Document Management &
Control System (DMCS)
Melissa Ruth
A Users Perspective
Presentation Purpose
Hanford Background
Current Configuration
New Services Now Offered
Complexities with Change
Efficiencies Realized
Proposed Projects
Presentation Purpose
Share history of configuration control software on the
Hanford Site
Share efficiencies realized since the launch of DMCS
Document Control
AutoCAD Designers
System Engineers/Design Authorities
Project Managers
The Department of
Energy’s Hanford Site
sits in southeastern
Washington state.
586 square miles
Hanford Background
Los Angeles:
498 Square Miles
Hanford Background (Cont’d)
Hanford reactors produced plutonium from 1944 until 1987,
including that used in the Fat Man bomb which helped to end
World War II.
Today’s focus at Hanford is on an extremely large
environmental cleanup project.
Company Responsibilities
Mission Support Alliance (MSA)
Prime DOE contractor Mission Support Contract
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS)
Prime DOE contractor - Tank Farm Operations Contract
CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC)
Prime DOE contractor - Plateau Remediation Contract
Lockheed Martin Services, Inc. (LMSI)
Provides overall information technology services, including support for
records & content management at Hanford.
Prior to June 1st, 2010, there were two primary systems
used during engineering release on the Hanford Site.
Hanford Document Control System (HDCS)
Engineering Drawing Management System (EDMS)
HDCS Screenshot
EDMS Screenshot
History (cont’d)
HDCS and EDMS did not communicate with each other.
Document control staff manually updated both as needed.
The record copy was scanned and maintained in PDF form
in a third system, our certified electronic records repository.
Hard copy of records were also maintained on site.
Related Databases
Filemaker Pro Database
Site Drawing File
Certified Vendor Information (CVI)
Document approval has
been a manual process
up until now.
Engineers and
Designers were still
using the “Sneaker-net”
method for document
review and approval.
Manual Process
Current Configuration
Document Management & Control System (DMCS)
DMCS is based on a commercial off the shelf product configured for
Hanford use.
The product is eB, which is now owned by Bentley.
Web-based configuration control database which manages:
Data about the documents.
The native file(s) Word, Excel
, MathCAD
, AutoCAD
, etc .
The PDF that is to become record.
Relationships between documents and other objects like buildings, facilities,
projects, & people.
1. Word & Excel - Trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation
2. MathCAD -Trademark of MATHSOFT, Inc.
3. AutoCAD -Trademark of AutoDESK, Inc.
Quick Search Tool
Option to search the title
and document number
with the use of wild cards
to quickly find a
Searching in DMCS
Advanced Search
Ability to search all
attributes and properties
Ability to select attributes
and properties shown in
search results list.
Searching in DMCS
Document Data
Document Relationships
New Services Now Offered
Vendor submittal document & communication processing
Managing the data and files.
Routing for approval via email with a link to the file.
Workflow option has been configured and enabled.
New Services (cont’d)
Reporting options have been greatly expanded with DMCS now in
Certified Vendor Information files accessible
Complexities with Change
DMCS supports the engineering process for 3 primary
Communication and procedure changes must come from each
contractors management.
Not all contractors function or perform work in the same way.
Each contractor manages their own document control staff processing
vendor submittals into DMCS.
Complexities (cont’d)
eB created the software functionality for active nuclear
Hanford is not an active nuclear facility.
eB designed the core functionality of this software to manage the life
cycle of equipment within a facility, with the document as a related
object changed after the fact.
Hanford Site focus is on the document as the focal point, with the
equipment changes coinciding.
The software functionality is robust. The learning curve was steep.
Complexities (cont’d)
Hanford Site is slow to change
~11,000 employees spread out across 3 contractors with varying
scopes of work.
Hanford engineering community still relies heavily on paper.
DMCS forces a level of configuration control on the Hanford
site that management wanted but the field was not prepared
Efficiencies Realized
Created an avenue for communication between the different
parties performing the document release and engineering
drawing activities on the Hanford Site.
Increased awareness of other job scopes affected by
engineering documents.
In addition, project managers, engineering management and
systems design authorities can now watch the progress of
work that affects them by using the system, without having to
pick up a phone or send an email.
Efficiencies (cont’d)
When questions arise, a link to the document in DMCS can
be provided via email, so they are talking about the same
document, while not clogging the email system with large
document attachments.
Native and PDF files, in addition to metadata, provides the
More information than ever before
Easy access to data without having to make a phone call.
Efficiencies (cont’d)
Capturing the native file allows for:
Revisions to be made even years later.
Reduces file storage of multiple files in multiple network drives.
No longer catastrophic if the previous author or owner of native file no
longer works on the Hanford Site.
Workflow capabilities will allow for:
Further streamlining of processes.
Document becoming 100% electronic.
Reducing the need for printing and scanning.
Efficiencies (cont’d)
Vital Records
Now accessed with all associated changes via a portable hard drive,
updated nightly based on metadata in DMCS.
Document Control Processes
Streamlined current document control processes and moved us
towards further change.
HanTip & Final Plot
Streamlined the process for designers.
Reduced the amount of work required by Document Control.
Due to the ease of use and the amount of data accessible,
the number of users accessing the system has doubled.
Previous system maintained an average of 700 users.
Currently have 1400 active users in DMCS.
Retirement of several legacy software systems:
Reduced the number of software systems contractor staff use daily.
Contributed to the common Hanford goal to decrease the number of
redundant systems on site.
The previous system managed 500,000 documents.
DMCS now manages 652,000 documents.
31% increase since 6/1/2010.
Customer Impressions
“HDCS is a four letter word now.”
--Gary Stevens, MSA System Engineer/Design Authority
“The improvement of the relationships between documents,
changes to those documents and equipment related to those
documents has increased since moving to DMCS. The data
base is easy to use and allows retrieval of information in a
variety of ways, document number, engineer, system,
equipment etc. This allows for fast retrieval if you do not
know the document number when searching.”
--George Hagen, CIO/Records Management & Document Control
Customer Impressions
DMCS is a 1-stop shopping experience for documents
under configuration control! Everything you want or need to
know about a document under configuration control is
located within this application including a link to the record
and change documentation that is maintained in the
electronic repository. There is no need to look elsewhere,
only one place that provides all the current information.”
--Pam Salazar, CHPRC Document Control & Record Management Program Lead
Customer Impressions
I have really enjoyed working with DMCS. I have confidence
in the configuration control provided by the DMCS system. I
have found the search capabilities invaluable for research
and reference tasks. It is an improvement on our previous
system in that it allows much more data to be collected and
searched on for each drawing. It also allows reference files
to be associated with the drawing.”
--Beth Messinger, Electrical Designer, Fluor Government Group
Customer Impressions
Configuration Management is the foundation of a solid
document control program. eB delivered the product spot on
and Lockheed Martin builds on that foundation. Great
processes and innovative automation continues the
expansion of DMCS and realigns the Engineering community
to electronic media.”
--Debbi Isom, MSA Contents & Records Management
Proposed Projects
SharePoint site for Vendor Submittals
Mobile device application and functionality
Workflow automation expansion
Web control panel
Knowledge Management
Our goal here are Hanford is:
Information at the point of performance.
DMCS helps us to deliver on that goal.
We have only just begun to scratch the surface of what
DMCS can do.
Contact Information
Melissa Ruth
Lockheed Martin
Records and Information Management
Document Control Lead
Melissa_e_rut[email protected]