Pre-Medical Curricular 2024-2025
Planning Guide
Office of Prehealth Studies
Baylor Sciences Building, B.111
[email protected] Updated April 11, 2024
This guide offers a recommended course sequence for students preparing for medical school. The courses listed indicate only the MINIMUM
requirements for most medical schools in the U.S. and is not designed for any specific major. Students who plan to apply for medical school bear
the ultimate responsibility of determining specific coursework required for their application and must fulfill the requirements for their degree and major
in order to graduate.
Each medical school determines its own course requirements for admission. While there is significant similarity among the medical schools,
differences do occur. Students should refer to the respective medical school’s website for the official and most current requirements.
BIO 1305 & 1105-Modern Concepts of Bioscience & Lab or BIO 1405
BIO 1306 & 1106-Modern Concepts of Bioscience & Lab or BIO 1406
CHE 1301 & 1101-Basic Principles of Modern Chem I & Lab
CHE 1302 & 1102-Basic Principles of Modern Chem II & Lab
MTH 1321-Calculus I
Statistics: 3 semester hours
PHP 1105-Foundations of Medicine (any semester)
ENG: 6 semester hours (Two 3-hour ENG courses) (any semesters)
Students must receive credit for PHP 1105 (Foundations of Medicine) to participate in the Prehealth Committee process. Pre-Med students are strongly encouraged to take PHP 1105
during their Freshman year. PHP 1105 is a New Student Experience course each Fall semester, intended for entering Freshmen.
STA 1380, 2381, 3381, 4372, 4382, 4385, 4386, PSY 2402, 4400 are accepted by Texas Medical Schools. Students should confirm the appropriate Statistics course with their academic
advisor, as some majors require a specific course.
Most medical schools require 6 semester hours of English. GTX 2301 & 2302, and PWR 3300 will count toward this requirement.
BIO 2306-Genetics or other advanced BIO
BIO-Advanced-level BIO
CHE 3331-Organic Chemistry I
CHE 3332 & 3238-Organic Chemistry II & Lab
PSY 1305 (any semester)
SOC 1305 (any semester)
Suggested Advanced Level BIO courses include, but are not limited to: BIO 3322 (Human Physiology), BIO 3122 (Human Physiology Lab), BIO 3330 (Medical Genetics), BIO 3342
(Molecular Cell Biology), BIO 4302 (General Microbiology), BIO 4102 (General Microbiology Lab), BIO 4306 (Molecular Genetics & Genomics), BIO 4106 (Molecular Genetics & Genomics
Lab), BIO 4320 (Pathophysiology), BIO 4354 (Neglected Tropical Diseases), BIO 4426 (Vertebrate Histology), BIO 4432 (General Human Anatomy)
PSY 1305 (Psychological Science) and SOC 1305 (Intro to Sociology) are recommended as preparation for the MCAT.
CHE 4341-General Biochemistry
PHY 1408-General Physics for Natural & Behavioral Physics I
-or- 1420 General Physics I
Complete Degree Requirements
Complete Degree Requirements & Graduate
Note: Adjustments can be made to the Premedical course sequence, but students are encouraged to discuss such adjustments with the appropriate advisor ahead of time
Important Websites:
Pre-Medical Curricular 2024-2025
Planning Guide
Office of Prehealth Studies
Baylor Sciences Building, B.111
[email protected] Updated April 11, 2024
Additional Information for Pre-Medical students:
Choosing a major: Medical schools do not prefer/require any specific major. Students should choose a major that
interests them, and in which they can earn strong grades. There is no “best” major or minor.
Grades: Most medical schools require a grade of C or higher in all prerequisite coursework. The TCU Burnett School of
Medicine requires a grade of B- or higher in all prerequisite courses.
AP Credit: Not all medical schools accept AP credit for prerequisite courses. Students should work with their academic
advisor to determine their best options for their degree and major.
Pass/Fail Credit: Most medical schools do not accept Pass/Fail grades for prerequisite courses. Some exceptions were
made for courses completed in Spring 2020 through Fall 2021, which varies by school.
Online Coursework: Some medical schools accept credit for online prerequisite courses, while others do not. Students
are encouraged to take all their Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses in-person at Baylor University.
Science coursework: All coursework should count toward a degree in a science major. Courses for allied health
professions or Business students, such as BIO 2401 & BIO 2402, HP 1420 or MTH 1309, do not fulfil the requirements
for medical school admission.
Courses offered through the Office of Prehealth Studies: The Office of Prehealth studies offers several courses
beneficial to student preparation for medical school:
PHP 1105: Foundations of Medicine Required for all Pre-Med students for participation in the Prehealth
Committee process prior to medical school application. Strongly recommended to take as a New Student
Experience course in Fall of Freshman year.
PHP 1106: Introduction to the Health Professions Any student interested in a health professions career is
welcome to take this course in any semester, though it is a New Student Experience course each Fall. Pre-Med
students considering switching to a different area of Prehealth are encouraged to take this course to learn more
about other professions.
PHP 2105: Prehealth Professional Development Sophomore-level course focusing on professionalism within
healthcare including appropriate personal attributes and expectations, integrity, interpersonal communication, and
self-appraisal. Credit for PHP 1105 or PHP 1106 required.
STL 1102: Prehealth First Generation Success Specifically for first-generation college students, recommended
during Freshman year. Priority will be given to Hallie Earle Scholars.
MCAT: Medical College Admission Test, required for medical school admission.
Pre-Med qualification: Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA to remain designated as Pre-Med at Baylor.
Podcast: We recommend checking out our Prehealth Particulars podcast on our website at or on
Apple Podcasts.