Uniform List
Years 3-8
Girls School Uniform
Felsted Prep School blazer *
Felsted Prep School coat *
Felsted kagool (optional) *
White open-necked long sleeved blouses (no tie worn) *
White open-necked short sleeved blouses (optional for Summer) *
Felsted Prep School kilt *
Burgundy sweater *
Black tights/long black socks *
Short plain white socks (Summer Term & first half of Autumn Term) *
Black shoes (sensible with heel no higher than 3cm NOT pump/ballet shoes)
Felsted Prep School hair tie, hair band or stretch band (black)
Girls Sports Kit
Burgundy Polo Shirt* x2
Black crested Skort*
Felsted Prep School waterproof tracksuit top (compulsory for Yr 7 & 8, optional for Yr 3 6) *
Felsted Prep School tracksuit trousers *
Felsted Prep zipped sports top *
Black lycra thermal base layer (optional) *
Gold games socks *
White sports socks
Black swimsuit *
Felsted Prep School swimming hat and goggles (compulsory) *
Hockey stick (Autumn and Spring Terms Yrs 4 - 8 only)
Tennis racquet (Summer Term Yrs 4 - 8 only)
White tennis kit (optional).
If a child is selected for a tennis team, kit will be provided by the Tennis Coach
Felsted Prep School baseball cap (burgundy) *
Shin pads with ankle support
String bag for games kit *
Black crested sports bag (compulsory for School matches, Year 5 8) *
Black crested drawstring bag for swimming *
Gum shield (for Yrs 3 8 - Autumn and Spring Terms)
Astro trainers (Yrs 5 - 8 only and optional for Yrs 3 4)
Water bottle
1 towel (looped), comb, toiletries from Year 5 (no aerosols please)
School crested black school book bag (Yrs 3 4) *
Black crested rucksack (Yrs 5 8) *
League polo shirt*
Boys Sports Kit
Felsted Prep School waterproof tracksuit top (compulsory for Yr 7 & 8, optional for Yr 3 6) *
Felsted Prep School hooded sweatshirt *
Felsted Prep School tracksuit trousers *
Reversible black rugby shirt *
Burgundy polo shirt x2 *
Black lycra thermal base layer ‘skins’ (optional)
Black PE shorts *
Black rugby shorts *
Black lycra shorts (optional)
Games socks - black/gold stripes (Yrs 5 8 only) *
Games socks - plain black (Yrs 3 & 4 only) *
White sports socks (Summer Term only)
Shin pads with ankle support
Black swimming briefs (Yrs 3 5 only) *
Black swimming shorts (Yrs 6 - 8 only) *
Felsted Prep School swimming hat and goggles (compulsory) *
Felsted Prep School cricket slipover (optional for Yrs 4 8 only) *
Felsted Prep School crested cricket shirt (Yrs 4 8 only and if selected for the U9 A team) *
Cricket whites (if selected for School 1
, 2
, 3
or 4
teams or Under 11’s A, B or C teams) *
White base layer ‘skins’ (Summer Term only) (optional)
Boys School Uniform
Felsted Prep School blazer *
Felsted Prep School coat *
Felsted kagool (optional) *
Long sleeved white shirts
Short sleeve white shirts for the Summer Term (optional)
Felsted Prep School tie *
Black Bermuda shorts or long black trousers *
Burgundy sweater *
Black socks (long with Bermuda shorts in the winter)
Black socks (short with Bermuda shorts in the summer)
Black shoes (not trainer style, must be sensible with low heel and no large buckles)
School crested black school book bag. (Years 3 4) *
Larger black crested school bag. (Years 5 8) *
Hockey stick (Autumn and Spring Terms only) (Yrs 4 - 8 only)
Tennis racquet (optional)
Cricket bat (Summer Term optional)
Cricket helmet (Summer Term recommended BS 7928:2013)
Box briefs and box (Summer Term - Yrs 4 - 8 only)
Felsted Prep School baseball cap (burgundy) *
String bag for games kit *
Black crested drawstring bag for swimming *
Black crested sports bag (compulsory for School matches Yrs 5 8) *
Gum shield for rugby and hockey (Yrs 3 - 8) but for Yr 3 boys from Autumn Term
Rugby boots with safety studs (kite mark)
Rugby scrum cap (recommended)
Cricket boots (optional)
Astro trainers (Yrs 5 - 8 only and optional for Yrs 3 4)
Water bottle
1 towel (looped), comb, toiletries from Year 5 (no aerosols please)
School crested black school book bag (Yrs 3 4) *
League polo*
All pupils must have the following stationery items in a
named pencil case
Calculator Casio Fx83ES (available from Felsted School Bookshop) (from Year 5)
Coloured pencils (Staedtler or Crayola) (Not in Year 7 - 8)
Compasses (a pair) (from Year 5)
Handwriting pen - blue (Yr 4 only)
Fountain pens x 2 (from Year 5)
Coloured pen
Ink cartridges (blue)
Pencils x 2 (HB)
Pencil rubber
Pencil sharpener
Protractor (180 and 360 degree) (from Yr 5)
Rulers (15 cm & 30 cm)
Set square (from Yr 5)
Combination padlock (Yr 7 & 8 only) optional
Chromebook & Case (Yr 7 & 8 only) Please see notes on separate page
Year 3 will have all their stationery provided for them
All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Tailor’s Shop. Small and large
name tapes are automatically ordered for you by the Tailor’s Shop. Small labels are to be
sewn inside all day wear and large labels inside all sports kit. Name tapes are ordered
once full registration is confirmed. The charge for these will be added to the initial Tailor’s
Shop bill. (01371 822636 / tail[email protected]).
Please help teach all children to respect their own belongings and those of others by
naming them and encouraging them to look for them if they are lost. An electronic notice
can be put up to help find things and a visit to matron is essential, who will help you to
find anything that is missing. However, it is very hard if items are not named!
1. Marking and looping
It is essential that clear and permanent marking is made on all clothes, footwear,
equipment and sports bags. Clothing must be marked with name tapes supplied by The
Tailor’s Shop, with FPS after the pupil’s name.
Sports kit
All sports kit must have their name tapes sewn neatly on the inside of the garment.
Games socks should be named at the top outside cuff of the sock.
Footwear is best marked as seems most appropriate. Black shoes can always have
initials painted on the soles, in front of the heel, where the sole does not touch the
ground, but other items of footwear need to have a name tape very firmly fixed to the
inside of the tongue.
Please sew secure, strong loops onto all items to be hung that would not go in the
string bag such as towels (loops to go on a long edge), coats and blazers.
2. Personal possessions
Watches, pens and other personal items must be marked, preferably by engraving. If a
child is asthmatic, please give a spare named inhaler to the Matrons at the beginning of
each term.
3. Rugby boots
These must have safety studs which are easily identified because they have the kite
mark on them. The School can supply studs if you have difficulty in obtaining them.
Year 4 will have the following provided for them:
Pencil Case
Handwriting Pen Blue
Pencils x 2 (HB)
Pencil rubber
Pencil sharpener
Ruler (30 cm)
4. Trainers
They must be practical, well cushioned shoes as they are worn for quite a lot of P.E.
lessons, games and cross-country, as well as during breaks and free time.
5. Gum shields
You should arrange to have a gum shield fitted with your own dentist or direct with Opro
who will supply a home fitting kit (www.opro.co.uk or 01707 261261). We do not
recommend that you buy ‘self-fitting’ gum shields from sports shops, but do recommend
the Opro ‘shield’ self-fitting gum shield available from the Tailor’s Shop. Pupils will not be
allowed to participate in games/matches if they do not have a gum shield.
6. Swimming hats
Swimming hats are compulsory for all pupils in Years 3 - 8.
7. Sports equipment
Advice and help in purchasing suitable items such as hockey sticks, cricket bats and
tennis rackets can be sought from any of the Heads of Sports or P.E. staff.
8. School bags
All students should have crested black bags, clearly marked with their name. This is for
school books, stationary etc.
Years 3-4 - School crested black book bag.
Years 5-8 - School crested black rucksack.
If you have any queries please telephone the Tailor’s Shop on 01371 822636 /
tailors@felsted.org. The Tailor’s Shop is located in the Senior School grounds,
next to the Hunt Theatre.