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Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act
The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008
(SAFE Act) was enacted
on July 30, 2008, and mandates a nationwide licensing and registration system for residential
mortgage loan originators (MLOs).
The SAFE Act prohibits individuals from engaging in the business of a residential mortgage loan
originator without first obtaining and maintaining annually:
For individuals who are employees of covered financial institution, registration as a
registered mortgage loan originator and a unique identifier (federal registration), or
For all other individuals, a state license and registration as a state-licensed mortgage loan
originator, and a unique identifier (state licensing/registration).
The SAFE Act requires that federal registration and state licensing and registration be
accomplished through the same online registration system, the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing
System and Registry (Registry).
The objectives of the SAFE Act include aggregating and improving the flow of information to
and between regulators; providing increased accountability and tracking of MLOs; enhancing
consumer protections; supporting anti-fraud measures; and providing consumers with easily
accessible information at no charge regarding the employment history of and publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against MLOs.
On July 28, 2010, the OCC, Board, FDIC, OTS, NCUA, and FCA (collectively the Agencies)
published substantively similar regulations implementing the SAFE Act federal registration
These reflect FFIEC-approved procedures.
See 12 U.S.C. Sec. 5101-5116, Title V of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110289, 122 Stat. 2654,
12 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.) as amended by Title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank
Act) (Pub. L. No. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376).
More specifically, the SAFE Act required the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (Board), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), and
National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), with the Farm Credit Administration (FCA) and through the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), to develop and maintain a federal system for registering MLOs employed by covered
financial institutions.
SAFE Act Sec. 1502.
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requirements for the institutions they supervise and the institutions’ MLO employees (SAFE Act
On July 21, 2011, Title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(Dodd-Frank Act) transferred rule-making authority for the SAFE Act from the Agencies to the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
On December 19, 2011, the CFPB restated the
implementing SAFE Act regulations to 12 CFR 1007 (76 Federal Register 78483), establishing a
new Regulation G, SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act–Federal Registration of Residential Mortgage
Loan Originators.
These examination procedures lay out the background and requirements of the SAFE Act and
the SAFE Act regulation concerning federal registration.
DefinitionsSection 1007.102
Annual renewal period means November 1st through December 31st of each year.
Administrative or clerical tasks means the receipt, collection, and distribution of information
common for the processing or underwriting of a loan in the residential mortgage industry and
communication with a consumer to obtain information necessary for the processing or
underwriting of a residential mortgage loan.
Covered financial institution means any national bank, federal branch or agency of a foreign
bank, member bank, insured state non-member bank, (including state-licensed insured branches
of foreign banks), savings association, or certain of their subsidiaries; branch or agency of a
foreign bank or commercial lending company owned or controlled by a foreign bank; Farm
75 Fed. Reg. 44656 (July 28, 2010). The interagency Federal Register notice may be found at See also the revised Federal Register Preamble (Aug. 23, 2010), available at (revising footnote numbering from the original release). CFPB’s SAFE
Act regulations for federally regulated institutions subject to its supervisory responsibilities are at 12 CFR Part 1007, followed by its
rule for State compliance and Bureau registration at 12 CFR Part 1008. 76 Fed. Reg. 78483 (Dec. 19, 2011).
On July 21, 2011, pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act), the
CFPB assumed: (1) responsibility for developing and maintaining the federal registration system (including rule-making
authority), (2) supervisory and enforcement authority for SAFE Act compliance for entities under the CFPB’s jurisdiction, and
(3) authority to oversee state compliance with SAFE Act requirements that had previously been under HUD’s authority. Refer to
Dodd-Frank Act Secs. 1025, 1061, and 1100. In addition, the Dodd-Frank Act merged functions of the OTS into the OCC, FDIC,
and Board.
The SAFE Act also authorized the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to monitor and enforce states’
compliance with the statute’s requirements for state licensing and registration, and HUD issued rules setting minimum standards
for state licensing and registration. 76 Fed. Reg. 38464 (June 30, 2011). The Dodd-Frank Act transferred that authority from
HUD to the CFPB. The CFPB thereafter published Regulation H, SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act State Compliance and
Bureau Registration System, 12 CFR Part 1008, based on HUD’s regulation. 76 Fed. Reg. 78483, Dec. 19, 2011. These
examination procedures do not cover the state registration requirements.
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Credit System institution; or federally insured credit union, including certain non-federally
insured credit unions.
Employee is not defined in the SAFE Act or SAFE Act regulation. However, the regulation’s
preamble explains that the meaning of employee” under the SAFE Act regulation is consistent
with the common-law right-to-control test. For example, the results of this test generally
determine whether an institution files an Internal Revenue Service Form W-2 or Form 1099 for
an individual.
Mortgage loan originator or MLO means an individual who (1) takes a residential mortgage
loan application and (2) offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan for
compensation or gain.
The term mortgage loan originator does not include:
An individual who performs purely administrative or clerical tasks on behalf of an individual
who is an MLO;
An individual who only performs real estate brokerage activities (as defined in 12 U.S.C.
Section 5102(3)(D)) and is licensed or registered as a real estate broker in accordance with
applicable state law, unless the individual is compensated by a lender, a mortgage broker, or
other MLO or by any agent of such lender, mortgage broker, or other MLO, and meets the
MLO definition; or
An individual or entity solely involved in extensions of credit related to time-share plans, as
that term is defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101(53D).
Appendix A to the SAFE Act regulation provides examples of activities of taking a loan
application and offering or negotiating loan terms that fall within or outside of the definition of
MLOs for federal registration purposes.
Registry means the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry, or NMLS system,
developed and maintained by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the American
Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators for the state licensing and registration of state-
licensed MLOs, and through which federal MLO registrations must be accomplished.
12 CFR Secs. 1007.101(c), 1007.102.
See 75 Fed. Reg. at 44664 for a discussion of the meaning of employeeas used in the SAFE Act regulation. Covered
financial institutions that are credit unions sometimes rely upon volunteers to originate mortgage loans. The right-to-control test
under the common law agency doctrine likewise applies to these credit unions. Credit union management establishes the policies,
procedures, and practices that volunteers use in performing their functions. Therefore, these volunteers qualify as employees of
the covered financial institution for purposes of the SAFE Act regulation.
See the Nationwide Mortgage and Licensing System and Registry website at: System information on federal registration can be
found under the Federal Registration tab at that site.
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Registered mortgage loan originator or registrant means any individual who (1) meets the
MLO definition; (2) is an employee of a covered financial institution; (3) is registered pursuant
to the regulation with the Registry; and (4) maintains a unique identifier through the Registry.
Residential mortgage loan means any loan primarily for personal, family, or household use that
is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other equivalent consensual security interest on a
dwelling (as defined in Section 103(v) of the Truth in Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 1602(v))
or residential real estate upon which is constructed or intended to be constructed a dwelling
(including manufactured homes) and includes refinancings, reverse mortgages, home equity lines
of credit, and other first and additional lien loans.
Unique identifier means a number or other identifier that: (1) permanently identifies a registered
MLO; (2) is assigned by protocols established by the Registry and the Bureau to facilitate
electronic tracking of MLOs, as well as uniform identification of, and public access to, the
employment history of and the publicly adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against
MLOs; and (3) must not be used for purposes other than those set forth under the SAFE Act.
De Minimis ExceptionSection 1007.101(c)(2)
The SAFE Act regulation provides an exception to the MLO registration requirements for any
employee of a covered financial institution who has never been registered or licensed through the
Registry as an MLO if during the past 12 months the employee acted as an MLO for five or
fewer residential mortgage loans.
When an institution relies on the de minimis exception in lieu of registration, the MLO employee
must register prior to originating the sixth residential mortgage loan within 12 months. Covered
financial institutions are prohibited from engaging in any acts or practices to evade the
registration requirement.
Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO)
Registration RequirementsSection 1007.103
Each MLO employee of a covered financial institution must register with the Registry,
obtain a
“unique identifier,” maintain the registration by updating certain information within 30 days of
specified changes, and annually renew the registration during the annual renewal period.
The SAFE Act rule implementing federal registration took effect on October 1, 2010. It provided a registration period from
January 31, 2011, to July 29, 2011, for MLOs who are employees of covered financial institutions to register. After July 29,
2011, those employees must meet the registration requirements before they may originate residential mortgage loans.
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Initial RegistrationSection 1007.103(a)
Each employee of a federally regulated institution who is an MLO must submit to the Registry
the following:
identifying information, including name, home address, social security number, gender, date
of birth, and principal business location;
financial-services-related employment history for the prior 10 years;
disclosure of specified criminal, civil, judicial, or state, federal, or foreign financial authority
regulatory actions against the employee; and
fingerprints, for purposes of a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check.
The employee must attest to the correctness of the information submitted to the Registry; must
authorize the Registry and the institution to obtain information related to any administrative,
civil, or criminal action to which the employee is a party; and must authorize the Registry to
make certain information available to the public.
Maintaining RegistrationSection 1007.103(b)
An MLO must renew his or her registration during the annual renewal period by confirming and
updating his or her registration records. This requirement does not apply to an MLO who
completed his or her initial registration less than six months prior to the end of the annual renewal
period. Any registration that is not renewed during this period will become inactive, and the
individual cannot act as an MLO at a covered financial institution until the registration
requirements are met. Individuals who fail to update their registrations during this two-month
renewal period may renew their registration at any time and need not wait until the start of the next
annual renewal period.
Updates to Registration
An MLO must update his or her registration within 30 days for specified significant changes,
including name changes, employment termination, and reportable changes to legal or
regulatory actions.
Previously Registered Employees Change of Employment
The regulations provide streamlined registration requirements for an MLO employee previously
registered or licensed through the Registry who maintained this registration or license and who
changes employment. Such an employee must update certain information, provide the required
attestation and authorizations, and submit new fingerprints unless the employee has fingerprints
on file with the Registry that are less than three years old. There is no grace period in this
situation. An employee must update his or her Registry record before acting as a loan originator
for the new employer.
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Previously Registered Employees Mergers, Acquisitions, or Reorganizations
A registered or licensed MLO whose employment changes as the result of a merger, acquisition,
or reorganization has 60 days from the effective date of a merger, acquisition, or reorganization
to update information in the Registry.
Financial Institution Requirements for MLO Registration,
Renewal, and Changes to InformationSection
Required Financial Institution InformationSection 1007.103(e)(1)(i)
In connection with the registration of one or more MLOs, financial institutions and certain of
their subsidiaries must submit certain required information to the Registry:
contact information;
Employer Tax Identification Number;
Research Statistics Supervision and Discount (RSSD) number issued by the Board;
primary Federal regulator;
primary point of contact for the Registry;
individuals with authority to enter information into the Registry; and
if a subsidiary of a financial institution, indication of that fact and the RSSD number of the
parent institution, as applicable.
Once registered, the institution will receive an NMLS identification number for the institution to
use in attesting to MLO employment and for other Safe Act-related purposes.
AttestationSection 1007.103(e)(1)(ii)
An individual with authority to enter information in the Registry must verify his or her identity
and attest that he or she has that authority, that the information is correct, and that the institution
will keep the information current.
An institution may designate one or more individuals to serve as the system administrator(s) who may submit required
information to the Registry on behalf of employees and attest to their authority to submit information, the accuracy of
information submitted, and that the institution will keep information current and submit updates on a timely basis. System
administrators generally may not be MLOs; however, an institution is exempt from this regulatory requirement if it has 10 or
fewer full-time employees and is not a subsidiary.
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RegistrationSection 1007.104(b)
A covered financial institution must require an MLO employee to register with the Registry,
maintain this registration, and obtain a unique identifier. A covered financial institution must
also confirm each MLO’s employment status once the MLO submits registration information to
the Registry and before the registration is activated.
Within 30 days of the date an MLO ceases to be an employee of the institution, the institution
must notify the Registry of that fact along with the date the MLO ceased being an employee, so
that consumers searching for an MLO in the publicly available consumer access portal will know
that the MLO no longer has a relationship with the institution.
Renewal and UpdatesSection 1007.103(e)(1)(iii) and (iv)
A covered financial institution must update the information it submitted to the Registry during
the annual registration renewal period and must confirm the registration information provided by
MLO employees during this period.
An institution must update the required institution information provided to the Registry within 30
days of any change in such information.
Policies and ProceduresSection 1007.104
Covered financial institutions that have one or more MLO employees must adopt and follow
written policies and procedures to carry out their SAFE Act responsibilities.
The requirement to
adopt and follow policies and procedures applies to all covered financial institutions that employ
individual MLOs, where MLOs act within the scope of their employment, and regardless of the
application of any de minimis exception to their employees. In addition, covered financial
institutions must conduct annual independent compliance tests to ensure compliance with the
regulation. The policies and procedures must be appropriate to the nature, size, complexity, and
scope of the institution’s mortgage lending activities and apply only to those employees acting
within the scope of their employment at the institution. The policies and procedures must:
Establish a process for identifying which employees of covered financial institutions must be
Require that all employees who are MLOs be informed of the registration requirements of the
SAFE Act and SAFE Act regulation and instructed on how to comply;
Establish procedures to comply with the SAFE Act regulation's unique identifier requirements;
Establish reasonable procedures for confirming the adequacy and accuracy of MLO employee
registrations, including updates and renewals, by comparisons with its own records;
The Registry and the Agencies do not screen or approve registrations received from employees of Agency-related institutions.
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Establish reasonable procedures and tracking systems for monitoring compliance with
registration and renewal requirements and procedures;
Provide for annual independent testing for compliance with the SAFE Act regulation by
institution personnel or an outside party;
Provide for appropriate action if an employee fails to comply with the registration requirements
of the SAFE Act regulations or the institution’s related policies and procedures, including
prohibiting such employees from acting as MLOs or other appropriate disciplinary actions;
Establish a process for reviewing employee criminal history background reports received
pursuant to the regulation, taking appropriate action consistent with applicable federal law
and implementing regulations with respect to the reports, and maintaining records of the
reports and actions taken with respect to applicable employees;
Establish procedures designed to ensure that any third party with which the institution has
arrangements related to mortgage loan origination has policies and procedures to comply
with the SAFE Act and SAFE Act regulation, including appropriate licensing and/or
registration of individuals acting as MLOs.
Unique IdentifierSection 1007.105
When an MLO registers with the Registry, he or she receives a unique identifiera series of
numeric characters assigned for life. The unique identifiers allow MLOs to be tracked if they
move between state and federal jurisdictions and/or change employers, and help consumers to
find certain information about a particular MLO when they search on the Registry’s consumer
access portal. The MLO information that is publicly available on the consumer access portal will
ultimately include federal and state registrations and licenses held, the MLO’s employment
history, and publicly adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions, if any.
To make sure that consumers have access to an MLO’s unique identifier before committing to a
mortgage loan transaction, an MLO must provide the unique identifier upon request (orally or in
Including Sec. 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI Act); (12 U.S.C. 1829); Sec. 5.65(d) of the Farm Credit Act of
1971 (12 U.S.C. 2277a-14(d)); or Sec. 206 of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1786(i)).
Sec. 19 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1829) prohibits, without the prior written consent of the FDIC, insured depository
institutions from employing a person who has been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or
money laundering or has entered into a pretrial diversion or similar program in connection with a prosecution for such offense.
See the FDIC Statement of Policy for Section 19 of the FDI Act, 63 Fed. Reg. 66184 (Dec. 1, 1998; amended May 10, 2011),
available at:
See FFIEC Statement on Risk Management of Outsourced Technology Service (November 28, 2000) for guidance on the
assessment, selection, contract review, and monitoring of a third party that provides services to a regulated institution. See also
FDIC Guidance for Managing Third-Party Risk (FIL-44-08); OCC Bulletin 2001-47, Third-Party Relationships (Nov. 1, 2001);
OTS Thrift Bulletin 82a, Third-Party Arrangements (Sept. 1, 2004); NCUA Letter to Credit Unions: 01-CU-20, Due Diligence
Over Third-Party Service Providers (Nov. 2001), 07-CU-13, Supervisory Letter-Evaluating Third-Party Relationships
(December 2007), 08-CU-09, Evaluating Third-Party Relationships Questionnaire (Apr. 2008).
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writing), before acting as an MLO (orally or in writing), and in any initial written
communication (paper or electronic) from the MLO to the consumer (such as a commitment
letter, good faith estimate, or disclosure statement). MLO unique identifiers may be used on
written materials or promotional items distributed by the institution for general use, for example
on loan program descriptions, advertisements, business cards, stationery, notepads, and similar
materials; the SAFE Act regulation does not prohibit such use.
The regulation also requires institutions to make MLO unique identifiers available to consumers
in a practicable way. This could be achieved, for example, by:
Directing consumers to a listing of registered MLOs and corresponding unique identifiers on
the institution’s website;
Posting the information prominently in a publicly accessible place, such as a branch office
lobby or lending office reception area; and/or
Establishing a process to ensure that institution personnel provide MLO unique identifiers
when requested by consumers from employees other than the MLO.
Relation to Other Laws
TILA, GSE, and HUD Requirements
Title XIV, Section 1402 of the Dodd-Frank Act amended the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) to
require (1) MLOs to include on all loan documents any unique identifier of the MLO provided
by the NMLS, and (2) the CFPB to issue implementing regulations requiring depository
institutions to establish and maintain procedures reasonably designed to assure and monitor
compliance with the SAFE Act’s federal registration requirements.
In 2009, the Federal Housing Finance Agency directed government-sponsored enterprises
(GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to require mortgage loan applications to include the
MLO’s unique identifier.
The GSEs announced that for federally regulated institutions, the
unique identifier information is required for all applications on or after July 29, 2011.
On January 5, 2011, HUD issued a mortgagee letter requiring the collection of NMLS unique
identifiers for all individuals and entities participating in the origination of Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) loans.
The mortgagee letter also requires all FHA-approved mortgagees
See Pub. L. No. 111-203 (July 21, 2010), available at (p. 2139).
See the FHFA news release at
See Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Frequently Asked Questions at and
See Mortgagee Letter 2011-4 at
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and their employees to comply with the NMLS registration requirements and “entities with
jurisdiction over their activities” must register in accordance with the guidance set forth by NMLS.
12 U.S.C. 5101 et seq. Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008,
amended by the Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1100
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulations (12 CFR)
Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act:
Part 1007 Federal Registration of Residential Mortgage Loan
Originators (Regulation G)
Part 1008 State Compliance and Bureau Registration System
(Regulation H)
Exam Procedures SAFE Act
CFPB Manual v.2 (March 2012) Procedures 1
Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act
Examination Objectives
To determine whether the financial institution has adopted written policies and procedures
designed to assure compliance with the SAFE Act regulation.
To determine whether the annual independent testing of the institution’s policies and
procedures for assuring compliance with the SAFE Act regulation has been conducted.
To determine whether any violations or deficiencies identified during the independent testing
have been corrected and that steps have been taken to ensure they do not recur.
Examination Procedures
1) Determine whether the financial institution, or any of its subsidiaries, has one or more MLO
employees. For those institutions without any MLO employees, these examination
procedures do not need to be completed. (12 CFR 1007.103(a)(2))
2) Determine for those financial institutions with MLO employees whether the institution has
adopted written policies and procedures and conducts annual independent compliance tests to
assure compliance with the SAFE Act regulation. If the institution has failed to adopt policies
and procedures and to perform annual independent compliance tests, the examiners should
address the violation in the examination report and require corrective action. (12 CFR
3) Review the financial institution’s written policies and procedures and the annual independent
compliance tests to determine whether the institution has taken appropriate steps to assure
compliance with the SAFE Act that at a minimum:
a) Establish a process for identifying which employees of the financial institution are
required to be registered MLOs; (12 CFR 1007.104(a))
b) Require that all employees of the financial institution who are MLOs be informed of the
registration requirements of the SAFE Act and the SAFE Act regulation and be instructed
on how to comply with such requirements and procedures; (12 CFR 1007.104(b))
c) Establish procedures to comply with the unique identifier requirements in Section 105 of
the SAFE Act regulation; (12 CFR 1007.104(c))
These reflect FFIEC-approved procedures.
Exam Procedures SAFE Act
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d) Establish reasonable procedures for confirming the adequacy and accuracy of employee
registrations, including updates and renewals, by comparisons with its own records; (12
CFR 1007.104(d))
e) Establish procedures and tracking systems for monitoring compliance with registration
and renewal requirements and procedures; (12 CFR 1007.104(e))
f) Provide for independent testing for compliance with the SAFE Act regulation conducted
annually by institution personnel or by an outside party; (12 CFR 1007.104(f))
g) Provide for appropriate action in the case of an employee who fails to comply with the
registration requirements of the SAFE Act, the SAFE Act regulation, or the financial
institution’s policies and procedures, including prohibiting such employees from acting
as an MLO or other appropriate disciplinary actions; (12 CFR 1007.104(g))
h) Establish a process for reviewing employee criminal history background reports received
pursuant to the SAFE Act regulation, taking appropriate action consistent with applicable
federal law, including Section 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C.
Section 1829) and implementing regulations with respect to these reports, and
maintaining records of these reports and actions taken with respect to applicable
employees; and (12 CFR 1007.104(h))
i) Establish procedures designed to ensure that any third party with which the institution has
arrangements related to mortgage loan origination has policies and procedures to comply
with the SAFE Act, including appropriate licensing and/or registration of individuals
acting as MLOs. (12 CFR 1007.104(i))
4) Any significant deficiencies in the institution’s SAFE Act regulation policies and procedures
or independent compliance tests should be documented in the workpapers and discussed in
the examination report together with corrective actions taken.