DOT HS 812 440
July 2017
Marijuana-Impaired Driving
A Report to Congress
Suggested bibliographic reference format:
Compton, R. (2017, July). Marijuan
a-Impaired Driving - A Report to Congress. (DOT HS 812 440).
Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
DOT HS 812 440
2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle
Marijuana-Impaired Driving A Report to Congress
5. Report Date
July 2017
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s)
Richard P. Compton
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address
U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Office of Behavioral Safety Research NPD-300
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.
Washington, DC 20590
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
11. Contract or Grant No.
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Report to Congress
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
16. Abstract
his report was prepared in accordance with Section 4008 (Marijuana-Impaired Driving) of the Fixing America’s Surface
Transportation Act (FAST Act), Pub. L. 114-94. The report summarizes what is known about marijuana use and driving.
he report describes the absorption, distribution and elimination of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal (THC) the primary
psychoactive substance in marijuana, in the body. It contrasts this process with the absorption, distribution and
elimination of alcohol in the body, as they are very different processes. The poor correlation of THC concentrations in
the blood with impairment is discussed, along with the implication that setting per se levels is not meaningful. Some of
the challenges of measuring driving impairment resulting from marijuana use are reviewed. State laws relating to
marijuana and driving are presented. What is known about the prevalence of marijuana-impaired driving and the crash
risk associated with marijuana-impaired driving is reviewed.
inally, the report presents information on training for law enforcement to detect marijuana impairment in drivers, the
feasibility of developing an impairment standard for driving under the influence of marijuana and recommendations for
increasing data collection regarding the prevalence and effects of marijuana-impaired driving.
17. Key Words
Marijuana Marijuana-Impaired Driving THC
18. Distribution Statement
Document can be downloaded from the DOT Library at:
19. Security Classification (of this report)
20. Security Classification (of this page)
21. No. of Pages
22. Price
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................1
Background ................................................................................................................................................................2
The Impaired Driving Detection Process ......................................................................................................8
Drug Testing Process .....................................................................................................................................9
Measuring Driver Impairment Due to Marijuana Use ..............................................................................................11
Review of Research on the Effects of Marijuana use on Driving ...............................................................11
Feasibility of Developing an Impairment Standard for Drivers under the Influence of Marijuana ............13
Devices Capable of Measuring Marijuana Levels in Drivers ......................................................................13
Methods to Differentiate the Cause of a Driving Impairment between Alcohol and Marijuana ..............................15
Description and Assessment of Current State Laws Relating to Marijuana-Impaired Driving ................................15
Other Relevant Marijuana Laws ...............................................................................................................................16
Description and Assessment of the Role of Marijuana as a Causal Factor in Traffic Crashes and the Extent of the
Problem of Marijuana-Impaired Driving ..................................................................................................................20
Prevalence of Marijuana Use by Drivers ..........................................................................................................20
Estimating Crash Risk of Marijuana-Impaired Drivers ....................................................................................22
Epidemiological Studies ...................................................................................................................................23
Challenges in Estimating Crash Risk from Drug Use ......................................................................................23
Recent Meta-Analyses ......................................................................................................................................23
DRUID Study ...................................................................................................................................................24
NHTSA's "Crash Risk" Study ..........................................................................................................................25
Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................................26
References ................................................................................................................................................................32
Appendix 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................37
List of Tables and Figures
Table 1 Oral Fluid Drug Screening Devices Drug Categories and Analytic Cut-Off Levels ……14
Table 2 States With Therapeutic Marijuana Use Laws and Date of Enactment ………………….18
Table 3 States With Limited Therapeutic Marijuana Use Laws ………………………………….19
Table 4 States With Personalized Use Decriminalized ...…………………………………………19
Table 5 Legalizing Recreational Use ……………………………………………………………..19
Table 6 – Weekend Nighttime Prevalence of Alcohol and THC in 2007
Compared to 2013-2014 …………………………………………………………………22
Figure 1 – General Alcohol Concentration Curve ……………………………………………….…..4
Figure 2 – Absorption of THC in Plasma After Smoking …………………………………………...5
Figure 3 – Time Course of THC Concentration in Plasma after Smoking Marijuana ………............6
Figure 4 – Time Course of Standardized THC Concentration in Plasma,
Performance Deficit and Subjective High After Smoking Marijuana ………..….………7
Figure 5 Marijuana Laws in the United States ……………………………………………………17
Figure 6 Percentage of Weekend Nighttime Drivers by BrAC Category in the Five
National Roadside Surveys……………………………………………………………….21
Marijuana-Impaired Driving
A Report to Congress
This report has been prepared in response to a requirement in Section 4008 (Marijuana-Impaired
Driving) of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), Pub. L. 114-94. This section
(a) STUDY.—The Secretary, in consultation with the heads of other Federal agencies as appropriate,
shall conduct a study on marijuana-impaired driving.
(b) ISSUES TO BE EXAMINED.In conducting the study, the Secretary shall examine, at a minimum,
the following:
(1) Methods to detect marijuana-impaired driving, including devices capable of measuring
marijuana levels in motor vehicle operators.
(2) A review of impairment standard research for driving under the influence of marijuana.
(3) Methods to differentiate the cause of a driving impairment between alcohol and
(4) State-based policies on marijuana-impaired driving.
(5) The role and extent of marijuana impairment in motor vehicle accidents.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in
cooperation with other Federal agencies as appropriate, shall submit to the Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce,
Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on the results of the study.
(2) CONTENTS.—The report shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(A) FINDINGS.—The findings of the Secretary based on the study, including, at a minimum, the
(i) An assessment of methodologies and technologies for measuring driver
impairment resulting from the use of marijuana, including the use of
marijuana in combination with alcohol.
(ii) A description and assessment of the role of marijuana as a causal factor in
traffic crashes and the extent of the problem of marijuana-impaired driving.
(iii) A description and assessment of current State laws relating to marijuana
-impaired driving.
(iv) A determination whether an impairment standard for drivers under the
influence of marijuana is feasible and could reduce vehicle accidents and save
(B) RECOMMENDATIONS.—The recommendations of the Secretary based on the study,
including, at a minimum, the following:
i) Effective and efficient methods for training law enforcement personnel,
including drug recognition experts, to detect or measure the level of
impairment of a motor vehicle operator who is under the influence of
marijuana by the use of technology or otherwise.
(ii) If feasible, an impairment standard for driving under the influence of
(iii) Methodologies for increased data collection regarding the prevalence and
effects of marijuana impaired driving.
(d) MARIJUANA DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘marijuana’’ includes all substances
containing tetrahydrocannabinol.
This report also is in response the Senate Report #114-243, pg.56-57, that accompanied the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31) dated May 5, 2017 which required the
Secretary to “develop standards for impairment and assess technologies for measuring driver
impairment…[and] develop criteria for roadside drug testing.
This report is organized to respond to the requirements stated above in Section 4008 and in the
amendment to Section 4008 contained in the report accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act
of 2017. It addresses the five issues to be examined, the four topics for which findings are to be
provided, and concludes with the three areas where recommendations were required (if feasible). It also
addresses the development of standards for impairment, examines the technology available for
measuring impairment and the criteria for roadside drug testing.
First, a background section covers some critical information necessary for the reader to understand some
of the complex technical issues that are the basis for the content that follows. This information is
designed to provide a basic understanding of the process of absorption, distribution and elimination of
alcohol and marijuana in the body, the time course for these processes, the effects these drugs have on
driving-related skills, how drug testing is conducted, and the impaired driving detection process.
In 2009 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a Report to Congress on
Drug-impaired Driving (Compton, Vegega, and Smither, 2009) that addressed some of the same issues
covered in this report and some of the material from that report is relevant here and is incorporated in
this report.
There is a large group of drugs that have the potential to impair driving and cause crashes. This larger
body of drugs with the potential to impair driving consists of all psychoactive substances. Psychoactive
substances include alcohol, some over-the-counter drugs, some prescription drugs, and most illegal
drugs. The mechanism by which these drugs affect the body and behavior, the extent to which they
impair driving, and the time course for the impairment of driving can differ greatly among these drugs.
Since the effects of alcohol on driving performance and crash risk are relatively well understood, it is
useful to review and compare what is known about alcohol-impaired driving and marijuana-impaired
driving as it clarifies some of the challenges and unknowns that pertain to marijuana-impaired driving.
Alcohol-impaired driving has been a subject of intense interest and research for well over 60 years.
There have been many studies conducted on the role of alcohol in contributing to traffic crashes starting
in the 1950’s. This research involved studies of alcohol-impaired driving related skills, primarily
through laboratory studies involving subjects dosed on alcohol, using psychomotor tasks (reaction time,
tracking, target detection), driving simulators and drivers on closed courses in instrumented vehicles,
epidemiological studies including roadside surveys of alcohol use by drivers, and studies of alcohol use
by crash-involved drivers. This research built a persuasive case that alcohol was a significant
contributor to traffic crashes. For example, in the 1950’s it was estimated that alcohol-positive drivers
were involved in approximately 50 percent of fatal crashes (involving over 25,000 fatalities per year),
while the latest data available shows that alcohol-related fatal crashes have declined to around
30 percent (involving over 10,000 fatalities per year). In the 1960’s research was able to estimate the
crash risk of drivers at different alcohol concentration levels.
In the ensuing decades extensive efforts were taken to reduce the harm caused by alcohol use by drivers.
These efforts included strengthening laws against alcohol-impaired driving, public education efforts
about the dangers of driving after drinking, development of tools to assist law enforcement in detecting
and arresting impaired drivers, and the prosecution of alcohol-impaired drivers. This included the
development of the Breathalyzer and subsequent more sophisticated methods of measuring alcohol
concentration in the breath. Laws were enacted that made specific alcohol concentrations presumptive
of impairment; subsequently laws were passed that made it a crime to drive with an alcohol level at, or
above a specified level (known as “illegal Per Se” levels). To address the deliberate pace often
encountered in the criminal justice system many States adopted “administrative per se” laws that
allowed for the almost immediate suspension or revocation of the driver license for persons operating a
motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration above a specified level.
Much of this progress in addressing the harm caused by alcohol-impaired driving and the public’s
understanding of this problem derives from the pharmacokinetics (the absorption, distribution and
elimination of a drug from the body) and pharmacodynamics (how a drug affects physiological process
and behaviors). These processes differ, often substantially, for other drugs, including marijuana.
Understanding these differences is critical to understanding how marijuana-impaired driving differs, and
the impact these differences will have on efforts to reduce the harm from drug-impaired driving.
When one consumes alcohol (typically in a drink) it is readily absorbed into the blood system in the
gastrointestinal tract. While there are factors that influence this process (e.g., presence of food) it occurs
in a fairly regular fashion over time. The peak blood alcohol concentration is generally reached within
about 20 minutes after the cessation of drinking. The process of eliminating alcohol from the body starts
almost immediately upon its entry into the blood system. This process takes place primarily in the liver.
Most doses of alcohol overwhelm the quantity and capacity of the enzymes that break it down, so that
alcohol is removed from the bloodstream at an approximately constant rate. The elimination of most
other drugs from the body occurs at a rate proportional to the current concentration, so that they exhibit
exponential decay. This means the elimination occurs most rapidly when higher concentrations are
present and slows down when less of the drug is present.
This fairly steady rate of elimination of alcohol occurs regardless of the concentration of alcohol in the
blood. The rate is influenced by a number of factors (e.g., the health of the liver, experience consuming
alcohol). Thus, the peak BAC reached after consumption of a specific quantity of alcohol depends
primarily on the rate and amount of alcohol consumed, as the rate of elimination is fairly constant. It
should be noted that alcohol readily passes through the blood-brain barrier (that prevents many harmful
substances in the blood from entering the brain). See Figure 1 for a graphic display of this process of
absorption and elimination of alcohol (adapted from APRI, 2003).
When one compares the effects of consuming alcohol on behavior (balance, coordination, reaction time),
attention (divided attention, vigilance), cognition (decision making), and other propensities like risk
taking and judgement, one finds that observed impairment in these functions correlates fairly well with
alcohol concentration (in the blood or breath). Impairment increases with rising alcohol concentration
and declines with dropping alcohol concentration. This correlation between alcohol concentration and
impairment has allowed the use of alcohol concentration (BAC- blood alcohol concentration or BrAC –
breath alcohol concentration) to be used to infer the degree of impairment caused by the consumption of
alcohol. The higher the BAC or BrAC the greater the impairment one will find. This well-established
relationship has provided the basis for laws prohibiting driving with high BACs.
In summary, ethyl alcohol is a relatively simple drug whose absorption, distribution and elimination
from the body along with the behavioral and cognitive effects are fairly well documented.
In comparison, the absorption, distribution and elimination from the body of marijuana (and many other
drugs), along with the behavioral and cognitive effects is very different from the case with alcohol. The
term marijuana refers to the plant known as marijuana (cannabis sativa). The typical way in which
marijuana is consumed has been through smoking the plant material (leaves, flowers, seeds and stem),
though other means of ingestion have been used, like through eating food products laced with an active
ingredient of marijuana. The use of edible marijuana products has been increasing in recent years and
presents some interesting new challenges that will be discussed briefly later in this report.
The primary psychoactive substance in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal (THC). THC is one of
over 500 known compounds in the cannabis plant, including more than 80 other cannabinoids. THC is
associated with the psychoactive effects of ingesting marijuana plant material. THC has been shown to
bind with receptors in the brain (and to a lesser extent in other parts of the body) and it is likely that this
process underlies some of the psychoactive (behavioral and cognitive) effects of marijuana use.
While ethyl alcohol is readily soluble in water, and hence blood, THC is fat soluble. This means that
once ingested, THC is stored in fatty tissues in the body and can be released back into the blood
sometimes long after ingestion. Some studies have detected THC in the blood at 30 days post ingestion
(Heustis, 2007). Thus, while THC can be detected in the blood long after ingestion, the acute
psychoactive effects of marijuana ingestion last for mere hours, not days or weeks. Also, unlike alcohol,
which is metabolized at a steady rate, the metabolism of THC occurs in a different fashion such that
THC blood levels decline exponentially. Some studies have reported a fairly wide variability that is
affected by the means of ingestion (smoking, oil, and edibles), potency, and user characteristics. Most
research on the effects of marijuana has used smoking and often do not measure the concentration of
THC in the blood.
Figure 2
Absorption of THC in Plasma after Smoking
Note: Whole Blood THC is less than Plasma THC
Figure 2 (above) shows a generalized example of the absorption of THC in the blood (plasma) after
smoking a marijuana cigarette (Heustis, 2007, Huestis, Hemmingfield, Cone, 1992). Blood plasma is
whole blood with the blood cells removed, in other words just the liquid portion of whole blood (serum
is plasma without clotting factors). Note that THC is detectable in the blood within a minute or so after
the initiation of smoking. The peak THC level occurs at the end of smoking or immediately after
cessation (depending on the rate and duration of inhalations). THC levels drop rapidly after cessation of
smoking. In contrast to alcohol, which is metabolized at a relatively steady rate, THC is metabolized at
an exponentially declining rate where the THC blood level first drops rapidly, followed by a slower
decline as lower THC levels are reached. As seen in Figure 2, within 30 minutes the THC level has
dropped to 80 – 90 percent of the peak level. After a few hours only low or no THC can be detected in
the blood. Very low THC levels may persist in the blood from a single administration for more than six
While peak THC levels occur right after smoking ends, when alcohol is ingested by drinking, a peak
BAC level in the blood or breath does not occur until sometime after the last drink is consumed. As
mentioned above, alcohol primarily is absorbed into the blood (and hence into the lungs) through the
gastrointestinal tract. Depending on a variety of factors it can take 20 minutes or more before alcohol is
detectable in the blood or breath. The peak BAC level is dependent on the rate of intake and the rate of
elimination. For the average person BAC is eliminated at a steady rate of approximately .015 BAC per
hour. Thus, someone with a peak BAC of .16 would still have detectable alcohol in their blood ten
hours later.
Figure 3 (below) shows the time course for THC in plasma after smoking over a longer period of time
(Berghaus 1998; Chester 1995). When a driver’s blood sample is collected, either because of a crash or
if they are stopped by police for suspicion of impaired driving, the collection almost always occurs
hours after ingestion has ceased. Often, time passes between the cessation of smoking and the beginning
of driving, and more time passes between the beginning of driving and the encounter with law
enforcement officials. Yet more time passes between the beginning of this encounter and point in time
when blood is drawn (often after a search warrant is obtained for driving under the influence of drugs or
Figure 3
Time Course of THC Concentration in Plasma after Smoking Marijuana
[15mg THC in a 70kg person]
(Adapted from Berghaus et. al. 1998 and Chester 1995)
after the driver has been transported to a hospital post-crash). Thus, the likely THC level detectable in
such a blood sample will be relatively low.
It was mentioned above that the effects of alcohol consumption on behavior, judgement, cognition and
emotions all correlate fairly well with the rise and fall of alcohol concentration in the body as measured
by blood alcohol concentration and breath alcohol concentration. This has been well established
through a large number of carefully controlled studies in which subjects were dosed with alcohol and
had their BAC or BrAC measured repeatedly while they performed a variety of tasks over time
(see US DOT, 1991). The higher the alcohol concentration the greater the impairment that was
observed. As alcohol concentration rose so did the degree of impairment; as alcohol concentration
declined so did the degree of impairment.
Unlike alcohol, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act.
A much smaller number of studies have looked at the impairing effects of marijuana use on driving-
related skills. Less is known about these effects due in part to the typical differences in research
methods, tasks, subjects and dosing that are used. A clearer understanding of the effects of marijuana
use will take additional time as more research is conducted. The extra precautions associated with
conducting research on a Schedule I drug may contribute to this relative lack of research. For example,
these include the need for a government license to obtain, store and use marijuana, the security
requirements for storage, and documentation requirements and disposal requirements.
While fewer studies have examined the relationship between THC blood levels and degree of
impairment, in those studies that have been conducted the consistent finding is that the level of THC in
the blood and the degree of impairment do not appear to be closely related. Peak impairment does not
occur when THC concentration in the blood is at or near peak levels. Peak THC level can occur when
low impairment is measured, and high impairment can be measured when THC level is low. Thus, in
contrast to the situation with alcohol, someone can show little or no impairment at a THC level at which
someone else may show a greater degree of impairment.
Figure 4
While high levels of THC are detected in the blood (and oral fluid) during and right after smoking, they
are not typically observed an hour or two later. In cases of traffic crashes or arrests for impaired driving,
it is most likely that only relatively low levels of THC will be found by the time an oral fluid or blood
sample is obtained. Low THC levels of a few nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) in blood can result from
relatively recent use (e.g., smoking within 1 – 3 hours) when some slight or even moderate impairment
is likely to be present, or it can result from chronic use where no recent ingestion has occurred and no
impairment is present.
Figure 4 above shows this lack of clear correspondence between THC level in plasma and impairment
(also subjective reports of being “high”) in subjects who ingested marijuana through smoking (Ward,
N.J. and Dye, L. 1999). As expected, the peak THC level is reached soon after smoking ends.
However, peak performance deficits are observed long after the peak THC level occurs. In fact, peak
impairment occurs at 90 minutes after smoking while the THC level has declined over 80 percent from
the peak level at that point in time. Notice also that the subjectively reported “high” also does not
correspond well with blood plasma THC concentration. THC level in blood (or oral fluid) does not
appear to be an accurate and reliable predictor of impairment from THC. Also, when low levels of THC
are found in the blood, the presence of THC is not a reliable indicator of recent marijuana use.
The next two sections provide a brief overview of the impaired driving detection process and the drug
testing process.
The Impaired Driving Detection Process
The detection of driver drug impairment typically takes place as a result of a law enforcement officer
observing inappropriate driving behavior. The officer will stop the vehicle and engage the driver in
conversation while the driver is inside the vehicle. The officer at this time may form a suspicion that the
driver is impaired. This suspicion can be based on observations of driving behavior, the appearance of
the driver (e.g., face flushed, speech slurred, odor of alcoholic beverages on breath), the behavior of the
driver, and any statements the driver has made about alcohol or drug use. If the officer suspects that the
driver is impaired, the officer will request that the driver exit the vehicle, and the officer will proceed to
conduct pre-arrest screening tests. This phase can include the use of the Standardized Field Sobriety
Test (SFST), which helps the officer determine whether the driver is impaired by alcohol and if the
driver’s BAC or BrAC is likely to be above the legal limit (
Compton, et. al., 2009; Jones, et. al., 2003).
Based on this information, the officer may place the driver under arrest for suspicion of impaired
driving. At this point, the officer will request a breath or blood sample for alcohol concentration testing
– most typically a breath sample, but blood or urine samples could also be requested. If the suspect
agrees to take an alcohol concentration test the officer will, in a jurisdiction that uses breath alcohol
testing, take the offender to a booking location where the sample will be requested, for example, for an
evidential breath test. However in many instances, the officer may obtain the sample at roadside in the
patrol vehicle or in a mobile testing van or similar setting, if an evidential breath test device is available
in the field. In a jurisdiction in which blood alcohol testing is used, the officer will typically obtain a
search warrant and transport the driver to a medicinal facility where a blood sample can be drawn. In
some cases the driver may be transported to a booking facility if a nurse or phlebotomist is available. In
a few jurisdictions law enforcement officers are trained and licensed as phlebotomists and can draw the
blood sample themselves. A recent U.S. Supreme Court case decision said that warrantless blood tests
of alcohol concentration are not generally allowed (Missouri v. McNeely, No. 11–1425, decided April
17, 2013), although warrantless breath alcohol tests are generally permissible as they are less intrusive
than blood tests of alcohol concentration (Birchfield v. North Dakota, No. 14–1468, decided
June 23, 2016).
While there are cases where an impaired driver exhibits signs and symptoms not indicative of alcohol
consumption, most often driver impairment is from alcohol, and thus the officer will typically begin by
testing this possibility. When the BAC test results are incompatible with the observed impairment, then
the officer will consider drugs other than alcohol as the likely cause of the observed impairment.
Typically, if the suspect is found to be under the influence of alcohol, especially when the BAC is at, or
above, the legal limit, the investigation stops at that point, even if the officer has reason to suspect that
the use of other drugs is contributing to the suspect’s impairment.
There are several disincentives for investigating potential impairment due to drugs other than alcohol
when BAC evidence clearly shows an illegal alcohol level. Generally, the alcohol charge meets the
burden of proof and State laws typically do not have additional penalties for multiple substance
However, if impairment is observed and BAC tests are negative, officers can seek additional evidence to
support a drug-impaired driving charge. In jurisdictions that participate in the Drug Evaluation and
Classification (DEC) Program, the arresting officer may request an evaluation by a Drug Recognition
Expert (DRE). This program, originally developed by the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1970’s,
trains officers to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug use as an aid to investigating suspected
drug-impaired driving cases. The program is now managed nationally by the International Association
of Chiefs of Police (IACP), with technical assistance from NHTSA. The DRE performs a drug
influence evaluation (DIE) on the suspected impaired driver in order to determine whether the observed
impairment is likely to be due to drug use (and if so, what specific type of drug(s)) or whether the
observed impairment is due to neurological conditions, illness, or disease. The DRE, or arresting officer
in cases where no DRE is available, gathers a biological sample (blood or urine) to be analyzed by a
toxicology lab to confirm the suspect had used a drug or drugs. Currently all fifty States and the
District of Columbia participate in the DEC program with over 8,000 certified DREs.
Drug Testing Process
Generally, prosecution on a drug-impaired driving offense will include evidence that the driver had used
a specific potentially impairing drug, and that an observed impairment likely resulted from that drug use.
It is difficult, though not impossible, to obtain a conviction for drug-impaired driving without evidence
of drug use by the suspect. For example, a suspect may refuse to provide a specimen for testing and/or
the officer may be unable to obtain a search warrant in a timely fashion.
Evidence of drug use is typically obtained by the investigating law enforcement officer (physical
evidence, odor of marijuana use, etc.), but most often comes from forensic testing conducted in a
laboratory of a biological specimen taken from the suspect. Laboratory testing of biological specimens
can be time consuming and expensive.
Laboratory Testing
Because of the large number of potentially impairing drugs the standard process is to conduct a
screening test that will give an indication which of a number of drug categories might be present in the
specimen. Screening tests are easier to conduct, cheaper, and can test for a number of drug categories
simultaneously. For marijuana, it is common to use an immunoassay test designed to detect
cannabinoids. However, a positive screening test cannot be taken as evidence that the drug is present in
the specimen, as these tests lack high specificity, are subject to cross-reactivity, and may on occasion
produce a false positive result. Many of the THC immunoassay screening tests can give a positive
response to the presence of THC metabolites, even though THC is not present in the sample.
Following a positive screening test indicating that a type of drug appears to be present in the specimen, a
more accurate, sensitive and specific test will be conducted for the drugs in the category indicated by the
screening test. These tests are more complicated to conduct, require expensive equipment, and are time
consuming. Many laboratories have backlogs of samples waiting for testing that are many months or
The testing methods used will often depend on the suspect drug class. Most common are techniques
combining a gas chromatograph (GC) with mass spectrometry (MS), often referred to as
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Liquid chromatography is also used in combination
with mass spectrometry, often referred to as liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS).
Often, this process involves further ionization with a second pass through the mass spectrometer or
LC/MS/MS. Not only are these methods highly specific in detecting a specific molecule (based on
atomic weight and molecular structure) they allow the quantification of the amount of the drug present.
Specimen Collection
Evidence that a suspected impaired driver has actually used a drug can be provided by a test that
definitively shows that it is present in a biological specimen. Typically urine or blood specimens are
taken for this purpose and then sent to a laboratory for analysis. There may be a delay of days, weeks,
or months before the results are known. Thus, an officer will not know the test result prior to the time
the suspect is charged. Different biological specimens have advantages and disadvantages, depending
on the purpose of the testing. Biological specimens for drug testing include the following:
Blood Testing – Blood testing is considered the “gold standard” for testing for the presence of
drugs in impaired driving cases. However, as described in the background section to this report,
currently there is limited ability to relate the amount of a drug or metabolite in blood to the
presence and amount of impairment. Collecting a blood sample is an invasive procedure
typically requiring a search warrant and a nurse or licensed phlebotomist.
Oral Fluid TestingThe collection of oral fluid is minimally invasive and effective in detecting
many types of drugs, though it may require a search warrant under the same conditions that
pertain to blood sample collection. Devices that collect oral fluid for laboratory testing appear to
be a reliable means of testing for recent drug use. The technology to rapidly, accurately and
reliably collect oral fluid at the point of arrest is quickly evolving. Some companies market self-
contained test kits that can be used by law enforcement; however, these point-of-arrest screening
devices have not been shown to be completely accurate and reliable. Marijuana (THC) is readily
detected in oral fluid, however, there are issues associated with distinguishing use versus
environmental exposure, that have not been fully addressed.
Sweat TestingThe collection of sweat over time can produce a cumulative record of prior
drug use. However, a positive sweat test result cannot be regarded as evidence of impairment at
the time of an arrest or crash. Sweat testing has no advantages over oral fluid testing, and is
susceptible to contamination.
Hair Testing — Although it is possible to test samples of hair for drug usage, the results are of
limited utility for drug-impaired driving cases. Positive hair test results cannot be used to
demonstrate drug use at the time of driving. In addition, variations in hair growth and the
addition of substances to the hair, such as coloring products, make it difficult to extrapolate when
drug usage occurred and may also affect the results. While THC can be detected in hair it can
result from environmental exposure (e.g., from marijuana smoke) that can produce a positive hair
test result.
Urine Testing — The drug testing methodology for urinalysis is well established. Drugs and
drug metabolites are detectable in urine for several days after the drug has been used (and
sometimes for weeks). Urine test results cannot be used to prove that a driver was under the
influence of the drug at the time of arrest or testing. Detection of THC or other cannabinoids in
urine does not necessarily reflect recent use.
Measuring Driver Impairment Due to Marijuana Use
Review of Research on the Effects of Marijuana use on Driving
Smoking marijuana has been shown to affect a number of driving-related skills. Laboratory, simulator
and instrumented vehicle studies have shown that marijuana can impair critical abilities necessary for
safe driving, such as:
slow reaction time, for example, responding to unexpected events - emergency braking
(Casswell, 1977; Smiley et. al., 1981; Lenné, M.G., et al., 2010);
cause problems with road tracking - lane position variability (Smiley, et. al., 1981; Robbe and
O'Hanlon, 1993; Ramaekers, 2004);
decrease divided attention - target recognition (Smiley, 1999; Menetrey, et. al., 2005), impair
cognitive performance - attention maintenance (Ramaekers, et. al., 2004); and
impair executive functions - route planning, decision making, and risk taking (Dott, 1972,
Ellingstad et al, 1973; Menetrey, et al., 2005).
It should be noted that this type of research typically does not involve measurement of blood THC
levels; rather, subjects’ performance between non-dosed trials (placebo condition) and dosed trials
(when administered marijuana) are compared. As a result of differences in how subjects conduct the
smoking regime (inhalation rate, depth of inhalation, and time between inhalation and exhalation), fairly
wide differences in blood THC levels are likely between subjects.
An example of this type of research on the effects of marijuana on driving related skills is a recent study
conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
and the Office of National Drug Control Policy using the National Advanced Driving Simulator at the
University of Iowa. Volunteer subjects were dosed on marijuana, alcohol or both marijuana and alcohol.
They then drove a full motion driving simulator over a predetermined route. One of the effects of
marijuana use was to cause an increase in the variability of their vehicle’s lane position (the ability to
maintain their vehicle in the center of the lane). Both alcohol and marijuana alone increased lane
position variability and when combined the effects were additive. However, only alcohol increased lane
departures (Hartman, et al 2015).
The same study looked at the speed at which the driver drove relative to the speed limit as a result of
marijuana and alcohol use by the drivers. Subjects dosed on marijuana showed reduced mean speeds,
increased time driving below the speed limit and increased following distance during a car following
task. Alcohol, in contrast was associated with higher mean speeds (over the speed limit), greater
variability in speed, and spent a greater percent of time driving above the speed limit. Marijuana had no
effect on variability of speed. In the combined alcohol and marijuana condition it appeared that
marijuana mitigated some of the effects found with alcohol by reducing the time spent above the speed
limit (Hartman, et al., 2016).
It should also be noted that many studies have not shown impairment on these psychomotor tasks,
cognitive and executive functions as have shown statistically significant impairments. It is not clear
why this is the case. It may stem from different THC doses, different time lags between doses and
testing or driving, differences in the tasks used to assess the effects, tolerance developed through
frequent use, and the different dependent measurement employed and their relative sensitivity to small
effects (Smiley, et al., 1986; Lenné, et al., 2010).
Despite the variability in results, this research has demonstrated the potential of marijuana to impair
driving related skills. It does not show a relationship between THC levels and impairment. These
studies are conducted under carefully controlled conditions with precise measurements. Under these
conditions even slight changes in performance are often statistically significant. Whether these often
small changes in performance are practically significant (i.e., increase the risk of crash involvement)
cannot be determined within this research framework.
An interesting finding from this research is that after smoking marijuana, subjects in most of the
simulator and instrumented vehicle studies on marijuana and driving typically drive slower, follow other
cars at greater distances, and take fewer risks than when sober (Stein, et al., 1983; Smiley, et al., 1981;
Smiley, et al., 1986; Casswell, 1977; Robbe and O'Hanlon, 1993). These effects appear to suggest that
the drivers are attempting to compensate for the subjective effects of using marijuana. In contrast,
subjects dosed with alcohol typically drive faster, follow at closer distances, and take greater risks.
Given the large variety of driving related skills that are affected by THC, especially cognitive
performance and judgment, the attempt by drivers who have ingested marijuana to compensate for the
effects of marijuana is not likely to mitigate the detrimental effects on driving related skills.
Congress requested an assessment of methodologies and technologies for measuring driver impairment
resulting from the use of marijuana, including the use of marijuana in combination with alcohol. The
measurement of driver impairment is challenging since driver performance is a product of manual,
cognitive, and perceptual skills, and the range of performance reflected in the normal driver population
is large. Deficits in performance can arise from a variety of causes that include alcohol, marijuana and
other drug use, distraction, drowsiness, emotional states (fear, excitement, anger), and other factors.
The DEC program includes a set of signs and symptoms (physiological, effects of the eyes, and
behavior) that are indicative of marijuana use. They are used to determine if observed impairment is
likely to be caused by marijuana. Almost all of these signs and symptoms are not based on driving
Current knowledge about the effects of marijuana on driving is insufficient to allow specification of a
simple measure of driving impairment outside of controlled conditions. Other research methods can
contribute to our understanding of the risk of driving after marijuana use and will be addressed later in
this report.
The question of the combined use of alcohol and marijuana is definitely relevant to the issue of impaired
driving. It is not uncommon to find people that have used both drugs. In a study of drug use by fatally
injured drivers conducted in 1991, some 51.5 percent of the fatally injured drivers were found to be
alcohol positive, while 6.7 percent were THC positive (Terhune, et. al. 1992). Of those who were
THC positive over half were also positive for alcohol (the majority of which had high BAC levels).
In the 2013-2014 National Roadside Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use by Drivers, some 9.3 percent of
all (daytime and nighttime) drug positive drivers also had a positive BrAC, while only 6.0 percent of
drug negative drivers were positive for alcohol. Among daytime drivers, 2.5 percent of drug positive
drivers were alcohol positive whereas 0.3 percent of drug negative drivers were alcohol positive.
Some studies have reported increased impairment on driving related skills when subjects are dosed on
both alcohol and marijuana (Robbe and O'Hanlon, 1993; Smiley, et al., 1986). In other cases, no
increased impairment is found. The relative amount of both drugs ingested may help explain this
confusing result. In some cases, the effects of alcohol may be so dominant that the additions of low
doses of marijuana are not detectable. Further research may help clarify the effects of combined alcohol
and marijuana use.
Thus, there are currently no evidence-based methods to detect marijuana-impaired driving. Marijuana
has some regularly reported effects on driving related skills that might lend themselves to the
development of marijuana-impaired driving detection techniques, similar to those that have been
developed for alcohol-impaired driving (Harris, 1980 and Stuster, 1997). However, many of these
effects can also be caused by alcohol, other drugs and driver conditions and activities like distraction,
drowsiness, and illness. It is not possible to predict whether there might be a unique combination of
cues that could be used by law enforcement to detect marijuana-impaired driving with a high degree of
accuracy. Such a method would need to have an extremely low false positive rate (incorrectly
identifying a driver as marijuana-impaired when they are not) to be useable by law enforcement.
Feasibility of Developing an Impairment Standard for Drivers under the Influence of Marijuana
Currently, there is no impairment standard for drivers under the influence of marijuana. Many of the
reasons for this are discussed elsewhere in this report. They include the fact that there is no chemical
test for marijuana impairment, like a BAC or BrAC test for alcohol that quantifies the amount of alcohol
in their body, indicates the degree of impairment, and the risk of crash involvement that results from the
use of alcohol. The psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal (THC), does not
correlate well with impairment. While very high levels of THC do indicate recent consumption (by
smoking marijuana) it is very unlikely a police officer would encounter a suspect and obtain a sample of
blood or oral fluid within a short enough time for high THC levels to be detected. As was mentioned
earlier, impairment is observed for two to three hours after smoking; whereas by an hour after smoking
peak THC levels have declined 80% - 90%.
Without a chemical test, the alternative is to develop a psychomotor, behavioral or cognitive test that
would indicate the degree of driving impairment and elevated risk of crash involvement due to
marijuana use. As was described earlier in this report, marijuana has been show to impair critical
driving related skills including psychomotor abilities like reaction time, tracking ability, and target
detection, cognitive skills like judgment, anticipation, and divided attention, and executive functions like
route planning and risk taking. However, available research does not support the development of such a
psychomotor, behavioral or cognitive test that would be practical and feasible for law enforcement use at
this time. It is certainly possible that when more research has been conducted on the impairing effects
of marijuana use on driving, that can be shown to increase the risk of crash involvement, that it may be
possible to develop such a test in the future.
NHTSA, and others, are currently conducting research toward that goal. We are funding a controlled
dosing study of different ways to measure marijuana impairment in driving related skills in the hope that
some of these measures will be amenable to use by law enforcement. The first step is to show that
everyone dosed on marijuana shows an observable amount of impairment in a controlled laboratory
setting. The next step would be to develop simplified versions of these measures that do not require
sophisticated and expensive equipment that are suitable for field use by law enforcement. The last step
would be to establish the relationship between the observed impairment on these tests and elevated risk
of crash involvement. Success in the near term is not guaranteed, but possible.
Devices Capable of Measuring Marijuana Levels in Drivers
Conviction on a Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) charge, or evidence that marijuana
played a role in a crash, typically requires evidence that the driver was impaired by marijuana at the time
of arrest or the crash. While alcohol concentration (BAC or BrAC) is an accurate measurement of
alcohol impairment of driving, the presence of THC in the driver’s body has not been shown to be a
reliable measure of marijuana impairment of driving.
Traditionally, measurement of marijuana use by drivers has involved testing biological specimens for
the presence of THC (typically blood samples, though urine and other substance have been used). As
was stated previously, this testing can take days, weeks, or months before the results are available to law
enforcement. The tests take a few hours or less to conduct, but large backlogs in many State laboratories
conducting the testing can result in long delays before results are available. Such tests not only indicate
whether THC was present in the sample tested, they also quantify the concentration or amount of THC
detected. These toxicological tests confirm presence of THC but they do not indicate driver impairment
or necessarily indicate recent marijuana use (when the THC levels are low).
Recent developments in testing technology have resulted in some companies offering oral fluid drug
screening devices that could be used by law enforcement to provide a preliminary indication whether a
laboratory test (e.g., GC/MS/MS) is likely to yield a positive result for THC. Examples of these types of
oral fluid devices include the Alere DDS2
, which tests for five commonly abused drugs, and the Dräger
DrugTest® 5000. See Table 1 for the drugs they are designed to detect and for the cutoff levels.
The use of onsite oral fluid screening devices might encourage law enforcement to pursue a drug-
impaired driving charge when they otherwise might not. However, the accuracy and reliability of these
devices has not yet been clearly established. While some studies of these devices have been conducted,
many were funded by the manufacturers (Logan, Mohr, Talpins, 2014; Moore, Kelley-Baker, Lacey,
2013; Logan, Mohr, 2015). At this time, there is insufficient evidence on this subject to draw a firm
conclusion. NHTSA is currently conducting research that is designed to provide some preliminary
information on the accuracy, reliability, sensitivity and specificity of five of these devices.
Table 1
Oral Fluid Drug Screening Devices
Drug Categories and Analytic Cut-Off Levels
Drug Category
Drug Category
Alere DDS2
DrugTest® 5000
Cannabis (THC)
Cannabis (THC)
Downloaded from the Alere website ( and
from the Dräger website (
Enforcement.aspx) on March 16, 2016
While the presence of THC in a driver (blood, oral fluid, etc.) does not establish impairment, it also does
not distinguish been active use of marijuana and environmental exposure or contamination. Some
studies have shown that people exposed to second-hand marijuana smoke can test positive for THC
(Cone, et al, 2015; Moore et al, 2006).
Methods to Differentiate the Cause of a Driving Impairment between Alcohol and
There are no evidence-based methods to differentiate the cause of driving impairment between alcohol
and marijuana. Given the increasing use of marijuana by drivers in the U.S., there are a number of
efforts underway, including work by NHTSA, to develop ways of differentiating impairment by alcohol
from marijuana. These efforts will take a number of years and a successful outcome cannot be
guaranteed at this time.
Description and Assessment of Current State Laws Relating to Marijuana-Impaired
All States have laws prohibiting driving while impaired (under the influence or intoxicated) by alcohol
and other drugs (which includes marijuana). These laws have existed for many decades. Under such
statutes a State must prove that the drug “caused” the impaired driving (i.e., a prosecutor must show a
connection between drug ingestion and the incapacity or impairment of the driver).
In addition, some States have what is known as a per se law, that make it a criminal offense for a driver
to have a drug or metabolite in his/her body while operating a motor vehicle. These “zero tolerance”
laws specify that it is illegal to drive with any or more than a specific concentration of the drugs in blood
or urine. They typically cover some or all Schedule I drugs as identified under the Controlled Substance
Act of 1970
). In some cases they cover only specific drugs listed in the statute. They also exclude
categories of drugs, for example, drugs used by a doctor’s order (prescription). In some cases they
explicitly exclude marijuana.
Fifteen States have drug per se (zero tolerance) statutes. In seven States (AZ, DE, GA, IN, MN, PA, and
UT) it is illegal to have any amount of a drug or its metabolite in the body while operating a motor
vehicle (note: the Minnesota law exempts marijuana). In five States (IL, IA, MI, RI, and WI) it is illegal
to have any amount of a prohibited drug in the body while operating a motor vehicle. Three States
(NV, OH, and VA) make it illegal to have specific amounts of specified prohibited substances in the
body while operating a motor vehicle. Two States (NC and SD) make it illegal for a person under age
21 to drive with any amount of a prohibited drug or substance in their bodies. Five States (CA, CO, ID,
KS, and WV) make it illegal for any drug addict or habitual user of drugs to drive a vehicle.
Only a few States (HI, NY, and CA) have DUID statutes separate from their alcohol driving under the
influence (DUI) laws. In all other States, a driver violates a DUI statute if he/she drives under the
influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs. The violation is the same, as are the
penalties. The one exception is the State of Washington in which there are different penalties for only
drug use, as opposed to alcohol use or a combination of alcohol and drug use.
The Controlled Substances Act, Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, is the
federal U.S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain narcotics,
stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids and other chemicals is regulated.
Twenty States (AL, AZ, AR, DE, GA, ID, IL, KS, KY, MT, NC, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, VT, WA,
and WV) and Puerto Rico specifically disallow legal entitlement to use the drug as a defense to a DUID
charge. Use of a drug pursuant to a valid prescription and/or according to directions is a defense to a
DUID charge in several States.
All but five States (AL, AK, MA, NJ, and WV) extend their implied consent laws (i.e., to provide a
specimen if requested by law enforcement) to DUID. However, both Alabama and Alaska make a
provision for compulsory testing in cases involving serious injury or fatal crashes. Of the remaining
45 States (plus DC and PR) that extend their implied consent laws to drugged driving, nine (AR, IN, LA,
MD, MN, NE, NM, OH, and RI) provide criminal penalties for a refusal to take a test under the implied
consent law.
Twenty-eight States and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico allow for a forced taking of a
specimen over the objection of the driver, but this is generally in cases of a serious injury or fatal crash,
and there is probable cause that the driver is under the influence of a drug. Based on the recent Supreme
Court case in (Missouri v. McNeely is: 133 S.Ct. 1552 (2013)) it would appear that law enforcement is
required to obtain a search warrant for blood tests except in special circumstances.
Under implied consent provisions, most State laws stipulate the type of specimen that police officers are
authorized to collect. Thirty-four States permit blood and/or urine; eight States only allow for blood
collection; six States permit saliva; and eight States (plus Puerto Rico) permit “other bodily substances.”
With respect to sanctions, some States have relatively light sentences for first offenders, while others are
more severe in their handling of first offenders. Some States have made a second or third offense a
felony, whereas in other States felony status is not reached until the fourth or subsequent offense.
Penalties, including fines and incarceration, differ from State to State. Many States utilize community
service, house arrest, electronic monitoring, work release, restitution and assessment of cost and fees to
supplement the court’s ability to sanction offenders. Approximately 35 States provide for court-ordered
substance abuse treatment and/or education for offenders. A growing number of States require
participation in a program or treatment as a condition of probation or as a pre-requisite to reinstatement
of driving privileges.
Clearly, there is great variability among the States in how they approach driving under the influence of
drugs. The absence of a separate offense for driving under the influence of drugs makes it difficult to
distinguish between DUID and DWI-alcohol arrest and disposition. A recent attempt to investigate the
effectiveness of drug per se laws was unable to draw conclusions due to the paucity of objective data
and the inability of State data systems to distinguish between DUID and DWI-alcohol arrests and
convictions (Lacey, Brainard, and Snitow, 2010). In addition, in cases where a driver shows evidence of
multiple impairments, the lack of difference in sanctions between drug- and alcohol-impaired driving
provides little incentive for criminal justice officials to pursue a drugged-driving charge in addition to an
alcohol offense.
Other Relevant Marijuana Laws
Marijuana remains an illegal Schedule I drug from a federal perspective. However, due to the public’s
changing views of marijuana a majority of States have passed laws providing for some type of limited
use of marijuana. These laws include outright legalization of personal recreational use, decriminalization
of personal use, State laws allowing therapeutic use (“medical marijuana”), and State laws allowing
limited therapeutic marijuana use. The States that have passed these different laws are shown in
Figure 5 below (note this information is accurate as of June 2016, many States have measures on their
November ballots pertaining to marijuana use that will probably result in additional states legalizing
recreational marijuana use and therapeutic use). Within these broad categories there are wide differences
among individual statutes. Twenty-two States and two inhabited territories still conform to the federal
position that marijuana possession and sales are illegal and prohibited entirely.
All of this State legislative activity may be sending a message to drivers that marijuana is not as
dangerous as previously thought. However even if marijuana use is legal, that does not mean that
driving impaired by marijuana is legal or safe. This is similar to the case for alcohol, which is a legal
drug, but driving impaired by alcohol is illegal. This changing perception of the dangers of marijuana
use is likely impacting personal choices regarding marijuana use. As more people choose to use
marijuana it is likely more people will drive impaired by marijuana.
Figure 5
Marijuana Laws in the United States
Jurisdiction with legalized cannabis.
Jurisdiction with both therapeutic use and decriminalization laws.
Jurisdiction with legal psychoactive therapeutic cannabis use.
Jurisdiction with legal non-psychoactive therapeutic cannabis use.
Jurisdiction with decriminalized cannabis possession laws.
Jurisdiction with cannabis prohibition.
Includes laws which have not yet gone into effect.
Mississippi has only legal non-psychoactive therapeutic cannabis use.
Currently 25 States have passed therapeutic marijuana use laws (along with Washington, DC, Guam,
and Puerto Rico). These States are shown in Table 2 below along with the year their therapeutic
marijuana use laws were originally enacted (some have modified their therapeutic marijuana use laws
one or more times since enactment). Some of the most recently passed measures have not gone into
effect yet.
An additional ten States have a form of limited therapeutic marijuana use (with low THC and high CBD
allowed). CBD is a cannabinoid that does not appear to be psychoactive and lacks most adverse side-
effects but is believed to have potential for medical purposes.
Twenty-one States and the District of Columbia have decriminalized small amounts of marijuana. This
generally means certain small personal-consumption amounts are a civil or local infraction, not a State
crime (or are a misdemeanor with no possibility of jail time).
Decriminalization States are Alaska (which has subsequently legalized personal consumption and
possession of small quantities), California, Colorado (also now has allowed legalization of personal
consumption), Connecticut, Delaware (enacted in 2015), Illinois (enacted in 2016), Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oregon (also now with legalized personal consumption), Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington (now
having legalized personal consumption), and the District of Columbia (also now with legal personal
consumption). A number of cities and counties across the U.S. have also decriminalized personal use
and possession of small quantities of marijuana.
Six of the States that have decriminalized possession or use of marijuana (Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada,
North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon) have made it a low-level misdemeanor, with no possibility of jail for
qualifying offenses. The other States that decriminalized marijuana use have specified small amounts of
marijuana as a civil infraction. As noted above, four of the States that originally decriminalized personal
use and possession of marijuana have subsequently legalized the personal recreational use of marijuana.
Table 2
States with Therapeutic Marijuana Use Laws and Date of Enactment
Date of
Date of
1. California
2. Alaska
3. Oregon
4. Washington
5. Colorado
6. Hawaii
7. Nevada
8. Vermont
9. New Mexico
10. Michigan
11. Rhode Island
12. New Jersey
13. Arizona
14. Maine
15. Delaware
16. Montana
17. Connecticut
18. Maryland
19. Massachusetts
20. New Hampshire
21. Illinois
22. Minnesota
23. New York
24. Ohio
25. Pennsylvania
Some States have passed more than one of these measures. The laws of the remaining twenty-two States
and two inhabited territories follow the federal laws and prohibit marijuana possession and sales are
illegal and prohibited entirely.
Table 3
States with Limited Therapeutic Marijuana Use Laws
Date Enacted
Date Enacted
North Carolina
South Carolina
* Not yet effective
Table 4
States With Personalized Use Decriminalized
Date Enacted
Date Enacted
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
Rhode Island
District of Columbia*
* Also has legalized personal possession and use of small amounts of marijuana
Table 5
States Legalizing Recreational Use
Date of Enactment
Amount Allowed
1 oz.
1 oz.
8 oz.
1 oz.
District of Columbia
2 oz.
1 For persons at least 21 years old
Description and Assessment of the Role of Marijuana as a Causal Factor in Traffic Crashes
and the Extent of the Problem of Marijuana-Impaired Driving
The scope and magnitude of the marijuana-impaired driving problem in this country cannot be clearly
specified at this time. However, there are a number of indicators that suggest that a problem exists.
These include numerous cases of drivers involved in serious injury and fatal crashes who are held
responsible, in part as a result of marijuana-impaired driving, along with a significant number of drivers
arrested and convicted for marijuana-impaired driving. There is also clear evidence that an increasing
number of people use marijuana, perhaps reflecting changing public attitudes toward marijuana use,
possibly due, in part, to State medicinal marijuana laws, decriminalization of marijuana, and legalization
of recreational use of marijuana (see the 2016 report from Monitoring the Future Annual Survey of Drug
Use conducted by NIDA and the 2013-2014 National Roadside Survey). A series of nationally
representative studies of driver use of alcohol and drugs conducted by the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration have found increased use of marijuana by drivers. These studies have provided
the best empirical evidence regarding marijuana use by a wide swath of the American public (Lacey et
al., 2009; Berning, Compton & Wochinger, 2015). Previous estimates of marijuana use have relied on
self-report data, which likely included some underreporting. The NHTSA studies collected blood and
oral fluid samples from paid volunteer drivers on the road and analyzed these samples for the presence
of THC.
Prevalence of Marijuana Use by Drivers
Over the last five decades, NHTSA and/or the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) conducted
five national surveys to estimate the prevalence of drinking and driving in the United States (Wolfe,
1974; Lund & Wolfe, 1991; Voas et al., 1998; Compton & Berning, 2009; Lacey et al., 2009). The first
National Roadside Survey (NRS) was conducted in 1973, followed by national surveys of drivers in
1986, 1996, 2007, and 2013–2014. These surveys used a stratified random sample of weekend
nighttime drivers in the contiguous 48 States and collected data directly from drivers on the road.
The 2007 NRS added procedures to the NRS for the first time to estimate the use by drivers of other
potentially impairing drugs. Prior roadside surveys had only collected breath samples to determine
breath alcohol concentration (BrAC). Due to developments in analytical toxicology, NHTSA determined
it would be feasible in the 2007 and 2013–2014 surveys to determine driver use of a variety of
potentially impairing drugs including illegal drugs as well as legal medications.
The National Roadside Surveys have shown a remarkable decreasing trend in alcohol use from the first
survey in 1973 to the most recent one in 2013– 2014. Figure 6 shows the percentage of weekend
nighttime drivers with BrACs across three categories: BrAC of .005 to .049 g/210L; BrACs of .050 to
.079; and BrACs of .080 and higher. The surveys found a decline in each BrAC category. Further, there
has been a large decrease in the percentage of drivers who were alcohol positive, from 35.9 percent in
1973 to 8.3 percent in 2013–2014. For BrACs of .08 and higher, there was a decrease from 7.5 percent
in 1973 to 1.5 percent in 2013–2014, revealing an impressive 80 percent reduction in the percentage of
alcohol-impaired drivers on the road on weekend nights (Berning, Compton, & Wochinger, 2015).
THC was by far the most prevalent drug detected in this representative sample of drivers. As shown in
Table 6, 8.6 percent of the drivers tested positive for THC in 2007 and 12.6 percent tested positive for
THC in 2013-2014. This represents a large 48 percent increase in the prevalence of drivers testing
positive for THC in just seven years. On the other hand, the percentage of drivers testing positive for
alcohol declined from 12.4 percent in 2007 to 8.3 percent in 2013-2014, an approximately 33 percent
decrease (Berning, Compton, & Wochinger, 2015).
This is the only reliable source of data on actual THC use by drivers (see Appendix 1 for a brief
description of how this survey is conducted). NHTSA is not currently planning to update this
information, as Congress has prohibited NHTSA from expending funds on this type of research (see the
prohibition on using FY 2016 funds for this purpose per PL 114-113, Division L, Title 1, Section 142,
dated 12-18-2015). Therefore, NHTSA, States, and law enforcement agencies will have to rely on
increasingly outdated data to develop and evaluate measures to reduce drug-impaired driving. It is
unlikely any other entity will have the capability and funding to undertake something of this complexity
and magnitude.
In addition to these national roadside surveys, there have been two Statewide representative surveys of
alcohol and drug use by drivers; one conducted in California in 2012 and the other designed to examine
the effects of the legalization of recreational use of marijuana, specifically retail sales, in Washington in
2014 and 2015.
Figure 6
4.3 4.3
1973 1986 1996 2007 2013-2014
Percentage of Drivers
Percentage of Weekend Nighttime Drivers by BrAC
Category in the Five National Roadside Surveys
BrAC .005 - .49 BrAC .050 - .079 BrAC .08+
.08 g/210 L = grams per 210 liters of breath. The illegal limit in all States is .08.
From 1973 to 2004, the States had BrAC limits that ranged from .08 to .15.
After 2004, all States had BrAC limits of .08.
Table 6
Weekend Nighttime Prevalence of Alcohol and THC
in 2007 Compared to 2013-2014
2013 - 2014
The California Statewide Roadside Survey was the first such survey conducted in one State. It
examined the prevalence of alcohol, marijuana and other drug use by drivers (Lacey J, et al., 2012). The
survey was modeled on data collection procedures used in the 2007 National Roadside Survey of
Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers, sponsored by NHTSA. The results showed that marijuana (THC)
was the most frequently encountered drug with a prevalence rate of 7.4 percent of weekend nighttime
drivers in California.
The study in Washington State was conducted jointly by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and
NHTSA. It followed the passage in 2012 of a citizen initiative to legalize personal recreational use of
marijuana and was designed to assess whether the percentage of drivers who tested positive for THC
increased after retail sales of marijuana became legal in July 2014.
Data was collected in three stages: 1) immediately before implementation of legal sales, 2) six months
after implementation, and 3) one year after implementation. The results of the study showed an increase
in THC positive drivers across the three waves: 14.6 percent, 19.4 percent, and 21.4 percent. These
increases were not statistically significant. There was a statistically significant increase in daytime
prevalence of THC-positive drivers between Wave 1 (7.8%) and Wave 3 (18.9%). While there was also
an increase in drivers positive for THC at night across each successive wave (17.5%, 19.8%, and
22.2%), these were not statistically significant.
Estimating Crash Risk of Marijuana-Impaired Drivers
While the extent of use of alcohol by drivers and the risks posed by alcohol use have been well known
for many decades, relatively little has been known about the use of other drugs by drivers and the
associated risks. It is known that marijuana is the most frequently detected drug (other than alcohol) in
crash-involved drivers as well as the general driving population (Terhune, 1982; Terhune et al., 1992;
Lacey et al., 2009; Walsh et al., 2005; Berning, Compton & Wochinger, 2015), and drug-impaired
driving is an issue of increasing public and governmental concern in the United States and in many
other countries (Compton et al., 2009; Asbridge et al., 2012; ICADTS, 2007). While it is readily
apparent that driving-related skills can be impaired by a wide variety of illegal substances and
medications, the nature and scope of the drug-impaired driving problem has been difficult to define
(Jones et al., 2003; DuPont et al., 2012; Houwing, 2013).
As previously discussed there is evidence that marijuana use impairs psychomotor skills, divided
attention, lane tracking, and cognitive functions (Ramaekers, 2000; Robbe & O’Hanlon, 1993;
Moskowitz, 1995; Hartman & Huestis, 2013). However, its role in contributing to the occurrence of
crashes remains less clear. Many studies, using a variety of methods, have attempted to estimate the risk
of driving after use of marijuana (Li et al., 2012; Asbridge et al., 2012). The methods have included
experimental studies, observational studies, and epidemiological studies. While useful in identifying
how marijuana affects the performance of driving tasks, experimental and observational studies do not
lend themselves to predicting real world crash risk.
Epidemiological Studies
Epidemiological studies differ in how they estimate risk. Culpability studies compare the rate at which
crash involved, drug-positive drivers and drug-negative drivers are deemed to be at fault for their
crashes. Case-control studies compare drug use by crash-involved drivers to drug use by non-crash
involved drivers. In general, the case-control method is preferable since it can eliminate more sources of
potential bias in estimating crash risk resulting from drug use (e.g., alcohol use is much higher at night
and on weekends than during the day or on weekdays). The existing epidemiological research (both
culpability and case-control studies) have produced contradictory estimates of risk for marijuana use.
Some of these studies have suggested that marijuana use has minimal or no effect on the likelihood of
crash involvement, while others have estimated a small increase in the risk of crash involvement.
Two recent population-based case control studies have estimated the crash risk of drug use by drivers by
using NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) 2007 data for the crash-involved driver
population and the 2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers for the control
drivers (Li, Brady, & Chen, 2013; Romano, Torres-Saavedra, Voas, & Lacey, 2014). The Li study
estimated the increased risk of crash involvement for drivers using marijuana at 1.83 times that of drug-
free drivers, while the Romano study found no increased risk of crash involvement for those drivers
testing positive for THC. However, current limitations in the FARS dataset do not allow calculation of
unbiased, reliable and valid estimates of the risk of crash involvement that results from drug use
(Berning & Smither, 2014).
Challenges in Estimating Crash Risk from Drug Use
Conducting case-control studies to estimate the risk of crash involvement from drug use presents many
difficulties. The first challenge is obtaining reliable and accurate estimates of drug use. Many studies
rely on self-reporting (which have obvious inherent problems) rather than actual measurement of THC
in blood or oral fluid. Also, the extent of care regarding the matching of crash-involved and control
drivers varies to a large extent among studies. The more carefully controlled studies, that actually
measured marijuana (THC) use by drivers rather than relying on self-reporting, and that had a high
degree of control of covariates that could bias the results, generally show low risk estimates or in a few
cases no risk associated with marijuana use (Elvik, 2013).
Recent Meta-Analyses
A recent meta-analysis by Li (2012) used nine studies, five of which were based on self-report; of the
remaining four studies, marijuana use was inferred from a urine test in three of the studies (which
indicates the drivers were marijuana users but not necessarily had used marijuana prior to driving). The
studies that used self-reporting produced increased crash risk estimates that ranged from 1.7 to 7.16
times as a result of marijuana use by drivers. The two studies that used urine to determine marijuana use
resulted in risk estimates of 0.85 to 3.43 times, while the two studies using blood analysis had risk
estimates of 2.10 and 2.11 times. The overall pooled risk estimate was 2.66 times.
Similarly, a meta-analysis by Asbridge (2012) also used nine studies, but six were culpability studies
with only three using a case-control approach. One of the culpability studies used only FARS data (with
associated limitations). Of the three using case-control methods, two used self-report by the control
drivers and one used non-drug positive crash-involved drivers (meaning the controls were drug-free,
crash-involved drivers). The risk estimates resulting from marijuana use ranged from 0.82 to 7.16 (two
studies showing marijuana use reduced the risk of crash involvement while seven studies showed an
increased risk). The pooled odds ratio for all nine studies was 1.92.
Recently, a large-scale population-based case control study (in which an attempt was made to have the
crash and non-crash control drivers represent all crash-involved drivers and all non-crash involved
drivers in the same jurisdiction) was conducted by the European Union to estimate the crash risk of drug
use by drivers. A population-based study can benefit from a large sample of drivers covering a wide
geographic area, which may improve the generalizability of findings. However, the scale of such studies
typically limits the control of subject selection. In a population-based case control study, the case and
control drivers are selected from different sources. For example, the crash-involved drivers might be
injured drivers taken to a hospital after a crash, while the control drivers might be selected from general
traffic. This method lacks the careful matching (day of week, time of day, location, direction of travel,
etc.) used in smaller-scale studies, so it involves some compromise of control for the benefit of a much
larger sample size.
The recent population-based study known as Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and
Medicines (DRUID), is the largest study of this type (Hels et al., 2010). This study, conducted in nine
European Union (EU) countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, and the Netherlands used
seriously injured crash-involved drivers while Norway, Portugal, and Sweden used fatally injured
drivers. The crash-involved fatally injured driver sample came from a group of drivers for whom a drug
test had been conducted, over a period of two to three years. Seriously injured drivers came from a
sample of drivers taken to a hospital. Controls came from a roadside survey conducted in each of the
respective countries, around the same general time period (e.g., over a year) in each country and
represented a sample of drivers, in some cases, from the same general area from which the fatally and
seriously injured drivers’ crashes occurred. However, in only two of the countries did the controls come
from the exact same area of the country as the crash-involved drivers. The specific locations of the
crashes were not matched to the sites used to obtain the non-crash involved control drivers. Also, drug
presence was determined from blood samples for all the crash-involved drivers, but eight of the
countries used oral fluid to determine drug presence in the non-crash involved drivers (four countries
also used blood for some control drivers).
Odds ratios were used to estimate the risk of crash involvement after marijuana use in the fatally and
seriously injured drivers. The results for the seriously injured drivers showed considerable national
variability, ranging from 0.29 times (reduced crash involvement) to 25.38 times (increased crash
involvement). The combined risk was 1.39 times that of drug-free drivers, but this was not statistically
significant. For fatally injured drivers the estimated risk ranged from 3.91 to 28.88, while the combined
risk was 1.33 times (also not statistically significant).
In a pooled analysis of the DRUID data, the highest risk of crash involvement was for drivers with high
alcohol concentrations (above .12 BAC)—they had a crash risk 20–200 times that of sober drivers.
Drivers with BACs between .08 and .12 were estimated to be 5–30 times more likely to crash than sober
drivers. Drivers positive for THC were estimated to be at elevated risk (13 times that of drivers not
positive for THC), similar to drivers with BAC levels between .01 to < 0.05. The DRUID report noted
that some of the risk estimates were based on few positive cases and/or controls which resulted in wide
confidence intervals.
In order to further understand the risk of drug use by drivers, NHTSA, with funding support from the
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), contracted with the Pacific Institute for
Research and Evaluation (PIRE) to conduct the largest and most comprehensive study to address alcohol
and drug crash risk in the United States through a case-control study, that employed a rigorous design
involving a precise matching of cases and controls.
This case control study collected information from crash-involved and non-crash involved drivers for
20 months (2010 – 2012) in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
NHTSA's "Crash Risk" Study
This case control crash risk study is the first large-scale study in the United States to include drugs other
than alcohol. It was designed to estimate the risk associated with alcohol- and drug-positive driving.
Virginia Beach, Virginia, was selected for this study because of the outstanding cooperation of the
Virginia Beach Police Department and other local agencies with our stringent research protocol.
Another reason for selection was that Virginia Beach is large enough to provide a sufficient number of
crashes for meaningful analysis. Data was collected from more than 3,000 crash-involved drivers and
6,000 control drivers (not involved in crashes). Breath alcohol measurements were obtained from a total
of 10,221 drivers, oral fluid samples from 9,285 drivers, and blood samples from 1,764 drivers.
Research teams responded to crashes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over a 20-month period. In order to
maximize comparability, efforts were made to match control drivers to each crash-involved driver. One
week after a driver involved in a crash provided data for the study, control drivers were selected at the
same location, day of week, time of day, and direction of travel as the original crash. This allowed a
comparison to be made between use of alcohol and other drugs by drivers involved in a crash with
drivers not in a crash, resulting in an estimation of the relative risk of crash involvement associated with
alcohol or drug use. In this study, the term marijuana is used to refer to drivers who tested positive for
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal (THC). Drivers who tested positive for inactive cannabinoids were not
considered positive for marijuana.
The drug most frequently detected in the oral fluid and blood of drivers was THC, detected in
7.6 percent (n = 234) of the crash-involved drivers and 6.1 percent (n = 379) of the control drivers. To
estimate the risk of crashing associated with drug use, logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratios
(that are close to relative risk estimates). Odds ratios estimate the probability of an event (i.e., crash)
over the probability that such an event does not occur. If a variable (i.e., drug use) is not associated with
a crash, the odds ratio of crash involvement associated with that variable will be 1.00. Odds ratios
above 1.00 indicate a positive relationship, with stronger relationships reflected by higher odds ratios.
The unadjusted odds ratio for THC was 1.25, representing a significantly elevated risk of crashing by
about 1.25 times or 25 percent. These unadjusted odds ratios must be interpreted with caution as they do
not account for other factors that may contribute to increased crash risk. Other factors, such as
demographic variables, have been shown to have a significant effect on crash risk. For example, male
drivers have a higher crash rate than female drivers. Likewise, young drivers have a higher crash rate
than older drivers. To the extent that these demographic variables are correlated with specific types of
drug use, they may account for some of the increased crash risk associated with drug use.
When the odds ratios were adjusted for demographic variable of age, gender, and race/ethnicity the
significant increased risk of crash involvement associated with THC disappeared. The adjusted odds
ratio for THC positive drivers was 1.05 (95% Confidence Limit of 0.86 – 1.27). This adjusted odds ratio
was not statistically significant.
A final adjustment was made for the presence of alcohol. When both demographic variables and the
presence of alcohol were taken into account, the odds ratio for THC declined further to 1.00
(95% Confidence Limit of 0.83 – 1.22). This means there was no increased risk of crash involvement
found over alcohol or drug free drivers.
As was described above, there was no difference in crash risk for marijuana-positive drivers who were
also positive for alcohol than for marijuana-positive drivers with no alcohol, beyond the risk attributable
to alcohol. Further analyses examined the potential interaction between drug use and breath alcohol
concentration. No statistically significant interaction effect on crash risk was found between for
THC positive drivers and BrAC level.
More information on the methodology of this study is available in a Research Note (Compton and
Berning, 2015 which can be downloaded at:
Increase the Use of Effective and Efficient Methods for Training Law Enforcement Personnel,
Including Drug Recognition Experts, to Detect or Measure the Level of Impairment of a Motor
Vehicle Operator who is Under the Influence of Marijuana by the Use of Technology or Otherwise.
Currently, training for law enforcement officers to detect and recognize marijuana impairment in drivers
is available in three increasingly detailed levels. Officers at the highest level of training are capable of
making determinations about which drug category (or categories) may be contributing to a driver’s
inability to operate a vehicle. Depending on the individual State and local requirements, not all officers
may receive training in DUID prior to completing their basic training requirements or afterwards.
To improve consistency in training, NHTSA developed an 8-hour course, Drugs That Impair
Driving, which can be used in conjunction with the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) training.
NHTSA considers SFST training the foundation for all impaired driving detection training. The Drugs
That Impair Driving course was developed to provide a general description of drugs, signs that may
indicate drug use and medicinal conditions that show signs similar to drug use. The course was also
developed to acquaint officers with the most common types of drugs that impair driving.
A second level course, the 16-hour Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Program
(ARIDE), is designed to give officers the ability to apply information they have learned about DUID to
make effective arrests based on probable cause that provides the necessary evidence for prosecution. In
order to accomplish this goal, the program seeks to increase the officer’s overall knowledge of the
general manifestations of alcohol and drug impairment and to increase their ability to recognize these
indicators in the drivers they encounter during their enforcement duties. If these drivers are suspected to
be impaired, then officers will be better informed in the arrest decision.
In order to expand the number of law enforcement officers who might take this training, NHTSA, along
with the IACP, offers an online version of this training program that is available to law enforcement
The highest level of training comes in the form of the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC)
program (NHTSA, 2007). In the early 1980s NHTSA started to take the DEC program, based on the
Los Angeles Police Department’s Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program, nationwide. The DEC
program trains officers to identify the signs and symptoms of drug use that could be used to determine
whether a suspected impaired driver was impaired by drugs and to rule out other possible causes such as
neurological deficits, diseases, and illness. The procedure was designed to aid the officer in determining
what specific type of drug was the likely cause of the observed impairment. The program was intended
to help develop evidence of impairment and guide the analyses of biological specimens when looking
for the presence of drugs other than alcohol in impaired drivers. The DEC training requires 9 days in the
classroom and additional days of field certification testing. The program is designed to provide a
limited number of DREs in a jurisdiction. It is not designed for the routine patrol officer.
As was mentioned previously, the DEC program has expanded to all fifty States and the District of
Columbia. There are currently over 8,000 certified DREs in the program. The ARIDE training is not
designed to provide the same level of expertise as that demonstrated by DREs. An ARIDE trained
officer who encounters a suspected marijuana-impaired driver, would likely summon a DRE to conduct
the DEC program evaluation, if one is available.
In summary, training is currently available to law enforcement personnel in a tiered approach, ranging
from basic information about the different types of drugs that can impair driving, signs and symptoms
that may indicate drug use (including impaired driving cues), to a more detailed training program that
equips officers to better recognize when a driver is likely to be impaired by alcohol, marijuana and other
drugs and collect the necessary information to support an arrest and prosecution. Finally, there is the
DEC program that provides officers with much more detailed information about different classes of
drugs that can impair driving, trains them to use standardized examination and test procedures to build a
convincing case of drug-impaired driving.
Impaired driving training is resource-intensive in terms of cost and time away from normal duties. Law
enforcement agencies typically operate with limited funding and staff and face competing demands.
Most patrol officers will not often encounter a marijuana-impaired driver, so the current tiered approach
is a reasonable way of efficiently dealing with drug-impaired driving.
Continue Research to Enable Development of an Impairment Standard for Driving Under the
Influence of Marijuana, and in the Meantime, Maintain Training and Other Support to Enable Law
Enforcement Officers and Prosecutors to Pursue Cases Using Available Evidence.
As the previous sections of this report have indicated, the poor correlation of THC level in the blood or
oral fluid with impairment precludes using THC blood or oral fluid levels as an indicator of driver
impairment. The use of BAC or BrAC as an indicator of driving impairment has assisted law
enforcement and prosecutors in being able to show that an alcohol-impaired driver has a BAC that has
been demonstrated to increase crash risk. The use of THC level cannot serve this same role for
marijuana-impaired driving (Dupont, Voas, Walsh, Shea, Talpins, & Neil, 2012).
Toxicologists are not able to provide expert testimony that a specific amount of THC present in a
suspect’s blood (or other specimen) is definitively associated with being impaired by marijuana and
render the driver unable to drive safely.
It should be noted that the DEA has recently provided revised guidance in August of 2016, to
researchers, that should make it easier to obtain and conduct studies using marijuana (21 CFR Part 1301
Docket Number DEA 447 Dated July 15,2016). This should spur more research that may help to
address some of the issues that are currently unresolved about marijuana and driving.
Expert witness testimony by toxicologists that a BAC or BrAC level found in a suspect’s blood or breath
that was over the legal limit, indicates the suspect was too impaired to drive safely is fairly routine
testimony in alcohol-impaired driving trials. However, the absence of BAC or BrAC evidence in an
alcohol-impaired driving case is not a bar to successful prosecution. Drivers frequently refuse to take a
BAC or BrAC test.
A 2012 NHTSA study of BAC test refusals estimated that approximately 21 percent of all suspected
alcohol-impaired drivers requested to take a BAC or BrAC test refuse. That study did not find a
consistent difference in conviction rates between drivers who took a BAC test and drivers who refused
the test. Interestingly, those drivers who refused to take the requested BAC test received substantially
higher penalties upon conviction (Jones & Nichols, 2012).
A properly trained officer who follows good investigatory techniques and carefully documents their
observations can make a convincing case that a driver was too impaired by alcohol to drive safely. The
same is true for suspected marijuana-impaired drivers. The lack of an “impairment standard” equivalent
to BAC level does not prevent the successful prosecution of a marijuana-impaired driver. The lack of
toxicological evidence simply means that the officer has to offer other evidence that the driver was
under the influence of marijuana and too impaired to drive safely.
Whether there is some other more formal and standardized way to determine that a marijuana-impaired
driver is too impaired to drive safely (a test that correlates with increased crash risk) remains to be
determined. NHTSA has research underway that attempts to develop a relatively simple field test for
law enforcement use that would indicate that a suspect is impaired by marijuana. This type of test would
not indicate driving impairment (law enforcement observations would be required for that evidence), but
would be a useful tool for law enforcement, nonetheless.
A number of States have set a THC limit in their laws indicating that if a suspect’s THC concentration is
above that level (typically 5 ng/ml of blood), then the suspect is to be considered impaired. This per se
limit appears to have been based on something other than scientific evidence. Some recent studies
demonstrate that such per se limits are not evidence-based.
A recent study looked at the THC levels in DUID cases in Washington State between August 2009 and
June 2013 where blood samples were sent to the State toxicology laboratory for testing. All of these
cases involved suspects believed to be impaired by marijuana by the arresting officer or DRE. All of the
samples were screened positive by a cannabinoid ELISA immunoassay test. The blood was then
analyzed for THC (cut off 1 ng/ml) using three dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry. A
total of 3,814 cases tested positive for THC above 1 ng/ml.
These cases were then evaluated as to whether the THC concentrations exceeded certain thresholds,
specifically, the 2 ng/ml per se threshold applied in Ohio and Nevada and the 5 ng/ml threshold applied
in Colorado and Washington State. The results showed that a sizeable proportion (24.2%) of all drivers
(who were suspected of marijuana-impaired driving), had blood THC concentrations below the per se
threshold in Ohio and Nevada, while an even larger proportion (62.8%) had concentrations below the
per se threshold in Washington and Colorado.
The adoption of a 5 ng/ml per se law for THC would appear to result in the exclusion of a large number
of drivers who law enforcement officers believe to be impaired by marijuana but whose blood THC
concentrations will fall below this artificial per se threshold during the minimum 1 - 2 or more hours it
will take to collect a blood sample following a stop, investigation and arrest. This will place a large
burden of the officer to make the case through objective evidence of impairment along with signs and
symptoms associated with marijuana use. The blood THC concentrations will often impede, rather than
assist, in making the case to a judge or jury who has to determine whether a suspect is impaired (under
the influence) as a result of their marijuana use (Logan, 2015).
Another recent study conducted using Washington State data was designed to examine whether the
concentration of THC in a drivers blood was a reliable indicator of impairment. This study used
602 drivers arrested for impaired driving in which only THC was detected, with a sample of 349 drug-
free control drivers, for which the subject’s performance in the DRE exam were available. Results
showed significant differences in the THC positive and negative drivers in terms of poorer performance
on the psychophysical tests (walk-and-turn test, one-leg-stand test, and finger-to-nose test) along with
indicators like red bloodshot and watery eyes, eyelid tremor, lack of convergence and rebound dilation.
Having found differences between THC positive and THC negative drivers, the relationship between
blood THC concentration and performance on tests for impairment was examined. Poor correlation
between THC concentration and performance was found, which again indicates that blood THC level is
not a reliable indicator of impairment.
Finally, an assessment of whether the combination of the physiological, cognitive and psychomotor
indicators could reliably predict whether the driver’s THC concentration was above or below 5 ng/ml
threshold was conducted. No differences were found except for the finger-to-nose test. Some individual
signs, symptoms, and tests had weak correlations with the THC concentration being above or below the
threshold, but none of them met basic sensitivity levels for correctly predicting impairment status. The
conclusion of the study was that “there is no evidence from the data collected, particularly from the
subjects assessed through the DRE exam, that any objective threshold exists that establish impairment
base on THC concentrations in suspects placed under arrest for impaired driving” (Logan, Kacninko, &
Beirness, 2016).
A third study that also made use of Washington State data involved drivers in crashes and/or arrested for
suspected driving under the influence, who were investigated by the Washington State Patrol in which
blood samples were tested for the presence of alcohol and other drugs (including marijuana) during the
time period 2005 – 2014. An interesting facet of this study was an estimate of time between the crash or
arrest and when the blood draw occurred. Time to the blood draw was not always possible to calculate
due to inadequacies in the records. The median time to draw blood was 165 minutes (almost three
hours). The median estimated time to draw blood for THC-positive drivers was 139 minutes. Drivers
negative for THC (but positive for a THC metabolite carboxy-THC) was 175 minutes. This study found
a clear relationship between the time that is required to do a blood draw and THC concentration, where
the longer time to the blood draw the lower the THC concentration (Banta-Green, Rowhani-Rahbar,
Ebel, Andris, and Qiu, 2016).
Methods for Increasing Data Collection Regarding the Prevalence and Effects of Marijuana-
Impaired Driving
Encourage States to Collect Data Regarding the Prevalence of Marijuana Use by Drivers and Among
Those Arrested for Impaired Driving
There is a need to improve data collection regarding the prevalence and effects of marijuana-impaired
driving. NHTSA has collected some data on the prevalence of marijuana use by drivers on a national
basis, though NHTSA has been prohibited from continuing to collect this information.
In contrast,
there is little State level data about the prevalence of use of marijuana by drivers being collected. As
States continue to change their laws regarding marijuana use in general and as it relates to driving, this
lack of State level data prevents evaluation of the effect of policy changes on driver behavior, including
willingness to drive while under the influence of marijuana, as well as the effect of marijuana on
crashes, deaths and injuries.
While assessing the number of people driving impaired by marijuana is not currently feasible, a first step
is to measure the number of drivers positive for THC on our nation’s roads or on a State’s roads. As the
number of THC positive driver’s increases, it is likely that the number of marijuana-impaired drivers
will also increase. Measuring the prevalence of THC positive drivers is currently feasible as shown by
NHTSA’s two most recent national roadside surveys of alcohol and drug prevalence conducted in 2007
and 2013-2014, and the two State surveys of the prevalence of alcohol and drug positive drivers.
Reliable trend data on the prevalence of marijuana positive drivers at the State level would allow for the
evaluation of effects of marijuana laws such as:
Therapeutic marijuana use laws
Per Se limits for marijuana (THC)
Decriminalization of personal use of marijuana
Legalization of personal recreational use of marijuana
For example, State surveys could assess the effect of legalized recreational marijuana use on the number
or percentage of people driving after using marijuana. However, such studies require both pre- and post-
legalization data. Similarly, without consistent THC testing of impaired driving arrestees over time,
reports that compare THC positive rates before and after a policy has gone into effect are very difficult
to interpret, as they may simply reflect increased testing rates.
We recommend that States be encouraged to conduct prevalence studies of the number and proportion of
drivers testing positive for THC. Due to the current Congressional prohibition
on NHTSA conducting
national studies of alcohol and drug use by drivers, national data will not be available.
States that do not distinguish between drug-impaired and alcohol-impaired driving in arrest or
disposition data significantly limit their ability to assess the extent of drug-impaired driving and evaluate
the impact of countermeasures. Similarly, the lack of standardized and complete State record systems
limits NHTSA’s ability to make clear inferences about the scope of the national drug-impaired-driving
PL 114-113, Division L, Title I, Sec. 142 (12/18/2015) prohibits NHTSA from using FY 2016 funds to conduct national
roadside studies of alcohol and drug use by drivers.
Establishing and maintaining Statewide arrest data would allow States and others to evaluate the
effectiveness of law enforcement programs on impaired driving, such as the impact of the DEC program
on DUID arrest rates and convictions. Similarly, accurate and complete data about arrests and
convictions for drug-impaired driving would allow documentation of the effects of drug per se statutes
on arrest and convictions.
NHTSA recommends the following data and record system improvements:
States should develop record systems that distinguish among alcohol, drugs, or both for
impaired driving cases. These records should be integrated into computerized data systems of
statewide arrest records, the court record systems, and motor vehicle records. One way to
accomplish this would be to have separate offenses for driving impaired by alcohol and driving
impaired by drugs.
State records systems should document which drugs are used by drug-impaired drivers.
This information would be helpful for law enforcement, toxicologists, and prosecutors.
Standard toxicological screening and confirmation procedures should be developed for drug
testing laboratories to use in identifying and confirming the presence of drugs that impair
driving. These methods should include standard analytic procedures and minimum detection
thresholds. There also should be training requirements for the personnel operating these tests.
In addition to these data and record system needs, NHTSA recommends the following change in State
State statutes should be amended to provide separate and distinct offenses and sanctions for
alcohol- and drug-impaired driving that could be applied individually or in combination to a
single case. This would provide an incentive for law enforcement officers to pursue a possible
drug-impaired driving charge even when a BAC equal to or above the limit of .08 g/dL has
already been established.
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Appendix 1
Brief Description of the National Roadsides Survey Procedure
The National Roadside Survey is a nationally representative survey of driver alcohol and drug use. It
uses a multi-stage sampling procedure to select survey locations in 60 Primary Sampling Units (PSU)
across the continental U.S. At each PSU, five actual survey locations were selected at random based on
roadway type and safety considerations.
The survey is conducted off of the roadway in an adjacent parking area.
As a driver approaches a survey site they will pass several large orange construction style signs that say
Paid Volunteer Survey” and one illuminated variable message board sign also saying they are
approaching a paid volunteer survey site. As the drivers reached the survey site, there was another large
orange sign saying Paid Volunteer Survey” at the entrance to the survey site. In the survey site facing
approaching traffic is a large banner that says “National Roadside Survey” (approximately three feet by
five feet). Typically there are flares placed in the roadway as the motorist approached the survey site.
For safety purposes, where there were multiple lanes of traffic approaching the survey site, traffic may
have been diverted to a single curbside lane through use of large orange traffic cones.
The typical survey site accommodated approximately eight cars at a time. When the survey parking
places were occupied, no additional vehicles were allowed into the survey site (approaching vehicles
were waved on to continue down the street). When a survey team member was available, the next
eligible car was allowed into the survey site (waved in at the curb cut entrance to the parking area). This
was done so that someone was immediately available to speak to the driver of a car that pulled into the
survey site. Drivers of trucks or commercial vehicles were not eligible to participate.
As soon as a driver pulled into the survey site a survey team member approached their vehicle, greeted
them and briefly explained what the survey was all about. They were asked if they wished to
participate, if they agreed they were directed into one of the parking places. If they were not interested
in participating they were thanked for stopping by and directed out of the survey site back onto the
At each survey site there were two law enforcement officers, in uniform, with marked police vehicles.
The officers and vehicles were not allowed in the survey site but were located adjacent to the survey site
where they were clearly visible. Depending on the local law enforcement agency practices and
procedures, the police vehicle might have had their emergency lights flashing. Some law enforcement
agencies insisted that their officers (rather than a survey team member) direct traffic at the entrance to
the survey site (either waving an eligible vehicle into the site or waving approaching vehicles to not stop
or attempt to enter the survey site when all of the survey team members were busy). The officers were
present for the safety of the survey team and participants.
After hearing a description of the study purpose and procedure, the driver had to provide verbal consent
in order to participate. During the survey the drivers were asked a number of questions, to provide a
breath sample, oral fluid sample and blood sample. At each stage they had to verbally acknowledge
they understood what had been told to them and consented to continue. The driver was free to decline
any part of the survey while completing the rest of the survey.
During the 2013-2014 National Roadside Survey a small number of drivers generated some sensational
and inaccurate publicity about the survey. Unfortunately, these individuals garnered fairly extensive
publicity. No attempt to discern the accuracy of these reports were made before they were recirculated
through social media and as “news reports.” In a subsequent study using essentially the same
procedures, extensive publicity was generated in advance of the study in order to prevent
misinformation being spread. State and local press were invited to attend a “mock” survey site and go
through the study protocol themselves. During and after this subsequent roadside survey there were no
complaints or inaccurate stories spread by the media.
DOT HS 812 440
July 2017