OIMR Interview
I grew up in Costa Rica mostly, with my grandparents, as my parents were divorced and my
mother was working a lot. My grandparents were good-hearted people, and nature-lovers.
Just before finishing my studies in Business Administration I had been to Costa Rica for
holidays, and my mom gave me an Osho book. I can’t remember the title, but once I had
opened the book I could not put it down; I felt compelled to finish it. Since that day I was
waiting to come to the OSHO International Meditation Resort.
The book got me interested in Osho and I started searching on the Internet as to who he was. While browsing I came across
a feature on Osho in which he says; I am not dependent on you and all my effort here is to make you not dependent on me.
I am here to give you freedom; I don't want to extinguish you. I just want you to be yourself.” These words impacted me;
they seeped into my being and triggered a deep search: what is this life? I was not into meditation but at fifteen I had done
some breathing exercises that blew my mind; I had felt I was almost out of my body. That experience told me that there is a
lot more to find out.
In my final year at business school my mother had come to Pune and she brought DVDs of some of the meditations back
with her OSHO Nataraj Meditation and OSHO Kundalini Meditation in particular. We were staying in a hotel and there we
did Kundalini together. The meditation and the music filled me with so much energy that I wanted to step outside into the
garden and just sit down in nature. For me, OSHO Kundalini Meditation is about letting go, so I really let go of many things;
the school years I was carrying, my experience with people and with society. After I graduated I went back to Costa Rica, and
there I did OSHO No-Mind, and a course in Self Hypnosis both of which prepared me to come here.
My first visit to Pune was in 2009. I landed here at night, and while walking towards the OSHO Guesthouse I could not
believe that I had really arrived at this place. Everything was so mystical. The next morning the facilitator came to take me to
OSHO Mystic Rose Meditative Therapy. I was very happy to start working on myself. At first it was difficult for me to laugh
because I had been brought up with a conditioning that it is wrong to laugh too much. I was very serious because in life
people don't laugh so much, do they? My mom did not believe in any religion, even though Costa Rica is a Catholic country,
so God, church, and praying are all part of our culture. This makes people very serious. There is a church in every town, and
the priest is the religious master who makes big decisions and people go and confess to him. Even kids playing together will
ask each other, “What religion do you belong to?”
The first week of the Mystic Rose is the preparation for the next week, so after hearty laughter, crying was much easier. The
facilitators helped me to laugh and cry, and my inner space helped it too. I had this longing for existence; I had so wanted to
find a place like the Meditation Resort which supports this kind of search. After the Mystic Rose I did many courses including
OSHO Born Again, and the Awareness Intensive: Satori. Those courses lead to my next step and that was working here in the
Meditation Resort.
This is the first time I have worked, and I have found that it is a good grounding after doing so many meditations and self-
development courses. It is a very unusual work atmosphere; meditation goes parallel to working. For example, I can watch
my feelings; I can see how they are transferred to people through my interactions. Here I can express myself, I cannot hide
things even if I have an issue I can talk with my coach and work it out. People working here are open and they mirror me all
the time. So I get to know both sides of myself. Along with the work I facilitate the Welcome Morning, and sometimes I
facilitate the meditations or help in the OSHO Multiversity courses. So I get a multidimensional experience. Like my
grandparents I am a lover of nature, so I find the lush green surroundings very nourishing. I often take walks through the
trees watching butterflies.
The Evening Meeting Meditation is a highlight of my day doing nothing but being myself, listening to Osho's words, to his
silences and to the music. It refreshes me and brings me back to myself.
When I return to Costa Rica I want to open a small OSHO center on the beach and offer meditations. I love it there; surfing is
my favorite passion and I look upon life as a wave; it has its ups and downs but if I can stay in the middle that’s the fun! Now
I know how to be total with relaxation, then I won't get drowned. It is a great meditation being in the moment with totality
and relaxation. And now that I’ve started, I cannot stop – just like life.