Chapter 14, Special Education
Office of Special Education
Division of Educational Services
May 3, 2023
Chapter 14
This chapter sets forth the rules and regulations for
providing students with disabilities a free,
appropriate, public education.
The Department is proposing two limited
amendments to ensure students continue to receive
all the services to which they are entitled.
Current Language
N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.9(a)(4)
4. … and physical therapy may
be provided by therapy
assistants under the direction
of the certified and, where
required, licensed therapist in
accordance with all applicable
State statutes and rules.
N.J.A.C. 6A:5.1(c)(1)(iii)(2)
iii. Related services;
(2) Physical therapy
assistants shall work in the
presence and under the
supervision of a certified
physical therapist.
Physical Therapists & PTAs (slide 1 of 2)
Physical Therapy Assistants (PTAs) are currently permitted through special
education regulations to provide physical therapy as a related service.
Physical Therapist Physical Therapy Assistant
Minimum of Masters Degree in
physical therapy
Successful completion of clinical
Successful completion of written
At Least an Associate in Arts Degree
Completion of two-year physical
therapy assistant program
Completed all clinical requirements
Successful completion of written
Physical Therapists & PTAs (slide 2 of 2)
New Jersey Administrative Code Title 13 Law and Public Safety
Chapter 39A State Board of Physical Therapy
a) A licensed physical therapist assistant may initiate physical therapy treatment only at the
direction of and under the direct or general supervision of a licensed physical therapist. A
licensed physical therapist assistant shall not initiate physical therapy treatment upon the
direction of a physician or other authorized health care provider without the direct or general
supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
“General supervision” means supervision by a physical therapist in which the supervising
physical therapist is available at all times by telecommunications but is not required to be on-site
for direction and supervision. The supervising physical therapist shall assess, on an ongoing
basis, the ability of the physical therapist assistant to perform the selected interventions as
Scope of Work of a PTA
May initiate treatment only at the direction of and the
supervision of a physical therapist.
Document provision of treatment in the record. The physical
therapist will review and cosign the entries.
The PTA may collect data about a student. Interpretation of
the data is only made by the supervising physical therapist.
The PTA may NOT perform an assessment, make a
diagnosis, develop a plan of care, or modify a plan of care.
Proposed Amendments N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.9(a)(4)
Current Language
4. … and physical therapy may be
provided by therapy assistants
under the direction of the certified
and, where required, licensed
therapist in accordance with all
applicable State statutes and rules.
Proposed Language
4. …and physical therapy may be
provided by therapy assistants
under the [direction] supervision of
the certified, and, were required,
licensed therapist in accordance
with all applicable State statutes and
Proposed Amendments N.J.A.C. 6A:14-5.1(c)(1)(iii)(2)
Current Language
iii. Related services;
(2) Physical therapy assistants
shall work in the presence and
under the supervision of a
certified physical therapist.
Proposed Language
iii. Related services;
(2) Physical therapy assistants
shall work [in the presence and]
under the supervision of a
certified physical therapist.
Proposed Amendments N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.9
Adding new language that will allow school districts to provide
students with disabilities the related services required by their IEPs
through virtual or remote platforms in limited circumstances:
The student is unable to attend school because of a temporary
or chronic medical condition.
The student is unable to attend school because the student’s
school building or district is closed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-
9 and the school district has implemented its program of virtual
or remote instruction.
Regulations would permit, not require, related services to
be provided virtually. Families and LEAs would need to
determine it would be best for the student.
The flexibility to provide related services virtually when a
student is unable to attend school in-person due to a
temporary or chronic medical condition will ensure
continuity of services, prevent regression and allow the
student to make progress toward goals and objectives in
the IEP.
Current Research
The United States Department of Education recently released a topical
briefer which states that research and data suggest that the provision of
related services virtually can be as effective as services delivered in
Research on the provision of physical therapy, occupational therapy,
speech-language therapy and counseling services remotely indicates a
student benefit.
Research-documented benefits include increased collaboration between
families and providers, decreased time away from instruction and an
opportunity for students to generalize skills in other settings.
Thank You!
New Jersey Department of Education:
Kathleen Ehling, Assistant Commissioner
Division of Educational Services
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