Annual Report 2022-23
Dear Friends, Donors, and Champions of Hillsborough Community College,
Happy New Year! I am both honored and delighted to address you in my
new role as Executive Director of the Hillsborough Community College
Foundation. Special recognition and gratitude are due to the former
leadership of Executive Director Steve Shear* and Director of Development
Lee Lowry*, as they were so effective bringing in philanthropic support to
the college. As I assume this role, I extend my heartfelt greetings to our
dedicated community of donors, partners, faculty, staff, and students.
It is with immense enthusiasm and a profound sense of responsibility
that I embrace this opportunity to lead our Foundation, an organization
deeply committed to nurturing educational excellence and supporting
the aspirations of our diverse student body. The Hillsborough Community
College Foundation has a rich history of making education accessible and
transformative, and I am excited to continue this legacy alongside each of you.
While I am relatively new to this role, I have had the privilege of witnessing
the outstanding work of the Foundation and the college itself. I have seen
the tremendous impact that our collective efforts have on the lives of
our students and, by extension, the entire community. Your dedication,
generosity, and unwavering support have paved the way for countless
success stories, and I am committed to building upon that foundation.
In the coming year, we will strive for innovation, collaboration, and a shared
vision for the future. We will focus on expanding our scholarship programs,
strengthening partnerships with local businesses, and enhancing the
resources available to our students, faculty and staff.
As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to join us in our mission
to empower the next generation of leaders, professionals, and change-
makers. Your involvement and support are critical to our success, and I am
excited to work closely with each of you to make a meaningful difference in
the lives of our students and our community.
I look forward to getting to know you, hearing your ideas, and working
together to ensure the continued success and growth of the Hillsborough
Community College Foundation. The potential we hold within our grasp is
limitless, and I am eager to explore the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
Please review the annual report for last year and let us know if you have
further questions or need more detailed information. Thank you for
your unwavering commitment to the Hillsborough Community College
Foundation, and I am excited to embark on this coming year’s remarkable
journey with you.
With gratitude,
L. Garrett Weddle
Executive Director
* retired
HCC Foundation 2022 – 2023
Board of Directors
Chair, Eric W. Bailey
Vice Chair, Darlene Johnson
Treasurer, Christopher H. Taylor
Development Chair, Marcel Blythe
Governance Chair, Darlene Johnson
Trustees’ Liaison, Aakash Patel
President’s Liaison, Jennifer China, Ph.D.
Faculty Liaison, Christina Acosta
Executive Director, Stephen C. Shear
HCC Foundation Staff
Stephen C. Shear, Retired, Executive Director
Lee Lowry, Retired, Director of Development
Denise Godfrey, Development Officer
Shameka Conwell, Scholarship Manager and
Development Associate
Daniel Antlitz, Finance Manager
Alayna Gude, Database Analyst
Cristina Rattes, Executive Staff Assistant
Anthony Anselmo
Natali Archibee
Louise Ellrod
Nadine Fahim
Brett Fay
Robert Fields
Laura Gagnon
Scott Goldbach
Charles Holloman
Qualenta Kivett
Stephen M. Koontz
Phil Minden
Bruce Napier
Linda Neverson
Kathryn Pankow
David Reno
Ann Sells Miller
Ryan Sladek
Karl Strauch
Georgia Vahue
Marchner Family EndowedScholarship
In the spirit of gratitude for their Plant City roots,
siblings TomMarchnerand Margaret 'Peggy'
Marchner Martin have bestowed a gift of $235,000,
establishing the Marchner Family Endowed
Scholarship at HCC. Their philanthropy, a testament
to the profound impact of higher education, aims
to open doors for aspiring students from the
community that means so much to them.
This scholarship, a beacon of opportunity, was
created with a specific vision — to empower a Plant
City student to pursue excellence at HCC-Plant
City. The criteriaincludeenrollment in an AA/AS
or workforce certification program or in the BSN
Program and maintaining a GPA of 2.5 or higher. 
The siblings, products of Plant City who successfully
graduated from Florida State System universities,
understand the transformative power of education.
Their gift is fueled by a deep-rooted desire to
assist students who share their hometown and
comprehend the life-altering potential of education.
'We want to empower students from ourhometown,
instilling in them the significance of education as a
catalyst for life improvement. A scholarship serves as
a beaconenabling them to navigate their academic
journey without financial burden. In doing so, we
hope to help change the trajectory of the recipients’
lives and leave an enduring mark on the educational
landscape of Plant City, a place thatwe hold dear
inour hearts.'"
Tom Marchner and Margaret “Peggy” Marchner
NewLeadership Level Gift:
Dr. Martha Kaye Koehler
This past year,HCC lostone of its
mostbelovedemployees, General Counsel
Martha Kaye Koehler.Dr. Koehler joinedthe
Collegein 1985after graduating fromStetson Law
School.MK as she was known, provided steady,
thoughtfulleadership to 5 HCC presidentsandtheir
workon behalf of theCollege and itsstudents,
includedthe development ofcountless contracts,
policies and proceduresthat affected theday-
to-dayoperations,in addition to helpingthe
College successfully navigate the development
ofnewcampuses, and programs inpursuit of
our strategicpriorities.MK wasdedicatedto
serving HCC with professionalism, fairness and
integrityand her work hasandwillcontinue
toimpactthis community for generations.
Martha Kaye’s family, friends and the college
communitycreatedthe Martha Kaye Koehler
Memorial Scholarshipto honor her lifeandprovide
financialassistanceto thedeservingstudentsand
programsthat she devoted her entire
career serving. Herlegacy at HCCalsolives
onthroughher daughter Ryannwhojoined the
HCC family in the Marketing and Public Relations
Department this past year. 
“Care about how decisions impact others while
making sure you always believe in yourself.
Martha Kaye Koehler, HCC General Counsel
Pradip Patel First Generation Matching Scholarship Fund
One of HCC’s most generous donors, Pradip, “P.C.” Patel continued
his history of giving with another significant gift to the Hillsborough
Community College. Reflecting an appreciation of the transformative
power a college education can have for students, their families, and
the community, P.C. has provided HCC with a gift of $425,000 that
will go towards first-generation scholarships. This latest gift will bring
his giving total to the College to nearly $1M. 
With the establishment of the Pradip Patel First Generation Matching
Scholarship Fund, each $1 given by the Patel family will be matched
with $2 by the State of Florida's First-Generation Matching Grant
Program, tripling the impact of these scholarship dollars. The gift
pledged as $85,000 each year for the next five years, also ensures
that HCC will be able to meet the matching requirements of the state
program for the next five years. 
LINE Grant
To incentivizecollaboration between nursing
programs and healthcare partners to meet
local, regional,and state workforce demands,
The Florida Legislature funded the Linking
Industry toNursing Education (LINE) Fund
during their 2022 session. Designed as
a statewidecompetitive grant program,
Hillsborough Community College was
selected as a grant recipient which provided
the Collegewith an opportunity to match
the grant with donations from our healthcare
partners on a dollar-for-dollar basis. 
Through the generosity of HCA, Tampa
General Hospital, Florida Blue, and
AdventHealth, HCC received over $325,000
in support of our goal to meet the increased
demand for bedside nurses post-pandemic
in West Florida.HCC was able to award
over $130,000 in scholarships to nursing
students and purchase $100,000 of new
equipment including manikins, task
trainers, auscultation manikins, IV pumps, IV
Poles, and new hospital beds for our Plant
City and SouthShore nursing programs.
Thegrant will also enable theCollege
to enhancetherecruitment of new
nursing students and expand placement
opportunities both during and after nursing
“Now, more than ever, we need to recruit
and train highly qualified nurses to meet
the growing demands of our community,
said Dr. Leif Penrose, HCC’s Dean of Health
Sciences. “With this investment from the
Florida Legislature and our healthcare
partners,HCC was able to develop a multi-
faceted approach to expand enrollment,
improve retention, and increase successful
passage of the NCLEX-RN to helpmeet this
critical workforce shortage.
“Receiving this scholarship has not only eased my financial burden but has also
encouraged me to pursue my dreams in digital marketing. Your generosity and support
has given me more confidence to believe that I am going in the right direction and that
good things come if I work hard and remain focused on my goals.
Sanaa Johnson, Recipient of the Elizabeth Smith Endowment Scholarship
Legacy Society Donors
Kenneth H. Atwater, Ph.D.
Eric W. Bailey
Lydia R. Daniel, Ph.D.
Anthony Fernandez*
George Duga Irrevocable Trust*
Walter Ellis
Donald H. Gilbart*
Douglas Gwynn, Ph.D.
Kathleen B. King
Catherine P. McEwen, J.D.
Rebecca Nagy, Ph.D.
and Paul D. Nagy, Ph.D.
Lucila Ramiro, M.D.
Stephen C. Shear
Lillie M. Sturkes
* Denotes deceased
The Foundation created The 1968 Legacy Society to
commemorate the year of the College’s founding. The
Society is comprised of those who share our vision of
serving the ever-evolving educational needs of our
students and who make a commitment to that vision by
making a planned gift.
Should you choose to include HCC in your estate plans, we
would be honored to know of your intentions so we can
acknowledge you as a member of The Society. Members
will be recognized in our publications and on our website,
and will receive a lapel pin to identify them, as well as
being invited to an annual special thank-you event.
Bequests from a will or trust are the most common
way to leave a planned gift to the HCC Foundation.
Some people set aside a certain dollar amount. Others
leave a percentage of the estate or assets left over
after providing for their family. Others have made the
Foundation the beneficiary of 401K/IRA plans or life
insurance policies, or have established a Charitable Gift
Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust. All qualify a
person, a couple, or a family for membership in The 1968
Legacy Society.
To learn more, contact the HCC Foundation at
813.253.7165 or foundation@hccfl.edu, or visit us online
at HCCFoundation.com/PlannedGiving.
“I am delighted to be part of HCC’s planned giving for
a simple reason: HCC is family!! I consider our students
to be the most important part of that family and want
to be sure that HCC can continue to serve them and
that they can afford to attend. I want HCC to be their
“home,” as it is mine!”
Walt Ellis
Brandon: The Brandon Campus Employee Campaign
Committee set a fundraising goal that will enable
the campus to create outdoor flex spaces that would
highlight the outdoor nature of the campus and
create places that students can gather for interaction
and engagement in addition to spaces for quiet study.
Dale Mabry: The Dale Mabry Campus Campaign
Committee goal focused on increasing support to
beautify several outdoor spaces on the campus.
The campus will look forward to adding flowerbeds,
installing new umbrellas for the tables, garbage cans,
and freshening up fresh paint job with the funds that
they raised.
Ybor City: In response to student survey results,
the Ybor City Campus Campaign Committee
focused on raising funds to support campus safety
enhancements. As a result, they will be installing
additional lighting and signage in campus parking
lots and garages and purchasing a golf cart for Public
Safety to provide escort services.
Plant City: The Plant City Campaign Committee’s
priority was to raise dollars to honor beloved faculty
member Jospeh Kitchens. The campus will be
establishing the Joseph Kitchens Memorial Fund
which will be used to create a scholarship or campus
memorial to honor his memory.
SouthShore: Through the success of their
fundraising, the SouthShore Campus will be
implementing a beautification project to enhance the
new SouthShore Campus entryway from Shell Point
In addition to the campus priority projects, thanks
to our employee donors we were also able to help
support our students financially through scholarships,
students like Selina, who as a single mother of two
small children attended HCC full-time while working
full time as well.
She expressed her gratitude by saying:
This year’s Employee
Campaign, themed Love Gives,
was an expression of the value
held for what we do here at
HCC.Our faculty and staff
believe deeply in our mission
and are inspired to give
back through their financial
support. We were delighted
that once again, so many
employees participated in this
year’s campaign and that we
were received an increase of
donations from existing and
new donors, as testament to
the love the HCC family shares
for the work being done on
behalf of our students at the
College and for each other. 
Led by each Campus
President, each campus chose
a funding priority with the
unique needs of their students
in mind. These included
beautification projects,
new lighting and signage to
enhance public safety, as well
as the creation of inspiring
spaces for students to gather
or study. Scholarships also
remained a primary focus for
giving. As an added incentive
for campus giving, the
William Gregory Foundation
generously matched $1,000 for
each campus for new donors,
donors who increased their
gift, and new recurring gift
donors who gave towards the
campus priority. 
“I believe in in the power of education and perseverance. Hence, it is why being given this
scholarship not only motivates me, but also allows me to persevere.
Edith Dominguez, Recipient of the Krewe of Sant’Yago Education Foundation Scholarship
“Receiving a scholarship will allow me
to continue my education and lighten
the burden financially. It has been very
challenging but I am determined to reach
my goal to become a Nurse. I am finishing
my pre-requisites and will be applying to the
Nursing program this year. This scholarships
award is greatly appreciated; I can’t thank
the donors enough for this wonderful gift.”
The impact of their decision to demonstrate
financial support to the education and
advancement of our students is a testament
to the love held within the HCC Community,
there for Love Gives!
Food insecurity continues to be a challenge faced by
far too many HCC students. It is well documented that
such hardship affects students’ ability to be successful.
Working with faculty and staff on the campuses, the
Foundation established Food 2 Finish in 2018 to help
provide access to food and other necessities for this
particularly vulnerable student population.
The College maintains its strong partnership with
Feeding Tampa Bay who hosted Groceries on the Go pop
ups where students were able to shop with vouchers
or purchase items at a reduced cost at each of the five
HCC campuses in addition to the Ybor Campus Training
Center. Feeding Tampa Bay continues to provide drive
up food distribution for members of the community
through their mega pantry at our Dale Mabry Campus.
Other Food 2 Finish events included a snack and
meal bag grab and go event where extra food, period
products, and pet food were available for students to
take with them prior to spring break at the SouthShore
With funding provided by the Dale Mabry Student
Government Association and the Foundation, we were
able to celebrate the reopening of the newly remodeled
Dale Mabry Campus Food Pantry. More than 200
students were provided a free lunch and even more
shopped on the pantry on opening day. 
Thank you to the The Junior League of Tampa for
providing the HCC Community with period products
and diapers throughout 2022-23. We look forward to
continuing this partnership for years to come.
This past year also brought a new partnership
between Food 2 Finish and Mercy Full Project to
provide students with pet food assistance. This
collaboration also gives HCC students access to
internships, volunteer opportunities, pet fostering,
and pet adoption with Mercy Full Project.
“I recently decided to quit my full
time job to stay at home more to
take care of my grandmother and to
focus on my studies, especially since
this upcoming term is shorter and I
am sure it will be very challenging.
Being awarded this scholarship was
just another sign that this IS the
right path for me.”
Brianna Cortese, Recipient of the
Nicole L Kelso Scholarship
“I work at my local Publix Supermarket now and
I have always wanted to impact my community
through my work. I want to work as an analyst
who focuses on customer satisfaction using
macroeconomic trends within communities
that shop at Publix. This scholarship will enable
me to achieve my goals to improve community
satisfaction on a large scale.
Ryan Alfe, Recipient of the Ed DeBusk —
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Donors of $1,000,000
and above
Children’s Board of
Hillsborough County
Donors of $250,000 to
JPMorgan Chase
Drs. Paul and Rebecca
Pradip C. Patel
Donors of $100,000 to
HCA West Florida Division
The Kearney Foundation
Suncoast Credit Union
Tampa General Hospital
Thomas J. Marchner
Donors of $50,000 to
Community Foundation of
Tampa Bay
Helios Education
The Steinbrenner Family
Sunshine Health
William A. Gregory Jr.
Donors of $25,000 to
City of Tampa
Early Learning Coalition of
Hillsborough County
Clifford Oldham
Tampa Electric Co.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Donors of $10,000 to
AdventHealth Tampa
American Association of
Medical Colleges
Bakers Barrios Architects
Anthony Bruno
Charles Perry Partners, Inc.
Cyrstal Springs Preserve,
eTeamsponsor Inc.
Florida Blue
Florida Blue Foundation
Hillsborough Community
Hillsborough County Board
of County Comissioners
Interfaith Social Action
Council Inc.
Krewe of Sant’ Yago
Education Foundation, Inc.
Margaret M. Martin
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC.
New York Yankees
OSI Restaurant Partners,
Truist Bank
United Civic Organization,
The Vision Council
Donald and Kathy Vore
Donors of $5,000 to
Adams Air and Hydraulics
Adele S. Bernett Memorial
Kenneth H. Atwater, Ph.D
Bank of American Charitble
Brown & Brown Insurance
of Florida Inc., Pinellas
CapTrust Financial Advisors
Florida Lottery
Gale Healthcare
Foundation Inc.
Gobioff Foundation
Kenneth L. Hagan
Lightning Foundation, Inc.
Luxotica Retail
Patrick and Denise
Metz Culinary
Morgan Auto Group
Michael Morley
National Board for
Respiratory Care
The New York Yankees
Tampa Foundation, Inc.
Cheyenne L. Olson
Martin Port
PTF United Lodge No. 153
Lee and Saul Rachelson
David Ross, Ph. D
Socially Funded
Superior Structures Inc.
(Daniel Abou-Jaouda)
Tampa Hispanic Heritage,
Tampa Sports Authority
Tampa United Events Inc.
Robert and Ann Trinkle
WGI, Inc.
Donors from $1,000 to
100 Black Men of Tampa
Bay, Inc.
Absolute Quality
Interpreting Services, LLC
ALS Education, Inc.
American Association of
University Women SCC/
American Internation
Group INC.
Anonymous (6)
The Ariel Business Group,
B & I Contractors, Inc.
BayCare Health System
The Beck Group
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Tampa Bay, Inc.
BMO Harris
Bruce Bondurant, Ph.D
Anthony Borrell, III
Cynthia M. Brady
Brandon SGA -
Hillsborough Community
Sandra and James James
O. Brookins, M.D.
Cigna Foundation
Peter and Erika Cirak
Marty Clay, Ph.D
Consulado De Mexico En
Orlando, FL
Kathleen Dawes
Elaine M. Diaz
DPR Construction
Enterprise Holdings
Enterprising Latinas, Inc.
Envision Lighting Systems,
Liana Fernandez Fox, Ph.D.
James A. Fernandez
First Horizon Bank
Florida Veterinary Medical
Association Foundation,
Laura Gagnon
Roberto P. Garcia, P.E.
Gilbane Building Company
Karen L. Griffin, Ed D.
GTE Financial
Harvard Jolly Architecture
HCA Florida South Shore
Hepner Architects, Inc.
Hillsborough Community
College, Brandon Campus
Hillsborough Community
College, SouthShore
Hillsborough Community
College, Plant City Campus
This list recognizes cumulative gifts received between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. Please inform the HCC Foundation of any errors.
Hillsborough Community
College, Dale Mabry
Hillsborough Community
College, Ybor City Campus
Hillsborough County
Sheriff’s Hispanic Advisory
Hillsborough County
Veterinary Society, Inc.
Matthew Hollosy
Annazette Houston
Humana Specialty Benefits
Jordan & Skala Engineers
Joseph Volleyball Camps,
Key Glass LLC
Elizabeth R. Key-Raimer
Martha Kaye Koehler*
KPMG U.S. Foundation, Inc.
Gary M. Larkin
Las Damas de Arte, Inc
Dennis Leone
John W. Meeks
Vonda F. Melchior
MOR-TV/Hearst Television
The Moses White
Paige Niehaus, Ph.D.
Pan American University
Women’s Club
PeakMade Real Esate and
Hawks Landing
James F. Perry, Ph.D.
Dayaghan Pendharker
Leif Penrose, Ph.D.
Plant City Rotary Club
Plant City SGA -
Hillsborough Community
Wendy A. Pogoda
Port Tampa Bay
R & L Scrap Metals Buyers
Kenneth Ray, Jr., Ph.D.
Raymow Construction
Reno Boyd Building Co.
Rivero Gordimer &
Company PA
Rowe Architects, Inc.
RoyalAire Mechanical
Services, Inc.
L. Casey Shear
Stephen C. Shear
Simply Healthcare Plans
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Kristen Smuder
SPCA Florida
St. Petersburg College
Stan Weaver Co.
Laura Stephenson, Ph.D.
and Jason Stephenson,
Tampa International
Tampa Palms Women’s
Club, Inc.
Sheri Thompson
TampaBay Vertiv
TLC Engineering Solutions
Georgia K. Vahue
Visit Tampa Bay
Wallbridge Aldinger
Walter P. Moore &
Associates, Inc.
Tricia Walton
Nancy H. Watkins
Williams Company
Wrk Lab Inc
Ybor City Chamber of
Ybor District Cooling, LTD
Ybor District Hotel
Holdings LLC
Ybor SGA - Hillsborough
Community College
Zyscovich Architects
Donors of $500 to $999
Katie Andrus
Anonymous (2)
Anthony Anselmo
Natali Archibee
Larissa Baia, Ph.D.
Eric W. Bailey
Mitzi R. Barnes
Bay Area Manufacturers
Bay Ridge District FFMC
Joseph A. Bentrovato
Marcel Blythe
Ryan Buckthorpe
Aimee Busquet
James Carraway
Gregory Celestan
Lisa Centonze, D.V.M. and
Vincent Centonze, D.V.M.
Coast Dental
Robert J. Day
William L. Day
Tracey A. Delk
Department of Children
and Families
Miles Dierks
Encompass Health
Rehabilitation Hospital of
North Tampa
Angela Eveillard
Faculty United Service
Nadine Fahim
Brett Fay
Robert S. Fields
Odette Figueruelo
June Fishbourne, Ph.D.
Foresight Construction
GFWC Tampa Woman’s
Scott Goldbach
Sonya A. Golden
Gresham Smith
Shirley J. Hamilton
Kristin B. Heathcock, Ed.D
Hillsborough County
Dental Association
Kestrel Financial, Inc
William C. Hirsch
Scott Kearney
Diane Kelly
Deborah Kish Stephan,
Qualenta Kivett
Stephen M. Koontz
Zachary C. Land
Barbara A. Larson, Ed.D.
and Thomas Finkbiner
Lee Lowry
Malio’s Prime Steakhouse
Brigid A. Merenda
Ann Sells Miller
NACFE Tampa Bay Chapter
Thomas R. Neff
Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs
Kathryn Pankow
Quorum Services
Lucila Ramiro, M.D.
Patricia Rand
Gina H. Ricard
Shawn H. Robinson, Ed.D.,
Ryan J. Sladek
Tierra Smith
Christopher H. Taylor
The Benkabbou Law Firm,
TRiO Student Support
Andrea C. Vicente, Ph.D.
VoltAir Consulting
Engineers, Inc
Randy Welch
Alisa Zujovic
Donors of $100 to $499
Christina Acosta
Audrey Ahlefeld
AmazonSmile Foundation
Anonymous (4)
David Auguste
John Ball, Ph.D.
Mubarak Banisakher
Deborah Barr, Ph.D.
Ronnette Barther-Gordon
Daniel Bavaro
Beach Lion Studios
Leerone Benjamin
Katarina Bernatovich
Catherine Bilka
Angelia Bingham-Love
Louis Bonavita
Darlene V. Bone
Karl E “Carter” Bostwick
Elbert Bowler
Emily Brown
Lori Bryant-Chin
MarDee Buchman
Reinaldo F. Bulnes
Kenneth Burdzinski
Rebecca S. Bush
Bart B. Butler
Marianne O. Caldwell. Ph.D.
Frazier F. Carraway
Tye Carter
Kayla Charles, Ed.D.
Monica Chen
Jennifer W. China, Ph.D.
Margaret B. Christy
Kim Clarke
Ann Marie Coats
Coca-Cola Beverages
Frederica Coleman
Community Land Title
Insurance Agency
Rebecca Corbin, Ed.D.
Ed R. Coursey
Georgina Cronin
Trudy A. Cruz
Beverly S. Culpepper
Christine P. Curtis
Alison T. Davila
Karl Davis
Digna De Los Santos
Tamela Dee
Gaby Delisme
Rhonesia L. Dennard
Chris G. Diaz
Dionna Doss
Karen Dufraine
Lisa M. Eckenrode
Leslie K. Eckstein
Alicia B. Ellison
Lori A. Evans
Sharon Fekete
Millie Flores
Florida Dental Association
Foundation, Inc.
Brian A. Ford
Ilene Frank
Charity A. Freeman, Ph.D.
Tina M. Fujita
Dana Gallagher
Merry L. Galvin
Kellie Geary
Christene Gerardi
Jacqueline Gill
Habitat for Humanity of
Hillsborough County Florida,
Carrie L. Hall
Kenneth Hanks
Kathleen and Craig D.
Hardesty, Ed.D.
John D. Hardin
Ashley Harrier
Dawn Herd-Clark
Hillsborough Community
College Foundation
Hillsborough County Public
Hillsborough County Tax
Suzy Holley
Mary Ellen Holmberg
April Holmquist
Danyel Hudson
Todd A. Huffman
Independent Electrical
Contractors, Inc.
George Irwin
Todd A. Joseph
Joann Kakascik-Dye
Gregory Kepner
Fauna Keppen
Nadine Kim
Dewayne Kimble
Thomas Klee
Nadia Kotula
Frank Kozlowski
Mary Michele Lambert
Alysia Lance
Clarence & Sandy Landon
Langston’s Garage & Auto
Parts Co., Inc.
Sam A. Lazzara
Cris A. Legner
Laura Lewicki
Mark Lewis
Joseph Luc
Stephen J. Madonna
Heidi Mahoney
Jelani Malcolm
Brian W. Mann, Ed.D.
Brian Marlowe
Shania Mathews
Andre Mathurin
Michael Maurino
Kimbril S. May
Sheila McCants
Elizabeth B. McCullough
Catherine P. McEwen
Keara McGraw
Shawn McKinney, J.D.
Maggie Medina
William A. Mellan, Ph.D.
Michele L. Menendez
Steven Milhorn
Donna D. Miller
Valsalakumari K.
Michelle D. Monteleon
Shannon Moroney
Stella Munday
Kristina Nappi
Deborah Neff
Ruthie Nelson
David R. Newell
Judith P. Nolasco, Ed.D.
Krista Noren-Santmyer
Edward O’Grady
Angela O’Neil
Bethoria Paige
Roxanna Palmer
Kim Pasquinelli
Kathryn Payne
Karen J. Peach
Marcellyne Penny
Kathryn Pitman
Lisa Powell
Paula Prather
Rachel L. Pulliam
Paul Rabaut
Laurie Ragsdale
John Raymond
Carol Reid
Mickey C. Reigger
Madeline Reyes
Clara Reynolds
Bredell Richardson
Julie A. Richardson
Shelia Rios
Brenda A. Sanchez
Michelle Sanders
Benjamin and Carolyn
Saxon, Gilmore, and
Carraway, P.A.
Angela Scott
Theresa Scott
Mary Seguiti
Richard Senker
Dipawali Shah
Doreen Shillingford
Lisa B. Simmons
Kathryn Smith
Lisa K. Smith, Ph.D.
Karla E. Solis
Amanda S. Spack
Cameron Spears, Ph.D.
Jeanette Starks
Shelly K. Stein, Ph.D.
Janet Stevenson
Shelby Stewart
Gwen S. Suarez
Eleanor W. Taborn
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Maritza M. Tarazona
Michelle Thompson
Shavon Tinch
Michael Treadway
Faride Trujillo
UA Local 123 & MCA
Central Florida Charitable
Umbrella Tax & Accounting
Services LLC
Vicki J. Vawter
Raymond Vince
Wallbridge Construction
Nicole A. Ward-Ordonez
Mary Watts
Aaron Wheeler
Daniele N. Whitman
James Wiggers
David Williams
Deborah Williams
Jason A. Wilson
Jessica Wilson
Elouise and Olly Wilson,
Allen Witt
David J. Worley
Donors of up to $99
Alle Adjiri
Anonymous (8)
Daniel Antlitz
John Beller
Micki Baker
Pamela C. Baker
Tollie Banker
Nicole C. Bargeron
Steve R. Barry
Terri Barshay
Grace Beck
Stefani H. Beddingfield
Natalie R. Bisciglia
Karen F. Boosinger
Nakol Bowman
Veronica Bradley
Dexter G. Brock, Ph.D.
Derrick A. Brown
Evelio Carballo-Lopez
Michelle Carlino
Angela I. Carlson
Phillip Chamberlin
Eric Cobble
Shameka Conwell
D’Andre Cooper
Steven Crudup
Lourdes I. Cuevas
Dianna Dalziel
Sheryl Davis
Karl DeBate
Thomas S. Eaton
Nela Ebanks
Ken Evans
Angela Eward-Mangione,
Linda Fajardo
Suzan Felter
Mildred Flores
N. Sheilah S. Gillis*
Denise E. Godfrey
Andy M. Gold, Ph.D.
Diane Grey
Timothy B. Griffin
Sherry Grifth
Diego Grilli
Alayna Gude
Sheila Hajari
Gabriela Q. Hamilton
Susan hendry
Claudia I. Hendry
Teresa Hesse
Debra L. Heysek
Nicole Hiers
Ellen Hill
Charles J. Holmes
Sheree’ L. Hope-Shay
Gary R. Iglesias
Doris Ingersoll
Nicole E. Jagusztyn
Joi James
Margaret Jean
Joe Jones
Michael Kelley
Miyako Kimura
Susann P. Kirchner
Stephen W. Lambert, Ph.D.
Kaleena Landry
Janice Law
Margaret A. Lawless
Mark E. Levitt
Lawrence A. Linder
Dana Livesay
Zabrina A. Lopez
Debra N. Magwood
Tina Majchrzak. Ph.D.
John Manasco
Mara L. Manis, Ph.D.
David Marquez
Jacob T. McAlister
Timothy G. McArter
Lynn Mendelsohn
Ivan Mesa
Jennifer Miles
George L. Miller
Latima Miller
Natalie and Charles Mize
Maribeth L. Mobley
Cynthia Moore
Bridget M. Mullen
Alan Mustacchi
Louise Myrvik
Marquela Nastri
Catherine O’brien
Shauntay Ocasio
Debra J. Ordaz
Rebecca Page
Ann Paget
Askash Patel
Patterson Companies, Inc.
Anthony Pendino
Laurie Pierce
Rebecca Pitman
Amber Plummer
David Ponraj
Doug Ponticos
Paula J. Porter-Smith
Jason Prats
Nick Price
Michael T. Reichard
Franchesca F. Rios
Cynthia M. Robinson
Gordon Rode
Natalia J. Rodriguez-Guerra
Tamara A. Sabando
Steven Salengo
Kathy Sandmoen
Marilyn Santiago
Anthony Sardone
Laurie Saylor
Mary Schorr
Yaima Serrano
Anthony R. Spatola
Irene Spunde
Carol Stallworth
Kathy Stokes
Lee M. Stokes
Kathryn Stubbs
Tina M. Suppi
Tampa Bay Speech,
Language & Reading Clinic
Dawna L. Tapia
Linda Tarrago
The UK Online Giving
Cydni O. Thomas
Andrea M. Thompson
April Thompson
Debra Thrower
Chuck T. Tiernan
Olga Timofeeva
Kelly Torregiante
John VanDyke
Kevin Vincent
Gerald S. Wicker
Leslie Williams
David Wingfield
Marcie Yordy
Gifts In Kind
Akiko Kotani
Aneka Ingold
Barbara Reingold
Debbie Caneen
Marjorie G. Graff
Ron Rampolla
Saumitra Chandraterya
Hillsborough Community College Foundation
4115 N. Lois Avenue Tampa, FL 33614