Office of Graduate Admissions
U.S. Bachelor’s Degree Equivalency Table
Angola Costa Rica India Lithuania Russia
Argentina Denmark Indonesia Malaysia Saudi Arabia
Australia Ecuador Iran Mexico Singapore
Austria Egypt Iraq Moldova South Africa
Bahamas El Salvador Israel Myanmar (Burma) South Korea
Bahrain Estonia Italy Nepal Spain
Bangladesh Finland Ivory Coast New Zealand Sri Lanka
Belarus France Jamaica Nicaragua Switzerland
Belgium Georgia Republic Japan Nigeria Taiwan
Bolivia Germany Jordan Pakistan Thailand
Brazil Ghana Kazakhstan Panama Turkey
Bulgaria Greece Kenya Peru Ukraine
Canada Guatemala Kuwait Philippines
United Arab
Chile Haiti Kyrgyzstan Poland
United Kingdom
(except Scotland)
China Honduras Latvia Qatar
United Kingdom
Colombia Hong Kong Lebanon Romania Vietnam
Revised: March 4, 20
21 1
Office of Graduate Admissions
Three-Year Degrees
In the U.S. educational system, bachelor's degree recipients have 16 years of formal
education 12 years of elementary and secondary education plus 4 years of post-
secondary study. A bachelor or equivalent degree, as determined by the U.S. Department
of Education, normally requires at least 4 but not more than 5 years of full-time equivalent
college-level work.
LSU will only consider three-year bachelor’s degrees equivalent to U.S. bachelor degree
if the country of the degree awarding institution is part of the Bologna system, and only if
degree was granted after 2012 (the official date of full Bologna agreement
Please refer to the list of comparable bachelor degree equivalencies by county of origin.
Revised: March 4, 2021 2
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
Completion of five-year Licenciado (Licentiate), or three-year
Bacharelato + one year of a Licenciado (Licentiate), or five-year
Professor de Ensino Secundario
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Argentina Bachiller Superior, Licenciado or Titulo (5-7 years) Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of four-year Honours Bachelor’s Degree, or three-
Degree Certificate and Transcript
year Ordinary/Pass Bachelor's Degree + one-year Bachelor's
Degree with Honours, or three-year Ordinary/Pass Bachelor's
Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Completion of three-year Bakkalaureaus/Bakkalaurea Degree
+ one year of a Magister Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Bahamas Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Bahrain Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of four-year Bachelor’s Degree, or two-year
Degree Certificate and Statement of Marks for each year of
Bachelor’s Degree + two-years of a Master’s Degree, or three-
year Bachelor’s Degree + one year of a Master’s Degree
Completion of Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі
Higher Education/Diploma Specialist), or Дыплом бакалўра
(Diploma of Baccalaureate/Diplom Bakalaura)
Diploma Certificate and Dadatak da diploma/Vypiska z zalikovaj
knizhki/Transcript. As an alternative to a traditional transcript, a
Diploma Supplement may be submitted along with a Degree
Completion of three-year Bachelor's Degree + one year of a
Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Magister; Certificado de Egreso; Bachillerato (Social Sciences
or Economics); Tecnico Superior (Higher Technician, after at
least 4 years); Professional Titles (after at least 4 years of study).
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Bacharelado, or Titulo Profissional
Degree Certificate and Historico Escolar/Transcript
Completion of Bachelor/Bakalavr (Бакалавър)
Degree Certificate (
) and Transcript (
Приложение Към
диплом/Prilozhenie Kŭ
m diplom). As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Revised: March 4, 2021 3
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
Canada: Alberta
Honours Bachelor’s Degree or General Bachelor’s Degree +
one year of a Master’s Degree
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: British Columbia
Four- or five-
Honours or Advanced)
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Manitoba
Honours Bachelor’s Degree, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor
of Law LLB
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: New Brunswick
Bachelor of Law, or Bachelor’s Degree + one year of a Master’s
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Newfoundland &
Bachelor’s degree Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Northwest Territory
No accredited universities Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Nova Scotia
Four-year Bachelor's Degree/Baccalaureat, or a three-year
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Nunavut
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Ontario
Four-year Bachelor’s Degree, or Honours Bachelor’s Degree Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Prince Edward Island
Bachelor’s Degree (pass or honours) Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Quebec
Three-year Bachelor's Degree (or Baccalarium, Baccalaureat,
Bachelier, or Bacheliere) + one year of a Master's Degree, or
four-year Bachelor's Degree
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan: Four-year or Honours Bachelor’s Degree Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Canada: Yukon
bachelor’s equivalent work
Transcript showing conferral of Degree
Chile Completion of Licenciatura or Titulo Profesional Degree Certificate and Certificado de Notas/Transcript
China Completion of Bachelor's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript in original language and
English. Both English and original language degree certificates
and transcripts must be stamped by the issuing institution.
Colombia Completion of Titulo de Licenciatura or Titulo Profesional Degree Certificate and Transcript
Costa Rica Completion of Bachiller Universitario Degree Certificate and Transcript
Revised: March 4, 2021 4
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
Completion of Bachelorgraden/Bachelor's Degree + one year
of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Ecuador Completion of Licenciado Degree Certificate and Transcript
Egypt Completion of Baccalaureos, Licence, or Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
El Salvador Licenciado Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of four-
Bakalaureuskraad/Bachelor's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
year of a Maisterin tutkinto/Magister/Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Completion of three-year Licence + Maitrise, or two-year DEUG
+ one-year Licence + one-year Maitrise
egree Certificate and Releve de Notes. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Georgia Republic
Degree Certificate
and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Specialistis Diplomi, or Datskebiti Skolis Mastsavlebeli (Primary
School Teacher), or Sashualo Skolis Mastsavlebeli (Secondary
School Teacher)
Completion of four-year Bakkalaureus (Bachelor's Degree), or
three-year Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Diplom certificate and Scheine (certificate) for each course
completed. As an alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma
Supplement may be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Ghana Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Greece Completion of Ptychio (Diploma)
Diploma Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Guatemala Titulo de Licenciado Degree Certificate and Transcript
year Licence or Diplome + one year of a Maitrise Degree
Degree Certificate and Releve de Notes
Honduras Titulo de Licenciado Degree Certificate and Transcript
Hong Kong
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or three-year
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or three-year
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Individual Marks Sheets. Provisional
degree certificates and consolidated mark sheets (transcript)
may be considered under special circumstances.
Revised: March 4, 2021 5
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
Indonesia Completion of a Diploma IV or Sarjana Degree Certificate and Transcript
Iran Bachelor degree or Karshenasi/Lisans Degree Certificate and Transcript
Iraq Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Specialista (LS)/Laurea Magistrale (LM)
Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Ivory Coast
Générales (DEUG) + one-year Licence + one-year Maitrise
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Jamaica Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Japan Completion of a Gakushi Shogo/Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Jordan Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Kazakhstan Completion of Bakalavr Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Kenya Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Kuwait Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
(Russian)/бакалавр диплом
Diplom Spetsialista
Official copies of the diploma booklet and Prilozhenie k
Completion of four-year Bakalaurs Degree or Diplom, or three-
year Bakalaurs + one year of a Magistrs Degree
Degree/Diplom Certificate and Izraksts no studiju
kartes/Transcript. As an alternative to a traditional transcript, a
Diploma Supplement may be subm
itted along with a Degree
Lebanon Licence or Bachelor degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of Bakalauro Diploma (Baccalaureate Diploma) or
Aukstojo Mokslo (Diploma of Higher Education)
Diploma Certificate and Priedas prie diploma/Transcript. As an
alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may
be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
three-year Baccalaureate/Bachelor's Degree + one year of a
Postgraduate Diploma or Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript
three-year Licenciatura or Titulo Profesional + one year of Titulo
Especialista or Grado de Maestro/Maestría
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Revised: March 4, 2021 6
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
Diploma Certificate and Certifcat Academic/Transcript. As an
alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may
be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Myanmar (Burma)
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Master's Degree, or three-year Bachelor's Degree + one-year
Bachelor's (Honours) Degree + two years of a Master's Degree,
or three-year Bachelor's Degree + three years of a Master's
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Statement of Marks for each year of
New Zealand
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or three-year
Degree Certificate and Transcript bachelor's Degree + Bachelor's Degree (Honours), or three-
year Bachelor's Degree + one year of Master's Degree
Nicaragua Titulo or Licenciatura Degree Certificate and Transcript
Nigeria Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Statement of Marks for each year of
Panama Licenciatura
Degree Certificate and Statement of Marks for each year of
Peru Completion of four-year Bachiller, or four-year Licenciado Degree Certificate and Transcript
Philippines Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
wyższych studiów zawodowych
Higher Professional Studies), or three-year Lincencjat + one
year of a Dyplom Tytul Magister
Licenjat/Dyplom Certificate and a copy of all pages from the
Indeks. As an alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma
Supplement may be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Qatar Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Romania Completion of Diploma de Licenta
As an alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma
Supplement may be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Completion of Диплом бакалавра
Диплом специалиста (Diploma of Spetsialista)
Diploma Certificate and Prilozhenie k diplomu/Transcript. As an
alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may
be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Saudi Arabia Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's
Postgraduate Diploma
Degree/Diploma Certificate and Transcript
Revised: March 4, 2021 7
U.S. Bachelor Degree Equivalency Table
Country of Origin U.S. Bachelor s Degree Equivalency Documents Required
South Africa
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or three-year
Bachelor's Degree + one year Honours Bachelor's Degree, or
Degree Certificate and Transcript
South Korea Completion of Haksa / 4-year Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of Titulo de Licenciado, or Titulo de Ingeniero, or
Titulo de Arquitecto, or Titulo de Graduado
Degree Certificate and Certificacion Academica Oficial (CAO) or
the Certificacion Academica Personal. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Sri Lanka
Completion of Bachelor's (Special) Degree, or three-year
Bachelor's Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript
Degree, or four-year Lizentiat, Diplom, Licence, or Licenza, or
three-year Lizentiat, Diplom, Licence, or Licenza + one-year of
a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative
to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Taiwan Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or two-year
Associate's Degree + two-year Higher Diploma
Degree/Diploma Certificate and Transcript
Turkey Completion of Lisans Derecesi/Diplomasi
Lisans Derecesi/Diplomasi Transcript and Degree Certificate. As
an alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement
may be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
Ukraine Completion of Dyplom Bakalavra, or Dyplom Spetsialista
Dyplom Certificate and Dodatok do dipl
oma/Transcript. As an
alternative to a traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may
be submitted along with a Degree Certificate.
United Arab Emirates Completion of Bachelor's Degree Degree Certificate and Transcript
United Kingdom (except
Completion of four-year Bachelor's Degree, or three-year
bachelor's degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
United Kingdom (Scotland)
Degree + one year of a Master's Degree
Degree Certificate and Transcript. As an alternative to a
traditional transcript, a Diploma Supplement may be submitted
along with a Degree Certificate.
Completion of Bachelor's Degree (Bng Tt Nghip Ði Hc)
Degree Certificate and Transcript
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Revised: March 4, 2021 8