Board of County Commissioners - Staff Report
Service ● Excellence ● Collaboration ● Accountability ● Positivity ● Innovation
Matters from Staff Agenda Item #6
eeting Date: April 11, 2023 Presenter: Jodie Pond
Submitting Dept: Health Subject: Consideration of Amendment #1 to the License
Agreement with Credible Mind
tatement / Purpose:
Consideration of Amendment #1 for Google Ads for the Credible Mind platform for the period May 1, 2023,
through January 2, 2024, prorated for this period.
ackground / Description (Pros & Cons):
Teton County Health Department has a license agreement with the Credible Mind (CM) Platform, which is a
Software as a Service (SaaS) tool delivered through a unique URL branded to Teton County Health Department
(TCHD). The Health Department and Credible Mind worked together to build a customized version for TCHD. TCHD
has access to the most recent version of the platform, including access to expert-reviewed resources for user
mental health and well-being improvement, interactive assessments, and mental health and well-being topic write-
ups. The TCHD project team has been trained in how to use the platform and how to engage their end-users. This
phase of the project has been completed and the platform is now live.
redible Mind has made us aware of a service related to the Credible Mind Platform. This is the placement of
Google ads to promote the local Credible Mind platform. This fee is for the direct placement of ads with Google to
promote the platform. There is also a second amendment on this agenda for translation of the platform into
Spanish. The total license agreement amounts with amendment #1 is $7,706.00.
takeholder Analysis & Involvement:
The implementation team at the Teton County Health Department met to discuss ways to promote the platform.
During the implementation phase of the project the Credible mind team brought to our attention their ability to
place Google ads directly. Staff can place local ads but do not have the expertise to place Google ads, therefore, it
was proposed to have Credible Mind staff place the ads with Google directly. These ads can be targeted to the
demographics we hope to reach with this platform.
iscal Impact:
The Year 1 Google Ads and maintenance fee of $4,000.00 shall be prorated from May 1, 2023, through January 2,
2024, for a total of $2,706.00 for Google ads to be invoiced upon contract signing. In subsequent years, the
$4,000.00 annual fee for Google ads shall be invoiced with the Credible Mind Platform Annual License Fee on the
January 3 anniversary of the Agreement signing. The total license agreement amount with the amendment is
unds are available from the Community Health Outreach grant for years 1 & 2 and from the Community
Prevention grant for Year 3.
aff Impact:
Staff will work with the Credible Mind staff to promote the website through Google ads. Staff will review the reach
and impact of the ads for future consideration.
gal Review:
Board of County Commissioners - Staff Report
Service ● Excellence ● Collaboration ● Accountability ● Positivity ● Innovation
Matters from Staff Agenda Item #
Staff Input / Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment #1 to the License Agreement
with Credible Mind.
Credible Mind Platform Amendment #1 to the License Agreement
Suggested Motion:
I move to approve Amendment #1 to the license Agreement with Credible Mind for Google ads in the amount of
$2,706.00.00 for the period May 1, 2023, through January 2, 2024.
April 11, 2023
CredibleMind, Inc. - Confidential
This Amendment (“Amendment”) entered into and effective as of the last date signed (“Effective Date”)
by and between CredibleMind, Inc (“CM”) and Teton County Health Department (“Client”) amends the
CredibleMind Platform License Agreement made on and entered into on April 11, 2023 (“Agreement”) as
1. Addition of Services. The parties mutually agree that CredibleMind will run Google Ads for
Teton County commencing on the CredibleMind Platform site launch on May 1, 2023.
2. Pricing. Google Ad spend cost and yearly maintenance is $4000 (spend cost not to exceed
$3,650 per year).
3. Billing. The Year 1 Google Ads and maintenance fee of $4,000 shall be prorated from May 1,
2023, through January 2, 2024, for a total of $2706, to be invoiced upon contract signing. In
subsequent years, the $4000 annual fee shall be invoiced with the CredibleMind Platform
Annual License Fee on the January 3 anniversary of the Agreement signing.
This Amendment is hereby incorporated into the Agreement. All other terms, conditions, and obligations
of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts, by facsimile, by electronic signature or
otherwise, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall be deemed one and
the same instrument.
The signatories each represent that they are fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of this
For CredibleMind, Inc.
Name: Deryk Van Brunt
Title: CEO
Date: _______________________
30 Liberty Ship Way, Suite 3200
Sausalito, CA 94965
Name: Luther Propst
Title: Chairman
Date: _______________________
Maureen Murphy, Teton County Clerk
Date: _______________________