issue no. 75 march
in this issue
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 2
Model Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 2
Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 3
Concluding Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 10
Robert M. Dammon, Carnegie Mellon University
Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University
Harold H. Zhang, University of North Carolina
The major friction that investors face in rebalancing their portfo-
lios is capital gains taxes, which are triggered by the sale of assets.
In this article, we examine the impact of an investor’s capital gains
tax liability and existing risk exposure upon the optimal portfolio
and rebalancing decisions. We capture the trade-off over the
investor’s lifetime between the tax costs and diversification bene-
fits of trading. We find that the investor’s incentive to re-diversify
the portfolio declines with the size of the capital gain and the
investor’s age. Unlike conventional financial advice, the reset of
the capital gains tax bases and the resulting elimination of the
capital gains tax liability at death, suggests that the optimal equity
proportion of the investor’s portfolio increases as he ages.
r esearch
> research dialogue
The major friction that investors face in rebalancing
their portfolios is capital gains taxes.
An investor who
has only capital losses can, without the payment of a
capital gains tax, rebalance his portfolio to the uncon-
strained optimal level of risk given the assumed structure
of future tax liabilities. However, for an investor with
embedded capital gains, the optimal amount of rebalanc-
ing depends upon the magnitude of these gains and the
extent of deviation of the asset holdings from the opti-
mal portfolio. The presence of these capital gains liabili-
ties influences the investor’s optimal rebalancing
decision as the investor’s optimal portfolio choice
reflects the trade-off between (a) realizing a certain
amount of capital gains immediately and using the liqui-
dated funds to rebalance his portfolio and (b) deferring
the realization of the remainder of the capital gains.
In this article, we examine the impact of such factors
as an investor’s capital gains tax liability and existing
risk exposure upon the optimal portfolio and rebalanc-
ing decisions in a taxable account. We capture the
trade-off over the investor’s lifetime between the tax
costs and diversification benefits of trading. We show
that an investor’s incentive to re-diversify his portfolio
declines with the size of the capital gain and his age.
Unlike conventional financial advice, the reset of the
capital gains tax bases and the resulting elimination of
the capital gains tax liability at death suggest that the
optimal equity proportion of the investor’s portfolio
increases as he ages.
This article draws on Dammon, Spatt and Zhang
(2001a), where we formalize and solve the problem
facing an investor who derives utility (well-being) from
his intertemporal consumption levels and final
bequest. We formulate the portfolio-rebalancing prob-
lem confronting an individual investing in taxable
accounts with an eye towards solving for the investor’s
optimal intertemporal portfolio. In this presentation
we summarize the model framework and the features
of its solution.
The Tax Environment
There are several crucial features of the tax environ-
ment that our model captures. The most important
feature is that the payment of capital gains taxes is
triggered by the sale of assets rather than the total
increase in the market value of the investor’s assets (as
in “accrual taxation” or “marking to market” the posi-
tions at the end of each tax year).
Our analysis focuses
upon the impact of taxation of capital gains at their
sale/realization on the investor’s optimal rebalancing
and asset allocation choices. It is this feature of our
setting that significantly enhances its richness as the
investor’s optimal portfolio depends upon variables
that reflect the extent of the investor’s embedded gains
and his existing portfolio holdings.
Another important feature of the tax environment in
our model is the assumption that at death the investor’s
tax bases on risky assets are “reset” to their current
market values, thereby eliminating the capital gain tax
liability. This reset of the tax bases follows the actual
tax code in the United States and has an especially
important effect on the investor’s optimal portfolio
and rebalancing decisions as the investor ages and his
mortality risk increases.
Because we focus upon long-term asset allocation
issues and try to reflect the presence of portfolio-offset
rules that limit the degree of asymmetry between the
effective treatment of short-term and long-term real-
izations, we assume a constant tax rate for all capital
gain and loss realizations. Eliminating any distinction
between short-term and long-term realizations also
helps simplify the analysis, as we do not need to
condition the solutions upon how long the investor
has held the asset.
To summarize, the key features of our modeling of
capital gains taxation are: (a) capital gains taxes are
triggered by the sale of assets; (b) any capital gains tax
liability is forgiven at the investor’s death as the
investor’s tax basis is reset to the asset’s market value;
and (c) the capital gains tax rate does not depend upon
how long the investor has previously held the asset.
The Investor’s Problem
In order to focus upon the impact of the investor’s age
and increasing mortality, we assume that the investor
has a limited (finite) life expectancy and that the prob-
ability of survival in each period is given by an
assumed observed mortality schedule. In much of the
analysis the investor’s income is derived
only from
issue no. 75 march 2003 <
financial assets (i.e., by assumption there is no labor
income). The investor can trade two assets—a risk-free
asset whose return is constant over time and a risky
security. The pre-tax capital gain return on the risky
asset is assumed to follow a binomial process whose
return is independent over time. The pre-tax dividend
yield is assumed constant over time.
We assume that there are no trading costs and short
sales are not permitted. Furthermore, nominal divi-
dends and interest payments are taxed at the tax rate
on ordinary income, while realized capital gains and
losses are taxed at a capital gains tax rate (which can
be lower than the ordinary income tax rate). To calcu-
late the investor’s capital gains tax we assume that
the investor’s tax basis is the weighted average
purchase price of these shares. When the risky
asset’s current price is below the investor’s tax basis,
the investor sells shares to realize the tax loss and
immediately repurchases the optimal number of
shares of the risky asset.
When the risky asset’s
current price is above the investor’s tax basis, the
new basis reflects the weighted average of the prior
basis and the current acquisition price of any new
shares acquired.
The objective of the investor’s optimization problem
is to maximize his discounted expected utility of life-
time consumption, including the utility of his
bequest at death.
Expected utility is the weighted
average utility reflecting the probability of living
through the respective dates. The treatment of
bequest is consistent with the reset provision of the
U.S. tax code under which the capital gains tax is
forgiven at death. At the beginning of each period,
the investor allocates his wealth among consump-
tion, the risk-free and risky assets, and the payment
of capital gains taxes resulting from a sale of the
risky asset. The investor is assumed to have a power
utility function so that he possesses constant relative
risk-averse preferences. (Under such a utility func-
tion, the investor will allocate the same percentage of
wealth to the risky assets regardless of his wealth
In solving the investor’s optimization problem, we
have simplified the model in order to maintain
computational tractability. For a detailed discussion of
these simplifications of the model, see Appendix.
Base-case Parameters for
Numerical Solutions
In the numerical analysis we assume that the investor
makes annual decisions starting at age 20 and lives for
up to another 80 years. The annual mortality rates are
taken from the 2000 U.S. Life Tables for the total
For our base-case scenario we assume that the risk-
free (pre-tax) interest rate is 6% annually, the nominal
annual dividend yield is assumed to be a constant 2%,
and the annual inflation rate is 3.5%. The nominal
capital gains return on the stock follows a binomial
process with an annual mean return of 7% and stan-
dard deviation of 20%.
The tax rate on dividends and
interest is 36%, while the tax rate on capital gains is
set at 20%. The investor is assumed to have a risk
aversion parameter of 3.0 in the power utility formula-
tion with an annual discount factor of .96.
The “Aging Effect
Using our base-case parameters the optimal equity
Consumption Decisions
Our setting can be used to solve for the
investor’s optimal consumption decisions. For
a given level of total wealth, the larger the
total embedded capital gain, the larger is the
investor’s implicit tax liability and the less
wealthy is the investor on an after-tax basis.
As suggested by options pricing theory, the
optimal consumption-wealth ratio and the
sensitivity of the value of the tax-timing
option decline as the size of the investor’s
capital gain increases. The optimal consump-
tion-wealth ratio also becomes less sensitive
to the size of the gain for elderly investors
due to the impending reset of the tax basis at
death. However, for the purposes of this pres-
entation we focus upon the investor’s portfo-
lio holdings rather than consumption
> research dialogue
holding in the presence of capital gains taxes is illus-
trated in Figure 1, which depicts the optimal stock
proportion as a function of the investor’s age at several
different basis-price ratios, such as 1 (zero gain), 0.8
(25% gain) and 0 (entire position is gain). For our
base-case parameters the investor’s preferred equity
allocation (i.e., when the basis-price ratio equals one)
is approximately 41% if the investor is between 20 and
76 (it is higher for elderly investors). The figures are
drawn for an assumed initial stock holding of 50% of
the investor’s beginning-of-period wealth, so that the
investor is initially overexposed to equity.
An interesting feature of our solution is that the
investor’s optimal exposure to equity tends to increase
with age, particularly at late ages. This is a result of the
structure of capital gains taxation and more specifi-
cally the reset of the investor’s tax basis at death. This
reset at death increases the attractiveness of retaining
highly appreciated positions, especially when the
investor’s life expectancy is relatively short. With a
short horizon, the cost of not being fully rebalanced is
small, while the tax benefit of deferral is high. In this
sense the extent to which the investor scales back his
position is influenced by the interaction between his
age and the size of the capital gain.
Analogously, the investor will find it attractive to add
relatively more equity to his portfolio as he ages (and
his life expectancy falls) because of the option to real-
ize losses, while retaining appreciated positions until
the reset at death. This observation goes beyond the
standard insight of estate planners that elderly
investors may wish to retain highly appreciated posi-
tions to defer the capital gains tax liability (e.g., until
death). In addition to addressing the investor’s behav-
ior once he possesses highly appreciated positions, our
argument also points to the benefit of holding more
equity to create the option of being able to defer the
appreciated equity position (e.g., until the reset at
death) and realize positions with capital losses. This is
illustrated by the curve corresponding to the basis-
Figure 1 Optimal Stock Holding As a Function of the Investor’s Age
Note: The basis-price ratio is set at 0, 0.8, and 1, respectively.
The initial stock holding as a fraction of beginning-of-period wealth is set at 50 percent.
issue no. 75 march 2003 <
price ratio of one in Figure 1, which describes the
investor’s holdings (and purchase) of equity when the
investor is not restricted by existing capital gains.
The conventional advice on asset allocation is that an
investor should reduce his equity exposure as he
ages. In fact, some mutual fund organizations even
promote the heuristic rule that an investor’s percent-
age exposure to equity should be 100 – A, where A is
the investor’s age (in years). The underlying focus of
this perspective concerns the shortening horizon
over which the investor will utilize his funds as he
ages and the absence of nonfinancial income during
the retirement years as well as the declining value of
his human capital wealth over time during the work-
ing years.
It is not apparent that models of risk bearing without
taxes and other frictions should lead to strong age
effects about portfolio composition during the retire-
ment years. While the investor’s age and the strength
of his bequest motive will significantly influence the
investor’s consumption decision (i.e., the shape of his
consumption path over time), the effect of age on the
allocation decision will not be pronounced as long as
the investor’s risk aversion stays constant over time.
Of course, if the investor becomes more risk averse as
he ages, then the relative demand for the risky assets
would decline with the investor’s age. Yet, many
investors with substantial wealth view themselves as
managing their funds at the margin for the benefit of
their heirs, emphasizing both that risk aversion would
not increase as they age as well as the importance of
managing the capital gains tax liability efficiently.
Even if the investor does not have a strong bequest
motive, the investor can still find it attractive to borrow
to help finance consumption in his latter years in
order to defer some of the capital gains liability until it
is eliminated at death (repaying the indebtedness
through his estate). More generally, our analysis high-
lights the value to the investor of borrowing in his
latter years to obtain liquidity, while deferring the real-
ization of substantial appreciated positions until the
investor’s death. While our analysis so far abstracts
from the stochastic structure of labor income, this
simplification does not affect behavior during the
investor’s retirement years, i.e., after he has ceased
earning significant labor income.
The Size of the Gain and Portfolio
Our solutions illustrate the important role of the size of
the existing capital gain for the investor’s portfolio
rebalancing decision. If the investor is overexposed to
equity, the investor will trade off the tax cost of selling
some equity with the diversification benefit of the
reduced exposure to the risky asset. The smaller the
size of the gain, the smaller the tax costs of scaling back
the equity exposure by a given amount. Consequently,
when the size of the gain is small, the investor opti-
mizes this trade-off by scaling back equity holding to a
greater degree and getting closer to the unconstrained
optimal exposure.
Analogously, it will also be optimal
for the investor to scale back the exposure to a greater
degree when the capital gains tax rate is particularly
low. In contrast, when the size of the gain is very large
(or the tax basis is very small), the investor may just
scale back slightly or even retain the entire exposure
(the investor acts as “locked in” and does not sell his
position due to the tax cost of selling despite the risk-
sharing benefits from reducing the equity exposure).
For a given size capital gain (i.e., fixing the basis-price
ratio), the marginal cost to the investor of being over-
exposed to equity increases in the difference between
the size of his position and the optimal position, while
the marginal tax cost of rebalancing is constant in the
positions size. Consequently, once the investor is
substantially overexposed to equity, the trade-off he
faces with capital gains taxes pushes him to the same
exposure, i.e., the portfolio will not depend upon his
previous holding of equity, though it depends upon
the size of the investor’s gain and age.
Many of these features are illustrated in Figure 2, which
depicts the optimal stock holding at age 30 for our base-
case parameters as a function of the initial proportion
of equity in the portfolio for several different values of
the basis-price ratio. The figure illustrates that the size
of the investor’s optimal equity holding increases with
the fraction of beginning-of-period wealth invested in
equity until the investor reaches his maximum expo-
sure for each basis-price ratio. The optimal equity
proportion also increases with the size of the gain (or
lower basis-price ratio) in the figure as the investor
scales back his exposure relatively less as the gain rises.
> research dialogue
Welfare Comparisons
The investor significantly enhances the utility value of
his portfolio by efficiently managing his tax opportuni-
ties. We considered the welfare costs of not following
the optimal policy. Specifically, we considered the
welfare costs of the following inefficient alternatives:
(a) realizing all capital gains and losses each period, or
(b) following the buy-and-hold policy of never realizing
capital gains or losses other than to finance consump-
The welfare costs reflect how much additional
wealth we need to provide the investor following an
alternative realization policy so that he would be as
well off as under the optimal policy. We can solve
numerically for the optimal decision rules for each of
these alternative realization policies and compare the
investor’s welfare.
The first alternative focuses upon the advantages of
realizing losses without allowing the investor to defer
gains. The welfare costs in this case increase in the
size of the existing capital gain (since this alternative
involves selling assets with embedded gains) and
decrease in the investor’s age (due to the shortening
horizon). The welfare costs of the second alternative
(the buy-and-hold policy) decrease in the investor’s age
(again due to the shortening horizon), but now
increase in the size of the existing capital loss.
Comparative Static Analysis
We examine the impact on our policy rules of varying
the capital gains tax rate and the volatility of stock
returns. Figure 3 illustrates the optimal equity expo-
sure for our base-case parameters (upper panel), for a
tax rate of 36% on capital gains and losses (middle
panel) and for a standard deviation of equity returns
of 30% (lower panel).
These figures are constructed
assuming an initial equity proportion of 50 percent
and holding all the other parameters at their base-
case values.
An increase in the capital gains tax rate from the base-
case 20% to 36% (middle panel) reduces the size of
Figure 2 Optimal Stock Holding As a Function of the Initial Stock Holdings
Note: The basis-price ratio is set at 0, 0.8, and 1, respectively.
issue no. 75 march 2003 <
Figure 3 Optimal Stock Holding As a Function of the Basis-price Ratio:
Three Scenarios
1) The investor’s age is set at 30, 45, 60, and 90, respectively.
2) The initial stock holding as a function of beginning-of-period wealth is set at 50 percent for each panel.
> research dialogue
the capital gain that the investor is willing to realize,
especially for young investors who derive the greatest
benefit from rebalancing.
In addition, in the
breakeven and loss region the investor’s holding of
equity is more sensitive to the investor’s age when the
capital gains tax rate is higher.
An increase in the volatility of the stock from the base-
case 20% to 30% (lower panel) has a dramatic impact
on the investor’s equity holdings. Not surprisingly, the
increase in riskiness of equity reduces the optimal
holdings for all investors depicted in the figure despite
the increase in the value of the tax-timing option.
However, in some circumstances elderly investors
with large gains can retain their equity exposure to
avoid the capital gains tax at death. The benefits of
rebalancing are greater in a more volatile environment
so that young and middle-aged investors will cut their
exposure to equity, even when their embedded gains
are large. The findings associated with an increase in
volatility are similar to those that would arise from
increasing the investor’s risk aversion.
Mandatory Capital Gains Taxation
at Death
An interesting benchmark for comparison of our asset
allocation results is the treatment of capital gains at
death in Canada. Under the Canadian law the ability to
defer the capital gains tax ends at death. Unrealized
capital gains are automatically taxed in Canada at
death rather than benefiting from either (a) a step-up
in the investor’s tax basis to eliminate the capital gains
tax liability, or (b) allowing the investor to defer the tax
payment by delaying the sale of the equity and retain-
ing the prior tax basis.
Using our base-case parameters, an initial equity
proportion of 50 percent of the investor’s beginning-
of-period wealth, and full taxation of capital gains at
death, we illustrate in Figure 4 the optimal exposure
to equity under the Canadian law. The upper panel of
Figure 4 depicts the optimal stock proportion as a
function of the investor’s age at several different
basis-price ratios, such as 1 (zero gain), 0.8 (25%
gain) and 0 (entire position is gain). Notice that the
optimal equity exposure is now relatively insensitive
to the investor’s age because there is no opportunity
to escape the capital gains tax at death and so the tax
benefit to deferral of capital gains largely reflects the
time value of money and is nearly constant over
time. This figure strongly suggests that the aging
effects in portfolio holdings in our basic analysis are
driven by the reset provision at death rather than
other features of our setting such as the specific
details of the bequest motive.
We illustrate in the lower panel of Figure 4 the impact
of the size of the gain upon the investor’s rebalancing
decision by plotting the optimal exposure to equity as
a function of the basis-price ratio for investors at ages
35 and 90 in our modified setting without the reset at
death. This highlights the nature of the rebalancing
decision across tax bases and the tradeoff between the
tax costs and risk-sharing benefits, even absent the
potential for eventual reset of the tax basis at death.
Labor Income
While an important component of an investor’s wealth
and risk is determined by human capital, our earlier
analysis did not incorporate labor (non-financial)
income. Though ideally one would like to model labor
income with its own stochastic specification, we intro-
duce the investor’s labor income as proportional to his
wealth so as to avoid the need to increase the dimen-
sionality of our model. This allows us to capture
several fundamental aspects of the impact of non-
financial income on asset allocation over the life cycle
in the presence of taxes. For example, investors
younger than age 65 (when we assume that the labor
income terminates) substantially increase their opti-
mal holding of equity relative to the case without labor
income. This is in response to the increase in the
investor’s effective wealth and the modest risk of non-
financial income. Consequently, human capital and
the reset provision have the opposite effects on the
optimal equity exposure as a function of the investor’s
age. Of course, the human capital effect is typically
present only when the impact of the reset benefit
provision is weakest (i.e., at young ages).
An important aspect of non-financial income is that
by enhancing the investor’s income stream only in
his working years there is a greater flow of new
savings. This greater flow of new savings helps limit
the extent to which the investor becomes locked in
and allows the investor to rebalance his portfolio
without payment of capital gains taxes by altering the
portfolio allocation of new investments. In practice,
issue no. 75 march 2003 <
Figure 4 Optimal Stock Holding Under Mandatory Capital Gains Taxation
At Death
Note:The initial stock holding as a fraction of beginning-of-period wealth is set at 50 percent for both panels.
> research dialogue
incremental savings over time creates the ability to
adjust the structure of one’s portfolio.
Our framework provides a tractable way to capture the
trade-off between the payment of capital gains taxes
and portfolio rebalancing. We demonstrate how an
investor’s optimal portfolio holdings depend upon the
investor’s age, existing capital gain and portfolio hold-
ings. For an investor with embedded capital gains, the
incentive to rebalance his portfolio by selling stock is
inversely related to his age and the size of the gain.
Elderly investors have a strong incentive to defer the
realization of existing capital gains and to increase
their ownership of equity as they age due to the
forgiveness of capital gains taxes at death under the
current U.S. tax code.
In addition to the substantive qualitative insights that
emerge from our analysis, our study also makes a
methodological contribution. Our work provides a
tractable way to incorporate a realistic treatment of
capital gains taxes in the analysis of asset allocation.
Most directly, we have extended the analysis to incor-
porate two risky securities in Dammon, Spatt and
Zhang (2001b).
Building upon our framework we also have introduced
in Dammon, Spatt and Zhang (2002a) the opportunity
for tax-deferred investing into an integrated asset allo-
cation setting.
Our work emphasizes the value of
optimal asset
location (which assets to hold in which
account) in addition to optimal asset allocation. The
implications of our framework for estate planning
issues, including the titling of securities by a married
couple and the location of exposures between trusts
and personal assets, are explored in Dammon, Spatt
and Zhang (2002b).
This paper builds off Dammon, Spatt and Zhang
(2001a), which was partially supported by the TIAA-
CREF Institute and received the Michael Brennan
(Runner-up) Prize of the Review of Financial Studies.
The views expressed in this article are those of the
authors’ alone and are not necessarily those of TIAA-
CREF or any member of its staff.
issue no. 75 march 2003 <
The inherent difficulty in solving the underlying prob-
lem is that the investor’s decisions depend upon the
investor’s existing portfolio holdings, specifically his
holdings of the risky asset and its respective tax basis.
In this sense the investor’s underlying expected utility
maximization problem is fundamentally dynamic. We
can recast this model recursively as a dynamic program-
ming problem. While numerical methods can be used
to solve such dynamic programming problems, it is
crucial to the tractability of these problems that there
are only a small number of underlying “state variables,”
upon which the optimal decision rules are functions.
We identify several simplifications to help limit the
number of state variables, so that the problem is
tractable numerically. An important additional advan-
tage of these simplifications is that they highlight the
variables that are central to understanding the solu-
tions, thereby focusing the reader upon the funda-
mental aspects of the problem.
In the underlying problem the state variables include
the tax basis (and distinct purchase price) for the risky
asset and the corresponding size of that position as
well as the investor’s wealth. To simplify the problem
and highlight the key underlying intuitions, we restrict
attention to a problem with a single risky asset and a
risk-free asset.
The average basis can be updated using the investor’s
prior average basis so that assuming an average basis
rule greatly limits the dimensionality of the underly-
ing state space and helps makes it tractable to obtain
numerical solutions. Indeed, mutual funds report to
investors the basis of their holdings using the aver-
age basis rule, which is a heuristic used by many
investors. In Canada the actual tax liability is deter-
mined by an average basis rule. While this averaging
rule is not optimal for the United States tax code
(e.g., with constant tax rates over time it is optimal
for the investor to realize the highest basis positions
first), most of the qualitative features that emerge
from our solutions reflect robust features of the solu-
tion to the investor’s optimization problem. In addi-
tion, DeMiguel and Uppal (2002) present numerical
results suggesting that the value of the investor’s
optimal solution is not substantially larger under the
optimal policy than when using the averaging rule.
Finally, specializing the investor’s preferences to
constant relative risk aversion (power utility) ensures
that the resulting demands for the risky (and risk-free)
asset as well as consumption are proportional to
wealth. Consequently, we can treat the beginning-of-
period wealth as the numeraire to normalize wealth
out of the consumption and portfolio choice problems
and solve for the fraction of the investor’s wealth that
is allocated to current consumption, the risky asset
and the risk-free asset. Imposing the overall budget
constraint, this leads to two independent choice vari-
ables. The optimal asset allocation (the proportion of
assets allocated to the risky security) and consumption
decisions are functions of the investor’s current asset
allocation, average tax basis and age. As a result, the
problem can be expressed with two continuous state
variables as well as age.
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> research dialogue
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issue no. 75 march 2003 <
The magnitude of direct trading costs has declined
substantially in recent years as reflected by the
huge drop in commissions and the dramatic
reduction in tick size brought about by decimaliza-
tion. In most situations facing taxable investors
the major component of trading costs is capital
gains taxes.
This article examines investing in the investor’s
taxable account, but does not incorporate tax-
deferred investing. Tax-deferred investing in a
setting with capital gains taxation in the taxable
account is examined in Dammon, Spatt and Zhang
(2002a) and briefly referenced in the concluding
comments of this article.
The effect of taxing capital gains upon asset realiza-
tions was first explored in Constantinides (1983,
1984). Both these papers focus upon the value of
harvesting capital losses. Constantinides (1984) also
addresses the optimality of harvesting gains at pref-
erential (long-term) capital gains tax rates under
some circumstances.
Our assumption of symmetric treatment of short-
term and long-term realizations is particularly natu-
ral in light of the interpretation of a period being
one year when we parameterize and implement our
model. An interesting dynamic analysis of optimal
gain and loss harvesting in the presence of asym-
metric treatment of short-term and long-term real-
izations is given in Dammon and Spatt (1996),
though they do not address the intertemporal port-
folio problem of a risk-averse investor. The value of
realizing long-term gains to create the option of
realizing future short-term losses was first explored
in Constantinides (1984).
Throughout our analysis we assume that there are
no transaction costs and no wash sale restrictions
on realizing losses (in practice, investors must defer
the realization of the tax loss if they repurchase the
same position within 30 days of realizing the loss).
For example, wash sale rules are not very restrictive
in practice given the existence of close substitute
securities that can be repurchased immediately after
a sale of the security in question without triggering
wash-sale treatment. Consequently, it is optimal in
our model for the investor to sell his entire position
when he has a loss and then repurchase the optimal
risky exposure.
The bequest function at death is based upon the
investor providing his beneficiary with a uniform
real consumption stream over H periods.
While we are using an aggregate mortality curve for
illustration, a particular investor should use his
own life expectancy based upon gender and health
The resulting risk premium is (1.07)(1.02)-1.06 =
.0314 = 3.14%, which is well below the historical
average. This reflects our desire that the investor
optimally owns bonds as well as equity for reason-
able levels of risk aversion. Our choice of risk
premium is consistent with the perspectives of
many financial economists about anticipated future
risk premium, as illustrated by the analysis of Fama
and French (2002).
These base-case parameters are the same as in the
base-case in Dammon, Spatt and Zhang (2001a),
except that we have replaced the mortality schedule,
the capital gains tax rate here is 20% rather than
36%, and the standard deviation is 20% rather than
The curve corresponding to the basis-price ratio of
one does not continue to rise at age 99 in Figure 1
because we do not allow the investor to realize
losses at the time of death.
Our analysis understates the value of holding
equity in several respects. Because we focus upon
a single security and treat its basis as the average
acquisition cost, the investor does not have the
ability to treat the tax basis of new shares as the
acquisition price. Instead, the option value of these
positions is limited because they are being blended
with the investor’s previously acquired appreciated
positions. If the investor’s prior appreciation is
substantial, then our solutions do not illustrate
fully the benefit that arises from newly acquired
positions. However, if the basis-price ratio equals
one then the increasing proportion of equity in the
investor’s portfolio as he gets older illustrates to a
> research dialogue
At age 90 the investor actually adds equity when the
capital gains tax rate is 36% due to the extent of the
benefit of the reset provision at death for this tax rate.
The introduction of each additional risky asset
requires two additional continuous state variables
(one for the asset’s proportion and another for its
basis). Related analyses of the asset allocation prob-
lem with two risky assets that utilize the framework
developed in Dammon, Spatt and Zhang (2001a)
are Gallmeyer, Kaniel and Tompaidis (2001) and
Garlappi, Naik and Slive (2001). As discussed in the
Appendix, the curse of dimensionality impedes
greatly the introduction of additional state variables
(and assets).
Because the reset of the investor’s tax basis at death
does not arise within the tax-deferred account, the
aging effects we emphasize here do not arise within
that account.
Since we want our numerical solution to be rela-
tively smooth, we need to solve the underlying prob-
lem on a relatively dense grid. The resulting
computational demands then expand exponentially
with the number of state variables and our formula-
tion suffers from the curse of dimensionality.
Even using a risk-free asset and a single risky asset
whose return follows a binomial process, Dybvig
and Koo (1996) were able to solve the full-blown
optimization problem for a risk-averse investor
using the entire distribution of bases only for hori-
zons up to four periods.
greater degree the underlying tax benefit of
increasing his exposure to equity.
A simple example of this point is illustrated by the
case without taxes in which the investor has an
additive separable log utility function over his
consumption each period as well as the annuitized
amount of his real bequest. In each period the
investor’s allocates his portfolio to maximize the log
of his one-period ahead wealth.
Poterba (2001) documents that elderly investors
with low embedded capital gains have a greater
propensity to gift assets to their heirs during their
lifetimes as compared to investors with substantial
capital gains and equivalent wealth, reflecting the
interest of investors with large capital gains in
utilizing to a greater degree the reset of the tax
bases at death.
Our model also can produce situations in which the
investor’s optimal future proportion of equity is
increasing in the size of his earlier capital gain
when the investor initially owns less equity than his
optimal level. When the investor is underexposed in
his equity holding a larger gain can reduce the
amount of additional equity purchased by the
investor because the basis of his newly acquired
shares will reflect the averaging with existing shares
with substantial appreciation. This situation is illus-
trated by numerical solutions in Dammon, Spatt
and Zhang (2001a). We do not emphasize this
conclusion in the presentation here because it
reflects an artifact of the average basis rule that we
use to facilitate numerical solutions rather than a
general feature of the optimal capital gains problem
with risk-averse investors.
An alternative context in which the welfare conse-
quences of the capital gains tax is explored is in
Chari, Golosov, and Tsyvinski (2002), who suggest
that there are substantial distortionary consequences
of capital gains taxation for entrepreneurial activity.
Our base-case standard deviation is representative
of the annual volatility of the market index, while
increasing the standard deviation to 30% makes the
standard deviation representative of that of individ-
ual stocks.
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