This Agreement is made on June 1
, 2021 between Oakland Community College (OCC”) and
Wayne State University (“WSU”) (collectively, the “Parties”). The Parties agree that students
who choose to begin their academic pursuit at OCC and transfer to WSU to earn a bachelor’s
degree should be provided with a smooth curriculum transition that minimizes the loss of credit
and the duplication of coursework while maximizing the utilization and applicability of college
level credit earned.
Each institution will determine the satisfaction of its program and degree requirements. For the
purpose of this Agreement, the Parties agree to accept transferable courses from each other.
Specific course requirements and transfer credits will be set forth on separate Articulation
Agreement Program Guide as Exhibit A.
Oakland Community College and Wayne State University hereby agree as follows:
1. A person who has earned an Associate in Applied Science, Mental Health/Social
Work and the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) endorsement or Associate in
General Studies, Associate in Arts, or Associate in Science with the MTA
endorsement from Oakland Community College and has achieved the minimum
requirements specified by WSU may transfer all credits earned at Oakland
Community College as listed on the associated Articulation Agreement Program
Guide to Wayne State University. This agreement specifically allows the transfer of
up to 71 credits from OCC to WSU.
Minimum requirements are as follows:
a) C or higher, 2.0 on a 4.0 scale for all courses and
b) C or higher, 2.5 on a 4.0 scale Admission GPA.
2. A person who has earned an Associate in Applied Science, Mental Health/Social
Work and the MTA endorsement or Associate in General Studies, Associate in
Arts, or Associate in Science with the MTA endorsement from Oakland
Community College and has followed the associated Articulation Agreement
Program Guide may transfer all credits specified on the Articulation Agreement
Program Guide towards the Bachelor of Social Work degree at Wayne State
University without duplicative study. To complete requirements for graduation from
WSU, students who follow the attached Articulation Agreement Program Guide
must also:
a) Complete a minimum of 51-54 academic hours at WSU.
b) Complete a minimum of 120 academic hours between Oakland Community
College and Wayne State University.
c) Complete the remaining program requirements, distribution requirements and
other major and degree requirements listed in the WSU catalog/bulletin.
3. Advising of OCC students regarding admission and program requirements at WSU
will be the primary responsibility of WSU.
4. This agreement does not guarantee OCC students acceptance into WSU and/or the
corresponding major/program and/or degree. Under this Agreement, unless otherwise
specified by granting a select number of OCC qualified applicants direct, preferred or
guaranteed admission and or financial aid incentives, OCC graduates will receive equal
consideration with other students seeking admission to WSU major/program and/or
degree provided applicants meet the prerequisites and requirements for admission to
WSU and the corresponding program/major and/or degree.
OCC and WSU further agree to communicate any concerning curriculum or policy change(s) (as
soon as reasonably possible) which affect the agreed upon relationship between articulated
programs at the respective institution. Both institutions reserve the right to amend or revise this
Agreement. Any changes must be submitted in writing, agreed to and signed by authorized
institutional parties.
1. Throughout the life of this Agreement, WSU will track the progress and success of
participants of this Articulation Agreement and provide the number of OCC students
who have applied, enrolled and completed the aforementioned degree prior to August
of each calendar year.
2. WSU will identify and provide OCC, prior to August 1
of each calendar year, with
any systemic academic performance issue(s) experienced by OCC students, such as
academic courses within the bachelor major/program that have prerequisites that are
taken at OCC, resulting in an examination of the corresponding matter(s) by OCC
3. Each Party will assume responsibility for appropriate marketing and will ensure that it
complies with Higher Learning Commission requirements.
4. Joint efforts in marketing this Agreement and student recruitment will be pursued
with faculty and staff at both institutions communicating information regarding this
Agreement to current and prospective students (i.e. transfer fairs, information
sessions, OCC campus visits, etc.). Each institution will assume responsibility for
appropriate marketing to reach their respective student and faculty populations. Any
marketing of this Agreement or Program Agreements must comply with Higher
Learning Commission requirements. Marketing of the programs established under
this Agreement will be subject to the prior approval of both parties. Each party will
assume responsibility for appropriate marketing to communicate information about
this Agreement to their respective student and faculty population. Each party agrees it
will not use the other party’s name(s), mark(s), or logo(s) in any advertising,
promotional material, press release, publication, public announcement, or through
other media, whether written, oral, or otherwise without the prior written consent of
the other party. Prior written consent will not be required for use of the other partys
name in the context of factual or descriptive statements regarding the subject matter
of this Agreement.
5. Each institution may provide on its website, a link to the partner institution’s website.
6. The Parties will abide by confidentiality requirements set forth in the Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC § 1232g (“FERPA”) and other applicable
7. The designated representatives of each Party are listed below. All business
documents, notices, questions, administrative matters and communications regarding
this Agreement should be directed to:
If to OCC: Oakland Community College
David Johnson
Director of Academic Partnerships
2900 Featherstone Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2845
If to WSU: Wayne State University, School of Social Work
Office of Admissions and Student Services
(313) 577-4409 or sswadmission[email protected].
1. To the extent permitted by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
OCC and WSU agree to share data on student achievement for purposes of assessing
program effectiveness. Any exchange by the institutions of student record
information protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC §
1232g) and implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 99) (“FERPA”) shall occur only
in full compliance with FERPA, including, without limitation, committing the
receiving institution to limit the use of such information to the purposes for which the
disclosure was made, and to impose such limits on any re-disclosure, and the
institutions agree to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions,
including, without limitation 34 CFR 99.31, 99.32, 99.33, 99.34 and 99.35. Data
provided by WSU as noted in this Agreement will include student performance,
utilization of the Agreement by the annual number of students enrolled in the
corresponding major/ program upon transfer and the number of graduates annually.
This information will assist with identifying potential short comings of OCC
coursework and the merit of the Agreement that may be shared stakeholders.
2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
Michigan applicable to contracts made and to be enforced wholly within the State of
3. The Parties shall be separately responsible for compliance with all laws, including
anti-discrimination laws, which may be applicable to their respective activities under
this Agreement.
Statutory and common law theories and principles of indemnification, contribution, and
equitable restitution shall govern and apply to claims, actions, causes of action, costs, expenses
and losses (including attorneys’ fees) resulting from or caused by the actions or omissions of the
Parties or their respective employees and students pursuant to this Agreement.
Responsibility for the oversight of this Agreement rests with the designees of the programs
covered by each Party. Both parties agree to communicate annually any changes in their
respective programs that may affect this Agreement. These changes shall be communicated to
the designated representatives of each Party designated above. Each Party retains control over
its curriculum, course requirements, program requirements and degree requirements. Each Party
will notify the other of any curricular changes that would affect the courses in an associated
Program Guide or that could affect the future of this Agreement.
In the performance of their respective duties and obligations under this Agreement, each Party is
an independent contractor and neither is the agent, employee, or servant of the other, and each is
responsible only for its own conduct. Each Party is solely responsible for the development and
design of its own curriculum. Changes on the part of either Party will/may necessitate review of
this Agreement.
1. This Agreement terminates four (4) years from the date this Agreement is fully
executed (the date which this document has received the signatures from all required
parties from both institutions); however, either Party may terminate this Agreement
upon ninety (90) days’ written notice to the other institution.
2. Should this Agreement be terminated or significantly changed prior to the ending
date, OCC students participating in this Agreement will be permitted to complete the
program requirements as listed in Exhibit A provided the students apply to and are
admitted by WSU within two (2) years of the date this Agreement is terminated or
significantly changed and complete the remaining major/program, degree, graduation
and institution requirements listed in the WSU catalog/bulletin within three (3) years
of the termination or significant change to this Agreement.
3. All notices and other communications under this Agreement must be in writing and
will be deemed given (a) when delivered personally, (b) on the fourth business day
after being mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, or (c) the next business
day after delivery to a recognized overnight courier at the following addresses (or to
such other address as either party may have specified by notice given to the other party
pursuant to this provision). Other forms of written communication may be used if
deemed appropriate and agreed upon by both parties, including but not limited to email
where acknowledgement of receipt is required.
This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties.
This Agreement supersedes any previous Associate in Applied Science, Mental
Health/Social Work with the MTA endorsement from Oakland Community College and
the Bachelor of Social Work from WSU. The invalidity of unenforceability of any
provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of enforceability of any other
provision of this Agreement, which shall be in full force and effect. This document may
be executed in counterparts if necessary.
Jennifer I. Berne, Ph.D.
Date: _________________________
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Ph.D.,
Provost and Senior Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Date: ___________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________
Kevin M. Bratton, Ph.D. Sheryl Kubiak, Ph.D.
Dean, Social Sciences Professor and Dean, School of Social Work
Date: ___________________________ Date: __________________________
q tf /
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September 3,2021
July 28, 2021
Mark Lawrence
Digitally signed by Mark Lawrence Kornbluh
DN: cn=Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, o=Wayne
State University, ou=Office of the Provost,
Date: 2021.07.28 08:55:58 -04'00'
Jennifer Berne
Digitally signed by Jennifer
Date: 2021.09.03 14:44:43
Digitally signed by Sheryl Kubiak
Date: 2021.07.21 12:12:57
Social Work (BSW) Articulation Guide
Oakland Community College (OCC) Associate Degree (AA, AGS or AS) with Michigan Transfer Agreement
(MTA) or Associate in Applied Science in Mental Health/Social Work with Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Wayne State University - Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Catalog Year 2021-22
(June 2021) Page 1 of 4
OCC Degree Requirements
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) / General
*ENG 1510 Composition I 3
English Composition or Speech (See MTA) 3
Mathematics (See MTA requirements) 4
*BIOL 1511 Life Science 4
Natural Science (See MTA, non BIOL course) 4
*POL 1510 Survey of American Government 3
*PSY 2510 Intro to Psychology 3
Arts and Humanities (See MTA requirements) 3
Arts and Humanities (See MTA requirements) 3
Subtotal 30
*Meets MTA and/or OCC degree requirements and required
for WSU BSW preprofessional requirements
Courses must be from two different disciplines
Mental Health/Social Work Degree Requirements
Major Courses
*MHA 2100 Counseling and Interviewing Skills 4
MHA 2300 Interpersonal Theory and Practice 4
*MHA 2500 Family Systems Theory and Practice 4
MHA 2400 Group Dynamics and Practice 4
Complete One (1) of the following: 4
MHA 1500 Fund. of Alcohol/Substance Abuse
MHA 2600 Internship
Required Support Courses
PSY 2710 Child Development or
PSY 2740 Human Development Lifespan 3
PSY 2910 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 2810 Psychology of Adjustment 3
**SOC 2510 Sociology 3
Subtotal 32
*MHA 2100 AND 2500 at OCC combined equal SW 1010 at
WSU. If only one course is successfully completed transfers as
elective credit.
Elective Credit
Complete 100-level or higher courses 7-9
Subtotal 7-9
**Required as part of the BSW preprofessional requirements
at WSU.
Transfer to WSU as:
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) / General
ENG 1020 Intro to College Writing 3
MTA-English Composition or Speech 3
MTA-Mathematics 4
*BIO 1050 An Introduction to Life 4
MTA -Natural Science 4
*PS 10101 American Gov’t (MTA Social Science) 3
*PSY 1020 General Psychology (MTA Social Science) 3
MTA-Arts and Humanities 3
MTA-Arts and Humanities 3
Transfer Subtotal 30
*Meets MTA and/or OCC degree requirements and required
for WSU BSW preprofessional requirements
Courses must be from two different disciplines
Transfers to WSU as:
SW 1XXX Elective 4
SW 1XXX Elective 4
SW 1XXX Elective 4
SW 2XXX Elective 4
SW 2XXX Elective 4
Complete One (1) of the following:
HE 1XXX Elective 4
OCC Required Support Courses
PSY 3440 Child Development or
PSY 2400 Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 3310 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 3440 Child Behavior and Development 3
**SOC 1010 Understanding Human Society 3
Transfer Subtotal 32
*MHA 2100 AND 2500 at OCC combined equal SW 1010 at
WSU. If only one course is successfully completed transfers as
elective credit.
Transfer to WSU as:
General Elective 7-9
Transfer Subtotal 7-9
**Required as part of the BSW preprofessional requirements
at WSU.
Social Work (BSW) Articulation Guide
Oakland Community College (OCC) Associate Degree (AA, AGS or AS) with Michigan Transfer Agreement
(MTA) or Associate in Applied Science in Mental Health/Social Work with Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Wayne State University - Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Catalog Year 2021-22
(June 2021) Page 2 of 4
The School of Social Work offers admission to the BSW degree
program in the fall semester.
Submit to the Wayne State University Office of Undergraduate
Admissions the Application for Undergraduate Admission with
the appropriate fee and official transcripts from colleges or
Submit to the School of Social Work's Office of Admissions and
Student Services, the Application for Admission, Bachelor of
Social Work Degree Program.
Applicants must have 1) earned a minimum overall grade point
average of 2.50; 2) completed 16 social service volunteer hours;
and, 3) submitted a copy of transcripts from all colleges
attended, current resume and personal interest statement
demonstrating the ability to pursue successful undergraduate
professional social work education.
Applicants must have completed (or be in the process of
completing) 60 credits (which must be transferrable to Wayne
State if taken elsewhere) as well as the pre-professional
coursework required by the School of Social Work. These
courses are:
o Introduction to Social Work
o Introduction to Psychology
o Introduction to Sociology
o American Government
o Human Biology
For additional information, please contact the Office of
Admissions and Student Services at (313) 577-4409 or
MTA/General Education 30
Mental Health/Social Work Requirements 32
Additional Requirements/Electives 7-9
Total transferable credits from OCC 69-71
Total BSW Degree Requirements 51
Wayne State BSW Degree Total (min.) 120-122
Total MSW Degree Requirements 38
(can be completed in 10 months)
Additional Notes:
o See WSU Academic Advisor for complete Plan of Study.
o All students receive equal consideration for admission and
scholarships. Students must apply and be admitted to
WSU to benefit from this articulation agreement.
o A minimum of 120 credits (transferred + WSU) required for
baccalaureate degree.
o Only courses with an earned grade of ‘C’ (2.0) or higher will
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Requirements
Fall Year One
SW 3010 Social Work Practice Method I 4
SW 3030 Professional Writing for Social
Workers 2
SW 3510 Human Behavior Social Environment 3
SW 3710 Social Welfare and the Social Work
Profession 3
Winter Year One
SW 3020 Social Work Practice Method II 3
SW 3810 Research Methods, Data Analysis
And Practice Evaluation I 3
SW 3110 Diversity, Oppression and Social
Justice 3
SW 3410 Found of Ethics and Values in SW 3
Fall Year Two
SW 4010 Social Work Group Theory/Practice 3
SW 4710 Social Welfare in the United States 3
SW 4810 Research Methods, Data Analysis
And Practice Evaluation II 3
SW 4998 Field Practice in Social Work 5
SW 4441 Field Education Seminar 1
Winter Year Two
SW 4020 Social Work Macro Theory/Practice 3
SW 4997 Integrative Seminar 3
SW 4998 Field Practice in Social Work 5
SW 4442 Field Practicum Seminar 1
Total 51
University Honors Option
Social Work students of high achievement are eligible to
participate in the School of Social Work Honors Program,
available through the University Honors College and the
School of Social Work. Honors Option credits are achieved by
completing enhanced assignments in connection with
specified social work courses during the junior and senior
years some requirements can be completed at Oakland
Community College (see Honors agreement)
Master of Social Work Option
An applicant for admission to the Master of Social Work
program who holds a BSW degree accredited by the Council
on Social Work Education (or accredited by the Canadian
Association of Schools of Social Work (CASSW) may be
admitted with advanced standing status if all requirements
for admissions are met. Students in this program may
complete the required 38 credits over a ten month period,
beginning in summer and continuing through fall and winter
semesters on a full time basis.
Social Work (BSW) Articulation Guide
Oakland Community College (OCC) Associate Degree (AA, AGS or AS) with Michigan Transfer Agreement
(MTA) or Associate in Applied Science in Mental Health/Social Work with Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Wayne State University - Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Catalog Year 2021-22
(June 2021) Page 3 of 4
OCC Degree Requirements
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) / General
*ENG 1510 Composition I 3
English Composition or Speech (See MTA) 3
Mathematics (See MTA requirements) 4
*BIOL 1511 Life Science 4
Natural Science (See MTA, non BIOL course) 4
*POL 1510 Survey of American Government 3
*PSY 2510 Intro to Psychology 3
Arts and Humanities (See MTA requirements) 3
Arts and Humanities (See MTA requirements) 3
Subtotal 30
*Meets MTA and/or OCC degree requirements and required
for WSU BSW preprofessional requirements
Courses must be from two different disciplines
Associate Degree and Elective Requirements
*SOC 2510 Sociology 3
**Any 1000-level or above courses 36-38
Subtotal 39-41
*Required as part of the WSU BSW preprofessional
**MHA 2100 AND 2500 at OCC combined equal SW 1010 at
WSU. If only one course is successfully completed transfers as
elective credit. Electives can be used to satisfy specific OCC
associate degree requirements.
Transfer to WSU as:
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) / General
*ENG 1020 Intro to College Writing 3
MTA-English Composition or Speech 3
MTA-Mathematics 4
*BIO 1050 An Introduction to Life 4
MTA -Natural Science 4
*PS 10101 American Gov’t (MTA Social Science) 3
*PSY 1020 General Psychology (MTA Social Science) 3
MTA-Arts and Humanities 3
MTA-Arts and Humanities 3
Transfer Subtotal 30
*Meets MTA and/or OCC degree requirements and required
for WSU BSW preprofessional requirements
Courses must be from two different disciplines
Transfers to WSU as:
*SOC 1010 Understanding Human Society 3
**General Elective Credit 36-38
Transfer Subtotal 39-41
*Required as part of the WSU BSW preprofessional
**MHA 2100 AND 2500 at OCC combined equal SW 1010 at
WSU. If only one course is successfully completed transfers as
elective credit. Electives can be used to satisfy specific OCC
associate degree requirements.
Social Work (BSW) Articulation Guide
Oakland Community College (OCC) Associate Degree (AA, AGS or AS) with Michigan Transfer Agreement
(MTA) or Associate in Applied Science in Mental Health/Social Work with Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Wayne State University - Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Catalog Year 2021-22
(June 2021) Page 4 of 4
The School of Social Work offers admission to the BSW degree
program in the fall semester.
Submit to the Wayne State University Office of Undergraduate
Admissions the Application for Undergraduate Admission with
the appropriate fee and official transcripts from colleges or
Submit to the School of Social Work's Office of Admissions and
Student Services, the Application for Admission, Bachelor of
Social Work Degree Program.
Applicants must have 1) earned a minimum overall grade point
average of 2.50; 2) completed 16 social service volunteer hours;
and, 3) submitted a copy of transcripts from all colleges
attended, current resume and personal interest statement
demonstrating the ability to pursue successful undergraduate
professional social work education.
Applicants must have completed (or be in the process of
completing) 60 credits (which must be transferrable to Wayne
State if taken elsewhere) as well as the pre-professional
coursework required by the School of Social Work. These
courses are:
o Introduction to Social Work
o Introduction to Psychology
o Introduction to Sociology
o American Government
o Human Biology
For additional information, please contact the Office of
Admissions and Student Services at (313) 577-4409 or
MTA/General Education 30
Any Associate Degree/Electives 39-41
Total transferable credits from OCC 69-71
Total BSW Degree Requirements 51-54
Wayne State BSW Degree Total (min. 120) 120-125
Total MSW Degree Requirements 38
(can be completed in 10 months)
Additional Notes:
o See WSU Academic Advisor for complete Plan of Study.
o All students receive equal consideration for admission and
scholarships. Students must apply and be admitted to
WSU to benefit from this articulation agreement.
o A minimum of 120 credits (transferred + WSU) required for
baccalaureate degree.
o Only courses with an earned grade of ‘C’ (2.0) or higher will
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Requirements
Fall Year One
SW 1010 Intro to Social Work 3
SW 3010 Social Work Practice Method I 4
SW 3030 Professional Writing for Social
Workers 2
SW 3510 Human Behavior Social Environment 3
SW 3710 Social Welfare and the Social Work
Profession 3
Winter Year One
SW 3020 Social Work Practice Method II 3
SW 3810 Research Methods, Data Analysis
And Practice Evaluation I 3
SW 3110 Diversity, Oppression and Social
Justice 3
SW 3410 Found of Ethics and Values in SW 3
Fall Year Two
SW 4010 Social Work Group Theory/Practice 3
SW 4710 Social Welfare in the United States 3
SW 4810 Research Methods, Data Analysis
And Practice Evaluation II 3
SW 4998 Field Practice in Social Work 5
SW 4441 Field Education Seminar 1
Winter Year Two
SW 4020 Social Work Macro Theory/Practice 3
SW 4997 Integrative Seminar 3
SW 4998 Field Practice in Social Work 5
SW 4442 Field Practicum Seminar 1
Total 51-54
University Honors Option
Social Work students of high achievement are eligible to
participate in the School of Social Work Honors Program,
available through the University Honors College and the
School of Social Work. Honors Option credits are achieved by
completing enhanced assignments in connection with
specified social work courses during the junior and senior
years some requirements can be completed at Oakland
Community College (see Honors agreement)
Master of Social Work Option
An applicant for admission to the Master of Social Work
program who holds a BSW degree accredited by the Council
on Social Work Education (or accredited by the Canadian
Association of Schools of Social Work (CASSW)) may be
admitted with advanced standing status if all requirements
for admissions are met. Students in this program may
complete the required 38 credits over a ten month period,
beginning in summer and continuing through fall and winter
semesters on a full time basis.