Trulaske College of Business Undergraduate Programs Oce
Mathemacal Sciences:
Eecve the Summer 2018 catalog year, Mathemacal Sciences are any Math or Stats classes beyond MATH 1100. Math
1300, 1400, and 1500 as well as Stat 2500 and 3500 or equivalent courses will count towards this requirement. Students
with earlier catalog years must take 9 hours of Biological or Physical Science courses, or complete Math courses beyond
MATH 1400 in addion to compleng a Biological or Physical Lab Science course.
Free Elecves
Black Studies
2200-Social Inequalies (3)
1000-Principles of Finance (3)
2000-Survey of Business Finance (3)
Fitness Programming Management
2130-Exercise Techniques (3)
Food Science
1020-World Food and You (3)
1030 Food Science and Nutrion (3)
2195-Grapes and Wines of the World (3)
1050-Planet Earth (3)
Hospitality Management
1100-Intro to Hospitality Management (3)
Human Development & Family Science
1600-Foundaons of Family Science (3)
1610-Inmate Relaonships and Marriage (3)
2300-Mulcultural Study of Children and Families (3)
2450-Human Sexuality Across the Life Span (3)
Nutrion and Exercise Physiology
1034-Introducon to Human Nutrion (3)
1111-Personal Health and Wellness (3)
1340-Introducon to Exercise and Fitness (3)
Parks, Rec, and Tourism
1010-Intro to Leisure Studies (3)
Personal Financial Planning
1000-iGen Money (3)
2183-Personal and Family Finance (3)
1000-General Psychology (3)
2210-Mind, Brain, and Behavior (3)*
2310 Social Psychology (3)*
*PSYCH 1000 pre-requisite recommended, not required
Social Work
1200—Criminal Jusce (3)
1000-Intro to Sociology (3)
Biological Sciences
1010 & 1020-General Biology Lab (5) (p/co-Bio 1010)
1010-Introducon to Astronomy (4)
(Recommended Math 1100 or 1120 or equivalent)
1020-Introducon to Astronomy Lab (2)
(Recommended Math 1100 or 1120)
Atmospheric Science
1050 & 1060-Introductory Meteorology Lab (4)
1100- Atoms and Molecules w/lab (3)
1100-Principles of Geology w/lab (4)
1200-Environmental Geology w/lab (4)
1200-Everyday Wonders: Explaining How Ordinary
Things Work (4)
Texle & Apparel Management
2200-Science of Texles (3)
Common General Educaon Courses
Fall 2024
All students must take at least one Science/Humanity course at the 2000 level. Eecve the Summer 2018 catalog year, STAT
2500 will fulll this requirement automacally. Students with earlier catalog years must choose another Science/Humanity
course at the 2000 level. generaleduca
Lab Sciences
Trulaske College of Business students are required to
take 9 hours of Science courses. One course must have
a laboratory component and two of the three disciplines
(biological, physical, or mathemacal) must be repre-
sented in the 9 hours.
Common General Educaon Courses
Fall 2024
Trulaske College of Business Undergraduate Programs Oce
All students must take at least one Science/Humanity course at the 2000 level. Eecve the Summer 2018 catalog year, STAT
2500 will fulll this requirement automacally. Students with earlier catalog years must choose another Science/Humanity
course at the 2000 level. generaleduca
Ancient Mediterranean Studies
1060- Classical Mythology (3)
1150-The Archaeology of Ancient Lives (3)
2100-The Ancient Greeks (3)
2410 Ancient Technology (3)
Architectural Studies
1100-Visual Design (3)
2100-Understanding Architecture & the Ameri-
can City (3)
Art —Visual Studies
1020–Intro. to Visual Studies (3)
Art History—Visual Studies
1130-Intro. to History of Art (3)
Black Studies
1000-Intro. to Black Studies (3)
1705-Intro. To Black Studies in Culture (3)
1200-Public Speaking (3)
2100-Media Communicaon in Society (3)
2500-Intro. to Communicaon (3)
Digital Storytelling
1880-Intro to Digital Media Producon (3)
2030-Technical Wring (3)
2311-The Art & Science of Living (3)
Film Studies-Visual Studies
1800-Introducon to Film Studies (3)
2310-German Civilizaon I (3)
2510-The Cultural History of Germans in Mis-
souri, or: Oktoberfest in the Midwest! (3)
Religious Studies
1100-Intro to Religion (3)
1500-Religion and Culture (3)
2100-Indigenous Religions (3)
2110-Global Religions (3)
2240-Harry Poer, Magic, & Religion (3)
1100-Introducaon to Theatre (3)
1340-Beginning Costume Construcon (3)
1400-Acng for Non-Majors (3)
Texle Apparel Management
2100-Introducon to Digital Presentaon
Techniques (3)
Womens and Gender Studies
1005-Topics in Womens & Gender Stud-
ies (3)
2340-Gender & Popular Culture (3)
Students are required to take one lower level wring
intensive course aer compleng ENGLISH 1000 with a C
or higher. Wring Intensive courses include a Win the
course number. For example: 1020W
Ag, Science, Communicaon
3210W-Fundamentals of Communicaon (3)
Art History - Visual Studies
2850HW/W-Introducon to Visual Culture (3)
2310W-German Civ I: Barbarians, Valkyries, Knights, Poets
2320W-German Civ 2: 1850-Present (3)
2510HW/W-The Cultural History of Germans in Missouri,
or: Oktoberfest in the Midwest (3)
Music for Non-Majors
2306HW/W-Wring About Music (3)
Nutrion and Exercise Physiology
1310W-Food & Cultures of the World (3)
2150W-Amish Communies (3)
Texle and Apparel Management
2520W-History of Western Dress (3)
3010W-Think Global: Fundamentals of Globalizaon &
Digital Technologies(3)
*more wring intensive opons on myZou
3 hours from courses listed below
1100-American History to 1865 (3)
1200-American History since 1865 (3)
Polical Science
1100-American Government (3)
Humanisc Studies
Trulaske College of Business students are required to have 9 hours in this area.
Accountancy students must take Comm 1200 as 3 of these hours
1000-Journalism for Non-Majors (3)
1050-Public Relaons & Image Management (3)
(Both online only; 1st and 2nd 8 weeks)
Music Courses for Non-Majors
1214-Songwring and Beat Making (3)
1311-Jazz,Pop, and Rock (3)
1313-Intro. to World Music (3)
Nutrion and Exercise Physiology
1310-Food and Cultures of the World (3)
1000-General Introducon to Philosophy (3)
1100-Introducon to Ethics (3)
1150-Introductory Bioethics (3)
1200-Logic and Reasoning (3)
2010-Philosophy of Film (3)
2350-The Meaning of Life (3)
For specic quesons regarding part term
elecves, including the number of elecve hours
you need, see your advisor. Examples:
Personal Financial Planning
1183-Financial Survival (1)
4483-Financial Success (1)
Plant Science
2220-Introducon to Floral Design (2)
2017-World of Neuroscience (1)
Student Success Center
1150-Collge Success Seminar (2)
1155-The Success Experiment: Theory and Appli-
caon of Posive Behavior Change (2)