Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 1
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
The Sheriff is given the statutory discretion to issue a license to carry a concealed firearm to
residents within the community (Penal Code § 26150). This policy shall provide a written process
for the application and issuance of such licenses. Pursuant to Penal Code § 26160, this policy
shall be made accessible to the public.
218.2 POLICY
All applications to carry concealed firearms shall be fairly and impartially considered in accordance
with applicable law and this policy.
In order to qualify for a license to carry a concealed firearm, the applicant must meet certain
requirements, including:
1. Be a resident of the County of Orange, except for persons living in another county and
working in the County of Orange, as set forth in §218.5 below(Penal Code § 26150).
2. Be at least 21 years of age. (Penal Code §27510).
3. Fully complete an application that will include substantial personal information. Much
of the information in the application may be subject to public access under the Public
Records Act.
4. Be free from criminal convictions that would disqualify the applicant from carrying a
concealed firearm. Fingerprints shall be required and a complete criminal background
check shall be conducted.
5. Be of good moral character as outlined in section 218.4. (Penal Code § 26150)
6. Pay all associated application fees. These fees are set by statute and shall not be
refunded if the application is denied.
(a) The County of Orange fee for an initial license is waived for Reserve
Peace Officers and Sheriff's Special Officers with the Orange County Sheriff's
Department. The California Department of Justice fee for an initial license is
7. Provide proof of ownership or registration of any firearm to be licensed for concealment
upon request.
8. Be free from any psychological conditions that might make the applicant unsuitable
for carrying a concealed firearm (Penal Code § 26190).
9. Complete required training (Penal Code § 26165).
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 2
The application process for a license to carry a concealed weapon must be completed by all
applicants, new and renewal. Applicants shall advance through the process until the license is
either denied or issued, unless the application is withdrawn.
1. Application
(a) Any individual applying for a license to carry a concealed weapon shall complete
a California Department of Justice (DOJ) Application. The application shall be
submitted and signed, under penalty of perjury, during the background interview.
(b) Any applicant who provides false information or statements on the application
shall be removed from further consideration and may be prosecuted for a
criminal offense (Penal Code § 26180).
(c) If at any step of the application process, the Sheriff or designee determines that
the application package is incomplete, the Sheriff or authorized designee may
do any of the following:
1. Require the applicant to complete the package before any further
2. Advance the incomplete package for conditional processing pending
completion of all mandatory conditions.
3. Withdraw the application.
4. Issue a denial if the materials submitted at the time demonstrate that the
applicant would not qualify for a license to carry a concealed firearm even
if the package was completed (e.g., not a resident, disqualifying criminal
conviction, etc.).
2. Background Check
(a) Applicants will be required to submit to a live scan criminal background check, at
their own expense, and a local records check as part of the application process.
Upon receipt of the criminal background results from the California Department
of Justice, FBI and local records check, the CCW licensing unit will conduct an
additional evaluation.
(b) No person determined to fall within a prohibited class described in Penal Code
§ 29800, et seq., Penal Code § 29900, Welfare and Institutions Code § 8100
or Welfare and Institutions Code § 8103 will be issued a license to carry a
concealed weapon.
1. Applicants may use any Live Scan fingerprinting service authorized by the
California Department of Justice to complete the fingerprinting process.
2. A current list of Live Scan locations is available on the DOJ website at
(c) A license shall not be issued if the California Department of Justice determines
that the applicant is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing, receiving,
owning or purchasing a firearm (Penal Code § 26195).
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 3
(d) A license shall not be issued to an applicant if their criminal background check
reveals information establishing that they do not meet the requirements of good
moral character as outlined in 218.4.1. (Penal Code § 26150).
3. Interview: As part of the application process, the applicant shall schedule a personal
interview with the Sheriff or authorized designee. During the interview, there will be
further discussion of the applicant's application materials, any information learned
through the background investigation, and any potential restrictions or conditions that
might be placed on the license.
4. Psychological Examination
(a) The Sheriff or authorized designee may requirethe applicant be referred to an
authorized psychologist used by the Department for psychological testing. The
cost of such psychological testing (not to exceed $150) shall be paid by the
applicant. The purpose of any psychological testing is intended only to identify
any outward indications or history of psychological problems that might render
the applicant unfit to carry a concealed firearm. This testing is not intended
to certify in any other aspect that the applicant is psychologically fit. If it is
determined that the applicant is not a suitable candidate for carrying a concealed
firearm, the applicant shall be removed from further consideration (Penal Code
§ 26190(f)(1)).
5. Training & Firearm Safety
(a) The applicant shall complete a course of training approved by the Department,
which complies with Penal Code § 26165. The applicant shall not be required to
complete or pay for any training courses prior to a conditional approval.
(b) The applicant shall successfully complete a departmentally approved firearms
safety and proficiency examination with each firearm to be licensed, and provide
proof of successful completion. The cost of any training, inspection, and
examination shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
(c) The applicant's firearm(s) is/are subject to inspection at the discretion of the
Sheriff or authorized designee. The Sheriff reserves the right to deny a license
for any firearm that has been altered from the manufacturer's specifications or
that is deemed unsafe (Penal Code § 31910).
6. Application Fees
(a) The applicant shall be required to pay all application fees associated with the
CCW licensing process. Application fees include a County processing fee and
a Department of Justice application processing fee. (Penal Code § 26190).
1. The first 20 percent of this fee shall be collected upon filing of the initial
2. The balance of the fee shall be collected only upon issuance of the license.
(b) Applicants shall pay the DOJ application processing fee when they are
1. Fees shall be paid directly to the Live Scan fingerprinting service provider.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 4
2. If the Sheriff's Department's Live Scan service is used, applicants shall
make payment via credit card or submit a check made payable to
"County of Orange, Sheriff's Department" for the required DOJ application
processing costs.
(c) Payment of the County's fee will be required upon issuance of a license.
(d) The County's fee does not include any additional fees required for training or
psychological testing.
(e) All fees paid are non-refundable.
A determination regarding whether an applicant satisfies the good moral character requirement
may only be based on objectively ascertainable criteria. (Penal Code § 26150, 26155). These
criteria shall include whether the applicant:
(a) Is prohibited from owning or possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code §§ 29800,
29805, or 29900, Welfare and Institutions Code§§ 8100 or 8103, 18 U.S.C.§ 922(g),
or any state or federal law;
(b) In the last 10 years, has been convicted of any misdemeanor offense or infraction
involving the unlawful, reckless, or negligent use, discharge, display, storage,
brandishing, possession, sale, receipt, or transfer of a firearm. This subsection shall
include convictions for attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation of any firearm- related
(c) To the extent not covered by (a) or (b) above, has been convicted of any misdemeanor
offense or infraction in the last 5 years that involves: (1) the use or threat of violence
or force, (2) unlawful possession, use, discharge, display, storage, brandishing, sale,
receipt, or transfer of a weapon; (3) sexual abuse or exploitation, (4) child or elder
abuse or endangerment, (5) false imprisonment, (6) fraud, embezzlement, bribery,
money laundering, or other crimes involving dishonesty; (7) the sale, distribution,
manufacture, or trafficking of controlled substances; or (8) involvement in a criminal
street gang. This subsection shall include convictions for attempt, conspiracy, or
solicitation of any such offenses;
(d) Has been subject to any restraining order, protective order, or other type of court order
issued pursuant to §§ 6240-6389 of the Family Code; § 136.2 and§§ 18100- 18205
of the Penal Code; §§ 527.6, 527.8, and 527.85 of the Code of Civil Procedure; or
§§ 213.5, 304, 362.4, 726.5, or 15657.03 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, unless
that order expired or was canceled more than ten years ago;
(e) Has an outstanding warrant for their arrest;
(f) Has been adjudicated a ward of the court for a Welfare and Institutions Code section
707(b) offense;
(g) Within the last year (1 year), has experienced the loss or theft of a firearm due to
the applicant's lack of compliance with federal, state, or local law regarding storing,
transporting, or securing the firearm;
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 5
(h) Makes a material false statement or omission on the application and/or during the
interview, or otherwise fails to disclose required information on any underlying portions
of the application (i.e.: Dealer Record of Sales, etc.).
(i) Is reasonably likely to be a danger to self, others, or the community at large based on
a past pattern of behavior or threats involving unlawful violence (including threats or
attempts of suicide). In making this determination, the Sheriff or authorized designee
shall use an objective inquiry considering the facts and circumstances known at the
time of the application or through the Sheriff's Department's investigation.
The Sheriff or authorized designee may make a determination as to the good moral
character at any step of the application process described above. In the event that an
application is denied on the basis that the applicant fails to demonstrate good moral
character, the denial shall state the basis on which the Sheriff or authorized designee
determined that good moral character was not established.
Once the Sheriff or authorized designee has verified the successful completion of the process, a
final determination will be made. The application for a license to carry a concealed weapon shall
either be approved or denied.
Whether an application is approved or denied during any step of the process, the applicant shall
be notified in writing within 90 days of the initial application or within 30 days after receipt of the
applicant's criminal background check from the California DOJ, whichever is later. If the license
is denied, the notice shall state which requirement was not satisfied (Penal Code § 26205).
The issuance of a license by the Sheriff shall not entitle the holder to either a property or liberty
interest as the issuance, amendment, or revocation of such license remains exclusively within the
discretion of the Sheriff as set forth herein.
The authority to issue a limited business license to carry a concealed firearm to a non-resident
applicant is granted only to the Sheriff of the county in which the applicant works. A chief of a
municipal police department may not issue limited licenses (Penal Code § 26150). Therefore,
such applicants may be referred to the Sheriff for processing.
An individual who is not a resident of the County of Orange, but who otherwise successfully
completes all portions of the process, may be issued a limited license subject to approval by the
Sheriff and subject to the following:
1. The applicant physically spends a substantial period of working hours in the applicant's
principal place of employment or business within the County of Orange (Penal Code
§ 26150).
2. Such a license will be valid for a period not to exceed 90 days from the date of issuance
and will be valid only in the County of Orange (Penal Code § 26220).
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 6
3. The applicant shall provide a copy of the license to the licensing authority of the city
or county in which the applicant resides (Penal Code § 26220).
4. Any application for renewal or re-issuance of such a license may be granted only upon
concurrence of the original issuing authority and the licensing authority of the city or
county in which the applicant resides (Penal Code § 26220).
In the event a license to carry a concealed weapon is issued by the Sheriff, the following shall
1. The license shall not be valid outside the State of California, unless recognized by
another State.
2. The license shall be subject to any and all reasonable restrictions or conditions the
Sheriff has deemed warranted, including restrictions as to the time, place, manner and
circumstances under which the person may carry the concealed weapon.
(a) All such restrictions or conditions shall be conspicuously noted on any license
issued (Penal Code § 26200).
(b) The licensee shall be required to sign a Terms of License Agreement. Any
violation of any of the restrictions and conditions may result in the immediate
revocation of the license.
3. The license shall be laminated, bearing a photograph of the licensee with the expiration
date, type of weapon, restrictions, and other pertinent information clearly visible.
(a) Each license shall be numbered and clearly identify the licensee.
(b) All licenses shall be subject to inspection by the Sheriff or any law enforcement
4. The license shall be valid for a period not to exceed two years from the date of issuance
(Penal Code § 26200).
(a) A license issued to state or federal magistrate, commissioner, or judge shall be
valid for a period not to exceed three years.
(b) A license issued under Penal Code § 26170 to any reserve peace officer
appointed pursuant to Penal Code § 830.6 shall be valid for a period not to
exceed four years, except that such license shall be invalid upon the individual's
conclusion of service as a reserve officer.
5. If the licensee's place of residence in Orange County was the basis for issuance of
a license, and the licensee moves out of Orange County, the license shall expire 90
days after the licensee has moved (Penal Code § 26210).
6. The licensee shall notify the CCW licensing unit in writing within ten days of any change
of place of residency. Failure to notify the CCW licensing unit of a change in the place
of residency may result in revocation of the licensee's license.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 7
7. The licensee shall notify the CCW licensing unit in writing within five days of any
arrests, law enforcement contact resulting from a criminal investigation, or when the
licensee becomes subject of a restraining order.
1. The Sheriff may place special restrictions limiting time, place, manner and
circumstances under which any license shall be valid. In general, these restrictions
shall prohibit the licensee from:
(a) Consuming any alcoholic beverage while armed.
(b) Being in a place, while armed, having a primary purpose of dispensing alcohol
for on-site consumption.
(c) Falsely representing him/herself as a peace officer.
(d) Unjustified or unreasonable displaying of a weapon.
(e) Committing any crime.
(f) Being under the influence of any medication causing physical or mental
impairment or any illicit drug while armed.
(g) Interfering with any law enforcement officer's duties.
(h) Refusing to display his/her license or weapon for inspection upon demand of
any peace officer.
(i) Loading the permitted firearm with illegal ammunition.
(j) Carrying a concealed weapon not listed on the license.
(k) Bringing a concealed weapon into prohibited areas, such as schools, federal
buildings, airports, courthouses, mass transit facility sterile areas (Penal Code §
171.7), or any other area where firearms are prohibited by local, state, or federal
2. The above list is non-exhaustive and does not preclude the Sheriff or authorized
designee from imposing other reasonable restrictions as to the time, place, manner,
and circumstances under which the licensee may carry a concealed weapon.
3. The Sheriff reserves the right to inspect any license or licensed weapon at any time.
4. The alteration of any previously approved weapon including, but not limited to
adjusting the trigger pull or making modifications that create an unsafe weapon (Penal
Code § 31910) shall void any license and serve as grounds for revocation.
Any licensee may apply to amend a license at any time during the period of validity by completing
and submitting a written Application for License Amendment along with the current processing fee
to the Department in order to (Penal Code § 26215):
1. Add or delete authority to carry a firearm listed on the license.
2. Change restrictions or conditions previously placed on the license.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 8
3. Change the address or other personal information of the licensee (Penal Code §
Any amendment to a valid license which is approved by the Sheriff, shall require a new license to
be issued reflecting the amendment. An amendment to any license shall not serve to extend the
original expiration date and an application for an amendment shall not constitute an application
for renewal of the license.
Any license issued pursuant to this policy may be immediately revoked/suspended by the Sheriff
or authorized designee for any of the following reasons:
1. The licensee has violated any of the restrictions or conditions placed upon the license.
2. The licensee becomes psychologically unsuitable to carry a concealed firearm.
3. The licensee is determined to be within a prohibited class described in Penal Code §
29800, et seq., Welfare and Institutions Code § 8100, Welfare and Institutions Code
§ 8103 or any state or federal law.
4. The licensee no longer meets the objective requirements of good moral
character that were required to issue the license.
The issuance of a license by the Sheriff shall not entitle the holder to either a property or
liberty interest as the issuance, amendment or revocation/suspension of such license remains
exclusively within the discretion of the Sheriff as set forth herein.
If any license is suspended due to lack of compliance with federal, state or local law, the licensee
may be required at the discretion of the Sheriff or authorized designee to attend a firearms safety
refresher course with an approved training provider.
If any license is revoked, the Department shall immediately notify the licensee in writing and
provide notice to the California DOJ (Penal Code § 26195 and Penal Code § 26225).
No later than 90 days prior to the expiration of any valid license to carry a concealed firearm, the
licensee may apply to the Sheriff for a renewal by:
1. Verifying all information submitted in the renewal application under penalty of perjury.
2. Completing a Department-approved training course pursuant to Penal Code § 26165.
The applicant shall not be required to pay for a training course prior to a conditional
3. Paying a non-refundable renewal application fee.
(a) The County of Orange fee for renewal of a license is waived for Reserve
Peace Officers and Sheriff's Special Officers with the Orange County Sheriff's
Department. The California Department of Justice fee for renewal of a license
is required.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 9
4. The applicant's firearm(s) is/are subject to inspection at the discretion of the Sheriff
or designated Department member. The Sheriff reserves the right to deny a license
for any firearm that has been altered from the manufacturer's specifications or that is
unsafe (Penal Code § 31910).
Once the Sheriff or authorized designee has verified the successful completion of the renewal
process, the renewal of the license to carry a concealed firearm shall either be granted or denied.
Prior issuance of a license shall not entitle any licensee to any property or liberty right to renewal.
Whether an application for renewal is approved or denied, the applicant shall be notified in writing
within 90 days of the renewal application or within 30 days after receipt of the applicant's criminal
background check from the California DOJ, whichever is later. If the license is denied, the notice
shall state which requirement was not satisfied (Penal Code § 26205).
Pursuant to Penal Code § 26225, the Sheriff shall maintain a record of the following and
immediately provide copies of each to the California DOJ:
1. The denial of a license
2. The denial of an amendment to a license
3. The issuance of a license
4. The amendment of a license
5. The revocation of a license
The Sheriff shall annually submit to the State Attorney General the total number of licenses to
carry concealed firearms issued to reserve peace officers and judges.
The home address and telephone numbers of any peace officer, public defender, prosecutor,
magistrate, commissioner, or judge contained in an application or license shall not be considered
public record (Government Code § 7923.805).
Any information in an application or license which tends to indicate when or where the applicant
is vulnerable to attack or that concerns the applicant's medical or psychological history or that of
his/her family shall not be considered public record (Government Code § 7923.800).
As part of the state requirements under Penal Code § 26165, the course of training for issuance
of a license may be any course acceptable to the Department that is no less than eight (8) hours
and shall not exceed sixteen (16) hours, and shall include instruction on at least firearms safety
and the law regarding the permissible use of a firearm. For license renewal applicants, the course
of training shall be no less than four (4) hours.
The Department requires that the training provided include classroom instruction and successful
completion of a written examination and a practical application shooting examination. At minimum,
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 10
the course must provide instruction on current applicable firearm laws, weapons safety and include
hands on training. Training providers must impress upon the students the grand importance and
responsibility of being licensed to carry a loaded firearm. The goal of this program is to ensure
that the citizens of Orange County are provided with high quality firearms training.
The guidelines provided are minimums and not intended to be totally comprehensive.
1. Instructor Certification
(a) Training providers must submit a copy of a valid form of photographic
identification and proof of completion of an acceptable Firearms Instructor's
Certification Course for each individual firearms instructor. Examples of
acceptable courses may include, but are not limited to, courses offered by;
1. A federal, state, or municipal law enforcement agency
2. A branch of the United States military
3. The California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
4. The National Rifle Association
(b) All firearm instructor certifications must be current and in good standing for the
duration of the two-year period they remain on the department's approval list.
2. Course Materials
(a) Training providers must submit their course syllabus, course materials (i.e.,
student materials, handouts, written examination, practical application outline,
etc.), and course(s) of fire to the Department for review and consideration. If
approved, training providers shall be added to the approved training provider list
maintained by the CCW Licensing Unit.
The learning objectives for the Concealed Weapons Training course shall not be less than eight
(8) hours and not exceed sixteen (16) hours of training for an initial license and shall not be less
than four (4) hours of training for a license renewal.
Students will be required to:
1. Understand and demonstrate adequate knowledge of handgun safety and handling
(to include cleaning, disassembly and assembly) and handgun storage.
2. Understand and demonstrate adequate knowledge of techniques and equipment used
to safely carry weapons, retain control of weapons, and avoid unwarranted detection
of weapons.
3. Understand and demonstrate adequate knowledge of California Penal Code sections
relating to firearms and sections dealing with the permissible use of a firearm.
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 11
4. Understand and demonstrate adequate knowledge of locations where firearm
possession is prohibited (i.e. air travel).
5. Understand and demonstrate adequate knowledge of civil and penal liability laws
regarding firearms for the state of California.
6. Training Certificate-All training providers must issue a training certificate for each
student to include the following:
(a) Training Provider's Business Name
(b) Student's Name
(c) Student Driver's license number
(d) Training/Live Fire date(s)
(e) Classroom and live fire location
(f) Type of training (Initial, Renewal, Amendment)
(g) Accurate weapon information (make, model, caliber, serial number, barrel
length, color/finish)
(h) Student and trainer signatures
All training providers must verify information on the certificate is complete and accurate prior to
issuing them to the students. Training providers are responsible for the accuracy of the certificate.
Failure to comply with these requirements may be grounds for removal from the approved training
provider list.
Prior to the live fire course, each handgun must be checked for safe and mechanically sound
condition. All safety considerations and precautions must be taken during live fire and weapon
handling. The student must demonstrate shooting proficiency and safe technique for all weapons
to be listed on the CCW license.
Sample Course of Fire
The course of fire utilized by the Department is as follows:
1. A passing score of 70% on a live fire course using the same weapon(s) that shall be
listed on the license. The live fire course shall be at minimum, 72 total rounds fired
at standard silhouette B-27 scoring targets placed 3, 5, and 7 yards from the shooter;
24 rounds per distance. The live fire course should be conducted after the classroom
portion of the certification course.
Approved training providers shall be placed on the list for a period of two years. At the end of the
two year period, the training provider shall be required to resubmit all instructor certifications and
course materials to the Department for review and recertification.
Approved training providers are subject to review by the Department at any
time. The Department may require approved training providers to submit additional
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Orange County SD Policy Manual
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2023/03/22, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
License to Carry a Concealed Weapon - 12
information and materials to verify compliance with minimum standards. If at any time, the
Department determines that an approved training provider is not complying with the minimum
standards, the training provider shall be removed from the approved list. Training providers
removed from the approved list who would like to be reconsidered for approval, shall need to
resubmit all instructor certifications and course materials for review and consideration by the CCW
Licensing Unit.