Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
This activity, which is aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
for English Language Arts, introduces students to scientific knowledge and
language related to natural hazards. Students will read content-rich texts,
visit the
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
exhibition, and
use what they have learned to complete a CCSS-aligned writing task by
creating an illustrated text about natural hazards.
Materials in this activity include:
• Teacher instructions for:
o Pre-visit student reading
o Visit to
Natures Fury
and Student Worksheet
o Post-visit writing task
Text for student reading: “Avoiding Earthquake Surprises in the Pacific
Student Worksheet for the
Natures Fury
• Student Writing Guidelines
• Teacher rubric for writing assessment
This resource has been designed to engage all learners with the principles of Universal Design for Learning in mind. It represents
information in multiple ways and offers multiple ways for your students to engage with content as they read about, discuss, view, and write
about scientific concepts. Different parts of the experience (e.g. reading texts, locating information in the exhibition) may challenge individual
students. However, the arc of learning is designed to offer varied opportunities to learn. We suggest that all learners experience each activity,
even if challenging. We have provided ways to adapt each step of the activities for students with different skill-levels. If any students have an
Individualized Education Program (IEP), consult it for additional accommodations or modifications.
This part of the activity engages students in reading a non-fiction text about natural hazards. The reading will prepare
students for their visit by introducing them to the topic and framing their investigation.
Student Reading
Have students read “Avoiding Earthquake Surprises in the Pacific Northwest.” Ask them to write notes in the large right-
hand margin. For example, they could underline key passages, paraphrase important information, or write down any
Discussion Questions:
What causes earthquakes?
(Earthquakes are powerful waves that pass through the ground. They are caused by the sudden release of stored up
strain in rocks. When the rocks break, this stored energy surges through Earth.)
How do scientists compare the power of different earthquakes? How does the magnitude scale work?
(Scientists compare earthquakes based on the amount of energy they put out. They use the magnitude scale to
measure this energy. Each step up the magnitude scale represents a thirty-fold increase in power.)
What evidence did scientists find that “great” quakes were possible in the Cascadia region?
(Scientists have found evidence that past earthquakes flooded and killed forests, filled cracks in rock with quicksand,
and even caused massive waves called tsunamis.)
Science & Literacy Activity
Common Core State Standards:
WHST.6-8.2, WHST.6-8.8, WHST.6-8.9,
RST.6-8.1, RST.6-8.2, RST.6-8.4, RST.6-8.10
New York State Science Standards:
Next Generation Science Standards:
Disciplinary Core Idea ESS3.B: Natural
Hazards. Mapping the history of natural
hazards in a region, combined with an
understanding of related geologic forces
can help forecast the locations and
likelihoods of future events.
Science and Engineering Practice 8:
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
How does this research help scientists forecast the locations and likelihood of future earthquakes? What measures are
being taken to protect humans from future earthquakes?
(Scientists have been able to determine that very large earthquakes have occurred in the Cascadia region in the
past. They may be rare, but these “great” quakes are very powerful. In order to withstand them, structures like dams,
bridges, schools, and hospitals in regions that are at risk are strengthened.)
Students can work in pairs, small groups, or as a class. During discussion, remind them to use evidence from the text to
explain their thinking, and to use specific examples.
“Chunking” the reading can help keep them from becoming overwhelmed by the length of the text. Present them with only a few sentences
or a single paragraph to read and discuss before moving on to the next “chunk.
Provide “wait-time” for students after you ask a question. This will allow time for students to search for textual evidence or to more clearly
formulate their thinking before they speak.
After the reading, show students the following:
o Tsunami Science: Reducing the Risk:
o Plates on the Move:
This part of the activity engages students in exploring the
Natures Fury
Museum Visit & Student Worksheet
Explain to students that they will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and use worksheets to
gather information about these natural hazards. Tell students that back in the classroom they will refer to these notes
when completing the writing assignment.
• Review the Student Worksheet with students, clarifying what information they should collect during the visit.
• Have students explore the exhibition in pairs, with each student completing their own Student Worksheet.
Encourage student pairs to ask you or their peers for help locating information. Tell students they may not share answers with other pairs,
but they may point each other to places in the exhibition where answers are located.
This part of the activity engages students in an informational writing task that draws on the pre-visit reading and on
observations made at the Museum.
Writing Task
Distribute the Student Writing Guidelines handout, which includes the following prompt for the writing task:
Based on your reading, your visit to the
Natures Fury
exhibition, and your discussions, write an essay in which
you describe the cause of earthquakes and one other type of natural hazard, and explain how scientists can
help forecast future events.
Go over the handout with students. Tell them that they will use it while writing, and use it afterwards to evaluate and
revise their essays.
Before they begin to write, have students use the prompt and guidelines to discuss the information that they gathered
Natures Fury,
and compare their findings. They can work in pairs, small groups, or as a class. Referring to the writ-
ing prompt, have students underline or highlight all relevant passages and information from the reading and from their
notes from the exhibition. As they compare findings, students may take notes on information gathered by their peers.
Students should write their essays individually.
• Re-read the “Before Your Visit” assignment with students. Ask what they saw in the exhibition that helps them understand natural hazards.
• Allow time for students to read their essay drafts to a peer and receive feedback based on the Student Writing Guidelines.
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Student Reading
Avoiding Earthquake Surprises
in the Pacific Northwest
How Vulnerable Is the Pacific Northwest?
Cascadia is a region in the Pacific Northwest. It includes southern British
Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and northern California. This region is
at risk of being hit by earthquakes. Until the mid-1980s, Earth scientists
thought that the threat was limited to quakes of magnitude 7
or below.
But more recently, Earth scientists discovered evidence that more
intense earthquakes repeatedly struck the region over the past several
thousand years. And they are likely to occur again. Earthquakes of
magnitude 8 and 9 are considered “great” quakes. An earthquake of
magnitude 8 releases about thirty times as much energy as a quake of
magnitude 7. A quake of magnitude 9 is another thirty times larger.
Why the Pacific Northwest Is at Risk
Earths rigid outer shell is made up of vast rocky pieces called tectonic
plates. These plates move as slowly as fingernails grow. They separate,
collide, or grind against each other at plate boundaries. Where the plates
grind together, pressure builds up and the rocks eventually break. This
sends stored-up energy surging through Earth. This energy is what
causes earthquakes.
Earth’s surface is broken into massive rocky plates called tectonic plates.
Over the years, seismologists devised various magnitude scales as measures of earthquake size. The “moment
magnitude” scale is used today.
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Most earthquakes occur along certain plate boundaries called subduction
zones. A subduction zone is where a more dense oceanic plate subducts,
or sinks below, a continental plate. Decades ago, scientists recognized
that a subduction zone runs along the Pacific coast. It lies between
southern British Columbia and northern California. It’s called the
Cascadia subduction zone.
The two largest earthquakes since 1900 occurred along subduction
zones. They were a Chilean earthquake of magnitude 9.5 in 1960, and
an Alaskan earthquake of magnitude 9.2 in 1964. During each of these
earthquakes, the continental plate lurched 20 meters toward the sea.
This movement thinned the plate by stretching its rocks. The thinning
lowered the coast enough for tides to drown coastal forests. Today,
ghostly tree trunks provide natural clues that the huge earthquakes
Clues of Ancient Quakes
Earth scientists have found similar, much older, remains of flooded
forests in Cascadia. They were discovered along bays and river mouths
on the coasts of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and northern
California. Scientists also found other evidence of strong earthquakes
in the same locations. These include sheets of sand that were
deposited by floods from the sea and ground cracks that were filled
with quicksand. Scientists
concluded that earthquakes
of magnitude 8 or larger
have struck Cascadia
repeatedly in the past
several thousand years.
Teams of scientists worked
together to determine
the exact date and an
approximate size for the
most recent of these
Cascadia earthquakes.
First, American scientists
discovered clues in some
dead trees. The trees
recorded sudden lowering
of coastal land during this
earthquake. Radiocarbon
dating showed that they
died between 1680 and
Scientists study dead trees in a tidal marsh along the
Pacific coast of Washington. They provide evidence
that a great earthquake occurred in January 1700.
Courtesty of Brian F. Atwater
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Japanese researchers were paying attention to these discoveries in
North America. They knew that if the Cascadia earthquake was big
enough, it would have started a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. And they
had been looking for the mysterious source of a tsunami that caused
flooding and damage in Japan in January 1700. They proposed that a
great Cascadia earthquake occurred in the evening of January 26, 1700.
They estimated its size as magnitude 9.
To test this proposed date and size, American scientists returned to
some of the earthquake-killed trees in Washington. By measuring thin
and thick rings, they assigned dates to individual tree rings. They were
able to narrow the time of the earthquake to the months between
August 1699 and May 1700. This evidence supported the date proposed
by Japanese researchers. The findings combined to give the 1700
Cascadia earthquake a place in history.
Northwesterners Respond to the Risk
Earthquakes can’t be prevented. However, people can take measures
to minimize the damage they cause. In some cases, communities can
strengthen structures that already exist. These include dams, bridges,
water systems, schools, hospitals, and lifelines (electrical, gas, and
water lines). They can also design and build earthquake-resistant
structures in the future.
Until 1994, the Uniform Building Code placed an area of Washington in
a zone with the second highest hazard level (out of six). Most of the rest
of Oregon and Washington was placed in a zone with a lower hazard
level. The 1994 edition of the Uniform Building Code redrew the map
for the Pacific Northwest. All parts of Oregon and Washington that are
at risk of great earthquakes were upgraded to the higher-level hazard
This revision of the code was an important first step toward meeting the
great-earthquake threat in the Pacific Northwest. In the areas upgraded
to the second highest level, new buildings are designed to withstand
earthquakes fifty percent stronger than under the old code.
How Safe Are Other Parts of the United States?
People in other earthquake-prone states started asking questions
about whether they were adequately prepared for future earthquakes.
These states include Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina,
Missouri, Indiana, Utah, California, and Alaska. Many of the questions
cannot be answered satisfactorily until we know more about past
earthquakes. Deciphering the geologic past is one of the ways that
Earth scientists help to protect people from loss of life and property.
This reading was adapted from a 1995 USGS Fact Sheet, “Averting Surprises in the Pacific Northwest,
by Brian F. Atwater, Thomas S. Yelin, Craig S. Weaver, James W. Hendley, II.
The Uniform Building Code was replaced in 2000 by the International Building Code.
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Student Worksheet
This exhibition contains four sections about four natural hazards: Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
In each section, record information about the type of hazard discussed there.
Draw and label a diagram of this earthquake.
Draw and label a diagram of this eruption.
1. Earthquakes
2. Volcanoes
What causes earthquakes?
Pick one specific earthquake and record the location and year of
that event:
What tools do scientists use to research earthquakes?
How do scientists forecast future earthquakes?
What causes volcanoes?
Pick one specific volcano and record the location and year of
that event:
What tools do scientists use to study volcanoes?
How do scientists forecast future volcanic eruptions?
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Draw and label a diagram of this tornado.
Draw and label a diagram of this hurricane.
3. Tornadoes
4. Hurricanes
What causes tornadoes?
Pick one specific tornado and record the location and year of
that event:
What tools do scientists use to study tornadoes?
What is tornado alley? What states are most likely to have a tornado in the future?
What causes hurricanes?
Pick one specific hurricane and record the location and year of
that event:
What tools do scientists use to study hurricanes?
How do scientists forecast future hurricanes?
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Student Worksheet
This exhibition contains four sections about four natural hazards: Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
In each section, record information about the type of hazard discussed there.
Draw and label a diagram of this earthquake.
Draw and label a diagram of this eruption.
1. Earthquakes
2. Volcanoes
What causes earthquakes?
(Earthquakes are powerful waves that pass through the ground.
They are caused by the sudden release of stored up strain in rocks.
When the rocks break, this stored energy surges through Earth.)
Pick one specific earthquake and record the location and year of
that event:
(Sample answer: Haiti Earthquake, 2010)
What tools do scientists use to research earthquakes?
How do scientists forecast future earthquakes?
(Scientists can determine where earthquakes happen most often, such as near faults, and determine how frequently
earthquakes happen in these locations.)
What causes volcanoes?
(A volcano is an opening in Earth’s crust that releases molten rock
and gas. Magma and gas deep within Earth are under tremendous
pressure. In an eruption, they are forced to the surface to the
Pick one specific volcano and record the location and year of
that event:
(Sample answer: Mt. Vesuvius, 79 AD)
What tools do scientists use to study volcanoes?
(Scientists can use GPS to measure the change in elevation of a volcano.)
How do scientists forecast future volcanic eruptions?
(Scientists can monitor volcanoes for sudden changes or an increase in activity that can indicate that an eruption
is likely.)
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Draw and label a diagram of this tornado.
Draw and label a diagram of this hurricane.
3. Tornadoes
4. Hurricanes
What causes tornadoes?
(A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air. They form from the
movement of air in powerful thunderstorms.)
Pick one specific tornado and record the location and year of
that event:
(Sample answer: Greensburg, Kansas, 2007)
What tools do scientists use to study tornadoes?
(Scientists can use armored cameras to see inside of a tornado.)
What is tornado alley? What states are most likely to have a tornado in the future?
(Tornado alley is a region in the central United States where most tornadoes occur. Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
are the states with the most tornadoes.)
What causes hurricanes?
(A hurricane, or tropical cyclone, is an extremely large and
powerful storm. They normally form over warm water in the
tropics; they gain energy when this water evaporates.)
Pick one specific hurricane and record the location and year of
that event:
(Sample answer: Galveston hurricane, 1900)
What tools do scientists use to study hurricanes?
(Scientists can use land stations, ships, balloons, aircraft buoys at sea, and satellites to make millions of measurements
every day.)
How do scientists forecast future hurricanes?
(Scientists can track the formation and movement of hurricanes and compare them to previous storms. This allows them
to forecast the path and strength of each new hurricane.)
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Student Writing Guidelines
Based on your reading, your visit to the
Natures Fury
exhibition, and your discussions, write an illustrated essay in
which you describe the cause of earthquakes and one other type of natural hazard, and explain how scientists can
forecast future events.
Be sure to include:
• one example of a natural hazard
• an explanation of this natural hazard
• an illustration of this natural hazard with at least three labels
• an explanation of how scientists study this type of natural hazard
an explanation of how scientific research forecasts where such an event might occur in the future, what the
likelihood is, and how to prepare for it
Support your essay with evidence from the reading and your visit to
Natures Fury
Use this checklist to ensure that you have included all of the required elements in your essay.
I introduced one natural hazard.
I clearly named one type of natural hazard and described how it occurs.
I included a labeled illustration of one natural hazard with at least three labels.
I only included relevant information about natural hazards.
I used information from the reading, “Avoiding Earthquake Surprises in the Pacific Northwest,” to explain one
kind of natural hazard in detail.
I used information from the
Natures Fury
exhibition to explain one kind of natural hazard in detail.
I used academic, non-conversational tone and language.
I included a conclusion at the end.
I proofread my essay for grammar and spelling errors.
Natures Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters
Assessment Rubric
Attempts to present in-
formation in response
to the prompt, but
lacks connections to
the texts or relevance
to the purpose of the
Attempts to present
information in re-
sponse to the prompt,
but lacks connections
to the Museum exhibit
content or relevance
to the purpose of the
Attempts to demon-
strate standard English
conventions, but lacks
cohesion and control
of grammar, usage, and
Attempts to include
science content in
explanations, but
understanding of the
topic is weak; content
is irrelevant, inappro-
priate, or inaccurate.
Attempts to provide
details in response to
the prompt, including
retelling, but lacks suf-
ficient development or
Attempts to address
the prompt, but lacks
focus or is off-task.
Presents information
from the text relevant
to the purpose of the
prompt with minor
lapses in accuracy or
Presents information
from the Museum
exhibit relevant to the
purpose of the prompt
with minor lapses in
accuracy or complete-
Demonstrates an
uneven command
of standard English
conventions and
cohesion. Uses
language and tone
with some inaccurate,
inappropriate, or
uneven features.
Briefly notes science
content relevant to the
prompt; shows basic or
uneven understanding
of the topic; minor
errors in explanation.
Presents appropriate
details to support the
focus and controlling
Addresses the prompt
appropriately, but
with a weak or uneven
Presents information
from the text relevant
to the prompt with
accuracy and sufficient
Presents information
from the Museum
exhibit relevant to the
prompt with accuracy
and sufficient detail.
Demonstrates a
command of standard
English conventions
and cohesion, with
few errors. Response
includes language and
tone appropriate to the
purpose and specific
requirements of the
Accurately presents
science content
relevant to the prompt
with sufficient
explanations that
demonstrate under-
standing of the topic.
Presents appropriate
and sufficient details
to support the focus
and controlling idea.
Addresses the prompt
appropriately and
maintains a clear,
steady focus.
Accurately presents
information relevant to
all parts of the prompt
with effective
paraphrased details
from the text.
Accurately presents
information relevant to
all parts of the prompt
with effective
paraphrased details
from the Museum
Demonstrates and
maintains a well-
developed command
of standard English
conventions and
cohesion, with few
errors. Response
includes language
and tone consistently
appropriate to the
purpose and specific
requirements of the
Integrates relevant
and accurate science
content with thorough
explanations that
demonstrate in-depth
understanding of the
Presents thorough and
detailed information to
strongly support the
focus and controlling
Addresses all aspects
of the prompt appro-
priately and maintains
a strongly developed
1 2 3 4