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Transfer Plan for Oakland Community College
Nutrition & Food ScienceB.A. or B.S. Degree
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (313) 577-2500
Transfer Planning Guide
This transfer planning guide provides a general overview and best advice, as well as links to other resources for transfer
success. This guide is intended for planning purposes and not intended to list all transfer course options or replace an
official plan of study.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements
University General Education
Can be satisfied by the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Must complete a minor
Students must complete a university-approved minor, which may be taken in
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or any other WSU school or college. The
minor requirement is waived for students who complete a second major, a
double major, a concurrent degree, a dual degree, or a second degree.
Foreign language
All students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must successfully
demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to the two-course sequence in a
single foreign language. Proficiency is demonstrated by completing courses
numbered 1010 and 1020 in one of the following subject area codes: ARB, ARM,
Two semesters of American Sign Language will also count as fulfilling the foreign
language requirement.
Specific course requirements for majors are listed in the Undergraduate Bulletin
under each of the Departments or areas of the College. Students must complete
all courses in their majors with a min 2.0 GPA overall average.
Major Requirements
These courses are required for your major program of study.
B.S. Requirements
WSU Course
OCC Course
NFS 2030 (NSI)
HEA 1510
BIO 1510 (NSI) + BIO 1511 (LB)
BIO 1530
BIO 2270 + BIO 2271
BIO 2710
BIO 2870
BIO 1650
CHM 1100 (NSI) + CHM 1130 (LB)
CHE 1510
CHM 1140 + CHM 1150
CHE 1520
CHM 1240 + CHM 1250
CHE 2610 (Does not include 1250 lab)
CHM 2220 + CHM 2230
CHE 2620 + CHE 2650
STA 1020 (QE)
MAT 1580
MAT 1800 (QE)
MAT 1630 or MAT 1540 + MAT 1560
PHY 2130 (NSI) + PHY 2131 (LB)
PHY 1610
PHY 2140 + PHY 2141
PHY 1620
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B.A. Requirements
WSU Course
OCC Course
NFS 2030 (NSI)
HEA 1510
BIO 1510 (NSI) + BIO 1511 (LB)
BIO 1530
BIO 2270 + BIO 2271
BIO 2710
BIO 2870
BIO 1650
CHM 1100 (NSI) + CHM 1130 (LB)
CHE 1510
CHM 1140 + CHM 1150
CHE 1520
CHM 1240 + CHM 1250
CHE 2610 (Does not include 1250 lab)
STA 1020 (QE)
MAT 1580
ECO 2010 (SI)
ECO 2620
PSY 1020 (NSI)
PSY 2510
MGT 2530
BUS 2530
For general questions about transferring credits, application processes, transfer pathways, scholarships, and the
Michigan Transfer Agreement, schedule an appointment with a Transfer Advisor through You can also
email or discover more at For detailed, specific questions about the major,
email or schedule an appointment with a Nutrition & Food Science advisor.
Transfer Credit Resources
Transfer Equivalency Self-Service: This tool displays how your earned credits will transfer into specific Wayne
State degree programs. This tool provides an unofficial degree audit that indicates how your transfer credit is
applied and which courses are still required to complete the degree.
Transfer Pathways: The transfer pathways are agreements with Michigan community colleges that streamline
the transfer credit process while providing a roadmap to earning your associate and bachelor’s degrees.
Transfer Course Equivalency: This tool allows you to research specific courses and how they transfer to Wayne
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA): The MTA can be earned at any Michigan community college to satisfy the
Wayne State general education requirements. Each community college has an MTA-approved course list of its
own, so please refer to the list of courses that your respective community college has approved for MTA.
Understanding Transfer Credit
What will transfer? All college-level classes from regionally accredited colleges with a grade of 2.0 (C) or above
will transfer. There are no specific limits to the number of transfer credits. However, each academic program has
specific requirements that must be satisfied which helps determine the best number of credits to transfer.
How will it transfer? Courses transfer as the number of credits earned at the college where you took the class.
This is true regardless of the number of credits the Wayne State equivalent course is worth. Each transferred
course will match one of the following types of credits:
o Equivalent credit matches a specific WSU course.
o Department credit transfer into the academic department without a specific WSU course match.
o Elective credits transfer as general or elective credit (GEN 1XXX or GEN 2XXX).
Transfer Admissions Requirements
To transfer to Wayne State, you must have at least 24 transferable credits of previous college work and a minimum 2.5
cumulative GPA from all higher education institutions you have attended. If you have completed an associate degree,
you may be admitted with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. Visit to complete the university
** This plan is for informational purposes only. The University reserves the right to update this plan at any time without notice**
August 2024