Grants and Community Services Division
Office of School Safety
School Safety Drills, Documentation, and Reporting Requirements
Category Requirement
School Safety
ALL DRILLS: Requires a school to schedule five fire drills,
two tornado drills, and three school safety/security drills
(e.g., lockdown, shelter in place, etc.).
MCL 29.19
School Drill Documentation Form
Request by email
t one of the drills (fire, tornado, or
safety/security) shall be conducted during a lunch or recess
period, or at another time when students are gathered but
not in classrooms.
ALL DRILLS: By no later than September 15, the chief
administrator of a school shall provide a list of the
scheduled drill days for all of their school buildings to the
county emergency management coordinator.
(September 15 )
Local Emergency Management Programs
ALL DRILLS: Within 30 school days, the school is to post
documentation of a completed school safety drill on its
school website. The documentation must include at least
the name of the school, the school year of the drill, the date
and time of the drill, the type of drill completed, the
number of completed drills for that school year for each
type of drill required under the Code, the signature of the
school principal (or a designee) acknowledging completion
of the drill, and the name of the individual in charge of
conducting the drill (if different from the school principal).
The documentation must remain on the website for at least
three years.
30 days after a drill
School Drill Documentation Form
Request by email
School Drill Observation Form
Request by email
FIRE: Three of th
e fire drills must be held before December
1, and the two remaining fire drills must be held during the
remaining part of the school year with a reasonable spacing
interval between each drill.
(three by Dec. 1,
two after Dec. 1 )
Y: Three school safety/security drills (e.g.,
lockdown, shelter in place, etc.) with at least one to be
conducted by December 1 and one after January 1, with a
reasonable spacing interval between each drill.
* One drill shall include security measures that are
appropriate to an emergency such as the release of a
hazardous material.
* One drill shall include security measures of a potentially
dangerous individual on or near the school premises.
* Seek input from the administration of the school and local
public safety on the nature of the drill.
(one by Dec. 1,
one after Jan. 1 )
TORNADO: Two tornado drills with at least one of the
tornado safety drills to be conducted in March.
(one in March )
A Guide to Developing a Tornado Emergency
Plan for Schools
Tornado Preparedness Tips for
School Administrators
Best Available Refuge Area Checklist
Students in grades 6-12 who are provided identification
cards for school must have a suicide prevention hotline
telephone number on the back of the identification card.
Michigan Suicide Prevention Coalitions and
Crisis Lines
MCL 380.1893
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Every public and nonpublic school shall register at least one
school official's emergency contact information biannually
with the Michigan State Police (MSP) - OK2SAY Student
Safety Program. Recommended to update prior to the start
of the school year, at the end of the school year, and if
changes in personnel reflect new responsibilities.
Register School Contacts MCL 752.913
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Grants and Community Services Division
Office of School Safety
Category Requirement
Every school district shall conduct a review of the
Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) including a review of
the vulnerability assessment. This includes any building,
recreational/athletic structure, or fields intended to be
used by students. EOPs must be approved by the school
board and shall be reviewed in conjunction with local law
enforcement at least once every two years. No later than
30 days after adopting or reviewing the EOP, the school
shall supply notice of the completed plan to the Michigan
Department of Education. The review must occur before
January 1, 2024.
(next due 1/1/24 )
To request a copy of MSP's All-Hazards
EOP Guidance for Schools (2014), email:
MCL 380.1308b
30 days after adopting
MDE - Providing Notice of Emergency
Operations Plans Completion or Review
or reviewing the EOP
Michigan Electronic Grants System Plus
Guide for Developing High-Quality School
Emergency Operations Plans
The Role of Districts in Developing High
Quality School Emergency Operations Plans
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA) K-12 School Security Guide
CISA K-12 School Security Assessment Tool
SITE ASSESS: A Mobile Application Security
Survey Tool for K-12 Schools
U.S. De
partment of Education
School Climate Surveys
Review and evaluate the school’s cardiac emergency
response plan. If the school includes grades 9 to 12,
include a training plan for the use of an automated external
defibrillator and cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.
Incorporate and integrate the school’s cardiac emergency
response plan with the school’s EOP.
Michigan HeartSafe Emergency Response
Plan and Drills
MCL 29.19
Michigan Heart Safe School - Cardiac
Emergency Response Plan
School Safety
Every board of a school district or intermediate school
district, public school academy, and nonpublic school must
designate a school safety liaison to work with the School
Safety Commission and the MSP Office of School Safety.
(update as needed )
School Safety Liaison MCL 380.1308a
Incident Report
A school district, intermediate school district, or public
school academy shall submit a report to the MSP on crime
or attempted crime occurring on the school premise,
school-related vehicles, or at a school-sponsored activity.
The crime would include physical violence, gang-related
activity, illegal possession of a controlled substance or
controlled substance analogue or other intoxicant,
trespassing, and property crimes including, but not limited
to, theft and vandalism. For a property crime, the report
shall include an estimate of the cost to the district resulting
from the property crime. The report must be made to the
MSP within 24 hours of the incident’s occurrence.
Within 24 hours after the
incident occurs, or within
24 hours of school
personnel being made
aware that an incident
had occurred.
Incident Report MCL 380.1241
Weekly Crime
Log - Post
Incidents on the
School Website
Each school building shall keep a weekly crime log involving
incidents of physical violence, gang-related activity, illegal
possession of a controlled substance or controlled
substance analogue or other intoxicant, trespassing, and
property crimes including theft and vandalism. For a
property crime, the report shall include an estimate of the
costs to the school district resulting from the property
crime. At least annually, the school board shall post
incidents of crime on the school’s website.
(complete list posted on
Weekly Incident Reporting Tool
MCL 380
Michigan Student Data System Disciplinary
Data Collection
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