Disclosure documents using the UFOC format may not be distributed to prospective franchisees after
July 1, 2008. As of July 1, 2008, franchisors must use the amended FTC Franchise Rule disclosure document
format, 16 CFR 436, as amended, 72 FR 15444 (March 30, 2007). Pursuant to the amended FTC Franchise
Rule, states may require more extensive disclosures or requirements. 16 CFR § 436.10(b).
Franchise filings and corresponding fee payments must be submitted through the NASAA Franchise
Electronic Filing Depository (“FRED”) at, unless there is hardship in doing so. If
using FRED poses a hardship, please follow the instructions below.
How To Appy for a Hardship Exemption:
If you wish to apply for a hardship exemption from submitting franchise filings via FRED, submit a
letter indicating why it is necessary and an explanation of any unreasonable burden and expense. This office
will then determine whether your request will be granted based on an analysis of filer burden or expense and
whether an exemption is appropriate and consistent with the public interest. Even if granted, we may place a
limit on the term of a continuing hardship exemption.
The hardship application must be submitted by the franchisor only and may not be submitted by third
parties such as attorneys or franchise consultant firms. The request must be submitted in writing; signed by the
duly authorized officer of the franchisor; and made no later than ten (10) business days before the franchise
filing is due or, where there is no required filing date, the date the franchisor intends on submitting a franchise
The Department of Law (the “Department”) shall, not later than 30 days after the submission for filing
of an initial franchise registration application, issue a letter stating that the application has been accepted for
filing, or in the alternative indicate the respect in which the application for registration is deficient or otherwise
fails to make adequate disclosure. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 § 200.3 (i) (1) (1980). If the franchisor
resubmits its application, the Department shall, not later than 30 days following the re-submission, issue a letter
accepting the filing or issue a deficiency letter. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 § 200.3 (i) (1) (1980).
A. Items to Submit
1. Filing Fee: When filing through the FRED system, filing fees will be paid through the FRED
system. If hardship is granted and submitting a franchise filing by email at I[email protected],
the $750 filing fee may be paid in one of the two following ways: i) mailing in a check drawn on a
United States Bank and made payable to “The New York State Department of Law”; or ii) paying
electronically by using IPB E-Pay. Link to IPB ePayment User Guide: If paying by IPB E-Pay, submit a
copy of the receipt of payment with the franchise filing.
2. Uniform Franchise Registration Application with Certification form
3. Franchisor’s Costs and Source of Funds form
4. Consent to Service of Process form
5. Sales Agent Disclosure form
6. Guarantee of Performance form--This form should be completed only when the financial
statements included are pursuant to Item 21 (B) of New York’s Franchise Regulations, i.e.,
when the franchisor includes financial statements of its affiliated company, and the affiliated
company absolutely and unconditionally guarantees to assume the duties and obligations of
the franchisor under the franchise agreement.
7. Franchise Disclosure Document:
A. Submit the Franchise Disclosure Document via the NASAA Franchise
Electronic Filing Depository (“FRED”) at
If the hardship application is approved, Franchise Disclosure Documents
may be submitted by email at [email protected]
B. A start-up franchisor must provide an audited opening balance sheet dated
within 90 days of filing.
C. If a franchisor offers both unit franchises and area representative franchises,
the franchisor is to submit separate Franchise Disclosure documents for
each. For more information, please see the “2014 NASAA Multi-Unit
Commentary,which is found on this webpage.
Franchise registration renewals are to be submitted annually within 120 days of the close
of the franchisor’s fiscal year-end. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 § 200.8 (1980). If a
renewal is not received during the 120-day period, the franchise registration will expire. If it
expires, no franchise offers, or sales may be made within or from the State of New York until a
franchise renewal application has been submitted to the Department of Law and accepted for
filing. If a renewal is timely filed within the 120-day period, a franchisor may continue to offer
or sell interests in franchises or advertise during the time that the Department is acting upon its
application unless otherwise advised by the Department. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 §
200.3 (i) (2) (1980).
An amendment reflecting a “material change” (N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 §
200.5(b) (1980)) to the franchise offering circular is required to be submitted “promptly.” N.Y.
Gen. Bus. Law § 683.9. The Department shall, not later than 15 days after the submission of an
amendment or renewal of an offering prospectus, issue a letter stating that the amendment or
renewal has been accepted for filing, or in the alternative indicate the respect in which the
amendment or renewal application is deficient or otherwise fails to make adequate disclosure.
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 § 200.3 (i)(1) (1980). In the event that the franchisor
resubmits its application following the issuance of a deficiency letter, the Department shall, not
later than 30 days following the re-submission, issue a letter accepting the prospectus for filing
or issuing a deficiency letter. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 13 § 200.3 (i)(1) (1980). 13
NYCRR 203.3 (i).
A. Items to Submit
1. Filing Fee: When filing through the FRED system, filing fees will be paid through
the FRED system.
If using FRED poses a hardship, the $150 filing fee may be paid in one of the two
following ways: i) by mailing in a check drawn on a United States Bank and made
payable to “The New York State Department of Law”; or ii) by paying electronically by
using IPB E-Pay. Link to IPB ePayment User Guide: If paying by IPB E-
Pay, submit a copy of the receipt of payment with the franchise filing.
2. Uniform Franchise Registration Application With Certification
3. Franchisor’s Costs and Source of Funds
4. One clean and complete copy of the proposed franchise disclosure document, and a
copy of the redlined pages.
5. For annual renewals only (not amendment filings), submit the information required
under 13 NYCRR 200.8, which is as follows: (a) The name and address of each
franchise sold, the date of the sale, and the name, address, and telephone number of
the person purchasing the franchise; (b) The price paid and credit terms upon the sale
of each franchise listed in subdivision (a) of this section; and (c) A copy of the
annual audited financial statements of the franchisor as prepared by an independent
public accountant.
Submit two copies of any advertising to be used in the offer or sale of franchises. 13
NYCRR 200.9. Sales literature shall be submitted to the Department not less than seven days
prior to its intended use. Advertisements are to be submitted via the NASAA Franchise
Electronic Filing Depository (“FRED”) at
Franchise Brokers must submit a completed Franchise Broker Registration Form to the
following address:
New York State Department of Law
Investor Protection Bureau
28 Liberty Street,
New York, NY 10005