Regulation Z
Truth in Lending Introduction
Background and Summary
The Truth in Lending Act (TILA), 15 USC 1601 et seq., was enacted on May 29, 1968, as
title I of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (Pub. L. 90-321). The TILA, implemented by
Regulation Z (12 CFR 226), became effective July 1, 1969.
The TILA was first amended in 1970 to prohibit unsolicited credit cards. Additional major
amendments to the TILA and Regulation Z were made by the Fair Credit Billing Act of
1974, the Consumer Leasing Act of 1976, the Truth in Lending Simplification and Reform
Act of 1980, the Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act of 1988, the Home Equity
Loan Consumer Protection Act of 1988.
Regulation Z also was amended to implement section 1204 of the Competitive Equality
Banking Act of 1987, and in 1988, to include adjustable rate mortgage loan disclosure
requirements. All consumer leasing provisions were deleted from Regulation Z in 1981 and
transferred to Regulation M (12 CFR 213).
The Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 amended TILA. The law imposed
new disclosure requirements and substantive limitations on certain closed-end mortgage
loans bearing rates or fees above a certain percentage or amount. The law also included new
disclosure requirements to assist consumers in comparing the costs and other material
considerations involved in a reverse mortgage transaction and authorized the Federal
Reserve Board to prohibit specific acts and practices in connection with mortgage
transactions. Regulation Z was amended
to implement these legislative changes to TILA.
The TILA amendments of 1995 dealt primarily with tolerances for real estate secured
credit. Regulation Z was amended on September 14, 1996 to incorporate changes to the
TILA. Specifically, the revisions limit lenders' liability for disclosure errors in real estate
secured loans consummated after September 30, 1995. The Economic Growth and
Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 further amended TILA. The amendments
were made to simplify and improve disclosures related to credit transactions.
The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (the E-Sign Act), 15
U.S.C. 7001 et seq., was enacted in 2000 and did not require implementing regulations. On
November 9, 2007, the amendments to Regulation Z and the official staff commentary were
60 FR 15463, March 24, 1995 and 66 FR 65604, December 20, 2001.
issued to simplify the regulation and provide guidance on the electronic delivery of
disclosures consistent with the E-Sign Act.
Format of Regulation Z
The disclosure rules creditors must follow differ depending on whether the creditor is
offering open-end credit, such as credit cards or home-equity lines, or closed-end credit,
such as car loans or mortgages.
Subpart A (sections 226.1 through 226.4) of the regulation provides general information
that applies to open-end and closed-end credit transactions. It sets forth definitions and
stipulates which transactions are covered and which are exempt from the regulation. It also
contains the rules for determining which fees are finance charges.
Subpart B (sections 226.5 through 226.16) of the regulation contains rules for disclosures
for home-equity loans, credit and charge card accounts, and other open-end credit.
Subpart B also covers rules for resolving billing errors, calculating annual percentage rates,
credit balances, and advertising open-end credit. Special rules apply to credit card
transactions only, such as certain prohibitions on the issuance of credit cards and
restrictions on the right to offset a cardholder's indebtedness. Additional special rules apply
to home-equity lines of credit, such as certain prohibitions against closing accounts or
changing account terms.
Subpart C (sections 226.17 through 226.24) includes provisions for closed-end credit.
Residential mortgage transactions, demand loans, and installment credit contracts, including
direct loans by banks and purchased dealer paper, are included in the closed-end credit
category. Subpart C also contains disclosure rules for regular and variable rate loans,
refinancings and assumptions, credit balances, calculating annual percentage rates, and
advertising closed-end credit.
Subpart D (sections 226.25 through 226.30), which applies to both open-end and closed-end
credit, sets forth the duty of creditors to retain evidence of compliance with the regulation.
It also clarifies the relationship between the regulation and state law, and requires creditors
to set a cap for variable rate transactions secured by a consumer's dwelling.
Subpart E (sections 226.31 through 226.34) applies to certain home mortgage transactions
including high-cost, closed-end mortgages and reverse mortgages. It requires additional
disclosures and provides limitations for certain home mortgage transactions having rates or
72 FR 63462, November 9, 2007. These amendments took effect December 10, 2007, with a mandatory compliance
date of October 1, 2008. Further technical amendments were issued December 14, 2007, with a January 14, 2008
effective date and an October 1, 2008 mandatory compliance date: 72 FR 71058.
fees above a certain percentage or amount, and prohibits specific acts and practices in
connection with those loans. Subpart E also includes disclosure requirements for reverse
mortgage transactions (open-end and closed-end credit).
The appendices to the regulation set forth model forms and clauses that creditors may use
when providing open-end and closed-end disclosures. The appendices contain detailed rules
for calculating the APR for open-end credit (appendix F) and closed-end credit (appendixes
D and J). The last two appendixes (appendixes K and L) provide total annual loan cost rate
computations and assumed loan periods for reverse mortgage transactions.
Official staff interpretations of the regulation are published in a commentary that is
normally updated annually in March. Good faith compliance with the commentary protects
creditors from civil liability under the act. In addition, the commentary includes mandates,
which are not necessarily explicit in Regulation Z, on disclosures or other actions required
of creditors. It is virtually impossible to comply with Regulation Z without reference to and
reliance on the commentary.
NOTE: The following narrative does not encompass all the sections of Regulation Z,
but rather highlights areas that have caused the most problems with the calculation of
the finance charge and the calculation of the annual percentage rate.
Subpart A - General
Purpose of the TILA and Regulation Z
The Truth in Lending Act is intended to ensure that credit terms are disclosed in a
meaningful way so consumers can compare credit terms more readily and knowledgeably.
Before its enactment, consumers were faced with a bewildering array of credit terms and
rates. It was difficult to compare loans because they were seldom presented in the same
format. Now, all creditors must use the same credit terminology and expressions of rates. In
addition to providing a uniform system for disclosures, the act is designed to:
Protect consumers against inaccurate and unfair credit billing and credit card practices;
Provide consumers with rescission rights;
Provide for rate caps on certain dwelling-secured loans; and
Impose limitations on home equity lines of credit and certain closed-end home
The TILA and Regulation Z do not, however, tell financial institutions how much interest
they may charge or whether they must grant a consumer a loan.
Summary of Coverage Considerations §226.1 & §226.2
Lenders must carefully consider several factors when deciding whether a loan requires
Truth in Lending disclosures or is subject to other Regulation Z requirements. The coverage
considerations under Regulation Z are addressed in more detail in the commentary to
Regulation Z. For example, broad coverage considerations are included under section
226.1(c) of the regulation and relevant definitions appear in section 226.2.
Exempt Transactions §226.3
The following transactions are exempt from Regulation Z:
Credit extended primarily for a business, commercial, or agricultural purpose;
Credit extended to other than a natural person (including credit to government agencies
or instrumentalities);
Credit in excess of $25 thousand not secured by real or personal property used as the
principal dwelling of the consumer;
Public utility credit;
Credit extended by a broker-dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), involving
securities or commodities accounts;
Home fuel budget plans; and
Certain student loan programs.
Footnote 4: If a credit card is involved, generally exempt credit (e.g., business or
agricultural purpose credit) is still subject to requirements that govern the issuance of credit
cards and liability for their unauthorized use. Credit cards must not be issued on an
unsolicited basis and, if a credit card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must not be held liable
for more than $50 for the unauthorized use of the card.
When determining whether credit is for consumer purposes, the creditor must evaluate all of
the following:
Any statement obtained from the consumer describing the purpose of the proceeds.
- For example, a statement that the proceeds will be used for a vacation trip would
indicate a consumer purpose.
- If the loan has a mixed-purpose (e.g., proceeds will be used to buy a car that will be
used for personal and business purposes), the lender must look to the primary
purpose of the loan to decide whether disclosures are necessary. A statement of
purpose from the consumer will help the lender make that decision.
- A checked box indicating that the loan is for a business purpose, absent any
documentation showing the intended use of the proceeds, could be insufficient
evidence that the loan did not have a consumer purpose.
The consumer's primary occupation and how it relates to the use of the proceeds. The
higher the correlation between the consumer's occupation and the property purchased
from the loan proceeds, the greater the likelihood that the loan has a business purpose.
For example, proceeds used to purchase dental supplies for a dentist would indicate a
business purpose.
Personal management of the assets purchased from proceeds. The lower the degree of
the borrower's personal involvement in the management of the investment or enterprise
purchased by the loan proceeds, the less likely the loan will have a business purpose.
For example, money borrowed to purchase stock in an automobile company by an
individual who does not work for that company would indicate a personal investment
and a consumer purpose.
The size of the transaction. The larger the size of the transaction, the more likely the
loan will have a business purpose. For example, if the loan is for a $5,000,000 real
estate transaction, that might indicate a business purpose.
The amount of income derived from the property acquired by the loan proceeds relative
to the borrower's total income. The lesser the income derived from the acquired
property, the more likely the loan will have a consumer purpose. For example, if the
borrower has an annual salary of $100,000 and receives about $500 in annual dividends
from the acquired property, that would indicate a consumer purpose.
All five factors must be evaluated before the lender can conclude that disclosures are not
necessary. Normally, no one factor, by itself, is sufficient reason to determine the
applicability of Regulation Z. In any event, the financial institution may routinely furnish
disclosures to the consumer. Disclosure under such circumstances does not control whether
the transaction is covered, but can assure protection to the financial institution and
compliance with the law.
Coverage Considerations under Regulation Z
Regulation Z applies
Regulation Z does not apply, except for the rules of issuance of and
unauthorized use liability for credit cards. (Exempt credit includes loans
with a business or agricultural purpose, and certain student loans. Credit
extended to acquire or improve rental property that is not owner-occupied
is considered business purpose credit.)
Is the
purpose of
the credit
family or
Is the
extended to a
Is the
by a
Is the loan or
credit plan
secured by
real property
or by the
Is the
financed or
credit limit
$25,000 or
Regulation Z does not apply. (Credit that is extended to a land trust is
deemed to be credit extended to a consumer.)
The institution is not a “creditor” and Regulation Z does not apply unless at
least one of the following tests is met:
1) The institution extends consumer credit regularly and
a) The obligation is initially payable to the institution and
b) The obligation is either payable by written agreement in more than four
installments or is subject to a finance charge
2) The institution is a card issuer that extends closed-end credit that is subject
to a finance charge or is payable by written agreement in more than four
3) The institution is not the card issuer, but it imposes a finance charge at the
time of honoring a credit card.
(NOTE: All persons, including noncreditors, must comply with the advertising
provisions of Regulation Z.)
Regulation Z does not apply, but may apply later if the loan
is refinanced for $25,000 or less. If the principal dwelling is
taken as collateral after consummation, rescission rights will
apply and, in the case of open-end credit, billing disclosures
and other provisions of Regulation Z will apply.
No No
Yes Yes
Determination of Finance Charge and APR
Finance Charge (Open-End and Closed-End Credit) §226.4
The finance charge is a measure of the cost of consumer credit represented in dollars and
cents. Along with APR disclosures, the disclosure of the finance charge is central to the
uniform credit cost disclosure envisioned by the TILA.
The finance charge does not include any charge of a type payable in a comparable cash
transaction. Examples of charges payable in a comparable cash transaction may include
taxes, title, license fees, or registration fees paid in connection with an automobile purchase.
Finance charges include any charges or fees payable directly or indirectly by the consumer
and imposed directly or indirectly by the financial institution either as an incident to or as a
condition of an extension of consumer credit. The finance charge on a loan always includes
any interest charges and often, other charges. Regulation Z includes examples, applicable
both to open-end and closed-end credit transactions, of what must, must not, or need not be
included in the disclosed finance charge (§226.4(b)).
Accuracy Tolerances (Closed-End Credit) §§226.18(d) & 226.23(h)
Regulation Z provides finance charge tolerances for legal accuracy that should not be
confused with those provided in the TILA for reimbursement under regulatory agency
orders. As with disclosed APRs, if a disclosed finance charge were legally accurate, it
would not be subject to reimbursement.
Under TILA and Regulation Z, finance charge disclosures for open-end credit must be
accurate since there is no tolerance for finance charge errors. However, both TILA and
Regulation Z permit various finance charge accuracy tolerances for closed-end credit.
Tolerances for the finance charge in a closed-end transaction are generally $5 if the amount
financed is less than or equal to $1,000 and $10 if the amount financed exceeds $1,000.
Tolerances for certain transactions consummated on or after September 30, 1995 are noted
Credit secured by real property or a dwelling (closed-end credit only):
- The disclosed finance charge is considered accurate if it does not vary from the
actual finance charge by more than $100.
- Overstatements are not violations.
Rescission rights after the three-business-day rescission period (closed-end credit only):
- The disclosed finance charge is considered accurate if it does not vary from the
actual finance charge by more than one-half of 1 percent of the credit extended.
- The disclosed finance charge is considered accurate if it does not vary from the
actual finance charge by more than 1 percent of the credit extended for the initial
and subsequent refinancings of residential mortgage transactions when the new loan
is made at a different financial institution. (This excludes high cost mortgage loans
subject to §226.32, transactions in which there are new advances, and new
Rescission rights in foreclosure:
- The disclosed finance charge is considered accurate if it does not vary from the
actual finance charge by more than $35.
- Overstatements are not considered violations.
- The consumer can rescind if a mortgage broker fee is not included as a finance
NOTE: Normally, the finance charge tolerance for a rescindable transaction is either
0.5 percent of the credit transaction or, for certain refinancings, 1 percent of the credit
transaction. However, in the event of a foreclosure, the consumer may exercise the right
of rescission if the disclosed finance charge is understated by more than $35.
See the "Finance Charge Tolerances" charts within these examination procedures for help in
determining appropriate finance charge tolerances.
Calculating the Finance Charge (Closed-End Credit)
One of the more complex tasks under Regulation Z is determining whether a charge
associated with an extension of credit must be included in, or excluded from, the disclosed
finance charge. The finance charge initially includes any charge that is, or will be,
connected with a specific loan. Charges imposed by third parties are finance charges if the
financial institution requires use of the third party. Charges imposed by settlement or
closing agents are finance charges if the bank requires the specific service that gave rise to
the charge and the charge is not otherwise excluded. The "Finance Charge Tolerances"
charts within this document briefly summarize the rules that must be considered.
Prepaid Finance Charges §226.18(b)
A prepaid finance charge is any finance charge paid separately to the financial institution or
to a third party, in cash or by check before or at closing, settlement, or consummation of a
transaction, or withheld from the proceeds of the credit at any time.
Prepaid finance charges effectively reduce the amount of funds available for the consumer's
use, usually before or at the time the transaction is consummated.
Examples of finance charges frequently prepaid by consumers are borrower's points, loan
origination fees, real estate construction inspection fees, odd days' interest (interest
attributable to part of the first payment period when that period is longer than a regular
payment period), mortgage guarantee insurance fees paid to the Federal Housing
Administration, private mortgage insurance (PMI) paid to such companies as the Mortgage
Guaranty Insurance Company (MGIC), and, in non-real-estate transactions, credit report
Precomputed Finance Charges
A precomputed finance charge includes, for example, interest added to the note amount that
is computed by the add-on, discount, or simple interest methods. If reflected in the face
amount of the debt instrument as part of the consumer's obligation, finance charges that are
not viewed as prepaid finance charges are treated as precomputed finance charges that are
earned over the life of the loan.
Finance Charge Chart
FINANCE CHARGE = DOLLAR COST OF CONSUMER CREDIT: It includes any charge payable directly or indirectly by
the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the creditor as a condition of or incident to the extension of credit.
(Any loan)
(Residential mortgage
transactions and loans secured
by real estate)
Charges payable in a comparable
cash transaction.
Fees for unanticipated late
Overdraft fees not agreed to in
Seller’s points
Participation or membership fees
Discount offered by the seller to
induce payment by cash or other
means not involving the use of a
credit card
Interest forfeited as a result of
interest reduction required by law
Charges absorbed by the creditor as
a cost of doing business
Transaction fees
Loan origination fees
Consumer points
Credit guarantee insurance
Charges imposed on the creditor for
purchasing the loan, which are
passed on to the consumer
Discounts for inducing payment by
means other than credit
Mortgage broker fees
Other examples: Fee for preparing
TILA disclosures; real estate
construction loan inspection fees;
fees for post-consummation tax or
flood service policy; required credit
life insurance charges
Premiums for credit life, A&H, or
loss of income insurance
Debt cancellation fees
Premiums for property or liability
Premiums for vendor’s single
interest (VSI) insurance
Security interest charges (filing
fees), insurance in lieu of filing fees
and certain notary fees
Charges imposed by third parties
Charges imposed by third party
closing agents
Appraisal and credit report fees
Insurance not required, disclosures
are made, and consumer authorizes
Coverage not required, disclosures
are made, and consumer authorizes
Consumer selects insurance
company and disclosures are made
Insurer waives right of subrogation,
consumer selects insurance
company, and disclosures are made
The fee is for lien purposes,
prescribed by law, payable to a third
public official and is itemized and
Use of the third party is not required
to obtain loan and creditor does not
retain the charge
Creditor does not require and does
not retain the fee for the particular
Application fees, if charged to all
applicants, are not finance charges.
Application fees may include
appraisal or credit report fees.
Fees for title insurance, title examination,
property survey, etc.
Fees for preparing loan documents,
mortgages, and other settlement documents
Amounts required to be paid into escrow, if
not otherwise included in the finance
Notary fees
Pre-consummation flood and pest
inspection fees
Appraisal and credit report fees
Instructions for the Finance Charge Chart
The finance charge initially includes any charge that is, or will be, connected with a specific
loan. Charges imposed by third parties are finance charges if the creditor requires use of the
third party. Charges imposed on the consumer by a settlement agent are finance charges
only if the creditor requires the particular services for which the settlement agent is
charging the borrower and the charge is not otherwise excluded from the finance charge.
Immediately below the finance charge definition, the chart presents five captions applicable
to determining whether a loan related charge is a finance charge.
The first caption is charges always included. This category focuses on specific charges
given in the regulation or commentary as examples of finance charges.
The second caption, charges included unless conditions are met, focuses on charges that
must be included in the finance charge unless the creditor meets specific disclosure or other
conditions to exclude the charges from the finance charge.
The third caption, conditions, focuses on the conditions that need to be met if the charges
identified to the left of the conditions are permitted to be excluded from the finance charge.
Although most charges under the second caption may be included in the finance charge at
the creditor's option, third party charges and application fees (listed last under the third
caption) must be excluded from the finance charge if the relevant conditions are met.
However, inclusion of appraisal and credit report charges as part of the application fee is
The fourth caption, charges not included, identifies fees or charges that are not included in
the finance charge under conditions identified by the caption. If the credit transaction is
secured by real property or the loan is a residential mortgage transaction, the charges
identified in the column, if they are bona fide and reasonable in amount, must be excluded
from the finance charge. For example, if a consumer loan is secured by a vacant lot or
commercial real estate, any appraisal fees connected with the loan must not be included in
the finance charge.
The fifth caption, charges never included, lists specific charges provided by the regulation
as examples of those that automatically are not finance charges (e.g., fees for unanticipated
late payments).
Annual Percentage Rate Definition §226.22 (Closed-End Credit)
Credit costs may vary depending on the interest rate, the amount of the loan and other
charges, the timing and amounts of advances, and the repayment schedule. The APR, which
must be disclosed in nearly all consumer credit transactions, is designed to take into account
all relevant factors and to provide a uniform measure for comparing the cost of various
credit transactions.
The APR is a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a nominal yearly rate. It relates the
amount and timing of value received by the consumer to the amount and timing of
payments made. The disclosure of the APR is central to the uniform credit cost disclosure
envisioned by the TILA.
The value of a closed-end credit APR must be disclosed as a single rate only, whether the
loan has a single interest rate, a variable interest rate, a discounted variable interest rate, or
graduated payments based on separate interest rates (step rates), and it must appear with the
segregated disclosures. Segregated disclosures are grouped together and do not contain any
information not directly related to the disclosures required under §226.18.
Since an APR measures the total cost of credit, including costs such as transaction charges
or premiums for credit guarantee insurance, it is not an "interest" rate, as that term is
generally used. APR calculations do not rely on definitions of interest in state law and often
include charges, such as a commitment fee paid by the consumer, that are not viewed by
some state usury statutes as interest. Conversely, an APR might not include a charge, such
as a credit report fee in a real property transaction, which some state laws might view as
interest for usury purposes. Furthermore, measuring the timing of value received and of
payments made, which is essential if APR calculations are to be accurate, must be
consistent with parameters under Regulation Z.
The APR is often considered to be the finance charge expressed as a percentage. However,
two loans could require the same finance charge and still have different APRs because of
differing values of the amount financed or of payment schedules. For example, the APR is
12 percent on a loan with an amount financed of $5,000 and 36 equal monthly payments of
$166.07 each. It is 13.26 percent on a loan with an amount financed of $4,500 and 35 equal
monthly payments of $152.18 each and final payment of $152.22. In both cases the finance
charge is $978.52. The APRs on these example loans are not the same because an APR does
not only reflect the finance charge. It relates the amount and timing of value received by the
consumer to the amount and timing of payments made.
The APR is a function of:
The amount financed, which is not necessarily equivalent to the loan amount. If the
consumer must pay at closing a separate 1 percent loan origination fee (prepaid finance
charge) on a $100,000 residential mortgage loan, the loan amount is $100,000, but the
amount financed would be $100,000 less the $1,000 loan fee, or $99,000.
The finance charge, which is not necessarily equivalent to the total interest amount.
- If the consumer must pay a $25 credit report fee for an auto loan, the fee must be
included in the finance charge. The finance charge in that case is the sum of the
interest on the loan (i.e., interest generated by the application of a percentage rate
against the loan amount) plus the $25 credit report fee.
- If the consumer must pay a $25 credit report fee for a home improvement loan
secured by real property, the credit report fee must be excluded from the finance
charge. The finance charge in that case would be only the interest on the loan.
- Interest, which is defined by state or other federal law, is not defined by Regulation
The payment schedule, which does not necessarily include only principal and interest (P
+ I) payments.
- If the consumer borrows $2,500 for a vacation trip at 14 percent simple interest per
annum and repays that amount with 25 equal monthly payments beginning one
month from consummation of the transaction, the monthly P + I payment will be
$115.87, if all months are considered equal, and the amount financed would be
$2,500. If the consumer's payments are increased by $2.00 a month to pay a non-
financed $50 loan fee during the life of the loan, the amount financed would remain
at $2,500 but the payment schedule would be increased to $117.87 a month, the
finance charge would increase by $50, and there would be a corresponding increase
in the APR. This would be the case whether or not state law defines the $50 loan fee
as interest.
- If the loan above has 55 days to the first payment and the consumer prepays interest
at consummation ($24.31 to cover the first 25 days), the amount financed would be
$2,500 - $24.31, or $2,475.69. Although the amount financed has been reduced to
reflect the consumer's reduced use of available funds at consummation, the time
interval during which the consumer has use of the $2,475.69, 55 days to the first
payment, has not changed. Since the first payment period exceeds the limitations of
the regulation's minor irregularities provisions (see §226.17(c)(4)), it may not be
treated as regular. In calculating the APR, the first payment period must not be
reduced by 25 days (i.e., the first payment period may not be treated as one month).
Financial institutions may, if permitted by state or other law, precompute interest by
applying a rate against a loan balance using a simple interest, add-on, discount or some
other method, and may earn interest using a simple interest accrual system, the Rule of 78's
(if permitted by law) or some other method. Unless the financial institution's internal
interest earnings and accrual methods involve a simple interest rate based on a 360-day year
that is applied over actual days (even that is important only for determining the accuracy of
the payment schedule), it is not relevant in calculating an APR, since an APR is not an
interest rate (as that term is commonly used under state or other law). Since the APR
normally need not rely on the internal accrual systems of a bank, it always may be
computed after the loan terms have been agreed upon (as long as it is disclosed before
actual consummation of the transaction).
Special Requirements for Calculating the Finance Charge and APR
Proper calculation of the finance charge and APR are of primary importance. The regulation
requires that the terms "finance charge" and "annual percentage rate" be disclosed more
conspicuously than any other required disclosure. The finance charge and APR, more than
any other disclosures, enable consumers to understand the cost of the credit and to
comparison shop for credit. A creditor's failure to disclose those values accurately can
result in significant monetary damages to the creditor, either from a class action lawsuit or
from a regulatory agency's order to reimburse consumers for violations of law.
Footnote 45d: If an annual percentage rate or finance charge is disclosed incorrectly, the
error is not, in itself, a violation of the regulation if:
The error resulted from a corresponding error in a calculation tool used in good faith by
the financial institution.
Upon discovery of the error, the financial institution promptly discontinues use of that
calculation tool for disclosure purposes.
The financial institution notifies the Federal Reserve Board in writing of the error in the
calculation tool.
When a financial institution claims a calculation tool was used in good faith, the financial
institution assumes a reasonable degree of responsibility for ensuring that the tool in
question provides the accuracy required by the regulation. For example, the financial
institution might verify the results obtained using the tool by comparing those results to the
figures obtained by using another calculation tool. The financial institution might also
verify that the tool, if it is designed to operate under the actuarial method, produces figures
similar to those provided by the examples in appendix J to the regulation. The calculation
tool should be checked for accuracy before it is first used and periodically thereafter.
Subpart B - Open-End Credit
The following is not a complete discussion of the open-end credit requirements in the Truth
in Lending Act. Instead, the information provided below is offered to clarify otherwise
confusing terms and requirements. Refer to \s\s226.5 through 226.16 and related
commentary for a more thorough understanding of the Act.
Finance Charge (Open-End Credit) §226.6(a)
Each finance charge imposed must be individually itemized. The aggregate total amount of
the finance charge need not be disclosed.
Determining the Balance and Computing the Finance Charge
The examiner must know how to compute the balance to which the periodic rate is applied.
Common methods used are the previous balance method, the daily balance method, and the
average daily balance method, which are described as follows:
Previous balance method. The balance on which the periodic finance charge is
computed is based on the balance outstanding at the start of the billing cycle. The
periodic rate is multiplied by this balance to compute the finance charge.
Daily balance method. A daily periodic rate is applied to either the balance on each day
in the cycle or the sum of the balances on each of the days in the cycle. If a daily
periodic rate is multiplied by the balance on each day in the billing cycle, the finance
charge is the sum of the products. If the daily periodic rate is multiplied by the sum of
all the daily balances, the result is the finance charge.
Average daily balance method. The average daily balance is the sum of the daily
balances (either including or excluding current transactions) divided by the number of
days in the billing cycle. A periodic rate is then multiplied by the average daily balance
to determine the finance charge. If the periodic rate is a daily one, the product of the
rate multiplied by the average balance is multiplied by the number of days in the cycle.
In addition to those common methods, financial institutions have other ways of calculating
the balance to which the periodic rate is applied. By reading the financial institution's
explanation, the examiner should be able to calculate the balance to which the periodic rate
was applied. In some cases, the examiner may need to obtain additional information from
the financial institution to verify the explanation disclosed. Any inability to understand the
disclosed explanation should be discussed with management, who should be reminded of
Regulation Z's requirement that disclosures be clear and conspicuous.
When a balance is determined without first deducting all credits and payments made during
the billing cycle, that fact and the amount of the credits and payments must be disclosed.
If the financial institution uses the daily balance method and applies a single daily periodic
rate, disclosure of the balance to which the rate was applied may be stated as any of the
A balance for each day in the billing cycle. The daily periodic rate is multiplied by the
balance on each day and the sum of the products is the finance charge.
A balance for each day in the billing cycle on which the balance in the account changes.
The finance charge is figured by the same method as discussed previously, but the
statement shows the balance only for those days on which the balance changed.
The sum of the daily balances during the billing cycle. The balance on which the
finance charge is computed is the sum of all the daily balances in the billing cycle. The
daily periodic rate is multiplied by that balance to determine the finance charge.
The average daily balance during the billing cycle. If this is stated, however, the
financial institution must explain somewhere on the periodic statement or in an
accompanying document that the finance charge is or may be determined by multiplying
the average daily balance by the number of days in the billing cycle, rather than by
multiplying the product by the daily periodic rate.
If the financial institution uses the daily balance method, but applies two or more daily
periodic rates, the sum of the daily balances may not be used. Acceptable ways of
disclosing the balances include:
A balance for each day in the billing cycle;
A balance for each day in the billing cycle on which the balance in the account changes;
Two or more average daily balances. If the average daily balances are stated, the
financial institution shall indicate on the periodic statement or in an accompanying
document that the finance charge is or may be determined by multiplying each of the
average daily balances by the number of days in the billing cycle (or if the daily rate
varies, by multiplying the number of days that the applicable rate was in effect),
multiplying each of the results by the applicable daily periodic rate, and adding the
products together.
In explaining the method used to find the balance on which the finance charge is computed,
the financial institution need not reveal how it allocates payments or credits. That
information may be disclosed as additional information, but all required information must
be clear and conspicuous.
Finance Charge Resulting from Two or More Periodic Rates
Some financial institutions use more than one periodic rate in computing the finance charge.
For example, one rate may apply to balances up to a certain amount and another rate to
balances more than that amount. If two or more periodic rates apply, the financial institution
must disclose all rates and conditions. The range of balances to which each rate applies also
must be disclosed. It is not necessary, however, to break the finance charge into separate
components based on the different rates.
Annual Percentage Rate (Open-End Credit)
Accuracy Tolerance §226.14
The disclosed annual percentage rate (APR) on an open-end credit account is accurate if it
is within one-eighth of 1 percentage point of the APR calculated under Regulation Z.
Determination of APR
The regulation states two basic methods for determining the APR in open-end credit
transactions. The first involves multiplying each periodic rate by the number of periods in a
year. This method is used for disclosing:
The corresponding APR in the initial disclosures;
The corresponding APR on periodic statements;
The APR in early disclosures for credit card accounts;
The APR in early disclosures for home-equity plans;
The APR in advertising; and
The APR in oral disclosures.
The corresponding APR is prospective. In other words, it does not involve any particular
finance charge or periodic balance.
The second method is the quotient method, used in computing the APR for periodic
statements. The quotient method reflects the annualized equivalent of the rate that was
actually applied during a cycle. This rate, also known as the historical rate, will differ from
the corresponding APR if the creditor applies minimum, fixed, or transaction charges to the
account during the cycle.
If the finance charge is determined by applying one or more periodic rates to a balance, and
does not include any of the charges just mentioned, the financial institution may compute
the historical rate using the quotient method. In that method, the financial institution divides
the total finance charge for the cycle by the sum of the balances to which the periodic rates
were applied and multiplies the quotient (expressed as a percentage) by the number of
cycles in a year.
Alternatively, the financial institution may use the method for computing the corresponding
APR. In that method, the financial institution multiplies each periodic rate by the number of
periods in one year. If the finance charge includes a minimum, fixed, or transaction charge,
the financial institution must use the appropriate variation of the quotient method. When
transaction charges are imposed, the financial institution should refer to appendix F of this
handbook for computational examples.
The regulation also contains a computation rule for small finance charges. If the finance
charge includes a minimum, fixed, or transaction charge, and the total finance charge for the
cycle does not exceed 50 cents, the financial institution may multiply each applicable
periodic rate by the number of periods in a year to compute the APR.
Optional calculation methods also are provided for accounts involving daily periodic rates.
Brief Outline for Open-End Credit APR Calculations on Periodic Statements
NOTE: Assume monthly billing cycles for each of the calculations below.
I. APR when finance charge is determined solely by applying one or more periodic
A. Monthly periodic rates:
1. Monthly rate x 12 = APR
2. (Total finance charge / applicable balance
) x 12 = APR
This calculation may be used when different rates apply to different
B. Daily periodic rates:
1. Daily rate x 365 = APR
2. (Total finance charge / average daily balance) x 12 = APR
3. (Total finance charge / sum of balances) x 365 = APR
II. APR when finance charge includes a minimum, fixed, or other charge that is not
calculated using a periodic rate (and does not include charges related to a specific
transaction, like cash advance fees):
If zero, no APR can be determined. The amount of applicable balance is the balance calculation method and may include the
average daily balance, adjusted balance, or previous balance method.
A. Monthly periodic rates:
1. (Total finance charge / amount of applicable balance
) x 12 = APR
B. Daily periodic rates
1. (Total finance charge / amount of applicable balance
) X 365 = APR
2. The following may be used if at least a portion of the finance charge is
determined by the application of a daily periodic rate. If not, use the formula
a. (Total finance charge / average daily balance) x 12 = APR
b. (Total finance charge / sum of balances) x 365 = APR
C. Monthly and daily periodic rates
1. If the finance charge imposed during the billing cycle does not exceed $.50
for a monthly or longer billing cycles (or pro rata part of $.50 for a billing
cycle shorter than monthly), the APR may be calculated by multiplying the
monthly rate by 12 or the daily rate by 365.
III. If the total finance charge included a charge related to a specific transaction (such as
a cash advance fee), even if the total finance charge also included any other
minimum, fixed, or other charge not calculated using a periodic rate, then the
monthly and daily APRs are calculated as follows: (total finance charge / the greater
of: the transaction amounts that created the transaction fees or the sum of the
balances and other amounts on which a finance charge was imposed during the
billing cycle
) X number of billing cycles in a year (12) = APR
Subpart C - Closed-End Credit
The following is not a complete discussion of the closed-end credit requirements in the
Truth in Lending Act. Instead, the information provided below is offered to clarify
If zero, no APR can be determined. The amount of applicable balance is the balance calculation method and may include the
average daily balance, adjusted balance, or previous balance method.
Loan fees, points, or similar finance charges that relate to the opening of the account must not be included in the calculation of the
The sum of the balances may include the average daily balance, adjusted balance, or previous balance method. Where a portion of
the finance charge is determined by application of one or more daily periodic rates, sum of the balances also means the average of
daily balances.
Cannot be less than the highest periodic rate applied, expressed as an APR.
otherwise confusing terms and requirements. Refer to §§226.17 through 226.24 and related
commentary for a more thorough understanding of the Act.
Finance Charge (Closed-End Credit) §226.17(a)
The aggregate total amount of the finance charge must be disclosed. Each finance charge
imposed need not be individually itemized and must not be itemized with the segregated
Annual Percentage Rate (Closed-End Credit) §226.22
Accuracy Tolerances
The disclosed APR on a closed-end transaction is accurate for:
Regular transactions (which include any single advance transaction with equal payments
and equal payment periods, or an irregular first payment period and/or a first or last
irregular payment), if it is within one-eighth of 1 percentage point of the APR calculated
under Regulation Z (§226.22(a)(2)).
Irregular transactions (which include multiple advance transactions and other
transactions not considered regular), if it is within one-quarter of 1 percentage point of
the APR calculated under Regulation Z (§226.22(a)(3)).
Mortgage transactions, if it is within one-eighth of 1 percentage point for regular
transactions or one-quarter of 1 percentage point for irregular transactions and:
i. The rate results from the disclosed finance charge; and
ii. The disclosed finance charge would be considered accurate under
§§226.18(d)(1) or 226.23(g) or (h) (§226.22(a)(4)).
NOTE: There is an additional tolerance for mortgage loans when the disclosed finance
charge is calculated incorrectly but is considered accurate under §§226.18(d)(1) or
226.23(g) or (h) (§226.22(a)(5)).
Construction Loans §226.17(c)(6) and Appendix D
Construction and certain other multiple advance loans pose special problems in computing
the finance charge and APR. In many instances, the amount and dates of advances are not
predictable with certainty since they depend on the progress of the work. Regulation Z
provides that the APR and finance charge for such loans may be estimated for disclosure.
At its option, the financial institution may rely on the representations of other parties to
acquire necessary information (for example, it might look to the consumer for the dates of
advances). In addition, if either the amounts or dates of advances are unknown (even if
some of them are known), the financial institution may, at its option, use appendix D to the
regulation to make calculations and disclosures. The finance charge and payment schedule
obtained through appendix D may be used with volume one of the Federal Reserve Board's
APR tables or with any other appropriate computation tool to determine the APR. If the
financial institution elects not to use appendix D, or if appendix D cannot be applied to a
loan (e.g., appendix D does not apply to a combined construction-permanent loan if the
payments for the permanent loan begin during the construction period), the financial
institution must make its estimates under
§226.17(c)(2) and calculate the APR using
multiple advance formulas.
On loans involving a series of advances under an agreement to extend credit up to a certain
amount, a financial institution may treat all of the advances as a single transaction or
disclose each advance as a separate transaction. If advances are disclosed separately,
disclosures must be provided before each advance occurs, with the disclosures for the first
advance provided before consummation.
In a transaction that finances the construction of a dwelling that may or will be permanently
financed by the same financial institution, the construction-permanent financing phases may
be disclosed in one of three ways listed below.
As a single transaction, with one disclosure combining both phases.
As two separate transactions, with one disclosure for each phase.
As more than two transactions, with one disclosure for each advance and one for the
permanent financing phase.
If two or more disclosures are furnished, buyer's points or similar amounts imposed on the
consumer may be allocated among the transactions in any manner the financial institution
chooses, as long as the charges are not applied more than once. In addition, if the financial
institution chooses to give two sets of disclosures and the consumer is obligated for both
construction and permanent phases at the outset, both sets of disclosures must be given to
the consumer initially, before consummation of each transaction occurs.
If the creditor requires interest reserves for construction loans, special appendix D rules
apply that can make the disclosure calculations quite complicated. The amount of interest
reserves included in the commitment amount must not be treated as a prepaid finance
If the lender uses appendix D for construction-only loans with required interest reserves, the
lender must estimate construction interest using the interest reserve formula in appendix D.
The lender's own interest reserve values must be completely disregarded for disclosure
If the lender uses appendix D for combination construction-permanent loans, the
calculations can be much more complex. Appendix D is used to estimate the construction
interest, which is then measured against the lender's contractual interest reserves.
If the interest reserve portion of the lender's contractual commitment amount exceeds the
amount of construction interest estimated under appendix D, the excess value is considered
part of the amount financed if the lender has contracted to disburse those amounts whether
they ultimately are needed to pay for accrued construction interest. If the lender will not
disburse the excess amount if it is not needed to pay for accrued construction interest, the
excess amount must be ignored for disclosure purposes.
Calculating the Annual Percentage Rate §226.22
The APR must be determined under one of the following:
The actuarial method, which is defined by Regulation Z and explained in appendix J to
the regulation.
The U.S. Rule, which is permitted by Regulation Z and briefly explained in appendix J
to the regulation. The U.S. Rule is an accrual method that seems to have first surfaced
officially in an early nineteenth century United States Supreme Court case, Story v.
Livingston (38 U.S. 359).
Whichever method is used by the financial institution, the rate calculated will be accurate if
it is able to "amortize" the amount financed while it generates the finance charge under the
accrual method selected. Financial institutions also may rely on minor irregularities and
accuracy tolerances in the regulation, both of which effectively permit somewhat imprecise,
but still legal, APRs to be disclosed.
360-Day and 365-Day Years §226.17(c)(3)
Confusion often arises over whether to use the 360-day or 365-day year in computing
interest, particularly when the finance charge is computed by applying a daily rate to an
unpaid balance. Many single payment loans or loans payable on demand are in this
category. There are also loans in this category that call for periodic installment payments.
Regulation Z does not require the use of one method of interest computation in preference
to another (although state law may). It does, however, permit financial institutions to
disregard the fact that months have different numbers of days when calculating and making
disclosures. This means financial institutions may base their disclosures on calculation tools
that assume all months have an equal number of days, even if their practice is to take
account of the variations in months to collect interest.
For example, a financial institution may calculate disclosures using a financial calculator
based on a 360-day year with 30-day months, when, in fact, it collects interest by applying a
factor of 1/365 of the annual interest rate to actual days.
Disclosure violations may occur, however, when a financial institution applies a daily
interest factor based on a 360-day year to the actual number of days between payments. In
those situations, the financial institution must disclose the higher values of the finance
charge, the APR, and the payment schedule resulting from this practice.
For example, a 12 percent simple interest rate divided by 360 days results in a daily rate of
.033333 percent. If no charges are imposed except interest, and the amount financed is the
same as the loan amount, applying the daily rate on a daily basis for a 365-day year on a
$10,000 one year, single payment, unsecured loan results in an APR of 12.17 percent
(.033333% x 365 = 12.17%), and a finance charge of $1,216.67. There would be a
violation if the APR were disclosed as 12 percent or if the finance charge were disclosed as
$1,200 (12% x $10,000).
However, if there are no other charges except interest, the application of a 360-day year
daily rate over 365 days on a regular loan would not result in an APR in excess of the one
eighth of one percentage point APR tolerance unless the nominal interest rate is greater than
9 percent. For irregular loans, with one-quarter of 1 percentage point APR tolerance, the
nominal interest rate would have to be greater than 18 percent to exceed the tolerance.
Variable Rate Information §226.18(f)
If the terms of the legal obligation allow the financial institution, after consummation of the
transaction, to increase the APR, the financial institution must furnish the consumer with
certain information on variable rates. Graduated payment mortgages and step-rate
transactions without a variable rate feature are not considered variable rate transactions. In
addition, variable rate disclosures are not applicable to rate increases resulting from
delinquency, default, assumption, acceleration, or transfer of the collateral.
Some of the more important transaction-specific variable rate disclosure requirements under
§226.18 follow.
Disclosures for variable rate loans must be given for the full term of the transaction and
must be based on the terms in effect at the time of consummation.
If the variable rate transaction includes either a seller buydown that is reflected in a
contract or a consumer buydown, the disclosed APR should be a composite rate based
on the lower rate for the buydown period and the rate that is the basis for the variable
rate feature for the remainder of the term.
If the initial rate is not determined by the index or formula used to make later interest
rate adjustments, as in a discounted variable rate transaction, the disclosed APR must
reflect a composite rate based on the initial rate for as long as it is applied and, for the
remainder of the term, the rate that would have been applied using the index or formula
at the time of consummation (i.e., the fully indexed rate).
- If a loan contains a rate or payment cap that would prevent the initial rate or
payment, at the time of the adjustment, from changing to the fully indexed rate, the
effect of that rate or payment cap needs to be reflected in the disclosures.
- The index at consummation need not be used if the contract provides a delay in the
implementation of changes in an index value (e.g., the contract indicates that future
rate changes are based on the index value in effect for some specified period, like 45
days before the change date). Instead, the financial institution may use any rate from
the date of consummation back to the beginning of the specified period (e.g., during
the previous 45-day period).
If the initial interest rate is set according to the index or formula used for later
adjustments, but is set at a value as of a date before consummation, disclosures should
be based on the initial interest rate, even though the index may have changed by the
consummation date.
For variable-rate loans that are not secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling or that are
secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling but have a term of one year or less, creditors
must disclose the circumstances under which the rate may increase, any limitations on the
increase, the effect of an increase, and an example of the payment terms that would result
from an increase. §226.18(f)(1).
For variable-rate consumer loans secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling and having
a maturity of more than one year, creditors must state that the loan has a variable-rate
feature and that disclosures were previously given. (§226.18(f)(2)) Extensive disclosures
about the loan program are provided when consumers apply for such a loan (§226.19(b),
and throughout the loan term when the rate or payment amount is changed (§226.20(c)).
Payment Schedule §226.18(g)
The disclosed payment schedule must reflect all components of the finance charge. It
includes all payments scheduled to repay loan principal, interest on the loan, and any other
finance charge payable by the consumer after consummation of the transaction.
However, any finance charge paid separately before or at consummation (e.g., odd days'
interest) is not part of the payment schedule. It is a prepaid finance charge that must be
reflected as a reduction in the value of the amount financed.
At the creditor's option, the payment schedule may include amounts beyond the amount
financed and finance charge (e.g., certain insurance premiums or real estate escrow amounts
such as taxes added to payments). However, when calculating the APR, the creditor must
disregard such amounts.
If the obligation is a renewable balloon payment instrument that unconditionally obligates
the financial institution to renew the short-term loan at the consumer's option or to renew
the loan subject to conditions within the consumer's control, the payment schedule must be
disclosed using the longer term of the renewal period or periods. The long-term loan must
be disclosed with a variable rate feature.
If there are no renewal conditions or if the financial institution guarantees to renew the
obligation in a refinancing, the payment schedule must be disclosed using the shorter
balloon payment term. The short-term loan must be disclosed as a fixed rate loan, unless it
contains a variable rate feature during the initial loan term.
Amount Financed §226.18(b)
The amount financed is the net amount of credit extended for the consumer's use. It should
not be assumed that the amount financed under the regulation is equivalent to the note
amount, proceeds, or principal amount of the loan. The amount financed normally equals
the total of payments less the finance charge.
To calculate the amount financed, all amounts and charges connected with the transaction,
either paid separately or included in the note amount, must first be identified. Any prepaid,
precomputed, or other finance charge must then be determined.
The amount financed must not include any finance charges. If finance charges have
been included in the obligation (either prepaid or precomputed), they must be subtracted
from the face amount of the obligation when determining the amount financed. The
resulting value must be reduced further by an amount equal to any prepaid finance charge
paid separately. The final resulting value is the amount financed.
When calculating the amount financed, finance charges (whether in the note amount or paid
separately) should not be subtracted more than once from the total amount of an obligation.
Charges not in the note amount and not included in the finance charge (e.g., an appraisal fee
paid separately in cash on a real estate loan) are not required to be disclosed under
Regulation Z and must not be included in the amount financed.
In a multiple advance construction loan, proceeds placed in a temporary escrow account and
awaiting disbursement in draws to the developer are not considered part of the amount
financed until actually disbursed. Thus, if the entire commitment amount is disbursed into
the lender's escrow account, the lender must not base disclosures on the assumption that all
funds were disbursed immediately, even if the lender pays interest on the escrowed funds.
Required Deposit §226.18(r)
A required deposit, with certain exceptions, is one that the financial institution requires the
consumer to maintain as a condition of the specific credit transaction. It can include a
compensating balance or a deposit balance that secures the loan. The effect of a required
deposit is not reflected in the APR. Also, a required deposit is not a finance charge since it
is eventually released to the consumer. A deposit that earns at least 5 percent per year need
not be considered a required deposit.
Calculating the Amount Financed
A consumer signs a note secured by real property in the amount of $5,435. The note
amount includes $5,000 in proceeds disbursed to the consumer, $400 in precomputed
interest, $25 paid to a credit reporting agency for a credit report, and a $10 service charge.
Additionally, the consumer pays a $50 loan fee separately in cash at consummation. The
consumer has no other debt with the financial institution. The amount financed is $4,975.
The amount financed may be calculated by first subtracting all finance charges included in
the note amount ($5,435 - $400 - $10 = $5,025). The $25 credit report fee is not a finance
charge because the loan is secured by real property. The $5,025 is further reduced by the
amount of prepaid finance charges paid separately, for an amount financed of $5,025 - $50
= $4,975. The answer is the same whether finance charges included in the obligation are
considered prepaid or precomputed finance charges.
The financial institution may treat the $10 service charge as an addition to the loan amount
and not as a prepaid finance charge. If it does, the loan principal would be $5,000. The
$5,000 loan principal does not include either the $400 or the $10 precomputed finance
charge in the note. The loan principal is increased by other amounts that are financed
which are not part of the finance charge (the $25 credit report fee) and reduced by any
prepaid finance charges (the $50 loan fee, not the $10 service charge) to arrive at the
amount financed of $5,000 + $25 - $50 = $4,975.
Other Calculations
The financial institution may treat the $10 service charge as a prepaid finance charge. If it
does, the loan principal would be $5,010. The $5,010 loan principal does not include the
$400 precomputed finance charge. The loan principal is increased by other amounts that
are financed which are not part of the finance charge (the $25 credit report fee) and reduced
by any prepaid finance charges (the $50 loan fee and the $10 service charge withheld from
loan proceeds) to arrive at the same amount financed of $5,010 + $25 - $50- $10 = $4,975.
Closed-End Credit: Finance Charge Accuracy Tolerances
* See 15 USC 160 (aa)
and 12 CFR 226.32
Is this a
Finance charge
tolerance is $35.
An overstated
finance charge is
not considered a
Is the
claim a
defense to
Is the
secured by
real estate or
Did the
originate before
Yes No
Yes Yes
Is the
transaction a
Finance charge
tolerance is $200
An overstated
finance charge is
not considered a
Finance charge
tolerance is $100
An overstated
finance charge is
not considered a
The finance charge shall be
considered accurate if it is not
more than $5 above or below
the exact finance charge in a
transaction involving an
amount financed of $1,000 or
less, or not more than $10
above or below the exact
finance charge in a transaction
involving an amount financed
of more than $1,000.
Finance charge tolerance is 1%
of the loan amount or $100,
whichever is greater.
An overstated finance charge is
not considered a violation.
Does the
involve a
consolidation or
new advance?
Is the
transaction a
Finance charge
tolerance is one-half
of 1% of the loan
amount or $100,
whichever is greater.
An overstated
finance charge is not
considered a
Closed-End Credit: Accuracy and Reimbursement Tolerances for
Is the loan secured by real estate or a
No Yes
Is the disclosed FC understated
by more than $100 (or $200 if
the loan originated before
No Yes
FC Violation
No violation
FC violation
No violation
FC violation
No No
Is the disclosed FC
understated by more than
Is the disclosed FC
understated by more than
Is the amount financed greater
than $1,000?
Is the loan
term greater
than 10
Is the loan a
regular loan?
Is the disclosed FC plus the FC
reimbursement tolerance (based
on a one-quarter of 1 percentage
point APR tolerance) less than
the correct FC?
Is the disclosed FC plus the FC
reimbursement tolerance (based
on a one-eighth of 1 percentage
point APR tolerance) less than
the correct FC?
No reimbursement
Subject to
Closed-End Credit: Accuracy Tolerances for
Is the loan secured by real estate or a
No Yes
No violation
Is the amount financed greater
than $1,000?
Is the disclosed FC less
$10 greater than the
correct FC?
Is the disclosed FC less
$5 greater than the
correct FC?
No Yes
FC violation
No Yes
No violation
FC violation
Closed-End Credit: Accuracy Tolerances for OVERSTATED APRs
APR Violation
No violation
No Yes
Was the finance charge disclosure error the cause
of the APR disclosure error?
APR Violation
No Yes
Is the finance charge disclosed greater than
the correct finance charge?
Is this a “regular” loan?
(12 CFR 226, footnote 46)
No Yes
Is the disclosed APR greater than the correct
APR by more than one-eighth of one percentage
Is the disclosed APR greater than the correct
APR by more than one-quarter of one
percentage point?
No No
No violation
Yes Yes
Is the loan secured by real estate or a dwelling?
Yes No
APR Violation
Closed-End Credit: Accuracy and Reimbursement Tolerances
Is the loan a “regular” loan?
No Yes
Is the disclosed APR understated by
more than one-quarter of one percentage
Is the disclosed APR understated by
more than one-eighth of one
percentage point?
No violation
Is the loan secured by real estate or a dwelling?
No Yes
APR violation
Yes No
Is the finance charge understated by more than:
•$100 if the loan originated on or after 9/30/95?
•$200 if the loan originated before 9/30/95?
APR violation
Was the finance charge disclosure error the cause of
the APR disclosure error?
No Yes
No violation
APR violation
Is the loan term greater than 10 years?
No Yes
Is the loan a “regular” loan?
Is the disclosed APR understated by
more than one-quarter of one percentage
Is the disclosed APR understated by
more than one-eighth of one percentage
Yes No
No Yes
No reimbursement
Subject to reimbursement
Refinancings §226.20
When an obligation is satisfied and replaced by a new obligation to the original financial
institution (or a holder or servicer of the original obligation) and is undertaken by the same
consumer, it must be treated as a refinancing for which a complete set of new disclosures
must be furnished. A refinancing may involve the consolidation of several existing
obligations, disbursement of new money to the consumer, or the rescheduling of payments
under an existing obligation. In any form, the new obligation must completely replace the
earlier one to be considered a refinancing under the regulation. The finance charge on the
new disclosure must include any unearned portion of the old finance charge that is not
credited to the existing obligation. (§226.20(a))
The following transactions are not considered refinancings even if the existing obligation is
satisfied and replaced by a new obligation undertaken by the same consumer:
A renewal of an obligation with a single payment of principal and interest or with
periodic interest payments and a final payment of principal with no change in the
original terms.
An APR reduction with a corresponding change in the payment schedule.
An agreement involving a court proceeding.
Changes in credit terms arising from the consumer's default or delinquency.
The renewal of optional insurance purchased by the consumer and added to an existing
transaction, if required disclosures were provided for the initial purchase of the
However, even if it is not accomplished by the cancellation of the old obligation and
substitution of a new one, a new transaction subject to new disclosures results if the
financial institution:
Increases the rate based on a variable rate feature that was not previously disclosed; or
Adds a variable rate feature to the obligation.
If, at the time a loan is renewed, the rate is increased, the increase is not considered a
variable rate feature. It is the cost of renewal, similar to a flat fee, as long as the new rate
remains fixed during the remaining life of the loan. If the original debt is not canceled in
connection with such a renewal, the regulation does not require new disclosures. Also,
changing the index of a variable rate transaction to a comparable index is not considered
adding a variable rate feature to the obligation.
Subpart D - Miscellaneous
Civil Liability §130
If a creditor fails to comply with any requirements of the TILA, other than with the
advertising provisions of chapter 3, it may be held liable to the consumer for:
Actual damage, and
The cost of any legal action together with reasonable attorney's fees in a successful
If it violates certain requirements of the TILA, the creditor also may be held liable for either
of the following:
In an individual action, twice the amount of the finance charge involved, but not less
than $100 or more than $1,000. However, in an individual action relating to a closed-
end credit transaction secured by real property or a dwelling, twice the amount of the
finance charge involved, but not less than $200 or more than $2,000.
In a class action, such amount as the court may allow. The total amount of recovery,
however, cannot be more than $500,000 or 1 percent of the creditor's net worth,
whichever is less.
Civil actions that may be brought against a creditor also may be maintained against any
assignee of the creditor if the violation is apparent on the face of the disclosure statement or
other documents assigned, except where the assignment was involuntary.
A creditor that fails to comply with TILA’s requirements for high-cost mortgage loans may
be held liable to the consumer for all finance charges and fees paid to the creditor. Any
subsequent assignee is subject to all claims and defenses that the consumer could assert
against the creditor, unless the assignee demonstrates that it could not reasonably have
determined that the loan was subject to §226.32.
Criminal Liability §112
Anyone who willingly and knowingly fails to comply with any requirement of the TILA
will be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Administrative Actions §108
The TILA authorizes federal regulatory agencies to require financial institutions to make
monetary and other adjustments to the consumers' accounts when the true finance charge or
APR exceeds the disclosed finance charge or APR by more than a specified accuracy
tolerance. That authorization extends to unintentional errors, including isolated violations
(e.g., an error that occurred only once or errors, often without a common cause, that
occurred infrequently and randomly).
Under certain circumstances, the TILA requires federal regulatory agencies to order
financial institutions to reimburse consumers when understatement of the APR or finance
charge involves:
Patterns or practices of violations (e.g., errors that occurred, often with a common
cause, consistently or frequently, reflecting a pattern with a specific type or types of
consumer credit).
Gross negligence.
Willful noncompliance intended to mislead the person to whom the credit was extended.
Any proceeding that may be brought by a regulatory agency against a creditor may be
maintained against any assignee of the creditor if the violation is apparent on the face of the
disclosure statement or other documents assigned, except where the assignment was
involuntary. (§131)
Relationship to State Law §111
State laws providing rights, responsibilities, or procedures for consumers or financial
institutions for consumer credit contracts may be:
Preempted by federal law;
Appropriate under state law and not preempted by federal law; or
Substituted in lieu of TILA and Regulation Z requirements.
State law provisions are preempted to the extent that they contradict the requirements in the
following chapters of the TILA and the implementing sections of Regulation Z:
Chapter 1, "General Provisions," which contains definitions and acceptable methods for
determining finance charges and annual percentage rates. For example, a state law
would be preempted if it required a bank to include in the finance charge any fees that
the federal law excludes, such as seller's points.
Chapter 2, "Credit Transactions," which contains disclosure requirements, rescission
rights, and certain credit card provisions. For example, a state law would be preempted
if it required a bank to use the terms "nominal annual interest rate" in lieu of "annual
percentage rate."
Chapter 3, "Credit Advertising," which contains consumer credit advertising rules and
annual percentage rate oral disclosure requirements.
Conversely, state law provisions may be appropriate and are not preempted under federal
law if they call for, without contradicting chapters 1, 2, or 3 of the TILA or the
implementing sections of Regulation Z, either of the following:
Disclosure of information not otherwise required. A state law that requires disclosure of
the minimum periodic payment for open-end credit, for example, would not be
preempted because it does not contradict federal law.
Disclosures more detailed than those required. A state law that requires itemization of
the amount financed, for example, would not be preempted, unless it contradicts federal
law by requiring the itemization to appear with the disclosure of the amount financed in
the segregated closed-end credit disclosures.
The relationship between state law and chapter 4 of the TILA ("Credit Billing") involves
two parts. The first part is concerned with sections 161 (correction of billing errors) and
162 (regulation of credit reports) of the act; the second part addresses the remaining
sections of chapter 4.
State law provisions are preempted if they differ from the rights, responsibilities, or
procedures contained in sections 161 or 162. An exception is made, however, for state law
that allows a consumer to inquire about an account and requires the bank to respond to such
inquiry beyond the time limits provided by federal law. Such a state law would not be
preempted for the extra time period.
State law provisions are preempted if they result in violations of sections 163 through 171
of chapter 4. For example, a state law that allows the card issuer to offset the consumer's
credit-card indebtedness against funds held by the card issuer would be preempted, since it
would violate 12 CFR 226.12(d). Conversely, a state law that requires periodic statements
to be sent more than 14 days before the end of a free-ride period would not be preempted,
since no violation of federal law is involved.
A bank, state, or other interested party may ask the Federal Reserve Board to determine
whether state law contradicts chapters 1 through 3 of the TILA or Regulation Z. They also
may ask if the state law is different from, or would result in violations of, chapter 4 of the
TILA and the implementing provisions of Regulation Z. If the board determines that a
disclosure required by state law (other than a requirement relating to the finance charge,
annual percentage rate, or the disclosures required under §226.32) is substantially the same
in meaning as a disclosure required under the act or Regulation Z, generally creditors in that
state may make the state disclosure in lieu of the federal disclosure.
Subpart E - Special Rules for Certain Home Mortgage Transactions
General Rules §226.31
The requirements and limitations of this subpart are in addition to and not in lieu of those
contained in other subparts of Regulation Z. The disclosures for high cost and reverse
mortgage transactions must be made clearly and conspicuously in writing, in a form that the
consumer may keep.
Certain Closed-End Home Mortgages §226.32
The requirements of this section apply to a consumer credit transaction secured by the
consumer's principal dwelling, in which either:
The APR at consummation will exceed by more than 8 percentage points for first-lien
mortgage loans, or by more than 10 percentage points for subordinate-lien mortgage
loans, the yield on Treasury securities having comparable periods of maturity to the
loan’s maturity (as of the 15
day of the month immediately preceding the month in
which the application for the extension of credit is received by the creditor); or
The total points and fees (see definition below) payable by the consumer at or before
loan closing will exceed the greater of eight percent of the total loan amount or $480 for
the calendar year 2002. (This dollar amount is adjusted annually based on changes in
the Consumer Price Index. See staff commentary to 32(a)(1)(ii) for a historical list of
dollar amount adjustments.) (§226.32(a)(1))
Residential mortgage transactions (generally purchase money mortgages)
Reverse mortgage transactions subject to §226.33, or
Open-end credit plans subject to Subpart B of Regulation Z.
Points and Fees include the following:
All items required to be disclosed under §226.4(a) and (b), except interest or the
time-price differential;
All compensation paid to mortgage brokers; and
All items listed in §226.4(c)(7), other than amounts held for future taxes, unless all
of the following conditions are met:
The charge is reasonable
The creditor receives no direct or indirect compensation in connection with the
charge, and
The charge is not paid to an affiliate of the creditor; and
Premiums or other charges, paid at or before closing whether paid in cash or
financed, for optional credit life, accident, health, or loss-of-income insurance, and
other debt-protection or debt cancellation products written in connection with the
credit transaction. (§226.32(b)(1))
Reverse Mortgages §226.33
A reverse mortgage is a non-recourse transaction secured by the consumer's principal
dwelling which ties repayment (other than upon default) to the homeowner's death or
permanent move from, or transfer of the title of, the home.
Specific Defenses §108
Defense Against Civil, Criminal, and Administrative Actions
A financial institution in violation of TILA may avoid liability by:
Discovering the error before an action is brought against the financial institution, or
before the consumer notifies the financial institution, in writing, of the error.
Notifying the consumer of the error within 60 days of discovery.
Making the necessary adjustments to the consumer's account, also within 60 days of
discovery. (The consumer will pay no more than the lesser of the finance charge
actually disclosed or the dollar equivalent of the APR actually disclosed.)
The above three actions also may allow the financial institution to avoid a regulatory order
to reimburse the customer.
An error is "discovered" if it is:
Discussed in a final, written report of examination.
Identified through the financial institution's own procedures.
An inaccurately disclosed APR or finance charge included in a regulatory agency
notification to the financial institution.
When a disclosure error occurs, the financial institution is not required to re-disclose after a
loan has been consummated or an account has been opened. If the financial institution
corrects a disclosure error by merely re-disclosing required information accurately, without
adjusting the consumer's account, the financial institution may still be subject to civil
liability and an order to reimburse from its regulator.
The circumstances under which a financial institution may avoid liability under the TILA
do not apply to violations of the Fair Credit Billing Act (chapter 4 of the TILA).
Additional Defenses Against Civil Actions
The financial institution may avoid liability in a civil action if it shows by a preponderance
of evidence that the violation was not intentional and resulted from a bona fide error that
occurred despite the maintenance of procedures to avoid the error.
A bona fide error may include a clerical, calculation, computer malfunction, programming,
or printing error. It does not include an error of legal judgment.
Showing that a violation occurred unintentionally could be difficult if the financial
institution is unable to produce evidence that explicitly indicates it has an internal controls
program designed to ensure compliance. The financial institution's demonstrated
commitment to compliance and its adoption of policies and procedures to detect errors
before disclosures are furnished to consumers could strengthen its defense.
Statute of Limitations §§108 and 130
Civil actions may be brought within one year after the violation occurred. After that time,
and if allowed by state law, the consumer may still assert the violation as a defense if a
financial institution were to bring an action to collect the consumer's debt.
Criminal actions are not subject to the TILA one-year statute of limitations.
Regulatory administrative enforcement actions also are not subject to the one-year statute of
limitations. However, enforcement actions under the policy guide involving erroneously
disclosed APRs and finance charges are subject to time limitations by the TILA. Those
limitations range from the date of the last regulatory examination of the financial institution,
to as far back as 1969, depending on when loans were made, when violations were
identified, whether the violations were repeat violations, and other factors.
There is no time limitation on willful violations intended to mislead the consumer. A
summary of the various time limitations follows.
For open-end credit, reimbursement applies to violations not older than two years.
For closed-end credit, reimbursement is generally directed for loans with violations
occurring since the immediately preceding examination.
Rescission Rights (Open-End and Closed-End Credit) §226.15 and
TILA provides that for certain transactions secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling, a
consumer has three business days after becoming obligated on the debt to rescind the
transaction. The right of rescission allows consumer(s) time to reexamine their credit
agreements and cost disclosures and to reconsider whether they want to place their homes at
risk by offering it/them as security for the credit. Transactions exempt from the right of
rescission include residential mortgage transactions (§226.2(a)(24)) and refinancings or
consolidations with the original creditor where no "new money" is advanced.
If a transaction is rescindable, consumers must be given a notice explaining that the creditor
has a security interest in the consumer's home, that the consumer may rescind, how the
consumer may rescind, the effects of rescission, and the date the rescission period expires.
To rescind a transaction, a consumer must notify the creditor in writing by midnight of the
third business day after the latest of three events: (1) consummation of the transaction, (2)
delivery of material TILA disclosures, or (3) receipt
of the required notice of the right to
rescind. For purposes of rescission, business day means every calendar day except Sundays
and the legal public holidays (§226.2(a)(6)). The term “material disclosures” is defined in
§226.23(a)(3) to mean the required disclosures of the annual percentage rate, the finance
charge, the amount financed, the total of payments, the payment schedule, and the
disclosures and limitations referred to in §226.32(c) and (d).
The creditor may not disburse any monies (except into an escrow account) and may not
provide services or materials until the three-day rescission period has elapsed and the
creditor is reasonably satisfied that the consumer has not rescinded. If the consumer
rescinds the transaction, the creditor must refund all amounts paid by the consumer (even
amounts disbursed to third parties) and terminate its security interest in the consumer's
A consumer may waive the three-day rescission period and receive immediate access to
loan proceeds if the consumer has a "bona fide personal financial emergency." The
consumer must give the creditor a signed and dated waiver statement that describes the
emergency, specifically waives the right, and bears the signatures of all consumers entitled
to rescind the transaction. The consumer provides the explanation for the bona fide
personal financial emergency, but the creditor decides the sufficiency of the emergency.
If the required rescission notice or material TILA disclosures are not delivered or if they are
inaccurate, the consumer's right to rescind may be extended from three days after becoming
obligated on a loan to up to three years.
12 CFR 226.15(b) and 226.23(b)(1) were amended to include the electronic delivery of the notice of the right to
rescind. If a paper notice of the right to rescind is used, a creditor must deliver two copies of the notice to each
consumer entitled to rescind. However, under the final rule on electronic delivery of disclosures if the notice is in
electronic form, in accordance with the consumer consent and other applicable provisions of the E-Sign Act, only one
copy to each customer is required.
Truth in Lending Examination Objectives
1. To appraise the quality of the financial institution's compliance management system for the
Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z.
2. To determine the reliance that can be placed on the financial institution's compliance
management system, including internal controls and procedures performed by the person(s)
responsible for monitoring the financial institution's compliance review function for the Truth
In Lending Act and Regulation Z.
3. To determine the financial institution's compliance with the Truth In Lending Act and
Regulation Z.
4. To initiate corrective action when policies or internal controls are deficient, or when violations
of law or regulation are identified.
5. To determine whether the institution will be required to make adjustments to consumer
accounts under the restitution provisions of the Act.
Truth in Lending Examination Procedures
General Procedures
1. Obtain information pertinent to the area of examination from the financial institution's
compliance management system program (historical examination findings, complaint
information, and significant findings from compliance review and audit).
2. Through discussions with management and review of the following documents, determine
whether the financial institution's internal controls are adequate to ensure compliance in the
area under review. Identify procedures used daily to detect errors/violations promptly. Also,
review the procedures used to ensure compliance when changes occur (e.g., changes in
interest rates, service charges, computation methods, and software programs).
Organizational charts.
Process flowcharts.
Policies and procedures.
Loan documentation and disclosures.
Checklists/worksheets and review documents.
Computer programs.
3. Review compliance review and audit work papers and determine whether:
a. The procedures used address all regulatory provisions (see Transactional Testing
b. Steps are taken to follow up on previously identified deficiencies.
c. The procedures used include samples that cover all product types and decision centers.
d. The work performed is accurate (through a review of some transactions).
e. Significant deficiencies, and the root cause of the deficiencies, are included in reports to
f. Corrective actions are timely and appropriate.
g. The area is reviewed at an appropriate interval.
Disclosure Forms
4. Determine if the financial institution has changed any TILA disclosure forms or if there are
forms that have not been previously reviewed for accuracy. If so:
Verify the accuracy of each disclosure by reviewing the following:
Note and/or contract forms (including those furnished to dealers).
Standard closed-end credit disclosures (§§226.17(a) and 226.18)
ARM disclosures (§226.19(b)).
High cost mortgage disclosures (§226.32(c)).
Initial disclosures (§226.6(a)-(d)) and, if applicable, additional HELC disclosures
Credit card application/solicitation disclosures (§226.5a(b)-(e)).
HELC disclosures (§226.5b(d) and (e)).
Statement of billing rights and change in terms notice (§226.9(a)).
Reverse mortgage disclosures (§226.33(b)).
Notice of Right to Rescind (§§ 226.15(b) and 226.23(b)(1))
Closed-End Credit Forms Review Procedures
a. Determine the disclosures are clear, conspicuous, grouped, and segregated. The terms
Finance Charge and APR should be more conspicuous than other terms. (§226.17(a))
b. Determine the disclosures include the following as applicable. (§226.18)
1. Identity of the creditor
2. Brief description of the finance charge
3. Brief description of the APR
4. Variable rate verbiage (§226.18(f)(1) or (2))
5. Payment schedule
6. Brief description of the total of payments
7. Demand feature
8. Description of total sales price in a credit sale
9. Prepayment penalty's or rebates
10. Late payment amount or percentage
11. Description for security interest
12. Various insurance verbiage (§226.4(d))
13. Statement referring to the contract
14. Statement regarding assumption of the note
15. Statement regarding required deposits.
c. Determine all variable rate loans with a maturity greater than one year secured by a
principal dwelling are given the following disclosures at the time of application.
1. Consumer handbook on adjustable rate mortgages or substitute
2. Statement that interest rate payments and or terms can change
3. The index/formula and a source of information
4. Explanation of the interest rate/payment determination and margin
5. Statement that the consumer should ask for the current interest rate and margin
6. Statement that the interest rate is discounted, if applicable
7. Frequency of interest rate and payment changes
8. Rules relating to all changes
9. Either a historical example based on 15 years, or the initial rate and payment with a
statement that the periodic payment may substantially increase or decrease together
with a maximum interest rate and payment
10. Explanation of how to compute the loan payment, giving an example
11. Demand feature, if applicable
12. Statement of content and timing of adjustment notices
13. Statement that other variable rate loan program disclosures are available, if
d. Determine that the disclosures required for high-cost mortgage transactions clearly and
conspicuously include the items below. [§ 226.32(c), see Form H-16 in Appendix H.]
1. The required statement "you are not required to complete this agreement merely
because you have received these disclosures or have signed a loan application. If
you obtain this loan, the lender will have a mortgage on your home. You could lose
your home, and any money you have put into it, if you do not meet your obligations
under the loan"
2. Annual percentage rate
3. Amount of the regular monthly (or other periodic) payment and the amount of any
balloon payment. The regular payment should include amounts for voluntary items,
such as credit life insurance or debt-cancellation coverage, only if the consumer has
previously agreed to the amount [See staff commentary to 32(c)(3)].
4. Statement that the interest rate may increase, and the amount of the single maximum
monthly payment, based on the maximum interest rate allowed under the contract, if
5. For a mortgage refinancing, the total amount borrowed, as reflected by the face
amount of the note; and where the amount borrowed includes premiums or other
charges for optional credit insurance or debt-cancellation coverage, that fact shall be
stated (grouped together with the amount borrowed).
Open-End Credit Forms Review Procedures
a. Determine the initial disclosure statement is provided before the first transaction under
the account and ensure the disclosure includes the items below as applicable. (§226.6)
1. Statement of when the finance charge is to accrue and if a grace period exists
2. Statement of periodic rates used and the corresponding APR
3. Explanation of the method of determining the balance on which the finance charge
may be computed
4. Explanation of how the finance charge would be determined
5. Statement of the amount of any other charges
6. Statement of creditor's security interest in the property
7. Statement of billing rights (§§226.12 and 226.13)
8. Certain home equity plan information if not provided with the application in a form
the consumer could keep. [§226.6(e)(7)]
b. Determine the following credit card disclosures were made clearly and conspicuously
on or with a solicitation or an application. Disclosures in 12-point type are deemed to
comply with the requirements. See staff comment 5a(a)(2)-1. The APR for purchases
(other than an introductory rate that is lower than the rate that will apply after the
introductory rate expires) must be in at least 18-point type. [§ 226.5a]
1. APR for purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers, including penalty rates
that may apply. If the rate is variable, the index or formula, and margin must be
2. Fee for issuance of the card
3. Minimum finance charge
4. Transaction fees
5. Length of the "grace period"
6. Balance computation method
7. Statement that charges incurred by use of the charge card are due when the periodic
statement is received.
NOTE: The above items must be provided in a prominent location in the form of a
table. The remaining items may be included in the same table or clearly and
conspicuously elsewhere on the same document. An explanation of specific events that
may result in the imposition of a penalty rate must be placed outside the table with an
asterisk inside the table (or other means) directing the consumer to the additional
8. Cash advance fees
9. Late payment fees
10. Fees for exceeding the credit limit
c. Determine that disclosure of items 1-7 in "b" above are made orally for creditor-initiated
telephone applications and pre-approved solicitations. Also, determine for applications
or solicitations made to the general public that the card issuer makes one of the optional
disclosures. (§226.5a(d) and (e))
d. Determine the following home equity disclosures were made clearly and conspicuously,
at the time of application. (§226.5b)
1. Home equity brochure
2. Statement that the consumer should retain a copy of the disclosure
3. Statement of the time the specific terms are available
4. Statement that terms are subject to change before the plan opens
5. Statement that the consumer may receive a full refund of all fees
6. Statement that the consumer's dwelling secures the credit
7. Statement that the consumer could loose the dwelling
8. Creditors right to change, freeze, or terminate the account
9. Statement that information about conditions for adverse action are available upon
10. Payment terms including the length of the draw and repayment periods, how the
minimum payment is determined, the timing of payments, and an example based on
$10,000 and a recent APR
11. A recent APR imposed under the plan and a statement that the rate does not include
costs other than interest (fixed rate plans only)
12. Itemization of all fees paid to creditor
13. Estimate of any fees payable to third parties to open the account and a statement that
the consumer may receive a good faith itemization of third party fees
14. Statement regarding negative amortization, as applicable
15. Transaction requirements
16. Statement that the consumer should consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility
of interest and charges under the plan
17. For variable rate home equity plans, disclose the following:
i. That the APR, payment, or term may change
ii. The APR excludes costs other than interest
iii. Identify the index and its source
iv. How the rate will be determined
v. Statement that the consumer should request information on the current index
value, margin, discount, premium, or APR
vi. Statement that the initial rate is discounted and the duration of the discount,
if applicable
vii. Frequency of APR changes
viii. Rules relating to changes in the index, APR, and payment amount
ix. Lifetime rate cap and any annual caps, or a statement that there is no annual
x. The minimum payment requirement, using the maximum APR, and when the
maximum APR may be imposed
xi. A table, based on a $10,000 balance, reflecting all significant plan terms
xii. Statement that rate information will be provided on or with each periodic
e. Determine when the last statement of billing rights was furnished to customers and
whether the institution used the short form notice with each periodic statement.
f. Determine that the notice of any change in terms was provided 15 days prior to the
effective date of the change. (§226.9(b))
g. Determine that disclosure of items 1-7 in "b" above are provided if the account is
renewed. Additionally, the disclosure provided upon renewal must disclose how and
when the cardholder may terminate the credit to avoid paying the renewal fee.
h. Determine that a statement of the maximum interest rate that may be imposed during the
term of the obligation is made for any loan in which the APR may increase during the
plan. (§226.30(b))
Reverse Mortgage Forms Review Procedures (Both open and closed-end)
a. Determine that the disclosures required for reverse mortgage transactions are
substantially similar to the model form in Appendix K and include the items below.
1. A statement that the consumer is not obligated to complete the reverse mortgage
transaction merely because he or she has received the disclosures or signed an
2. A good faith projection of the total cost of the credit expressed as a table of "total
annual loan cost rates" including payments to the consumer, additional creditor
compensation, limitations on consumer liability, assumed annual appreciation, and
the assumed loan period
3. An itemization of loan terms, charges, the age of the youngest borrower, and the
appraised property value
4. An explanation of the table of total annual loan costs rates.
NOTE: Forms that include or involve current transactions, such as change in terms notices,
periodic billing statements, rescission notices, and billing error communications, are verified
for accuracy when the file review worksheets are completed.
Timing of Disclosures
5. Review financial institution policies, procedures, and systems to determine, either
separately, or when completing the actual file review, whether the applicable disclosures
listed below are furnished when required by Regulation Z. Take into account products that
have different features, such as closed-end loans or credit card accounts that are fixed or
variable rate.
a. Credit card application and solicitation disclosures - On or with the application
(§ 226.5a(b))
b. HELC disclosures--At the time the application is provided or within three business days
under certain circumstances. (§226.5b(b))
c. Open-end credit initial disclosures --Before the first transaction is made under the plan.
d. Periodic disclosures--At the end of a billing cycle if the account has a debit or credit
balance of $1 or more or if a finance charge has been imposed. (§226.5(b)(2))
e. Statement of billing rights--At least once per year. (§226.9(a))
f. Supplemental credit devices-- Before the first transaction under the plan. (§226.9(b))
g. Open-end credit change in terms-- 15 days prior to the effective change date.
h. Finance charge imposed at time of transaction--Prior to imposing any fee. (§226.9(d))
i. Disclosures upon renewal of credit or charge card--30 days or one billing cycle,
whichever is less before the delivery of the periodic statement on which the renewal fee
is charged. Alternatively, notice may be delayed until the mailing or delivery of the
periodic statement on which the renewal fee is charged to the accounts if the notice
meets certain requirements. (§226.9(e))
j. Change in credit account insurance provider--Certain information 30 days before the
change in provider occurs and certain information 30 days after the change in provider
occurs. The institution may provide a combined disclosure 30 days before the change in
provider occurs. (§226.9(f))
k. Closed-end credit disclosures-- Before consummation. (§226.17(b))
l. Disclosures for certain closed-end home mortgages--Three business days prior to
consummation. (§226.31(c)(1))
m. Disclosures for reverse mortgages --Three days prior to consummation of a closed-end
credit transaction or prior to the first transaction under an open-end credit plan.
n. Disclosures for adjustable-rate mortgages - At least once each year during which an
interest rate adjustment is implemented without an accompanying payment change, and
at least 25, but no more than 120 calendar days before a new payment amount is due, or
in accordance with other variable-rate subsequent-disclosure regulations issued by a
supervisory agency. (§226.20(c))
Electronic Disclosures
NOTE: Disclosures may be provided to the consumer in electronic form, subject to compliance
with the consumer consent and other applicable provisions of the Electronic Signatures in Global
and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) (15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq.). The E-Sign Act does not
mandate that institutions or consumers use or accept electronic records or signatures. It permits
institutions to satisfy any statutory or regulatory requirements by providing the information
electronically after obtaining the consumer’s affirmative consent. Before consent can be given,
consumers must be provided with the following information:
any right or option to have the information provided in paper or nonelectronic form;
the right to withdraw the consent to receive information electronically and the
consequences, including fees, of doing so
the scope of the consent (for example, whether the consent applies only to a
particular transaction or to identified categories of records that may be provided
during the course of the parties' relationship)
the procedures to withdraw consent and to update information needed to contact the
consumer electronically; and
the methods by which a consumer may obtain, upon request, a paper copy of an
electronic record after consent has been given to receive the information
electronically and whether any fee will charged
The consumer must consent electronically or confirm consent electronically in a manner that
“reasonably demonstrates that the consumer can access information in the electronic form that will
be used to provide the information that is the subject of the consent.” After the consent, if an
institution changes the hardware or software requirements such that a consumer may be prevented
from accessing and retaining information electronically, the institution must notify the consumer of
the new requirements and must allow the consumer to withdraw consent without charge.
6. If the financial institution makes its disclosures available to consumers in electronic form,
determine that the forms comply with the appropriate sections – 226.5(a)(1);
226.5a(a)(2)(v); 226.5b(a)(3); 226.15(b); 226.16(c); 226.17(a)(1); 226.17(g); 226.19(c);
226.23(b)(1); 226.24(d) and 226.31(b).
Record Retention
7. Review the financial institution's record retention practices to determine whether evidence
of compliance (for other than the advertising requirements) is retained for at least two years
after the disclosures were required to be made or other action was required to be taken.
Transactional Testing
NOTE: When verifying APR accuracies, use the OCC's APR calculation model or other calculation
tool acceptable to your regulatory agency.
8. Sample advertising copy, including any electronic advertising, since the previous
examination and verify that the terms of credit are specific. If triggering terms are used,
determine the required disclosures are made. (§§226.16 and 226.24)
For advertisements for closed-end credit, determine:
if a rate of finance charge was stated, that it was stated as an APR
if an APR will increase after consummation, a statement to that fact is made
Closed-End Credit
9. For each type of closed-end loan being tested, determine the accuracy of the disclosures by
comparing the disclosures to the contract and other financial institution documents.
10. Determine whether the required disclosures were made before consummation of the
transaction and ensure the presence and accuracy of the items below, as applicable.
a. Amount financed
b. Itemization of the amount financed (RESPA GFE may substitute)
c. Finance charge
d. APR
e. Variable rate verbiage as follows for loans not secured by a principal dwelling or with
terms of one year or less:
1. Circumstances which permit rate increase
2. Limitations on the increase (periodic or lifetime)
3. Effects of the increase
4. Hypothetical example of new payment terms
f. Payment schedule including amount, timing and number of payments.
g. Total of payments.
h. Total sales price (credit sale)
i. Description of security interest
j. Credit life insurance premium included in the finance charge unless:
Insurance is not required; and
Premium for the initial term is disclosed; and
Consumer signs or initials an affirmative written request for the insurance
k. Property insurance available from the creditor excluded from the finance charge if the
premium for the initial term of the insurance is disclosed
l. Required deposit.
11. Determine for adjustable rate mortgage loans secured by the borrower's principal dwelling
with maturities of more than one year that the required early and subsequent disclosures are
complete, accurate, and timely. Early disclosures required by §226.19(a) are verified during
the closed-end credit forms review. Subsequent disclosures should include the items below,
as applicable. (§226.20(c))
a. Current and prior interest rates
b. Index values used to determine current and prior interest rates
c. Extent to which the creditor has foregone an increase in the interest rate
d. Contractual effects of the adjustment (new payment and loan balance)
e. Payment required to avoid negative amortization.
NOTE: The accuracy of the adjusted interest rates and indexes should be verified by
comparing them with the contract and early disclosures. Refer to the Additional Variable Rate
Testing section of these examination procedures.
12. Determine, for each type of closed-end rescindable loan being tested, the appropriate
number of copies of the rescission notice are provided to each person whose ownership
interest is or will be subject to the security interest. The rescission notice must disclose the
items below. (§226.23(b)(1))
a. Security interest taken in the consumer's principal dwelling
b. Consumer's right to rescind the transaction
c. How to exercise the right to rescind, with a form for that purpose, designating the
address of the creditor's place of business
d. Effects of rescission
e. Date the rescission period expires.
13. Ensure funding was delayed until the rescission period expired. (§226.23(c))
14. Determine if the institution has waived the three-day right to rescind since the previous
examination. If applicable, test rescission waivers. (§226.23(e))
15. Determine whether the maximum interest rate in the contract is disclosed for any adjustable
rate consumer credit contract secured by a dwelling. (§226.30(a))
Open-End Credit
16. For each open-end credit product tested, determine the accuracy of the disclosures by
comparing the disclosure with the contract and other financial institution documents.
17. Review the financial institution's policies, procedures, and practices to determine whether it
provides appropriate disclosures for creditor-initiated direct mail applications and
solicitations to open charge card accounts, telephone applications and solicitations to open
charge card accounts, and applications and solicitations made available to the general public
to open charge card accounts. (§226.5a(b), (c), and (d))
18. Determine for all home equity plans with a variable rate that the APR is based on an
independent index. Further, ensure home equity plans are terminated or terms changed only
if certain conditions exist. (§226.5b(f))
19. Determine that, if any consumer rejected a home equity plan because a disclosed term
changed before the plan was opened, all fees were refunded. Verify that non-refundable
fees were not imposed until three business days after the consumer received the required
disclosures and brochure. (§226.5b(g) and (h))
20. Review consecutive periodic billing statements for each major type of open-end credit
activity offered (overdraft and home-equity lines of credit, credit card programs, etc.).
Determine whether disclosures were calculated accurately and are consistent with the initial
disclosure statement furnished in connection with the accounts (or any subsequent change
in terms notice) and the underlying contractual terms governing the plan(s). The periodic
statement must disclose the items below, as applicable. (§226.7)
a. Previous balance
b. Identification of transactions
c. Dates and amounts of any credits
d. Periodic rates and corresponding APRs, if variable rate plan, must disclose that the
periodic rates may vary
e. Balance on which the finance charge is computed and an explanation of how the
balance is determined
f. Amount of finance charge with an itemization of each of the components of the finance
g. Annual percentage rate
h. Itemization of other charges
i. Closing date and balance
j. Payment date, if there is a "free ride" period
k. Address for notice of billing errors.
21. Verify the institution credits a payment to the open-end account as of the date of receipt.
22. Determine institution's treatment of credit balances. Specifically, if the account's credit
balance is in excess of $1, the institution must disclose the items below. (§226.11)
a. Credit the amount to the consumer's account;
b. Refund any part of the remaining credit balance within seven business days from
receiving a written request from the consumer; and
c. Make a good faith effort to refund the amount of the credit to a deposit account of the
consumer if the credit remains for more than six months.
23. Review a sample of billing error resolution files and a sample of consumers who have
asserted a claim or defense against the financial institution for a credit card dispute
regarding property or services. Verify the following. (§§226.12 and 226.13)
a. Credit cards are issued only upon request
b. Liability for unauthorized credit card use is limited to $50
c. Disputed amounts are not reported delinquent unless remaining unpaid after the dispute
has been settled
d. Offsetting credit card indebtedness is prohibited
e. Errors are resolved within two complete billing cycles.
24. Determine, for each type of open-end rescindable loan being tested, the appropriate number
of copies of the rescission notice are provided to each person whose ownership interest is or
will be subject to the security interest and perform the procedures 12, 13, and 14 under
Closed-End Credit section. (§226.15(b), (c) and (e))
Additional Variable Rate Testing
25. Verify that when accounts were opened or loans were consummated that loan contract
terms were recorded correctly in the financial institution's calculation systems (e.g., its
computer). Determine the accuracy of the following recorded information:
a. Index value,
b. Margin and method of calculating rate changes,
c. Rounding method, and
d. Adjustment caps (periodic and lifetime).
26. Using a sample of periodic disclosures for open-end variable rate accounts (e.g., home
equity accounts) and closed-end rate change notices for adjustable rate mortgage loans:
a. Compare the rate-change date and rate on the credit obligation to the actual rate-change
date and rate imposed.
b. Determine that the index disclosed and imposed is based on the terms of the contract
(example: the weekly average of one-year Treasury constant maturities, taken as of 45
days before the change date.). (§§226.7(g) and 226.20(c)(2))
c. Determine that the new interest rate is correctly disclosed by adding the correct index
value with the margin stated in the note, plus or minus any contractual fractional
adjustment. (§§226.7(g) and 226.20 (c)(1))
d. Determine that the new payment disclosed (§226.20(c)(4)) was based on an interest rate
and loan balance in effect at least 25 days before the payment change date (consistent
with the contract). (§226.20(c))
Certain Home Mortgage Transactions
27. Determine whether the financial institution originates consumer credit transactions subject
to Subpart E of Regulation Z; specifically, certain closed-end home mortgages (high-cost
mortgages (§226.32) and reverse mortgages (§226.33).
28. Examiners may use the attached worksheet as an aid for identifying and reviewing high-
cost mortgages.
29. Review both high-cost and reverse mortgages to ensure the following:
a. Required disclosures are provided to consumers in addition to, not in lieu of, the
disclosures contained in other subparts of Regulation Z. (§226.31(a))
b. Disclosures are clear and conspicuous, in writing, and in a form that the consumer may
keep. (§226.31(b))
c. Disclosures are furnished at least three business days prior to consummation of a
mortgage transaction covered by §226.32 or a closed-end reverse mortgage transaction
(or at least three business days prior to the first transaction under an open-end reverse
mortgage). (§226.31(c))
d. Disclosures reflect the terms of the legal obligation between the parties. (§226.31(d))
e. If the transaction involves more than one creditor, only one creditor shall provide the
disclosures. Where the obligation involves multiple consumers, the disclosures may be
provided to any consumer who is primarily liable on the obligation. However, for
rescindable transactions, the disclosures must be provided to each consumer who has
the right to rescind. (§226.31(e))
f. The APR is accurately calculated and disclosed in accordance with the requirements and
within the tolerances allowed in §226.22. (§226.31(g))
30. For high-cost mortgages (§226.32), ensure that:
a. In addition to other required disclosures, the creditor discloses the following at least
three business days prior to consummation: [See model disclosure at App. H-16]
1. Notice containing the prescribed language.(§226.32(c)(1))
2. Annual percentage rate. (§226.32(c)(2))
3. Amount of regular loan payment and the amount of any balloon payment.
4. For variable rate loans, a statement that the interest rate and monthly payment may
increase, and the amount of the single maximum monthly payment allowed under
the contract. (§226.32(c)(4))
5. For a mortgage refinancing, the total amount the consumer will borrow (the face
amount) and if this amount includes premiums or other charges for optional credit
insurance or debt-cancellation coverage, that fact is stated. This disclosure shall be
treated as accurate if within $100. (§226.32(c)(5))
6. A new disclosure is required if, subsequent to providing the additional disclosure
but prior to consummation, there are changes in any terms that make the disclosures
inaccurate. For example, if a consumer purchases optional credit insurance and, as a
result, the monthly payment differs from the payment previously disclosed,
redisclosure is required and a new three-day waiting period applies.
7. If a creditor provides new disclosures by telephone when the consumer initiates a
change in terms, then at consummation: (§226.31(c)(1)(ii))
The creditor must provide new written disclosures and both parties must sign a
statement that these new disclosures were provided by telephone at least three
days prior to consummation.
8. If a consumer waives the right to a three-day waiting period to meet a bona fide
personal financial emergency, the consumer’s waiver must be a dated written
statement (not a pre-printed form) describing the emergency and bearing the
signature of all entitled to the waiting period (a consumer can waive only after
receiving the required disclosures and prior to consummation). (§226.31(c)(1)(iii))
b. High-cost mortgage transactions do not provide for any of the following loan terms:
1. Balloon payment (if term is less than 5 years, with exceptions). (§226.32(d)(1)(i)
and (ii))
2. Negative amortization. (§226.32(d)(2))
3. Advance payments from the proceeds of more than 2 periodic payments.
4. Increased interest rate after default. (§226.32(d)(4))
5. A rebate of interest, arising from a loan acceleration due to default, calculated by a
method less favorable than the actuarial method. (§226.32(d)(5))
6. Prepayment penalties (but permitted in the first five years if certain conditions are
met). (§226.32(d)(6) and (7))
7. A due-on-demand clause permitting the creditor to terminate the loan in advance of
maturity and accelerate the balance, with certain exceptions. (§226.32(d)(8))
c. The creditor is not engaged in the following acts and practices for high-cost mortgages:
1. Home improvement contracts paying a contractor under a home improvement
contract from the proceeds of a mortgage unless certain conditions are met.
2. Notice to assignee selling or otherwise assigning a high-cost mortgage without
furnishing the required statement to the purchaser or assignee. (§226.34(a)(2))
3. Refinancing within one year of extending credit
within one year of making a
high-cost mortgage loan, a creditor may not refinance any high-cost mortgage loan
to the same borrower into another high-cost mortgage loan that is not in the
borrower’s interest. This also applies to assignees that hold or service the high-cost
mortgage loan. Commentary to 34(a)(3) has examples applying the refinancing
prohibition and addressing “borrower’s interest.” (§226.34(a)(3))
4. Consumers’ ability to repay
engaging in a pattern or practice of extending high-
cost mortgages based on the consumer’s collateral without regard to repayment
ability, including the consumer’s current and expected income, current obligations,
and employment. A violation is presumed if there is a pattern or practice of making
such mortgage loans without verifying and documenting consumers’ repayment
A. A creditor may consider any expected income of the consumer, including:
i. Regular salary or wages;
ii. Gifts;
iii. Expected retirement payments; and
iv. Income from self-employment.
B. Equity income that would be realized from the collateral may not be considered.
C. Creditors may verify and document a consumer’s income and obligations
through any reliable source that provides the creditor with a reasonable basis for
believing that there are sufficient funds to support the loan. Reliable sources
i. Credit reports;
ii. Tax return;
iii. Pension statements; or
iv. Payment records for employment income.
D. If a loan transaction includes a discounted introductory rate, the creditor must
consider the consumer’s ability to repay based on the non-discounted or fully
indexed rate.
Commentary to 34(a)(4) contains guidance on income that may be considered, on
“pattern or practice,” and on “verifying and documenting” income and obligations.
31. Ensure that the creditor does not structure a home-secured loan as an open-end plan
(“spurious open-end credit”) to evade the requirements of Regulation Z. See staff
commentary to 34(b) for factors to be considered. (§ 226.34(b))
Administrative Enforcement
32. If there is noncompliance involving understated finance charges or understated APRs
subject to reimbursement under the FFIEC Policy Guide on Reimbursement (policy guide),
continue with step 32.
33. Document the date on which the administrative enforcement of the TILA policy statement
would apply for reimbursement purposes by determining the date of the preceding
34. If the noncompliance involves indirect (third-party paper) disclosure errors and affected
consumers have not been reimbursed:
a. Prepare comments, discussing the need for improved internal controls to be included in
the report of examination.
b. Notify your supervisory office for follow up with the regulator that has primary
responsibility for the original creditor.
If the noncompliance involves direct credit:
c. Make an initial determination whether the violation is a pattern or practice.
d. Calculate the reimbursement for the loans or accounts in an expanded sample of the
identified population.
e. Estimate the total impact on the population based on the expanded sample.
f. Inform management that reimbursement may be necessary under the law and the policy
guide, and discuss all substantive facts including the sample loans and calculations.
g. Inform management of the financial institution's options under section 130 of the TILA
for avoiding civil liability and of its option under the policy guide and section 108 (e)(6)
of the TILA for avoiding a regulatory agency's order to reimburse affected borrowers.
Borrower’s Name Loan Number:
Yes No
Is the loan secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling?
[§ 226.2(a)(19), § 226.32(a)(1)]
If the answer is No, STOP HERE
Is the loan for the following purpose?
1. Residential Mortgage Transaction – [§ 226.2(a)(24)]
2. Reverse Mortgage Transaction – [§ 226.33]
3. Open-End Credit Plan – Subpart B
[note prohibition against structuring loans as open-end
plans to evade § 226.32 – [§ 226.34(b)]
If the answer is Yes to Box 1, 2, or 3, STOP HERE. If No, continue to Test 1.
A. Disclosed APR
B. Treasury Security Yield of Comparable Maturity
Obtain the Treasury Constant Maturities Yield from the FRB’s Statistical
Release, H-15 – Selected Interest Rates (the “Business” links will display daily
yields). Use the yield that has the most comparable maturity to the loan term
and is from the 15
day of the month that immediately precedes the month of
the application. If the 15
is not a business day, use the yield for the business
day immediately preceding the 15
. If the loan term is exactly halfway
between two published security maturities, use the lower of the two yields.)
Note: Creditors may use the FRB’s Selected Interest Rates or the actual
auction results. See Staff Commentary to Regulation Z for further details.
[§ 226.32(a)(1)(i)]
C. Treasury Security Yield of Comparable Maturity (Box B)
: 8 percentage points for first-lien loan; or
10 percentage points for subordinate-lien loan
Yes No
D. Is Box A greater than Box C?
If Yes, the transaction is a High-Cost Mortgage. If No, continue to Test 2, Points and
STEP 1: Identify all Charges Paid by the Consumer at or before Loan Closing
A. Finance Charges – § 226.4(a) and (b) (Interest, including per-diem interest, and time
price differential are excluded from these amounts.)
Fee Subtotals
Loan Points
Mortgage Broker Fee
Loan Service Fees
Required Closing Agent/3
Party Fees
Required Credit Insurance
Private Mortgage Insurance
Life of Loan Charges (flood, taxes, etc.)
Any Other Fees Considered Finance Charges
B. Certain Non-Finance Charges Under § 226.4(c)(7) – Include fees paid by consumers
if the amount of the fee is unreasonable or if the creditor receives direct or indirect
compensation from the charge or the charge is paid to an affiliate of the bank. (See the
example in § 226.32(b)(1)(ii) of the commentary for further explanation.)
Title Examination
Title Insurance
Property Survey
Document Preparation Charge
Credit Report
Fee for “Initial” Flood Hazard Determination
Pest Inspection
Any Other Fees Not Considered Finance Charges
C. Premiums or Other Charges for Optional Credit Life, Accident,
Health, or Loss-of-Income Insurance, or Debt-Cancellation Coverage
D. Total Points & Fees: Add Subtotals for A, B, C
STEP 2: Determine the Total Loan Amount for Cost Calculation [226.32(a)(1)(ii)]
A. Determine the Amount Financed [§ 226.18(b)]
Principal Loan Amount
Plus: Other Amounts Financed by the Lender (not
already included in the principal and not part of the
finance charge)
Less: Prepaid Finance Charges [§ 226.2(a)(23)]
Equals: Amount Financed
B. Deduct costs included in the points and fees under
§226.32(b)(1)(iii) and (iv) (Step 1, Box B and Box C) that are
financed by the creditor
C. Total Loan Amount (Step 2, Box A minus Box B)
STEP 3: Perform High-Fee Cost Calculation
A. Eight Percent of the Total Loan Amount (Step 2, Box C)
B. Annual Adjustment Amount – [§ 226.32(a)(1)(ii)]
1999: $441; 2000: $451; 2001: $465; 2002: $480
(use the dollar amount corresponding to the year of the loan’s
C. Total Points & Fees (Step 1, Box D)
Yes No
In Step 3, does Box C exceed the greater of Box A or Box B?
If Yes, the transaction is a High-Cost Mortgage. If No, the transaction is not a High-
Cost Mortgage under Test 2, Points and Fees.
15 USC 1601 et seq., Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
15 USC 1666 et seq., Fair Credit Billing Act
15 USC 7001 et seq., Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act
12 CFR Part 226, Truth-in-Lending Regulation