The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, in accordance with Judicial
Conference Policy and amendments to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2 requires the
following policy regarding official court transcripts:
- A transcript provided to the Court by the court reporter or transcriber will be available
at the public terminals of the Clerk’s Office, for inspection only, for a period of 90
days after it is filed.
- During the 90-day period, a copy of the transcript may be obtained from the court
reporter or transcriber at the rate established by the Judicial Conference. The
transcript will then be available by remote electronic access to any party or attorney
of record who has purchased a copy from the court reporter/transcriber.
- After the 90-day period has ended, the transcript will be available from the court
reporter/transcriber, for inspection only in the Clerk’s Office, and for download
through PACER.
The following information provides guidance for counsel and parties in requesting
the redaction of personal data identifiers from a transcript, before the transcript is
made electronically available to the general public through PACER. The
responsibility for redacting personal identifiers rests solely with counsel and the
parties. Neither the Clerk’s Office nor the court reporter or transcriber will review
transcripts for compliance with the redaction policy.
Notice of Intent to Redact:
Within 7 calendar days of the filing of an official court transcript, each party wishing
to redact a transcript must inform the court by filing a Notice of Intent to Request
Redaction. (link to form on website)
Redaction Request:
If a redaction is requested, a party must submit to the court reporter or transcriber
(but not filed) a Redaction Request (link to form on website) within 21 days from
the filing of the transcript indicating where the personal identifiers appear in the
transcript by page and line, and how they are to be redacted. This procedure is
limited to the redaction of the specific personal data identifiers listed below:
- Social Security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers should be limited to the
last four digits;
- financial account numbers should be redacted to the last four digits;
- dates of birth should contain only the year of birth;
- names of minor children should be referred to by initials
Requests for Additional Redactions:
If a party requests further redactions, in addition to the personal identifiers listed
above, the party must move the Court by filing a separate Motion for Redaction of
Electronic Transcript. Until the Court has ruled on any such motion, the transcript
will not be available by remote electronic access, even if the 90-day restriction
period has ended.
Remote Public Access to Transcripts:
If a redacted transcript is filed with the Court it will be electronically available through
PACER after 90 calendar days from the date of filing of the original transcript, and
the original transcript will never be electronically available through PACER. If the
original transcript is filed without redaction, the original transcript will be
electronically available through PACER after 90 calendar days.
PACER fees will be applied both during and after the 90-day restriction period.
Charges will not be capped at 30 pages as they are for other court documents, but
will accrue for the entire transcript. The user will incur PACER charges each time
the transcript is accessed, even though he or she may have purchased it from the
court reporter or transcriber, and been assigned remote electronic access rights.
There is no “free look” for transcripts.
Categories: Naturalization Application; Other Immigration Actions; Habeas
Corpus-Alien Detainee; and Social Security
A transcript provided to the Court by the court reporter or transcriber will be
available at the public terminals of the Clerk’s Office for inspection only. Copies of
transcripts may be obtained from the court reporter or transcriber at the rates
established by the Judicial Conference. The transcript will then be available by
remote electronic access to any party or attorney of record who has purchased a
copy from the court reporter or transcriber. (See PACER Fees above).
Note: This policy applies to transcripts of events taking place in the court’s courtrooms, not
depositions taken outside of court or proceedings of state courts or other jurisdictions.