School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Letter from the Dean
Welcome business students to academic year 2020-2021! My name is Dr. Tara Kane
and I am the newly appointed dean for the School of Business here at Madonna Uni-
versity. I am so excited to be here and have enjoyed the last few months getting accli-
mated. The energy in the School of Business is incredibly positive and I am confident
we are going to accomplish a lot together as we move forward.
A little about me- I am a proud Madonna alumna. I graduated with my Bachelor of Sci-
ence and also earned a Masters of Science in Business Administration here at
Madonna. I worked for the West Bloomfield Police Department before transitioning to
higher education, though I am still involved in curriculum development and training for
law enforcement officers. Before this appointment I served as the department chair of
the Criminal Justice program at Madonna. Finally, I completed my Ph.D. in February
2020 from Eastern Michigan University.
The School of Business has adjusted to all things COVID and we are committed more
than ever to our faculty-student relationships: which includes mentoring, coaching, ac-
ademic instruction and support of all of you. I want to take this opportunity to say thank
you to everyone for adhering to all of the safety guidelines that have been put in place.
We cannot do this alone. We must all work together! We have realized that technology
is no longer simply an option for delivery and supplementation of academic in-
struction and events, it is the new normal. Dont get me wrong- I cannot wait to
hold in-person events again on campus, but in the meantime we are proud to
say weve learned to adapt to the circumstances. It was awesome to still be
able to hold research day, honors convocation and honor society inductions
virtually this past spring. And with safety protocols still in place, we successfully
hosted our first Tuesday Business Matters event via ZOOM in November. We
are planning on hosting our Annual Business Conference in March 2021 as
well as Honors Convocation in late April 2021. More information on these
events will be coming soon.
School of Business Newsletter
2020-2021 Academic Year
December 2020
Inside this Edition
Chairs Corner ............... 4-5
Advising Corner ............. 6
Faculty and Staff ........... 7-9
Program Updates ........... 10-13
Events ............................ 14
International Programs ... 15
Honors Convocation ...... 16-26
Delta Mu Delta ……….. 27
Calendar ......................... 28
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
We are happy to announce new programs and faculty within the School of Business. Dr. John McCulloch
is new full-time faculty and the program director for accounting programs. Sport Management led by Dr.
Michele Lewis Watts and Computer Science led by Dr. Michael Johnson also joined the School of
Business in 2020. These additional programs will provide opportunities for students to obtain unique
credentials due to the various concentrations, minors and certificates in the School of Business. They are
not only appealing to prospective employers, but necessary for todays workforce. Make sure to talk to
your academic advisor about the possibilities to expand your earned credentials before graduation.
As we reflect on the Thanksgiving holiday we
recently celebrated, and the upcoming
Christmas holiday, I hope you are able to take
a moment to remember all we have to be
grateful for. I know I am grateful for Madonna
University. Attending this university changed
my life, and I have been fortunate to witness
how it has changed otherslives.
Our degrees truly change lives.
Dr. Tara Kane
Main Academic Building-Room 1220A
Ethics and Excellence
Mission: The mission of the School of Business at Madonna
University is to promote academic excellence in undergradu-
ate and graduate education. As a community of scholars, fac-
ulty and students study the foundational principles of busi-
ness. We prepare students to become knowledgeable, ethical,
professional, and articulate global workers and citizens. The
academic programs offered through the School of Business
challenge students, add a solid body of knowledge, under-
standing, and experience in various aspects of business, and
are taught in view of the global business environment.
Vision: The Madonna University School of business aspires
to be:
a leading provider of business education in the Southeast
Michigan area and beyond
Recognized internationally for preparing students to cre-
ate, manage, serve and lead organizations with Christian
humanism, ethics and integrity
Student Learning Goals:
1. Gain the disciplinary knowledge and competencies of
business, in general, and of their particular program of
2. Develop an understanding and knowledge of the global
3. Become ethical and socially responsible decision makers.
4. Acquire quantitative and qualitative tools for making
5. Communicate effectively in oral/written form.
6. Use innovation and technology in business.
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
As out-going interim dean for the School of Business it is my pleasure to provide a
brief re-cap of our accomplishments this past academic year, an introduction to our
newly appointed School of Business dean, and a warm welcome to all of you for the
2020-2021 academic year!
Highlights: We held two sessions of our popular Tuesday Business Matters. In
October 2019, Jay Johnson, CEO of COEUS Creative Group presented a session on
Your Personal Brand”, and in February 2020, Christine Sitek, General Motors
Executive Director for Global Supply Chain presented All Things that Matter in
Business.Students, faculty, alumni, and community members gave these sessions
wonderful feedback on the value of these events in developing the essential skills
needed in business today.
Transformative change: the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic, and state-wide emergency shut
down during the winter semester affected each and every one of us. Students, faculty, families, the
administration and our beloved Felician Sisters. The crisis called upon us to transform our educational
practices. In response, we quickly adapted all courses to online delivery, we stayed in touch with students
and each other through online conferencing platforms and transformed our plans for our much anticipated
Annual School of Business Honors Convocation & Delta Mu Delta Honor Society induction. We are
proud to say we were still able to honor all of our well deserving students by holding the 35
Honors Convocation virtually. Students and families were able to participate in this event online and while
certificates and plaques of recognition could not be handed out – they were creatively packaged and
mailed to students. We partnered with Delta Mu Delta International, to hold an induction of our students
and community members to the Delta Mu Delta Honor Society inductions virtually, and new members were
inducted to the Epsilon Phi Chapter of Delta Mu Delta.
In closing, it has been an honor to serve the School of Business this past academic year. Assisting
with the reorganization of the School of Business and transition of the deanship to Dr. Tara Kane has been
a true pleasure. Dr. Kane is an accomplished faculty member and administrator, she has been with
Madonna University since 2013, as both faculty and chairperson of the Criminal Justice program, later as
Interim Dean of the College of Natural and Social Sciences and most recently Associate Dean for the
School of Business. The School of Business is in very capable hands and I am certain that with Taras
leadership the 2020-2021 academic year will a great year for the School of Business!
As I return to my position as Dean of the Graduate School and Director of the Center for Research I am
grateful for the colleagueship and wonderful relationships we enjoy with all those we serve at Madonna
University, our students, alumni, benefactors and partners.
Wishing you a successful 2020-2021,
Dr. Deborah Dunn
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Chairs Corner
Undergraduate Programs
We are pleased to announce new changes in the Hospitality and Tourism major for fall 2020.
In surveying professionals, we asked what skills are needed for success in the industry, which consists of
hospitality venues such as hotels (lodging), restaurants, and transportation such as airlines, cruise ships,
amusement and entertainment resorts. It was unanimous that besides specific content in hospitality there is
a need for strong marketing skills. Based on that information and to make our program even more relevant,
we now require the Marketing minor in place of the Business Administration minor. This adds courses that
address necessary skills for success in the industry.
Our new revised requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism program prepares
students to advance their careers in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students will gain knowledge
related to service, quality management, visual merchandising, meeting and event management, hospitality
architecture and interior design, events, and tourism development in the industry.
Courses in our revised program also address topics such as globalization, diversity, and innovations in a
variety of hospitality and tourism sectors. Appealing for transfer students, most of the marketing minor
courses can be transferred from community colleges.
Our program also equips students with skills and knowledge to lead and innovate through the current
disruption, due to the virus, and the expected revival and resurgence of the hospitably industry as whole.
I hope that you will find your place here at Madonna University this academic year. I, the faculty and staff of
the School of Business are here to assist you in enjoying your college experience and achieving your
academic goals.
Best wishes for a successful and happy 2020-21 year.
Kathleen Richard, M.A.
Chair, Undergraduate Programs
Main Academic Building, Room 1220 C
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Chairs Corner
Graduate Programs
Welcome to the new academic year! It is my pleasure to welcome all our students to the 2020-2021
academic year. The past few months have been challenging due to the pandemic and current events. Many
people have experienced concern, frustration, stress, and uncertainty. Your safety and health are important
to us. Ulliance is a student assistance program that offers confidential assistance with any type of personal
concern or college-life challenge. I am sharing this information in case it may be helpful for you. The
number for Ulliance is 1-855-774-4700. Here is a link to Ulliance information: https://www.madonna.edu/
We have exciting news in the graduate division of the School of Business. We are proud to now offer a
Graduate Certificate in Operations & Global Supply Chain. This certificate is geared toward professionals
and graduate students who wish to learn more about global supply chain management. Students will learn
the key types of decisions made by operations and supply chain managers, how to solve complex
problems, how decisions are made, and the necessary tools and techniques to make informed decisions to
efficiently manage local and global supply chain organizations using IT tools. The certificate is composed of
nine credits in Operations & Global Supply Chain management
MBA students who successfully passed MGT 6220 (now SCM 6220) need only six additional credits to
complete the certificate. If you have questions about this new and exciting certificate, please email Dr.
Nermine Atteya at [email protected].
We want our students to have an exceptional experience in our graduate programs. Your advisor,
instructors, and School of Business staff are here to assist you. Faculty will offer virtual office hours to
provide an opportunity for safe, virtual face-to-face meeting time. You are invited to visit during office hours,
call, or email. If we may assist you, please let us know.
I encourage you to review your goals and commit to working diligently to achieve them. Graduate work
requires time, dedication, and effort. I think each one of our students is capable of success when they put in
the time and effort necessary to be successful in a graduate program. I wish you the best for this academic
year and encourage you to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that the School of
Business and Madonna University have to offer.
School of Business Graduate Programs and Certificates
Interested? Contact Dr. Jessica Cummings
MBA (evening, on-ground or online)
Certificates available:
Criminal Justice Leadership Certificate
Non-Profit Leadership Certificate
Quality a Management Certificate
Financial Crimes Compliance Certificate
Global Supply Chain Certificate
MS Accountancy (online)
Certificate available:
Financial Crimes Compliance Certificate
MS Business Leadership (online)
Certificates available:
Criminal Justice Leadership Certificate
Non-Profit Leadership Certificate
Quality a Management Certificate
Financial Crimes Compliance Certificate
Global Supply Chain Certificate
MS Health Services Administration
(evening, on-ground or online)
Certificates available:
Non-Profit Leadership Certificate
Quality a Management Certificate
Global Supply Chain Certificate
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Advising Corner
As many of you know, my name is Shannon Gass, and I am the Academic Advisor and Retention
Specialist for the School of Business here at Madonna University. I primarily work with our
undergraduate students and work with all of our new incoming first-year students and transfer
This past academic year was challenging in many ways and I am so proud of all our students. Our
students, faculty, and staff adapted to online learning and continued to show our community what it
means to be a Madonna University Crusader. While the year did not end as planned, we were still
able to participate in several exciting events, including our major exploration event, Major Fest, and
the Tuesday Business Matters lecture series.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with you this year and help you develop as a student
and professional. We have many exciting events planned for this year, including the fifth annual
School of Business Student Conference and the Tuesday Business Matters lecture series. Keep an
eye out for upcoming communication on all the exciting opportunities we have planned this year in
the School of Business and university.
I am available to help you to develop your schedule and connect you to various resources on
campus. The best way to connect with me is via phone at 734-432-5347 or via email at
[email protected]. If you need to register for classes, please set up an appointment. You can
set up a meeting here: https://calendly.com/shogg.
I look forward to another great year in the School of Business and at Madonna University!
Go Crusaders!
Shannon Gass, M.A.
Academic Advisor and Retention Specialist
Main Academic Building, Room 1210 A
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Faculty Introduction
Welcome to Madonna University, Dr. McCulloch!
John McCulloch is an Assistant Professor of Accounting in the School of Business. He joined the
faculty of Madonna University in 2020 to teach accounting courses at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels.
He has previously taught as a full-time faculty member at Siena Heights University and was a part-
time faculty member at Eastern Michigan University as well as University of Detroit Law School.
He earned his Juris Doctor from Detroit College of Law and his Bachelor of Accountancy from
Walsh College.
John has extensive experience in both the private and public sectors. He was managing partner of
his own public accounting firm and has served as an elected official in county government.
Because of his passion for higher education, John is a member of the Oakland Community College
board of trustees where he served as Chairman of the Board. He is also President of Michigan
Protection and Advocacy, whose mission is to advocate and protect the legal rights of people with
Johns hobbies include traveling and restoring classic automobiles.
John McCulloch, J.D., C.P.A.
Program Director- Accounting
Assistant Professor
Main Academic Building, Room 1220 D
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Clara Chen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Finance and Accounting
Ph.D. University of New Orleans
M.A. University of Wisconsin
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 I
Nermine Atteya, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Operations and Supply Chain
Ph.D. Cairo University/Case
Reserve University
M.A. American University in Cairo
B.A. Cairo University
734-432-5366 Main Academic
Building, Room 1220 E
Faculty & Staff
John McCulloch, CPA, J.D.
Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance
J.D. Detroit College of Law
B.B.A. Walsh College
Certified Public Accountant
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 D
Matilda Isaac-Mustapha, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Systems, Management
and Marketing
Ph.D. Eastern Michigan University
M.S.B.A. Madonna University
B.S. University of Windsor
Main Academic Building, Room
1210 B
Jessica Cummings, J.D.
Assistant Professor, Business Law
Graduate Chair
J.D. Michigan State University
B.A. Kalamazoo College
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 F
Michael Johnson, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science
Ph.D. Wayne State University
M.S. Michigan State University
B.S. University of California, San Diego
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 H
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Faculty & Staff
Frank Notturno, M.B.A.
Associate Professor, Management and Marketing
M.B.A Fairleigh Dickinson
B.B.A. The Pennsylvania State
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 G
Kathleen Richard, M.A.
Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism
Chair, Undergraduate Programs
Director, Hospitality and Tourism
M.A. Central Michigan University
B.S. Michigan State University
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 C
Shannon Gass, M.A.
Academic Advisor and Retention Specialist
M.A. Madonna University
B.S. Wayne State University
Main Academic Building, Room
1210 A
Lindsay Rucinski, M.B.A.
Director of Curriculum, Program
Assessment and Accreditation
M.B.A. Madonna University
B.S. Madonna University
Main Academic Building, Room
1220 B
Faculty continued
Annamarie LaCasse
Senior Coordinator
B.S. Eastern Michigan University
Main Academic Building, Room 1210
Michele Lewis-Watts
Ph.D. Wayne State University
M.S.A. Ohio University
B.S. North Carolina A&T State
Main Academic Building, Room 1222
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Program Updates
Supply Chain and the Future of Good Jobs in America
"This pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of keeping vital supply chains"
-President Trump April 21, 2020
A problem in the supply chain across the country
-Governor Whitmer June 11, 2020.
Managing Operations and supply chains, the focus of every executive, is at the top of the corporate
and political agendas (Harvard Business Review).
Why choosing a career in Supply Chain?
Operations and Supply Chain Management is an exciting and vital field in todays complex business
world. Students in both MBA and undergraduate courses have an urgent need to understand
operations and Supply Chain- an essential function in every Business.
The Supply Chain industry is:
- a $ 1.3 trillion industry (7.5% of GDP).
-contains 37% of all jobs,
-employs 44 million people
-represents the industries that sell to businesses and the government (B2B),
-source of so many high-paying jobs
-accounts for the innovative activity in the economy
- offers 5 times jobs for STEM majors
- encompasses patenting
-have downstream linkages to multiple industries to diffuse innovation across US economy
-improves bottom-line profitability through streamlining activities
- creates a competitive advantage
Interested in preparing for a career in Operations and Supply Chain
Management? Please contact Dr. Nermine Atteya.
Nermine Atteya, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Main Academic Building, Room 1220 E
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
School of Business to offer new concentration in Fall 2020
The goal of the Finance concentration is to prepare our undergraduate students to be finance
professionals in the future. Students in Finance concentration are expected to demonstrate an
understanding of finance theories, financial institutions, investments, financial planning, financial
statement analysis, and applied techniques. Graduates are expected to abide by ethical norms,
show knowledge of academic theories and professional practices, and understand the dynamics
of global markets. Graduates will be able to apply problem-solving and decision making skills in
real business situations.
Job outlook:
Finance-sector jobs pay much higher than the median salary in business sectors, even at the
entry level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that finance-sector jobs will increase by
11% by the year 2026, higher than the average occupation. There are three routes in finance:
Corporate Finance:
Financial analysts research on economic conditions, industry trends, and company
fundamentals. They also often recommend a course of action on investments and cost
reduction to improve financial performance.
Students with minor in Accounting will be a plus.
An analyst is usually the entry-level position in an investment bank, hedge fund, or venture
capital firm. The most common duties include producing deal-related materials, conducting
industry research, analyzing corporate performance, and collecting materials for due
diligence. Interpreting financial data often play a important role in determining certain
activities or deals are feasible.
Financial Planner:
Personal financial advisors evaluate the monetary needs of individuals and help them with
decisions on investing, budgeting, and savings. Advisors help clients strategize for short-
and long-term financial goals, from tax planning to retirement planning to estate planning.
The School of Business also encourages students to have a minor to enhance professional
knowledge. If you are interested in having a minor in finance, please dont be hesitate to
contact Dr. Clara Chen.
Clara Chen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Finance and Accounting
Main Academic Building, Room 1220 I
Program Updates
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Program Updates
Prepare for the technologies of the future with a foundation in software
development and web design
In the world as we now know it today, having technology skills has never been more important.
But, have you ever considered taking it to another level by having those technology skills be an
integral part of your professional career. Because that is exactly what a Computer Science
degree can offer you. In fact, as multiple Madonna alumni can attest, even just earning a
Computer Science minor can provide significant academic and career opportunities that would not
otherwise be available.
So are you wondering what a Computer Scientist does? Well first of all, there really is more than
one answer. Computer scientists develop the systems that run computers, from the small ones in
your pocket to the large ones on space shuttles and Mars rovers. A wide array of areas utilize
computer scientists such as the entertainment industry, engineering, government, medicine,
manufacturing, science, space exploration, education, communication, and biotechnology. From
its theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in robotics, computer
vision, intelligent systems, bioinformatics and other exciting areas, a comprehensive foundation in
computer science allows graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas. But if asked for
a single answer to the above question, the best answer would have to be: Computer scientists
solve complex problems in order to make the world a better place.
The Computer Science program at Madonna University combines hands-on learning with
programming languages and software that are current in the field today together with a sound
basis in theory. Students have several opportunities throughout the program curriculum to work,
individually and cooperatively, on projects designed to foster an understanding of basic
foundational principles. All Computer Science students obtain real-world experience through a
required internship course. By complementing technical courses with a solid liberal arts
education, a Madonna Computer Science student obtains not only the solid technical skills but
also the strong interpersonal, writing, and presentation skills that are a necessity in the business
world today. Alumni of the Computer Science program have successfully pursued graduate
degrees and most graduates have found sustainable employment including some who have jobs
at highly regarded technology companies such as Google and Microsoft.
As the Computer Science program transitions to the School of Business and will be able to
incorporate some new opportunities, Madonna students can look forward several exciting changes
to the curriculum and course delivery which will include streaming of in-class lectures and other
remote learning options. I look forward to meeting many new students in the School of Business
and welcome you to reach out to me even if you just want to introduce
yourself and ask my opinion about whether you should learn to code or not.
God bless,
Michael Johnson, Ph.D.
Professor - Computer Science
(734) 432-5527
Main Academic Building, Room 1220 H
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Program Updates
Sport Management joins School of Business for an exciting future!
In January, the Sport Management department was movedfrom the College of Education to the
School of Business as part of a campus-wide academic restructuring. This change has and will
continue to provide new opportunities for students. For the 2019-2020 academic year, four sport
management students won awards from the School of Business: Brett Hebel for Leadership and
High Achievement, Mikaela Hille for High Achievement, Kody Carlson for Rising Star and High
Achievement, and Tim Forkin for Rising Star. Congratulations to all! We look forward to
celebrating more students in the future.
Students will also benefit from a new instructor in Sport Management. Mark S. Lee, who teaches
in the Schools Management and Marketing department, is the new instructor for SM 3300 Sport
Marketing. Mr. Lee is President & CEO, The LEE Group, an independent integrated marketing
consulting firm focused on providing marketing, branding and communication solutions to clients.
He is excited to share his knowledge and experiences in sports with students this fall.
The Coronavirus pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to not only the sports
industry, but also fitness and recreation, event management, and numerous ancillary businesses
and products. Further, the Black Lives Matter movement and subsequent conversations and
actions have impacted the reopening of several sports and is changing the expectations of
students and athletes. The faculty is committed to preparing students for the rigors of
management and building the skills necessary for these dynamic times. Strategic planning and
social justice, operations and opportunities, planning and participation, are topics that students can
expect to fully explore to help them become great future sport managers.
Interested? Contact Dr. Michele Lewis-Watts!
Michele Lewis-Watts, Ph.D.
Main Academic Building, Room 1222
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Tuesday Business Matters
Tuesday Business Matters has become a traditional event that many of our business students look
forward to every year. The 2019-2020 lecture series was a hit with students and guest from the
community. In November of 2019, we had the privilege of having Jay Johnson, CEO at Coeus
Creative Group. Jay talked about his passion of being an entrepreneur and the obstacles and the
successes he has faced in his career. His delivery style was engaging and fun and students were
able to learn from Jay on how to use skills to build stronger relationships, enhance influence, and
lead effectively. Students even quoted: Jay was very interesting and I learned a lot. I think he
spoke on behalf of what it takes to be in business.” “This is a great experience because it was very
personal and real world.” “I absolutely loved this speaker. He was very knowledgeable and current
in todays society.This is exactly what I wanted to learn about. I feel like I connected with a lot of
his stories.
In February, we had the honor of having Christine Sitek, who is the Executive Director of Global
Purchasing and Supply Chain at GM. Christine talked to students about her career journey and
what obstacles she faced to get to where she is today. She gave students great advice about how
important it is to widen your network with trusted advisors along with, owning your career and to
seize opportunities that come their way. She also stressed on how important it is to be self-aware
and to project confidence authentically. Students were also able to gain more insight in the fast-
growing field of supply chain, which is a new concentration in the School of Business.
We look forward to bringing new and exciting speakers to campus for the 2020-2021 academic
year. Stay tuned for upcoming dates!
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Haitian Education Leadership Program
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud to say we successfully admitted our 10th cohort to our
Haiti program. We will continue to support and serve our students while they embark on their journey
with Madonna University.
Madonna University began teaching the Business Administration and Leadership program to Haitian
students in August of 2011. This program is a degree-completion program taught online by faculty from
Madonna Universitys main campus.
We hope to have our Haitian students back on the main campus for a graduation ceremony soon.
International Business Programs
Dubai, UAE
Since 2003, the School of Business has worked with the World of Knowledge Management
Development Centre in Dubai, UAE. The International Business and Economics undergraduate program
and the Accountancy undergraduate program are both degree-completion programs taught online by
faculty from Madonna Universitys main campus. In 2004, program offerings expanded to include a fully
online MBA program.
While we were unable to congratulate our 2019-2020 graduates in person, we hope to soon!
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
The 35th Annual School of Business
Honors Convocation
On May 6, 2020, Madonna Universitys School of Business held its 35th Annual Honors
Convocation, an award ceremony in recognition of student academic achievement in
graduate and undergraduate programs. Graduate students were recognized for having
achieved a grade point average of 3.75 or higher with completion of 2/3 of their major
requirements. Undergraduate students were recognized for having achieved a grade point
average of 3.5 or higher with completion of 90 semester hours of their major requirements.
Special recognition was given to students who were nominated and awarded for the:
School of Business Leadership Award
Outstanding Service Award
Michael F. McManus Jr. Award for Leadership and Scholarship
Business Administration and Leadership Award
Rising Star Awards
Meta and Bernard Landuyt Award
New members were inducted into the Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society and the
2019-2020 graduating class was recognized and honored.
Congratulations to our Graduates!
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Graduate Programs
High Achievement Awards
Our graduate students in each business degree program who achieved a 3.75 GPA or
better and also completed at least 2/3 of their semester hours in their program were honored
with the High Achievement Award.
Nadeem Abdul-Rashid
Suhad Abou-Rjaly
Mohamed Akhdar
Mohammed Fiyaz Al
Anza Alexander
James Bazylewicz
Marlon Brezinsky
Cheryl D’Costa
Erin Freshwater
Nancy Griwicki
Walid Jaward
Edith Keyserling
Richard Miller
Nga Nguyen
Jennifer Patterson
Thomas Root
Vibhooti Satya
Karamjit Singh
Haiti Program
Dubai Program
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Undergraduate Programs
Highest Achievement Awards
Our undergraduate students in each business degree program who achieved a 3.75 GPA or
better and also completed at least 90 semester hours, 30 semester hours at Madonna
University, 15 semester hours within the past three semesters, and 25 semester hours in
their major, were honored with the Highest Achievement Award.
McKenzie Barrett
Emily Biddix
Stephanie Constantin
Donald Duliepre
Sebastienne Durand
Annie Christine Emilcar
Christiane Eugene
Mehak Khan
Marie Elizabeth Latontant
Alaina Martoia
Ghessica Meleance
Cristina Moraccini
Danyelle Osko
Sarah Puckett
Noah Renaud
Nedjie Sinvil
Joseph Smith
Stela Thana
Haiti Program
Dubai Program
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Our undergraduate students in each business degree program who achieved a 3.5 GPA or
better and also completed a minimum of 30 semester hours at Madonna University and 15
semester hours within their major.
Sean Ardinger
Jean Jaspin Barreau
James Brown
Hannah Brown
Kody Carlson
Madeleine Caswell
Lauren Chaney
Paige Clauss
Troy Donahue
Alex Garbacik
Brett Hebel
Mikaela Hille
Sarah Jaworski
Elisabeth Jean
Aaron Johnson
Matthew Knapp
Joseph Krakowiak
Andre LaineH
Christine Lalanne
Timothy Leighton
Brittney Leist
Kassidy Lipinski
Ryan Lynch
Sandra Manoj
Austin Martin
Madison Maurier
Zakary Merchant
Joseph Mercier
Reginald Merisier
Melissa Junie Milord
Leanne Palmer
Abigail Powell
Joshua Reynolds
Carine RobertH
Baylee Ross
Jessica Ruesch
Joseph Sanchez
Kadison Sayer
Chris Scaria
Ashley Schou
Gabriella Scopone
Cindy Senatus
Aakash Singh
Sabrina TenBroeck
Jacob Tremonti
Akhil Usman
Teffy Varkey
Nicolette Vultaggio
Shae Walters
Halee Warren
Kenneth Westrick
Charles Zuccarini
Haiti Program
Dubai Program
Undergraduate Programs
High Achievement Awards
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
School of Business Leadership Award
Outstanding Service Award
The School of Business Leadership Award was presented to Brett
Hebel. Brett is an incredibly active member of Madonnas campus
community. He is a member of the mens bowling team, Mosaic
Leadership Academic, Sports Management Society, and is actively
involved on the Madonna University Sports Media Team.
His leadership roles include Vice President/President of the Sports
Management Society and Commissioner of the Intramural Basketball
League. During his time at Madonna, Brett has brought innovation
and creativity to the campus. He spearheaded the creation of the first
annual staff vs student basketball game, the Cruzonestudent section,
and created his own blog called for Madonnas athletics program. Brett
has also interned with the Madonna University Athletics Department
and Victory Honda AAA Hockey.
The Outstanding Service Award was presented to Cristina Moraccini. During
her time here at Madonna she has embodied our Franciscan values and the
mission of Madonna University.
Cristina has served as a Student Ambassador for Madonna and previously
worked as a Senior Resident Assistant on campus. She is an active member in
the Love your Melon student group, National Society of Collegiate Scholars,
Future Business Leaders club and National Society of Leadership and Success.
She also served as the captain of the 2019 Womens Soccer team.
Cristina has participated in several service projects while at Madonna, including
volunteer work with Cuddle Away Cancer, the Jared Project Box,
and the Felician sponsored Montessori School.
Brett Hebel
Cristina Moraccini
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Every year, the Business Administration and
Leadership Award is presented to the top student in
the Haitian Education Leadership Program (H.E.L.P.).
This year, Annie Christine Emilcar was awarded this
Born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Annie is a
wife and a mother. She attended Institution La
Source for her primary and secondary education,
then joined Christ the King Secretarial School where
she spent three years and obtained her degree in
Bilingual Secretariat in order to quickly integrate into
the workforce.
Three years ago, Annie started an exciting journey
when she was selected to join the Haiti Education
Leadership Program at the Madonna University.
Although the path has been very challenging, it has
been very enriching and rewarding to her.
Completing this program will give her the opportunity
to pursue her graduate studies in Industrial
Organizational Psychology. Congratulations Annie!
Business Administration and Leadership Award
Annie Christine Emilcar
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Rising Star Awards
Tim is one of our top students in the Accounting program. He
is an excellent student and has been on the deans list since
he started at Madonna. This past semester, Tim worked as
tax return intern at Datamatics and was recently nominated to
be inducted in the Delta Mu Delta honor society. After
graduation, he hopes to complete his Masters of Accountancy
degree at Madonna and become a CPA.
Honors Convocation
Joseph is an incredibly hardworking student and excels in and
out of the classroom. Joseph works in our Undergraduate
Admissions Office as a Student Ambassador where he meets
with prospective students/families and represents the School
of Business at various recruiting events on
campus. Additionally, Joseph is a member of Madonnas
Sports Media team where he provides media coverage for a
variety of Madonnas athletics programs. We are very excited
to see what Joseph accomplishes in his final year at
Joseph Sanchez
Timothy Leighton
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Rising Star Awards
Matthew is currently a junior and pursuing a concentration
Supply Chain Management. He has been a member of
Madonnas chapter of the National Society of Collegiate
Scholars for the past two years and have been on the Dean's
list every semester of his collegiate career. Currently, he is a
member of the Bowling Team and works as a grounds
assistant for the facilities department on campus. Matthew is
also a game day assistant for the Athletics department.
Matthew is a diligent and hardworking student in the
classroom and is a leader on campus.
Honors Convocation
Madison is a junior and pursuing a concentration in Human
Resource Management. Madison served as a Peer Mentor in
the Office of First Year Experience and is also a member of
the golf team. She is currently completing an internship with a
company called Intersport, which is an independent media
and marketing firm; additionally, she is the Volunteer and
Charity Programs Management intern for the Rocket
Mortgage Classic, which is the PGA tournament hosted in
Madison is interested in pursuing a future career in event
planning, nonprofit organizations, and the golf industry, so her
internship experiences have set her up for future success. We
are excited to see what she accomplishes in her senior year
and beyond.
Madison Maurier
Matthew Knapp
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Rising Star Awards
Kelly Berger is a dual enrolled student at both Macomb
Community College and Madonna University where she is
currently working on a Bachelor of Science degree in
Hospitality and Tourism Management.
She is expected to graduate after this upcoming Fall
Semester and through her studies, she has become
passionate about the events industry and hopes to
develop a career in this sector upon her graduation.
Honors Convocation
He currently works as a liason to Fiat Chrysler Automotive
through his employer, Sedgwick. In this position, he holds
multiple meetings per week with UAW representatives, the
Safety and Ergonomics team, medical staff, and HR and
Labor Management teams.
Outside of work and school, he enjoys playing boardgames
and has hosted a boardgame club at his local library once a
month for families and the public for the last 7 years. In
addition to that, he has hosted drive-in movie events for
neighborhoods, restaurants, and schools for fundraising
opportunities. His goal for the future is to use the knowledge
he gains from his HTM degree and apply it towards planning
future events in his community.
Anthony Cholag
Kelly Berger
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Rising Star Awards
Timothy is currently a junior and a great addition to the
Sport Management program. Timothy has served as a
student assistant for the Mens Varsity Basketball team.
Additionally, he created his own YouTube channel with
over 7,000 subscribers, contributes to two different sports
blogs, and runs his own small business in which he
creates videos and graphics for other small businesses.
Timothy is a passionate and driven student and we are so
excited to present him this award.
Honors Convocation
Kody is definitely a rising star in the sports industry. He
entered college already having experience in the sports world
and has continued to gain experience while also excelling in
his academics.
In addition to working at professional and youth sports
organizations, he has also assisted Madonna Athletics' Sports
Information Director with a variety of assignments as a
student. Generously, he also assisted other students in
connecting with professionals for opportunities. His eagerness
and work ethic will aid him in succeeding in a competitive
Kody Carlson
Timothy Forkin
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Emily Biddix
The Meta and Bernard Landuyt Award
The Meta and Bernard Landuyt Award, the highest honor in the School of Business, was awarded
to Emily Biddix.
The award recognizes a student who has not only excelled academically but has also
demonstrated exceptional professional growth, leadership abilities, school, university and
community involvement, personal integrity and strength of character.
During Emilys time at Madonna, she has maintained a 4.0 GPA while serving on
and leading multiple School and University committees and activities. Emily has been active
member and leader in the School of Business. She currently serves as the President of the Future
Business Leaders Club and Delta Mu Delta Honors Society. She also volunteers at the Genesis
Community center, which provides support for individuals struggling with addiction, crime, and
societal isolation. Through her volunteer efforts, this student has provided meals, emotional
support, and collection of personal care items for the individuals living in this community.
Additionally, she has been a volunteer at Renew Therapeutic Riding Center where she volunteers
her time working with adults and children with disabilities and leads therapeutic riding
sessions. Professionally, Emily has interned at Pfeffer, Hanniford, and Palk, CPA firm. She also
completed a summer internship at Deloitte & Associates in Paris, France, where she was able to
experience immense personal and professional growth and was able to gain a global perspective
of accounting and business.
We believe this student exemplifies the values and mission of Madonna University.
Honors Convocation
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
Eighteen members were inducted into the Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society
during the Honors Convocation on May 6, 2020. Delta Mu Delta honors outstanding
business students by inviting them to be members of the Epsilon Gamma Chapter. Delta
Mu Delta members represent the top 10 percent of their class, and have been nominated
by faculty. Additionally, Dr. Dunn was also inducted as an honorary member.
Leanne Palmer
Jennifer Patterson
Noah Renaud
Jessica Ruesch
Kadison Sayer
Ashley Schou
Karamjit Singh
Joseph Smith
Halee Warren
Delta Mu Delta
Marlon Brezinsky
Erin Freshwater
Edith Keyserling
Matthew Knapp
Michael Kolodin
Timothy Leighton
Austin Martin
Cristina Moraccini
Danyelle Osko
School of Business Communicator, December 2020
In-person/open registration for the Summer 2021
semester is now available!
Fall 2020 Semester Ends: December 19, 2020
Final Withdrawal from fall semester courses: Dec. 18, 2020
Winter 2021 Semester: Jan. 18, 2021 to May 8, 2021
Final Withdrawal from winter semester courses: April 9, 2021
Summer 2021 Semester: May 17, 2021 to Aug. 21, 2021
Final Withdrawal from fall semester courses: Summer: July 30, 2021
File by Sept. 30, 2020 for May 2021 graduation
File by Jan. 31, 2021 for July 2021 graduation
March 23, 2021
Student Conference 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
School of Business Staff
Director of Curriculum,
Program Assessment
& Accreditation
Lindsay Rucinski
Room 1220B
Academic Advisor
& Retention Specialist
Shannon Gass
Room 1210A
Senior Coordinator
Annamarie LaCasse
Room 1210
Current Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Tara Kane
School of Business
Kathleen Richard
Business Programs
Jessica Cummings
Chairperson, Graduate
Business Programs
School of Business
Main Academic Building
36600 Schoolcraft Rd.
Livonia, MI. 48150 – 1173
Phone: 734-432-5354
Dr. Michael A. Grandillo
Dr. Jim O'Neill
Provost/Vice President
Academic Administration