Pacific Legal Scholars
An Accelerated Honors Law Program
Undergrad to Lawyer in Six Years
Legal Scholars are exposed
to the legal profession
through interaction with
attorneys, judges and law
professors in classes and
special events
Get real-world
experience through
mock trial
competitions and
internships in the
legal  eld.
Complete your
bachelor’s and law
degrees in 6 years
“The Legal Scholars program has enhanced my desire to pursue a career in law.
From speaking with local lawyers, having classes with law professors and meeting
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, this program has given me valuable
exposure to the legal fi eld. And the professors have been incredibly supportive.
— Kyle Sasai ’14, Political Science
Become a Legal Scholar
Legal Scholars acquire the rewards of a highly
personalized, student-centered education that will help
them prepare for the rigors of law school and lay the
foundation for successful careers in the law.
University of the Paci c is one of the only universities in
California to o er an accelerated honors law program.
e program works in cooperation with our law
school, Paci c McGeorge School of Law, one of the
top 100 law schools in the nation.
Personalized Program
You will work with the program director to design an individualized curriculum
based on your major and program track. You can choose a major that ts your
particular interests and career goals. e Legal Scholars Program is designed to
work with any major to prepare students for advanced legal study. You also have
the option to participate in Pacic’s prestigious Honors Program.
“Being part of the Legal Scholars program helped me determine
the legal education that was right for me.
My internship with the San Joaquin County Bar Association
integrated my graphic design work with the law and allowed me
to build valuable networking connections.
Anastasya Uskova ’11, Graphic Design
“The Legal Scholars program has enhanced my desire to pursue a career in law.
From speaking with local lawyers, having classes with law professors and meeting
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, this program has given me valuable
exposure to the legal field. And the professors have been incredibly supportive.
— Kyle Sasai ’14, Political Science
Preparation for a Career in the Law
e Pacic Legal Scholars program is designed to help you develop
necessary skills in preparation for the rigors of law school. You can also
increase your experiential opportunities through internships in the
legal community, participation in student legal organizations, observing
mock trial and other competitions, and community service outreach.
“The Legal Scholars Program taught me about law school when I knew noth-
ing; gave me the opportunity to network when I knew no one; and helped me
figure out if law school was really for me. Now, I am earning straight As at a
top tier law school and already have a summer externship with a 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals judge. — Kelly Volkar ’11, English
Immersion in the Legal Field
As a Paci c Legal Scholar you will interact with the legal community
throughout your program and right from your  rst year. In addition to
coursework, you will have the opportunity to attend networking and
other special events where you will meet attorneys and judges and hear
from experts in the  eld. Unique one-unit seminars provide exploration of
career options and interaction with law faculty, even as an undergraduate.
Accelerate Your Future
As a Legal Scholar, you have the option of a traditional 4+3 track or the
accelerated 3+3 track. With the 3+3 track, you can complete your
undergraduate degree in three years on the Stockton campus and your law
degree in three more years at Paci c McGeorge School of Law, allowing
you to complete both the bachelors degree and JD degree a full year
earlier. By completing certain requirements, you can receive guaranteed
admission to Paci c McGeorge School of Law.
“Being part of the Legal Scholars program helped me determine
the legal education that was right for me.
My internship with the San Joaquin County Bar Association
integrated my graphic design work with the law and allowed me
to build valuable networking connections.
Anastasya Uskova ’11, Graphic Design
Admission requirements
For 3+3 program:
3.5 unweighted high school GPA; 1320 SAT
(590 critical reading, 580 math) or 30 ACT
For 4+3 program:
3.5 unweighted, high school GPA; 1250 SAT
(590 critical reading, 580 math) or 28 ACT
Complete undergraduate application for admission to University of the
Pacic and a personal interview. Admission to the program is contingent
upon admission to the University. Apply online at go.Paci
For guaranteed admission to Pacific McGeorge School of
Law JD Program:
Complete Stockton undergraduate portion of the program (see below).
Apply to Pacic McGeorge and meet all admission criteria, including the
median LSAT score and undergraduate GPA for the prior year’s
matriculating students. (2011 medians were 158 LSAT, 3.5 GPA.)
Program Requirements
Fulll course requirements for the undergraduate major, including
general education and basic skills requirements
Minimum unit requirement:
4+3 track — 124 undergraduate units, 60 on the Stockton campus
3+3 track — 92 undergraduate units, 75 on the Stockton campus
Complete three, one-unit seminar classes designed as law school preparation
and a four-unit upper division law class
Participate in at least ve o-campus, law-related activities prior to law school
Maintain a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA to stay in the program, and
3.5 for guaranteed admission to Pacic McGeorge
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 3+3 track?
3+3 = 3 years BA/BS + 3 years JD
Students in the accelerated (3+3) track must attend McGeorge School of
Law, where they will  nish their bachelor’s degree after completing their
rst year at McGeorge School of Law.
Students in the 3+3 track can decelerate to the 4+3 track at any time.
What is the 4+3 track?
4+3 = 4 years BA/BS + 3 years JD
e traditional 4+3 track o ers more  exibility to pursue extra-
curricular opportunities, such as a double major, one or two minors,
internships and study abroad.
is track is compatible with every major, and students are able to pursue
a degree at any law school or decide not to attend law school at all.
Can any major be completed in the 3+3 track?
No, high-unit majors are NOT recommended for the 3+3 track
( ese include engineering, international studies, business, graphic design
and music.)
Does this program mean I am majoring in law?
No, Pacic does not oer a major in pre-law. A student’s major provides
a context in which to study the law. For example, an engineering student
may become interested in studying patent law or intellectual property.
e program director collaborates with each student and their advisor to
customize a degree program that integrates their major and the law.
If I am in Legal Scholars, do I have to go to law school?
No, students can use Legal Scholars to learn more about legal careers and
the rigors of law school in order to determine if law school is the right t
for them.
Am I bound to University of the Pacific by accepting an interview
with Legal Scholars?
No, the University has non-binding admission processes. Your interview
will only be used to determine your acceptance to the Legal Scholars
Program and scholarship eligibility.
Is there an added cost associated with the program?
Yes, students must pay for a week-long, one-unit course in legal writing
taken the summer before their junior year. e cost is approximately
$700. is is the only extra cost of the program. e legal writing course
is held in Sacramento at Pacic McGeorge, and the cost of housing, meals
and transportation are covered by the program.
e cost of transportation for all other Legal Scholars sponsored events is
covered by the program.
Fast-track Your Legal Education
Pacifi c Legal Scholars Program
Scholarship Opportunities
$3,000 Paci c Legal Scholarship
Exceptional incoming students may be competitive for this renewable award.
$10,000 Paci c McGeorge Scholarship
One-year scholarship for study at McGeorge for 3+3-eligible Legal Scholars.
Other McGeorge awards include one-year book stipends and housing fee
reductions for 3+3 candidates only.
Contact the Outreach Coordinator for information on these and other
scholarship opportunities.
Contact information:
Dr. Cynthia Ostberg Outreach Coordinator
Program Director and Pre-Law Advisor 209.946.2554
209.946.2194 legalscholars@paci
Undergrad to Lawyer in Six Years
COMM: PLS.04.2012.V1
3601 Paci c Avenue, Stockton, CA 95211