Sherburn High School
Headteacher: Ms Miriam Oakley
Garden Lane, Sherburn In Elmet, Leeds, LS25 6AS
Tel: 01977 682442
Web: Email: [email protected]
Dear parents, carers and students,
We can’t wait to meet you on our Taster Days – see below for some important information about
what will happen on those days!
Year 7 Taster Days: Wednesday 3rd July and Thursday 4th July
All of our new students are invited to spend two full days in school with us, on Wednesday 3rd July
and Thursday 4th July.
What time do students need to be at school?
Students need to be on site by 8:25 a.m. They should go straight to the main hall where they will
be greeted by staff.
How do students get to school?
Families are responsible for their child’s travel to and from Sherburn High School. Bus companies
have stated they will allow Year 6 students to use the bus service but this will be dependent upon
space available so cannot be guaranteed.
What time will students leave school?
The school day will finish at 2:45 p.m. on both days.
What do students wear and what do they need to bring?
Students should wear their current primary school uniform and a pair of trainers (as they will be
taking part in team building games and activities). They need to bring a bag which is large enough
to hold a water bottle and a pencil case.
What will students eat during the day?
Students should bring a snack to enjoy on day one for break.
During their first morning all students will be registered on our biometric payment system. This will
mean that they can enjoy lunch from our catering team. Students who are entitled to free school
meals will automatically be registered for these if they are coming from a North Yorkshire school. If
your child is coming from a school outside of North Yorkshire and is entitled to free school meals,
please contact us so that we can allocate this.
On day two, students will also be able to buy a snack for break from our catering team if they wish.
You will shortly receive details on setting up your Parentpay account and you should ensure funds
are available to cover the cost of any purchases.
Details of our in-house catering offer, including a price list, can be found on our website.
New Intake Parents’ Information Evening
All parents/carers and students are invited to attend an Information Evening on Thursday 4th July.
Given the large numbers of students joining us, we have had to split the evening into two
sessions. Please see below:
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Athelstan Community Primary School
Appleton Roebuck
Brotherton and Byram
Kirk Fenton
Selby Abbey
St Botolphs
Barkston Ash
Monk Fryston
South Milford
Burton Salmon
September 2024
The first day for Year 7 students is Tuesday 3rd September. To help students settle in, the only
other year group in school will be Year 11.
On the first day of school students will spend the morning getting to know their form tutor and other
students in their tutor group. They will take part in a variety of activities so that they feel confident
about finding their way around the site. They will start their lessons in the afternoon. Students will
not need their PE kit on their first day; but they will be expected to be in their full Sherburn High
School uniform from day one. Details of our uniform can be found on our website and we will also
go through these on our New Intake Evening.
Meet your new Head of Year – Mr Darnbrough
Mr Darnbrough will be the Head of Year 7. He has just finished guiding our current Year 11
students through their GCSEs and is looking forward to meeting a new set of students. He is
going to be a very important member of staff for both parents/carers and students, and has been
very busy visiting lots of our feeder primary schools finding out all about our new students. I know
he’s extremely excited to meet you all in person.
And finally…
Don’t forget to access and follow our Twitter page
@sherburnhigh for our latest updates. Even if you are not on Twitter you can access our feed on
the main website:
If you have not yet completed our Admission Form please can you do this at the earliest
opportunity to ensure we have correct details for your child prior to our transition days.
We thought you might find it helpful if we included our most recent Frequently Asked Questions
which are on our Transition webpage.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact either
Ms Marsh or myself.
Yours sincerely
Miriam Oakley
Frequently Asked Questions
Ordering and finance
When do we need to order PE Kit and House ties from school and when should we expect it to
arrive? Do we order ties and polo shirts from a school clothing provider or through school?
You can order ties and calculators through school but we do not stock uniform.
Anything you purchase through school will be paid for via Parentpay and your order will be given out either
via a sibling before the end of term, during transition days or we’ll get in touch to arrange a suitable time
with you.
When do we need to buy a Summer polo shirt?
Summer polo shirts in House colours are only worn for the final half-term (June/July). Students will therefore
not need these until May of Year 7.
When will we be signed up to ParentPay?
You will receive an email in mid June with all the information you need for ParentPay. This will then allow
you to order House ties. We will let you know which House you are in at the start of July. You’ll still be able
to order a tie as we will assign the correct colour.
How do we pay for school dinners?
You top-up your child’s school meal account by Parentpay (minimum of £5). We recommend setting up an
email alert in Parentpay which lets you know when your child’s school meal account needs topping up.
If my child has FSM how is this credited?
Students in receipt of Free School Meals automatically have their allowance credited to their School Meal
My child is currently entitled to Free School Meals at Primary School, does it automatically carry
across to High School or do I have to reapply?
If your child currently attends a Primary School in the North Yorkshire area there is no need to reapply.
However, if your child attends a Primary school out of the North Yorkshire area i.e. Leeds, York, Wakefield
and is currently entitled to Free School Meals, you will have to apply to North Yorkshire so that the
entitlement continues. The application form can be downloaded by following the link on the school
Will we be able to order a locker this year?
Yes you can! Please see the transition page for guidance on how to order a locker from
Contact between School and Home
How does Sherburn High contact us when our child starts in September? Is there a dashboard we
login to?
We send out all our letters and large correspondence via email. When you first join us it is worthwhile
keeping an eye on your junk mail folders and making sure we are in your address book - particularly on
Hotmail accounts. We will also contact you via text message with shorter announcements.
You can also keep track of your child's attendance and view their school reports by downloading the My
Child at School app. Information for this will be communicated with you in due course.
The First Day and Transport
Where do we go on our first day?
When students arrive on day one in September there will be lots of staff outside guiding them to the correct
room. There is no need to worry - you won’t get lost!
When will I get my child's bus pass?
These should arrive in the post. If you have concerns that these have not arrived before your child starts
with us please contact Transportation at North Yorkshire. Click on the Transport button on the Transition
What will my child need to bring on their first day of school?
Stationery, all of which can be found on the transition page of the school website. A water bottle. Their lunch
if they bring packed lunches. They will not need a P.E kit on their first day.
When will I find out which house and form I am in?
We will be sharing this information with you before the end of term.
Who do we contact if we have an issue?
Depending on the issue you could contact your child's form tutor or your child's head of year.
Curriculum and extra-curricular
What extracurricular activities do you offer?
We offer a range of activities and clubs both during and after school. Departments and teams will update
students when they start in September.
How is the curriculum structured?
All lessons, except period 1 are 1 hour in duration and there is a two-weekly timetable (Week A and Week
There are 25 lessons per week.
RSHE (Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education) is delivered
during Period 1. Additionally, at Key Stage 3 Religious Studies is delivered independently for all (2 hours
allocated per fortnight).
At Key Stage 3 students are divided into an A and a B half for Foundation subjects. This is mixed ability.
In Year 7, all students are taught in mixed ability groups, except in Maths where KS2 SATS (traditionally)
and an early baseline test determine setting.
In Year 8, all students except Maths and Science are taught in mixed ability groups. Science set based
upon internal assessment data and KS2 SATs and English is taught in mixed ability groups.
At Key Stage 4 core subjects are set by ability in Maths and Science.
Option groups are largely mixed ability.
How is the curriculum structured in Year 7 and Year 8?
Languages (French)
Design Technology
Physical Education
Information Technology
Religious Studies