Pension Schemes Online
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taking care of you...
How do I log on?
What is my dashboard?
How do I view my contributions
How do I find out the value of
my fund?
What is my contribution
How do I view my benefit details?
What are My Downloads?
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide Contents
Pension Schemes Online is a
password-protected website
from New Ireland Assurance,
where you can view up-to date
information on your pension,
including contributions you’ve
made, fund values and choice of
funds. It forms part of our ongoing
efforts to provide you with the
information you need to get the
most out of your pension.
How do I log on?
Step 1:
Log onto Click on the “Pensions” tab and you will find a link to “Pension Schemes Online” in the
drop down menu. This will bring you to the Login page.
• Start your registration by clicking “Start your registration by clicking here” in the Member Registration Centre.
• You will then be asked to read the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the site. To continue, click on the ‘I accept’ button.
Step 2:
To register for Pension Schemes Online, you need the following information:
• Your PSOL ID*.
• Your Member Number**.
• Your Date of Birth.
• Your email address.
We will automatically update your details and provide you with a username, which you should note as you will
need it each time you login.
You will then be asked two personal questions, which we will use to confirm your identity in the future.
*PSOL ID is available on your Annual Benefit Statement and your New Member Booklet. **Member Number is available
on your Annual Benefit Statement.
If you have any difficulty locating this information, please contact us at
Step 3:
Finally, you will be asked to reset your Password.
• It must be 8 characters or more long.
• It has to contain at least one number and one capital letter.
• You cannot use any blank spaces.
You will receive an email, confirming your registration details.
It is most important that you keep your password secure and known only to yourself. Please also take care when logging on that your
password is not seen or noted by anyone else.
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
My Dashboard contains the
following sections:
1. My Details – this gives details of when you joined
the scheme, expected retirement age and salary.
Click on View Further Details for more information.
2. My Pension – This gives details of current annual
contribution amount and the fund value of your
policy. Click on View Further Details for more
3. The “I would like to ….” Section – this section
gives you access to the following:
View contribution history – this allows you
to view the contribution history for past year.
Download contribution history – you can
download a report containing contribution
history for the past year.
View member fund value report – a report of
the funds you are invested in is available.
View contribution breakdown – this gives you
the contributions paid from the start date of
your policy.
View benefit details – provides details of
benefits you are on cover for.
Click on any of these options to obtain the relevant
What is My Dashboard?
Once you have logged on to New Ireland’s Pension Schemes Online, you will automatically be taken to the My Dashboard
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
Step 1:
Click on the View contribution history option in the
“I would like to ...” section.
Step 2:
A light box will open with details of contributions
paid over the last year. You will also have the option
to download the contribution history to Excel
from here.
Step 3:
You can also click on the Download contribution
history link from the “I would like to …” section to
download a list of contributions paid over the last
year to Excel.
How do I view my contributions history?
The Contribution History is a list of payments in relation to the pension policy and this can be run for different periods.
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
Step 1:
Click on the View member fund value report in the
“I would like to ….” Section.
Step 2:
A report on the funds you are invested in is
available. This report can be printed if required.
How do I find out the value of my fund?
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
Step 1:
Click on the View contribution breakdown in the
“I would like to ….” Section.
Step 2:
A lightbox will open giving details of the
contributions received by contribution type.
You can change the date range here to view the
breakdown of contributions for different dates.
What is my contribution breakdown?
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
Step 1:
Click on the View Benefit Details in the “I would like
to ….” Section.
Step 2:
A lightbox will open giving details of the benefits on
your policy.
How do I view my benefit details?
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
Step 1:
You can download your Contribution History as
previously outlined.
Step 2:
To access the download you can click on My
Downloads in the top menu bar.
The status will show either,
In Progress or
Complete. You can then open the report and save
it to an external location if necessary. Once you have
finished with the report you can then delete it from
My Downloads.
Downloads will be held for 7 days and will then will
be automatically and permanently deleted.
What are My Downloads?
Member - Pension Schemes Online Guide
300835 v7.07.12
Terms & conditions apply. The information contained in this leaflet is based on our understanding of current legislation and Revenue practice as at March 2012. While great
care has been taken in its preparation, this leaflet is of a general nature and should not be relied on in relation to a specific issue without taking financial, insurance or
other professional advice. The content of this leaflet is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment or to
subscribe to any investment management or advisory service.
If any conflict arises between this leaflet and the Policy Conditions, the Policy Conditions will apply.
New Ireland Assurance Company plc is regulated by Central Bank of Ireland. A member of the Bank of Ireland Group.