Felsted School - Prep
Reception to Year 8
A Guide for Parents and Pupils
May 2024
Table of Contents
Head’s Welcome 4
Introduction 5
Before starting at Felsted 5
Useful Contacts 5
School Structure 6
School Values 7
The School Day 8
Wraparound Care 9
Co-Curricular Activities 10
Bookings 11
Communications 12
iSAMS 12
School Calendar 12
School Website & Social Media 13
School Newsletters 13
Email Correspondence 13
Changes in Family Circumstances 14
Change of Contact Details 14
Absence from School 14
School Policies 15
Complaints Procedure 15
Friends of Felsted Prep School (Parents’ Association) 15
Safety & Security of Pupils 16
Parents’ Safety & Security Agreement 16
Safeguarding 17
Fees 18
Medical Matters 20
General Information 22
Uniform & School Shop 22
Curriculum 22
Educational Visits 22
Permission to Photograph 23
Mobile Phones 23
School Meals 23
Leagues 24
Support for Learning 24
Lost Property 25
Car Parking 25
Parents as Pedestrians 26
Dogs 26
Snow Procedure 26
Sun Protection 26
Sweets 27
Chapel & Worship 27
Pre-prep 28
Organisation of our school day 28
Absence 29
Typical Timetable 29
Curriculum 29
Communication with the Pre-prep Team 30
Assessment & Reporting 30
iSAMS Parent Portal 31
Awards & Certificates 31
Prep School - Years 3 to 8 32
Expected Behaviour 32
Subject Setting & Tutor Groups 33
Target Setting 34
Teaching & Learning 34
Tutors & Tutorials 34
More Academically Able Pupils (MAA) 34
Plus Point System 35
Prep (Homework) 35
Saturday School 36
Boarding 36
Assessment 37
Sport 37
Sports Equipment 37
Inter-School Matches 38
Library & Reading 39
Planners 39
Pupil Review 39
Reports & Parent-Teacher Meetings 40
Signing out at the end of the day 40
Signing in for Tea 40
Head’s Welcome
Miranda Norris - Head
I would firstly like to welcome you to the Felsted family - this information booklet explains
everything you will need prior to starting with us.
There will be more information ahead that we will share about upcoming events so that we
are able to get to know you better in the months and years ahead. You will meet other
parents and be introduced to the teaching team who will be there to support and develop
your child in all aspects of school life.
Building character and making a difference starts with inspiration. Our Felsted learners
are ready to welcome exciting challenges across all aspects of school life. We respect that
‘give it a go’ attitude that allows children the freedom to explore new interests that lead to
passions that they have yet to discover. Overall, we understand the need for learning to be
challenging as well as fun and Felsted Prep is full of adventurous children who throw
themselves into opportunities within Music, Drama, Sport, The Arts, Leadership and Service.
We are delighted that you have decided to join us and look forward to sharing the exciting
times of your child’s learning journey with us.
Please read the information contained in this booklet carefully as it is designed to help you
and your child settle into Felsted as smoothly as possible. We have tried to include the key
“essentials”, however please contact us if you have any questions.
Before starting at Felsted
New Joiner Forms - complete the electronic forms using the link sent to you by the
Admissions Department. Please contact [email protected] if you have any
questions. Further information can be found on the New Joiners page on the school
Transport - contact the Transport Department if school transport is required (Year 3
and above only). You can also contact Mrs Gaye Flower, Transport Manager, on
[email protected] / 01371 822639.
School Uniform - purchase from the Felsted Tailor’s Shop. Please note that the
Tailor’s Shop will contact families to arrange uniform fittings. More Information is
available in the Parent Zone of our website.
Useful Contacts
Prep School
Erika Taunton
01371 822613
Pre-prep Office
Sarah Boreham
01371 822616
Courtauld House
Madame Imber
01371 822696
Gaye Flower
01371 822639
Tailor’s Shop
Susan Ogburn
01371 822636
Housemaster of
Hamilton House
David Paine
01371 822729
Lauren Clark
01371 822611
School Structure
Felsted Prep School is made up of nine Year Groups - Reception to Year 8. Pupils transfer to
the Senior School at Year 9. The Prep School is organised into four Phases. Each Phase of
the school has its own Head of Phase, who is part of the Prep School Leadership Team.
Please see the relevant section of this Handbook for specific information about each phase.
Pre-prep: Reception, Year 1, Year 2
Ffrome Court: Years 3 & 4
Cloisters: Years 5 & 6
Courtauld House: Years 7 & 8
The School, which is a charitable trust, is governed by a Board of Governors who are
entrusted with overall responsibility for the School. If you would like to contact the Chair of
Governors, you can do so via the Clerk to Governors, Mr A.G. Clayton on +44 (0)1371
822621 / [email protected]. The full list of Governors and their profile is available on the
school website.
School Values
The school motto and guiding principle is Garde ta Foy”, which means “Keep your Faith”.
It influences all that we strive to do personally, as educators and for your child. In addition,
we have five key values, which guide everything we do:
1. Welcoming
We are approachable, inclusive and open-minded.
We are a supportive, caring and valued community.
We are a Felsted family.
2. Respectful
We develop character with integrity.
We are courteous, confident and humble.
We are responsible and respectful of others and the world around us.
3. Adventurous
We have a passion for life-long learning.
We love adventure, exploring and testing.
We inspire and value originality.
We’re not afraid to ask why or make mistakes to learn.
4. Fun
We believe having fun is essential for learning.
We are vibrant and dynamic.
5. Inspirational
We challenge ourselves to reach our full potential.
We work hard and are determined and resilient to reach our goals.
We strive for and value personal achievement and team success.
We make a difference.
The School Day
The information below gives a general overview of the school day in each phase. Please
refer to information provided by the Head of Phase and / or School Office for specific start
and finish times.
Pre-Prep: The gate opens at 8am. Children must be in school for registration by
8:30am. The school day finishes between 3:15pm - 3:25pm.
Year 3: Mon / Weds / Thurs / Fri - 8:20am - 3:40pm
Tues - 8:20am - 5:20pm
Tuesday is our compulsory extended activity Day for Year 3. The Tuesday
activities are a gradual introduction to the longer school day and these are
included in the fees. On Tuesday, in the Autumn Term, Year 3 pupils are
involved in the Christmas Production and in the Spring and Summer Terms,
they join the Year 4 pupils on a carousel of creative and physical activities
based around British Values.
Year 4: Mon / Weds / Fri 8:20am - 3:40pm
Tues & Thurs - 8:20am - 5:20pm
The Tuesday and Thursday activities are a gradual introduction to the longer
school day. On Tuesday, in the Autumn Term, Year 4 children are involved in
the Christmas Production and in the Spring and Summer Terms, they join the
Year 3 children on a carousel of creative and physical activities based around
British Values. On Thursdays there are well planned extra-curricular activities.
Years 5 & 6: Mon / Tues / Thurs / Fri: 8:20am - 5:30pm
Lessons happen between 8:30am and 3:25pm, followed by academic
enrichment sessions, booster groups, prep and co-curricular activities from
3:50pm until the end of the day.
Wednesday 8:20am - 3:40pm (unless matches)
Sat (optional): 8:20am - 12:00pm
Years 7 & 8: Mon / Tues / Thurs / Fri: 8:20am - 5:45pm
Lessons happen between 8:30am and 3:25pm, followed by academic
enrichment sessions, booster groups, prep and co-curricular activities from
3:50pm until the end of the day.
Wednesday 8:20am - 3:50pm (unless matches)
Sat (compulsory): 8:20am - 1:00pm (unless matches)
There is a charge for pupils who stay for tea in order to attend sport academies, plays,
parents’ evenings and other School events. On these occasions, day pupils in Years 5-8 may
stay for tea and evening activities, but must be collected by 7:30pm.
Wraparound Care
There is no Breakfast Club at the Prep School, however we offer an early drop off at 8:00am
in Pre-prep and the Prep School. We have after school clubs and activities for all year
groups (see below).
Woodlanders After School Club: This is our after school care offering and is open to all
Pre-prep children. It runs from 3:15pm - 5:45pm. Parents can book a half session (3:15pm -
4:30pm or from the end of an after school activity until 5:45pm) or for a full session (3:15 -
We host a number of after school activities each day for our Pre-prep children. These run
from until 4:15pm and include Street Dance, Ballet, Football, Karate, Golf, LAMDA and
French (for Years R, 1 & 2), Rugby, Judo, Tennis and Cricket (for Years 1 & 2). Some clubs
only run in the summer term.
Years 3 - 4: On the non-extended school days, there will be activities that the children can
opt in to on a termly basis. Obviously, some parents need after-school care, some children
have more energy than others, and some need to be stretched by having new challenges.
With that in mind, we have designed our programme to be fun and flexible as well as
stimulating. Tuesday activities are included in the fees for both Year 3 and Year 4. Thursday
activities are included in the fees for Year 4, but chargeable to Year 3. There are some
exceptions, but these clubs will be highlighted on the activities letter. The evening sessions
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday commence with a short homework/reading session
followed by a drink and snack and supervised play time before the activity. There is a charge
per evening session and these charges will be stated on the activities letter. A full list of
activities will be emailed to you. Charges will be incurred even if the facility is not always
used, but there is some flexibility for new children for the first few weeks.
Years 5 - 6: Co-Curricular activities are built into the school day.
Years 7 - 8: Co-Curricular activities are built into the school day
Co-Curricular Activities
In addition to Games sessions, Felsted offers a wide variety of Co-Curricular activities.
Activities offered vary from term to term, but may include some or all of the following:
Years 3 & 4
Arts & Crafts
Sign Language
Outdoor sports
Board Games
Quiz Club
French Club
Homework Club
Maths Games &
Golf (Summer
Years 5 & 6
Running Club
Junior Orchestra
Board games &
Quiz Club
Science Club
Forest School
Performing Arts
Indoor Sports
Years 7 & 8
Golf Academy
Cross Country
Tech Crew
Board Games
Quiz Club
For any questions and to book After School Clubs, please contact:
Pre-Prep: Pre-prep Office - shof[email protected]
Years 3 - 8: Prep School Office - [email protected]
When can I book After School Clubs?
Clubs are booked on a first come, first served basis. Information is sent by email to both
current and new parents at the same time. Information and booking forms are sent out as
Years 3 & 4
Years 5 & 6
Years 7 & 8
Postal Address: Felsted Prep School, Braintree Road, Felsted, Essex CM6 3JL
School Office: 01371 822613 or 01371 822610 / [email protected]
Pre-prep Office: 01371 822616 / [email protected]
During term time the School Office is open on weekdays from 8:00am - 6:00pm.
During the School holidays the School Office is open on weekdays from 8:30am - 12:30pm.
In an emergency outside of office hours, please contact: +44 (0)7764 332936
The Administration Staff in the School Office will deal with phone calls and enquiries during
the School day (8:30am - 6:00 pm). Please do not email your child’s teachers during the
school day if your query needs to be dealt with urgently.
Please make sure that you read the weekly school Newsletter, which contains important
information and reminders, as well as celebrations of school events which have taken place
during the week. It is sent by email every Friday afternoon.
The School uses iSAMS as a management information system, registering children’s
timetables, reports and any reward notifications too. You will be given a username and
password when you join the school. The system is app and web-based and you can set up
email notifications once you receive your logon credentials.
Please ensure that all contact information is kept up to date.
School Calendar
Please click HERE to access the School Calendar, which is published on our website.
The Calendar and Information Booklet contain useful telephone numbers, names of staff
and email addresses, Form Tutors, Year Representatives, useful postcodes of other
schools, dates of Sunday Chapel Services & Parent/Teacher meetings, Exeat weekends
(no Saturday school), regular activities, sports fixtures, duty league, term dates for the next
year, the weekly timetable, and many other useful details. Parents will be kept informed in
the weekly Newsletter of any changes to events listed in the calendar.
School Website & Social Media
Please check the School website regularly - it is an invaluable source of information and
has an excellent search function. Please also follow us on Facebook, X, Linked-In and
School Newsletters
A school newsletter is emailed to all parents every Thursday, providing an overview of all
activity, awards presented and key messages. There are separate newsletters for the Prep
School and the Senior School. There is an unsubscribe button if you don’t want to receive
them, but please note that in order to resubscribe, for data protection reasons, we will need
you to email our Marketing Department with your permission to do so
([email protected]). All newsletters are also available in the Parents Zone of our
school website.
Email Correspondence
Please address emails to [email protected] and use the following subject headings:
1. Urgent - an issue of urgency or vital concern which requires an appointment,
usually with the Head, Head of Phase or Form Tutor.
2. Boarding - this can also be sent to [email protected]
3. Info - a need for information. Send to [email protected] (for Year 3 or above)
or shoffice@felsted.org (for Reception to Year 2)
4. Activities - any co-curricular activity for which you require information or
5. Illness - when and why your child is unwell, including any medical related absences
6. Absence - request for absence permission
7. Lost property - request to find lost property
8. Health and Wellbeing - any other medical issues or queries (other than absence),
please email [email protected]
9. Music - lesson confirmation/change of lesson time - this can also be sent to the
Music Department via [email protected]
10. Other - anything else that needs attention
Changes in Family Circumstances
It is important that you let us know about any changes in family circumstances which may
affect your child (family bereavement, divorce, death of family pet etc). Sometimes parents
do not consider the matter to be important enough, but we can often help in unexpected
ways to relieve sudden burdens. All information will, of course, be treated in total
Change of Contact Details
Change of address or telephone numbers should be notified in writing to Ms Erika Taunton
[email protected] in the School Office as soon as possible. Daytime contact
numbers, if different from home numbers, should also be provided. If divorced/separated
parents require a duplicate mailing or email, please ensure that we have an up-to-date
address and inform the School Office of any changes to your email address.
Absence from School
We believe that attendance is the foundation for achieving the best possible outcomes for
our learners and we are here to support all our families in achieving this. There are some
circumstances where absences from school are necessary such as as a result of illness or
injury. In such cases, we ask that our Attendance Officer (Erika Taunton) is informed by
telephone 01371 822613 (24 hours, including voicemail) or email prepad[email protected].
Please advise the reason for any absence from school and if for more than 5 days, follow
this up with a letter or email of explanation. If your child needs to be ‘Off Exercise’ (Off Ex)
please email the Health & Wellbeing Assistants [email protected] with reason and
length of time signed off.
Dentist and Doctor appointments wherever possible, please try to arrange these outside
normal school hours.
We remind parents that all absence requests, as per the School’s Attendance Policy, must
have permission obtained from the Head in advance if a pupil needs time off school in
exceptional circumstances (including any term time holidays). The submission form for
absences can be found on the Felsted website within the parents section. Any
medical/dental appointment requests can be directed to prepadmin@felsted.org
Family outings and holidays should not be arranged during term time. Parents are
asked to pay particular attention to beginning and end of term times and dates.
In exceptional circumstances, any requests for children to be allowed leave from
school should be made to the Head using the absence request form:
School Policies
All School policies can be found in the Parents Zone of the school website.
Complaints Procedure
Felsted Prep School welcomes comments and suggestions from parents, and takes
seriously any complaints and concerns that they may raise. We would hope that, if a
complaint is made, parents will feel that the School takes the complaint seriously and
responds within a reasonable time and in a courteous and efficient way, taking action where
appropriate. We would also hope that most complaints can be dealt with in an informal
manner, without moving onto the official complaints procedure. Our Complaints Policy can
be found in the Parents Zone of the school website.
Friends of Felsted Prep School (Parents’ Association)
A number of parents serve on the School Parents’ Association, called ‘The Friends of
Felsted School’ (FOFS). Details of Committee Members and Class Reps are listed in the
Prep School Information booklet, which is found on our website, alongside the school
calendar. Forthcoming FOFS events are included in the school calendar, the school
newsletter or notified separately by the Parents’ Association. There is an FOFS Handbook
included in your New Joiner Information.
New Joiners to the school will be invited to join Classlist, which is a web and app based
parent contact system. In order to comply with GDPR guidelines, the invitation will be sent
to new families via the Admissions Office, however all queries about Classlist should be
directed to the Chair of the FOFS as it is administered by the FOFS and not by the School.
Classlist operates on an “opt in” basis so that only those contact details that you are happy
to share with other parents in your year group are available to others. You can manage
what information you share via your profile page on Classlist. If you have more than one
child at the School, you should register each child against their appropriate year/class
within the Classlist system. If you have already registered one child, then have another of
your children join the School subsequently, you just add that next child via “My Profile” on
Classlist - there is no need to register again for the next child.
Safety & Security of Pupils
At Felsted, the safety and security of the children is of paramount importance to us as part
of our Safeguarding responsibilities. We value the beauty of the rural nature of our school
and village, but this does mean that parts of our site are more open than in an urban
However, we endeavour to make the site as safe and secure as possible, with the children
being educated to understand the dangers that can exist in our modern day society. A full
risk assessment of the site occurs annually at the start of each school year.
With this in mind, all employees of Felsted (Senior and Prep) are DBS (Disclosure and
Barring Service) checked and are required to wear Photo ID Badges at all times on the
School site. Our pupils are taught to report and not approach any adult who does not have
this authorisation.
Children’s responsibilities are communicated to them through assemblies, year group
assemblies and meetings, form tutorials and through daily activity. All visitors to Felsted
Prep School are required to report to the School Office.
Parents’ Safety & Security Agreement
During the school day, all Parents should report to the Main School Office (Years 3-8)
or Pre-prep Reception (Years R-2)
Visitors who will be staying on site will be required to “sign-in” and be issued with a “Visitor”
sticker, which will include the date and time of visit.
This procedure should be followed when parents need to meet with members of
staff, including Health and Wellbeing Assistants or our school nurse.
Parents are kindly requested to leave the School premises including the Car Park
as soon as possible after they have conducted their business.
Parents are requested to use the “Stop & Drop” facility whenever possible in order
to avoid unnecessary congestion in the Car Parks and to email staff to make
appointments for meetings.
Parents are not permitted to enter the pupil Changing Rooms at any time.
All visiting parents should sign in via the Prep School Office or the Pre-prep Office
Parents of Pre-prep pupils are required to collect their child in person from Year
group/ class zones at 3:15pm, or at the Stewart House school gate at 4:15pm if
their child attends an after school club.
Parents of Pre-prep pupils collecting their child from Woodlanders after school care,
should press the buzzer on the Stewart House gate and wait for a member of staff
to collect them.
From 5.45pm-8.00am: all parents should report to the member of staff on duty or to the
Boarding House staff immediately on arrival. This can also be done by ringing the duty
mobile phone on +44 (0)7764 332936 or the Boarding House Office: 01371 822729.
Match Days: parents are welcome to have “Post Match Tea” in the Ross Hall or Lord Riche
Hall following fixtures on Match Days.
Parents who participate in regular classes, such as tennis, netball, Steel Band or
language lessons, will be issued with Name Badges for these activities and registers are
collected from the School Office in order to check who is on site.
Parents of Pre-prep and Ffrome Court (Y3 & 4) pupils are issued with FPS family name
badges (at the start of each academic year), which they must wear when accompanying
their children into school and when collecting them at the end of the school day.
Nicola O’Brien is Felsted School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and she can be
contacted by email [email protected] or 01371 822507.
School fees and Supplemental Charges can be found on the School website here.
“Supplemental Charges” means any items charged to you that are supplemental to the
fees. By way of example, this includes any extra-curricular activities (such as private music
lessons, trips and visits), cost of damage to School property or property of other people,
and all public examination charges.
Payment of Fees
The Finance Department will be happy to answer any queries you may have regarding your
school bill. Please call 01371 822626 or email [email protected]. For any other finance
queries, please contact the Bursar on +44 (0)1371 822621 / burspa@felsted.org.
You should have now paid an entrance deposit on Final Confirmation of Entry (unless
otherwise agreed). This is refundable against the final term’s extras once your son/daughter
has left the School. The deposit is non-refundable if a place is offered and not taken up. A
full term’s notice is required in writing if your son/daughter does not take up the place
offered, or leaves the School at a later date, otherwise a full term’s fees will be payable.
You will be sent the first fee account in August for the Autumn Term fees. All extras are
charged for in arrears at the end of each term. Please ensure that your account is paid in
full by the first day of each term. The late payment of fees is subject to an interest charge of
5% per annum in accordance with the School’s terms and conditions.
Payment Options
Please note that all fees are payable in GBP.
Flywire: Flywire allows you to pay by bank transfer and by debit/credit card payments
Please go to felsted.flywire.com to begin the payment process. You will need an email
address to set up an account with Flywire and you will be able to track your payment from
start to finish. You must also include your child’s pupil code and billing code on your
payment – these can both be found on your school bill.
Bank transfer Please arrange payment of your account by bank transfer. Our bank details
will be provided on the school bill. Please use your child’s pupil code and billing code as
references on your payments - these can both be found on your school bill.
Cheque: All cheques should be made payable to ‘Felsted School’ and sent to the Finance
Department, Felsted School, Felsted, Essex CM6 3LL.
Monthly Direct Debit: In association with School Fee Plan we are pleased to be able to
offer parents the option of spreading the cost of school fees and any extras by monthly
Direct Debit. You can apply online at www.myschoolfeeplan.com/felsted-cm6 to pay your
school fees by monthly instalments. It is quick, easy and once approved, we will notify
School Fee Plan of your termly fees, including any extras. If you are currently using School
Fee Plan for the payment of school fees by Direct Debit, your arrangement will continue.
All applications for payment of the termly fees by Direct Debit should be submitted as soon
as the bills are received in order to avoid two DD claims in the first month.
Payment of fees in advance: Felsted is able to offer a modest discount on fees where
funds are paid to the School in advance of a student joining the School, or at any time
during the student’s time at the School. These may cover all or part of the expected fees for
future terms and must be a minimum of three terms fees. Please contact the Head of
Finance on [email protected] if you would like to consider this option.
Medical Matters
The overall health care of our pupils is managed by the Day and Resident Health and
Wellbeing Assistants and the Prep School Nurse who deals with minor ailments. Felsted’s
Medical Centre is staffed by registered nurses, one of whom is on duty at all times. A
General Practitioner provided by Blandford Medical Centre holds various surgeries during
the week for registered pupils. The Medical Centre nurses are also at the disposal of pupils
to help with their personal welfare and care plans.
If a pupil is admitted to the Medical Centre, parents will immediately be informed by the
School. Felsted’s General Practitioner will only see pupils who have been registered with
the surgery unless it is an emergency.
Full & Weekly boarders are encouraged to register with the surgery to enable medical
appointments to be made and in the case of illness to be admitted to the Medical Centre for
monitoring. Pupils who are not well enough to participate in lessons should remain at
home. Parents should write a note or email the Health & Wellbeing Assistants
[email protected], if a pupil is ‘off-exercise’. Please remember to let the Health &
Wellbeing Assistants know when the pupil is able to do exercise again.
Contagious or infectious disease: It is essential that the School is aware of your child’s
medical condition, so please do keep us fully informed of any developments including
illness over the holidays. If a pupil has contracted a contagious disease whilst on holiday
or has an infectious disease (e.g. chicken-pox or mumps), please consult with your doctor
or Felsted’s Medical Officer before returning to school.
High Temperature: If your child has a fever above 37.8 they must remain at home until
their temperature returns to normal (below 37.5). If your child develops a temperature in
school that is above 37.5 and has been assessed by one of the school nurses, we will
request you collect them from school and keep them at home until their temperature
Vomiting or Diarrhoea: If a pupil is vomiting and/or has diarrhoea they should not return to
school until they have been clear for at least forty eight hours.
Medication: Prescription medication should be handed in to Health and Wellbeing
Assistants in the original dispensed container with the following information: name of
person to whom prescription has been written, strength of medication, dose, time of
administration and expiry date. ‘Over the counter medication will only be accepted at the
discretion of the Health and Wellbeing Assistants and Prep School Nurse, in agreement
with the medical centre. Please refer to the Treatment & Medication Policy on the school
website for medication available in school.
Pupils do not keep their own medicines other than inhalers and Epi-pens (as necessary)
and would only administer them to themselves in the presence of a member of staff.
Head Lice: We suggest that as a matter of course you regularly check your child’s hair for
nits. The recommended course of action to keep your child ‘nit free’ is to comb their hair
with a nit comb thoroughly at least once a week. This should be done when they wash their
hair at the conditioning stage. This regular course of action will also help break the life cycle
of the nit and will damage eggs etc. If you find live nits, we recommend daily checks and
combing for at least seven days to remove any remaining nits or eggs. Please inform your
child’s form teacher if you find nits and confirm treatment is taking place.
If your child has nits, parents should consider whether their child should be in school
depending on the severity of the condition. We recommend your child is kept off school until
after at least one treatment has been completed.
General Information
Uniform & School Shop
The School Tailor’s Shop (sited next to Stephenson’s Gate in the Senior School grounds)
supplies the uniform and most items on the clothing list. Items marked * must be
purchased from the shop but suitable department store alternatives are acceptable in other
cases. All clothing must be marked with name tapes which will be automatically ordered for
you through the Tailor’s shop.
Please refer to the School website for comprehensive uniform lists.
The Tailor’s Shop will contact families directly to arrange appointments for uniform fittings.
We politely ask you not to visit the shop without an appointment during peak periods,
especially at the beginning of each term, as staff may not be able to provide you with their
undivided attention.
Information about the Prep School Curriculum can be found on the School website. An
outline of the Learning Pathways for each year group are updated each term and these are
available through the newsletter. The Learning Pathways give an outline of all topic areas
covered from Reception to Year 8. Felsted Learning Standards are reviewed each year and
there are downloadable documents available on the website.
Educational Visits
Educational visits occur frequently throughout the school year. The governors’ regulations
for the conduct of these (and for holiday events) are comprehensive, with emphasis placed
on proper supervision and safety. Educational one-day visits organised during term-time
are not charged. Residential visits, either in term-time or holidays, will have a charge
attached. The School organises ski-trips, activity, cultural and language trips, sports and
choir tours and a leavers’ week for Year 8. Costs are kept to a minimum, consistent with
good value for money.
Permission to Photograph
Parents are sent a form in their New Joiners’ Pack requesting permission to allow recording
of events and publicity, including our weekly Newsletters. If you do not give your
permission, your request will be recorded.
Mobile Phones
With permission from the appropriate Head of Phase or the Houseparent, pupils who travel
on the School minibuses are allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school but
must hand them in to the relevant office at the start of each day. Other pupils may bring
their mobile device into School only with the agreement of the Head of Phase for a valid
reason and may only access their phone if specifically directed to by a member of staff for a
specific task.
Full and weekly boarders can bring personal devices for use in Hamilton House. Devices
are kept secure and boarding pupils are taught to use their phones responsibly. Please
note that this does not apply to flexi-boarders.
Within Hamilton House any social media sites on personal devices must be sanctioned and
monitored by parents and fall within the relevant age restriction. Boarders in Hamilton
House are not permitted to access any social media platforms which are not age
appropriate whilst boarding.
If a pupil has a mobile phone in school they should complete a ‘Use of Mobile Devices’
form prior to bringing the phone to school. These can be obtained from the School Office.
Parents are asked to be vigilant in monitoring their child’s use of their mobile phone
at home.
School Meals
All meals and snacks are included within the school fees (with the exception of day pupils
staying for tea). There is a wide selection of healthy and nutritious food available and there
are always vegetarian options available. Please indicate any special dietary requirements
(allergies, intolerances, religious etc.) on the New Joiner Forms. Please let us know if you
would like to discuss any special dietary requirements with our Catering Manager and / or
Medical Team prior to joining.
All pupils in the School are placed in one of five different houses or Leagues. You will find
out which League your child is in during the summer holidays. The first league events
usually don’t take place until around October Half Term.
Cromwell (Red)
Gaselee (Dark Blue)
Grignon (Green)
Lord Riche (Yellow)
Smythies (Light Blue).
Each League has a member of staff in charge who is assisted by two league captains, who
are pupils from Year 8. Leagues compete against each other in Sport, Music, Public
Speaking and other competitions, while all smiley faces and plus/minus points, as well as
stars and stripes (for Years 3-4) count towards the termly total for the much coveted Hopton
Cup for the winning League. We hope that every pupil will form a strong identity with their
League. League meetings are held fortnightly.
Support for Learning
We are keen for pupils to receive any appropriate Support for Learning which would help
them to cope with the demands of an academic school. Small class sizes and a committed
teaching staff are two factors in providing strong academic support, but occasionally more
individual attention is required.
Where children have an existing diagnosis, the Head of Support for Learning will be in
contact with you before the start of the school year to discuss reasonable adjustments that
can be put into place to ensure support for your child across the curriculum. An IEP will be
written to ensure that this information is available to all teaching staff. This will also include
any reasonable adjustments for support with in class assessments.
If your child already receives additional support for their learning outside of the classroom,
then we will do all we can to continue with that assistance. We may also contact you if we
feel that your child might benefit from some extra help. The Support for Learning
Department will be happy to discuss any issues with you, as well as being able to arrange
an assessment of your child. Please email the Head of Support for Learning via
[email protected] if you have any queries. Support for Learning lessons carry an
additional charge and are billed in arrears at the end of each term. Please see the
Additional Charges document on our fees page for the current charges.
Lost Property
Items that are NAMED are easily returned to pupils. If an item is lost, please ask your child
to have a good look for it and also ask them to check with their Form Tutor and Head of
Phase. If something is not named, it is very difficult to return it to its owner.
Toys and musical equipment such as iPods, MP3 Players are not permitted in school during
the day without permission. Some Boarders are permitted such items in the evenings.
Car Parking
Please ensure that you enter each of the parking areas via the marked “Entrance” and exit
via the marked “Exit”. Parents should drive slowly and carefully (speed limit is 5 mph)
through the parking and drop-off zones.
Parents are asked to respect the car park signage and exit the Felsted Prep School Main
car park by turning LEFT into Braintree Road. Please do not turn right as this causes traffic
blockages both within the car park and along Braintree Road, particularly at peak usage
Pre-prep Parents using the gravel car park by Stewart House should exit via the red &
white barrier which is raised from 8:00am-9:00am and from 3:15pm onwards each day, so
that you can EXIT without having to go past Stewart House. Where possible, it is then
better if you can exit Felsted by turning RIGHT onto Braintree Road.
Parents are expected to park in allocated parking bays within the car parks. These bays are
finite and immovable so demand will always exceed supply. Prompt collection of your
child/children and a quick departure is appreciated and enables others to use these
spaces. Please do not double park in the car parks or block other vehicles as this impacts
the smooth flow of vehicles in the car park.
Parents should use the drop off lane to deliver or collect their child/children, whilst
remaining in attendance of their vehicle. This lane is specifically aimed at trying to keep
traffic flowing, and parking in this lane and leaving your car unattended disrupts this flow.
Parents are expected to drop their child/children off safely and securely, either in the drop
off lane of the School car park or by parking and accompanying the child/children across
the pedestrian area of the car park. Children must not be dropped from a double parked
position, nor from a door opened whilst stationary and awaiting to access the drop off lane.
Parents are requested not to park at the end of the drop off lane in the Prep School car
park. This is not a parking area and can be highly disruptive to vehicle movement through
the car park.
Parents are expected, similarly to their child/children, to behave responsibly and
courteously within the grounds of Felsted, this includes when in control of vehicles within
the School car parks, and in the local area.
Parents as Pedestrians
Parents are expected to use the pedestrian access paths to Stewart House, Courtauld
House and the Main School building, crossing the roadways on the raised ramps.
Parents should not (with or without their children) use the vehicle IN/OUT routes as
pedestrians at any time.
Parents of younger children should hold their child’s hand when walking across the car
Dogs may be brought onto certain outside areas of the school site subject to the Dogs at
School Policy which can be found on our School website.
Snow Procedure
Felsted Prep School will remain open whatever the weather, as many of our staff live within
walking distance. It is up to each individual family to decide whether it is safe to get to
school but there is no need to telephone the School as we will be open and we will assume
that if your child does not arrive then it is because of the weather conditions. What is taught
on ‘snow days’ will depend on which children arrive and which facilities can be used but
your children will spend their time productively on such days.
Sun Protection
In hot weather, parents are asked to apply sunscreen to their children before school, which
can be topped up as necessary during the day. Children may bring sun cream to school for
their own use (please make sure this is named). Our motto in hot weather is ‘slip, slap,
slop, slurp’: ‘slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, slop on some sunscreen and slurp some water!’.
Pupils are not permitted to bring sweets, crisps, cakes or drinks into school. Those pupils
who travel on the school bus should avoid bringing sweets into school. Boarding pupils
have a separate arrangement for tuck.
Chapel & Worship
The School is traditionally a Church of England School where the Christian story will be told
to illustrate and support the Christian values we uphold and abide by. Other religions of the
world are taught, discussed and respected as part of our curriculum. The School Chaplain
is Reverend Nigel Little and you can contact him via [email protected].
Chapel services are considered an important part of school life and so all members of the
School attend a short weekday service. More formal services (either morning or evening)
are held on special Sundays. It is shown in the calendar when we would like all Years 5-8
pupils and their parents to attend as part of our collective worship and to support our
Chapel Choir. Year 3-4 pupils and their parents are more than welcome to attend these
services. Blazers rather than jumpers are worn by all pupils and they are required to look
very smart. A collection is made for one or more of the charities that the School supports.
If your child is unable to attend Chapel on a required Sunday, please let us know in writing,
before the event.
Collective worship is held in the School Chapel where possible. Pre-Prep pupils, join a
whole school service every term in the School Chapel.
The act of worship takes different forms including song, prayers, talks, readings, sketches,
games, mime and any other ideas, providing opportunities for pupils, members of staff and
parents as well as outside agencies to participate. Parents and guardians have the right to
withdraw their children from collective worship.
More information about the School’s Worship Policy is available on the School website.
Pre-prep is organised into three year groups; Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Each class has
their own class teacher who teaches all subject areas except for Spanish, Music, PE and
Swimming which are taught by our specialist Prep School teachers. Each class has a
classroom assistant to support English and Maths every morning, with additional support
for creative subjects in the afternoon.
All contact details for staff can be found at the front of the termly school calendar. Please
read through this calendar before the term starts and make a note of key dates.
The Pre-prep Office will deal with all enquiries during school hours including termly events.
Useful contact details:
Head of Pre-prep:
Mrs Jacqueline Atkins
01371 822616
Pre-prep Office:
Mrs Sarah Boreham
01371 822616
Prep School Office:
Ms Erika Taunton
01371 822613
Organisation of our school day
The gate will open at 8am. Children can go to the Stewart House hall from 8am to 8:10am.
From 8:10am, Reception children can be taken to their classroom by their carer, walking
around the building to the Reception outside classroom door. Year 1 and Year 2 children
will say goodbye to their carers at the gate and walk into the building through the front door.
The children will go to their classrooms.
Parking is available in the designated parent zone in the car park. These are 5-minute
parking spaces to keep the flow of traffic moving.
We operate a ‘Kiss and Drop’ system to help keep the flow of traffic moving. Parents can
drive to the front of Stewart House where one of our Learning Assistants waits to open the
car door and help your child out. Your child can then walk into school and you can drive off.
Mrs Atkins (Head of Pre-prep) or Mrs Boreham (Pre-prep office) are at the front gate to
ensure all the children get into the school building safely.
If you are running late, or your child will not be in school, please inform the School Office by
email or telephone:
[email protected] / 01371 822613
You may copy the Pre-prep Office on any emails (shoffice@felsted.org), however you must
let the School Office know of any absences.
Please do not email your child’s class teacher unless you have let the School Office know
first as the teacher is unlikely to see the email before registration.
Typical Timetable
Each morning, lessons run from 8:30am to 10am. Playtime is at 10am to 10:20am followed
by an assembly until 10:45am. Lessons continue from 10:45am to 11:45am. Lunch break
begins at 11:45am followed by a playtime until 12:45pm. Afternoon lessons run from
12:45pm until 2pm. There is an afternoon break until 2:20pm. Lessons continue until
At the beginning of the school year, a timetable will be shared with you to inform you of
which day your child will be swimming, attending PE lessons and Forest School. Reception
classes start the academic year with a slightly adapted version of the timetable.
Each year group plans a ‘creative curriculum’ which is topic focussed, to link all the
curriculum subject areas to a common theme and purpose. Each topic has a ‘first-hand
experience’ for example, a dressing up day, pretend/role play experience, a trip or visitor
into school. Lessons are engaging, practical and fun, linking reading, writing and maths to
support the development of key skills. Each term you will receive a curriculum letter which
outlines the topic learning experiences for your child’s year group.
Communication with the Pre-prep Team
Pre-prep Office
Please telephone or email the Pre-prep Office with any enquiries or messages during
school hours. The office will ensure messages are communicated to teachers.
Class teachers
Class teachers will respond to emails within 24 hours. Any urgent messages must be sent
to shoffice@felsted.org or telephone 01371 822616 to ensure your child’s teacher is aware
Mrs Atkins
Mrs Atkins is Head of Pre-prep and is at the front gate every morning between 8am and
8:30am. If you would like to arrange a time to meet, please ask Mrs Atkins for a suitable
time directly, email [email protected] or telephone the Pre-prep office 01371 822616
Your contact details
Please ensure we have all up-to-date contact details for all parties with parental
responsibility for your child. These details are important to ensure we can contact you
during school hours. If your circumstances change please ensure your information is up to
date with us.
Assessment & Reporting
Each term, parents will receive information regarding their child’s academic progress. This
is organised as follows:
Autumn Term and Spring Term
Opportunity to see your child’s work - Book Look
Parent/Teacher consultation after half term in October and February
Summer Term
Written end of year report
Each term, assessments are made for every child based on the national expectations for
the term and year group. These assessments are teacher judgements based on
observations of adult directed activities and child led learning, work in class, and, when
appropriate, short ‘quizzes’ for English, Maths, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
In addition to the above, all Pre-prep pupils have a Tapestry online journal account, which is
shared with parents. This captures a range of learning experiences and is shared as and
when these occur. Information regarding activating your Tapestry account will be sent to
you via the Pre-prep Office.
iSAMS Parent Portal
At the start of the Autumn Term, you will receive instructions from the IT Department, which
will allow you to access the iSAMS parent portal. As well as other relevant information, the
portal allows access to your child’s school reports. Queries regarding the parent login
should be directed to [email protected] / 01371 822698.
Awards & Certificates
A variety of certificates, stickers and other awards are given regularly to the children by
their class teacher. In addition to these, each week we hold a special celebration assembly
called our ‘Gold Assembly’. Manners Cups are given to a class for outstanding manners
and respect, whilst award badges for Marvellous Manners, Wonderful Walking, Kindness
star or Playtime friend are given to individual children to wear for the week. A photograph is
taken of the children who have received awards or badges for our weekly newsletter
Teachers can also nominate a child from their class who demonstrates the characteristics
of a Fantastic Felstedian. They will receive a surprise invitation in the post from Mrs Atkins,
to attend the ‘Stars’ tea party’.
Prep School - Years 3 to 8
Expected Behaviour
Pupils should aim:
To make Felsted a happy place where everyone matters
To remember that they should be helpful and kind towards others
To understand that pupils are not all the same and accept their differences (e.g.
beliefs, family background, physical appearance, abilities)
To respect the rights of others to work and play without interference
To respect other people’s property
To respect other people’s opinions
To be polite and well-mannered towards others
To be honest with themselves and with others
To admit mistakes, put them right and learn from them
To develop high personal standards – manners, dress, appearance
To appreciate that verbal and physical bullying is unacceptable
To accept and obey school rules and conventions
Children are taught and become very familiar with the following mnemonics:
Hello is an easy greeting for everyone
Open doors for everyone
Walk around school and wait politely
Dress appropriately
Instructions are to be followed
Subject Setting & Tutor Groups
Structure of tutor groups: We hope that pupils will mix with as many of their fellow year
group peers as possible during the school day in lessons, tutor periods and in co-curricular
activities. To facilitate their overall pastoral care, all pupils in Years 3-8 will have a tutor with
whom they meet each morning at 8.20am, including PSHE lessons each week.
Your child’s tutor is the first point of contact for parents. At present, tutor groups are
arranged as follows:
Year 3 & 4: Tutor groups are the same as teaching classes
Years 5-8: Tutor groups are a mixture of pupils from across the teaching groups
Structure of Teaching Classes: As part of the gradual transition as pupils move from
Pre-prep (Years Reception - Year 2), into Ffrome Court (Years 3 & 4), through into Cloisters
(Years 5 & 6) and finally into Courtauld House (Years 7 & 8) we introduce both
STREAMING (based on general ability) and SETTING (based on subject specific ability),
so that teaching can be aligned to what is best for each individual pupil’s learning and
developmental needs.
The exact provision could vary when we look at the year group cohort (eg: we might have
top, middle and lower streams in one year group, but one top and two mixed middle/lower
classes in another year group), but in general terms this will be similar to the following:
Year 3: No streaming - teaching groups are the tutor groups. Setting only for Mathematics
Year 4: No streaming - teaching groups are the tutor groups. Additional setting for English
and Mathematics
Years 5 & 6: Mixed ability classes additional setting for English and Mathematics
Years 7 & 8: Mixed ability classes with additional setting for English, Mathematics,
Target Setting
Pupils are encouraged to learn, understand and apply a target setting process (mainly
based on our LEARN acronym ) to drive self-management and self improvement. They are
given considerable guidance by tutors. You are asked for your support and interest in this
Revise and revisit
Next step
The outcomes of this will be progress, success and happiness!
Teaching & Learning
Teachers aim to differentiate their teaching to incorporate the needs of each individual.
Setting and streaming enhances this, but flexibility of movement is vital. Pupils are carefully
tracked to ensure progress in line with their child’s ability (see Reports and Parent/Teacher
meetings). Any concerns should be discussed in the first instance to the child’s form tutor.
Tutors & Tutorials
Each pupil has a form tutor who is responsible for the pastoral care of his/her tutees.
During each term, pupils will meet with their tutors to discuss and review their academic
progress (they will also discuss social matters and monitor co-curricular interests). Part of
this review process is to set realistic targets for each pupil over the next few months.
More Academically Able Pupils (MAA)
Small class sizes and a committed teaching staff are two factors in providing strong
academic support, but occasionally more individual attention is required to build on those
pupils who are more academically able and have a capacity to learn and research more
independently. More information about our Academic Extension Opportunities can be
found on our website.
Plus Point System
The plus point system is used in lessons when teachers are able to award points for the
children’s effort during the lesson or for a piece of work: because they are awarded for
effort or achievement, everyone has an equal chance of gaining them. Plus points are also
awarded for good manners, helpfulness and politeness outside of the classroom.
Reminders are very rarely given and are a sharp reminder of the correct behaviour that is
expected. Plus points are instantly rewarded and you as parents are able to see these on
your child’s iSMAS page, and receive an alert.
Heads of Phase issue Value certificates rewarding pupils for embodying our values of
Welcoming, Adventurous, Fun, Inspirational, and Respectful and for success in all or some
of the following:
showing a positive attitude to leading their own learning
explaining thinking and offering answers
asking for help as necessary with peers or a teacher
showing a willingness to complete revision and revisit key learning
proofreading work
completing the next steps to develop their learning.
Head’s Commendations are awarded for excellent work and attitude, showing commitment
and empathy outside school or going above and beyond in these areas.
Prep (Homework)
Years 3 & 4
The children have spellings/English and times tables homework every week, as well as
some maths homework. The children are expected to read every day.
Years 5 & 6
Homework is set in English, Maths and Science once a week and completed during Prep
sessions on Friday and Saturday morning (if Saturday School is attended; optional for
Years 5 and 6). If Saturday School isn't attended, it would take children about 30 - 45
minutes over the weekend. We encourage the children to read regularly and would hope
this is a positive and pleasurable experience for the child and family.
Years 7 & 8
Prep is set on a regular basis and supervised prep sessions in School mean most prep will
be completed within the school week.There may be times when some additional work
needs to be completed at home but a sensible deadline will always be given.
Saturday School
Years 3 & 4: no Saturday School
Years 5 & 6: optional Saturday School *
Years 7 & 8: compulsory Saturday School
There are EXEAT weekends every 3 weeks or so, where there is no Saturday School.
* For Years 5 & 6, Saturdays are optional but there are certain Saturdays which are
compulsory and all pupils are asked to attend, e.g.
Sports Day
Speech Day
Open Day
Chapel Services
Children should also be available for matches if selected
Years 5 & 6 (Optional) - Registration 8:20am / Depart 12:00pm
Assisted Prep, co-curricular activities, brunch, co-curricular activities
Years 7 & 8 (Compulsory) - Registration 8:20am / Depart 12:45pm
Normal lessons followed by a prep session, a games session and lunch. There may also be
inter-School fixtures.
We offer the following boarding options in our Prep Boarding House, Hamilton House:
Flexi Boarding (2 - 4 nights)
Weekly Boarding (5 nights)
Full Boarding (7 nights)
We understand that boarding can be a big decision and the boarding team are always
happy to talk to parents and offer trial boarding nights. Those pupils who choose to board
usually do so from Year 5 upwards.
Please see our website for more information or contact the Boarding Team on
Pupils from Year 2 to Year 8 will complete GL Assessments at the start and end of the
Academic Year to measure your child's progress and attainment in core subject areas.
GL Assessment used as a measure of students' progress in English and mathematics. The
assessment process involves administering standardised tests periodically throughout the
academic year to measure individual growth and identify areas for improvement. These
tests are designed to align with curriculum objectives and offer insights into students'
proficiency levels.
One of the key benefits of using GL Assessment for progress testing is its ability to provide
Felsted teachers with valuable data-driven insights into students' strengths and
weaknesses. By tracking progress over time, we can tailor instruction to meet individual
needs, intervene promptly when necessary, and ensure that students are on track to
achieve academic success.
In addition to this teachers carry out ongoing, regular checks on progress as part of our
assessment for learning programme.
Felsted has a deservedly strong reputation on the games field we wish to be successful
but also to play the game in the right spirit. The School encourages all children to develop
their skills and we are very lucky to have a well qualified staff for the coaching of major
Inter-League matches are played each term, and inter-school matches take place regularly
in our core sports of Rugby, Hockey, Cricket and Tennis for boys and Hockey, Netball,
Cricket and Tennis for girls. There are also Athletics and Football matches as well as
Swimming galas.
Sports Equipment
The School provides all necessary equipment for sport and games played at Felsted.
However, all pupils except those in Year 3 will require their own hockey stick. All girls in
Years 5-8 and those boys who play tennis require a racquet for the Summer Term. All girls
and boys in Years 5-8 teams will need ‘Whites’ in the Summer Term for cricket. Please do
not buy expensive items such as cricket bats, running spikes etc. without first checking with
your child’s games teacher as to suitability and necessity. Regular hockey team members
benefit from wearing astro trainers. All personal equipment must be clearly labelled with
your child’s name. Pupils are not permitted to borrow equipment from friends.
Gum Shields - must be worn for Hockey and Rugby from Years 3 to 8. Pupils will not be
allowed to participate in games/matches if they do not have a gum shield. You should
arrange to have a gum shield fitted with your own dentist or direct with Opro who will supply
a home fitting kit (www.opro.com).
Opro Silver Range multi use gum shields can also be obtained and fitted by our Health &
Wellbeing Assistants. The cost of the gum shield will be charged to your School bill for each
gum shield that is fitted. Before the gum shield is provided, they will call home to obtain
permission for the charge and authority to fit the mouth guard (boil and bite). If Health and
Wellbeing Assistants are unable to contact parents for authority, the pupil will be unable to
participate in the match/games session. The Felsted Tailor’s Shop also stocks Opro Silver
range gum shields, which are multi use and require fitting by following the instructions (boil
& bite).
It is recommended that boys wear scrum caps for Rugby, which are available from the
Tailor’s shop or other suppliers.
Inter-School Matches
Fixtures are published in the calendar and parents are welcome to support their children
and the Felsted teams. Parents are warmly welcome to stay for ‘match teas’.
Match Day arrangements: Team sheets are normally published at least the night before a
match and give details of the following: departure times, start time, finish time, return time
for away matches and venue.
Team information will be emailed to parents and it will include details of the match and
provides location and times of fixtures. If fixtures are cancelled, we will re-send the email
through iSAMS and tweet.. Postcodes for the venues can be found in the School calendar.
Please follow the Prep School Twitter feed: @felstedprep for updated information. If pupils
are going to be late back to School, updates will be posted on Twitter.
Parental Permission: The teacher in charge of a team can only allow a lift to be given from
another parent if the School Office receives written parental permission (email, text or
letter) prior to the match. This can be given at the beginning of the school year for
permanent arrangements or prior to the away fixture. Verbal permission is not acceptable.
Please do not put staff in a difficult position.
Library & Reading
All pupils must have a reading book with them in School every day. Reading is an essential
skill and hopefully a great source of knowledge and enjoyment. The more children read,
the better! Please support your child as directed and feel free to show initiative. Books may
be borrowed from the library and pupils will be encouraged to enjoy this facility. The
Accelerated Reading programme monitors reading levels and recommends the appropriate
level of book for your child.
Planners are issued at the start of each term for pupils in Years 3 to 6 and they are required
to keep them up-to-date each week. These serve as an important link between pupils,
parents and tutors.
Pupils in Ffrome Court use their planners to record weekly spelling tests and other
results, changes to the timetable, awards and sanctions and notes to and from parents.
Written inside the planner are some reminders about how we would like pupils to act
towards each other as part of the School community.
Pupils in Cloisters use their planners to record their timetable of lessons, spellings,
vocabulary lists, work that they need to do for prep, reminders about music lessons, smiley
faces, plus and minus points, targets (set in conjunction with their tutors). Written inside the
planner are some reminders about how we would like pupils to act towards each other as
part of the School community.
Pupils in Courtauld House are encouraged to record their marks/grades for tests and
preps on their Chromebook (Google Sheets & Google Calendar).
Pupil Review
All pupils take part in a regular review of their learning with targeted action going forward
produced as a result.
To date this process has resulted in improved teaching and learning, individualised
approaches, greater teacher sensitivity, improved food and drink arrangements, sporting,
musical, drama, social and car parking arrangements.
Reports & Parent-Teacher Meetings
Report forms have been designed to give parents plenty of information about their child’s
academic progress and include targets for future improvement.
During the year, you will receive both full and short reports (via online access to MIS using
your username and password) and you will also be invited to attend Parent/Teacher
Meetings. The Parent/Teacher meetings will allow detailed discussion between you and
individual subject teachers. A schedule is published by Phase in the Curriculum, Learning
Standards & Assessment Information for Parents which is published prior to the start of the
academic year.
Signing out at the end of the day
All pupils must be ‘signed-out’ of their Phase at the end of the school day by the member of
staff on duty before leaving the school. Years 3 to 6 pupils leaving during the school day
must sign out in the ‘Signing Out’ Book in the School Office and Years 7 & 8 should use the
‘Signing Out’ Book in the Courtauld House Office. School transport (minibuses) depart at
6.00pm each day from the Roed Sports Hall car park.
Signing in for Tea
If day pupils have planned to participate in an evening activity at school (Years 7 & 8), then
they must ‘sign in for tea’ on the board inside the dining room by the access doors. The
procedure is explained to pupils at the start of the new school year. A charge is made
where a pupil chooses to stay at school for a social activity, or club, but where a pupil is
required to stay for an activity (e.g. play rehearsal, steel band practice or other sports
academy) there is a charge for tea only. Pupils who are staying for Chapel Choir are not
charged for tea. These charges will appear on your end of term bill.