DLA Troop Support
Construction and Equipment Directorate
Equipment Division
Tailored Logistic Support Program
Customer Guidelines Document
April 2019
Version 9.0
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
Who is an authorized customer?
Program Overview & Scope
Getting started with the program
Filling out the Customer Order Request
Submitting a Customer Order Request 8
Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet 9
Receipt ProceduresSubmitting a
Material Release Acknowledgement
Returns, Replacements &
E-mail Notifications 12
E-mail Addresses and Websites 13
Participating Vendors 14
Attachments 14
Welcome to the Special Operational Equipment (SOE) Tailored Logistic Support Program (TLSP). This
program has been designed by the Construction and Equipment Directorate of the DLA Troop Support
to provide responsive, high quality products at fair and reasonable prices.
This is accomplished by promoting competition between qualified vendors for commercial items.
This document serves as a guide to walk you through the registering and the ordering process. This
document also contains contact information and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.
DLA Troop Support is part of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). The primary goal of DLA TROOP
SUPPORT is to support our country’s warfighters. Our mission is as follows:
In support of the Defense Logistics Agency’s mission, we provide effective and efficient support to our
warfighters and other customers with food, clothing, construction, medical and hardware solutions to
achieve their global mission.
The success of DLA TROOP SUPPORT has been its uncompromising commitment to readiness,
customer satisfaction, quality and innovation. This commitment has also fueled the continued innovative
integration of commercial practices as DLA TROOP SUPPORT transitions from managing items to
managing the supply chain.
Our dedication to America's warfighter and readiness stands as a mark of honor-- second to none.
Who is an authorized customer?
Many types of activities may wish to use the DLA TROOP SUPPORT Special Operational Equipment
TLSP. These activities include but are not limited to military bases, camps-posts- stations, and other
federal activities (i.e. FEMA). Authorized customers will place their orders with DLA TROOP SUPPORT,
and DLA TROOP SUPPORT will then place the order with a contractor.
Program Overview & Scope
This TLSP program will have multiple vendors compete on price and delivery to fulfill each customer
order. The program will service customers worldwide utilizing a combination of commercial support
capabilities and Government transportation capabilities. All requirements will be reviewed by the
Contracting Officer to ensure they are within the scope of the contract. Any items determined to not be
within scope will be denied and the customer will be notified via e-mail. The contract scope involves the
total logistics support required to supply customers and missions related but not limited to:
Survival Gear and Equipment Kits
Tactical Equipment
Protective Eyewear Vision Enhancing Equipment
Escalation of Force Equipment
Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS)
- Scuba and other Diving Equipment
Thermal Protection Equipment
Surface Supplied Diving Equipment
Communication Devices
Saturation Equipment
Compressors and Air Purification Systems
Hyperbaric Instrumentation and Equipment
Lifesaving Search and Rescue Equipment
Gas Analysis Equipment
Air Crew Support and Flight Deck Safety Items
Underwater Tools
Clothing & Textiles - Apparel
Load Carrying Equipment, i.e., vests, backpack
systems, trunk lockers
Lethality Support Items, i.e., slings, holsters,
mobility pad items, straps and fasteners,
reflective belts
Survival Kits
Mountain climbing equipment
Other Special Operations Equipment Items
Incidental services and training relating to the operational equipment items requested shall be
considered however please note the Contracting Officer makes the final determination if incidental
services and training can be supported on a case by case basis. Any service related line items must
be ordered with supply deliverables.
"Orders Requiring Additional Technical Information": DLA Troop Support's Special Operations Equipment
and Fire & Emergency Service Equipment Programs have recently been focusing on better defining the
scope of the programs in order to better support customer needs. In light of this clarification, we may
need assistance to help ensure the effort operates smoothly and efficiently.
Effective immediately, we are requesting the following when submitting your orders:
Orders for storage systems should include: (1) manufacturer specification sheet or link to manufacturer's
website for specification in the additional comments column of the ordering form; (2) statement of
intended use (i.e. how/where system will be used, what items will be stored); (3) If incidental services (i.e.
assembly, installation) are required, a detailed Statement of Work should be provided and the order form
should include Incidental Services as an additional line item on the order form to include a brief
description regarding type of service.
All orders should provide specification sheets or link to manufacturer's website for specification in the
additional information comments column of the ordering form when possible.
Please remember to always provide a clear, concise item description and additional information in the
appropriate columns on the order form. The more detailed and accurate your order form, the quicker your
order can be reviewed for scope and processed for award.
Alternate Items
Alternate items may be proposed by the vendors as a means of decreasing overall costs.
Alternate items will be presented to the customer with specification information that will allow for
a comparison between the originally requested item and the alternate. If after reviewing this
information the customer would like to proceed with the originally requested item, justification
must be provided indicating why only that item will satisfy the customer’s requirement.
Delivery Requirements
Delivery is based on the manufacturer’s availability of the items covered.
Buy American/Trade Agreements/Berry Amendment/ Procurement Restrictions/
The products/components provided under this contract are in accordance with applicable Buy
American Act and Berry Amendment. For this Program (acquisition) products provided are end
items that are manufactured or substantially transformed in the United States or a Qualifying or
Designated country, as set forth in FAR 25.003.
Getting Started with the Program
This section of the document will walk you through the process of getting setup to place orders with
SOE TLSP. You will need to register with DLA TROOP SUPPORT and setup your Customer and
FOPOC profiles before your initial order is processed.
Minimum Customer System Requirements
In order to utilize the order template and interface with DLA TROOP SUPPORT, you must have a
personal computer that meets the following requirements:
Windows Operating System
Email Software
Authorized Business Email Account that you and only you have access to
Access to the Internet
Microsoft Excel 2003 or later
If you do not meet all of the above requirements, contact DLA TROOP SUPPORT for assistance in
getting setup for the program.
Customer Registration and Finance Office Point of Contact (FOPOC) Designation
New customers will need to register for the program and designate a FOPOC at the time of
registration. The “Customer Registration/FOPOC Designation form can be used by new
customers to accomplish this.
A one-time registration is required for each individual using the program. Every person from
your activity who will be placing orders is required to register. After registration, you will be
sent a welcome package including your 9-digit SOE TLSP Account Number and your Excel
order template.
Each Ordering Activity will be required to designate a Finance Office Point of Contract
(FOPOC) in order for DLA to ensure that orders are submitted by a user with proper
authority and funding. This will allow the Ordering Activity to obligate the order in their
system timely by providing detailed line item information, pricing, and order status.
To register, go to
cOpsmarinelifesaving/ Scroll down to “Customer
Registration/FOPOC Designation”
Click “Download the Registration Form”
Open “Registration Form”
Fill out the form with the requested information
Email the form back to DLA TROOP SUPPORT using the instructions on the form
If using EXCEL 2007 please use the appropriate email method to send the registration form
as an attachment to the address shown on the registration form
(SOECustomerRegi[email protected]il
Updating Your Customer / FOPOC Account Information
In the event that there is a change to any of your information, please contact your assigned
TVLS (if known) or DLA TROOP SUPPORT at SOECustomerIn[email protected]
Obtaining the Customer Ordering Template
After you have signed up with DLA TROOP SUPPORT as a customer of SOE TLSP, you will
receive an e-mailed Welcome Packet with your Excel ordering template, your assigned Tailored
Vendor Logistics Specialist (TVLS) and your unique Account Number. The order template is
an Excel spreadsheet containing the necessary fields to submit a valid order.
For ease of use and organizational purposes, we recommend that you do the following:
Create a folder on your hard drive called SOE_TLSP
Copy your template file into the SOE_TLSP folder
Create a shortcut to your template file and place it on your Desktop
Create a shortcut to the SOE_TLSP folder and place it on your Desktop
Any new order file that you create from the template should be saved to the SOE_TLSP
(Please note that the first 9 characters of your Request Order Template is your SOE TLSP Account
Number, i.e. 190000254).
Filling out the Customer Order Request Template
The Customer Order Request Template is used to obtain pricing and delivery for the requested items.
Once filled out, the spreadsheet is emailed to SOEOrders@dla.mil.
NOTE: This program is for ordering Commercial MFG Part Numbers only. NSNs will not be accepted
and must be submitted through normal MILSTRIP ordering channels.
Please refer to the following guidance when preparing your request. If a template submission is
incorrect, we will not assume we understand the customer’s intentions. You will be requested to
correct your submission.
Column A: “Request Type”Please enter “R” or “M” for the order in Column A. Although DLA
will be providing pricing on all requests prior to accepting funding, we will need your method of
funding to be identified upfront. If funding will be provided in the form of a requisition number
/ document number, enter R. If funding will be provided in the form of a DD Form 448 MIPR,
enter M.
Columns B through E: “POC Information”Entering ordering and/or receiving POC contact
information. These are mandatory fields.
Columns F & G: “Manufacturer Name” and “Manufacturer Part Number”Enter the
manufacturer name and part number of the item(s) you are requesting. These are mandatory
Column H: “Item Description” - Please enter a description of the item you are requesting. This
field has a character limit of 120 characters. This is a mandatory field.
Column I: “Additional Information” Please enter any additional information in regards to
intended use and further description of the item. This cell allows DLA to further understand the
requirement that is submitted and how it falls within scope of the contract. Also describe any
item customization that is needed.
Column J: “Requested Delivery Date” Enter the date you want to receive the item.
NOTE: Delivery is based on manufacturer’s production capability. While vendors ensure the
best delivery is made possible, there is no guarantee that your order will be delivered by the
date requested. All proposed lead times are sent for review with the pricing spreadsheet.
Column K: “Quantity”Enter the number of units requested. This is a mandatory field.
Column L: “Unit of Issue”Enter the two (2)-letter unit of issue abbreviation. This is a
mandatory field. Refer to the “Unit of Issue Codes” tab of the order spreadsheet if assistance is
needed identifying a unit of issue abbreviation.
Column M: “Ordering DoDAAC”Enter the 6 character DoDAAC for the activity for which you
are ordering. This is usually the DoDAAC you registered under. This is a mandatory field.
Column N: “Ship To DoDAAC”Enter the 6 character DoDAAC where the material must be
delivered. This is a mandatory field.
Column O: “Supp AddIf applicable, enter the Supplemental Address for each line of your
Column P: “Delivery Destination” - Enter any additional information about delivery that is not covered by
the Ship To DoDAAC.
Column Q: “Special Project Code”Enter your 3 character project code associated with the
requested item or leave blank if not applicable or unknown.
Column R: “Special Instructions”Enter any special instructions concerning your request. You
must also use this field to convey why an item has emergency status or if you require that all of
the materials requested in the order be delivered together and the rationale for why the order
request should be treated as a single Bill of Materials and not individual line items. In addition to
having this information in this column, please copy all this information and put this into Column I:
“Additional Information” below what information may already be in this column.
Submitting a Customer Order Request
The Excel Customer Order Request is to be E-mailed to SOEOrder[email protected]. Please ensure
that the mandatory fields are filled in on the template. Once received, your Order Request will be
reviewed to ensure that all necessary fields are complete and then loaded into our system. You
will receive your 1
e-mail notification confirming that your request has been received and
PLEASE NOTE a Load Batch Number will be assigned to your order and will be listed in
the subject line and will serve as the common reference indicator on all emails moving
forward for the order. Please do not remove or alter the subject name in the email when
corresponding with us regarding your order.
Rejection of Order Lines by DLA TROOP SUPPORT
Should at any point in the process the order be rejected by DLA TROOP SUPPORT, the
customer will be notified by a 2
email notification (if applicable). Potential reasons for
rejection are:
The item is not within scope of the Special Operational Equipment TLSP
The item is not Berry Compliant
The item is not in compliance with the Buy American Act or not manufactured or
substantially transformed in the United States or a Qualifying or Designated country, as
set forth in FAR 25.003
Requested items cannot be obtained
Incomplete or erroneous information on the order request form
Canceling or Changing an Order
Should you need to cancel an order at any point in the process, immediately contact your
assigned TVLS, or if unknown contact SOECustomerI[email protected]
Once the order is loaded and the scope check performed by the contracting officer, the request for quote
(RFQ) is sent to all six vendors for price and delivery.
NOTE : Timeframe to obtain pricing: from the time of receiving the Customer Order Request to
DLA providing a quote is approximately 21 business days. During the fourth quarter of the
fiscal year, volume increases could cause delays.
Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet
Once the vendors respond to the RFQ, the Contracting Officer reviews the quotes, makes a best
value decision for selecting the winning offer for each line and then sends a Price Acknowledgement
Spreadsheet via a 3
email notification to the registered customer and registered FOPOC for the
order. The spreadsheet will show each line, requested quantity, its pricing, and delivery lead time
information. All lines on the spreadsheet will be locked to prevent modification except for the following
editable fields, which will need to be completed by the FOPOC:
MILS-Like funded document/requisition number (if applicable)
Signal code (if applicable)
Fund code (if applicable)
MIPR number (if applicable)
Approved quantity
There will be three categories of funding authorized:
Customer-provided, MILS-like document number, fund code and signal code
DD Form 448 Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
DLA-generated MILS-like document numbers using a preselected serial range designated by
the customer
The screenshots below identify each field, and how the spreadsheet will appear to the registered
customer and registered FOPOC for the order:
Columns A through H are locked fields and cannot be changed. These columns revalidate all details
pertaining to your order. NOTE: Again, please note that the Load Batch Number (located in Column
D) is the number to be referenced throughout the entire procurement process when requesting any
information about your order. This is also discussed on Page 10, Section 7. Submitting a Customer
Order Request above.
Columns I through R are locked fields and cannot be changed. These columns revalidate all details
pertaining to your order.
Columns S through Y are locked fields and cannot be changed. These columns revalidate all details
pertaining to your order.
Columns Z through AD are locked fields and cannot be changed. These columns revalidate all details
pertaining to your order. Please note that Column AD will indicate the total price of your order after it
has been competed amongst the six (6) TLS Vendors. NOTE: At this time, an award has not yet been
Column AE is a mandatory field (highlighted in yellow) and will require the FOPOC to confirm the
quantity for each line of the subject order. The quantity for a given line can remain the same as the
original quantity requested at the time of the order submission. The quantity can also be increased or
decreased, if needed.
For orders funded via a MILS-like document (i.e. MILSTRIP Requisitions): Column AG is a mandatory
field (highlighted in yellow), and requires the FOPOC to input the applicable MILS-like Document (one
unique requisition number per line item) Numbers. NOTE: For those orders funded via a MILS-like
Document Number, the FOPOC will not have the option to populate Column AN (“MIPR Number”), as
this Column will be locked (and will not be highlighted in yellow - shown in the screenshot above). For
this funding method, Columns AJ through AK are also mandatory fields and will require the FOPOC to
input the applicable Signal Code, Fund Code, and Supplemental Address information.
For orders funded via a MIPR: Column AH is a mandatory field (although not in the above screenshot,
actual orders will show this Column as highlighted in yellow), and requires the FOPOC to input the
applicable MIPR Number information. NOTE: For those orders funded via a MIPR, the FOPOC will not
have the option to populate Column AG (“Req Number”), as this Column will be locked (and will not be
highlighted in yellow). In addition, when using a MIPR, please input the following: Signal Code (Column
AI)-B; Fund Code (Column AJ)-XP; and Supp Add (Column AK)-SC0503.
Once the FOPOC has entered the confirmed quantities and applicable funding information into the Price
Acknowledgment Spreadsheet, it must be e-mailed back to DLA Troop Support to the
mailbox. If the order will be funded by a MIPR, the MIPR will need to
be attached to the same email as the Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet.
Please follow the specific “Reply All” directions provided in the email that sent the pricing spreadsheet. If
the completed FOPOC spreadsheet and related funding is not sent to SOEPriceAcknowl[email protected]
it could cause further delays.
After the Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet and funding is received, the contracting officer will
process the order for award. The customer and FOPOC will receive a 4
email notification of the
award to include vendor information, pricing and delivery information (similar to the MILS AE process).
Once DLA obligates the funds and authorizes the vendor to perform, the customer and FOPOC will
receive a 5
email notification that funds are in fact obligated (similar to the MILS BV process).
When the vendor ships the material, a 6
email notification will be sent to the customer and the
FOPOC to let them know material is on the way. Once material is received, the customer will submit
the MRA by posting the goods receipt (see below).
Receipt Procedures Submitting a Material Release Acknowledgement (MRA)
It is imperative that once an order is received by the customer, an MRA is posted into DoD
FEDMALL. Failure to submit timely and accurate MRAs could result in payment/billing issues and
could delay the delivery of needed items. DoD FEDMALL an internet based Electronic Mall which
allows military customers and other authorized government customers to search for and order items
from government and commercial sources. However, in this case FEDMALL will be used only for
submitting an MRA. DoD FEDMALL is a Department of Defense program operated by DLIS. All
users are required to register, be authenticated, and authorized by a DLIS Access Administrator. All
FEDMALL users will follow the Department of Defense rules for login and passwords. FEDMALL is
available 24 hours a DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK.
Please see the MRA tutorial and the MRA Job Aid for FEDMALL at the end of this document for step-by-step
instructions on registering for DoD FEDMALL and posting MRAs.
Returns, Replacements & Discrepancies
In the event of any type of material discrepancy, the customer must notify their assigned TVLS or send a
request for assistance to SOECustomerInfo@dla.mil
immediately. The TVLS will coordinate with the
Contracting Officer, vendor and customer to develop a resolution to the issue.
E-mail Notifications to be expected during an order process from order placement
until order shipment:
Email Notification we have received your order
Email Notification (if applicable) items were denied for contract scope
Email Notification Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet sent to the customer and FOPOC
Email Notification DLA processed the order and is pending award
Email Notification DLA obligated funds and authorized vendor to perform
Email Notification Vendor ships material
E-mail Addresses and Websites
Obtain Registration Form:
Submit Registration Form: SOECustomerRegistratio[email protected]
Submit Order Requests: [email protected]
Submit Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet with applicable funding:
Submit Requests for Information: SOECustomerInfo@dla.mil
Participating Vendors
Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc. (ADS)
621 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 400
Virginia Beach, VA 23452-7349
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0005
Web Address:
Phone number: 800-948-9433
3924 E. Trent Avenue
Spokane, WA 99202-4425
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0007
Web Address: www.unifire.com
Phone number: 800-745-3282
Federal Resources Supply Company
235-G Log Canoe Circle
Stevensville, MD 21666-2165
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0006
Web Address: www.federalresources.com
Phone number: 800-892-1099
Tactical & Survival Specialties, Inc (TSSI)
3900 Early Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9500
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0003
Web Address: www.tssi-ops.com
Phone number: 877-535-TSSI
Quantico Tactical
9750 Aberdeen Road
Aberdeen, NC 28315-7742
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0008
Web Address: www.quanitcotactical.com
Phone number: 910-944-5800
W.S. Darley & Co
325 Spring Lake Drive
Itasca, IL 60413-2001
Contract number: SPM8EJ14D0004
Web Address: www.darleydefense.com
Phone number: 800-323-0244
Customer Order Form