifeguard for Swim Team
Middle/Senior High
$12.00/hour; per
Clary, Taylor
Lifeguard for Swim Team
Middle/Senior High
$12.00/hour per timesheet
Fedeli, Sarah
Educator Support Mentor
$594.84 (pro-rated from
Hindman, Vanessa
Awards Coordinator
$713.80 (2%)
Horsley, Bianca
Awards Coordinator
Mansfield Middle
$713.80 (2%)
Horsley, Bianca
Spelling Bee Coordinator
Mansfield Middle
$1,427.60 (4%)
Luckie, Marsha
Secretary - enrollment over 375
Mansfield Middle
Massey, Stephanie
Academic Challenge Advisor
Mansfield Middle
$1,427.60 (4%)
Raphael, Caleb
Lifeguard for Swim Team
Middle/Senior High
$12.00/hour; per
Redman, Bernadette
Student of the Month Coordinator
$713.80 (2%)
Risner, Ashley
Counselor extended time 10 additional
days at the beginning of the school year
Senior High
Romano, Laurie
Asst Athletic Director- Fall
Senior High
$1,427.60 (4%)
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Romano, Laurie
Asst Athletic Director- Winter
Senior High
$2,141.40 (6%)
Sabourin, Amanda
Head Girls Golf Coach
Senior High
$4,282.80 (12%)
Secretary performing medical procedures
Hedges Campus
Wagner, Rosie
Secretary perform clerk/cashier duties
Hedges Campus
Wagner, Rosie
Spelling Bee Coordinator
Tyger Digital
$1,427.60 (4%)
Winston, Nancy
Educator Support Mentor
$892.25 (2,5%, additional
Wright, Garry
Academic Challenge Advisor
Mansfield Middle
$1,427.60 (4%)
Building Leadership (BLT) Team; $713.80 (2%); Coordinator $1,427.80 (4%); Non-Certificated, $25.00/hour
Allenbaugh, Melinda
Bohn, Courtney
Briggs, Alexis
Lehman, Michelle
Luedy, April
Nicol, Emily
Plaisted, Jennifer
Strong, Bradley
Yates, Gracie
Mansfield Middle
Zachary Jones
Davis, Hayley
Dowdley, Keri
Hoovler, Monica
Queen, Christine
Local Professional Development Committee; $1,784.50 (5%)
Allenbaugh, Melinda
Egner, Carmen
Horsley, Bianca
Morris, Candee
Payne, Heidi
Queen, Christine
Strong, Bradley
Williams, Michelle
Zellner, Jamie
Master Teacher Committee; chairperson, $1,070.70 (3%), members $713.80 (2%)
Dials, Michelle
Rizzo, Sarah
Williams, Michelle
Multi-Tiered Student Services Team (MTSS); $713.80 (2%); Coordinator $1,784.50 (5%), Non-Certificated,
Johnson, Preslee
Beal, Maria
Boyd, Joni
Danison, Jill
Registered Behavior Technician Certification, $2000, grant-funded
Bolen, Ty
Buttil, Michael
Helms, Sarah
Special Education - hired before 1993; $1,784.50 (5%) per the MSEA negotiated agreement
Boocks, Janine
Fike, Jeanette
Winston, Nancy
Rescind from August 15, 2023 Board:
Jones, Zachary
Curriculum Committee
$1,784.50 (5%)
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Uhde, Jennifer
District Leadership Team
$713.80 (2%)
White, James
District Leadership Team
$713.80 (2%)
Should be:
Jones, Zachary
Curriculum Committee Chairperson
$2,498.30 (7%)
Queen, Christine
District Leadership Team
$713.80 (2%)
Corrections from September 19, 2023 Board:
Multi-Tiered Student Services Team and Building Leadership Team; Mansfield Middle
deJonge, Frederick
9/1/23 - 10/31/23
$158.62 each team
Hunt, Cheyenne
11/1/23 - 5/31/24
$555.17 each team
Rescind from October 17, 2023 Board:
Dasi Carbonell, Pilar
Spanish Club Advisor
Senior High
$713.80 (2%)
Meadows, Daniel
SkillsUSA Advisor
Senior High
$713.80 (2% - 4% split
among 2 persons)
Smith, Alysa
SkillsUSA Advisor
Senior High
$713.80 (2% - 4% split
among 2 persons)
Should be:
Meadows, Daniel
SkillsUSA Advisor
Senior High
$1,427.60 (4%)
G. Stipends 2023-2024
District Digital Sign Coordinator of Information, includes management of advertisement on electronic sign at Arlin Field;
$2,855.20 (8%)
Gallaway, Nancy
Family Liaison; $1,000.00 grant funded
Tabler, Mary
Handle With Care Recertification Training; $1,427.60 4%
Buttil, Michael
Clark, Matthes
Creamer, Ryan
Early, Raymel
Murphy, Andrea
Owens, Jacob
Palser, Jesse
Redman, Bernadette
Shramko, Nancy
Tomasek, Allison
Voedisch, Margaret
White, Brenda
Delegated Nursing Duties $500 stipend - grant funded (½ paid in December and ½ paid in May)
Maria Black
Susan Borland
Sandy Crudwell
Brianna Durbin
Jacquelyn Elia
Laura Fannin
Tracy Gasper
Mekaila Grose
Belinda Hale
Anna Hufford
Makenzie Keller
Linda Koppert
Peter Lloyd
Maryam Mecurio
Mari Medina
Chelsea Meyer
Karen Mosley
Shannon Oakley
Heather Richmond
Kristin Shaw
Faith Shipman
Tiffeny Sims
Amy Slessman
Brianne Stevenson
Carolyn Stoker
Jamie Sweeney
Jamie Vanderbilt
Brenda White
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School Nutrition Association per the MSEA agreement; $100.00
Uzunoff, Joan
Tutor - After School - Spanish Immersion
Vidal Ruano, Cristina
H. Game/Tournament Workers 2023-2024
Cramer, Jeffrey
Weeks, John
Addendum John Ballenger Head Swim Coach Mansfield Middle/Senior High $4,996.60 (14%)
Roll call: Mr. Feagin, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes; Mrs. Golden, abstain; Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes;
Future Board of Education Meetings:
Regular Board of Education Meeting December 19, 2022 at 5:30 p.m., Lowell T. Smith Board Room, Raemelton
Administration Building
23 170 Resolution to adjourn to Executive Session
Ms. Elswick moved, seconded by Mr. Feagin to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of:
b. to consider the employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or
Roll call: Mr. Elswick, Yes; Mr. Feagin, Yes; Ms. Cline, Yes; Mrs. Golden, Yes; Yes; Mrs. Weber, Yes
The board went into executive session at 7:14 p.m.
22 171 Resolution to Adjourn
Ms. Cline moved, seconded by Mrs. Weber to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.
Roll call: Ms. Cline, Yes; Mrs. Weber, Yes; Mr. Elswick, Yes; Mrs. Golden, Yes
________________________ ______________________________
Renda Cline, President Tacy Courtright, Treasurer