Florida Notarial Certificates
For an acknowledgment in an individual capacity:
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of person acknowledging.)
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For an acknowledgment in a representative capacity:
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of person) as (type of authority…e.g. officer, trustee, attorney in fact) for (name of
party on behalf of whom instrument was executed).
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For an individual acting as principal by an attorney in fact:
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of attorney in fact) as attorney in fact, who is personally known to me or who has
produced (type of identification) as identification on behalf of (name of principal signer.)
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For a corporation:
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation
acknowledging, a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For a partnership:
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of acknowledging partner or agent) partner (or agent), on behalf of (name of
partnership), a partnership.
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For an acknowledgment in an individual capacity marking with an “X”:
__________________ John X Doe
Signature of Witness His Mark
Print Name and Address
Signature of Witness
Print Name and Address
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of person acknowledging), who signed by way of mark in the presence of these
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For a Person with a Disability Who Directs Another to Sign (For an
__________________ John X Doe
Signature of Witness His Mark
Print Name and Address
Signature of Witness
Print Name and Address
COUNTY OF __________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of 20____, by
(name of person disability), and subscribed by (name of designated person) in the
presence of these witnesses at the direction of (name of person with disability).
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For an Oath or Affirmations:
COUNTY OF __________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ______ day of 20____, by (name of
person making statement).
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For an Oath or Affirmations for one marking with an “X”:
__________________ John X Doe
Signature of Witness His Mark
Print Name and Address
Signature of Witness
Print Name and Address
COUNTY OF __________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ______ day of 20____, by (name of
person making statement) who signed by way of mark in the presence of these witnesses.
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
For a Person with a Disability Who Directs Another to Sign (For an Oath)
__________________ John X Doe
Signature of Witness His Mark
Print Name and Address
Signature of Witness
Print Name and Address
COUNTY OF __________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ______ day of 20____, by (name of
person disability), and subscribed by (name of designated person) in the presence of these
witnesses at the direction of (name of person with disability).
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________
Certifying to a Non-Recordable Document:
COUNTY OF __________
On this ______ day of 20____, I attest that the preceding or attached document is a true,
exact, complete, and unaltered photocopy made by me of (description of document)
presented to me by the document’s custodian, __________, and, to the best of my
knowledge, that the photocopied document is neither a vital record nor a public record,
certified copies of which are available from an official source other than a notary public.
(Seal) Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary
Personally known:_________
OR Produced Identification:__________
Type of Identification Produced:________