Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Combined Heat and Power Plant and
Energy Conservation Measures Briefing
7.1.2020 NNSY ESPC Combined Heat and Power Plant Stakeholder Information Session 1
Call logistics
Commander Bill Butler, Public Works Officer, NNSY
Mr. Keith Sellers, Deputy Public Works Officer, NNSY
Bob Albertini, Director, Program Management, Ameresco
7.1.2020 NNSY ESPC Combined Heat and Power Plant Stakeholder Information Session 2
Opening Remarks
Executive Summary and Project Purpose
Project Overview and Community Benefits
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NNSY Norfolk Naval Shipyard
NavFac Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NavSea Naval Sea Systems Command
ESPC Energy Savings Performance Contract
CHP Combined Heat and Power
ECM Energy Conservation Measures
IWTP Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
VDEQ Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Ameresco ESPC Contractor
Opening Remarks
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Executive Summary
A Combined Heat and Power Plant (or CHP) will be constructed at the Norfolk
Naval Shipyard (NNSY) in Portsmouth, Virginia
Once built, it will significantly improve the shipyard’s energy security and
efficiency by conserving energy and reducing emissions
Energy cost savings from the CHP Plant will even help to pay for a new Industrial
Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP) to replace the existing 40+year-old facility that
is well beyond its useful life
While the coming changes for the shipyard are important, there will also continue
to be significant positive impacts on the local economy and workforce
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Background Information
An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) was awarded for
four energy conservation measures (ECM) at Norfolk Naval Shipyard
The largest ECM is the Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) being
constructed at the NNSY
The CHP plant will provide NNSY its own source of steam and
electricity and the ability to operate independent of the electrical
grid in the event of an extended grid outage
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Purpose of the ESPC
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Provide significant improvement to
the Department of the Navy’s
Three Pillars of Energy Security
ESPC Background
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CHP is one of four planned Energy
Conservations Measures (ECMs) at NNSY
1. CHP Plant
2. New Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
3. Steam System Improvement
4. Electric Transformer Replacement
All four ECM construction scopes are
scheduled to be completed by the
end of 2022
Environmental Assessment
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NNSY’s November 16, 2017 NNSY
Environmental Assessment for the
implementation of the ECMs addresses
numerous factors
There are no significant short-term, long-
term, direct or indirect impacts to water
resources, cultural, visual or biological
resources during CHP Plant construction
or operational activities
Air Quality
HazMat and
Project Funding
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This project is being executed with
no additional taxpayer expense
Self-funding project
Annual operating savings
relative to existing budgets are
used to fund the project
Project Overview
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CHP Project Background
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A two-story, 30,000 square foot building
will be constructed to house the CHP
Location: South end of NNSY in existing
parking lot
Project components:
CHP Plant providing on-site electric and steam
Microgrid Control System
Battery Energy Storage System
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New steam
distribution line
Connection to existing
main steam lines
Existing RDF Plant
Project Benefits
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Project Benefits Navy
Maintains Shipyard Mission and avoids potential ship repair delays
Eliminates potential off-site waste disposal & cost
Faster implementation versus appropriated funding
Reduced operation and maintenance costs
Guaranteed CHP plant performance over 22-year contract term
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Economic Benefits - Navy
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$13.7 million estimated annual
savings for NNSY
$11.8 million from the CHP
$1.3 million from the IWTP
$467,000 from steam system upgrades
$100,000 from replacement of electric
transformer across the shipyard
Considerable savings on the facilities’ energy bills due to CHP’s high efficiency
Upgrades will serve to avoid shutdowns, delays in maintaining and repairing ships
and in the long-term save money on excess repair costs and maintenance
Energy Security - Navy
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The Norfolk Naval Shipyard will be
able to operate independently of
the community’s electrical grid in
the event of a blackout
Community Benefits
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Economic Impact
Community Benefits
Air Quality
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Figures provided by Ameresco, ESPC contractor
Economic Impact
Total Local Economic Impact: $37.38 million (including $29.7 million in local
subcontracting and $7.7 million in food, lodging, and other ancillary
Local businesses within 1/4 mile of the plant will be utilized, including
ready-mix concrete and concrete piles
Component Local Subcontracting
Prime Contractor Ancillary
CHP Plant
$ 18,200,000 $ 4,800,000
$ 9,555,000 $ 2,000,000
Other Subcontracting
$ 1,979,000 $ 844,000
$ 29,734,000 $ 7,644,000
Total Local Economic Benefit
$ 37,378,000
Workforce Benefits
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210+ local construction tradesmen will
be employed by contractors and
subcontractors during construction
17 full time employees will be hired for
the operations of the plant
15 employees from the home office of
the project’s contractor will be paid
per diem to establish a temporary
residence in the local area, making a
direct economic impact of $4.8 million
Local Subcontracting Opportunities
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Prime subcontractor Bowen has $27,755,000
allocated for direct local contracts to support
the IWTP and CHP construction
Contract opportunities include but are not limited
to electrical work, piling, HVAC, roofing, metal work
and instrumentation
We will work with Bowen to better understand their
planned approach to attracting and developing
local talent
We will work with Bowen and local community
leaders to ensure these opportunities are proactively
communicated to Portsmouth SWaM businesses
Environmental Benefits
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There are no significant short-term, long-
term, direct or indirect impacts to water,
cultural, visual or biological resources
during construction or operation
CHP is promoted by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
Their CHP Partnership seeks to reduce air
pollution and water usage associated
with electric power generation
CHP reduces emissions of greenhouse
gasses and other pollutants
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CHP requires less fuel to produce
a given energy output
Avoids transmission and distribution
losses that occur when electricity
travels over power lines
The CHP plant will reduce the Navy’s energy consumption which results in
reduced emissions and reduced demand
Environmental Benefits (cont’d)
Air Quality
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The CHP plant will incorporate Best
Available Control Technologies
(BACT), per the VDEQ
BACT controls include a combination
of clean fuels, good combustion
practices and other technologies
Controls will minimize the effects of
any additional emissions
Net decrease in Greenhouse
Gas emissions
Neighborhood Considerations
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Construction noise exposure off the
CHP property will not exceed any of
the current noise levels
Project dust will be minimal and silt
discharge will be minimized off-site
Silt run off to the Elizabeth River will
be prevented during construction
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Minimal construction traffic to be
added to the area
Major truck deliveries will be staged
and offloaded in the CHP
laydown/former Ship’s Force parking
Locally sourced materials will decrease
the traffic impact by eliminating an
estimated 900 deliveries
Construction (cont’d)
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All construction waste will be disposed of or
recycled in a manner consistent with NNSY
sustainable practices and procedures
Noise exposure off the CHP property will not
exceed any of the current noise levels
Additional parking will be made available at
the South Gate Annex
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Thank you for attending today’s information session.