(OLA January 5, 2021)
Articulation Agreement
Between Oakland University and Oakland Community College
For a Bachelor of Social Work
Effective March 1st, 2024 – February 28, 2029
1. Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) Requirements
Students with an MTA Endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied OU’s General
ducation Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Knowledge
Application, U.S. Diversity, and Writing Intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA
also satisfy major requirements at OU. For courses approved to satisfy MTA, go to
Requirements website.
tudents who do not complete the MTA must complete OU’s General Education Requirements. The
following courses are required for admission into the Social Work program and should be included in
the course selection if not completing MTA: PSY 2510, POL 1510, and BIO 1511.
lease note: All courses that satisfy MTA requirements, as well as OU’s major requirements, must be
completed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher.
nglish Composition
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
ENG 1510 or ENG 1510E: or ENG 1510S
Composition I (3-6 Credits)
WRT 1050: Composition I
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
ENG 1520: Composition II (3 Credits)
WRT 1060: Composition II
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
Choose one course from the MTA approved list of
Mathematics courses
General Transfer Credit
Two Courses from Social Sciences (Must be from different disciplines)
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
PSY 2510 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 1000 Introduction to Psychology
POL 1510 American Government
(3 credits)
PS 1100: Introduction to American Politics
Satisfies OUs U.S. Diversity requirement
Two Courses from Fine Arts/Humanities (Must be from different disciplines)
FRE 2610, JPN 2610 or SPA 2610 may be taken as one of the course options to satisfy OU’s Knowledge Applications
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
(OLA January 5, 2021)
Select one additional course from fine arts/humanities section
of OCC Catalog (3 Credits)
General Transfer Credit
Select one additional course from fine arts/humanities section
of OCC Catalog (3-4 Credits)
General Transfer Credit
Two Courses from Natural Sciences (Must be from different disciplines; one course must include lab
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
BIO 1511 Life Science (4 Credits)
Life Science or Biology I
Select one additional course from the MTA approved list of
Natural Science courses (3-4 Credits)
General Transfer Credit
MTA Total Credits
Taken at OCC: 28-33
2. OCC Mental Health/Social Work Degree Requirements
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
PSY 2740 Human Development Across the
Lifespan (3 Credits)
PSY 2250 Intro to Life-Span Development
SOC 2510: Sociology (3 Credits)
SOC 1000: Introduction to Sociology
Satisfies OUs U.S. Diversity requirement
SOC 2530 Racial & Ethnic Group Relations (3
SOC 3610 Racial & Ethical Relations
Satisfies OU’s Diversity corequisite
SOC 2620 Sociology of Diversity (3 Credits)
Elective Credit
MHS 2000 Intro to Social Work & Human Service
Practice (3 credits)
MHS 2010 Ethics and Values in Mental Health (3
MHS 2100 Interviewing, Assessment, & Case
Work Skills
(3 credits)
MHS 2300 Interpersonal Theory & Practice
MHS 2400 Group Dynamics in Social Work &
Mental Health Practice (3 credits)
MHS 2500 Family Systems Theory & Practice
MHS 2600 Mental Health & Social Work
Internship (4 credits)
All 22 MHS credits combined together fulfill the
requirements for SW 2301 Introduction to Social Work
(requirement for admission into the social work
program) and the SOC elective co-requisite requirement
for the BSW Program and SW 3203 Fundamentals of
Social Work Practice.
3. Additional OU major requirements that can be completed at OCC
Oakland Community College Course:
Transfer to Oakland University As:
(OLA January 5, 2021)
ANT 1540 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
(3 credits)
AN 1111 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Select one of the following courses:
ARB 2610, COM 1600, ENG 2200, ENG 2720,
FRE 2610, JPN 2610, PHI 1520, PHO 1700, SLI
1020 or SPA 2610
Knowledge Application Satisfied
ssociate in Applied Science Mental Health/Social Work Total Credits
Taken at OCC: 37
Total Credits Taken at OCC:
Taken at OCC: 79
Oakland University Coursework
Social Work, B.S.W. Course Requirements
SOC 2010 Introduction to Methods of Social Research
SOC 2020 Social Statistics with Computer Applications 4
SW 3101 Human Behavior & Social Environment I 4
SW 3102 Foundations for Multicultural Social Work 4
SW 3201 Human Behavior & Social Environment II 4
SW 3302 Social Welfare Policies 4
SW 4103 Social Work Practice I 4
SW 4203 Social Work Practice II 4
SW 4950 Social Work Internship I 2
SW 4951 Social Work Internship II 2
SW 4970 Social Work Seminar I 4
SW 4971 Social Work Seminar II 4
Elective Credit: An elective of 1 credit or more is required to meet OU’s 45 credit
residency requirement
Total Minimum Credits
Bachelor of Social Work Admissions Criteria
A 2.8 GPA is required for admission to the Social Work program. Students must have a
inimum cumulative transfer GPA of 2.5 to transfer to Oakland University.
56 credit hours completed
Completion of all necessary program prerequisite courses:
SOC 1000: Intro to SOC with a grade of C or better (SOC 2510 at OCC)
PSY 1000: Intro to PSY with a grade of C or better (PSY 2510 at OCC)
PS 1100: Intro Political Science with a grade of C or better POL 1510 at OCC)
BIO 1002/BIO 1200: Human Bio with a grade of C or better (BIO 1511 at OCC)
(OLA January 5, 2021)
SW 2301: Intro Social Work with a letter grade of B or better (Satisfied per
Aptitude for the profession of social work including a commitment to social justice, emotional
stability and the capacity to build helping relationships with others, and respect for diversity.
Suitability for the profession as evidence through work or volunteer experience.
Additional information such as deadlines, application information and program requirements
for the BSW program can be found by visiting:
Articulation Agreement Notes:
A minimum of 32 credits at the 3000-4000 level must be taken at OU. Consult with a College
of Arts & Sciences adviser from OU to confirm the transferability of the electives.
A minimum of 45 credits must be completed at OU to fulfill the institution’s residency
requirement to earn a Bachelor’s Degree
Students who complete the Articulation Agreement will have the CAS Exploratory
requirement of 12 credits outside the major subject code waived.
Students who opt out of this agreement will be subject to a re-articulation of credits and
ollege of Arts and Sciences policies regarding the exploratory requirement
For further information about OU’s program, contact the Office of Admissions (248) 370-3360
the College of Arts and Sciences at (248) 370-4567. For social work advising contact
Minimum Oakland University Credits = 45
Total required for BSW = 124