Graduate Student Handbook
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Last update: August 16, 2021
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
II. Overview and Management of the Graduate Program ............................................... 4
1. The Graduate School (MUGS) ............................................................................... 4
2. The Department ...................................................................................................... 4
3. PAGSA ................................................................................................................... 4
4. Contacts................................................................................................................... 5
III. MS Degree Requirements ........................................................................................ 6
1. Course Work ........................................................................................................... 6
2. Research .................................................................................................................. 6
3. Qualifying Examination .......................................................................................... 6
4. Thesis option ........................................................................................................... 7
5. Graduation Requirements ....................................................................................... 7
6. MS Degree in Passing ............................................................................................. 7
7. Forms ...................................................................................................................... 7
8. Time line for the MS Degree .................................................................................. 8
IV. PhD Degree Requirements ....................................................................................... 9
1. Course Work and Residency Requirement ............................................................. 9
2. Transfer of Credit .................................................................................................... 9
3. Selection of the Doctoral Program Committee ....................................................... 9
4. Plan of Study ......................................................................................................... 10
5. Comprehensive Examination ................................................................................ 10
6. Doctoral Candidacy and Continuous Enrollment ................................................. 11
7. Dissertation and Defense ...................................................................................... 12
8. Forms .................................................................................................................... 12
9. Time line for the PhD Degree ............................................................................... 12
V. The Qualifying Examination..................................................................................... 15
1. Administration of the QE ...................................................................................... 15
2. Content of the QE ................................................................................................. 15
3. Assessment of the QE ........................................................................................... 15
4. Additional Information ......................................................................................... 16
VI. Financial Support ................................................................................................... 17
VII. Department and University Policies ...................................................................... 18
1. Participation and Assessment ............................................................................... 18
2. Requirements for Teaching Assistants .................................................................. 18
3. Responsibilities of Research Assistants ................................................................ 19
4. GPA and Good Standing, Probation, and Dismissal............................................. 19
5. Course Load, Enrollment, and Status ................................................................... 20
VIII. Graduate Student Survival Skills ............................................................................. 22
1. Life in the Department. ......................................................................................... 22
2. Science and Research. ........................................................................................... 22
3. Miscellaneous. ...................................................................................................... 25
IX. List of Courses ............................................................................................................ 26
I. Introduction
Welcome to the Graduate Program of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the
University of Missouri! This Graduate Handbook provides detailed overviews of the
Department’s programs and requirements, along with many of the internal policies,
practices and resources. It does not establish a contractual relationship between students
and the Department or University, but is intended to be used to guide students in the steps
necessary to complete a graduate degree in the Department. Regulations, at times, do
change, and we will endeavor to communicate any such changes promptly and produce
updated versions of this handbook, as necessary.
An electronic version of this Handbook, containing active hyperlinks, can be found on the
homepage of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at
The detailed requirements for obtaining an MS or PhD degree in Physics are given in this
graduate student handbook. The requirements include:
a specific number of course hours completed within a given period of time,
passing evaluation examinations,
completion of research and a thesis based on research, as well as
keeping a prescribed time line including filing various forms.
While this process may sound intimidating, it actually is not: with proper attention to
details, your graduate work will go smoothly, and you will proceed quickly to your desired
The faculty and staff of the Department are committed to providing a productive and
pleasant environment for students pursuing their graduate degrees, on academic as well as
personal levels. We hope that your graduate years with us will be successful and a
rewarding experience! This Handbook should help you during these years, and it is your
responsibility to familiarize yourself with its content.
II. Overview and Management of the Graduate
A graduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of
Missouri is responsible for his/her educational program and his/her progress toward
becoming a professional physicist. The Department offers opportunities for that
preparation which include courses, seminars, availability of contemporary literature in the
field, office space, and facilities for research with an excellent faculty having wide-ranging
interests and expertise.
1. The Graduate School (MUGS)
The University of Missouri’s Graduate School provides the basic structure and minimum
degree requirements for all graduate programs of the University. However, the graduate
degree programs are established and administered by individual departments according to
the needs and standards of the various fields and professions. The Department of Physics
and Astronomy has established both Master’s and PhD programs which, in many aspects,
have requirements that exceed the basic degree requirements of the MUGS.
The detailed rules and regulations of the MUGS, along with various resources, are available
online at In many instances, the MUGS rules are repeated
in this Handbook. In the (unlikely) event of a direct conflict, the MUGS policies have
priority over Department policies.
2. The Department
The graduate program in the Department of Physics and Astronomy is formally
administered by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). Policies specific to the degree
programs are established by the Graduate Studies Committee, or are recommended by the
DGS or the Committee to the Faculty of the Department.
The immediate supervision of students is carried out by their research advisors and degree
Supervisory Committees. If a student does not have a research advisor, he/she will be under
the direct supervision of the DGS.
Students should first seek guidance about policies and other issues related to the graduate
program from their research advisors. The DGS is always available for additional
clarifications, to assist students in bringing matters to the Graduate Studies Committee, or
to resolve problems or disputes. The DGS reports to the Department Chair, and the Chair
is also available for consultation or advice whenever needed.
The Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association (PAGSA) is an organization
whose membership includes all Physics and Astronomy graduate students. Its main
purpose is to further the interests of the Department’s graduate students and to lend a
common voice for communication with the Faculty, the DGS and the Chair. Furthermore,
the PAGSA organizes regular meetings, such as the Physics Journal Club, as well as special
events such as the annual Department Picnic.
A Canvas site ( is maintained by PAGSA. It is kept up to
date on current events and is a valuable source of information for graduate students:
Teaching related resources
Updates from the Graduate Professional Council
Links to general graduate student resources
4. Contacts
Department Chair: Professor Paul Miceli ([email protected])
Office: 326 Physics, phone: 882-8328
Associate Chair: Professor Dorina Kosztin ([email protected])
Office: 224 Physics, phone: 882-2238
Director of Graduate Studies: Professor Suchi Guha ([email protected])
Office: 424 Physics, phone: 884-3687
Director of Undergrad Studies: Professor Silvia Bompadre ([email protected])
Office: 320 Physics, phone: 882-5372
Qualifying Exam Committee Chair: Professor Ioan Kosztin ([email protected]
Office: 308 Physics, phone: 882-7241
Coordinator for Teaching Assistants: Professor Yun Zhang ([email protected])
Office: 226 Physics, phone: 882-6816
Department Office Staff: XXX ([email protected])
Office: 223 Physics, phone: 882-3335
Gay Sturguess ([email protected])
Office: 223 Physics, phone: 882-3336
III. MS Degree Requirements
The Master of Science (MS) degree in physics prepares students for a variety of scientific
careers. Since physics is the most fundamental of the physical sciences, graduate-level
studies in the field provide essential knowledge for application in many areas. Students
with strong backgrounds in physics, as well as in areas ranging from biology to
engineering, are encouraged to consider a personalized MS program in physics. Graduates
have many job opportunities in a variety of areas.
1. Course Work
The MS Degree requires completion of a minimum of 30 course hours beyond the
Bachelor's Degree (at least 15 hours of those in 8000 level courses) with a GPA (grade
point average) of 3.0 (B) or better, and completion of the Departmental Qualifying
Examination at least at the MS pass level. No more than 40 % of the 30-hour credit
requirement can be satisfied by a combination of research and/or problems courses. The
basic residency requirement stipulates that 24 hours of this work be courses taken at MU
(i.e., no more than 6 hours may be transfer credits). In a normal program, this requirement
is met by the end of the second year at MU. The required courses for a Master's Degree
Physics 8610: Advanced Mechanics (3 credit hours)
Physics 8620: Electrodynamics I (3)
Physics 8660: Methods in Mathematical Physics (3)
Physics 8680: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3)
Physics 8710: Quantum Mechanics I (3)
Other additional courses may be taken from 7000 and 8000 level courses in astronomy,
mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and physics to make a total of 30 hours of
course work. Courses from other departments require the advisor’s and DGS’ permission.
In some cases, a student who is a transfer graduate student or who has a particularly strong
undergraduate background may have had course work which satisfies the requirement of
one or more of these core courses. Exemption from taking these courses at MU may be
granted upon written application to the departmental Graduate Studies Committee.
2. Research
It is essential for the MS degree that students carry out some research. Three hours of
research, Physics 8090, should be taken, but not more than nine hours of reading and
research courses may be included in the 30 hour requirement. (Note: This 9 hour limitation
is a departmental requirement and is more restrictive than the MUGS requirement.) A
formal MS thesis is not required in Physics. Students, in consultation with their advisers,
can choose to write an optional MS thesis (see Section III.4 below).
3. Qualifying Examination
The student must pass the Departmental Qualifying Examination (see Section V) at least
at the MS pass level. Upon completion of the Qualifying Exam, the student fills out the
form M3, "Report of the Master's Examining Committee", and gathers the signatures of the
Qualifying Examination Committee members. This form is then signed by the Director of
Graduate Studies and forwarded to the MUGS.
4. Thesis option
A thesis is not required for the MS degree in Physics. However, students have the option
to form a thesis committee (form M2) and write an MS thesis. In this case, they can obtain
the MS degree without having to pass the Qualifying Exam; however, they need to defend
their thesis. Details regarding the thesis process for MS students can be found here:
5. Graduation Requirements
After performing satisfactory work for the first year, the student with the adviser's
assistance completes the form M1, "Plan of Study for the Master's Degree," an outline of
the course of study for the student's graduate program, and forwards the application through
the DGS to the MUGS. The plan of study form must be filed no later than the session
preceding the session in which the student expects to receive the degree. Upon approval of
the M1 form by the MUGS, the student is a candidate for the degree.
MS degree requirements of the Department of Physics and Astronomy are designed to be
completed in 4 semesters (see the MS time line in section III.8). Notice that this time line
is shorter than the MS time limit which is set by the MUGS (a maximum of 8 years).
The candidate must be enrolled at the MU campus during the semester in which the
program of study, outlined in the "Plan of Study for the Master's Degree", is expected to
be completed. During the first six weeks of this semester, the candidate must personally
confirm with the MUGS for all graduation arrangements.
6. MS Degree in Passing
Students who are enrolled in the PhD program can obtain the MS degreein passing” once
they have satisfied all the MS requirements. All they need to do is complete the Graduate
Change of Degree form (requesting that the MS degree be added to their degree program)
and get the signature of the DGS.
7. Forms
Please note that since the links to these forms often change, the updated forms are available
in the Canvas site. You will also find them on the MUGS site
M1 form: Plan of Study for the Master's Degree.
M2 form: Request for Thesis Committee.
M3 form: Report of the Master's Examining Committee.
Graduate Student Change of Committee form.
Plan of Study Course Substitution form
Graduate Change of Degree form
8. Time line for the MS Degree
The following time line applies for those students who seek the MS as their terminal degree
in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at MU. The MS requirements are designed
in such a way that the degree can be obtained within 4 semesters. Students who choose the
MS thesis option are subject to a similar 4-semester time line. Students who wish to depart
significantly from this time line need to submit their request in writing to the Graduate
Studies Committee, which will decide in consultation with the student’s advisor.
Take the “free shot” Qualifying Exam (see Section V) at the start of the semester.
Take required courses (see Section III.1).
Take required courses.
Choose a research advisor and begin doing research.
Submit plan of study (form M1).
Take required and/or elective courses.
Continue doing research.
Take the Qualifying Exam at the start of the semester.
Submit form M3 if Qualifying Exam has been passed at MS level.
Take required and/or elective courses, and complete MS course requirements.
If not yet passed, take the second attempt at the Qualifying Exam at the start of the
semester. Submit form M3 if Qualifying Exam has been passed at MS level.
Continue doing research.
Apply for graduation at
commencement/index.php. Notice that the online application deadlines are quite
early! To graduate in Spring, you must apply in December or January. To graduate
in Summer, you must apply in May. For further details, see
Think ahead and start looking for jobs.
IV. PhD Degree Requirements
1. Course Work and Residency Requirement
The doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree is designed to educate scientists to be capable of
independently formulating and solving problems of fundamental scientific importance. A
PhD Degree requires completion of a minimum of 18 course hours beyond the Master's
Degree, with a grade of 3.0 (B) or better, and completion of the departmental Qualifying
Examination at the PhD pass level. The degree candidate must also meet the residency
requirements. There is no foreign language requirement.
The required courses for a PhD Degree (in addition to those for the MS Degree in physics)
are as follows:
Physics 8640, Electrodynamics II (3 credit hours)
Physics 8720, Quantum Mechanics II (3)
Four elective graduate-level courses in Physics and Astronomy* (12)
*At least three of the four elective courses must be 8000+ level, one of them may be 7000+
level. Included in this should be essential courses in the area of specialization. Students
may also choose selected 7000+ and 8000+ level courses from other departments, if
relevant for their research projects, and with the approval of their advisor and the DGS.
Altogether, MU requires a minimum of 72 credit hours of graduate work (the sum of
course work and research credit hours) beyond the baccalaureate degree.
The residency requirements are as follows: A doctoral student must complete at least two
nine-hour semesters or three six-hour semesters in an 18-month period at MU. All courses
taken to satisfy the residency requirement must be approved by the student's doctoral
program committee. During this period, the student must be fully involved in academic
pursuit, be it study, teaching, or research. The MUGS specifically requires that a minimum
of 15 hours of course work at the 8000 level (exclusive of research, problems and
independent study experiences) be taken at MU.
2. Transfer of Credit
A student who has completed a master's degree at MU or elsewhere may, upon
recommendation of the advisor and approval by the departmental Director of Graduate
Studies and the MUGS, transfer a maximum of 30 credit hours toward the total hours
required for the doctoral degree. Transfer credit for doctoral students who do not have an
earned master's degree is limited to a maximum of 12 hours of graduate credit.
3. Selection of the Doctoral Program Committee
Upon passing the Qualifying Examination at the PhD pass level, the student is accepted as
a PhD degree candidate. The student should file the form D1, "Qualifying Examination
Results and Doctoral Committee Approval Form". The student must select (if he or she has
not already done so) a consenting adviser from doctoral faculty members who are
dissertation supervisors in the Department. The student's adviser officially recommends,
for the approval of the MUGS, a four-member Doctoral Program Committee, including
one outside member who is a graduate faculty member from a different MU program (but
not from outside MU).
4. Plan of Study
The doctoral program committee guides the student in planning a program of study. The
Chair of the Doctoral Program Committee, after conferring with the student and the
Doctoral Program Committee, submits to the MUGS a report, including a copy of the
proposed course of study and any request for transfer of graduate credit. This plan of study
will, when completed,
prepare the student for research in the chosen field of Physics or Astronomy,
satisfy the credit-hour and residency requirements.
The student must substantially complete the course work outlined in the "Plan of Study for
the Doctoral Degree" form (D2), to the satisfaction of the Doctoral Program Committee
and the Dean before being considered for the Comprehensive Examination.
5. Comprehensive Examination
The Comprehensive Exam (CE) is the most advanced general exam towards the PhD. It
consists of both written and oral parts. The student must be enrolled to take the CE. It is to
be administered only when the university is officially in session, and must be passed at
least seven months before the final dissertation defense. However, according to the
recommended PhD time line (see Section IV.9), the CE should be taken before the end of
the 6
semester. Taking the CE later than the 6
Semester requires approval by the
Graduate Studies Committee and by the student’s advisor. A request must be submitted in
writing to the Graduate Studies Committee before the end of the 6
semester; otherwise,
the student may fail the CE. The CE has the following format:
The student prepares a research proposal in the following suggested format:
o Page limit: 1-page abstract, up to 15 pages main narrative (including
figures), plus extra pages for references. This is the typical format for
research proposals to federal funding agencies such as NSF or DOE. The
document should be single spaced with 11 pt font size and 1 inch margin.
o The main narrative should contain a brief introduction and overview of your
research, a summary of the work carried out so far, and a plan for the
remaining research to be done. There should be a clear vision and
motivation for the proposed work and expected outcome. You should try to
convince the reader that this research is scientifically significant and
technically feasible.
The research proposal must be submitted as hard/electronic copies to each member
of the Doctoral Committee 10 days in advance of the exam date.
If the student’s advisor so chooses, the CE may include a set of written questions
prepared and graded by the members of the Doctoral Committee. The student will
have two weeks prior to the CE date to answer the questions.
The CE should be announced to the Department a week in advance.
On the day of the CE, the student gives an oral presentation (based on the submitted
research proposal) of the work done so far and planned future research. The
presentation should not be longer than 1 hour.
The members of the Doctoral Committee will ask questions specifically related to
the presentation. The Committee members may also ask more general questions to
test the knowledge of the student not only in his or her specific field of research,
but also in other subjects that are part of the required PhD coursework. For the part
of the CE where the Committee examines the student, the public is excluded.
For the CE to be successfully completed, all or all but one of the committee members must
vote to pass the student on the entire examination, both written and oral. A report of this
examination (form D3), carrying the signatures of all members of the committee, must be
submitted to the MUGS no later than two weeks after the CE.
A failure of either the written or oral section of the examination constitutes failure of the
CE. If a failure is reported, the committee will include in the report an outline of the general
weaknesses or deficiencies of the student's work. The student and the committee will work
together to identify steps the student might take to become fully prepared for the next
examination. If at any time the student believes that the advice given by the committee is
inadequate, the student may send a written request for clarification to the committee. A
copy of this request should be sent to the MUGS as well. The committee must respond to
this request in writing within two weeks and a copy must be filed with the MUGS. A
student who fails may not take a second examination for 12 weeks. Failure to pass two CEs
automatically prevents PhD candidacy.
6. Doctoral Candidacy and Continuous Enrollment
Candidacy for a doctoral degree is established by passing the Comprehensive Exam. Status
as a continuous enrollment doctoral student begins the term after the term in which the
comprehensive exam was successfully completed. Candidacy is maintained by enrolling in
9090 research for two semester hours each fall and winter semester and for one semester
hour each summer session up to and including the term in which the dissertation is
defended. Continuous enrollment provides access to an adviser's support, doctoral program
committee guidance and University research facilities for completion of the dissertation.
Failure to continuously enroll in 9090 research until the doctoral degree is awarded
terminates candidacy.
Candidacy may be reestablished by paying the registration and late fees owed and
completing the requirements specified by the student's doctoral program committee.
Registration fees owed may not exceed the amount owed for seven terms, regardless of the
number of terms beyond seven for which the student failed to continuously enroll. The
committee's requirements may include a second comprehensive examination with evidence
of research field being current as suggested by publications in refereed journals. Candidacy
is reestablished when the student's adviser and the departmental Director of Graduate
Studies submit a written request to the MUGS explaining the basis for the decision. Once
approved, a Request to Re-enroll form must be completed by the student and sent to the
department for processing.
7. Dissertation and Defense
The dissertation must be written on a subject approved by the candidate's Doctoral Program
Committee, must embody the results of original and significant investigation, and must be
the candidate's own work. Candidates should consult the MUGS website for Thesis and
Dissertations Guidelines:
All dissertation defenses shall be open to all Physics and Astronomy faculty and graduate
students. Dissertation defense dates should be publicly announced in advance. The
candidate must be enrolled to defend the dissertation, which is administered when MU is
officially in session. A report of the dissertation defense form (D4), carrying the signatures
of all members of the committee, is sent to the MUGS before the deadline preceding the
anticipated date of graduation. For the dissertation to be successfully defended, the
student's doctoral committee must vote to pass the student on the defense with no more
than one dissenting or abstaining vote.
8. Forms
After passing the Qualifying Examination at the PhD pass level, a student should begin
submitting degree program forms which will aid the department and the MUGS in tracking
the student's progress toward degree completion. These forms include:
D1 form: Qualifying Examination Results & Doctoral Committee Approval form -
verifies the qualifying process and confirms the student's adviser and doctoral
committee. Submit to the MUGS by the end of the semester in which the student passes
the Qualifying Examination at the PhD pass level.
D2 form: Plan of Study for the Doctoral Degree Form - presents the course work to be
included in the student's program of study. Submit to the MUGS by the end of the
semester in which the Qualifying Examination is passed at the PhD level.
D3 form: Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Results Form - records the official
results of the doctoral comprehensive examination. File with the MUGS within 30 days
of completing the comprehensive examination.
D4 form: Report of the Dissertation Defense Form - reports the official results of the
dissertation defense. File within 30 days of completing the defense.
9. Time line for the PhD Degree
The following time line is designed for students to obtain their PhD degree after 10
semesters. Since students have diverse backgrounds, this time line may not be suitable for
everyone. If a significant departure from this time line is anticipated, students must consult
their advisor and the DGS for approval. Permission to take the Comprehensive Exam later
than the 6
Semester requires a written request to the Graduate Studies Committee.
Take the “free shot” Qualifying Exam (see Section V) at the start of the semester.
Take required courses (see Sections III.1 and IV.1).
Take required courses.
Choose a research advisor and begin doing research.
Take the first regular attempt of the Qualifying Exam at the start of the semester.
Take required and/or elective courses.
Continue doing research.
Take the second attempt of the Qualifying Exam at the start of the semester (if
necessary). If you pass at only MS level but not at PhD level, finish with MS.
Take required and/or elective courses, and complete MS course requirements.
Continue doing research.
Obtain the MS degree ‘’in passing’’. This is optional, but all PhD students are
strongly encouraged to do this. The following easy steps are necessary:
Submit MS plan of study (M1 form) and M3 form (Qualifying Exam),
Submit Change of Degree form to have your MS degree added to your PhD
degree ,
Apply online at
commencement/index.php to obtain the MS degree. Don’t miss the online
application deadlines! To graduate in Spring, you must apply in December or
January. To graduate in Summer, you must apply in May. For further details, see
Select your PhD committee, and submit forms D1 and D2.
Continue to do research and to take required and/or elective courses.
Set a date for the Comprehensive Exam.
Continue to do research and to take required and/or elective courses.
Complete your Comprehensive Exam and submit form D3.
Taking the Comprehensive Exam later than the 6
Semester requires approval by
the Graduate Studies Committee and the student’s advisor. A request must be
submitted in writing to the Graduate Studies Committee. If this is not done before
the end of the semester, you may fail the Comprehensive Exam.
and 8
After passing the Comprehensive Exam, you have established your PhD candidacy.
Continue to be enrolled in Physics 9090 (Research) until you defend your thesis.
Start writing your thesis.
Set a date for your PhD defense, and meet with your PhD committee three months
before the defense.
Submit your PhD thesis to the committee two weeks before the defense date.
Defend your thesis and submit form D4.
Apply for graduation online at
Think ahead and start looking for jobs.
V. The Qualifying Examination
To be officially admitted to the Physics Ph.D. program, graduate students must pass the
Departmental Qualifying Examination (hereafter referred to as QE). At the same time,
the QE plays the role of the required final examination for the M.S. degree.
1. Administration of the QE
The QE is prepared, administered, and graded by the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
Committee (QE-Committee), whose chair is appointed by the Department Chair. The QE-
Committee consists of at least four members of the graduate faculty selected by the Chair
of the QE-Committee and approved by the Department Chair.
The QE will be given twice a year during the first week of the Fall and Winter Semesters.
The QE consists of two written parts. Part 1 (Part 2) will take place on Tuesday (Thursday)
of the first week of the Semester from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Students who need to take the QE
will be informed in due course about the location of the exam of the QE, along with other
pertinent information.
Incoming students must take the QE at the beginning of their 1
Semester (“free shot”).
The main purpose of the “free shot” is to acquaint new students with the QE. This “free
shot” QE should be regarded mainly as a diagnostic test. In addition, each student has two
more chances to take and pass the QE at the beginning of their 3
and 4
2. Content of the QE
Both parts of the QE will test problem solving skills and will cover four major topics in
Physics. Part 1 (given on Tuesday) will have two Classical Mechanics and two Quantum
Mechanics problems, while Part 2 (given on Thursday) will have two Electricity and
Magnetism and two Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics problems. The first (second)
problem in each topic will be at an undergraduate (introductory graduate) level.
QE books will be provided with all necessary instructions. All work must be done in the
QE books.
3. Assessment of the QE
Each exam will be graded by two QE-Committee members working independently of one
another. Neither grader will make any marks on the paper being graded. On each problem
the results of the two grades are averaged unless there is a significant discrepancy, in which
case the score will be resolved in conference. To preserve anonymity during grading, each
QE book will be identified by a letter code (assigned and kept secret by the Chair of the
QE-Committee) instead of the name of the student.
Each time the QE is given the QE-Committee will decide on a minimum score which will
be required for qualification at the Ph.D. and M.S. levels, roughly S1~60% and S2~40%,
Students who score above S1 (S2) are passed at Ph.D. (M.S.) level by the QE-
If in all three attempts a student scores below S2, he/she should not qualify at
Ph.D. level
If at least in one of the three attempts a student scores between S2 and S1, his/her
level of qualification at the Ph.D. level will be decided by the graduate faculty
based on his/her performance in: (1) research (as judged by his/her research
advisor and by other graduate faculty), and (2) course work. Each such case will
be decided by a secret faculty vote; for pass a 2/3 of graduate faculty vote will be
If at least in one of the three attempts a student scores between 20% and S2,
his/her level of qualification at the M.S. level will be decided by the faculty based
on the overall academic performance of the student.
Students typically will be informed of the outcome of their QE during the third week of the
4. Additional Information
To indicate the level of coverage of each topic, the following table lists representative
textbooks and the respective course numbers for this department. The introductory
graduate courses should have been taken by every student after the first year.
Intro Undergraduate
Advanced Undergrad
Intro Graduate
Halliday & Resnick or
equivalent, Phys 2750
Marion & Thornton
Phys 4140
Phys 8610
Quantum Mech.
any modern physics
textbook, Phys3150
Liboff, Griffiths
Phys 4800, 4810
Phys 8710
Electricity &
Halliday & Resnick or
equivalent, Phys 2760
Phys 4100, 4130
Phys 8620
Thermo & Stat.
Halliday & Resnick or
equivalent, Phys 2750
Phys 4120
Phys 8680
For each topic, the level of difficulty of the first problem typically lies in the introductory
to advanced undergraduate range. The second problem is typically at the advanced
undergraduate to introductory graduate level.
To aid students in their preparations, copies of previous QEs may be obtained upon request
from the Chairperson of the QE-Committee.
VI. Financial Support
Since the department of Physics and Astronomy is committed to the success of its incoming
graduate students, several financial aid packages are available to give maximum support to
students so that they can pursue their academic work free from financial problems.
Incoming students are usually granted a teaching assistantship (TA), but in some cases
research assistantships (RA) can be given to first-year students. In addition, all regular
teaching and research assistants are granted a full tuition waiver by the University.
Teaching Assistantships
Teaching Assistants receive a stipend for the nine month academic year over 10 months
from August 1st through May 31st that is at a level competitive with most other U.S.
institutions. These assistantships generally require up to 20 hours weekly, which includes
preparation, classroom, and grading (see Section VII.2).
Research Assistantships
Research Assistantships are generally awarded to advanced students. Their financial award
is comparable with the TA stipend. The RA position allows the student the opportunity to
pursue research full time. However, an RA stipend depends upon the advisor’s external
funding and deserving students in the research group are selected (see also Section VII.3).
O.M. Stewart Summer Scholarships
Several O.M. Stewart Summer Scholarships of up to $3,000 are available to students who
are enrolled eight weeks during summer session working on a research project with a
faculty advisor and/or taking courses.
Other Awards for Excellence
Other awards for excellence in teaching or research by a graduate student may be given by
the MUGS upon nomination by the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The MUGS also awards a number of travel scholarships. Students are encouraged to apply
for these to help cover the costs of attending conferences. For application procedures, see
VII. Department and University Policies
1. Participation and Assessment
Our graduate students are expected to take a full and active part in departmental activities.
Participation in research programs, departmental lectures and colloquia are considered an
integral part of a graduate program.
MUGS will soon implement (most likely in fall 2021) an annual review of graduate student
using myVITA. Please keep checking the Website to find out when it is implemented and
the required information. It is designed to facilitate the collection of information necessary
to properly assess the progress of graduate students. The system can also initiate a feedback
loop between student and adviser, allow academic programs to generate aggregate reports
on their student's achievements, and create a curriculum vita for a student.
2. Requirements for Teaching Assistants
A full-time graduate TA is expected to work for 20 hours per week.
Preparation. Lab TAs must thoroughly prepare themselves for the labs. Preparation
includes (but is not limit to) reading the lab manual, working through all activities,
answering all the questions in the lab book, and resolving any possible ambiguities with
course instructors.
Teaching techniques, laboratory setup, and other important teaching related information is
covered in the course Physics 8040 which is recommended for all TAs.
In the classroom. TAs should be fully engaged in the interactions with students. This
includes giving a short (10 to 20 minutes) introductory lecture at the beginning, and more
importantly offering help and advice while students work through the labs.
Grading of lab work. TAs are required to grade students' lab work in a professional and
timely manner. Most of the lab grading is done online (using the Canvas platform). Please
annotate the reports to explain any deduction of points.
Office hours. TAs are required to keep one hour of office hours each week outside lab time.
The purpose of office hours is to give students the opportunity to come and ask questions
about the labs.
Proctoring and grading of exams. TAs are also responsible for proctoring and grading
exams as arranged by course instructors.
It is expected that teaching duties are taken seriously to maintain your TA support. In case
of repeated warnings by the instructor of the course where you may have neglected your
duties or have not performed up to the mark, you may be placed under a probationary
period and your TA support may be revoked.
3. Responsibilities of Research Assistants
Once a student begins research, the research advisor usually becomes the official advisor.
If a student’s research advisor is in another department, the student will still have a
departmental advisor on the Physics Department faculty. It is important that you meet with
your advisor regularly to discuss your goals, coursework and expectations. Your advisor is
your personal consultant on academic matters and serves as a liaison between you and the
Physics Department in procedural matters.
It is important to realize that RA support in the department comes through very competitive
externally funded research grants. Faculty members spend a lot of effort in writing such
grant proposals. The actual cost of an RA to a grant is approximately twice of what a
student receives in salary, because it includes University overhead and fringe benefit costs
for health care, tuition, etc. Funding is very competitive, and RA support for students must
be justified to the funding agencies based upon the scientific output.
An RA enables the student to work full-time as part of a research group, doing current
research in his or her chosen field. A student receives an RA appointment through an
individual agreement with a faculty member who then serves as the student's research
As an RA, your primary responsibility is to accomplish the research goals laid out by your
research advisor. The professor can assign duties or tasks as needed for satisfactory
progress on the grant. Such assignments can vary with the research field or the professor.
Normally, the time involved with research activities will greatly exceed the nominal 20
hours/week associated with an RA appointment, the extra hours typically being credited
under a research or thesis course registration.
The department strongly encourages an RA to keep the advisor informed about day-to-day
research activities. Students should enroll for classes by consulting with their advisor.
Courses outside the Physics Department may be taken only with an approval by the advisor.
In situations where the research advisor sees that the student is not making satisfactory
progress towards research, the RA support may be terminated. The grant from which RA
support is derived is normally subject to annual renewal and possible termination. In such
cases if the overall progress of the student has been satisfactory, the department might be
able to provide a TA support to the student.
4. GPA and Good Standing, Probation, and Dismissal
Examination and grade requirements set by the MUGS can be found at
To obtain their degrees, students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 in all graduate courses
taken at MU and not just those courses listed on a plan of study. Notice that the GPA is
computed only from the “letter grades” A, B, C, and F. Courses graded on an S/U basis are
not part of the GPA.
At the end of each semester, students with a cumulative GPA below 3.0 are placed on
probation. If at the end of the following semester the cumulative GPA is 3.0 or better, the
probationary status is removed. A student on probation failing to raise the cumulative GPA
to 3.0 may, on the recommendation of the department or area program, be allowed a second
probationary semester.
A student is subject to dismissal upon failure to raise the cumulative GPA to 3.0 by the end
of the second probationary semester, or at any time a semester/term or cumulative GPA
falls below 2.0 (Summer session is not counted as a semester).
In addition to dismissal for failure to meet the examination and grade requirements, the
department has the right to place on probation, and after at least 30 days of probation, to
dismiss from their program any graduate student who is deemed to be making insufficient
academic progress or whose work is not of the quality required. The faculty adviser or
academic program chair must inform the MUGS as soon as the student is notified and the
probationary period begins. The dismissal may occur at any time during a student's work
toward a graduate degree.
5. Course Load, Enrollment, and Status
Your first semesters. In the first two years, your priority will be to take the
required core courses. This means that you have to enroll for up to 3 courses per
semester, which equals 9 credit hours. Taking more than 3 courses per semester is
not recommended.
Specialized courses. When it comes to choosing elective or special topics courses,
discuss with your advisor which courses you should take.
Research credit. Before passing the Comprehensive Exam, students take Physics
8090 for research credit. After the Comprehensive Exam, your PhD candidacy is
established and you must enroll in Physics 9090. Consult with your research advisor
how many research credit hours you should take.
Courses outside the Physics Department. There is no tuition waiver for courses
that are offered in other departments, unless you get special permission from the
DGS and your advisor. You can only take courses which are directly needed and
useful for your research.
International students. Be familiar with the International Center’s web site:, which contains the necessary information to
maintain your status. You must have a valid passport, valid I-20 or DS-2019, take
enough credit hours, and work legally. For details, see
Tuition waivers. To receive a full tuition waiver, graduate students need a 0.5 FTE
(Full-Time Employment). If you are a full-time RA this is automatically the case
(your research advisor pays for your tuition). If you are a full-time TA then (since
you work 20 hours per week) you are officially on a 0.5 FTE.
Full-time enrollment. 9 credit hours in Fall/Spring and 2 credit hours in Summer
are considered full-time enrollment for graduate students.
Minimum enrollment for domestic students. The MUGS does not set minimum
enrollment requirements for domestic MS students and pre-comprehensive PhD
Minimum enrollment for international students: In the fall and spring
semesters, 6 credit hours if you are an RA or TA, otherwise 9 hours. In summer, no
enrollment is mandated; however, you need to be enrolled for at least 1 credit hour
if you wish to receive any departmental support or summer fellowship. For details,
Enrollment for post-comprehensive PhD students. Beginning the semester after
the completion of comprehensive exam, students (both international and domestic)
are required to maintain enrollment of 2 hours during the spring and fall semesters
and 1 hour during the summer.
Other minimum enrollment requirements. Students should consult their funding
source (the department, advisor, or funding agency for fellowships or
assistantships, or the financial aid office) to make sure that they are meeting their
minimum enrollment requirements, if there are any, in order to maintain funding
and/or student loan deferment. Typically, half-time enrollment (4 hours in
Fall/Spring and 2 hours in Summer) is required to maintain certain benefits such
as FICA (payroll tax for social security and medicare) exemption and deferring of
student loan payments.
VIII. Graduate Student Survival Skills
1. Life in the Department.
Your advisor. This will be the key person for you, and will be advising, mentoring
and guiding you towards your degree. Make sure you meet your advisor on a regular
basis and talk to him/her as often as possible. In case of a conflict with your advisor,
first come and talk to the DGS and then to the department chair, if necessary.
Be involved in the department. Since this is the place where you will be spending
most of your time, be involved and participate in departmental events! This includes
the weekly seminars and colloquia, PAGSA meetings, journal club, department
picnics, and any other special events.
Office space. The department provides you with an office space. This can be a
cubicle in one of the graduate student offices, or a desk in your advisor’s lab.
Remember to keep your office space neat. If you need music, use headphones.
Get to know people and resources. The office staff is there to help you and you
should get to know them. Familiarize yourself with the departmental resources such
as mailbox, fax, and copy machine.
Be in touch. It is extremely important that you check your email frequently so that
you can always be reached. Most of the important information will be via email and
you need to stay connected.
Time off. Everybody deserves a break, even graduate students. Before you take
time off for holidays, vacation, or traveling, inform your advisor! Don’t just
disappear. In most cases, your advisor will be happy to let you take time off, but
they will want to know for how long and whether and how you can be reached.
Leave of absence. Under special circumstances, the Department and the MUGS
may grant you a 1-2 semester leave of absence. Talk to the DGS if you want to do
this. Policies can be found on the MUGS web page.
2. Science and Research.
Find an advisor. This is the single most important thing. If you don’t have an advisor
when you first come here, start looking around immediately and find out who does
what. Talk to the professors, they will gladly take the time and explain their research.
Working hours. Being a graduate student is not a 9-5 job. You will have flexible
working hours, and there is no time sheet as long as you get your work done.
Occasionally you will go through periods of more intense work load, which may
require that you work in the evenings and on weekends. Every successful scientist will
tell you that the secret lies in hard work through self-motivation.
Be independent. Your advisor will give you a research project, provide you with basic
training, and guide you step-by-step towards becoming a fully-fledged researcher. But
the advisor cannot do everything for you: you need to be active and take the initiative.
What your advisor expects from you:
Complete your work on time. Do not procrastinate.
Arrive to meetings and seminars on time. A 3 o’clock meeting means you should
show up at 3 o’clock. If you’re late for an appointment, let your advisor know.
Keep up-to-date with literature. Nowadays, all science journals are online (From
outside MU, you can access them using a VPN client Cisco Anyconnect). Make
sure you read the new issues of Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters,
Astrophysics Journal, and other relevant journals every week.
Think independently. Every time you meet your advisor, present new ideas and/or
ask new questions. It’s OK if your idea turns out to be no good; what is most
important is that you show an initiative.
Write well. Scientific writing is a very important skill that can be learned. There are
two ways: learn by studying examples of well-written papers in the literature (follow
your advisor’s recommendation), and utilize university resources offered by the
What to expect from your advisor:
Feedback. Submit work to your advisor frequently for feedback. Request more
details if you don't understand the feedback given.
Regular meetings. Meet at least once a week to discuss progress. Even if you are
on-track, regular meetings can bring new ideas to mind.
Travel arrangements. If your advisor is leaving town for an extended period of
time, schedule times to talk via zoom or other platform.
Course advice. Discuss special topics courses which would be beneficial to your
Research topics. Find research projects which are mutually interesting to you and
your advisor. The first few projects you work on may be entirely of your advisor's
creation, but when you get a feel for the science you will be specializing in, your
advisor may be open to project suggestions. (At the same time, you should
understand your advisor's area of expertise, as well as the grants he/she may already
have, and should consider those aspects when coming up with a research topic).
Collaboration. If you think it would be useful to contact another expert on the topic
of your research, bring this up with your advisor and explain how they could benefit
the project.
Conferences. Present your research! Ask your advisor about funding for
conferences, they may be able to help or at least point you to funding agencies on/off
campus. There is also travel money available from the University (see VI) or from
professional organizations.
Connections. When traveling to conferences, have your advisor introduce you to
fellow scientists in your field.
Help in finding a job. Ready to graduate? Discuss your future goals with your
advisor! He or she may be able to help you find a job, especially if you want to find
a postdoc/academic position.
Recommendation letters. Your advisor will be an important source for
recommendation letters even in the years after you have graduated.
Scientific integrity. As a beginning active researcher, you have responsibilities beyond
you own personal realm. For example, while an incident of plagiarism in a term paper
may affect only your grade, the same incident in a research publication will also affect
your advisor and potentially colleagues at other institutions. A publication by the
National Academy of Sciences - On Being A Scientist - can give helpful guidance to
both student and advisor on this issue. Here’s a quote:
Beyond honest errors and errors caused through negligence are a third category of
errors: those that involve deception. Making up data or results (fabrication),
changing or misreporting data or results (falsification), and using the ideas or
words of another person without giving appropriate credit (plagiarism)all strike
at the heart of the values on which science is based. These acts of scientific
misconduct not only undermine progress but the entire set of values on which the
scientific enterprise rests. Anyone who engages in any of these practices is putting
his or her scientific career at risk. Even infractions that may seem minor at the time
can end up being severely punished.
More information on academic integrity can be obtained from MU’s Office of
Academic Integrity.
Join a professional organization. Every Physics/Astronomy graduate student should
be a member of the American Physical Society (APS)/American Astronomical Society
(AAS). Membership is typically free for the first year. You’ll get the journal “Physics
Today”, and other useful benefits.
More on science survival skills. Two books which may be useful:
“A PhD is not enough: a guide to survival in science” by Peter J. Feibelman
“Survival skills for scientists” by Frederico Rosei.
3. Miscellaneous.
Student information. The most comprehensive source of information for student life
is the following MU web page: . There is a great
student newspaper, The Maneater, which is distributed for free on campus during the
semester. Columbia has two local newspapers, the Missourian (run by the MU
Journalism School) and the Tribune. Both are good sources of local news.
The internet. The web is a fantastic resource for information, and has become an
indispensable tool for research. But there are two key rules:
Do not go to inappropriate web sites or play computer games while at work.
Do not plagiarize. For instance, when writing a paper or thesis, do not cut-and-paste
from Wikipedia or from anywhere else. See “Academic integrity” above.
IT and computer services. Information on student email and computer resources can
be found here:
The MU bookstore. Visit the bookstore and find out what services it offers. TigerTech
is located in the bookstore’s basement, and offers computers and other tech stuff with
student discounts. See
The MU Library. Get to know the MU Library and the services it offers. Figure out
how to borrow books and use the copy services.
Getting around. Columbia Public Transport offers various bus routes, see
Be safe. Columbia is, in general, a safe city, but some caution is advised in downtown
or any parking garage late at night. Avoid walking alone in the dark.
Be healthy. Study your health insurance coverage and know where to go and what to
do when you’re sick. The Student Health Center offers most of the basic services you
will need:
Stay in shape. Your student fees automatically include the MU recreational center. It’s
a great place to work out and meet people.
Emergency information. Call 911 in case of fire, accidents or serious medical
emergencies. In other cases, call the MU police department at 992-7201.
IX. List of Courses
For a list of all courses offered during a particular semester, please see the Schedule of Courses in MyZou.
Physics 7085: Problems (credit by arrangement)
Laboratory work involving study of literature of special experiments in physics. Introduces research
Physics 7087: Seminar in Physics (1).
Topics of current interest selected for discussion. May be elected repeatedly. S/U Graded only.
Prerequisite: 8150.
Physics 7110: Light and Modern Optics (4).
Interaction of light with matter, spectroscopic techniques, wave optics, interferometry, multilayer films,
polarization, nonlinear optics, design of optical instruments, matrix methods, waveguides, fiber optics,
acousto-optic and photo-elastic modulation. Includes both Lectures and Laboratory. Prerequisite: Physics
2760 or equivalent.
Physics/Astronomy 7180: Solar System Science (3) (same as Geology and Astronomy 7180).
Investigates physical states, interior structures and comparative geology of solar systems bodies: planets,
moons, asteroids, comets, sun. Solar system formation and evolution. Prerequisites: Physics 1220 or 2760
or instructor's consent.
Physics 7190: Physics and Chemistry of Materials (3) (same as Nuclear Engineering 7319 and
Chemistry 7490).
This course will cover fundamental and applied aspects relating to the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of
material with specific emphasis on Nanoscience and Nanomedicine. Consists of lectures and experiments
in nanoscience. Prerequisite: Physics 2760 and Chemistry 1320 or equivalent and consent of instructor.
Physics/Astronomy 7201: Topics in Physics (3)
Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester.
Instructor’s consent required.
Physics 7230: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis (3)
This course is designed for senior undergraduate/graduate students and covers the basic principles and
practical considerations using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometry
(EDS) in the characterization of materials. The structure of the course consists of a series of lectures
followed by computer simulation labs covering the lecture topics. This is followed by hands-on lab
assignments reinforcing the same material while also servicing as operational training and analytical
methods. Also covered in this course are sample preparation techniques, digital imaging and data
acquisition and processing. Prerequisites: Physics 3150 and instructor's consent.
Physics/Astronomy 7301: Topics in Astronomy and Astrophysics (3)
Selected topics from solar system, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, and astrophysics. May be
repeated for credit. Graded on A/F basis only.
Physics 7310: Physics in Cell and Developmental Biology (3) (same as Biological Science 7310).
Discusses the role of physical mechanisms in specific cellular and developmental processes and
phenomena, in particular those characterizing the embryonic stage of multicellular organisms. Each process
and phenomenon is first described in biological terms and then within a physical model, with special
emphasis on the interplay between the two descriptions. Prerequisite: Physics 1220 or 2760 and BIO SC
2300 or instructor's consent.
Physics 7360: Extragalactic Astronomy (3)
This course introduces students to the most basic knowledge of extragalactic astronomy, starting from
Milky Way and extending to the most distant universe. Topics covered will include galaxy morphology and
classification, groups and clusters of galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and galaxy formation and evolution.
Prerequisite: Physics 2760.
Physics 7400: Physics of Electronic Devices (3)
This course is designed for graduate and undergraduate students of Physics and Electrical Engineering who
have an interest in learning the basic physical idea underlying the operation of electronic devices. The
course consists of lectures, handout lecture notes, problem sets, two mid-term and one final exam.
Prerequisites: basic knowledge of modern physics (electromagnetism and quantum mechanics) at the level
of Physics 3150 or equivalent, or approval by instructors.
Physics 7410: Analysis of Biological Macromolecules and Biomaterials (3)
This interdisciplinary, team-taught course introduces basic concepts and experimental techniques for
studying bio-macromolecules and biomaterials. A problem based learning / writing intensive approach uses
four modules: proteins, membranes, Cellular Interactions, and Biomaterials. Prerequisite: Physics 2760.
Physics7420: Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (3)
This course offers a broad introduction to medical imaging. Topics to be covered include the physics basics
and instrumentation of X-rays, CT, PET, SPECT, ultrasound, MRI, and optical imaging, as well as recent
developments in biomedical imaging. Prerequisite: Physics 2760.
Physics 7450: Introduction to Cosmology (3)
Develops the physical concepts necessary for understanding the major recent discoveries in cosmology,
such as the acceleration of the universe and dark energy. No prior knowledge of general relativity is
assumed. Prerequisite: Physics 3150 or equivalent or instructor's consent. Graded on A/F basis only.
Physics 7500: Computational Biological Physics (3)
Provides a practical introduction (hands-on approach) to the study of the structure and function of
biomolecular systems by employing computational methods and theoretical concepts familiar from the
physical sciences. Prerequisites: graduate standing and Physics 1220 or 2760 or instructor's consent.
Physics/Astronomy 7550: Cosmochemistry (3)
Chemistry of cosmic dust and molecules. Prerequisites: Physics 2760 or 1220; instructor's consent.
Physics 7600: Semiconductor Optics (3)
It is an introductory-level course in the field of optical processes in semiconductors (both inorganic and
organic) and solid-state optoelectronics, designed both for graduate and undergraduate students of Physics,
Chemistry, and Electrical engineering. Prerequisite: Physics 3150 or instructor's consent. Graded on A/F
basis only.
Physics 7650: Modern Condensed Matter Physics (3)
Introduces the basic concepts and gives an overview of the latest developments of modern condensed
matter physics at the forefront of (nano)science and technology. Combines lectures and computational
laboratory, where students use and develop interactive computer simulations. Prerequisite: Physics 3150 or
instructor's consent. Graded on A/F basis only.
Physics 7750: Interstellar Medium (3)
The course discusses observational properties and physical and chemical processes occurring in the
interstellar medium. Topics include interstellar diffuse and molecular clouds, HII regions, dust grains,
interstellar chemistry, star formation, supernova remnants, and interstellar shock waves. Prerequisites:
graduate standing and Physics 1220 or 2760.
Physics 7850: Computational methods in Physics (3)
Use of modern computational techniques in solving a wide variety of problems in solid state, nuclear,
quantum and statistical physics. Prerequisite: Physics 4800 or instructor's consent.
Physics 8040: Study of Techniques of Teaching College Physics (1-3).
Objectives, methods, and problems related to teaching college physics. Some credit in this course is
required for all students teaching physics. May repeat for 3 hours maximum.
Physics 8090: Research in Physics and Astronomy (credit by arrangement).
Graduate research in physics and astronomy. Prerequisites: graduate standing required. Graded on an S/U
basis only.
Physics 8101: Topics of Physics and Astronomy (1-3)
Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester.
Prerequisite: instructor's consent. Departmental consent for repetition.
Physics 8110: Physics for high School Teachers I (4)
This s a physics course designed primarily for high school teachers. Topics include motion, forces,
Newton's Laws, electricity, and magnetism. The course uses research based pedagogical methods utilizing
inquiry, modeling, and hands-on techniques. Prerequisite: instructor's consent. Graded on A/F basis only.
Physics 8120: Physics for high School Teachers II (4)
This is a physics course designed primarily for high school teachers. Topics include applications of
Newton's laws, energy, waves, optics, heat, and astronomy. The course uses research based pedagogical
methods utilizing inquiry modeling, and hands-on techniques. Prerequisite: instructor's consent. Graded
on A/F basis only.
Physics 8130: Physics for high School Teachers III (2)
This is a physics course designed primarily for high school teachers. Topics include modern physics and
history of science. The course uses research based pedagogical methods utilizing inquiry, modeling, and
hands-on techniques. Prerequisite: instructor's consent. Graded on A/F basis only.
Physics 8150: Condensed Matter Physics I (3).
Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice, phonons, neutron & x-ray scattering, free electron theory of metals,
Fermi surfaces, energy bands, static properties of solids, semiconductors, devices and quantum structures,
optical properties, excitons, introduction to magnetism, and superconductivity. Prerequisite: 4800
or equivalent.
Physics 8160: Condensed Matter Physics II (3).
The basic Hamiltonian, phonons, theory of the electron gas, second quantization, hartree and Hartee-Fock
approximation, local-density, tight-binding theory, electron-electron interaction and screening, Fermi
liquid theory, transport properties, impurities, Green's functions, Localization, Quantum Hall
effect, magnetism, superconductivity. Prerequisite: 8150. Continuation of 8150.
Astronomy 8301: Topics in Astronomy and Astrophysics (3).
Selected topics from solar system, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, and astrophysics. May be
repeated to a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: instructor's consent.
Astronomy 8350: Science Outreach (3).
(same as Biological Sciences [BIO SC] and Animal Sciences [AN SCI] 8725) This course is aimed at
promoting public understanding and appreciation of science. The students will develop presentations that
increase awareness of the impact of science on many aspects of our daily lives. Graduate Standing or
instructor's consent required.
Physics 8400: Low Energy Neutron Scattering (3).
Theory, application of low energy neutron scattering to investigation of structure and dynamics of
aggregate matter, to include lattice vibrations, ordered spin systems, spin waves, diffusive motions in
liquids; experimental techniques discussed. Prerequisite: 8150.
Physics 8450: Plasma Physics (3).
Single particle motion, plasma kinetic theory, magnetohydrodynamics and other fluid theories, waves in
unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas, transport phenomena, instabilities, controlled fusion. Prerequisite:
instructor's consent.
Physics/Astronomy 8550: Stellar Structure and Evolution (3).
Reviews of atomic and molecular spectra. Investigates quantum radiation law, emission and adsorption
processes, radiation transfer theory, continuous and discrete line spectra of stars, stellar composition.
Prerequisites: Astro 4250, Physics 4800, or instructor' consent.
Physics 8560: Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis and Advanced Imaging (3).
This course is designed for graduates/senior undergraduate students. This course covers the theory and
methodology to quantitatively analyze materials using both energy-dispersive (EDS) and wavelength-
dispersive (WDS) spectrometry along with image processing and analysis techniques. Prerequisites:
Physics 8230
Physics 8610: Classical Mechanics (3).
The interplay of dynamics and symmetry, Hamilton's principle and Neother's theorem, Lagrangian,
Hamiltonian, Hamilton-Jacobi theories of mechanics. Mechanics in special relativity. Rigid body motion,
small oscillations, canonical transformations and fields as continuous mechanical systems. Prerequisite:
4140 or equivalent.
Physics 8620: Electrodynamics I (3).
Electrostatic potential and fields, boundary-value problems in electrostatics, methods of images, Green's
functions, multipole expansion, dielectrics, magnetostatics, magnetic materials, Maxwell's' equations, time-
varying fields. Prerequisites: Physics 8610 or instructor's consent.
Physics 8640: Electrodynamics II (3).
Electromagnetic wave propagation, reflection, refraction, wave guides, cavities antennas and diffraction,
tensors, special relativity, the Lorentz group, dynamics of relativistic particles and fields radiation by
moving charges, retardation, bremsstrahlung. Additional topics may include magnetohydrodynamics and
plasma physics. Prerequisites: Physics 8620 or instructor's consent.
Physics 8660: Methods in Mathematical Physics (3).
Concentrates on mathematical techniques used in modern physics. Infinite series, functions of a complex
variable, differential equations, Fourier series and integral, etc. Prerequisite: Physics 4700 or instructor's
Physics 8680: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3).
Thermodynamics as applied in physics, chemistry; laws of distribution; statistical methods of study
matter, radiation. Prerequisite: 8710 or concurrently.
Physics 8700: Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (3).
This course provides an introduction to the theoretical and mathematical description of classical stochastic
systems with examples from biophysics and condensed matter physics. Prerequisite: Physics 8680.
Physics 8710: Quantum Mechanics I (3).
Non-relativistic quantum theory in Hilbert space. States and self-adjoint observables, unitary time evolution
in various pictures, the path-integral, identical particles, Fock space, angular momentum, and some
perturbation theory. Prerequisite: Physics 8610.
Physics 8720: Quantum Mechanics II (3).
More perturbation theory, variational methods, semi-classical methods and application to radiation theory,
scattering theory, linear response theory, and rudiment of relativistic quantum mechanics, including the
Klein-Gordan and the Dirac equations. Prerequisite: Physics 8710.
Physics 8730: Quantum Mechanics III (3).
Properties of many-particle systems at low temperature. General Formalism for Fermi and Bose systems,
Theory of superconductivity and superfluidity, Introduction to quantum spin model -
Diagrammatic formulation of quantum electrodynamics. Scattering of electrons and positrons, introduction
to radioactive corrections. Prerequisites: Physics 8720. Graded on S/U basis only.
Physics 8801: Topics in Solid State Theory (3).
Selected topics in solid-state theory, including various elementary excitations in solids and their
interactions. May be elected more than once. Prerequisite: instructor's consent.
Physics 8820: Relativity and Gravitation (3).
Special and general theories of relativity. Discussion of accelerated observers and the principle of
equivalence. Einstein's gravitational field equations, black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology.
Prerequisite: Physics 8610 and Physics 8620.
Physics 9090: Research (credit by arrangement).
Research leading to PhD dissertation. Prerequisite: PhD candidacy has been established. Graded on an S/U
basis only.