The Royal Society Mathematical Futures Programme
Landscaping Mathematics Education
Policy: Landscaping national mathematics
education policy
Mark Boylan, Gill Adams and Amy Birkhead
Executive summary
1. This report examines the shaping of mathematics education in England by education policy since
the 1980s. It consists of:
(i) a chronological mapping of mathematics education policy interventions in England
(ii) a trend analysis and interpretation of policy, trajectories and system changes relating to
(iii) the implications of this analysis for influencing mathematics education policy and
It is based on documentary analysis and expert views gathered through virtual interviews and
2. The review focuses on mathematics education policy and draws on broader education policy
where this is relevant and/or impacts on mathematics education. Criteria for inclusion and
exclusion of evidence focus on the education of 4-19-year-olds in England. Given that, in England,
the statutory framework for mathematics education for 4-year-olds is the Early Years Foundation
Stage (EYFS) (DfE, 2014), the review includes EYFS policy literature but focuses on Foundation
Stage 2 (Reception classes). Educational phase is used to inform and organise the review using
customary systemic phases of
Primary education (KS1 and KS2)
Secondary education (KS3 and KS4)
We undertook a chronological mapping covering the following time-periods (with indicative
initiatives for England):
1980-1989 (Cockcroft to Education Reform Act),
1990-1998 (GCSE and the introduction of the national curriculum),
1999-2010 (National Strategies, NCETM, Smith Report),
2011-2021 (new national curriculum, Mastery programme).
Mathematics education as a field may be categorised in different ways. The following analytical
categories aspects of mathematics education - were identified in dialogue with the Royal Society:
Curriculum and pedagogy
Qualifications and assessment
Resources and technologies
Teaching workforce & professional learning (ITE, teacher supply)
Systems including incentives, implementation, influences including context
; we also extend
‘systems’ to refer to systemic issues that are found across the other aspects of mathematics
Philosophy, values, purpose, priorities, perspectives.
Note that in the ITT, proposal, and at the inception meeting, this appeared as "Systems including incentives and drivers
(incl. context)" however, the term 'drivers' here has a potentially ambiguous meaning from drivers as a 'push' factor in
implementation rather than 'driver' in policy analysis models that is an aim or goal of the policy.
3. An orientation to the overall chronology, policy environment and educational landscape
provides an overview of selected milestones in mathematics education.
This is further developed by identifying ten political, economic, and cultural forces
influencing mathematics education policy:
Citizen as consumer
Smaller state
New public management
Human capital
Social reproduction
Moral panics
Technological changes
Discourses of meritocracy
Seven broad changes in the education landscape that also influence mathematics education are
System complexity
Accountability measures
Ofsted and inspection frameworks
Teaching workforce supply and retention
Changing teacher professional conditions
Evidence and practice
Transnational influences
4. The chronology of mathematics education in England is extended by consideration of
educational phases: EYFS, Primary, Secondary, and Post-16.
For each phase, outcomes of the research are presented as:
A visual timeline of the phase chronology by years
A summary of policy features, drivers, warrants and levers by time periods
Factors, developments and consequences, and current influences on mathematics education
5. Policy drivers (goals and aims) in mathematics education are reviewed and how these have
changed across time and by phase. Patterns in drivers are identified grouped as
Economic drivers
Individual outcomes and opportunity
The quality of mathematics teaching
Educational ideologies and core beliefs underpinning drivers are identified.
6. Eight policy trends are identified with two each illustrating trends in four aspects of
i. Reduced curriculum content and increased prescription (curriculum and pedagogy)
ii. Increased policy direction of pedagogy (curriculum and pedagogy)
iii. Narrowing of assessment methods and forms (qualifications and assessment)
iv. High-stakes testing (qualifications and assessment)
v. Changing patterns in depth and intensity of funded subject specialist professional
development (workforce and professional learning)
vi. 'School led' innovation and professional development trending recently towards more
centralisation of direction (workforce and professional learning)
vii. Changing availability of curriculum resources and material (resources and technologies)
viii. Decreased use of ICT in mathematics including computing and programming (resources
and technologies)
7. Seven case studies illustrate key developments in mathematics education. The featured cases
Problem solving in recent curriculum and pedagogy
Data handling and statistics
Core Maths
Teacher subject knowledge
Digital technologies in mathematics education
The ‘forgotten third’
National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM)
8. The increased politicisation of policy development in mathematics education is identified with
the following noted:
more direct influence of ministers on curriculum and implementation of policy
a changed role and nature of special political advisors with educational expertise
apparently less important
increased number and type of policy influencers and actors.
A chronology of reports and the changing role of reports as warrants for policy development
are described.
9. Four policy development cases are presented, comprising an overview of the significance of the
case, a brief introduction of the policy, followed by an analysis of policy development:
Using and applying mathematics in the national curriculum
The National Numeracy Strategy
The Further Mathematics Support Programme
The Mastery programme
10. The four policy development cases are analysed in relation to models of policy development:
Multiple streams
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Policy cycle
11. Drawing on the case studies and other policy analysis models, the four cases are also analysed
in using proposed models of a) successful policy development and b) an implementation
strategy model.
12. Considering the landscaping of mathematics education policy, the following key features are
i. Educational policy in England is not particularly shaped by a careful consideration of
ii. There is an increasing divergence from high-performing systems which are reshaping their
education policies including in mathematics education in response to economic and social
iii. Political, cultural, and economic forces, and education landscape features are important
barriers to policy change and successful implementation in mathematics education.
13. To take forward the Mathematical Futures Programme, the following issues need considering:
Feasibility - assessing the feasibility of a particular programme, initiative, or action at a
particular time in relation to relevant forces and features and the general capacity for
Moderating the expression of forces and features in change programmes
Seeking opportunities for forces and features to be ‘flipped’ and drive change
In analysing, policy development processes we identified changes in the process of policy
development with a more ideologically driven approach to policy development.
Previous drivers and concerns may no longer be relevant or as powerful in particular:
Concerns of employers and industry and HEI may be less important than populist concerns
The power of evidence to persuade
Changes in the importance of transnational influences with potentially more concern for
national distinctive approaches
Appeal to previous concerns and drivers may need to be nuanced and careful consideration given to
audience and their interests. There is a need to map and engage with current and future policy
15. A change process model of initiation, implementation, and continuation would support
Mathematical Futures activities. This model is applied to the identified Mathematical Futures Phase
2 themes.
An initiation phase focused on the four themes has the potential to develop foundations for future
more systemic change across the whole of mathematics education. Two feasibility issues are
considered to inform future planning:
The overall ‘fit’ between the theme and current curriculum in each phase and the
relationship of these to core beliefs
What aspects of a theme may be appropriate in a phase.
Suggestions are proposed for developing and testing programmes related to the Phase 2 themes,
informed by Theory of Change models and for the development of coalitions to influence the climate
for change. Such coalitions would need to include both traditional stakeholders and partners of the
Royal Society.
Approaches to support policy engagement are identified:
Expanding policy networks
Costed policy design
16. Five additional recommendations, for more immediate action, are made
i. Engaging with stakeholders as Mathematical Futures begins Phase 2
ii. Identify or develop models of effective policy development and implementation
iii. Establishing an ACME policy contact group.
iv. Engagement with current policy governance networks
v. Develop pilot programmes
Executive summary i
PART ONE Introduction 1
PART TWO: Overview 10
PART THREE: Phases 23
PART FOUR: Purpose, values, and systems 47
PART FIVE: Trends 58
PART SIX: Illustrative Cases 68
PART SEVEN: Policy development and implementation 92
PART EIGHT: Mathematical Futures 123
PART NINE: Supporting materials 135
PART ONE Introduction
Part One introduces the study and report and situates it in relation to the remit of the
Mathematical Futures Programme, including the parallel study - the Horizon Scanning of
International policy Initiatives. It goes on to describes the research aims, questions and scope and
1. Introduction
The Royal Society’s Mathematical Futures Programme aims to:
a) Understand the mathematical competences that will be needed by students leaving
compulsory education and training in the future
b) Consider the implications of reshaping mathematics education for 419-year-olds
c) Recognise the skills required for teachers who would teach these curricula.
This report is the second of two reports. The first report “Landscaping Mathematics Education
Policy: Horizon scanning of international policy initiatives” was based on a horizon scan of policy and
change in international jurisdictions. It provided an overview of recent developments in
mathematical, statistical, and computational thinking, and data literacy informed by views of
international mathematics education experts. This second report contributes to the Mathematical
Futures Programme aims by synthesising evidence and mapping national mathematics education
policy since the 1980s. The research for this report was conducted between July 2021 and February
The review, including focal areas and choices of case studies, is informed by:
previous Royal Society visions for mathematics (Royal Society, 2014)
the analysis of the Mathematical Futures Programme ‘Call for views’ (Golding & Smart,
the horizon scan of international policy initiatives (Adams & Boylan, 2023) and discussion of
the findings of that study with the Mathematics Futures Programme Board
and emerging priorities identified by the Mathematical Futures Programme Board as themes
for Mathematical Futures phase 2 -
1. Inequalities in mathematics education and the challenge of engaging pupils and students
2. The intersections between mathematics, statistics, data science and computing
3. The role of technology in mathematics education
4. The implications of the above three themes for the teaching workforce.
Thus, this landscaping of mathematics education policy is informed by:
The importance of broad and balanced education and addressing priority areas of
mathematical and quantitative skills, science, and computing education.
The importance of mathematical thinking (as well as scientific thinking).
The need to develop a scientifically and mathematically informed society and the
implications of this for the relationship between STEM education and citizenship.
Recognising that individual and societal mathematical needs are unmet and changing; policy
change is needed focused across mathematics education as whole: curriculum, pedagogy,
qualifications and assessment, the mathematics education workforce, the use of technology
and across all educational phases.
Particularly urgent needs and opportunities for change in relation to a coherent and cross
phase approach to the use of digital technology in mathematics, opportunities for enhancing
coding and computational thinking in mathematics, and the integration of data science into
the mathematics curriculum.
Policy changes to address these challenges requires considerable collaboration and coherent re-
envisioning. These concerns informed evidence gathering and selection of examples for analysis and
presentation in the report, in the context of a broader, more comprehensive mapping. The study
comprised identification, chronological mapping and synthesis of key policy texts and interventions
influencing mathematics education in England, with expert views validating interpretations.
Methods and methodology are described in section 4.
The report structure
The report has nine parts as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1: Parts of the report
Part One: Introduction
Introduction to the study’ research aims, questions and scope;
methodology and methods
Part Two: Overview
An orientating overview of forty years of mathematics
education policy across four periods including a chronology of
legislation and government policy; system level drivers; and
general education policy influences on mathematics education.
Part Three: Phases
Phase chronologies and analysis of policy features, warrants,
levers, and drivers by phase; identification of current influences
Part Four: Purpose, values, and
system levers
Purpose and values in mathematics education; system warrants
and levers
Part Five: Trends
Mathematics education trends
Part Six: Illustrative cases
Cases illustrating influences, drivers, warrants, levers, and
Part Seven: Policy
development and
Policy development and implementation including policy
development cases
Part Eight: Mathematical
Implications, recommendations, and conclusion
Part Nine: Supporting materials
Supporting materials: acknowledgements, references,
Two different types of cases are included: illustrative cases and policy development cases. In Part Six
there are seven cases that illustrate policies and their effects related to phases and aspects of
mathematics. The case studies illustrate key developments, with the aim of providing a richer study
for aspects of mathematics education and a narrative that spans policy background, development,
and implementation. The selection of the cases was informed by previous Royal Society
publications, earlier reports for the Mathematical Futures Programme - including the horizon scan
of international policy initiatives (Adams & Boylan, 2023) - and discussion with the Mathematics
Futures board. Each case begins with a short section where their relationship to phases and
different aspects of mathematics education are noted.
Figure 2: Illustrative Case studies
In Part Seven, four case studies focused on policy development processes, one from each of the four
phases, are examined.
In the introduction to this report, we identified the positionality of our review and approach to
reporting in relation to previously stated positions of the Royal Society and early outcomes of the
Mathematical Futures programme. This has informed the selection of the four policy developments
analysed in Part Seven. Each one led to changes aligned with at least some aspects of these positions
(although not necessarily fully aligning with them). The four examples and aspects or elements that
relate to the Mathematical Futures project are in the table below, which also has examples drawn
from each of the four periods. The dates given relate to the main period in which policies developed
and/or activity influenced policy, rather than dates in which the policy was implemented and/or
Table 1: Featured policy development
Policy development
Relevant features
Using and applying
mathematics in the
national curriculum
Applications of mathematics, problem solving, alternative forms
of assessment
The National
Numeracy Strategy
National CPD policies applicable in all schools, subject knowledge
and subject pedagogical knowledge, coherent approach to
curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and systems
The Further
Mathematics Support
Tuition and resources to support advanced Mathematics and
Further Mathematics, subject knowledge and subject
pedagogical knowledge teacher professional development,
support networks
Subject knowledge and subject pedagogical knowledge, teaching
for understanding, focus on all learners
The four examples are by no means unique in having relevant features. However, they were selected
because they also share the following common features:
implementation at system-wide scale
influence on policy by external bodies or coalitions all to an extent arose from a convincing
campaign for policy change being made
research and evidence as a warrant for change
2. Research aims, questions and scope
Informed by documentary analysis and expert views based on virtual interviews and workshops the
study aim was to draw implications for and from mathematics education policy and practice through:
a) Chronological mapping of mathematics education policy interventions in England
b) A trend analysis and interpretation of policy, trajectories and system changes relating to
mathematics education to extrapolate from historical policy trajectories to inform the future.
2.2 Research questions
Main research question
How has mathematics education (in England) been shaped by education policy and educational
change more generally since the late 1980s?
Contributing questions
a) What policy interventions, both direct and indirect, have influenced mathematics education
in 2021?
b) What were/are the motivations and intentions for these policy initiatives?
c) How effectively were the policy intentions realised and communicated?
d) How can understanding of past policy and change trends inform thinking about future
With regard to the fourth contributing question, we focused on considering future possibilities for
the work of the Mathematical Futures programme and how the Royal Society and ACME might
influence policy change.
2.3 Conceptual framework
Educational phases
The review focuses on mathematics education policy and draws on broader education policy where
this is relevant and/or impacts on mathematics education. Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of
evidence focus on the education of 4-19-year-olds in England. The review includes EYFS policy
literature but focuses on Foundation Stage 2 (Reception classes). This is because, in England, the
statutory framework for mathematics education for 4-year-olds is the Early Years Foundation Stage
(EYFS) (DfE, 2014),
We use educational phase to inform and organise the review using customary systemic phases of
Primary education (KS1 and KS2)
Secondary education (KS3 and KS4)
Note that the primary focus of the Mathematical Futures Programme is on England, with a wider interest in the UK policy
developments and changes.
Notwithstanding that, generally, educational phases are relatively separate in terms of mathematics
education specific policy, there are notable examples of cross-phase policies. For example:
Primary school mathematics influencing or impacting on EYFS
National Strategies crossing KS2 and KS3
Policies such as GCSE that are relevant across 14-19.
Time periods
We undertook a chronological mapping covering the following time-periods (with indicative
initiatives for England):
1980-1989 (Cockcroft to Education Reform Act),
1990-1998 (GCSE and the introduction of the national curriculum),
1999-2010 (National Strategies, the NCETM, the Smith Report),
2011-2021 (the revised national curriculum, the Mastery programme).
Given resource available, timescales for research and reporting, and a focus on current influences on
policy and practice, the amount of desk work undertaken in relation to each period was skewed
towards more recent developments.
Policy categories: aspects of mathematics education
As noted above there is increasing divergence across UK systems. The focus of the evidence
synthesis in this report is England. This is supplemented by a focus on recent key policy
developments in other Nations of the UK most relevant to the research aims, guided by the aim of
supporting discussion and recommendations on opportunities and challenges for future change.
Mathematics education as a field may be categorised in different ways. The following analytical
categories were developed in dialogue with the Royal Society during the project inception period:
Curriculum and pedagogy
Qualifications and assessment
Resources and technologies
Teaching workforce & professional learning (ITE, teacher supply).
These categories referred to as aspects of mathematics education - were used as an identification
and selection tool to: 1) identify policy initiatives to analyse - by, for example identifying changes in
the national curriculum and 2) to ensure examples of policy changes had been identified across the
different fields.
In addition, again in dialogue with the Royal Society we also considered two cross-cutting related
Systems including incentives, implementation, influences including context
; we also extend
‘systems’ to refer to systemic issues that are found across the other aspects of mathematics
Philosophy, values, purpose, priorities, perspectives.
Note that in the ITT, proposal, and at the inception meeting this appeared as "Systems including incentives and drivers
(incl. context)" however, the term 'drivers' here has a potentially ambiguous meaning from drivers as a 'push' factor in
implementation rather than 'driver' in policy analysis models that is an aim or goal of the policy.
Direct and indirect influences on mathematics education
The mapping review focused on mathematics education policy. However, this changed along with,
and has been influenced by, other education policy changes. These other policy changes also
influence how policy is enacted in practice. Examples of this are a more complex and marketised
education landscape (Boylan & Adams, 2023) and the move to linear GCSEs. Important indirect
forces and influences are described in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 below.
3. Methods and methodology
3.1 Analytical constructs models
To report on policy interventions over the past 40 years, in keeping with the study requirements we
Policy development including description of background context
Policy drivers: intended broad aims or goals articulated through policy documents (e.g.,
White papers), ministerial statements and speeches, press releases and legislation
Policy warrants: justifications for the policies
Policy levers (delivery strategies): including through government targets, funding, national
initiatives, inspection
The role of stakeholders in policy development, implementation and change as evidenced in
policy documents.
These features are described further in Appendix 1. However, the analytical frame used is based on a
relatively linear view of policy development. Thus, the above analytical constructs should be treated
as offering metaphorically two-dimensional images of multi-dimensional phenomena. Alternative
models point to the complexity of policy development and implementation (for example, Baker &
McGuirk, 2017; Clarke, Bainton, Lendavi, & Stubbs, 2015; Ball, 2016).
One way, we have sought to address this complexity is by using three models of policy development.
(see, Cairney, 2012):
Multiple streams analysis
The Advocacy Coalition Framework
The policy cycle model
These three models are not necessarily mutually exclusive as they focus on different aspects of
policy development (see, Adams & Boylan, 2023).
3.2 Review
Although the evidence synthesis is a policy review, it differs from customary approaches to such
reviews in that the aim is to develop an overall synthesis considering many policy developments over
an extended period (see, section 2.3 Framework). It was beyond the scope of the evidence synthesis
to undertake comprehensive and in-depth review of all the policies over the time period studied.
Considering, as an example, mathematics qualification reforms in the period 2000 to 2014 illustrates
why a comprehensive review for each policy or policy area was not possible. The number of relevant
policy texts extends into the thousands. Thus, selection and filtering were important to the review
and synthesis.
Our approach was shaped by timescale, resource, and specific purpose of the synthesis in relation to
the wider Mathematical Futures project in identifying systemic policy patterns whilst being inclusive,
rigorous, accessible, and transparent in our approach. We gathered for analysis the following three
principal sources of textual evidence - using standard search approaches to gather evidence.
1. White Papers, Green Papers, reports, and reviews commissioned by central government and
changes to legislation and government departmental remits and evaluations of key
initiatives published between 1980-2021.
2. Independent policy orientated literature. This category includes policy briefs, reports and
contributions produced by a variety of 'stakeholders' in mathematics education. An
important source were documents, and contributions to consultations by ACME itself, as
well as the Joint Mathematics Council (particularly in the period before ACME was
constituted). Grey literature was retrieved from organisations websites.
3. Academic peer reviewed literature. Here given the timescale and resource the focus was on
texts that are policy reviews or analysis of policy development, together with
implementation of key policies, for example the introduction of the National Numeracy
3.3 Engagement with experts
Stakeholders were identified in consultation with the Royal Society’s programme team and include
national experts in curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, technology, and the teaching workforce
across educational phases, with representatives from the four nations of the UK. These experts were
invited to participate in one of nine focused ‘roundtable’ events. The roundtable topics were EYFS,
primary, secondary, post-16, curriculum and pedagogy, qualifications and assessment, teaching
workforce, technology, textbooks and curriculum materials.
Approximately 80 experts were invited, with 39 participating. Each roundtable had 3-6 experts
contributing and lasted 75-90 minutes.
Discussions were structured around key issues arising from the evidence synthesis. Draft
visualisations and mappings of the mathematics education landscape were used to stimulate
discussion and test approaches. Thus, the drafts of the mapping were validated by external expert
3.4 Case studies
The purpose of the case studies is to:
illustrate key developments in relation to aspects of mathematics education and cross-
cutting categories of a) systems (including incentives, implementation influences and
context) and b) philosophy, values, purpose, priorities, and perspectives
examine how different themes across policy components interacted
consider how themes and trends manifest (or not) across different educational phases
3.5 Developing the chronology
From the review, we developed a chronology of mathematics education policies and policy
enactments since 1980. This was further refined by expert review in the roundtables. We have
aimed for a comprehensive chronology of key milestones. However, it is by no means fully complete.
Since 1979, there have been 80 government acts wholly or partly about education (EdPol 2020); not
all of these are included in the chronology. In just a two-year period (20112013), 50 reports were
published related to mathematics education
Further, for many of the key events, each could be broken down into multiple events and, rather
than taking place at one time point, occurring over a period of time. For example, Rushton (2013)
provides a descriptive analysis of changes in qualifications for 16-year-old and post-16 students,
which identifies 13 changes in mathematics qualifications, comprising 36 episodes, and references
over 50 policy documents. As a second example, Dalby and Noyes’ (2020) policy review of Functional
Skills (post-16 Level 2 qualifications) charts multiple events over a policy developed and enacted
over the last 15 years. Considering the overall time span of 40 years, all educational phases, and all
areas of mathematics education, the number of relevant mathematics policies or general education
policies with significant impacts on mathematics education that could be considered is in the
hundreds. To add to the complexity, some events are specific to a particular educational phase or
aspect of mathematics education (such as the educational workforce). Others are relevant to more
than one phase or aspect of mathematics education.
Necessarily, for a system level policy analysis spanning 40 years of policy, we have had to select
which events to include. We have selected approximately 120 events and presented these as
timelines in Parts Two, Three, and Seven. We made some pragmatic choices about the amount of
information to present. So, for example, the introduction of Maths Hubs in 2014, is impactful across
all phases, but in the chronologies below, it is included in the primary phase because it was
highlighted in the primary roundtable as being of particular importance and has been central to the
mastery policy in primary.
PART TWO: Overview
Part Two begins with an orientation to the overall chronology, policy environment, and
educational landscape, together with an overview of selected milestones in mathematics
education. This is further developed by considering political, economic, and cultural forces and
changes in the education landscape influencing mathematics education.
4. Forty years of mathematics education policy in England
4.1 An overview of the four periods
Table 2, below, presents an overview of the four periods considered with important features of the
educational policy environment and selected milestones in mathematics education; some of these
are more general educational policies.
Despite the quantity of policy related activity in education and mathematics education, prior to
2010, there was considerable consensus in educational policy visions that were stable across
changes in government. The election of the coalition government in 2010 led to a more significant
change in direction, particularly in the wider educational system but also in the curriculum, with a
shift towards greater direction by ministers in the detail of the curriculum.
During this period, devolution across the UK has led to increased divergence in educational systems
across UK nations.
Table 2: Periods, the educational policy environment and selected mathematics education events
Periods, the educational policy environment, and selected mathematics education events
Educational policy environment
Selected milestones in mathematics education
Conservative government. Groundwork for policy direction in education.
Growth of policy concern and debates and a new consensus that
education needed improving and changes such as comprehensive
movement had ‘gone too far’. Introduction of markets, school choice,
league tables, assisted places scheme.
Cockcroft; Ofsted Mathematics 5 to 16; Education
Reform Act
Conservative government then New Labour.
Increased government direction over school curriculum, teacher
education, development of school accountability and performativity
measures, start of marketisation
Introduction of GCSE and the introduction of the
national curriculum Using and applying in first
NC; NC assessment KS1-KS3; National Numeracy
New Labour government.
Central direction over teaching and pedagogy as well as curriculum,
introduction of academies, personalisation, and technology agendas;
new ITT routes greater school involvement
National Strategies; national curriculum reforms;
ACME founded; Smith Report (2004); Launch of
Conservative government.
Greater direction over teaching and pedagogy, curriculum reform,
academies, free schools, multi-academy trusts, Teaching School
Alliances; marketisation and centralisation of control, emphasis on
knowledge rather than skills, in school led ITT; ‘bonfire of quangos’ –
ending of variety of government funded bodies (QCA, BECTA, NCSL, TDA
etc); change in school accountability indicators e.g., EBACC; Progress 8;
Pupil premium funding.
Increase in discourse of evidence informed teaching establishment
and influence of the Education Endowment Foundation.
New national curriculum 2014 and end of NC
levels; Maths Hubs; Mastery programme; GCSE
and A level reforms
4.2 Legislation, government policies, statutory changes
Figure 3, below, presents a timeline of legislation, policies, and statutory changes.
Figure 3: Legislation, government policies, statutory changes from 1980 to 2021
Education act (1980) parental choice, publication
of school results to parents
Education Act (1981) SEND and implementation of the
Warnock Report
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (CATE) established (1984)
Education Act no 2, (1986)
Education Reform Act (1988)
The Education (Schools) Act established Ofsted;
School performance tables introduced (1992)
Education Act 1994 founding of TTA
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
established (1997)
School standards and framework act ltd primary
class size; GTC established (1998)
National Numeracy strategy including the numeracy hour
Revised NC - greater emphasis on core subjects -
Maths, English, Science (2000)
Education Act 2002 introduces sponsored and
high-performing academies (2002)
Children’s Act (2004) based on the 2003 green
paper Every Child Matters
Education Act 2005 TDA becomes TTA; strengthens
role of Ofsted
Childcare Act established the Early Years
Foundation Stage (2006)
Ofsted became 'The Office for Standards in Education,
Children's Services and Skills' (2007)
Ofqual tasked over functions of QCA (2008)
15 hours free childcare 3- & 4-year-olds and 2-
year-olds disadvantaged families; Teaching
schools established (2010)
DfE Teachers' Standards changes; Education bill GTC
and TDA abolished; EBacc measure introduced; pupil
premium funding (2011)
DfE Statutory Framework for the EYFS; Teaching
Agency as part of DfE gives more direct control to
ministers (2012);
Move from Early Years Professional Status to Early Years
Teacher (2013)
Revised NC and EYFS framework; GCSE, A level
reforms, GCSE resits required for 16+ (2014)
Change in school accountability measures e.g.,
Progress 8
Early years national funding formula and 30 hours offer
ITT core content framework (2019)
Non statutory guidance for maths teaching, EY
framework; T levels introduced (2020)
Teaching school hubs established; Early Career
Framework (2021)
5. Political, economic, and cultural forces
In Part 3, we analyse specific drivers that have shaped mathematics education policies, such as
improving pupil outcomes. These mathematics education policy drivers were variously shaped by or
expressions of broader political, economic, and cultural forces in education over the forty-year
period. It is beyond the scope of the report to explore this fully. However, some key forces over the
time period are described here, with examples and some details, and these would potentially
influence or moderate any future policy developments.
Table 3: Political, economic and cultural forces
Details and/or examples in education
Competition as the best way of delivering public services and market
as a moral good
Citizen as consumer
1980s school choice and accountability policies position school places
as a market
Smaller state
An ideological driver in the 1980s amplified for financial reasons,
from 2010 in general political climate of austerity
New public management
Alongside marketisation and competition, growth in the role of state
as regulator and performance manager
Transnational governance OECD, world trade in education,
transnational education policy mobilities; trade considerations in the
Shanghai exchange
Human capital
Economic needs of industry and employers, ‘UK PLC’ - long standing
concerns amplified by globalisation
Social reproduction
Reproduction of cultural values, ‘British Values’, rich knowledge,
cultural capital
Moral panics
Fear of young people’s activity, ASBOs, school behaviour policies,
fear of teacher indoctrination of pupils (e.g., the 1986 Education Act).
‘British Values’
Technological changes
New technologies such as computers, digital tools, internet, and new
educational actors the growth of a ‘knowledge economy’
Discourses of meritocracy
Growth in meritocracy and social mobility as the accepted approach
to social justice discourse of ‘closing the gap’ and levelling up,
alongside downplaying, or ignoring structural inequality
6. Changes in education landscape influencing mathematics education
Government policy and legislation, detailed in the above timeline, influence both the educational
environment and mathematics education in multiple ways. Such influences have had varying effects
over time. Here, we focus on those we consider most relevant to the current policy environment and
the possibilities for and barriers to policy innovation in mathematics education. There are other
changes not included or other lenses that could be used to describe emergent effects, and the
relationship between changes is largely ignoredfor example, how accountability and a particular
interpretation of evidence in teaching lead to pressures on teacher agency and autonomy.
Here, we identify six changes. For each of these, we briefly discuss how these issues influence
mathematics education in general, and, where appropriate, consider curriculum and pedagogy,
qualification and assessment, resources and technology, and the teacher workforce (if the general
influence does not in any case pertain to one of those). Following this, for the first four of these, we
summarise the influences of each aspect in relation to each educational phase. Here, we describe
mediators and ‘influences’. A mediator refers to paths and routes for the abstract influence to act
upon mathematics education. For the last three of these areas of change, describing them by
differences across phases is not appropriate, as differences across phases are fuzzier or not
applicable to all phases.
1. System complexity
Over the last forty years, the complexity of the education system has increased. One aspect of this
that is particularly relevant to understanding mathematics education is how education provision is
organised. During the nineties and noughties, the role of Local Education Authorities (LEA)
diminished, described as the removal of the ‘middle tier’ (Crawford, Maxwell, Coldron & Simkins,
2020). The legacy relationships of LEAs vary geographically. Governance, law, and finances of
schools, colleges and early years settings have changed. Most markedly, in the school sector, the
process of academisation and growth in multi-academy trusts has led to greater complexity. These
changes have been experienced differently across phases, with the growth in academies progressing
more quickly in secondary than primary.
In the post-16 sector, over the forty-year period, there has been a growth in Further Education
Colleges and, more recently, the sixth form college sector (though these are coming under recent
funding pressure). At a national level, until 2017, FE college funding and policy oversight were the
responsibility of the ministry focused on business and industry rather than the Department for
Education (or its predecessors). These changes in system complexity, mean a more heterogeneous
system across phases and regionally, with more types of schools and colleges and more varied
relationships with other schools and colleges both in their locality and across the nation.
In relation to how mathematics education is enacted, there is greater scope for variability;
academies are not required to follow the national curriculum. However, in some multi-academy
trusts (MATs) there can be more restricted and constrained approaches to teaching that can act as a
barrier to innovation (Boylan, Adams, Coldwell & Willis, 2018). The related issue of increased
variability in how the education workforce is trained is considered below in relation to teaching
workforce supply and retention.
This partly follows from the increased system complexity, particularly the growth of MATs. Leaders
from some MATs are positioned as important advisors to the government on various Department for
Education review groups. One aspect of this complexity has been described as a ‘shadow state’ with
various organisations funded by the government both enacting policy and also helping to shape it
(Ellis, Mansell, & Steadman, 2021). The outsourcing of state functions means that publicly funded
teacher professional development, including in mathematics education, is undertaken, or led by a
variety of actors in the market with state direction of form and content (Boylan & Adams, 2023).
Table 4 summarises a selection of the mediators and influence of system complexity across phases
and how specific instances or effects of complexity influence mathematics education.
Table 4: System complexity - mediators and influences across phases
Early Years
Reduced Local Authority
support for EY settings CPD
and guidance
Less maths specific CPD with training on phonics
and children’s personal development more
Gap opening in maths specific EY support with
Maths Hub network focused on school provision
increasing the tendency towards schoolification
Reduced Local Authority role
and funding
Available free CPD focused on Mastery through
Maths Hubs
Primary schools buying into schemes leading to
overlapping curriculum and CPD ecosystems
Growth of multi-academy
trusts (MATs)
MAT mathematics education policies and
Reduced local networks of department leaders
Reduced Local Authority role
and funding
Contributed to a loss of cohesion in local and
regional networks
2. Accountability measures
Initiated in the eighties, with policies to promote ‘parental choice’ and school competition, since the
early nineties, school accountability measures have been a central feature of the education system
and a political lever to influence the system. These have included various measures for comparison
of early years settings, schools, and colleges. The type of measures and how this data has been
presented and accessed have changed considerably over time and been subject to critique (see, for
example, Wiliam, 2010; Prior, Jerrim, Thomson, & Leckie, 2021).
For primary and secondary schools (including 1118), these measures have more direct effects in
terms of published outcomes. For early years, FE, and sixth-form colleges, the measures may work in
more indirect ways. For example, outcomes measures influence Ofsted inspection frameworks and
outcomes. Across all phases, accountability measures can lead to a narrowing of the curriculum and
teaching to the test. Across different measures and continuing across time, mathematics is
positioned as central to the curriculum.
Table 5 summarises a selection of the mediators and the influence of accountability measures across
phases (where applicable)that is, how specific instances or effects of accountability measures
influence mathematics education. Accountability measures are not applied in the same way to post-
16 settings. For 1118 schools, A level results are reported. However, the influence on A level
teaching appears relatively weak.
Table 5: Accountability mediators and influences across the phases on mathematics education
Early Years
Reception as part of EYFS
and KS1 outcomes
Phonics progress check
School settings schoolification of Reception
and school run/based nurseries
Emphasis on phonics and so lower priority for
Early Mathematics.
Non-school settings tending to be insulated
from accountability measures
KS1 and KS2 testing
Skew curriculum and teaching particularly in Y6
teach to the test
NC levels and sub-levels and
their legacy and league
tables including changing
demographic targets of
‘Flight path’ view of mathematical learning
Increase in setting and in class grouping
(though more recently possibly reversed)
Focus on GCSE and early
entry and three-year KS4
Focus in KS3 on preparation for KS4
Pressure to focus on exam preparation and
Not applicable
Not applicable
3. Ofsted and inspection frameworks
Since 1992 and the founding of Ofsted as a reform of the school inspection service, Ofsted has had
considerable influence over education in England. The main way this occurs is through the inspection
of schools and the importance of grading school quality (there is considerable literature about
Ofsted’s influence; for example, see McVeigh 2020 for review). Ofsted also influences schools
through their evidence reviews; this is considered below in Section 6 on research and evidence-
informed practice.
Table 6 summarises a selection of the mediators and influence of Ofsted across phasesthat is, how
specific instances or effects of Ofsted and inspection frameworks influence mathematics education.
Across all phases, as a general influence, the general effects of performativity on teachers’ practice
are well documented (e.g., Ball, 2003). Further Education inspection was conducted by several
bodies, from HMI to the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC) (1993-2001) and subject to
inspection by two bodies, the Adult Learning Inspectorate and Ofsted (2001 2007) until the move
to a single inspectorate, Ofsted, in 2007
The influence of Ofsted through reports is considered in Section 23 Warrants in policy development trends.
Table 6: Ofsted - mediators and influences across the phases
Early Years
Ofsted frameworks for EY
inspection as descendants of
school frameworks
Inspection and grading
Inspection and grading
Lead to inertia to innovation, performative
approach to teaching
Focus on mathematics and English measures
maintains priority for those subjects in terms of
curriculum time and CPD focus
Inspection and grading
Continue to drive pedagogy and practice.
Innovations more likely to be accepted by senior
leaders if they will impact positively on Ofsted
inspections and examination results.
Inspection and grading
Drives local performative practices of
observation of teaching and learning
4. Teaching workforce supply and retention
We consider here generic issues of teacher workforce supply and retention, and whole system
policies in initial teacher education, training, and qualification. Trends in mathematics education
teacher professional development are discussed in the specific mathematics education teacher
workforce section and case study ‘Teacher Subject Knowledge’.
England has longstanding issues with teacher supply and retention (see, for example, Worth & Van
den Brande, 2019; Long & Denachi, 2021). The value of teachers’ pay adjusted for inflation has
dropped for a decade, with teachers’ annual pay increases frozen for 2 years and then capped at 1%
(Pyper et al., 2018). Teachers in England continue to report very high levels of workload, and the
trend continues to be upward, indicating ongoing work intensification. This is linked to challenges
with retention, with one third of teachers who start teaching after qualifying leaving within the first
five years (Long & Denachi, 2021).
The last forty years have seen continual change in initial teacher education, spanning the
establishment of the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in the 1980s through the
most recent ITT Market Review in 2021. This is an area of much policy research and review in which
details of these changes have been described and analysed (e.g., Furlong et al., 2000; Sorensen et
al., 2019).
Key changes over this period have been:
The move from a teacher education model to a teach training model
A reduced role and influence of Universities in ITE/ITT
An increase in the number of training routes, limited subject specialist focus and uneven
quality in some programmes
An increase in the amount of time spent in school with an emphasis on practice contrasted
with theory
Increased central direction of content - e.g., the ITT Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019a)
and the Early Career Framework (DfE, 2019b).
In Early Years there has been a counter tendency in Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery settings) to greater
professionalisation and University involvement in courses.
Table 7 summarises a selection of the mediators and influences on teacher workforce supply and
retention issues across phasesthat is, how specific instances or effects of workforce issues
influence mathematics education.
Table 7: Teaching workforce mediators and influences across the phases
Early Years
In Nursery settings
In school settings similar
developments and
Stage 2)
In Nursery settings professionals who may
engage in CPD
In school settings similar influences as in primary
Lack of time for mathematics
specialist subject or subject
pedagogical knowledge, also
for preparation and CPD
Variable mathematics knowledge on entry to
Lack of entrants with strong primary
mathematics teacher identity.
Ad hoc approach to use of curriculum materials
Shortage of mathematics
teachers, particularly in
disadvantaged areas
Lower attaining groups often taught by non-
specialists, impacting pedagogy and attainment.
Places additional burden on in-school
development and support including mentoring
Increase in number of
providers including smaller
Can lead to ‘lone mathematics trainees’ with
limited opportunity to learn from and with peers
Changing and bursaries and
financial incentives
Impact on recruitment patterns, retention,
preparedness, early career progression
FE initial teacher education
no subject knowledge
component, lack of
recruitment strategy,
Insufficient mathematics specialists. This
strengthens the case for continued support from
Support has benefits wider than on post-16
teacher development/tuition.
5. Changing teacher professional conditions
The effects of accountability measures, such as the emphasis on league tables and Ofsted, combined
with changes in school governance and greater prescription of curriculum and pedagogy, have an
impact on teachers' professional conditions. There are long term changes to teachers working lives
(Day et al., 2000; 2007; Galton & MacBeath, 2008). This has led to a general increase in teacher
workload (Long & Denachi, 2021).
This has impacted teacher agency and autonomy. For example, in the primary and secondary phases,
the National Strategy (see Part Seven) is an example of ‘informed prescription’ (Barber in Stobart &
Stoll, 2005, p. 228).
6. Evidence and practice
Over the last twenty years and increasing in the last decade, there has been an increase in advocacy
for ‘evidence-based’ or evidence-informed teaching (Coldwell et al., 2017). This is notwithstanding
an arguable decrease in the use of evidence as the basis for policy (see Part Seven) or the extent to
which what is claimed as evidence-based is when subject to critical scrutiny of what a focus on
‘evidence’ can mean in the education system (Biesta, 2010; Coldwell & Burnett, 2020).
Notwithstanding this, discourses of evidence are important to influencing practice.
Four mutually influencing and interacting factors are:
1. the establishment of the Education Endowment Foundation as a ‘What Works’ centre, and
its subsequent activity, including its guidance documents and Research Schools Network
2. The ResearchEd movement promoting a ‘science of learning’ approach to education
3. Various other actors responding to this by seeking evidence warrants for their educational
views (for example Ofsted and its 2021 research review series: mathematics (Ofsted,
4. The legacy of the ‘self-improving school system’ in which Teaching School funding was
predicated on engaging with research as part of core activity.
These four factors are applicable across practice as a whole and to varying extents. We do not
identify specific mediators and influences with specific phases as we did for the previous four
changes considered in this section.
One reason for this is the complex interplay between the extent to which evidence-informed
practice represents either the application of evidence to practice or the rhetoric of evidence about
practice. An example of this is the Ofsted Mathematics Research Review (Ofsted, 2021), where the
extent to which it is based on a consideration of evidence is contested (see, for example, this
analysis of the citations used in the Ofsted review AMET, 2021). A similar rhetoric is found in the
reference to ‘best evidence’ in the Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework (ITT CCF) (DfE,
2019a) and Early Career Teacher Frameworks (DfE, 2019b). This ‘best evidence’ focuses on the
application of cognitive science to education, popularised by the networks connected to ResearchEd.
Given the importance of the ITT CCF to the inspection of initial teacher training provision, what is
proposed as evidence-based influences practises, including those of future teachers. However, the
extent to which this leads to teachers engaging with evidence is more questionable. So, in the case
of this aspect of change, the mediators and influences on practice are more diffuse.
These influences are also more variable and appear to be stronger in the primary and secondary
phases than in EYFS and post-16. For example, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has
funded 10 programmes in the post-16 phase compared to nearly 100 in the secondary phase. In the
early years, the professional conditions of the workforce (see Part 3) act as barriers to engagement
with evidence.
7. Transnational influences
Compared to the previous six changes, the growth of transnational influences has been less
significant in the education system. However, there have been both indirect and more direct
influences on mathematics education. Important influences are listed below.
Transnational influences on system complexity and teacher workforce supply
In part, the changes in system complexity and on initial teacher education were influenced by
policies in other education systems. Early development of academies was referenced to Charter
Schools in the USA, and the Free School programme to Swedish free schools (Eyles, Hupkau, &
Machin, 2016).
International comparisons as drivers and warrants
International comparative test outcomes have acted as both drivers (aiming to increase outcomes)
and warrants (for system change). This is particularly true of the OECD’s Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) and its use as a justification for curriculum and system
change after 2010. However, international comparisons were also important in the development
and case for the National Numeracy Strategy (see Section 25). International comparisons on post-16
and advanced mathematics study were important in shaping support for A level study and incentives
and penalties to encourage study post-16, for example, the Nuffield funded study by Hodgen et al.
(2010). The 2014 national curriculum was designed to ‘benchmark’ against curricula in high-
performing jurisdictions with a study undertaken of curricula in other jurisdictions (DfE, 2011) (see
Section 24.3). Both the National Numeracy Strategy (see Section 24) and the Mastery Programme
(see Section 26) were informed by mathematics teaching in other education systems.
In Part Three, the chronology of mathematics education in England is extended by consideration
of educational phases:
For post-16, in the noughties there was move in policy towards constructing policy in relation to
14-19. However, for simplicity such instances are discussed in both secondary and post-16.
For each phase, outcomes of the research are presented as:
1. A visual timeline of the phase chronology by years
2. A summary of policy features, drivers, warrants and levers by time periods
3. Factors, developments and consequences, and current influences on mathematics
7. Early Years
7.1 Early Years timeline of selected events
The Early Years Foundation stage was established on a statutory basis by the 2006 Childcare Act. The
chronology for the EYFS, presented in Figure 4, includes events before this which influenced pre-
school provision and early mathematical experience. The timeline starts from 1995 rather than 1980
as for other phases, this being the date when explicit guidance on inspection of Nursery schools was
introduced as part of the establishment of Ofsted. The early years mathematics curriculum is
described in the early learning goals (ELG).
Figure 4: Early Years from 1995 to 2021
Ofsted Guidance on the Inspection of Nursery and
Primary Schools (1995)
School standards and framework Act limited
infant class size (1998)
National Numeracy Strategy including numeracy hour
influenced reception practice (1999)
Care Standards Act (2000) Ofsted remit
extends to nurseries and childminders
Every Child Matters (2003)
Based on the 2003 green paper Every Child
Matters - Children’s Act (2004)
Ofsted remit extends to children’s services. Graduate
Leader Fund (2007)
15 hours free childcare 3- & 4-year-olds and 2-
year-olds disadvantaged families (2010)
Graduate Leader Fund ends (2011)
DfE Statutory Framework for the EYFS (2012)
Move from Early Years Professional Status to Early
Years Teacher (2013)
Statutory EYFS 0-5; expansion of hours
entitlement to two-year olds (2014)
Early years national funding formula and 30 hours
offer; Ofsted Bold Beginnings (2017)
ECS Graduate Competencies (2018)
Revised EYFS framework; (2020)
Level 5 Early Years Apprenticeships; Ofsted maths
review (2021)
7.2 Early Years Policy features and warrants, and drivers and levers across periods
Early Years: 1999-2010
Key features
Early years increased as a policy priority but there was no national education framework
equivalent to the national curriculum.
In the nineties Ofsted’s remit extended to nursery schools, but private provision, including
childminders was originally outside the framework. In such provision the emphasis
historically was on care rather than education, particularly in childminding (Brooker, 2016).
The current remit of Ofsted was established in 2007.
As the educational aspects of early years provision began to be emphasised a process of
professionalisation of early years practitioners began which has continued in various ways
since (Bonetti, 2020; Campbell-Barr, Bonetti, Bunting, & Gulliver 2020). An important
initiative was the Graduate Leaders Fund.
Importance of early years for future educational outcomes, for example, underpinning the
Sure Start Centres development.
Every Child Matters 2003 following the high-profile Victoria Climbié case.
Children Act 2004
Funding for provision
Funding for training and professional development (Graduate Leaders Fund).
Early Years: 2011-2021
Key features
The introduction of the EYFS and an extension of funding for childcare
A change in the balance of care and education within policy documents moved towards
greater emphasis on education
Similarly, within educational aspects, a shift from a focus on child development to concepts
such as school readiness, so increased schoolification
Mathematics in the Early Learning Goals has narrowed in the most recent version to a focus
on number and number pattern.
Addressing attainment gaps and differences in home learning environments
Workforce availability particularly of women
School ‘readiness’.
National frameworks.
National frameworks and guidance
Free childcare hours for parents
A minimum GCSE workforce requirement (but there is evidence this was counterproductive
Bonetti, 2020).
7.3 EYFS: Factors, developments and consequences, and influences on mathematics
The chronology and narrative of features, drivers, warrants, and levers do not give a full picture of
change in the sector. In addition to the statutory policies, Table 8 below summarises influences on
EYFS practice, that have directly or indirectly influenced EY mathematics education. Many of these
are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. All these influences, in different ways, have a tendency
towards ‘schoolification’ (Bradbury, 2019) of EY mathematics, which may be counterproductive to
later mathematics attainment (Williams, 2018).
Current changes and policies are likely to continue the influences and trends identified above, along
with additional factors, such as baseline assessment, contradictions or tensions between Ofsted and
DfE policy, and other influences on practice, such as the NCETM. Examples of possible unintended
consequences continue. For example, the primary textbook subsidy and a focus on textbooks led to
publishers extending textbook-based schemes into reception and using the same or similar
pedagogical forms such as slide presentations and worksheets.
Table 8: Factors currently influencing Early Years mathematics education
Influence on mathematics education
Creation of more school-based nursery provision
‘Schoolification’ with NC content influential and tendency to early
formalisation of teaching and learning, and greater intervention on
provision by school senior leaders who may not have maths expertise
Pressure on salaries in the sector
Qualifications and skills of professionals including mathematics
qualifications and confidence, tending to perpetuate a tendency to
practitioners having had negative maths experiences
Time-pressure on EYFS practitioner/teachers; limited
resource for ‘extra’
Lack of CPD in general and particularly in maths
‘30 hours’ offer
Tendency towards alignment of Foundation Stage 1
and Foundation stage 2 (reception)
Changes in organisation of the day tended towards schoolification
National curriculum
Sub-levels and flight paths in schools supported a ‘tick
box’ approach to Early Learning Goal assessment
Lack of holistic approach to mathematics related ELGs; tendency against
inclusion of all learners emphasis on exceeding; tendency towards
acceleration of learning
Ofsted govt phonics
and early reading
Focus on phonics in language and number in maths
Mathematics related ELG less important as a focus in practice compared
with phonics
Number orientated practice
Curriculum trends
since EYFS
introduction in 2012
Increased emphasis on number, and in that
memorisation, and less on shape, space, and pattern
not present in the current EYFS ELGs.
Narrowing of the curriculum and less emphasis on experiential learning
and mathematical play
Move away from evidence-based practice
Misunderstanding of
Early Maths
Lack of knowledge of EYFS and mathematics in DfE
and policy makers/influencers
Policies/guidance from DFE EY and Ofsted teams lacking depth of
knowledge of mathematics
Misunderstanding of
Early Maths
Lack of understanding amongst practitioners of EY
maths combined with desire to resist schoolification
Mathematics associated with formal teaching, lack of understanding of
what early mathematics means, anti-schoolification resistance can slip
into negative views of side-lining of mathematics
Note that these influences and consequences would be more or less apparent across settings
8. Primary education
8.1 Primary chronology
Figure 5, below, details key events and relevant milestones to primary from 1980 to 2021.
Figure 5: Primary events and milestones from 1980 to 2021
Cockcroft Mathematics Counts (1982)
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (CATE) established (1984)
HMI Mathematics from 5 to 16 (1985)
Education Reform Act (1988) and national
Introduction of NC assessments in KS1 & KS2 (from
Curriculum organisation and classroom
practice in primary schools: paper (1992)
Dearing Review - The National Curriculum and
its Assessment: Final Report (1994)
Revised national curriculum reduction in the content
reduction and simplification (1995)
Worlds apart? International review published
by Ofsted (1996)
School standards and framework act ltd
primary class size (1998)
National Numeracy strategy including numeracy hour;
national training programme for primary (1999)
Revised NC - greater emphasis on core subjects
- Maths, English, Science (2000)
Widespread use of sub levels as part of 'flight paths'
including in national formative assessment (2001+)
Ofsted report - The education of six year olds in
England, Denmark and Finland (2003)
NCETM established - outcome of Smith 14-19
report but has primary remit as well) (2004)
Childcare Act established the Early Years
Foundation Stage including Reception (2006)
DfES Primary National Strategy: Primary Framework
for literacy and mathematics (2006)
Ofsted Report Mathematics: Understanding
the score (2008)
Williams Report - Launch of the Mathematics
Specialist Teachers Programme - MSTP (2008)
Ark Mathematics adopts the name Maths
Mastery (2010)
Curtailing and tapering of MSTP (20011)
DfE Statutory Framework for the EYFS; Ofsted
report Made to Measure (2012)
Revised NC and EYFS Framework (2014)
Maths Hub Network launched; NCETM mastery
approaches, MTE (2014)
Mastery programme - CPD, textbook subsidy;
Maths Teacher Exchange (2015 and ongoing)
Non statutory guidance for mathematics
teaching (2020)
Ofsted Mathematics Review (2021)
8.2 Primary Policy features and warrants, and drivers and levers across periods
Children in England generally start school at age four and must start full-time education from
compulsory school age following their fifth birthday
. The national curriculum is organised into Key
Stages, with primary education encompassing reception (ages 4-5), Key Stage 1 (5-7) and Key Stage 2
(7-11). The above timeline includes curricula and workforce milestones impacting mathematics
education. From 2012, the initial year in school for 45-year-olds - ‘Reception’ - was part of the EYFS.
Primary: 1980-1989
Key features
The focus in primary during this period was on curriculum development, with the Cockcroft
Report being influential. The government funded the Primary Initiatives in Mathematics
Education project, 1985-89 (Shuard et al., 1990).
In some geographical areas, in the absence of a national curriculum, there was local
government curriculum and pedagogy policy. Various Local Authority and regional schemes
and initiatives such as the LAMP and RAMP project (West Sussex Institute, 1987 cited in
Millett, 1996), Kent Maths Project and South Notts Project.
Improve mathematics teaching
Employers and higher education concerns
The Cockcroft Report
HMI Mathematics from 5 to 16
Government support for Primary Initiatives in Mathematics through the School Curriculum
Development Committee and completed under the auspices of the National Curriculum
Evidence such as Concepts in Secondary Mathematics and Science (CSMS) study - origins of
the idea of a seven-year difference (Brown, 2014)
Curriculum development projects
Primary: 1990-1998
Key features
Implementation of the national curriculum, including Using and Applying mathematics
National assessment and testing including mental arithmetic assessment
The curriculum recognised the importance of calculator use and did not recommend
particular pedagogies focusing on the what rather than the how of mathematics education
The initial curriculum structure and assessment was reformed and simplified
Arithmetic skills
Establish the national curriculum
Establish national assessment and testing
Address workload concerns
The National Curriculum
Curriculum organisation and classroom practice in primary schools report (1992)
Worlds apart? Ofsted Reviews of Research (1996)
The National Curriculum
Statutory assessment and testing including informing Ofsted judgements
Publication of KS1 and KS2 outcomes
Primary: 1999-2010
Key features
The National Numeracy Strategy reformulates primary mathematics as numeracy
National Curriculum revisions to align with/informed by the National strategies.
National Curriculum levels and sub-levels and ‘flight paths’ for pupils with expected
Teaching and pedagogy focused on whole class interactive teaching and a focus on mental
The Mathematics Specialist Teachers (MaST) programme (following the Williams Report)
Economic competitiveness
Focus on numeracy and numerical competence ‘basic skills’
Address inequality and differences in school performance
Primary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge
Worlds Apart international comparisons
Ofsted reports ‘The education of six-year-olds in England, Denmark and Finland’ (2003) and
Understanding the score (2008)
The Williams Report (2008)
Local Authority school improvement
National strategies infrastructure, training and guidance documents, Strategies consultants,
school-based Numeracy Coordinators
Primary Mathematics Specialists trained by collaborations of HEIs and Local Authorities.
Primary: 2011-2021
Key features
In the first half of this period, in the context of austerity, there was reduction in funding for
mathematics professional development as promoted in the Williams report. This led to the
curtailment of the new Mathematics Specialist Teachers (MaST) programme
Increased politicisation of policy: government discourse positioned both local authority
consultants and university-based mathematics educators as part of the ‘blob’ (Gillard, 2015).
The policy rhetoric focused on ‘traditional’ curriculum
The 2014 curriculum reform saw the end of national curriculum levels and the flight path
system of sub-levels
The 2014 curriculum gave greater emphasis on number and arithmetic with a reduction in
content at primary level in other areas of mathematics
Emphasis on knowledge and content as important to understanding and application in
Central to policy developments in the second half of the period was ‘Teaching for Mastery’
(see the illustrative case in Part Seven) and the development of Maths Hubs, and a changed
role for the NCETM (see NCETM case study, Part Six)
Both the mastery policy and the statement in the 2014 curriculum supported arguments to
increase all attainment teaching in mathematics in primary schools (see Boylan et al., 2019).
Improve mathematical attainment
Improve mathematics teaching
Increase whole class teaching
Emphasise knowledge in the curriculum
Learn from high-performing systems
Reduce the influence of higher education
Vorderman (2011) 'A world class mathematics education for all our young people' report
National Curriculum Review. The Framework for the National Curriculum (December): report
of the advisory panel chaired by Tim Oates
Wolf "Review of vocational education" and DfE funded Report on subject breadth in
international jurisdictions (NFER)
DfE study visits to Shanghai that were a precursor to the Mathematics Teacher Exchange
(see Boylan et al., 2019)
The new national curriculum
NCETM and Maths Hubs
The Mastery programme Mathematics Teacher Exchange, Primary Mastery specialists,
NCETM support and materials including concepts/frameworks, materials, resources, CPD
Textbook subsidy
8.3 Primary: Factors, consequences, and influences on mathematics education
Table 9, below, summarises legacy influences on primary mathematics education practice. By ‘legacy influence’ we mean the effects of policies that are no
longer in effect but continue to influence primary mathematics education today.
Table 9: Factors influencing primary mathematics education: Legacy influences
Influence on primary mathematics education
National Numeracy strategy
Three-part lesson
History of manipulatives, concrete models
Three-part lesson as an obstacle to a mastery lesson structure.
Warrant for whole class teaching
Manipulatives warrant for Concrete Pictorial Abstract heuristic
National curriculum assessment
levels, sub levels and flight paths
Strong beliefs and practices around pupil
Legacy of levels/sublevels despite removal
Re-interpretation of ‘greater depth’ as equivalent to old ‘high
School and MAT level systems for tracking pupil progress
Primary Mathematics specialist
PMST alumni roles as SLT, in Maths Hubs, and
as early adopters of mastery
Champions of mastery in primary school SLT
A cadre of primary mathematics specialists who took professional
development leadership roles
Primary Mathematics specialist
Masters study in primary mathematics
Some MaST programmes continue as PG Cert programmes e.g.,
Brighton, Edge Hill, Northampton
Table 10, below, summarises influences on primary mathematics education in 2021.
Table 10: Factors influencing primary mathematics education in 2021
Developments and consequence
Influence or potential influence on primary mathematics education
Mastery policy (1)
Mastery pedagogy (NCETM big ideas, models
and representations more broadly, step by step
Influencing shift from ability grouping to discourses and practices
focussed on attainment
Mastery policy (2)
Mathematics Teacher Exchange (MTE)
Introduction/adaptation of Shanghai practices.
Offered insight into alternative policies and practices that may
encourage innovation
Mastery policy (3)
Mastery Specialist professional development
Cadre of mastery specialists contributing to developing practice
through local and regional Maths Hub networks
Mastery policy (4)
Textbook subsidy since first MTE, use varies
May support teacher development and the use of mathematically
coherent approaches but research evidence is limited
NCETM Maths Hubs
Support for school/college led improvement of
mathematics education
Collaborative curriculum, pedagogy and professional development
activities instigated by teachers, together with projects coordinated
centrally, many focussed on Mastery.
Free mathematics professional development available
Marketisation of
Multiplicity of mathematics resources and CPD.
Resources often available online without
associated CPD
Variable quality and considerable variety of curriculum materials in
Policy concern with
Introduction of Year 4 times table check
Skews learning of mathematical facts towards multiplication facts,
emphasis on speed
Curriculum 2014 (1)
Reduced curriculum content.
Aims of fluency, reasoning, problem solving
Warrant for mastery approaches
Curriculum 2014 (2)
Commitment to move through curriculum
Support trends towards all-attainment teaching in primary schools
9. Secondary education
9.1 Secondary chronology
Figure 6, below, details key events and milestones relevant to secondary mathematics from 1980 to
Figure 6: Secondary phase milestones from 1980 to 2021
Cockcroft Mathematics Counts (1982)
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (CATE) established (1984)
HMI Mathematics from 5 to 16 (1985)
Education Reform Act (1988) and introduction
of the National curriculum
GCSE common 16+ exam system replaced GCE O Level
and CSE (1988)
Introduction of NC assessments in KS3 (from 1991)
Dearing Review - The National Curriculum and
its Assessment: Final Report (1994)
Revised national curriculum reduction in the content
reduction and simplification (1995)
GTC established (1998)
Revised NC - greater emphasis on core subjects
- Maths, English, Science (2000)
National strategies extension of NNS into KS3 (2001)
Smith Report Making Mathematics Count
National curriculum revisions (secondary) (2007)
KS3 SATS discontinued (2008)
Understanding the score, Ofsted (2008)
End of GCSE coursework in maths 2019
DfE Teachers' Standards changes; Education bill GTC
and TDA abolished End of National Strategies (2011)
Made to Measure Ofsted (2012)
New national curriculum - reduced use of
calculators in mathematics, (2014)
Reformed GCSE - teaching begins, no controlled
New mathematics GCSEs first examined (2017)
Non statutory guidance for KS3 maths
teaching, (2020)
Ofsted Mathematics Review (2021)
9.2 Secondary: Policy features and warrants and drivers and levers across four time periods
Secondary: 1980-1989
Key Features
Curriculum development and teacher professional learning were linked through teachers’
active roles in school curriculum policy development.
The influence of the Schools Council was evident in the continuation of local and national
initiatives from the 1960s and 1970s, including the School Mathematics Project (SMP) and
SMILE mathematics.
The introduction of GCSE as a single combined examination at the end of the period led to
coursework as part of assessment for pupils across the attainment range.
Cockcroft Report argues that mathematical learning is needed for engaging in further and
higher education, employment and adult life.
Few central drivers, but a general commitment to curricula enhancement at a local policy
level, such as a commitment to equity (e.g., ILEA support for SMILE mathematics with a
focus on all attainment teaching) and improving practice.
Technological changes with calculators more widely available and the introduction of
Opposition to progressive initiatives evidenced in Thatcher’s 1987 speech to the
Conservative Party conference where anti-racist mathematics is set against basic
mathematical skills in the argument for traditional subjects.
Reports Cockcroft, HMI Mathematics 11-16.
Funding models supporting local initiatives.
High levels of teacher agency and professional autonomy to support curriculum
Cockcroft Report proposes the introduction of financial incentives and flexible routes for
teacher education and some introduction of these e.g., two-year PGCE mathematics routes,
two-year BSc.
Tracking of mathematics teacher qualifications to improve teacher quality.
Secondary: 1990-1998
Key features
In this period, curriculum was again in focus, but now through the centrally mandated
national curriculum.
Assessment and testing were aligned to the new NC and to the newly introduced GCSE, with
some opportunities for teachers to design and manage assessment methods and forms e.g.,
Assessment of mental arithmetic in KS3 tests.
The introduction of league tables and Ofsted began to impact on school practice.
Reduced teacher autonomy, increase in control and accountability.
“Standards” – including mental arithmetic
Transnational comparisons
Address workload concerns with simplification of the curriculum
The national curriculum
The national curriculum,
Assessment and testing
League tables
Local levers LA school improvement staff
Secondary: 1999-2010
Key features
The focus shifted to teaching with the introduction of the National Strategies.
Greater emphasis on arithmetic in the curriculum, although the secondary subject continued
as mathematics rather than numeracy.
The use of ICT and particularly calculators continued to be embedded in the curriculum.
Rapid changes in employment patterns and practices in ICT use not matched in education.
The Key Stage 3 Strategy including the mathematics framework, briefly piloted in
mathematics in 2000 and introduced the following year built on the Primary Numeracy
Subsequent revisions to the national curriculum (2014) emphasised fluency, mathematical
reasoning and problem solving. In policy, basic skills were emphasised at secondary level
with the setting of minimum performance levels.
There was an increase in school-based ITT and various approaches to addressing
professional development needs of non-specialist teachers of mathematics and to increase
the supply of teachers with mathematics teaching qualifications.
Raising standards
Choice and diversity - ‘personalised’ learning agenda
Address inequality and variation in school performance
Skills agenda
Scientific and industrial research and development, the ‘knowledge economy’ including
finance and ICT industries, employment opportunities (see Smith, 2004)
Ensuring qualifications meet the needs of employers and HE
Shortage of specialist mathematics teachers
Smith (2004)
Ofsted indirectly through frameworks (See Section 6) and directly through reports, e.g.,
Understanding the score (2008), this was influential in a shift towards teaching for
understanding, together with a subsequent report (Ofsted, 2012).
Rapid implementation of the National Strategies in secondary was justified by evidence of a
dip in students’ performance in the early secondary years (Stobart & Stoll, 2005), the
perceived success of the NNS in primary schools, where substantial increases were reported
in the numbers of students achieving the expected standard analysis.
Local Authority inspection and advisory service
Professional development (Key Stage 3, Secondary National Strategies, NCETM, Local
National curriculum revisions
National curriculum levels and sub levels and related ‘flight paths
Secondary: 2011-2021
Key features
The focus on Key Stage 3 in the previous period through the National Strategies waned and
the end of KS3 SATS in 2008 and accountability pressures led a widespread move to 3-year
KS4 with start of GCSE courses in Year 9 (56% of schools in a 2019 survey)
Early entry to mathematics GCSE, a trend resulting from the inclusion of mathematics as one
of the five GCSEs in performance tables, caused concern, reducing progression to A level.
This prompted a change in policy that meant that only the first sitting of the GCSE counted in
a school’s performance tables
In the second half of the period, discourses of knowledge rich curriculum and cultural capital
influenced the Ofsted inspection framework and general educational discourse, though this
was less apparent in mathematics education.
Also, in the second half of the decade, issues with the transition from primary to secondary
remained, and together with concerns that progress stalled in Key Stage 3 led to a renewed
focus on this period.
Increased participation in higher level mathematics
International competition in mathematics outcomes
Mathematics outcomes linked to national economic performance
Pupil premium, social mobility and ‘catch up’ - ensure more children from poorer
backgrounds catch up with their peers
DfE (2011) research report ‘Early entry to GCSE examinations’
PISA 2012 results
Ofsted (2015) ‘Key Stage 3: the wasted years’
Reformed GCSE and end of early entry to GCSE
Ofsted frameworks focus on curriculum
mastery programme in secondary
Maths Hubs
Changes in accountability measures such as EBacc and Progress 8
13 Note that apparent ‘drop’ in mathematics is
unreliable as previous results in England were withdrawn by OECD due to sampling concerns.
9.3 Secondary: Factors, consequences and influences on mathematics education
Table 11, below, shows factors and influences on secondary mathematics education.
Table 11: Factors currently influencing secondary mathematics education
Influence on mathematics education
Qualifications & league
GCSE changes to assessment including growth
of then ending early entry, coursework, inclusion
of mathematics in league tables, move to linear
courses with terminal assessment
Raised the profile and stakes for mathematics GCSE and
equivalent qualifications
Pupil premium, core maths, advanced maths
Funding impacts on senior leaders, helps to prioritise
mathematics. Money used to develop bespoke responses to
school needs.
Changes at post-16 influence school leaders to focus on level 2
students, aiming to increase participation at level 3
National curriculum &
assessment (1)
Key Stage 3 ending of SATs
Combined with league table pressure leading to early entry
and early start to GCSE courses effectively a three-year KS4
National curriculum &
assessment (2)
Removal of national curriculum levels from 2014
Key Stage 2 change in emphasis including focus
on times tables, mastery
Adaptation of schemes of work in secondary to meet changing
student skills, knowledge and need and year-based curriculum
Teacher professional
development (1)
Academy/free school policy reduced
opportunities for teachers in these schools to
engage in external collaborative professional
Some Academies/MATS prescribe restrictive teaching and
development approaches
Teacher professional
development (2)
Centres for Excellence, Maths Hubs, NCETM
Collaboration between centres to support schools/colleges
Teacher professional
development (3)
Signs of a shift back to subject specific
professional development from more generic
Potential to support teachers in departments to collaborate
(e.g., on development and planning) and to facilitate
networking and collaboration across institutions
10. Post-16 education
10.1 Post-16 chronology
Figure 7, below, details key events and milestones relevant to post-16 mathematics from 1980 to
Figure 7: Post -16 phase milestones from 1980 to 2021
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (CATE) established (1984)
National Council for Vocational Qualifications
oversees NVQs (1986)
The Framework for BTEC-City and Guilds 14-16 pre-
vocational awards (1986)
GCSE common 16+ exam system replaced GCE
O Level and CSE (1988)
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools, Post-16
education and training, core skills (HMI) (1989)
Core skills in A/AS levels and NVQs (NCVQ,
1990) and Core skills 1619 (NCC, 1990)
Further and Higher Education Act (1992)
First Tomlinson report on SEND (1996)
Qualifying for Success (DfEE 1997)
Learning and Skills Act 2000
Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
Functional mathematics introduced; Tomlinson
report; Smith report 14-19 mathematics (2004)
Further Mathematics Support Programme is funded
Changes to GCSE coursework; national start of
functional skills; EMA ends (2010)
Wolf Review of vocational education (2011)
Lingfield Report Professionalism in Further
Education (2012)
CGSE resit requirement introduced (2014)
Reformed GCSE and A level - teaching begins (2015)
Core maths first exams (2016)
Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
operational (2017)
FMSP becomes AMSP, also support Core
Maths (2018)
Advanced Maths premium (2018)
Reformed functional skills; pathfinder technical routes
T levels introduced
10.2 Post-16: Policy features, drivers warrants and levers across four time periods
There is no statutory curriculum, so and what is taught is determined by examination syllabi. Post-16
mathematics can be categorised by the learning level of courses and qualification:
Level 3 (A level and equivalent)
Level 2 (GCSE equivalent but also comprising other qualifications with mathematical study)
Level 1 and/or other mathematics and numeracy skills (often as part of other qualifications)
Another way of categorising courses and qualifications is as either
Academic (general study of mathematics not linked to specific professions or employment)
Or vocational (study of mathematics in contexts of professionals and employment)
While there is a relationship between these two categories, there is not a direct correspondence.
This creates a complex post-16 picture. A (and A/S) level mathematics as the principal and most
common level 3 academic mathematics qualifications have been subject to reform as part of
Curriculum 2000 and, more recently, a rolling back of these reforms. However, even when reformed,
A levels had similar mathematical content and generally, in mathematics, had the acceptance and
support of a wide range of stakeholders. In contrast, vocational and technical mathematicsof
whatever qualification levelhave been subject to repeated reports, initiatives, and reforms, with
an overall picture of instability in policy and also enactment given the complexity of the post-16
environment (Dalby & Noyes, 2018).
Because of the different categories of mathematical qualifications and study in post-16, the
description of features, drivers, warrants, and levers is more extended than for other phases. There
are two particularly relevant case studies: Core Maths and the Further Mathematics Support
Programme, Post-16: 1980-1989.
Key features
The establishment of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications to oversee National
Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in 1986, and, in the same year the development of the
BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) qualifications framework were important
in determining the mathematics experience of the majority of students who were not taking
A levels.
Overall, there was increased participation in post-16 education (Young & Spours, 1998).
Increase the proportion of young people engaged in post-16 study.
Employers concerns
Economic and employment needs
National council for voluntary qualifications
BTEC framework
Funding for Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) for 1418-year-olds was
launched in 1982
Post-16: 1990-1998
Key features
The increase in participation in post-16 education seen in the eighties continued in the early
nineties, beginning to plateau in the mid-1990s (Young & Spours, 1998).
As growth in participation slowed and concerns were raised about attainment declining, the
Dearing review of 1619 qualifications was established (Dearing, 1996). This review
examines these issues and considers how best to prepare young people for work and higher
education. The remit included a focus on maintaining the rigour of A levels and a review of
the General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) and National Vocational
Qualifications (NVQs).
When the Labour government came to power, Qualifying for Success (DfEE, 1997) was
published, notably broadening the curriculum and leading to the Curriculum 2000 reforms.
In addition to breadth, Curriculum 2000 was underpinned by principles of progression,
flexibility, key skills, and status, with the latter aiming to raise the status of vocational
qualifications. It introduced AS levels, new A level specifications, and Key Skills. Concerns
raised about the reforms, notably those focused on implementation, support, and the
burden of assessment, prompted changes.
Free Standing Mathematics Qualifications (FSMQs) were developed and piloted in 1998
2000. They were designed to meet the needs of those who hadn’t achieved a GCSE pass,
were on vocational courses, or needed some mathematics to support their A level choices.
Desire to continue to expand participation for workforce reasons and general desire to
improve qualifications of young people
Concerns about attainment outcomes
Dearing review of 16-19 qualifications established (Dearing, 1996), responding to concern
over declining participation and attainment, demands of employers and higher education.
Qualifying for Success (DfEE, 1997)
The establishment of the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC) in 1992 was used to ‘to
drive down unit costs and expand learner numbers in FE’ (Steer et al. ,2007, p.179).
Changes to qualifications and to their assessment and to funding, notably broadening the
curriculum and leading to Curriculum 2000 reforms.
Social welfare levers use to encourage increased post-16 participation.
Post-16: 1999-2010
Key features
Curriculum 2000 GCE A levels were modular and in two parts, with AS taken at the end of
one year of study, and A2 at the end of a second year. The aim was that students would
study more subjects in the first year of study post-16 before focussing on a smaller number
of A levels.
Following the introduction of Curriculum 2000, issues with the mathematics qualifications at
A/AS level rapidly became apparent. Difficulties with AS mathematics were raised in 2000/1,
notably a low pass rate compared with other subjects and a decline in entries. Revised
specifications were drawn up, first taught from 2004, to counter declining entries in AS, A
level mathematics and A level further mathematics. Changes included removing A2 core
content from AS mathematics and reducing the number of applied units (statistics,
mechanics, or discrete mathematics) from 3 to 2 in any mathematics A level.
The Smith Inquiry, commissioned in 2002, reflected continuing concerns about participation
and attainment in mathematics, emphasised by comparisons with other countries.
Running parallel to the Smith Inquiry was a working group on 1419 curriculum and
qualifications reform in England, chaired by Mike Tomlinson. This proposed a diploma
framework for 1419 qualifications; however, this was not taken up in policy.
Free Standing Mathematics Qualifications (FSMQs) were developed and piloted in 1998
2000 and introduced for the first time in 2001 with 11 titles (3 at level 1, 5 at level 2, and 3 at
level 3). At the time of the Smith report (2004), the number of entries was growing, and
although FSMQs were viewed as an appropriate offer, funding, small classes, and a limited
profile were clear obstacles to their adoption.
There were widespread concerns about the number of students retaking GCSEs without
improving their grades. A feature of the three-tier GCSE structure was that grade C was not
accessible to all and was not aligned with the two-tier curriculum structure. The Inquiry
recommended that GCSE maths be redesignated a double award, with modifications as
necessary (Smith, 2004) (see case study: The ‘forgotten third’).
The needs of employers and higher education: existing qualifications were seen as not
meeting the needs of the workforce or HE (‘the rise of information technology has increased
the range of mathematics needed to perform competently in the workplace’ (Smith, 2004, p.
Aiming to raise the status and quality of vocational qualifications informed by principles of
progression, flexibility, key skills, breadth, and status.
Evidence of the low participation in mathematics post-16.
A need for mathematics specific CPD (Smith, 2004).
Smith Report (2004)
Tomlinson report (2004).
Qualifications and assessment changes
Funding changes
Post-16: 2011-2021
Key features
Smith's review of mathematics education post-16: The report recommended a review of 16
19 funding to eliminate disincentives to mathematics. It proposed increasing incentives for
AS and A level Further Mathematics and providing incentives for Core Mathematics.
Incentives were subsequently increased in 2019.
Qualifications were reformed with changes in funding that led to a decrease in the number
of students taking AS Mathematics.
The Advanced Maths Premium (Education and Skills Funding Agency 2018), introduced in
2018, provided funding for each additional student taking mathematics (above a baseline).
Technical education continues to be relatively neglected in this period, despite some
agreement that the needs are greater (Hodgen, Wake & Dalby 2017; Report of the
Independent Panel on Technical Education, 2016
The Wolf report in 2011 was very influential. It marked a clear break with approaches to
developing 1419 pathways, including in vocational education.
The Wolf report also influenced, from 2014, a new policy intended to support progression to
further study and employment that required 1619-year-olds without grade C to continue
study of mathematics, with those with grade D (now grade 3) required to retake GCSE (a
condition of funding
The DfE FE workforce development programme, launched in April 2013 to address FE
workforce challenges arising from policy changes, including those relating to maths, English,
and supporting learners with SEND, aimed to create an additional 2,500 maths teachers and
2,600 English teachers with the skills to deliver GCSEs by the end of the 2015/16 academic
year (Zaidi, Howat & Rose, 2018).
The shortage of specialist mathematics teachers continued. Smith (2017) called for the DfE
to collect further data, specifically on the qualifications of the workforce teaching
mathematics and numeracy in FE.
Teachers have difficulty attending subject-specific CPD e.g., schools and colleges face
challenges in releasing teachers to attend AMSP courses (Walker et al., 2020).
There is some indication of positive developments resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,
with teachers increasing engagement with online professional development and providers,
notably AMSP, NCETM, and NRICH, all seeing increases.
Continued demand from employers and HE for increased mathematical understanding and
applications numbers leaving education at 18 with no Level 2 Maths qualification, e.g., ‘the
increasing importance of mathematical and quantitative skills to the future workforce’
(Smith, 2004, p.2).
Professional development needs of the FE mathematics teaching workforce, e.g. 45% of
respondents to a large-scale survey did not hold a mathematics or numeracy qualification.
(Noyes, Dalby & Lavis, 2018).
Access to University, e.g., Mathematics and Further Mathematics as Facilitating A Levels.
Wolf Report (2011)
Smith Report (2017)
Funding (condition of funding, Advanced Maths premium)
Ofqual, established in 2010, regulated qualifications, examinations and assessments in
England and led A level reform
Education and Training Foundation activity.
10.3 Post-16: Factors, consequences, and influences on mathematics education
Table 12, below, shows factors and influences on Post-16 mathematics education.
Table 12 Factors currently influencing secondary mathematics education
Influences on mathematics education
Inequality in funding and provision
Level 2 courses and below may be seen as not requiring
mathematics specialist
Prioritisation of level 3 qualifications and support
Assessment and
qualifications (1)
A level reform and A/S level structure
impacted negatively on mathematics up take
Assessment and
qualifications (2)
Several unsuccessful initiatives in technical and
vocational education
Low engagement and attainment remain issues
Funding (1)
Requirement for those without GCSE grade C to
continue to study mathematics, with low repeat
examination success rate
Increase demand for specialist mathematics teachers.
Prioritisation of mathematics in schools/colleges
Funding (2)
Advanced maths incentives
Support continued activity and offers
Funding (3)
Funding in FE generally viewed as inadequate
Barriers to teacher engagement in professional development
PART FOUR: Purpose, values, and systems
Part Four reviews policy drivers in mathematics education and how these have changed across
time and by phase. Drivers are considered in relation to educational ideologies.
11. Purpose and values
11.1 Drivers: patterns across time by phase
In this section we summarise the drivers from each phase across each time period. The first two
periods do not have the EYFS drivers.
Period 1: 1980-89
The table below summarises mathematics education policy drivers for the period 1980-1989
Table 13: Mathematics education drivers for 1980-1989
Improve mathematics teaching
Employers and higher education concerns
Cockcroft Report mathematical learning needed for engaging in “further and higher
education, employment and adult life” (p. iv).
Few central drivers, but a general commitment to curricula enhancement at a local
policy level, such as a commitment to equity (e.g., ILEA support for SMILE
mathematics with a focus on all attainment teaching) and improving practice.
Technological changes with calculators more widely available and the introduction
of computers.
Opposition by governing politicians to progressive initiatives
Increase the proportion of young people engaged in post-16 study.
Employers and Higher Education concerns
Period 2: 1990-1998
Table 14, below, summarises mathematics education policy drivers for the period 1990-1998.
Table 14: Mathematics education drivers for 1990-1998
Establish the national curriculum
Establish national assessment and testing
Address workload concerns
Transnational comparisons
Address workload concerns with simplification of the curriculum
Desire to continue to expand participation for workforce reasons and general desire
to improve qualifications of young people
Concerns about attainment outcomes
Period 3: 1999-2010
Table 15, below, summarises mathematics education policy drivers for the period 1999-2010
Table 15: Mathematics education drivers for 1999-2010
Early Years
Importance of early years for future educational outcomes
Economic competitiveness.
Focus on numeracy and numerical competence ‘basic skills’
Address inequality and differences in school performance
Primary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge
Raising standards
Choice and diversity - ‘personalised’ learning agenda
Address inequality and variation in school performance and school leaver access to
employment opportunities
Skills agenda
Scientific and industrial research and development, the ‘knowledge economy’
including finance and ICT industries
Ensuring qualifications meet the needs of employers and HE
Shortage of specialist mathematics teachers
The needs of employers and higher education - existing qualifications not meeting
needs of workforce/HE, including in information technology
Aiming to raise the status and quality of vocational qualifications informed by
principles of progression, flexibility, key skills, breadth, and status
Evidence of the low participation in mathematics post-16.
Identified need for mathematics specific CPD
Period 4: 2011-2021
Table 16, below, summarises mathematics education policy drivers for the period 2011 - 2021
Table 16: Mathematics education drivers for 2011-2021
Early Years
Addressing attainment gaps and differences in home learning environments
Workforce availability particularly of women
School ‘readiness’
Improve mathematical attainment
Improve the quality of mathematics teaching
Increase whole class teaching
Learn from high-performing systems
Reduce the influence of higher education on teacher professional development
Increased participation in higher level mathematics
International competition in mathematics outcomes
Mathematics outcomes linked to national economic performance
Pupil premium, social mobility and ‘catch up’ - ensure more children from poorer
backgrounds catch up with their peers
Continued demand from employers and HE for increased mathematical
understanding and applications
Numbers leaving education at 18 with no Level 2 Mathematics qualification
Professional development needs of the FE mathematics teaching workforce
Access to University e.g., Mathematics and further mathematics as facilitating A
11.2 Patterns in drivers
Looking across phases and across time periods, drivers cluster into three broad areas, though with
different emphases in different phases and at different times.
Economic drivers
There is a consistent concern with the needs of employers and the importance of mathematics to
them. As might be expected, this is more apparent for the secondary and post-16 phases, given the
relationship between qualifications at 16 and 18 and further study. Over time, the emphasis in these
drivers shifts from a concern with the needs of specific employers to a framing in terms of the
overall national competitiveness.
Individual outcomes and opportunity
In the 1980s, addressing issues of inequity was an important motivation for teachers and curriculum
developers but not particularly a policy concern in the introduction of the national curriculum. From
the late 1990s on, these issues became more important drivers. Although the coalition government
adopted the language of social justice
, this was framed in relation to social mobility rather than
equity per se (for example, a 'wasted talent' discourse). Previous concern with girls’ outcomes in
mathematics lessened over the four periods, at the policy level at least; part of the justification for
ending coursework was that final examinations might address the perceived underachievement of
The quality of mathematics teaching
Improving the quality of mathematics teaching was an ongoing driver in the primary and post-16
phases (particularly in FE and in relation to Level 2 mathematics). This was less of a concern in
secondary teaching overall, with the focus not on teaching but on teachers who did not have Level 3
or degree-level mathematics qualifications.
11.3 Educational ideologies
Policy drivers are relatively explicit statements of positions. Although, as we noted in the
introduction, the idea of driver is misleading, if understood as a policy aim formulated on the basis
of a linear and primarily rational approach to policy development and implementation. An important
influence on policy drivers and policy design and implementation more generally are educational
There are different formulations of educational ideologies prevalent in England and elsewhere, and
these are linked to wider political ideologies. Paterson (2003) proposes a model of educational
ideologies in the British Labour Party connected to wider political positions:
New Labourism with similar educational views as the conservative New Right
Developmentalism focused on economic competitiveness
New social democracy with public management to reduce negative effects of the market
and discourses of social responsibility as exchange for rights
A typology of mathematics education ideologies was first proposed by Ernest (1991, 1992) and was
an application of a more generic model of educational ideologies in England (Williams, 1961) and has
been taken up since in mathematics education policy analysis (e.g., Boylan, 2000; Hodgen et al.,
2021; Noyes, Wake & Drake, 2011). Important ideologies in mathematics education policy
development identified since the inception of the national curriculum are shown in Table 17 below.
In Ernest’s 1998 account, his typology also included two other ideologies. The first is ‘progressive
educator’. However, as this ideology has been less influential in policy, it is not included here,
notwithstanding that aspects of this view of mathematics education align with those of many EYFS
practitioners or have potentially influenced curriculum reform in the past (Noyes, Wake & Drake,
2011). The second, ‘the public educator,’ with a concern for social change and education for
citizenship, has not been a central influence on mathematics educational policy.
Table 17: Mathematics education ideologies adapted from Ernest, 1991
View of maths and
aims of maths
Orientation to learning
and teaching and
Values and purpose
Industrial trainer
Rules, basics,
numeracy, and social
Transmission, explicit
instruction, hard work,
effort, practice, anti-
Self-help, authority.
Children as empty
Useful knowledge,
Application, skills
acquisition, motivation
through relevance, open
to ICT
meritocracy, social
Old Humanist
Pass on culturally
approved knowledge
Explain, motivate,
textbooks, understanding
Hierarchy, paternalism,
character building.
Cultural reproduction
Although the Conservative Party and Labour Party have different stances on educational policy,
these different ideologies can be found across and within both political parties and bodies that
influence their policy positions when they have been in and out of government. Similarly, these
ideologies are also found in the Liberal Democratic Party, which was part of the 2020-2014 coalition
government. Aspects of the 1997 Labour Government’s education policy align with ‘New Right’
(Paterson, 2003), identified as industrial trainers. In the conservative led governments since 2010,
Hodgen et al. (2021) identified particular politicians with variously technological pragmatist
positions, with a focus on technical and vocational routes (e.g., Wolf, 2011; Truss, 2013), and by
those who focused on technical and vocational, an industrial trainer position, with more emphasis
on ‘traditional’ calculations and pencil and paper calculation, with the long division algorithm and
the times table recall (Gibb, 2015), and an old humanist position, arguing for transmitting a body
knowledge as cultural heritage (Gove, 2011).
This helps to explain why English education policy, including in mathematics education, has
characteristics both of change and continuity. Changes in education have often represented
developments from previous policies.
Considering policy development, educational ideology has similarities to ‘core beliefs’ as defined in
the Advocacy Coalition Framework model of policy development (Sabatier, 1998).
Deep core beliefs’ are fundamental and unlikely to change (like a ‘religious conversion’) but
too broad to guide detailed policy, such as one’s views on human nature).
‘Policy core’ are more specific but still unlikely to change, such as the overall view on the
role and responsibility of the state
‘Secondary aspects’ relate to the implementation of policy
Secondary aspects are the three types of belief that are most likely to change, as people learn
about the effects of, for example, regulations versus economic incentives. The implication of this
view is that ideological forces influence any policy development and implementation.
11.4 Drivers and features as expressions of ideology
Informed by Ernest’s typology and the construct of ‘deep core beliefs’, policy drivers can be linked to
three ideological beliefs. Here, we use a simplified framework (shown in Table 18) that considers
three different beliefs or commitments and, for each, a pair of influential beliefs in policy.
View of purpose of mathematics education (and general core beliefs about education)
View of educational process relationship between teacher, curriculum, and learner
View of social justice
Table 18: Drivers and features in mathematics education
Drivers and features
Human capital
Economic concerns, employers’ needs;
numeracy, international competition, and
increasing post-16 participation
Social and cultural
‘Basics’ and mathematical knowledge as
culturally important
GCSE resit policy
Learning and teaching
‘Basics’, whole class teaching, explicit
instruction, final examination, knowledge of
Technological change, coursework, problem
solving, modular exams and alternative
certification, knowledge in practice
Social justice
Social mobility
Individual success, pupil premium,
Address gaps in home learning environment
and structural inequality, and pupils
progress together
12. System levers
In this section, we summarise the levers from each phase by time period and consider trends in
system levers across time.
12.1 System levers: patterns across time by phase
Following the analysis of time periods, levers are not identified for the early years in Period 1 and
Period 2.
Period 1: 1980-1989
Table 19, below, summarises mathematics education policy levers for the period 1980-1989
Table 19: Mathematics education levers for 1980-1989
Curriculum development projects
Funding models supporting local initiatives
High levels of teacher agency and professional autonomy to support curriculum
Cockcroft Report proposes the introduction of financial incentives and flexible
routes for teacher education and some introduction of these, e.g., two-year PGCE
mathematics routes, two-year BSc
Tracking of mathematics teacher qualifications to improve teacher quality
National Council for Vocational Qualifications
BTEC framework
Funding for Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) for 1418-year-olds
was launched in 1982
Period 2: 1990-1998
Table 20, below, summarises mathematics education policy levers for the period 1990-1998.
Table 20: Mathematics education levers for 1990-1998
The National Curriculum
Statutory assessment and testing, including informing Ofsted judgements
Publication of KS1 and KS2 outcomes
The National Curriculum
Assessment and testing
League tables
Local levers LA school improvement staff
The establishment of the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC)
Changes to qualifications, their assessment and to funding, notably broadening the
curriculum and leading to Curriculum 2000 reforms.
Social welfare levers are used to encourage increased post-16 participation.
Period 3: 1999-2010
Table 21, below, summarises mathematics education policy levers for the period 1999-2010
Table 21: Mathematics education levers for 1999-2010
Early Years
The Children’s Act 2004
Funding for provision
Funding for training and professional development (Graduate Leaders Fund)
Local Authorities school improvement
National strategies infrastructure, training and guidance documents, Strategies
consultants, school-based Numeracy Coordinators
Primary Mathematics Specialists trained by collaborations of HEI and Local
Local Authority inspection and advisory service
Professional development (Key Stage 3, Secondary National Strategies, NCETM,
Local authority)
National Curriculum revisions
National Curriculum levels and sublevels and related ‘flight paths of expected
graded predicted from previous attainment
Qualifications and assessment changes
Funding changes
Period 4: 2011-2021
Table 22, below, summarises mathematics education policy levers for the period 1999-2010
Table 22: Mathematics education levers for 2011-2021
Early Years
National frameworks and guidance
Free childcare hours for parents
Minimum GCSE workforce requirement
New national curriculum
The Mastery programme Mathematics Teacher Exchange, Primary Mastery
specialists, NCETM support and materials, including concepts/frameworks,
resources, and CPD
Maths Hubs
Textbook subsidy
Reformed GCSE and end of early entry to GCSE
Ofsted frameworks focus on curriculum
Mastery programme in secondary
Maths Hubs
Changes in accountability measures such as EBacc and Progress 8
Funding (condition of funding, Advanced Mathematics premium)
Ofqual, established in 2010 regulated qualifications, examinations and assessments
in England and led A level reform
Education and Training Foundation activity
12.2 System levers across time
Considering system levers across time, the following patterns are found.
1. An increase in the number of system levers used, showing greater and more direct political
management of the education system.
2. The importance of Ofsted and qualifications as levers in the system.
3. Direct funding to schools or independent organisations as a lever is not often used, though
the Advanced Maths Premium is an exception.
Part Five is organised by reference to four aspects of mathematics education introduced earlier.
For each of these, two trends are described. For brevity, we use ‘trend’ to refer to changes in the
same direction over a given period, or where there may be movement in one direction and then
movement back.
Curriculum and pedagogy
Reduced curriculum content and increased prescription
Increased policy direction of pedagogy
Qualifications and assessment
Narrowing of assessment methods and forms
High-stakes testing
Workforce and professional learning
Changing patterns in depth and intensity of funded subject specialist professional
'School led' innovation and professional development trending now towards more
centralisation of direction
Resources and technologies
Changing availability of curriculum resources and materials
Decreased use of ICT in mathematics, including computing and programming
13. Curriculum and pedagogy: trends
13.1 Reduced curriculum content and increased prescription
Comparing the first national curriculum introduced in 1990 with the most recent 2014 curriculum,
there has been a considerable reduction in content and scope. The first national curriculum in
mathematics had 13 attainment targets described over 10 levels with more than one component in
some, generating 296 separate descriptors in total (Dowling & Noss, 1990). Even these were a
reduction in the content of the original proposal, which had an additional element, the profile
components, to model a range of mathematical skills and dispositions (see the case study on the
development of Using and Applying Mathematics below).
The 2014 national curriculum is presented not as a single curriculum across the school years but
divided into primary and secondary, and within that, Key Stages, and in primary by Year. Areas of
content present in 1990 have been reducedfor example, the amount of probability and data
handling. Overall, the proportion of the curriculum focused on number, particularly in Key Stage 1
and Key Stage 2, has increased.
Alongside the reduced content, there is greater specificity in detail. Comparing directly is challenged
by the different structure into Levels (1989), and Year or Key Stage expectations (2014). However,
below are extracts that both refer to learning the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables.
1989: AT 3, Level 3
know and use addition and subtraction number facts to 20 (including zero).
solve problems involving multiplication or division of whole numbers or money, using a
calculator where necessary.
know and use multiplication facts up to 5 x 5, and all those in the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication
tables (DfE, 1989, p. 9).
2014: Year 2
Pupils should be taught to:
recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables,
including recognising odd and even numbers
calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication
tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs
show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and
division of one number by another cannot
solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated
addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in
contexts. (DfE, 2013, p.13).
The increased specificity helps to mask the reduction in content, as the overall ‘feel’ of the
curriculum may make it appear that there is more content in the more detailed description of what,
in 1989, solving problems’ might involve or what using multiplication facts might mean.
This trend in the curriculum was not sudden, but rather an ongoing process following the 1992
Dearing Review. A possible interruption to this was during the National Numeracy Strategy, when
the official national curriculum was supplemented by additional National Numeracy Strategy
material. The recent Mastery policy does not have the same effect as the Teaching for Mastery
approach, which is centred around approaches to teaching rather than content. However, the
NCETM has supported a prioritisation of the primary curriculum, contributing to additional
This general process of reducing content happens at a more granular level, with increased emphasis
on a limited range of standard methods. A similar process was noted above in relation to EYFS,
where number has been emphasised over other types of mathematics and mathematical activity.
Reduction/removal of coursework (see below, Section 14.1) also narrows the curriculum (although
see case studies on ‘problem solving’ and on ‘using and applying’ in the policy development section).
As shown by comparing the two NC extracts, it is notable that in 1989, the possibility of using a
calculator was specifically included. This is not so in 2014, and elsewhere it is made explicit that
calculators should not generally be used.
As well as the change in the curriculum content itself, this has reinforced other trends. The lack of
reference to ICT, computing, or programming creates a barrier to teachers using those approaches.
The narrowing of the meaning of problem solving (see case study) limits the opportunities for cross
curricula activity, e.g., along with a reduction in STEM initiatives. These potentially reduce the skills
of teachers in making links with other subjects.
One possible counter to this trend can be found in the Core Maths specifications, with a focus on
using and applying mathematics and synoptic assessment included to enable candidates to develop
awareness of the ‘interconnectivity of mathematical ideas’ (DfE, 2018 Core Maths technical
This trend potentially reduces the scope for extending the school mathematics curriculum to include
data science and mathematical applications, ICT in general, and specifically, programming.
13.2 The how as well as the what: increased direction of pedagogy
This trend is most notable in primary mathematics education. In secondary mathematics, in contrast,
it could be argued that the trend is to increase content through the increased demand of GCSE.
At the time of the first national curriculum, there was no associated direction for how the National
Curriculum should be taught. In so far as there was a policy position, this was found in the principles
in the Cockcroft Report, which allowed for a high degree of autonomy by teachers. The National
Numeracy Strategy was a significant shift in recommending how mathematics should be taught (see
the policy development case in Section 24). The NNS promoted whole class interactive teaching and
a three-part lesson structure.
In the noughties, there was a shift away from this. The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of
Mathematics (NCETM) explicitly did not promote a preferred or desired pedagogy.
The advent of the Mastery policy (see policy development case study, Section 27) has seen a return
to government funded promotion of a way of teaching mathematics. It is outside the scope of this
report to compare NCETM’s ‘teaching for mastery’ with the National Numeracy Strategy. However,
19 and
teaching for mastery is presented as starting from principles and concepts, described as 5 ‘big
rather than, for example, a common lesson structure. Although the focus of the funded
Teaching for Mastery Programme is on primary mathematics, mastery concepts appear to have
more traction in secondary schools, at least rhetorically. The consequences of this are, arguably, a
more consistent advocated pedagogy, but also reduced school and teacher autonomy in accessing
available professional development.
14. Qualifications and assessment: trends
14.1 Narrowing of assessment methods and forms
Changes to content, structure, assessment, and grading include a move from modular to linear
assessment at GCSE and GCE (first assessments 2017), a move to controlled assessment, and the
removal of coursework. These changes accompanied an increase in the level of demand as part of
the national assessment policy in secondary and post-16.
The recent changes to GCE, including decoupling AS from A level and funding changes, have led to a
reduction in curriculum breadth and a dramatic decline in the number of students taking
mathematics at AS level
. This has reversed a trend of increasing participation in advanced
mathematics from 2003/4 following the recommendations in the Smith Report (2004). The regrading
of GCSEs from 1-9, with the associated additional demand, has contributed to the decline in entries.
Noyes and Adkins (2017) identify GCSE grade as the strongest predictor of likely AS/A level
mathematics completion, with a rise in A* and A grades (34% and 56%, respectively, from 2004 to
2010) (p. 17) being the key driver in growth in AS/A level entries.
There are particular implications for using and applying mathematics. Although some progress has
been made, for example, with the introduction of the large data set at Level 3, this work is difficult
to assess through a timed examination.
A countertrend trend/tendency is found in Core Maths (see Section 17), where assessment
regulations permit 20% coursework (although it doesn’t appear any Boards offer this). Several
Boards provide pre-release materials for Core Maths and A levels (large data sets) to better reflect
the context of real-life problem solving.
Core Maths assessment perhaps demonstrates some possibility for adapting assessment to
accommodate curricula demands. The increased profile of mathematics as a gatekeeper subject may
provide increased leverage for specific mathematics assessment methods.
14.2 High-stakes testing
School performance tables were introduced in 1992, publishing the average attainment of state
secondary schools, based on students’ GCSE results. Average school performance in Key Stage 2
SATs results have been published for primary schools since 1996.
England joined the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2000, an OECD
programme that assesses 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics, and science, providing international
comparison tables.
In 2006, mathematics and English were included as two of the five GCSEs at grades A*C reported in
school attainment tables. Ofsted uses school performance data to guide school inspections. Another
accountability mechanism, performance-related pay, was introduced in 2013. Ofsted inspection
reports have focused on English and mathematics, resulting in overemphasis on these subjects and
the neglect of core subjects
. Leckie and Goldstein (2017) note that whilst the measure of school
attainment has remained as the percentage of students achieving five or more good GCSEs, the
22 pp.15-16
progress measure has shifted from ‘value-added’ (2002–2005) to ‘contextual value-added’ (2006–
2010) to ‘expected progress’ (2011–2015) to ‘progress 8’ (2016–).’ (p. 195)
An increase in accountability leads to a narrowing of the curriculum and teaching to the test, which
can be detrimental to students’ and teachers’ wellbeing
. It also leads to a reduction in pedagogical
There is evidence that high-stakes testing leads to ability grouping, despite practitioners’ reluctance
to this practice on moral grounds and in light of research that highlighted problems associated with
setting. Bradbury, Braun, and Quick’s (2021) study of the impact of SATs in primary schools also
found that educational triage and intervention (where groups of children are prioritised over others
due to their potential to increase a school’s average performance at a key benchmark) were
common responses to high-stakes testing, raising concerns of increasing inequalities.
There are some reports of one positive impact on the position of mathematics in secondary schools
and colleges, seen in greater priority in resourcing. More recently, changes to assessment during the
COVID-19 pandemic may have prompted a reconsideration of assessment practices.
15. Workforce and professional learning: trends
15.1 Changing patterns in depth and intensity of funded subject specialist professional
Concerns about equity in initial teacher education have been raised with the variety of routes into
teaching mathematics, a shift from university to school-led provision, and concerns over the quality
of some routes (ACME 2015). Pre-service training: Reduction from a 1-year full-time university-led
Mathematics Enhancement Course (MEC) to a short, often online, provision of Subject Knowledge
Enhancement (SKE) courses.
Issues of mathematics teacher specialist qualifications and subject knowledge are longstanding
(ACME 2015). Efforts to address these through in-service professional development include the
National Numeracy Strategy 5-day course for primary teachers from 1999 and the Mathematics
Specialist Teacher (MaST) programme introduced in 2010 following Williams Report
recommendations (2008). This two-year Masters-level programme began at eight universities and
was independently evaluated
. Support for funding for MaST was withdrawn after the change in
government. Aspects of this funding for sustained CPD for primary mathematics leads have been
restored through the Mastery Specialist Leads programme. However, the original Williams model
was for one or two teachers to experience two years of training in each school. The current funding
in the Mastery Programme would achieve 1020% of this goal, with other schools experiencing
support through a model combining features of collaborative professional development and cascade
Funded subject-specific professional development in a variety of formats, including sustained
courses, has been provided for teachers of A level mathematics and further mathematics (later also
core maths) through government funding for FMSP and AMSP.
These changes are relevant to primary and secondary education in particular. Marketisation has led
to the proliferation of providers of Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) courses, offering a range
of programmes.
Particular challenges are present in post-16 education, with a lack of subject-specific pedagogy and
no national workforce strategy. Around 45% of the FE mathematics teaching workforce does not
hold a mathematics or numeracy teaching qualification. The situation is exacerbated by the funding
requirement for GCSE resits.
15.2 'School-led' innovation and professional development trending now towards more
centralisation of direction
The National Numeracy Strategy and the 2001 Key Stage 3 Strategy marked a shift to centralised
professional development. A shift to more school-led approaches was supported by NCETM in the
early days (20062010), followed by a move to more centralisation through hubs and the Mastery
Shifts were initiated in primary, then moved to secondary and post-16 (e.g., the NCETM Mastery
programme expanded into secondary and later into post-16 through the DfE-funded Centres for
Excellence in Mathematics (CfEM), shaping the professional development on offer).
Academisation supports the trend towards centralisation within MATs, limiting scope for individual
teachers and schools to innovate beyond agreed-upon foci.
Consequences of this are an increasing trend towards central guidance over pedagogy and a similar
centralising trend in ITT. Schools have varied access to professional development. A challenge from
the multiple routes into ITT is the increasingly wide range of subject knowledge starting points
beginning teachers have. However, some schools continue to build links with innovations and
research that addresses school aims. There is a more varied professional development offer from
AMSP, with flexible, on-demand support, particularly focused on A level Mathematics, Further
Mathematics, and Core Mathematics but increasing support at KS3 and 4.
16. Resources and technology: trends
16.1 Changing availability of curriculum resources and materials
In Period 1, 19801989, prior to the national curriculum, there were many active curriculum
development projects (see Section 23). Influential national curriculum programmes were the School
Mathematics Project (SMP) and various Nuffield schemes; both were continually developed from the
1960s and achieved widespread take-up (Breakell, 2002). There were also locally-led initiatives
involving Local Authorities. The largest of these, SMILE (Adams & Povey, 2018), was supported by
the Inner London Education Authority. Other curriculum development projects had relationships
with academic publishers, for example, BEAM (Be a Mathematician) with Nelson. Various textbook
schemes were also available and widely used in secondary teaching.
During Period 2, this resource ecology continued with the advent of the national curriculum. Where
government funding was available, there was autonomy for curriculum developers. For example, in
the early nineties, the National Council for Educational Technology (forerunner to BECTA) provided
resources for curriculum development for activities that linked ICT with using and applying maths.
Period 3 and the advent of the National Strategies led to the production of exemplar curriculum
materials by government-funded agencies aligned with government policy. By the end of Period 3
and during the first half of Period 4, this type of process for producing curriculum and resource
materials was less prevalent, with government funding directed to organisations such as FMSP and
MEI, the Education and Training Foundation, and projects such as Underground Maths, with
materials produced as part of these organisations’ activities. During Periods 3 and 4, the
development of online resource banks, both by commercial and non-commercial enterprises,
substantially increased access to a large number of materials, although with concerns about
. As part of the Mastery Programme, the government has encouraged textbook use in
primary schools through a subsidy and an approval scheme.
16.2 Decreased use of ICT in mathematics including computing and programming
In Section 19, Digital Technologies in Mathematics, an extended account is given over time. Here,
key points are summarised.
Mathematics education was an important site of early exploration of the educational possibilities of
digital technology in mathematics. This is evidenced by their being sufficient interest and activity for
the Association of Teachers of Mathematics to have for a period a distinct publication focused on
this ‘MicroMaths’. As noted in Section 14.1, when Using and Applying Mathematics was introduced,
one aspect of applying mathematics was using software. In Section 13.1, the 1999 and 2014 national
curriculums were quoted. It is notable that, in 1999, calculator use was described as an integral part
of primary mathematics but was absent in 2014.
This is representative of an overall decline in the use of digital technologies in mathematics over a
25-year period that has accelerated over the last 10 years. The year 2000 was UNESCO's
International Year of Mathematics and promoted in the UK by the Department for Education and
Employment as ‘Maths Year 2000’, and promotional materials included celebrating the power of
using calculators (Oldknow, Taylor & Tetlow, 2010). In its first 5 years, the NCETM had a specific
focus on ICT use, holding a themed conference on this in 2008 (op. cit.). Its first pathfinder teacher
collaborative research projects had an ICT focus.
As noted in Section 19, there are some exceptions to the decline in the use of digital technology in
post-16 Advanced level teaching. However, in the primary and secondary phases, most pupils have
very little, if any, experience using digital technology in mathematics. Apart from curriculum changes
in mathematics and a focus on ‘basics’, we suggest other significant factors were:
In primary, accountability and performance pressures led to a focus on KS1 and KS2 SATs
outcomes on the basis that if it is not tested, it is not taught
In secondary schools the introduction of ICT as distinct subject in the curriculum and
reduced access to computer suites
The switch from ICT to computing as separate subject
Regardless of the reasons, a parallel trend with the decrease in digital technology use in
mathematics is that the mathematics teaching workforce, viewed as a whole, has less experience
with using digital technology in mathematics teaching than teachers thirty years ago.
PART SIX: Illustrative Cases
Seven case studies illustrate key developments in mathematics education, with the aim of
providing a richer study for different aspects of mathematics education. They enable us to surface
connections and discontinuities across the different categories. One way this is done is through
references to other sections of the report.
The featured cases are:
Problem solving in recent curriculum and pedagogy
Data handling and statistics
Core Maths
Teacher subject knowledge
Digital technologies in mathematics education
The ‘forgotten third’
National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM)
Each case report comprises:
Case profile: an overview of the phases and aspects of mathematics education most
relevant to the case
Significance: why this is important in mathematics education in England and/or to the
Mathematical Futures programme
The case: a summary description of the case
Lessons for mathematics education in the future: key implications
17. Case study: Problem solving in recent curriculum and pedagogy
Case profile
Phases: primary, secondary, post-16
Aspects of mathematics education: curriculum and pedagogy
Employers highly value the ability to apply knowledge to novel, unfamiliar problems (English &
Gainsburg, 2008). This is due to the increase in jobs that require problem-solving skills, many of
which are mathematical in nature, and where the ability to solve non-routine problems is necessary.
However, concerns have been repeatedly raised about young people’s ability to do this. A similar
picture can be seen in higher education courses, with many students encountering difficulties
drawing on their mathematical skills to solve a problem in new contexts (ACME, 2011).
The case
Building on Cockcroft’s 1982 report, the first national curriculum had problem solving embedded
across the curriculum and specifically in attainment targets focused on using and applying
mathematics. More details are given in Section 23, where ‘using and applying’ as part of policy
development is considered. In later curriculum revisions, using and applying mathematics was no
longer identified as a separate strand but integrated into the content of the rest of the curriculum,
and KS3 assessment of problem solving as a distinct mathematical activity was discontinued. The
lack of emphasis on using and applying mathematics was identified as a persistent weakness in
inspections (Ofsted, 2008; Ofsted, 2012). The lack of development in using and applying
mathematics was identified as the reason students’ understanding of mathematics was inferior to
their ability to execute methods and recall facts. By practising one method at a time, mathematics
was presented as a collection of rules for memorising, and Ofsted (2008) recommended more
guidance for teachers in planning, teaching, and assessing ‘using and applying’. This issue has been
exacerbated by the nature of external assessments in mathematics, including the removal of GCSE
coursework in 2009 and an increasing reliance on short questions that limit the ability to assess
reasoning. Ofsted (2008) noted that the pressure teachers feel to prepare students for external
examinations has resulted in ‘teaching to the test’ and is the reason for the lack of development in
‘using and applying’.
GCSE reforms from 2014 that have led to firstly the replacement of coursework with timed
controlled tasks and later the removal of these (see Section 14) have tended to undermine the
importance of using and applying mathematics in the curriculum.
In response to the need to prepare students who will progress to higher education or jobs with a
quantitative element, core maths qualifications were introduced in 2014 (see Section 17). These
qualifications are aimed at students who have achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE mathematics but
have not chosen to take AS/A level mathematics. They focus on using and applying mathematics in
realistic contexts and there have been calls for increased participation to prepare students for their
futures (Smith, 2017).
In the primary phase, using and applying mathematics was given more attention in the 2000 national
curriculum. Unlike before, where using and applying had been a separate strand of the curriculum,
problem solving was now integrated into the programmes of study for curriculum content. A
subsequent revision of the framework in 2004 gave further attention to ‘using and applying’,
identifying five themes:
1. Solving problems
2. Representing: analyse, record, do, check, confirm
3. Enquiring: plan, decide, organise, interpret, reason, justify
4. Reasoning: create, deduce, apply, explore, predict, hypothesise, and test
5. Communicating: explain methods and solutions, choices, decisions, and reasoning
Similar developments occurred in the secondary phase, and in 2008, ‘using and applying’ was
reflected in ‘key processes, which “should be embedded within the everyday teaching of the strands
of number, algebra, geometry, measures, and statistics” (DCFS, 2008).
The integration of mathematical content and using and applying skills has remained a feature of the
current national curriculum across all key stages. There is an explicit goal for students to be able to
solve a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication. In the secondary
curriculum, this forms part of a ‘Working Mathematically’ strand in which students should be taught
to solve problems through the mathematics content. Furthermore, they should “develop their
mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems”. English and Gainsburg (2008) note that
there is debate as to whether the goal of using problems should be to teach mathematical content,
use problem solving as a vehicle, or teach problem solving skills. They do recognise a move towards
developing mathematical understanding through problem solving but the lack of research about
how to do this indicates problem solving has not been seen as integral to the curriculum.
A further aim of the current curriculum is to ensure that the majority of pupils progress at broadly
the same pace. “Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged by being offered rich and
sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content” (DfE, 2013, p. 3.
Despite the increased emphasis on problem solving in the curriculum, there are concerns that this
has not been recognised in similar changes to external assessments of mathematics. In 2009,
coursework was abolished in mathematics but retained in other subjects, largely due to concerns
raised by teachers regarding the difficulty of knowing if students had completed the work without
the assistance of somebody else. For many students, GCSE coursework represented most of their
engagement with using and applying mathematics, and when this was removed, many schemes of
work gave teachers no guidance on how to teach students to use and apply mathematics (Ofsted,
2012). A response to this concern is the increased use of problem-solving questions in external
assessments, such as Assessment Objective 3 (AO3) questions. These questions are defined as those
where students “solve problems within mathematics in other contexts” and represent 25%–30% of
the total marks. Some have noted that despite this, examination questions are primarily focused on
short questions that test rote learning rather than questions assessing sustained reasoning (Brown
2013; Jones 2020). Coursework tasks had provided a means by which to assess problem-solving skills
over extended periods of time that were not well suited to examinations. In contrast, Jones notes
that when exam questions are worth less than three marks on average, it can be presumed that the
average time spent reasoning is less than three minutes. A similar concern is the lack of problem-
solving opportunities in recent Key Stage 1 and 2 assessment materials (ACME, 2016).
The nature of questions in external assessments at all stages of education has greatly influenced
students’ experiences in mathematics classrooms. The pressure to prepare students for external
assessments has resulted in teachers relying on ‘teaching to the test’ to increase marks, resulting in
a fragmented curriculum that privileges the memorisation of facts and procedures (Brown, 2013;
Ofsted, 2008). Despite an increased emphasis on problem-solving skills across all phases of the
curriculum, ACME (2016) noted that the same importance must be attached to the assessment of
problem solving to drive improvements in the teaching and learning of problem solving. They
assessments involving more problem-solving questions across all phases of mathematics
education, ensuring that the curriculum's aims on problem solving are being reflected in
assessments at the end of each key stage
test and examination papers that encourage young people to engage in rich problem-solving
activities and to develop mark schemes that reward problem-solving approaches
developing a range of assessment methods to assess problem solving most effectively
research to inform decisions about appropriate time allocations for mathematics
examinations and tests that include problem solving.
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
It has been argued that the rote learning of the current mathematics curriculum is insufficient to
produce the problem solvers required for the future. Adequately preparing students for success in a
changing workplace requires a curriculum that enables students to develop a wide range of
transferable skills, including problem solving, at a level appropriate for their chosen career. The JMC
(2011) recommended that student-led problem solving in the mathematics curriculum should make
use of mathematical digital technologies, which are widely used in society and the workplace,
because the workplace is significantly impacted by innovations in digital technologies.
18. Case study: Data handling and statistics
Case profile
Phases: secondary, post-16
Aspects of mathematics education: curriculum and pedagogy
The place of data handling and statistics education in the mathematics curriculum, together with
concerns over teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical skills to teach them, were issues at the start of
the 1980s and remain under discussion today. The Cockcroft Report (1982) noted that the
mathematical needs of continuing education and employment included the need to ‘interpret data
with understanding’ (para. 185). In a section on the teaching of statistics (pp. 234–236, paras 774
781), Cockcroft identified the need for ‘in-service teacher training courses on the teaching of
statistics’, both for mathematics teachers and those of other subjects, while emphasising the value
of cooperation between teachers of different subjects using statistics. The report highlighted the
need to shift the focus from the application of statistical techniques to the discussion of results and
drawing inferences. Since Cockcroft reported, rapid developments in technology have shifted and
intensified the need for data handling and statistics expertise across a wide range of employment
and higher education settings. Smith (2017, p. 16) noted, ‘Changes in the labour market are also
presenting the need for new skills, in particular in the use and analysis of data’.
The case
Three major concerns highlighted by stakeholder respondents to the Smith Inquiry (Smith, 2004)
impacting across the mathematics curriculum have an enduring impact on statistical education
today. Stakeholders signalled a crisis in mathematics education due to the following reasons:
The curriculum and qualifications framework failed to meet the needs of learners, higher
education providers and employers and didn’t motivate young people to continue to study
mathematics beyond 16.
A shortage of specialist mathematics teachers, adversely impacting on learners’ experiences.
A lack of support for professional development and resources for learning and teaching,
including ICT.
In addition to featuring in more general mathematics reports (Cockcroft, 1982; Smith, 2004, 2017),
several reports focus on statistics and/or data science. These include reports commissioned by the
Royal Statistical Society with support from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries focused on statistics
(Porkess, 2012) and on statistics across A-level subjects (Porkess, 2013), a Royal Society/ACME
report also considering statistics across A-level subjects (RSS/ACME, 2015), and one examining data
in the primary and secondary curricula (Pittard, 2018). However, as Davies and Sheldon
(2021) report, implementing strategies advanced by such groups is not without challenges.
‘The many reports that have appeared since 2003 have contained scores of recommendations for
curriculum development, teaching, learning, and assessment of statistics. Unfortunately, many of
the statistics-related recommendations have been ignored’. (Davies & Sheldon, 2021, p. 65)
report.pdf for an account of the emergence of ‘data science
Curriculum and assessment
In the secondary phase, changes to assessment have influenced the teaching of statistics. A
particular issue is the practical element of statistics, both at GCSE and A level. In an overcrowded Key
Stage 4 curriculum, recommendations were made to review the data handling coursework
component, particularly to reduce time spent on this (Smith, 2004). In the early 2000s, a quarter of
the mathematics GCSE was data handling and statistics. Noting the ‘vital importance’ of statistics
and data handling for other disciplines and for employment, the Smith Inquiry recommended a
radical review of the curriculum, stating ‘that much of the teaching and learning of Statistics and
Data Handling would be better removed from the mathematics timetable and integrated with the
teaching and learning of other disciplines (e.g., biology or geography)’. (Smith, 2004, p. 7, para.
At A level, the revised criteria for GCE mathematics in the Curriculum 2000 reforms resulted in a
reduction in the number of applied units (statistics, mechanics, or discrete mathematics) from 3 to 2
in any mathematics A level. In addition to detailing overarching themes, the GCE subject
requirements in the 2017 changes to A level made clear statements about the use of data and
technology, in particular a requirement for students to explore statistical concepts and skills through
familiarisation with one or more specified large data sets using technology (Ofqual, 2016). One
expert contributor to the roundtable noted that the large data set and encouraging students to work
with some real data, to work with technology, and to investigate real data is of crucial importance.
A Free-Standing Mathematics Qualification (FSMQ) in using and applying statistics (Level 3) was
made available in 2001, with data handling units available at levels 1 and 2. Also at Level 3, the
introduction of Core Maths in 2014 was an important development as it embraced mathematical
applications and statistics (see Core Maths case study). This qualification aimed to address the
mathematical needs of those entering higher education and the workplace, where technological
developments have changed the nature of work and the skills required. Smith (2017) noted that
these technological changes, particularly the need for skills in analysing and working with ‘big data’,
had implications for mathematics education, recommending the DfE and the Department for
Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy commission a study into the long-term implications of
these changes.
Prior to 1980, a Schools’ Council Project on Statistical Education was established to ascertain the
situation in statistical education, including teachers’ needs, and to develop proposals and teaching
materials. This need for resources specifically to support statistical education, including exploring the
potential of computers, was noted in the Cockcroft Report. In 1983, the Centre for Statistical
Education (CSE), a joint venture between the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University,
ran projects developing material for teaching statistics in schools. Other projects funded in the 1980s
and 1990s developed materials to encourage practical work, including for probability and using
databases and spreadsheets to teach statistics. When the CSE was closed in 1995, the Royal
Statistical Society, in partnership with the Office for National Statistics, a software company, and
Nottingham Trent University, opened a National Centre for Statistical Education, which operated
until 2014, contributing to statistical education, for example, through the CensusatSchool project
(Davies & Sheldon, 2021).
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
A recent report (Royal Society, 2019) recommended the integration of data science knowledge and
skills across the curriculum, together with resources and training for teachers and a revised post-16
curriculum to develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed for a ‘healthy data science skills
landscape’ (p. 9). They note key roles for the NCETM and the National Centre for Computing
Education (NCCE). The NCCE, established in 2018 with DfE funding, offers resources and CPD to state
schools through computing hubs. The Computer Science Accelerator professional development
programme delivered by NCCE is independently evaluated
. The AMSP also addresses data science
and they may be best placed to initiate links between the NCETM and the NCCE. In our parallel
report on international policy (Adams & Boylan, 2023), we note opportunities to learn from
innovation and policy development elsewhere, identifying the integration of data science into the
mathematics curriculum as a priority.
17. Case study: Core Maths
Case profile
Phases: secondary, post-16
Aspects of mathematics education: assessment and qualifications, curriculum and pedagogy,
teacher workforce and professional development
Core Maths is a Level 3
post-16 qualification specifically designed for students who achieve a grade
C or above in mathematics but do not go on to study mathematics at AS or A level. It was introduced
in 2013 with the aim of supporting students to develop mathematical understanding and
applications in preparation for employment or further study in the increasing range of careers and
courses that require mathematical skills.
The case
Difficulties with AS mathematics were raised in 2000/1, notably a low pass rate compared with other
subjects and a decline in entries. AS Use of Mathematics was introduced in 2001 for students who
had obtained at least a grade C in GCSE mathematics and wanted to continue studying mathematics
but without taking A level (Smith, 2004). It focused on understanding, mathematical modelling,
reasoning, and communication and had around 500 entries in 2003.
From 2004 to 2010, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority undertook the Mathematics
Pathways Project with the aim of improving participation and attainment in 1419 mathematics. The
Mathematics Pathways project included pilots and work towards GCSE reform as well as post-16
qualifications (Noyes, Wake & Drake, 2013). Core Maths was informed by the Mathematical
Pathways Project, with a focus on more mathematical problem solving (see also Section 17) and
quantitative literacy.
Core Maths was introduced by the coalition government in 2013 for ‘the 40 percent of students each
year who do achieve a grade C or above at GCSE but who do not continue with any form of more
advanced maths after age 16—over 200,000 each year in total.’ (DfE, 2013b, p. 3). It followed
longstanding concerns about the impact of this lack of engagement with mathematics post-16 on
the economy, on an increasingly wide range of careers demanding mathematical skills, and on
higher education. The first assessment was in 2016, with around 3,000 entries, and entries rose
steadily, approaching 12,000 in 2020 (Homer et al., 2020).
The design of Core Maths was informed by an ACME expert panel in 2013, with policy and technical
guidance published for awarding bodies in 2014. The qualifications were around half the size of an A
level, drawing on content from the higher tier of GCSE together with more challenging content and
focusing on:
the application of mathematical knowledge to address problems and questions
representing situations mathematically
Equivalent in difficulty to A level, see
the use of mathematical and statistical knowledge to make logical and reasoned arguments
in a variety of contexts (DfE 2013c, p. 6).
Core Maths was offered by around 150 early adopters, with applications open to those centres with
at least a good Ofsted inspection.
From 2014-July 2017 centres received support from the government funded Core Maths Support
Programme (CMSP)
to raise the profile of the award. The CMSP also provided professional
development for teachers. This support was complemented by regional Maths Hubs run by the
NCETM. After almost a year without support, a contract to develop support for Core Maths as part
of the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP, see below) was won by MEI in 2018,
adding Core Maths to their already substantial and well-regarded offer supporting mathematics
post-16. Continued support for Core Maths in the form of funding for schools and colleges was
provided by the Advanced Maths Premium (2019).
There are currently six core maths qualifications
, with common content set out by the DfE
. A set
of case studies of early adopters, together with endorsements from higher education providers and
employers were developed by the Education Development Trust
. There is a wide range of
information and support for students, teachers, leaders, universities, and employers, available
through the Core Maths Support Programme
. Changes to AS and A levels from 2015, together with
funding changes, have created challenges for institutions and their students. Core Maths was
intended to be taught over two years alongside three A levels, and this worked well under the
models existing at the time of introduction. Changes in funding and accountability measures make
this more difficult currently.
The 2020 evaluation of AMSP (Walker et al., 2020) recommended that AMSP continue to work with
school and college leaders to promote the benefits of Core Maths and support them in accessing the
Advanced Maths Premium. There was also a call to work with universities to increase the recognition
of Core Maths and for the DfE to provide long-term resources to fund Core Maths.
The potential of Core Maths has been widely recognised as meeting the mathematical needs of
students with only a GCSE in mathematics who go on to study STEM disciplines (Hodgen, McAlinden
& Tomei, 2014). Calls for wider recognition and support from universities to emphasise the
mathematical requirements of degree courses continue (e.g., Hillman, 2014). In 2017, the Smith
report into post-16 mathematics recommended that the DfE support all schools and colleges to offer
Core Maths qualifications and that, together with Ofqual, they consider how to increase awareness
and take-up of the qualification (Smith, 2017). In January 2022, the British Academy and the Royal
Society published a joint statement in support of Core Maths, again highlighting the need for
students to study mathematics post-16 and calling on the government to provide additional funding.
In addition to their endorsement of Core Maths, they called on universities, employers, and others
to encourage take-up.
Available via STEM Learning
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
Core Maths has been positively received by students, teachers, and school and college leaders,
providing a post-16 mathematics option focused on using and applying mathematics and bridging
the gap between GCSE and employment or further study (Mathieson et al., 2020). This works best
when Core Maths is taught over two years alongside three A levels, as was intended when designed.
Doing so presents institutions with logistical problems. However, as funding and accountability
measures are based on the equivalent of 3 A levels (540 hours of study or 3 180-hour courses per
year) (Education and Skills Funding Agency 2017), this is essentially a half course (180 hours in total,
equivalent to an AS level). Risk-averse institutions may offer Core Maths rather than A level even to
students with high GCSE grades (6 and 7), possibly denying them the opportunity to study A level.
Core Maths was seen as an alternative route but not a positive choice, with A level very much the
qualification of choice (Mathieson et al., 2020).
Despite broad agreement on the value of Core Mathematics, further support is required to
encourage centres to offer it and students to take it. This requires the involvement of a wide range
of stakeholders, including the government, universities, and employers, as well as a review of
funding and accountability measures to better support the policy intention. The longstanding
process of independent evaluations of the work of AMSP and FMSP provide a strong basis for
arguing for continued support for centres and for teacher professional development.
18. Case study: Teacher subject knowledge
Case profile
Phases: primary, secondary
Aspects of mathematics education: teacher workforce and professional development, curriculum,
and pedagogy
There is a shortage of appropriately qualified mathematics teachers across all phases of education.
Between 2016 and 2019, despite growing pupil numbers in all phases, the number of primary school
teachers remained largely unchanged, and the number of secondary school teachers fell by 5%
(Education Policy Institute, 2020). This shortage of teachers is particularly acute in mathematics,
which has suffered from severe shortages of teachers since 2016 (Nuffield Foundation, 2018), and is
evident from the proportion of lessons taught by those without a relevant degree. According to
estimates from ACME (2016), 5,500 additional specialist teachers are required in secondary schools
alone to teach the mathematics classes currently taught by non-specialists.
There have been concerns about the mathematical subject knowledge of primary teachers for many
years. The Cockcroft Report (Cockcroft, 1982) highlighted the need to increase the mathematical
expertise of primary teachers and the amount of mathematics-specific training they receive. Such
concerns were repeated in subsequent reports such as DfE (1998), Smith (2004), and Williams
(2008). Despite this, most current primary teachers have not studied mathematics post-16 and
spend much less time on mathematics-specific education during ITE than high-performing
jurisdictions (ACME, 2015; ACME, 2016).
There are similar concerns about the mathematical subject knowledge of teachers in secondary and
post-secondary education. Secondary mathematics teachers are less likely to have a mathematics
degree than teachers holding relevant qualifications to teach non-shortage subjects (Nuffield
Foundation, 2018). In post-16 mathematics, only 44% of those teaching A-level mathematics hold a
degree in mathematics. Of those teachers without a mathematics degree, 43% of those teaching
GCSE and numeracy/functional skills do not hold an A-level or equivalent in maths (Hayward &
Homer, 2015). The shortage of qualified mathematics teachers in further education has been
exacerbated by the requirement for learners who do not achieve a grade C in GCSE mathematics to
continue to study until the age of 18 (ACME, 2016). Since 2004, entries to A-level mathematics have
risen by 77%, with mathematics being the most popular A-level (Smith, 2017).
The impact of shortages of appropriately qualified mathematics teachers is greater in the most
disadvantaged schools (Education Policy Institute, 2020). There is a consistent pattern in all schools
to staff year groups where the external stakes are high, such as Key Stages 4 and 5, with
mathematics teachers holding the most relevant qualifications. In actuality, this means that teachers
with less advanced mathematical qualifications are more likely to teach Key Stage 3 classes, low-
attaining sets, and schools in disadvantaged areas (Nuffield Foundation, 2018).
Also an issue in EYFS and post-16 but not a focus here)
The case
Secondary phase
Policy interventions aimed at improving the subject knowledge of secondary mathematics teachers
have expanded in two broad ways. Policies that aim to increase the workforce, for example by
improving the subject knowledge of non-specialists entering initial teacher education, have
developed alongside those that aim to upskill the current workforce, including those non-specialists
who are currently teaching mathematics but were initially trained to teach in a different subject.
Figure 8 gives an overview of different approaches to addressing teacher subject knowledge related
to three aims.
Figure 8 Teacher subject knowledge aims and programmes
2003 2006
2006 present
Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses
2016 present
Researchers in Schools
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
2009 2011
for Teachers
2011 2014
2015 2021
Teacher Subject Specialism
2021 - delivered by Maths
Explicit inclusion/targeting of returners to
Aim of increasing supply of qualified teachers. Targeted at improving SK of non-specialists pre-ITT.
Aim of upskilling current workforce, by improving SK of non-specialists who are teaching/could teach
Aim of recruiting applicants with high levels of SK to mathematics teaching.
Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) courses that aim to improve the mathematics subject
knowledge of those yet to enter the profession have allowed recruitment of those previously
excluded from teacher training routes due to limited subject knowledge. They are widely used, and
currently, around a third of mathematics postgraduate students now progress from an SKE course
rather than a degree (Stevenson, 2020). Courses differ in length, from 8 to 28 weeks, resulting in
some shorter courses only covering GCSE mathematics (AMET, 2015). Funding from the National
College of Teaching and Leadership has diversified the number of providers beyond university ITE
departments to include teaching schools, academy chains, and online providers (Edwards et al.,
Online courses have notably grown in popularity and “may be perceived to be a convenient tool for
access to an ITE course” (p. 37) for those who are completing an SKE while in full-time employment.
AMET (2015, p. 1) raises concerns about the changes in SKE delivery, noting that “changes in the
funding, provision, and organisation of SKEs in recent years have led to a greater variation in the
provision of SKE”. They recommend that providers offer opportunities for students to work
collaboratively with specialist tutors in a variety of ways, including face-to-face (AMET, 2015;
Edwards et al., 2015). Despite recommendations, there is currently no quality assurance for SKE
courses (ACME, 2016).
Similar developments can be seen in courses targeting the subject knowledge of those teachers who
were not initially trained to teach mathematics but are now teaching the subject. The Mathematics
Development Programme for Teachers (MDPT) was launched in 2009 in light of recommendations to
enhance professional development programmes for serving mathematics teachers, particularly non-
specialists (Smith, 2004). The MDPT was a part-time, funded course for those with no mathematics
qualifications at degree level. It included thirty taught days and ten school-based development days
over four terms, and providers had the freedom to design their own curriculum (Crisan & Rodd,
2011). In 2011, this was replaced by the SKE+, which, unlike the MDPT, included those teachers who
were returning to the profession after an absence of three years or more. With a blend of face-to-
face and online learning, Crisan and Rodd (2011) note that this was cheaper to run than its
predecessor. In 2014, the SKE+ programme came to an end. In its place, the Maths Hubs are
currently delivering the Teacher Subject Specialism Training and the Subject Knowledge for Teaching
Mathematics courses. Rani, Sani, and Burghes (2021) conclude that each version of these
government retraining initiatives is “progressively becoming more contracted in scope, time, and
budget” (p. 21).
Primary phase
Most primary teachers are trained to teach all subjects, and so the mathematics-specific elements of
a one-year ITE course are typically equivalent to a few days (ACME, 2015; Carter Review, 2015). The
Williams Report (2008) cautioned that it was not safe to assume that mathematics is fully addressed
during ITE and recommended a subject specialism with a primary undergraduate or PGCE course to
address this. Applications for 2015-16 suggest that out of the 16,500 primary places allocated on ITE
courses, only 513 places were allocated to a mathematics specialism.
Examining the need to improve in-service primary teachers’ subject knowledge to the level required,
the key recommendation of the Williams Report (2008) was that there should be at least one
Mathematics Specialist in every primary school within ten years. This specialist would be drawn from
the existing teaching force and champion mathematics in the school, acting as a mentor, coach, and
outstanding teacher. It was estimated that around 13,000 Mathematics Specialists would be
required, leading to the Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme in 2010. The programme sought
to develop the subject knowledge of in-service teachers through partnerships with the local
authority and higher education institutes, which would then be shared with colleagues. The
programme faced challenges in relation to funding and staffing, which at times impacted the
programme (DfE, 2013a). This included a reduction in funding required to enable teachers to work
on the programme collaboratively with colleagues and the loss of local authority mathematics
consultants to support the programme.
The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) and the Maths Hubs have
played an increasing role in supporting primary teachers in developing their subject knowledge for
teaching, for example through their Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics course. Since
2015, they have developed the Mastery Specialist Programme. Teachers are trained to be Primary
Mastery Specialists, beginning by establishing mastery in their own school and then working with
participant teachers from other schools in subsequent years. By 2019, such specialists will have
worked with more than 8,000 other primary schools, or around half of the primary schools in
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
ACME have recognised the importance of such cascade models of professional development but
note concerns about the lack of a coherent embedded system for addressing subject knowledge
(ACME, 2016; ACME, 2015). Since these concerns were identified, the depth and length of subject
knowledge enhancement provision has reduced. Increased funding is needed to ensure mathematics
teacher subject knowledge is enhanced for all those teaching mathematics.
19. Case study: Digital technologies in mathematics education
Phase: Primary, secondary, post-16
Aspects of mathematics education: resources and technology, curriculum and pedagogy, teacher
workforce and professional development, assessment, and qualifications
The use of digital technologies to support mathematics teaching and learning has been a long-
standing focus of attention. The JMC (2011) identified why mathematical digital technologies that
are widely used in society should become an integral part of mathematics teaching and learning,
noting their potential to:
support conceptual development
outsource procedural aspects of problems to enable focus on problem solving and modelling
enable varied, personalised practice of mathematical skills with feedback
widen access to mathematics education among poorly represented groups
prepare students for wider employment and further study
play a role in constructing mathematics knowledge.
Other reports (Royal Society, 2014) have noted the more personalised approach to learning that can
be afforded by digital technologies, meeting the needs of individual learners while allowing them to
work collaboratively. Digital technologies also have the potential to build connections between
school mathematics and the outside world, “with the ultimate goal that more students reach a
broader view of mathematicsone that is so much more than calculation and one that they judge to
be personally empowering and fulfilling” (Hoyles, 2018, p. 224).
Despite the possibilities offered by digital technologies, uptake in mathematics classrooms has been
slow, and observations of mathematics education have consistently noted that their potential is
underexploited (Ofsted, 2004; 2008; 2012).
The case
Inspection evidence a decade ago (Ofsted, 2012) found that most pupils had little to no opportunity
to use technology as a tool to solve or explore mathematical problems. This was, in part, attributed
to limited access to ICT facilities and a lack of available resources integrated into schemes of work.
Despite significant increases in the range and capabilities of digital technologies in the last decade,
the use of technology remains predominantly teacher-led, and there is a wide variation in the
integration of technology to enhance mathematical learning. There is evidence to suggest that
digital mathematical tools are viewed largely as instruments to facilitate presentation or
computation (JMC, 2011), requiring a distinction between the needs of mathematical users in search
of an answer and mathematical learners engaged in mathematical thinking (Hoyles, 2018).
Several barriers have been identified that have prevented a move towards a more student-centred
use of digital technologies, including their omission from the curriculum and high stakes assessment,
teachers’ beliefs about their importance and place in the curriculum, and their (perceived) ability to
integrate these into their practice.
Curriculum and assessment
Digital technologies in mathematics education are not much mentioned in the current National
Curriculum (2014). There is a notable lack of guidance and statements are generally focused on the
use of calculators see Table 23.
Table 23: References to digital technologies in the 2014 Mathematics National Curriculum
Reference to digital technologies
1 & 2
Calculators should not be used as a substitute for good written and mental arithmetic.
They should therefore only be introduced near the end of key stage 2 to support
pupils’ conceptual understanding and exploration of more complex number problems,
if written and mental arithmetic are secure. In both primary and secondary schools,
teachers should use their judgement about when ICT tools should be used.
3 & 4
Calculators should not be used as a substitute for good written and mental arithmetic.
In secondary schools, teachers should use their judgement about when ICT tools
should be used.
Use a calculator and other technologies to calculate results accurately and then
interpret them appropriately (KS3 only).
The use of technology including mathematical and statistical graphing tools and
spreadsheets must permeate the study of AS and A level mathematics. Calculators
used must include the following features:
- an iterative function
- the ability to compute summary statistics and access probabilities from
standard statistical distributions
The requirement for calculators to be introduced only near the end of Key Stage 2, when written and
mental arithmetic are judged to be secure, has been mirrored in assessment changes. Calculators
were banned in mathematics SATs tests for 11-year-olds in 2014, with Education and Childcare
Minister Elizabeth Truss warning it was “time to end the dependence on calculators to do basic
maths”. The criticism that calculator use hinders students’ arithmetic skills is unsubstantiated, and
the evidence suggests that calculators can be effective for developing arithmetic skills when
integrated into the teaching of mental and written calculations (Hodgen et al., 2018). As students
move to secondary school, it is recommended that they have more frequent, unrestricted access to
calculators. As the Cockcroft Report notes, “the availability of a calculator in no way reduces the
need for mathematical understanding on the part of the person who is using it” (Cockcroft, 1982).
Further changes to formal assessments, for example, the removal of the compulsory use of digital
technologies within GCSE data handling coursework in 2008, have resulted in little use of digital
tools beyond a scientific calculator in formal assessments. One distinction is the requirement, since
2017, to engage with a ‘large data set’ using technology in mathematics at A level. However, Golding
and Lyakhova (2021) note the emerging evidence that this requirement is being widely ignored, with
teachers and students ill-equipped to engage with any digital technology other than a scientific
calculator. The close relationship between teachers’ pedagogical choices and formal assessment
arrangements requires a consideration of both curriculum content and assessment of the use of
digital technologies. The JMC (2011) has recommended that student-led mathematical modelling
and problem solving using digital technologies should be included in the curriculum, and changes
made to high stakes assessments to encourage and acknowledge this.
Professional learning
It is recognised that changes to the curriculum and high stakes assessment alone will not be
sufficient to develop teachers’ use of digital technologies, and that additional measures to upskill
teachers will be required (JMC, 2011). Teachers’ limited confidence in using digital technologies,
including not only their proficiency with using it but also their understanding of how to enable
mathematical learning through it, may be accompanied by a limited conviction of the potential of
digital technologies for the teaching and learning of mathematics (Golding & Lyakhova, 2021). This
has resulted in repeated calls to develop the expertise of teachers and give better guidance on
choosing and using digital technologies (Ofsted, 2004; Ofsted, 2012). From 2020, EdTech
demonstrator schools have enabled schools and colleges who have shown they can use technology
effectively to disseminate effective practice. The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme
(AMSP) offers professional learning in integrating digital technologies in the mathematics
curriculum, aiming to enrich the curriculum and support understanding.
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of digital technologies in
education, with schools making far greater use of them to support students’ learning. In
mathematics education, Golding and Lyakhova (2021) note that this increased use has largely
consisted of sharing work and accessing pre-prepared digital packages, with less uptake to support
students’ mathematical exploration and modelling. If teachers are to utilise digital technologies in
mathematics to their full potential, there is a repeated call for sustained professional learning that
shares effective practice (Royal Society, 2014). The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching
Mathematics and the Maths Hub programme have been identified as sources of this professional
learning, allowing teachers to share good practice and ways to overcome obstacles (Clark-Wilson &
Hoyles, 2017; Hoyles, 2018). This has shown to be beneficial, offering the opportunity for teachers to
form supportive communities in which resources are developed and where researchers can provide
support as they are implemented in their classrooms (Clark-Wilson et al., 2020).
20. Case study: The forgotten third
Case profile
Phases: primary, secondary, post-16
Aspects of mathematics education: curriculum and pedagogy, assessment, and qualifications.
Each year, approximately a third of children leave primary school without reaching the expected
national standard in English and mathematics. By age 16, a similar proportion of students do not
achieve at least a standard pass (grade 4) in English and mathematics. These students have been
termed ‘the forgotten third’, in part because “their chances of progression are diminished in further
study, further careers, and, ultimately, in life” (ASCL, 2019, p. 5). Students from disadvantaged
backgrounds, ethnic groups, and those with special educational needs and disabilities are
persistently overrepresented in the forgotten third. Since 2011, progress in closing the attainment
gap between disadvantaged students and their peers has been slow, and Hutchinson et al. warn that
“the gap will never close without systemic change” (2020, p. 8).
The case
Discussions of the attainment gap have been longstanding in mathematics education. Cockcroft
(1982) drew attention to the difference in attainment which exists between students of any given
age, and the extent to which this difference increases as they get older. A ‘seven-year difference’
which exists amongst 11-year-olds was identified
If we relate this to work in the secondary years, it means that the mathematical
understanding of some pupils who transfer to secondary school at 11 is likely
already to be greater than that of some pupils who have just left school at 16. On
the other hand, some of those who arrive at the same time may not, while at
school, attain the understanding which some of their fellow 11 year olds already
possess. (para. 436)
Of concern was that if this difference was not recognised in the curriculum, lower attainers would be
destined to experience continuing and dispiriting failure. Thirty years after the Cockcroft Report,
Ofsted (2012) found that the difference in mathematical achievement between the highest and
lowest attainers remained. The attainment gap increased as students progressed through the
schooling system and was ‘vast’ by age 16, with 36% not achieving a pass at GCSE.
Since 2010, there have been significant changes to the mathematics curriculum and qualifications, in
part to address these concerns, including the requirement for those who have not passed GCSE
mathematics at level 4 or above to continue post-16 mathematics. However, Hodgen et al. (2021)
note that despite low attainment in mathematics being an increasing feature of policy discourse
over the last sixty years, little progress has been made in finding a solution.
Interventions designed to close the gap
From 1998 to 2011, the National Strategies provided a mix of resources and services across all
phases to “secure improvements in standards”, largely in literacy and numeracy. An explicit aim was:
Narrowing the Gaps (for pupils on free school meals, black and ethnic minority
pupils and gifted and talented pupils from deprived backgrounds). (DfE, 2011)
This was achieved by extensive assessment data tracking through materials known as Assessing
Pupils’ Progress and early intervention where students did not meet expected standards. Examples
of interventions include Numeracy Recovery, Mathematics Recovery, and Catch Up Numeracy, which
were often delivered via structured one-to-one interventions. During the period of the National
Strategies, the proportion of students leaving primary school with level 4 and above rose from 59%
to 77% (Williams, 2008). However, the success did not extend to the lowest attaining students, with
the percentage of students attaining level 2 or below remaining stable during the same period. In
response, the ‘Every Child Counts’ intervention was introduced, consisting of intensive intervention
aimed at the 5% of lowest-attaining children nationally and less intensive interventions for the next
5 to 10%.
Williams (2008) attributes the rise in attainment for most students to the changes introduced into
the pedagogy of mathematics, the training, and the professional development networks that the
National Strategies provided. Teachers worked collaboratively on mathematical problems, enabling
them to develop their subject knowledge as well as enhance their pedagogical understanding. The
report was critical of later moves to more general approaches, recommending that HEIs be closely
involved in developing and delivering provision that supported primary teachers’ engagement with
the ‘big ideas’ in mathematics.
Since 2010, there has largely been a move away from these individual interventions, and the focus of
interest has been the notion of “mathematics mastery”, as used in high-performing jurisdictions
such as Shanghai. While mastery is conceptualised in different ways, the NCETM highlight:
Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on
all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time, as
happens in Shanghai and several other regions that teach maths successfully. This
ensures that all can master concepts before moving to the next part of the
curriculum sequence, allowing no pupil to be left behind
In this way, low attaining students are included with the rest of the cohort, and learners are, to some
extent, treated as the same. Hodgen et al. (2022) argue that, despite good intentions, the focus on
mastery as a solution to low attainment has led to the particular needs of the lowest attainers being
overlooked. By ignoring these needs and treating students the same, it ignores the evidence that low
attainers require their needs to be addressed in different ways to learn mathematics.
The National Tutoring Programme (NTP), established in 2020 in response to the widening attainment
gap resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, provided additional, targeted support for those students
most affected by the pandemic. Primary and secondary schools were able to access subsidised
tutoring provision through an approved list of tutoring providers or trained academic mentors (for
example, graduates). Schools with students eligible for pupil premium had the option to recruit their
own tutors, although tutoring was not limited to eligible students. This option proved to be the
major vehicle for delivering the NTP.
Qualifications for students who do not achieve a grade 4 at GCSE
A significant focus of policy since 2012 has been how to support lower attaining students post-16.
The Wolf review (2011) of vocational education proposed that post-16 mathematics should be a
required component of all study programmes for those without a ‘good’ pass in the subject at GCSE.
Adopted in 2014, a condition of funding has meant that nearly all students who did not achieve a
grade 4 in mathematics were required to continue studying mathematics until age 18. Students who
achieve a grade 3 or below in GCSE mathematics have the option to study for an alternative non-
GCSE qualification. The most common of these are Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs), which are
equivalent to grades 4 and above at GCSE. The purpose of such qualifications is to support students’
ability to apply mathematics in different contexts and prepare them for the workplace. Assessment
provide realistic contexts, scenarios, and problems
specify tasks that are relevant to the context
require the application of knowledge, skills, and understanding for a purpose
require problem solving.
From 2019, the FSQs were reformed to include a greater focus on using times tables and working
with and without a calculator, with the aim of using mathematics more confidently in the workplace.
An additional condition of funding in 2015 meant that FSQs were not an option for some students
who did not achieve a grade 4 at GCSE. Any student who achieved a grade 3 at GCSE would be
required to continue to study GCSE mathematics post-16, rather than an alternative mathematics
qualification. At the same time, the nature of GCSE examinations changed; more emphasis was
placed on final examinations rather than modular content, exams lasted longer, and students were
required to memorise formulae.
For those students resitting their GCSE, it has been argued that the policy has not achieved the
intended outcomes, and too many students are no nearer to a grade 4 at the end of their further
study than they were at the start (ASCL, 2019). Smith’s (2017) review of post-16 mathematics notes
that this may be due to a lack of motivation and confidence after already experiencing failure,
compounded by the number of teachers of GCSE mathematics in further education without
appropriate experience and training. He recommends a review of the 1618 resit policy and the
consideration of appropriate curricula and qualifications for these students. One suggestion,
proposed by ASCL (2019), is for a Passport in Maths, which would be taken at any stage between
ages 15 and 19 and built upon over time, removing the need for students to continue to re-sit their
GCSEs during further education.
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
There are indications of a renewed focus on low attainment in mathematics. Hodgen et al.’s (2021)
policy review identifies a shift from ability discourses to a focus on attainment with a broadly
inclusive agenda, although this often fails to address the particular needs of low attaining students.
They identified a need for further research into strategies to address low attainment in
mathematics, noting that this was not simply a problem for mathematics but one located in an
inequitable society and education system, requiring policy responses founded on strong research
evidence and that would survive changes in government.
Reports continue to raise issues with teacher preparedness, supply, and professional development,
with students in disadvantaged areas and/or low attaining students less likely to have access to
mathematics specialists. Experts consulted for our review echoed these concerns. The Education and
Training Foundation (ETF) currently offer training to support those teaching mathematics functional
skills and GCSE mathematics.
21. Case study: National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
Case profile
Phases: Primary, secondary
Aspects of mathematics education: Workforce and professional learning, curriculum and pedagogy
The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics has had a central role in
mathematics teacher professional development for twenty years. Currently, any future policy
developments involving teacher professional learning for schoolteachers would benefit from the
involvement of the NCETM. The changing role of the NCETM over time reflects changes in the policy
environment and educational system.
The case
We consider the NCETM’s activity across three periods: 2006-2010, 2010-2012 and 2013-2021.
The NCETM 2006-2010
In 2002, the government tasked the Smith Inquiry (Smith, 2014) with making recommendations on
how to implement its decision to establish a new National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of
Mathematics (NCETM). This followed the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee
(2000) report in 2000 on the need for subject specific CPD for science teachers. The NCETM was
launched in 2006. Celia Hoyles became Director in 2007, with the centre managed by Tribal
Education Ltd.
When established, the key objectives of the NCETM were:
To stimulate demand for mathematics specific CPD contributing to strengthening the
mathematical knowledge of teachers and improving school and college performance in
To lead and improve the coordination, accessibility, and availability of mathematics specific
To enable all teachers of mathematics to identify and access high quality CPD that will best
meet their needs and aspirations (Hoyles, 2010, p.44).
An online portal was central to achieving these aims. The portal provided resources and tools to
support mathematics teacher professional development. In addition, the NCETM supported face-to-
face national and regional events and funded projects and networks. By 2010, the NCETM had
40,000 registered users (Coldwell, Boylan, Shipton & Simkins, 2010). Examples of support directly for
teacher professional development include the 'Personal Learning Space'. Registered users could
access a Self-Evaluation Tool (SET) focused on subject and subject pedagogical knowledge.
The NCETM had a small central Directorate that managed the NCETM provision and a team of
Regional Coordinators, which at that time was equivalent to a specialist staff of 17. The permanent
staff of the NCETM was also supported by a pool of approximately 120 Associates, skilled and
experienced mathematics teachers and educators contracted by the NCETM to support specific
activities. The portal also hosted various online forums and communities, although this was not a
particularly well-used feature compared to the number of registered users (ibid.). The portal is the
publication site for four monthly e-magazines. In addition to the portal, the NCETM also provides
small awards to support school- or college-based or inter-school or college-based professional
development projects. Different types of grants were offered: for Teacher Enquiry Projects, for
Mathematics Knowledge Networks and for Regional Projects. Enquiry projects supported teacher-led
learning and professional development at the school or college level. Mathematics Knowledge
Networks (MKNs) brought together teachers from different schools and colleges to share and
develop knowledge about teaching mathematics.
Instead of supporting a specific type of professional development, the NCETM placed an emphasis
on its "commitment to placing teachers' needs and goals at the core of its work by putting in place
structures through which teachers are able to develop ownership of its provision" (Hoyles, 2010, p.
45). NCETM funded both a study of current effective practice (Back et al., 2009) and a parallel review
of research on effective CPD for teachers of mathematics (Joubert & Sutherland, 2008).
In keeping with the period, partnership with HEIs was an important aspect of the NCETM’s work, as
also found in the Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme (see Section 18) and outside of
mathematics education, in the Science Learning Centres, as exemplified in contributions to online
resources and in encouragement for grant recipients to engage with researchers and university-
based teacher educators.
In an independent evaluation of the NCETM’s work in 2010 (Coldwell, Boylan, Shipton & Simkins,
2010), its role as champion and coordinator of mathematics professional development was affirmed.
Additionally, an emerging role was identified as a broker between different sections of the
mathematics education community and different views on mathematics curriculum and pedagogy.
The NCETM 2010-2014
Between 2010 and 2014, the NCETM continued to develop its work and refine its activities. There
was a change in the consortium leading the NCETM, with Mathematics Education and Industry (MEI)
taking a leading role in the NCETM programme direction, with the Chief Executive of MEI becoming
the NCETM Director and Tribal continuing to lead business activities.
The election of the coalition government in 2010 changed direction in education policy, including a
‘bonfire of the quangos
’. The latter term refers to the reduction or removal of funding and the
ending or reorganisation of various government bodies, including in education. Reduced funding
meant a change in regional provision and a reduction in the scope and size of activities. Government
support for the NCETM continued, but on more precarious terms, including a series of temporary
contract extensions. Towards the end of this period, the NCETM commissioned an external
evaluation, including a Return-on-Investment cost-benefit analysis (Coldwell et al., 2015), indicating
some pressure on the NCETM to justify its funding.
During this period, the NCETM developed a prototype for what would become the Maths Hubs.
There were three ‘MESH’ schools (Mathematics Education School Hubs) identified to provide
regional support for the implementation of a DfE funded Multiplicative Reasoning Programme.
NCETM staff were involved in DfE study visits to Shanghai in 2013. By 2014, the NCETM was
advocating mastery approaches (NCETM, 2014), and soon after, the term 'Teaching for Mastery' was
adopted. The start of the Mathematics Teacher Exchange (Boylan et al., 2019) happened at the same
time as the launch of the Maths Hub Programme.
The NCETM 2015-2021
Since 2015, NCETM funding has been more secure, with the programme centred on Teaching for
Mastery (TfM) and managing the Maths Hub network. The Teaching for Mastery programme
consists of a professional development programme to train mastery specialist teachers, support for
the specialists to work with groups of teachers from local schools, a subsidy to support purchasing
textbooks, and further exchanges with Shanghai teachers. A fuller account is provided as policy
development case study in Section 26. The main aim is for over half of English primary schools to
engage with the TfM programme in some way by 2023.
The NCETM manages a national network of 'Maths Hubs' to promote and organise professional
development opportunities. Maths Hubs are led by schools chosen by their capacity to lead a school
Although the NCETM leads the government’s mastery programme, due to increased system
complexity, there are many other bodies that are also engaged in promoting mastery or employing
this term to refer to their professional development offers. These include textbook publishers,
curriculum schemes, and professional development providers (see Boylan & Adams, 2023, and the
Mastery case study). Thus, the NCETM now has a complex role as a shaper of government policy, an
implementer of the policy it has shaped, and a competitor in an educational market for mathematics
professional development (Boylan et al., 2019; Boylan & Adams, 2023).
The changing role of the NCETM
Table 24, below, contrasts the roles of the NCETM in its early days and more recently. For simplicity,
the middle period is not included, as at that time the NCETM’s role was in the process of transition.
The comparison shows that the role of the NCETM has changed significantly from a broker and
supporter of mathematics professional development to an implementer of government policy.
However, aspects of this previous brokering and facilitative role are important to local Maths Hubs.
Table 24: The changing role of the NCETM
NCETM 2006-2010
NCETM 2015-2021
View on PD
Explicit/policy no preference
Implicit teacher agency
Professional development
Curriculum and PD
Gateway, hosting, multiplicity
NCETM produces materials
Other resources
Resource banks, practice cases,
individual assessment tool
NCETM additional resources linked
to NCETM materials and Teaching
for Mastery
View on mathematics
Non preferential
Teaching for Mastery
View on professional
Teacher autonomy and
Teacher Work Groups experts
supporting collaborative
Relationship to other
Broker and aspirant leader
Leading role but competing in
Registered users considerable
reach but those engaged with
groups/grants smaller cadre of
the committed/believers
Geographically variable
National reach in primary through
the Mastery Programme
More geographical consistency
through the Maths Hubs
Policy work
External engagement in policy
formation through ACME, JMC
other partners
External influence through
mathematics policy bodies
supplemented by more direct
shaping of policy through
negotiation with DfE policy in
contracting and funding
Lessons for mathematics education in the future
The NCETM’s role has changed. It has a more powerful role in terms of implementing policy.
Through the Maths Hub network and the cadre of teachers who have undertaken its professional
development programmes, it has pathways to influencing practice. The NCETM and the Maths Hub
network are likely to be important to successful future change in mathematics education.
PART SEVEN: Policy development and implementation
Part Seven comprises four broad subsections, the first providing an overview of policy
development focused on key reports influencing mathematics education, with a chronology of
these reports, together with key patterns in report development (section 22). The second part is
made up of four case studies of policy development (Sections 2326). The third part (sections 27
and 28) draws on models of policy development, analysing features evident in the four cases and
identifying features of successful policy development. The final part (Sections 29 and 30) focuses
on policy implementation, evaluation, and impact. Section 29 is an analysis of implementation,
drawing on the case studies and other examples.
Details for the choice of policy development cases were provided in the Introduction. In summary,
they are:
Using and Applying mathematics in the National Curriculum
The National Numeracy Strategy
The Further Mathematics Support Programme
The Mastery Programme
Each case includes an overview of the cases significance, a succinct explanation of the policy, and
an analysis of the policys development.
22. Policy development trends
22.1 Increased politicisation
As noted in Part Two, there was relative consensus in the first two periods studied in this policy
review, with broad agreement about the introduction of GCSEs and the National Curriculum.
However, over the forty-year period there has been an increase in politicisation of education policy
detail. Since 2010, there has been a marked increase in political decision making over detail of
policy. There are three features to highlight:
1. more direct influence of ministers on curriculum and implementation of policy
2. a changed role and nature of special political advisors, with educational expertise apparently
less important
3. an increased number and type of policy influencers and actors.
Figure 9, below, reproduced from EdPol, provides a visual representation of circles of influence on
education policy decision making.
Figure 9 Circles of influence on educational policy
22.1 Warrants and reports in policy development trends
Across the four periods and across the four educational phases (see Sections 710), the importance
of reports in providing warrants for policy is notable. However, the role of reports has changed over
time. Mathematics education-focused reports are shown in Figure 10.
We note three overarching patterns in the types of reports and how they have influenced
mathematics education.
Changes in the commissioning of reports by government and the composition of groups contributing
to them
In the first three periods focused on in this studyfrom 1982 to 2010generally government-
commissioned reports and reviews draw on a range of different views and perspectives that reflect
those of stakeholders. This is reflected in the composition of the Mathematics Curriculum Working
Group of the national curriculum through contributors to the Smith review in 2004 and Williams in
2008. Since 2010, there has been a change to the commissioning of reports and reviews where the
alignment of the authors is more likely to be known and is broadly representative of the
governments agenda.
Pattern in influential Ofsted reports
1980s reflecting broad consensus of ‘good practice’
1990s attempting to set the agenda in a particular direction
2000s reflecting broad consensus of good practice
2020s attempting to set the agenda in a particular direction
Change in relationship to evidence
Increasingly evidence of what is claimed to work is presented as policy justification, with those
ideologically aligned to government position given enhanced status in contributing to policy
development (Helgetun & Menter, 2022, p.98).
Figure 10: Policy reports influencing mathematics education from 1980 to 2021
Cockcroft report Mathematics Counts (1982)
HMI Mathematics from 5 to 16 (1985)
Report of the National Curriculum
Mathematics Curriculum Working Group
Curriculum organisation and classroom
practice in primary schools. (1992)
Dearing Review The National Curriculum and
its Assessment: Final Report (1994)
Dearing Review of Qualifications for 1619-
Year-Olds; Tomlinson report on inclusion
Worlds apart? Ofsted Reviews of Research (1996)
Report of the National Numeracy Task Force
ACME, Continuing Professional Development
for teachers of mathematics (2002)
Ofsted The education of six-year-olds in England,
Denmark and Finland (2003)
Smith Report Making Mathematics Count
Tomlinson report 1419 Reform (2004)
Ofsted Understanding the score (2008) Primary
and secondary additional reports in 2009
Williams Report: Mathematics Teaching
in EY and Primary Schools; Rose review primary review
Nuffield funded Values and Variables (2010)
Vorderman report, National Curriculum review, Wolf
; DFE review of international
Ofsted Made to measure (2012)
NCETM Mastery approaches (2014)
Ofsted Bold beginnings; EEF KS2/KS3 mathematics
guidance (2017)
EEF EY and KS1 guidance report (2020)
Ofsted Research review series: mathematics (2021)
This year saw the publication of four influential reports: Vorderman, 'A world class mathematics education for all our
young people'; National Curriculum Review. The Framework for the National Curriculum (December): report of the advisory
panel chaired by Tim Oates; the Wolf Review of vocational education; and a DfE funded Report on subject breadth in
international jurisdictions
23. Using and applying mathematics in the first mathematics national curriculum
23.1 Using and applying mathematics: The significance of the case
The inclusion of ‘using and applying mathematics’ in the national curriculum represented a general
consensus on the importance of mathematics as an applied body of knowledge and agreement that
mathematical processes were important.
23.2 Using and applying mathematics as policy
When the national curriculum in mathematics was introduced in 1990, it had 14 ‘Attainment
Targets’ (AT)—strands or areas of mathematics. Of these 14, AT 1 and 9 were different from the
other 12, which described progression in knowledge, skills, and understanding’ (DES/WO, 1989,
p.D1, cited in Millett, 1996). AT1 and AT9 referred to ‘using and applying knowledge, skills, and
understanding’ [emphasis added]. These two attainment targets were intended to permeate the
other 12 attainment targets. Set tasks were provided that could be used to demonstrate attainment
and support teachers’ understanding of what was required.
These attainment targets were assessed as part of the initial national assessment arrangements
through tasks designed for this purpose, e.g., investigations in KS3. After the 1994 Dearing review
that led to simplification of the national curriculum and assessment, the two attainment targets
were consolidated as MA1one of four areas of studywith the importance of mathematical
communication and reasoning as integral to using and applying mathematics retained as part of
investigative work and problem solving.
Subsequent versions of the national curriculum revised the using and applying strand and removed it
as a separate strand, with the intention for it to be integrated across all strands. At the time of the
introduction of the national curriculum, support for professional development occurred through
Local Authorities.
23.3 Using and applying: policy development
The Cockcroft Report (1982) stressed the importance of problem solving, referred to as ‘the heart of
mathematics’. In addition, the report emphasised the application of mathematics, including to
everyday situations, as a feature of mathematics teaching at all levels. By developing problem-
solving techniques and communicating results, the aim was that students would be better equipped
to make use of mathematics in their futures. This was developed in the HMI report Mathematics
from 5 to 16 (HMI, 1987), which identified strategies to support application and problem solving
such as the use of trial-and-error methods, simplification of complex tasks, pattern spotting,
reasoning, understanding of proof, and the ability to estimate and approximate. The HMI report also
identified qualities such as the development of good work habits and a positive attitude towards
Through the eighties, the Cockcroft Report provided a warrant and framework for the integration of
the application of mathematics and problem solving into various curriculum and professional
development programmes. Examples of these included:
Teacher led or HEI-teacher collaborations like SMP mathematics, Nuffield
HEI curriculum design e.g., Nottingham Shell Centre Blue and Red boxes
Local Authority and regional schemes such as SMILE, by initiatives such as the LAMP and
RAMP) project (West Sussex Institute, 1987 cited in Millett, 1996) and the Kent Maths
In primary the Primary Initiatives in Mathematics Education project, 1985-89, (Shuard et al.,
1990) had government backing through School Curriculum Development Committee and
completed under the auspices of the National Curriculum Council)
These approaches were important in materials produced by both the Mathematics Association and
the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, the two mathematics subject associations.
The inclusion of coursework in the new GCSE allowed the development of the ATM 100%
coursework GCSE (Ollerton & Watson, 2007), though “the retention of fairly traditional content
examination papers led to investigations being regarded as something of a separate entity, a bolt-
on addition to the curriculum rather than something built-in to the learning of content” (Millet,
Millet (1996) gives a detailed and relatively contemporaneous account of the development of using
and applying the national curriculum, which is drawn on here. Although there were a variety of
developments aligned with Cockcroft principles, these had not produced much change in classroom
practice, particularly in primary schools. The draft national curriculum developed by the
Mathematics Curriculum Working Group included attainment targets called practical applications
that consisted of using mathematics, communication skills, and personal qualities. After
challenges in writing statements of attainment across the 10 levels (required in the national
structure), the resulting Ats were called using and applying mathematics in number, algebra, and
measures (AT1) and using and applying mathematics in shape and space, and handling data (AT9).
Notable in this development is that the Mathematics Curriculum Working Group had a significant
degree of independence.
24. The National Numeracy Strategy
24.1 The National Numeracy strategy: The significance of the case
The National Numeracy Strategy represented a whole scale attempt for system wide change in
teaching methods in primary schools. It represented an extension of policy direction over curriculum
to include pedagogy.
24.2 The National Numeracy strategy as policy
The National Numeracy Strategy (NNS) for primary schools was developed as policy in 1997-1998
and implemented from 1998.
The NNS consisted of
NNS framework which provided curriculum sequence and pedagogical/teaching approach,
supported later by a revised national curriculum with revisions aimed at alignment with the
Key features of the NNS teaching approach were whole class interactive teaching and a
three-part lesson (starter, main activity, plenary)
Teaching and professional development and training materials and resources, including
video as well as text-based materials
A cascade model of different NNS leads national, regional, LA, school level; the Numeracy
coordinator in school as a key role (see Corbin, McNamara, & Williams, 2003; McNamara &
Corbin, 2001).
An important aspect of the teaching approach, exemplified in training materials, was the use of
number props to support mental arithmetic and number work.
The NNS with its parallel initiative the National Literacy Strategy expanded into the National
Strategies and extended into KS3, from 2001, before discontinuation in 2011.
24.3 NNS: policy development process
The background context for policy development had three aspects (Brown, Millet, Bibby & Johnson
discourses around economic competitiveness, emphasising the importance of mathematics
a trajectory of policy direction over the curriculum then extending into not what was taught
but how it was taught, as exemplified and furthered by the Alexander, Rose and Woodhead
(1992) report into primary curriculum and teaching
Ideological contestation continued from the national curriculum introduction with a re-
emphasis on mental calculation, showing the influence of the industrial trainers’ ideology
The NNS development process spanned the change of government from Conservative to New
Labour, representing consensus across both parties about mathematics education. An important
warrant and influence on the introduction and design of the NNS was the ‘Worlds Apart’ report
(Reynolds & Farrell, 1996) commissioned by Woodhead, the head of the then-new inspection service
In parallel with these developments was a mathematics project funded by the LA (Barking and
Dagenham), which involved exchange with Swiss teachers and methods (Ochs, 2006; Prais, 1996).
Barking and Dagenham is also an example of wider comparative and transnational projects notably
in relation to Hungary and the development of the Mathematics Enhancement Programme
. The
extent to which the Barking and Dagenham project influenced the NNS is disputed, with Brown et al.
positioning it as incidental and Ochs (2006) and Prais (1996) emphasising its importance, with the
latter pointing to the visit of the education minister as evidence.
A National Numeracy Project (NNP) was established in 1996, funded by and within the Department
for Education under the Conservative government.
The NNP was introduced into 12 inner-city LEAs, with a focus on low-performing schools (Brown et
al., 2000). The initial approach followed the Barking and Dagenham model of whole-class teaching
with no differentiation. The NNP under Straker’s leadership adapted this to an outline lesson
template and sets of objectives, with a focus on sequencing the curriculum. This was implemented in
200 schools, thus demonstrating potential at some scale. The NNP was then taken up by the Labour
government, and the Numeracy Task Force was established to rapidly report and develop policy. The
decision to adopt the NNP by the Labour Party happened before the general election.
Important in the take-up by the Conservative government and then in the New Labour formulation
were commitments to ‘traditional teaching methods’. Brown et al. (2000) describe this as a
nostalgia-based policy. The approach was also shaped by increased centralisation (the New Labour
version of new public management) and prescription.
Funding was important to the success of the National Numeracy Strategy, with £55 million
approximately £100 million today adjusted for inflationin the initial period. As well as new funding
for the NNS, the policy leveraged existing school improvement funding and activity in local
Communication and engagement with teachers and with society more generally happened through
multiple pathways. Before the introduction of the Strategy, campaigners for change had been
successful in generating enough media interest for a Panaroma programme
focused on
mathematics teaching to be produced. Blair, the new Prime Minister, was featured at the start of the
first numeracy strategy training video and training materials. Care was taken to produce materials in
a consistent style with news media materials:
The device of extracting key points and representing them printed in bold in
highlighted and bullet-pointed boxes is translated in the transparencies or
PowerPoint screens specified centrally for training sessions run in LEAs and
schools. The prescriptive and certain voice also dominates press releases, which
are often translated verbatim into the media (Brown et al., 2000, p. 462).
Evaluation of the NNS pointed to importance of:
systematic and detailed planning on the part of an increasingly centralized
system had resulted in a good fit among other government policies, priorities, and
guidelines of related agencies… Such alignment meant that there was a degree of
policy coherence (at least in theory) than is usual.” (Earl, Watson & Torrance,
2002, p. 37).
Panorama was the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme at the time
25. The Further Mathematics Support Programme
25.1 The Further Mathematics Support Programme: the significance of the case
The Smith report (2002) provided an overview of existing mathematical pathways post-14 and made
recommendations for the future. The report noted with concern that very few students progressed
to level 3 mathematics qualifications post-16 (6.5% of the cohort in 2002) and stated that ‘the
present qualifications framework is in need of a radical overhaul’ (2004, p. 81).
25.2 The Further Mathematics Support Programme as policy
The Further Mathematics Network (FMN) (2005-2008) and subsequently the Further Mathematics
Support Programme (FMSP) (2009-2018) were both established to support all state educated
students to access advanced level mathematics post-16. The FMSP aimed to:
increase participation in Mathematics and Further Mathematics at AS/A level, particularly
amongst under-represented groups
increase demand from students for these courses
increase the capacity of schools and colleges to provide high quality mathematics teaching,
and support improvements in Level 3 mathematics teaching
From 2019, the work of the FMSP was expanded to include provision to support Core Maths and
known as the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP).
25.3 The Further Mathematics Support Programme: policy development
Mathematics in Education and Industry’s (MEI) Gatsby-funded pilot project, ‘Enabling Access to
Further Mathematics’, from 2000 to 2005, aimed to provide distance learning to enable all sixth-
form students to study further mathematics. The motivation for the project was a decline in the
number of students pursuing Further Mathematics A level, which fell from about 15,000 in the early
1980s to less than 3,500 in 1995. There were concerns that this decline would continue after the
implementation of Curriculum 2000 and the encouragement it provided for students to pursue a
wider range of subjects (Stripp, 2001). For those going on to study mathematics and related subjects
at university, A level Mathematics was insufficient. AS and A level Further Mathematics was difficult
to run in individual centres due to the very small numbers of students taking it, and issues with
mathematics teacher supply and expertise added to the challenges. A second MEI-led initiative (with
the University of Warwick), again with funding from Gatsby, ‘Upgrading Mathematics Teachers’, was
aimed at supporting non-specialist teachers to teach mathematics at AS and A levels.
A key driver for increasing Further Mathematics take-up came from industry (STEM) and universities.
In 2004, entries to Further Mathematics were low, at 0.8% as a total of entries (A level maths, 6.8%
as a total number of entries). The initial intention to increase participation in FM was later expanded
to include Core Maths as part of a more general policy for mathematics to be compulsory post-16.
Transnational influences and comparisons were used to make a case for the programme (see Smith,
2004) and may have supported its continued funding (e.g., Hodgen et al., 2010).
The Smith Inquiry identified several voluntary initiatives supporting a mathematics education
infrastructure, including the MEI/Gatsby pilots, and recommended that the proposed national and
regional centres include a responsibility for funding such initiatives (Smith, 2004, p. 138).
An evaluation of the MEI/Gatsby pilot programme ‘Enabling Access’ found that the programme
made it possible for students to access Further Mathematics, was positively received by students
and tutors, and had a number of wider benefits, including encouraging independent study habits
(Barmby & Coe, 2004). From 2005, in response to the Smith Report, the government funded MEI to
run the Further Mathematics Network (20052008), furthering the aims of these earlier projects and
aiming to increase the numbers studying AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics (FM).
26. The Mastery programme
26.1 The Mastery Programme: The significance of the case
The Mastery programme is a sustained national attempt to change mathematics teaching in
England, particularly in primary schools. It is led by the NCETM and the Maths Hub network, key
actors in mathematics teacher professional development. It is also an ongoing policy and so any
proposals for mathematics education in the future would need to be shaped to take account of the
mastery initiative and current school, teacher, and policy discourses.
26.2 The Mastery Programme as policy
Mastery as mathematics policy consists of a set of direct and indirectly influenced activity. Arguably
there are multiple versions of mastery both understood as variously centred on quality of learning
(e.g., NCETM 2016), ways of teaching mastery approaches (Boylan et al., 2019) and, as a policy
programme, various government supported or influenced activity. Activity influenced by the
programme includes a market in professional development and curriculum materials (Boylan &
Adams, 2023). More extensive and detailed descriptions are available (e.g., Boylan et al., 2019). Here
a summary is provided.
Focussing on government supported activity, the role of the NCETM is central as is their formulation
of teaching for mastery (NCETM, 2016) and five big ideas (NCETM, 2017):
A foundational belief that all pupils can succeed
Whole-class interactive teaching with back and forth interaction including questioning,
short tasks, explanation, demonstration, and discussion
Procedural fluency and conceptual understanding developed together, including through
practice which links the two and knowledge of key mathematical ideas with an emphasis on
structure and connections
Teaching and curriculum are centred on five big ideas: Coherence, Representation and
structure, Mathematical thinking, Fluency, and Variation.
Key facts are learnt to automaticity
Rapid identification of pupils who need additional support to grasp a concept or procedure,
and early intervention
Central to the promotion of teaching for mastery are:
Maths Hubs which organise work groups and coordinate mastery specialists who are funded
to work with local schools
An exchange programme with Shanghai the Mathematics Teacher Exchange
A CPD programme to develop Primary Mastery Specialist Teachers
Professional development and curriculum materials aligned with teaching for mastery
Subsidy for the purchase of approved textbooks for schools engaged in the mastery
As well as the NCETM, there are other actors who use the term mastery to describe their curriculum
materials or CPD foci (see Boylan & Adams, 2023).
26.3 The Mastery Programme: policy development process
As noted, the mastery programme has a complex set of interconnected aspects and is connected to
other policies that have wider intents and activities (for example, the Maths Hubs). Similarly, the
development of the mastery policy is similarly complex, and for a detailed account (up to 2019), see
Boylan et al. (2019). Here, the policy is presented in three phases.
2007-2013 Antecedents
In 2007, the Maths No Problem textbook scheme and associated professional development
programme were developed based on the translation of a Singaporean textbook series. In a 2009, a
multi-academy trust, Ark, also looked to Singapore for ideas, alongside other places viewed as high
performers in mathematics. Ark Mathematics was renamed Mathematics Mastery around 2010 with
funding from the Education Endowment Foundation for a randomised controlled trial. This was
presented as a trial of Singaporean mathematics
. However, the influences on the development of
the Mathematics Mastery programme were more varied. Interest in East Asian mathematics
education led to visits funded by the Department for Education to Shanghai in 2012 and 2013,
including with NCETM participants.
2014-2019 Teaching for Mastery and government funding
The NCETM had adopted the word mastery and was writing about mastery approaches (NCETM,
2014). The first teacher exchange with Shanghai in 2014/15 (MTE), involving 48 primary schools. This
happened at the same time as the Maths Hub network was established, with a wider remit around
mathematics teacher supply, professional learning, and support for subject leadership. The MTE
local activity was- and is coordinated through Maths Hubs From this, the Teaching for Mastery (TfM)
programme was developed with funding for the CPD programme and support for mastery
Alongside the MTE, the government funded teacher research into textbook use with these
translated or adapted books from East Asian countries. This developed into a funding stream to
encourage greater mathematics textbook use in primary schools
. A set of criteria was developed
for textbooks
to be eligible for this scheme, and an expert panel has assessed applications by
publishers for inclusion.
Since 2016, the DfE has committed £76 million to its Teaching for Mastery programme. The
programme aims to reach at least 9,300 primary schools and 1,700 secondary schools by 2023.
Amongst other things, DfE’s funding covers:
Further cohorts of the NCETM-led Primary Mathematics Teaching for Mastery Specialists
Programme (PMTMSP), and establishment of a similar training programme for secondary
teachers (SMTMSP)
Providing support through Maths Hubs for PMTMSP and SMTMSP participants and alumni to
work with other schools
Establishing a mastery readiness programme that will be offered to all Opportunity Area
primary schools that need it
Providing funding to support the adoption of high-quality textbooks in primary schools
Continuing with the MTE exchange programme as part of specialist training. 70 primary
teachers will participate annually until 2019/20, with an additional 16 secondary maths
teachers in 2018/19 and 35 in 2019/20 (Boylan, et al., 2019).
2019-2021 Embedding mastery and the mastery market
Since the commitment of government funding, the mastery programme has continued, with the
committed funding used to support cohorts of teachers on the CPD programme, engage in the MTE,
and support schools. Alongside the NCETM and Math Hub-led activity, there has been development
of a ‘mastery market’ (Boylan & Adams, 2023), with the following bodies also offering CPD and
curriculum materials described as ‘mastery’, as well as other actors in the market who refer to
Maths No Problem!
Mathematics Mastery
Complete Maths and La Salle Education
Inspire Maths
White Rose Maths
Power Maths
The main focus for the Mastery Programme is primary, but there have been smaller secondary
cohorts of Mastery Specialists who have accessed training.
27. Policy models and the four developments
In the parallel report focused on international policy development in mathematics education (Adams
& Boylan, 2023), we identified three models drawn from the theories and models of policy
development and analysis and used them to identify features of mathematics education policy
development internationally.
These three models and features are summarised in Table 25 below
Table 25: Policy development models
Policy model
Multiple streams
Problem/policy/politics streams. Ambiguity,
competing problems, haphazard process, often
requiring rapid response.
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Policy coalitions variously competing and forming
alliances; key role of brokers; variable strengths of
relationship between policy subsystem and external
Policy cycle
Predictable, linear model, moving through agenda
setting, policy formulation, legitimation,
implementation, evaluation, and maintenance
Tables 26, 27, and 28 below apply these three models to the four policy innovations. Detail aside,
and most importantly, in all four cases, aspects of each policy model can be found. The implication
of this is that if seeking to develop or influence policy, all three models offer insights into how this
might be successful in the context of the policy-making environment in England.
The three models are presented here are in a different order than in Adams and Boylan (2023). In the parallel report, we
considered ‘multiple stream’s and the ‘advocacy coalition framework’ as alternatives to the more traditional policy cycle
model. However, looking forward to future activity to influence mathematical policy, the order we present here reflects a
potential sequence of policy action.
Table 26: The four innovations and the multiple streams model
Policy Development
Multiple streams examples of projects built on in policy
Using and applying in the national
Existing initiatives and projects that the Cockcroft Report
reflected and encouraged
Shell Mathematics and blue and red boxes
ATM 100% coursework GCSE
Government supported Primary Mathematics Education project
The National Numeracy Strategy
Barking and Dagenham project, also MEP as examples
Taken up as NNP
The Further Mathematics Support
Existing pilot projects led by MEI that met policy and
mathematics education community aims, encouraged by
Smith’s (2004) recommendations.
The Mastery Programme
Maths Mastery and EEF support and Ark curriculum
Legacy of the Primary maths specialist programme
The Maths Hub network (Shanghai exchange was first activity)
Table 27: The four innovations and the Advocacy Coalition Framework
Policy Development
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Using and applying in the national
Coalitions across subject associations, influential Local
Authorities, HMI, School Curriculum Development Committee,
different teacher led groups
The National Numeracy Strategy
The traditionalist Woodhead as representative of conservative
educational philosophy in Ofsted aligns with Blunkett’s
School effectiveness movement (represented by Reynolds and
Mathematics educators/researchers drawing on comparative
research e.g., MEP (1995) Burghes, Andrews
International aspects appealing to New Labour technological
The Further Mathematics Support
Support from key brokers including Gatsby, MEI, Royal
Society/ACME, Smith report, HEIs, Mathematics organisations
e.g., JMC, London Maths Soc., engineering employers
Broad appeal to range of stakeholders
The Mastery Programme
Oates and textbooks and international comparison
In government the Department for Business industry and Skills
and China-England trade arrangements
Table 28: The four innovations and the Policy Cycle Framework
Policy Development
Policy cycle
Using and applying in the national
Movement to NC comes in policy development cycle, building
on previous reports particularly the Cockcroft Report
The National Numeracy Strategy
Longer term policy focus on mathematics and numeracy and
beyond that educational reform with twin foci on ‘traditional’
and economic goods
The Further Mathematics Support
Alignment with aims for mathematics education infrastructure
and teacher support, addressing longstanding goal of increasing
participation in mathematics at a time when international
comparisons show relatively poor engagement with post-16
A level considered ‘gold standard’ qualification, unquestioned.
Series of successive positive evaluations demonstrating impact.
The Mastery Programme
Coalition government from 2010 focus on international
benchmarking see GCSE reform
Looking elsewhere for policy solution, Shanghai study visits
originated in the DfE
28. Features of successful policy development across the four cases
28.1 Model of successful policy development
In the parallel report to this one, reporting on the international horizon scan (Adams & Boylan,
2023), we propose a model of six features of successful policy development and implementation by
analysing international examples. Using this model to analyse policy developments in England, we
found it broadly applicable. However, in international contexts, we identified ‘consensus’ as
important. However, over time, in England, contestation about educational policy and practice has
increased. So, for more recent educational policies rather than consensus, a more appropriate
broader category is ‘climate’ – that there is policy climate receptive to the development.
Noyes and Adkins (2016) analysed how research impacted on A level qualifications reform. As a
recent analysis, this reflects policy processes in England. They identified six conditions:
1. The main research findings are simple and/or can be simplified
2. The research is persuasive (this is not an appeal to rigour but more likely that the findings
seem to fit with common sense)
3. Key connections are made to key policy networks
4. The research harmonises with policy ideology
5. The implications of the research must be workable: there are available mechanisms or ones
that can be adapted
6. The research needs interested champions interested means that there is some personal or
collective gain.
Adapting our model based on international policy developments to the context in England, the
model in Table 29 below is proposed. This model is then applied to the four policy development
cases. Doing so both illustrates how these features appear in practice as well as demonstrates the
usefulness of the model. As to which of these features are necessary, or the number and in what
combinations, Noyes and Adkins (2016) note that, even if necessary conditions are met, there may
be some serendipity in whether proposed policies are taken up.
Following this, each condition in the model is illustrated in relation to the four policy development
cases, with both ways that conditions are and are not evidence in the cases.
Table 29: Model of successful policy development in England
Clear and simple vision of policy purpose
There is a receptive climate to the policy reform developed through
dialogue that involves stakeholders, and particularly around ensuring
ideological concerns and core beliefs of policy makers are addressed. This
may lead to a consensus
The policy can be enacted using existing or easily adapted mechanisms
The policy coheres with mathematics education policies and other
educational policies
1. curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and teacher professional
development and how lack of such alignment can stifle innovation
2. with wider system issues such as teacher professional conditions,
accountability measures and marketisation
Piloting and
Piloting an initiative, depending on scale and governance structures, before
wider changes. Professional development taking place in parallel or even
prior to changes to curriculum, pedagogy, and qualification and assessment
Policy processes require attention over time, to develop the case for policy
change, as well as detail of implementation
Collaboration and
Dialogue is important between policy makers, mathematics education
researchers, teachers, and other stakeholders
The policy has one or more influential policy champions
Clear and simple vision of policy purpose. At a general level, all four policies had an overarching
purpose of improving mathematics teaching.
Table 30: Purpose in the four policy development cases
Using and applying
Very clearly articulated in the Cockcroft Report and then developed in the
HMI 11-16 report
The National
Numeracy Strategy
The NNS was intended to make whole class teaching the norm in
mathematics in the context of a daily structured mathematics lesson. So,
underpinning the extensive documentation and training materials were a
small number of principles
Clearly articulated in the pilot project and stable over time
For government proponents the purpose of early mastery activity was policy
borrowing from East Asia, but mastery itself was negotiated with multiple
meanings. More recently, the purpose was articulated by the NCETM
There is a receptive climate to the policy reform developed through dialogue that involves
stakeholders, and particularly around ensuring ideological concerns and core beliefs of policy makers
are addressed. This may lead to a consensus.
Table 31: Climate in the four policy development cases
Using and applying
Cockcroft inquiry group itself had representation from various stakeholders
(Cockcroft was a pure mathematician). There was consensus across HMI and
maths associations. The Mathematics Curriculum Working Group had
representation from different stakeholder groups. Using and Applying was
integrated into the curriculum which clearly and explicitly addressed other
needs related to basic mathematics. This followed the balanced approach of
The National
Numeracy Strategy
Consensus between DfE, Ofsted leadership, QCA, then putting into place
Emphasis on basic maths skills to get wider political support.
Pilot project drew on support for example from Engineering Council.
Universities, schools, and colleges were partners in the initiative.
Smith Inquiry recommended more financial support.
Climate generated to an extent by central direction
The policy can be enacted using existing or easily adapted mechanisms.
Table 32: Feasibility in the four policy development cases
Using and applying
This aspect of the NC built on existing practice, increase in practical work
following Cockcroft (Brown, 2014)
The National
Numeracy Strategy
Aspects of international practice adopted were those most easily
translatable, e.g., Taiwan mental starter (idea of a warmup) rather than the
more complex and nuanced approaches of Swiss practice found in the
Barking and Dagenham project
FMN built on successful pilot project, with FMSP extending key features of
tuition, wider support, and teacher development
Some parts of East Asian practices were adopted but others not. So, for
example, early in the Shanghai teacher exchange, the idea of a primary
maths specialist had some currency, but this was not taken up in practice by
schools. Another example is daily intervention and how that was
implemented in some schools
The policy coheres with mathematics education policies and other educational policies.
Table 33: Coherence in the four policy development cases
Using and applying
Integrated into the national curriculum
The National
Numeracy Strategy
Single national innovation other things were subsumed into the NNS
rather than additional to it, e.g., calculator use, assessment directed to NNS
Focussed initially on Further Mathematics participation through the
provision of tuition and teacher development. Expanded to include
Mathematics at AS/A level and increased support for KS4 and later KS3, also
for Core Maths and other Level 3 support.
Internal coherence of programme, offering support to students, teachers,
senior leaders, and key partners
The change in the National Curriculum and removal of levels created an
opening around need to address progress of all.
Some issues of coherence caused by the development of the mastery
Led by the NCETM, professional development was centred in the policy.
Systemic alignment
Alignment has two aspects:
between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and teacher professional development and
how lack of such alignment can stifle innovation
with wider system issues such as teacher professional conditions, accountability measures
and marketisation
Table 34: Systemic alignment in the four policy development cases
Using and applying
National assessment of Using and Applying
CPD issue not addressed more ad hoc with Las (possible reasons that
Using and Applying could be taken out from the National Curriculum in later
revisions, or reframed problem solving as word problems)
The National
Numeracy Strategy
Changes in assessment in parallel with the introduction of the NNS
Alignment of NNS and NLS.
Availability of CPD and NNS linked to existing school improvement
infrastructure in Las
Accountability measures in league tables linked to NNS goals
Strong alignment between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and
teacher professional development with evidence of innovative approaches
to pedagogy and teacher development.
Alignment with the wider system evident in funding, a variety of sources of
funding available in the early days: Excellence in Cities, Widening
Participation, Gifted and Talented, Learning Skills Council
Wider system issues marketisation and different competing mastery
versions this created
Piloting and sequencing
Piloting an initiative, depending on scale and governance structures, before wider changes.
Professional development taking place in parallel or even leading changes to curriculum, pedagogy
and qualification and assessment.
Table 35: Piloting and sequencing in the four policy development cases
Using and
Various schemes and programmes acted as pilots as did the Primary
Initiatives in Mathematics Education project. However, this was no national
Access varied and was partially dependent on ‘Cockcroft ambassadors’ reach
or legacies, and local expertise and interest in Local Authorities or
mathematics teacher association activity or engaged of HEI based educators
The National
The National Numeracy Programme was effectively a pilot for the NNS
though the pilot was limited.
The NNS was a PD-led programme with the changes to curriculum being
focused on the framework
Developed from an innovation funded by a charity and developed in
partnership with a university partner.
The programme was piloted for 3 years, and feasibility established.
A combination of factors contributed to its success: the involvement of MEI
who had experience developing courses, textbooks, and resources, and in the
provision of teacher professional development.
The distance learning course design was also significant.
The offer continues to expand, now incorporating support for 11-16
mathematics and a wide range of mathematics specific teacher professional
The Mathematics Teacher Exchange was created as a pilot, but it moved very
quickly to roll out before evaluation.
NCETM codified Teaching for Mastery early in the policy development
Similarly, the Primary mathematics specialist course was developed before
MTE completed. This was less addressed, CPD continued through Las was
not national approach
Sustained attention
Policy processes require attention over time, to develop the case for policy change, as well as detail
of implementation.
Table 36: Sustained attention in the four policy development cases
Using and
The development of the Using and Applying strand built on previous work
and previous policy texts the Cockcroft Report and HMI 11-16 report.
It was at the centre of activity by both Mathematics Teacher professional
bodies, and integrated into influential schemes, as well as in GCSE
examination syllabi
The National
The origins NNS can be tracked back to the 1996 Worlds’ Apart report and
before this previous inquiry into Primary Mathematics (1992). Following the
introduction of the policy, funding for the NNS was sustained for more than
five years
Mathematics in Education and Industry’s (MEI) had a long-standing interest in
post-16 mathematics and ran a five-year project ‘Enabling Access to Further
Mathematics’, that became a pilot for the Further Mathematics Network
From initial study visits to Shanghai in 2013 and funding for the development
of Mathematics Mastery, there has been continual government support
directly or indirectly for nearly 10 years
Collaboration and relationships
Dialogue is important between policy makers, mathematics education researchers, teachers, and
other stakeholders.
Table 37: Collaborations and relationships in the four policy development cases
Policy development
Using and applying
Existing networks and collaborations consolidated in the
Mathematics Curriculum Working Group
The National Numeracy
Important relationships between DfE (the National Numeracy
Project) and Ofsted
Policy networks mobilised around the importance of A level maths
MEI drew on existing collaborations.
NCETM and MEI both had long standing relationships with DfE.
The policy has one or more influential policy champions.
Table 38: Champions in the four policy development cases
Policy development
Using and applying
mathematics in the
national curriculum
An individual champion is less apparent. However, the Cockcroft
Report was a powerful reference point, and the network of
Cockcroft Ambassadors performed a collective role of champion
The National Numeracy
Chris Woodhead as first HMI, and then within government Anita
Straker appointed as lead of the National Numeracy Project
The Further Mathematics
Support Programme
Proponents for A level Mathematics in government for example Liz
Nick Gibb Minister for Schools was a proponent of features of the
Mastery policy such as textbooks
28.2 Reflections on the application of the policy development model
We have applied the model developed from the international horizon scan to policy developments
in England. This application suggests that this model may be useful in guiding the Royal Society (and
others) in developing policy proposals and securing agreement to implement them.
29. Analysis of policy implementation
29.1 An implementation strategy model
Policy development and policy implementation processes are intertwined, particularly where
policies are implemented as pilots or initial programmes as part of policy development, for example,
the Mathematics Teacher Exchange prior to the development of the range of activities to support
teaching for mastery. Thus, to separate policy development from implementation is a simplification
and suggests discrete and episodic activity rather than the continual and messy process that is more
likely to occur. Further, policy design includes, or should include, implementation planning. In this
section, we focus on the four policy development cases and consider issues of implementation. To
do this, we use a model focusing on three areas:
Policy design
This model is informed by 1) analyses of education policy implementation, and 2) more generic
implementation models from implementation evaluation.
Analyses of policy implementation
A recent OECD literature review and proposed framework for policy implementation (Viennet &
Pont, 2017) define education policy implementation as ‘a purposeful and multidirectional change
process aiming to put a specific policy into practice and which may affect an education system of
several levels’ (p. 26).
Viennet and Pont review 18 policy implementation frameworks and models, identifying four key
dimensions for an implementation framework to guide policy implementation and analysis:
Policy design: justification, policy logic (goals, theory of change)
Stakeholder engagement: stakeholders, beliefs and motivation, capacity, and resources
Institutional, policy and societal context: institutional variation and constraints, policy
contradiction or complementarity, alignment with societal trends
Implementation strategy: clarity of responsibilities, objectives, tools, communication,
resources, monitoring and accountability, timing (p. 28)
They point out that earlier, linear approaches to policy implementation, in which some central
authority designed and implemented policy, are controversial. The policy cycle approach discussed
earlier is frequently viewed as easier to implement and comprehend by policymakers but ignores the
complexity of relationships. Complex models, including the Advocacy Coalition Framework (Pierce et
al., 2020, p. 66) and Bell and Stevenson’s (2015) implementation framework, inform Viennet and
Pont’s (2017) framework.
Implementation evaluation models
As well as the implementation of policies, more generic concerns with the implementation of
programmes and interventions have led to the production of a large number of framework theories
(Birken et al., 2017). Two key concepts in realist models of evaluation informed by complexity theory
are mechanisms and context (see Coldwell & Maxwell, 2019).
Implementation strategy model
The implementation strategy model is informed by these frameworks and the analysis of
mathematics education policy implementation in England over a forty-year period. Specifically, it
summarises features found in two or more of the four policy development case studies. The features
identified as important in, for example, Viennet and Pont’s (2017) model, such as the importance of
assessment of risk and development of contingency plans. The implementation strategy model is
presented as a means to analyse previous policy implementation in mathematics education in
England rather than a complete model to guide future policy implementation.
Table 39: Dimensions of a coherent implementation strategy
Policy design
Small number of clear, measurable objectives
Realistic timeline
Planning and resourcing extends through the whole timeline
Embedded evaluation
Refinements based on data/feedback
Stakeholder engagement and communication
Clear roles and responsibilities
Effective organisations, networks, and processes
Capacity building for leadership and policy champions at multiple
system levels
Adequate resourcing
Accountability measures adapted to context
Use existing settings and institutions where possible, or create new
ones that fit context
Responsive to stakeholder and participant interests
Assess risks and develop contingency plans
Plan to avoid policy clashes, exploit complementarities, amplifying
enablers, reducing barriers
29.2 Applying the model to the four policy development cases
Below, in Tables 40, 41, and 42, we analyse the four policy cases drawing on features of the
Addressed in purpose (table 29) in section 28.1
Policy design
Table 40: Policy design factors influencing implementation in four policy cases
Using and applying
Small number of clear,
measurable objectives
Specific introduction of the U
& A attainment target(s)
NNS clearly defined inc. 3-part
lesson and whole class teaching
Focus on FM participation and
outcomes as core
Programme had long-term goals
Key indicators such as the
number of schools engaged,
mastery specialists etc.
Based on/informed by existing
Informed by NNP as a pilot
Seeking steady growth in centres
offering FM and numbers
Early take up of mastery
approaches and textbooks
indicated appetite in schools
Realistic timeline
No timeline established
Sequenced programme on a
cascade model. Systematic and
detailed planning
Realistic 3-year pilot phase
prior to government funding
Goals for phases identified in
FMSP plans
Planned progressive
Planning and resourcing
extends through the whole
No specific resourcing
Significant funding and
leveraged existing school
improvement funding and
activity in Local Authorities.
Funding was medium term,
subject to re-application by a
tendering process Funding
tending to be for 23-year
phases and affected by electoral
Funding committed for a 5+ year
Embedded evaluation
Maths Teacher Exchange
evaluated but no external
evaluation of the Maths Hubs or
Mastery policies as a whole.
NCETM internal evaluation
Table 41: Mechanisms Stakeholder engagement factors influencing implementation in four policy cases
Using and applying
Adequate resourcing
Not specifically for U&A
Significant annual resource
with costs identified to
ensure training and
infrastructure was resourced.
Medium term plan in phases
with resource committed for a
number of years
Lack of alignment with SATs
Clear roles and
Not specifically for U&A
Cascade model with National,
Local, School level leadership
FMSP regional coordinators
NCETM, Maths Hubs, Mastery
Specialists, School leads.
Effective organisations,
networks, and processes
Not specifically for U&A
National Numeracy Strategy
organisation, connected to LA
school improvement
A range of stakeholders
already involved in FMN,
expanded through regional
NCETM, Maths Hubs
Capacity building for
leadership and policy
Capacity building via
‘Cockcroft missionaries’
Cascade professional
development including for
school leaders
Continued focus on teacher
professional development to
build capacity
Capacity building through
teacher exchange and Primary
Mathematics Teaching for
Mastery Specialists Programme
Stakeholder engagement
and communication
Clear messages through
curriculum documentation
Stakeholders already highly
engaged in work to support
Using and Applying
mathematics through a range
of innovations
communication from the DfE
and then NNS directly to
schools and teachers
Use of national media to
create a climate for change
(e.g., Panorama programme),
effective use of video as well
as print media
Established web presence, plus
support of central, regional,
and local networks and core
Early engagement of
stakeholders including
education experts, Ofsted,
policy makers in visiting
Champions at multiple
system levels
HMI support
Included Prime Minister
introducing the first NNS
Coalition included Ofsted, DfE
Policy level commitment to A
level and FM teaching;
university mathematics depts
Policy commitment and
funding. Supported via NCETM
and Maths Hubs.
Table 42: Context factors influencing implementation in four policy cases
Using and applying
Draws on relevant local knowledge
Tasks and assessment
informed by existing
materials and activities
Local Authority role
important for tailoring at
local level
Programme focussed on a
network of support for
schools and centres
Informed by NCETM work,
previous MaST programmes
Responsive to stakeholder/participant
At a policy level through
the Dearing Review
Not a feature in the early
The formulation of the NNS
did involve balancing
different views
Regular evaluations
supported a pro-active focus
on challenges and future
Shaping of mastery policy
informed by early adopters
e.g., adaptation of same day
Success indicators/measures adapted
to context
Not fully included (U&A
assessment not reported
Indicators closely tied to
existing school
performance measures
Indicators focused on
programme specifics
Indicators specific to
programme implementation
and process rather than
Use existing settings/institutions where
possible or create new ones that fit the
Support through existing LA
Integrated into curriculum
and professional
The implementation
combined new structures
and existing structures
notably Local Authorities,
QCA and with Ofsted playing
a supportive role.
Built on existing MEI
networks, new regional
network model created
NCETM and newly created
Maths Hubs
Plan to avoid policy clashes, exploit
complementarities, amplifying
enablers, reducing barriers
Embedded in the National
Reformed assessments at
the end of KS1 and KS2
Exploited existing structures
and networks, extending
support to KS3 & 4
Dominant policy focus
although some challenges in
alignment with curriculum
and assessment
29.3 Reflections on the application of the implementation strategy model
The implementation strategy model was formulated by considering both existing implementation
models and a review of the four featured case studies. Thus, it is not surprising that the model fits
the four cases. As noted, a feature recommended by Viennet and Pont (2017) is not included. This is
why there is an assessment of risk and the development of contingency plans. This was not included
because it did not occur in any significant way in any of the four policy developments.
Of the four examples, the one that arguably had the least long-lasting policy success was the
introduction of Using and Applying Mathematics. As shown by the case study on problem solving in
mathematics [Section 17], the 1989 National Curriculum was the high point for policy adoption of
the importance of mathematical application in the school curriculum.
Comparing the features analysed with the model for Using and Applying Mathematics with the other
three policy developments, it is notable that there are a number of features that are absent for
Using and Applying Mathematics, particularly in the policy design and mechanisms categories. The
fact that there is a relationship between the absence of features and implementation being less
successful tends to suggest that some of those features are important to success.
30. Evaluation and impact
Policy evaluation is challenging as policy effects can take many years to become evident, and it is
difficult to attribute any change to a particular policy. In many cases, mathematics education policy
innovations were evaluated only in the short term or not at all. Positive evaluations do not
guarantee continued support, as policy shifts are often driven by ideology and introduced at speed
for political gain. Of the four policy cases considered above, there have been a series of independent
evaluations of the NNS; the NCETM commissioned a series of evaluations, as did the FMSP; but the
Maths Hub policy has not yet been evaluated.
A survey of education policy evaluation across OECD countries found increasing emphasis on
evaluation while noting a lack of clarity in definitions and concepts (Golding, 2020). Over the period
considered in our review, changes in assessment processes, technologies, and methods have
contributed to an increased emphasis on evaluation, evident, for example, in policy requirements,
funding, and communication. Golding notes that, although there is no standard approach, the
following considerations are important:
Who undertakes an evaluation examples of evaluators range from internal evaluation
units, independent researchers, international organisations, committees, with the latter
bringing diverse perspectives to an evaluation
When to evaluate, with ex-ante evaluation yet little used (that is consideration of
alternatives prior to implementation)
Identifying clear targets and metrics at the outset
Purposing evaluation to inform learning and future policy refinements.
The National Numeracy Strategy policy was evaluated as successful (Earl, Watson & Torrance, 2000),
but it is also important to see that some of its successes were based on changes or directions in
practice already happening. For example, Brown et al. (2000) note that from 1976 to 1996, there had
been a doubling of interactions in primary schools in a whole-class setting and a reduction of 15% in
teachers who had a pedagogy more based on individual interactions (based on Galton’s research,
see p. 466). An independent evaluation of the NNS noted that:
systematic and detailed planning on the part of an increasingly centralized
system had resulted in a good fit among other government policies, priorities, and
guidelines of related agencies Such alignment meant that there was a degree of
policy coherence (at least in theory) that is unusual in large scale reform efforts
(Earl, Watson & Torrance 2002, p. 36).
The evaluators highlighted the risk to the policy if support was not sustained. A challenge in teacher
supply, motivation, and capacity was identified as a possible barrier.
Kyriacou & Goulding (2004) reviewed the daily maths lesson, a key element of the NNS, finding that
it had been widely implemented. They reported evidence of an impact on children’s confidence and
competence in mathematics, although they warned that the gains in the latter may be linked to
closer alignment between teaching and assessment (pp. 12). They also reported issues, noting that
the intended aims of increased interactivity, dialogue, and promotion of mathematical thinking had
not been met, possibly undermined by increases in whole-class teaching coupled with an emphasis
on ‘pace’.
Aspects of the NCETM’s work have been independently evaluated. Examples include a longitudinal
evaluation of the mathematics teacher exchange (MTE) (Boylan et al., 2019), a mathematical
reasoning programme for Year 2 pupils co-developed by NCETM and with training run through
Maths Hubs (Anders et al., 2018), and an evaluation of the multiplicative reasoning professional
development programme (Boylan et al., 2019). Based on the evaluation of the MTE, Boylan et al.
(2018) make further recommendations for implementation and evidence gathering to inform policy
The Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) has been regularly evaluated (Searle 2012,
2014; Boylan et al., 2015, 2016; Adams et al., 2019). Evaluations considered the success of all
aspects of the programme together with external factors, including school capacity and
PART EIGHT: Mathematical Futures
In this part, we identify challenges and opportunities for mathematics education policy
development in the future.
31. Mathematical policy in the future: challenges and opportunities
31.1 Challenges and opportunities in the education landscape
In Part Two, we identified ten political, economic, and cultural forces:
Citizen as consumer
Smaller state
New public management
Human capital
Social reproduction
Moral panics
Technological changes
Social mobility
We also identified seven features of the educational landscape relevant to shaping the development
and implementation of policy in mathematics education:
System complexity
Ofsted and inspection
Teacher workforce supply and retention
Changing teacher professionalism
Evidence and practice
Transnational influences
Additionally, looking across these forces, change features, and the chronology of events in different
phases, underlines the quantity and breadth of change in education in England. As noted in the
introductory sections, there have been 80 Government Acts in relation to Education since 1979
(EdPol, 2020). This was prior to the period of the COVID pandemic and the demand for rapid
response to changing policy that was required of schools and teachers. Therefore, an important
consideration for future initiatives is the capacity within schools and among teachers to engage in
further change.
In our international horizon scan, ‘Landscaping Mathematics Education Policy: Horizon scanning of
international policy initiatives’, we identified two features of mathematics education policy in
1. Educational policy in England is not usually shaped by a careful consideration of evidence.
2. There is an increasing divergence from high-performing systems which are reshaping their
education policies in response to economic and social changes, including in mathematics
To these two points, we add a third:
3. Political, cultural, and economic forces, and education landscape features are important
barriers to policy change and successful implementation in mathematics education.
This is maybe a statement of the obvious, something that is widely understood, but we contend that
it is something that needs more consideration from a standpoint of optimistic pragmatism about
what can be done to address this issue and where there might be room for bringing about change,
even if this is in spite of these forces and features.
While we have pointed to a range of positive developments, we have also identified a trend,
particularly since 2010, towards a more ideologically and politically driven approach to education
policy. The recent history of mathematics education policy development in England exemplifies the
lack of policy take-up of research-based, pragmatic proposals to address societal needs.
This happens at a broad and high level of policyfor example, the challenge for the Royal Society
and others to influence the overall direction of STEM education policy in relation to particular
content teaching areas. For example, a lack of engagement with digital technology in education
outside of a narrowly defined concept of computing. It also happens at a specific programme level
for example, the failure of the Mathematical Pathways project to gain purchase and the lack of
support in funding models for Core Maths.
If the Royal Society and ACME aim to influence policy development, then these forces and features
need to be considered in three ways.
Feasibility: assessing barriers
The importance of assessing the feasibility of a particular programme, initiative, or action at a
particular time in relation to relevant forces and features and the general capacity for change.
Moderating the expression of forces and features in change programmes
Designing programmes so that they are less effected by forces and features that might act as
Opportunities for forces and features to be ‘flipped’ and drive change
Drawing on Lewin’s force field analysis (see, for example, Swanson & Creed 2014), it is possible to
design programmes and policy interventions so that forces and features that appear to inhibit
change can be ‘flipped’, so that they support change.
One example of this could be to identify how a focus on the economic needs of human capital leads
to an overall narrowing of educational goals to raise assessment outcomes based on drivers of
economic competitiveness. However, the same concern for human capital can be mobilised to
support curriculum reform to improve the employment skills of school leavers.
A second example is how increased system complexity makes policy change nationally more
challenging but can open room for more local experimentation and, through social movement
principles, the diffusion of innovation across the system prior to policy agreement.
A third is changes to initial teacher education and new routes into teaching. On the one hand, this
may lead to greater fragmentation; on the other, it opens the potential for routes such as Teach First
to reach a group of prospective mathematics teachers who, in the future, may be influential on
policy and practice.
31.2 Challenges and opportunities in the policy landscape
In analysing, policy development processes we noted that the process of policy development has
changed. We identified a more ideologically driven approach to policy development, since 2010.
There are a number of implications of this.
Previous drivers and concerns may no longer be relevant or as powerful
Three examples of this are:
1. Previous policy changes in mathematics education were informed periodically by concerns of
employers, industry, and HEI departments recruiting for undergraduate degrees with
mathematics content. This was particularly important in 1419 mathematics. However, the
needs of employers and HEI appear to be less important in these considerations. Or rather,
the views of employer organisations and representatives may be disregarded in favour of
voices from these sectors within more informal political networks. This is part of a wider
change in the political landscape with a shift to populist orientations.
2. The power of evidence to persuade has lessened. As part of a populist orientation, influential
politicians promote mistrust of experts. We noted the weak evidence base for the current
Ofsted-promoted approach to teaching mathematics education. The response to the quality of
the review process being forcefully and systematically challenged (AMET 2021) was to
redefine the meaning of research review to state that the document was a position paper.
3. We noted the importance of transnational influences on the National Numeracy Strategy, the
2014 curriculum, and the Mastery policy. However, shifts in the political landscape may mean
that drawing attention to how England lags other countries may have currency where political
discourse shifts to ‘Global Britain’. Similarly, 12 years into the current government's being in
power in some form or another, shifting responsibility to others for disappointing PISA
outcomes becomes harder to do. Recently, the government withdrew from the OECD TALIS
international study, citing value for money. However, continued data showing conditions and
working hours for teachers being worse than in other countries may have influenced the
An implication of this is that appeal to previous concerns and drivers may need to be nuanced and
careful, with consideration given to audience and their interests.
The need to map and engage with current and future policy influencers
We noted that the policy development landscape has become more complex. There is a wider range
of actors who have influenced educational policy. This creates challenges for future policy influence
as it requires engagement with more current actors while also considering who may be influential in
the future. For example, we have noted the influence of Teach First alumni in the educational policy
sphere. This is likely to continue. In previous periods, this would not have been a constituency to
consider. Teach First is an example of an organisation that would be important to engage with.
Similarly, those Multi Academy Trusts that are represented on DfE policy advisory groups have
political influence beyond their size. Against a background of relatively rapid change in both
politically appointed and civil servants working on policy in the DfE, such organisations, if committed
to change in mathematical education, may help to support sustained policy attention, including in
specific areas of policy activity.
32. Mathematical Futures programme: approach to change process
32.1 A change process model
In this section, we consider the implications of landscaping policy for future Mathematical Futures
activities. We focus on Mathematical Futures, but success in realising the Mathematical Futures
vision will be more likely if there is wider policy work beyond mathematics education to improve the
overall policy context. Examples of this wider policy work are improving national policy development
processes and addressing forces and features that inhibit change in mathematics education, such as
broader qualification reform. Some of that may be a necessary precondition for national-scale policy
change in mathematics. However, consideration of these wider issues is beyond the scope of this
There are various models of change process in education and beyond. Here, we use a relatively
simple model of phases of change, Fullan’s (2001) distinction between:
Considering the Mathematical Futures programme vision as a whole, the following broad mapping of
types of activity is presented in Table 43 in relation to initiation, implementation, and continuation
Table 43: Change process model and the Mathematical Futures vision
Key features/tasks
Developing networks
Generating evidence, and initiating pilot programmes across
identified core themes
Working towards policy adoption
Scaling and policy development across identified themes
towards national implementation
Developing foundations for reform of mathematics education as
a whole
Embedding change around core themes
National implementation
Systemic change in curriculum, pedagogy, qualifications and
assessment, workforce, resources, and technology
Wider policy reform of curriculum and qualifications across all phases would be supported by the
proposed sequenced approach leading to success in thematic programmes and developing wider
consensus around a vision for mathematics education as a whole.
32.2 Initiating Phase 2 themes
The Mathematical Futures Board has identified the following Phase 2 themes.
1. Inequalities and diversity in mathematics education and the challenges of engaging students
2. The intersection between mathematics, statistics, data science and computing
3. The role of technology (‘Ed-tech’ or ‘digi-tech’) in mathematical education
4. The implications for the teaching workforce in mathematics and other subjects of themes 1-
The fourth theme is formulated as being a necessary aspect and condition for success of themes 1-3.
Fostering change in relation to these four themes as an initiation phase has the potential to develop
the foundations for future, more systemic change across the whole of mathematics education.
However, as noted above, there is considerable change weariness in the education system,
particularly given the COVID pandemic. We have identified a range of forces and system features
that influence innovation. These are not uniform across phases.
Given this, consideration is needed as to the extent to which initiating programmes and changing the
themes across different educational phases is feasible. There are two feasibility issues to consider.
1) It is important to reflect on the overall ‘fit’ between the theme and current curriculum in each
phase and the relationship of these to core beliefs. A stronger case may be made for the importance
for secondary pupils of the intersection of mathematics, statistics, data science, and computing
given the secondary mathematics curriculum, other subjects, and an orientation towards preparing
pupils of this age for further study and employment.
2) What aspects of a theme may be appropriate in a phase? For example, given the extent of the
NCETM’s Teaching for Mastery programme in primary, it may be hard to generate momentum for a
national-scale programme of professional development focused on embedded technology across the
full spectrum of primary mathematics education. Such a programme may also not align with the
NCETM's current key priorities. However, a more modest programme focused on the use of digital
manipulative apps would have more potential as an extension of the current focus in Teaching for
Mastery on representation.
As well as considering short-term feasibility in choices for the focus of Mathematical Futures’
activity, it would also be important to consider outcomes of Mathematical Futures Project 2
“Evidence and scenarios for the importance and value of mathematics in the future”.
32.3 Developing and testing programmes
This area of activity draws on the multiple streams model of policy development and the importance
of piloting and sequencing innovation. Informed by a theory of change approach (Coldwell &
Maxwell 2018), here we use a generic notion of ‘programme’ that includes a range of activities such
as the introduction of a new qualification, a small pilot testing out a teaching approach, or the
development of curriculum materials.
Programme development activities
Table 44 below identifies three types of activities necessary for programme development. These
activities are sequences in that ‘evidence gathering’ and ‘programme innovation’ are necessary
before scaling. However, evidence gathering is something that would continue across the sequence.
The suggested approach to programme development is designed to potentially lever or utilise
existing infrastructure and funding streams. An example of such an approach to programme
development and scaling is found in the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI). The underlying
evidence, research and programme development was funded in a variety of ways:
Nuffield supported early programme development
The Education Endowment Foundations funded trials
Subsequently, both the EEF and the DfE have promoted its use in Early Years settings
Table 44: Developing and testing programme activities
Evidence about the design and implementation of relevant programmes (UK
and internationally) with relevance being shaped by Mathematical Futures
scenario planning from Project 2
Impact of programmes/curriculum/teaching/learner outcomes both
previous programmes and new programmes
Development of programmes and evaluation through phases process of -
design, pilot and testing of efficacy and effectiveness
Integrating programme innovation in curriculum and pedagogy with
professional development
Implementing programmes and diffusing practices at scale
Across these three areas of activity, consideration is given both to feasibility and to the long-term
vision of the Mathematical Futures Programme. In developing the NELI model of support from
programme inception to scale, relatively modest funding from a partner or supporter of the Royal
Society could support, by competitive application, potential programme developers to be provided
Training in theory of change programme development to consider mechanisms and context
Seedcorn funding for initial proposals
Promising proposals could be supported for further development with a view to supporting
applications to existing funding streams (e.g., Nuffield) as a gateway for programmes with evidence
of success to seek EEF funding for further development in large scale trials.
32.4 Social movement coalitions and influencing the climate
Here, we draw on the Advocacy Coalition Framework as a model of policy development and
processes identified characteristics, in particular, purpose, climate, collaboration and relationships,
sustained attention and champions.
Three areas of activity to consider are shown in Table 45 and discussed below.
Table 45 Coalitions, social movement and climate activities
Creating a social
Developing Mathematical Futures as a movement activists plus supporters
(individual and organisational)
Fostering alliances within and beyond mathematics education
Influencing the
Influencing societal, cultural organisational beliefs
Mathematical Futures as a potential social movement
The concept of social movement here does not necessarily refer to an organised and bounded
group. Social movements may be diffuse; consider, for example, the movement for comprehensive
schooling in England. While identifiable organisations were important, proponents of
comprehensives could be found across many organisations and in none. Social movement theory can
inform how the Royal Society (and partners) could generate system-wide activity and support for
Features of successful policy development and implementation in mathematics education accord
with the application of social movement theory. Examples include NCETM-funded professional
development and system leaders (Boylan, 2018), and more recently, Mastery Specialists (Boylan,
Adams, & Maxwell, 2018). Such concepts are applicable to the 1980’s with the Cockcroft
Ambassadors as well as advocates and champions of various schemes and programmes led by or in
collaboration with teachers (Adams & Povey, 2018). In the nineties, those in the National Numeracy
Strategy roles acted as brokers and champions for change (Corbin, McNamara & Williams, 2003).
Outside of mathematics education, other examples are the Networked Learning Communities
programme (Hadfield, 2007), Computing At School Master Teachers (Boylan & Willis, 2015), and the
growth and influence of the networks around ResearchEd.
Extending Mathematical Futures out beyond organisational representatives to involve mathematics
teachers and educators directly has the potential to support a number of aspects of successful policy
development identified earlier: developing and clarifying purpose, developing a receptive climate in
educational settings, bringing sustained attention over time that is passed to future teachers, and
encouraging teachers to engage in piloting innovations. It also opens up the possibility of fostering
collaborations and relationships from teacher to teacher that might be difficult to develop at
organisational levels. For example, a priority for engaging in such a movement might be Teach First
trainees, given the increasing influence of Teach First alumni in the educational system, including in
leadership positions in influential Multi Academy trusts and in policy roles in the Department for
The prospect for developing such a movement or at least a network with shared purpose is shown
by the recent ‘Maths is More’ events, which have gathered hundreds of online attendees. Perhaps
more importantly, Maths is More events have attracted support from a wide range of diverse
organisations and groups, including White Rose Maths and Ark Mathematics, as well as subject
associations and university departments.
Building Coalitions
In an Advocacy Coalition Framework perspective, key to policy development success is the
development of coalitions and alignment with existing coalitions. There are three types of potential
partners to consider. Some may be ones who would have been part of this type of activity by ACME
and the Royal Society previously or were engaged with the Mathematical Futures ‘Call for Views’ and
Evidence and scenarios for the importance and value of mathematics in the future. However, there is
a need and opportunity to extend alliances and coalitions. We suggest four sets of potential coalition
1. STEM education stakeholders such as professional bodies and learned societies, employers
and industry including representative bodies, and universities
2. Thematic interest groups and stakeholders with interests in focus themes in mathematics
education such as: inequalities and diversity; intersections of mathematics, statistics, data
science and computing; and the role of technology. For example, alliances might be fostered
with groups and organisations that link concerns about student mental health, attendance,
and disengagement with the lack of appropriate curriculum pathways
3. Newer system actors that have emerged due to increased system complexity. Important
here are a) Multi Academy Trusts and in particular cross MAT Leads for Mathematics and
other STEM subjects and b) new professional development and curriculum development
4. Civil Society groups such as politicians, lobby groups, parents, trade unions and interested
Consideration should also be given to how representatives from other UK and other nations might
be included particularly in relation to gathering of evidence and development of programmes.
Influencing the climate
In previous successful policy developments, an important factor in their success was a conducive and
receptive climate for the policy. In some cases, this supported consensus across a wide range of
stakeholders. In the context of increasingly diffuse and less transparent policy decision-making
processes, this may be even more important, as it is hard to know who or what might be influential
on a particular policy. Attempts to influence the climate might be across a wider vision for
Mathematical Futures or focused on specific themes.
As well as constituencies within education, it is important to consider wider dissemination and public
engagement through media and social media. Essentially, the aim of such activity is to develop a
widespread consensus that mathematics education needs change.
32.5 Policy engagement and development
The table below identified three types of activity focused on policy engagement and development
Table 46: Policy engagement and development activity
Expanding policy
Expanding policy networks and engaging across governance networks
Making the case for economic, social, and political Importance of change and
improvement - social and economic benefits
Costed policy
The development of well-designed and costed policies that consider
contextual enablers, barriers, and moderators
Expanding policy networks
In Section 6, we identified the complexity of the system and referred to the concept of network
governance (Ball 2009). In Section 32.2, we noted that the policy development landscape has
become more complex and that traditional approaches to influencing policy may be less productive,
and we pointed to the need to map the networks that do or could influence mathematics education
To maximise policy influence, traditional approaches would still be necessary, such as political
lobbying, for example, through an all-party parliamentary group. However, it is also important to
expand engagement with wider policy networks that may have more informal influence.
Considerable financial investment will be needed for a substantial programme in mathematics
education around any one of the Mathematical Futures Phase 2 themes (see below). Given this,
campaigning for the economic, social, and political importance of such changes will be essential for
policymakers to be convinced that the benefits justify the costs. Here, the outcomes of Project 2
Evidence and scenarios for the importance and value of mathematics in the future will be
important and may need subsequent follow-up cost-benefit analysis. We noted in the policy
development case study on the Further Mathematics Support Programme the importance of the
economic argument about the value of the A level mathematics premium (Adkins & Noyes, 2016),
notwithstanding oversimplification by policymakers of the robustness of the research (Adkins &
Noyes, 2016; Noyes & Adkins, 2016).
Costed policy design
Success in influencing mathematics education policy has been marked by antecedents to those
policies that have established both the value of innovations and the costs involved for policies to be
successful. Previous programmes provide indications of the likely costs involved. We provide a
sketched example here. As a benchmark, a 2-year primary mathematics and computing professional
and curriculum development programme, ScratchMaths, cost approximately £2,000 per school
(Boylan, Demack et al., 2018). This involved Y5 teacher pairs engaging in two days of professional
development, followed by Y6 teachers engaging in two days of professional development. There was
additional twilight support. However, the evaluation identified that this time was not adequate for
many teachers to both develop programming skills and the capabilities to use materials effectively. A
significant barrier to attendance was the issue of supply in schools (one reason for the professional
development design to involve only two days of professional development). Considering a
programme with four days of professional development for four teachers per primary school with
supply cover costs, it might involve costs of £68000 per school. Scaled across all primary schools in
England, a national project could cost more than £100 million. Other, potentially more cost-
effective, models are possible; however, considerable financial investment is needed for the
necessary teacher professional development to lead to change.
33. Recommendations
Our recommendations are directed to the Royal Society Mathematical Futures Board. In our
discussion of implications, we have made recommendations around challenges and opportunities for
policy development, change process models and application of phase 2 themes.
Above we have made the following recommendations. A change process model of initiation,
implementation, and continuation would support Mathematical Futures activity.
Applied to the identified Mathematical Futures Phase 2 themes, an initiation phase focused on the
four themes has the potential to develop foundations for future more systemic change across the
whole of mathematics education.
Suggestions were proposed for developing and testing programmes related to the Phase 2 themes,
informed by Theory of Change models and for the development of coalitions to influence the climate
for change. Such coalitions would need to include both traditional stakeholders and partners of the
Royal Society.
Approaches to support policy engagement are identified:
Expanding policy networks
Costed policy design
Additionally, we make the following five recommendations that would constitute initial steps.
Engaging with stakeholders as Mathematical Futures begins Phase 2
Phase 1 of the Mathematical Futures programme began with Project 1 a call for views. Both
Project 2 and Project 3, were informed by stakeholder views and consultation. Such views were
important to landscaping educational policy. As Mathematical Futures enters Phase 2, we
recommend that ways are found to continue to engage with stakeholders and potential supporters
of the Royal Society’s vision for mathematics education. This might include testing key findings and
implications, as well as creating opportunities to contribute to future plans.
Such engagement would also support testing whether the type of broad movement around a vision
of mathematics in the future could be fostered.
Identify or develop models of effective policy development and implementation
We recommend that the Mathematical Futures Board (and potentially the Royal Society more
widely) identify (or develop) models of effective policy development and implementation. As part of
this study, we have developed a model for each of these areas, which could be a starting point for
further development. We developed these models in order to analyse the policy landscape.
However, this was not a commissioned goal of our study, and so these models should be considered
work in progress. We have tested the models to an extent by considering both successful and
unsuccessful development and implementation. Testing the models we have proposed, or otherwise
developing models of policy development and implementation processes would support the work of
the Mathematical Futures Board by allowing for assessment of initiatives and, in the future,
programmes and policies. One step towards doing this would be to engage with those with
experience of policy-making processes from both inside and outside government and test and refine
the models.
Establishing an ACME policy contact group.
Currently, ACME is engaged with a wider network of mathematics educators organised thematically.
In landscaping mathematics education policy in England and in the previous international horizon
scan, in roundtables and workshops, our reviews benefited greatly from the knowledge and
reflections of experts with experience of influencing and/or implementing mathematics education
policy. The Mathematical Futures Programme might benefit from finding ways to continue to draw
on this expertise and that of others who have not yet been involved.
Engagement with current policy governance networks
We have identified ways that policy development processes have changed over time and the
importance of engaging with current governance networks. A first step to doing this would be
undertaking or commissioning an analysis of current bodies and individuals who do or potentially
could influence mathematics education policy. Such an analysis might extend to relationships and
the connections between them. We have pointed out the importance of core beliefs in shaping
responses to policy. As well as describing policy networks, identifying key drivers and core beliefs of
actors in these networks would support engagement with them and the tailoring of messages, which
would inform policy design that has the potential to be supported. Given the relatively rapid change
in government education ministers and policy teams within the DfE, engaging widely would be
important to ensure the long-term development of consensus for change.
Develop pilot programmes
We recommend initiating a sequenced approach to the development of pilot programmes related to
Phase 2 themes that have the potential to be scaled nationally in the future. Here, linking to the
previous international horizon scan would support the identification of potential areas for
development as well as an in-depth study of current and previous programmes implemented in
England. Informing programme development with a Theory of Change methodology would support
developing effective programmes, generate evidence of impact, and leverage resources from
funding sources such as the EEF.
34. Conclusion
We have described and analysed policy and change in mathematics education in England. The
chronological mapping of mathematics education policy interventions in England by educational
phases demonstrates the extent of change in mathematics education. The analysis of trends,
policies, and system changes underlines that the educational policy landscape is challenging to
navigate to bring about lasting change.
However, previous initiatives to change policy and practice in mathematics education provide
insights for future possibilities. To realise the goals of the Mathematical Futures Programme, it will
require a strategic and multifaceted approach to generating policy change.
PART NINE: Supporting materials
This part comprises acknowledgements, references, and appendices.
35. Acknowledgements
Our thanks to the Royal Society Mathematical Futures Board, particularly the sub-group member
who helped to shape the focus of the study.
We are grateful to the following experts who contributed to the project through participation in
interviews & workshops:
Professor Mike Askew, Monash University, Australia
Mr Howard Astley-Jones Assistant Director, NCETM, England
Dr Nancy Barclay, University of Brighton
Dr Christian Bokhove, University of Southampton, England
Mr Tom Button, MEI, England
Professor Alison Clark-Wilson, University College London, England
Dr Ashley Compton, Bishop Grosseteste University, England
Dr James Coughlan, Bishop Challoner Catholic College, England
Dr Diane Dalby, University of Nottingham, England
Ian Davies, White Rose Maths, England
Dr Helen Drury, Ark Schools, England
Stella Dudzic, MEI Director for Curriculum and Resources, England
Dr Sue Gifford, Professor Emeritus, University of Roehampton, England
Dr Catherine Gripton, University of Nottingham, England
Norma Honey, Tribal Group, England
Louise Hoskyns-Staples, Independent consultant, England
Susan Hough, Manchester Metropolitan University, England
Professor Tim Jay, University of Loughborough, England
Dr Ian Jones, Reader in Education Assessment, Loughborough University, England
Jennie Laurie, St Marylebone Teaching School Alliance, England
Mr Stephen Lyon, Mathematics Lead, National STEM Learning Network, England
Emma McCrea, Head of Curriculum at Oak National Academy, England
Dr Rachel Marks, University of Brighton, England
Dr Debbie Morgan, Director for Primary Mathematics, NCETM, England
Jo Morgan, Resourceaholic, England
Sue Pope, Head of Science, Mathematics & Core Skills, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA),
Mr Andrew Roberts, ATM, England
Mr David Robinson, Director, Post-16 and Skills, Education Policy institute, England
Lucy Rycroft-Smith, Cambridge Mathematics, England
Jemma Sherwood, Ormiston Academies Trust, England
Dr Mary Stevenson, Assistant Director for Secondary, NCETM, England
Mr Charlie Stripp, Director NCETM, Chief Executive of MEI, England
Anne Watson, Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford, England
Mr Bernie Westacott, Teacher (retired), England
Susan Whitehouse, Teacher, England
Fiona Wood, EY specialist NCETM Assistant Director Primary, England
Nicola Woodford-Smith, Pearson, England
Mr David Wright, Open University, England
In addition to the Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) team named as authors of the final report, the
contributions of the following SHU colleagues are also acknowledged with thanks:
Project management: Claire Wolstenholme, El Byrne
Administrative support: Linda Bray, Judith Higginson
36. References
Adams, G. & Boylan, M. (2023). Landscaping Mathematics Education Policy: Horizon scanning of
international policy initiatives. Royal Society.
Adams, G. & Povey, H. (2018). “Now There’s Everything to Stop You”: Teacher autonomy then and
now. In M. Jurdak, & R. Vithal (Eds.), Socio-political dimensions of mathematics education: Voices
from margin to mainstream (pp. 209-230). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-72610-6_12
Adams, G., Reaney-Wood, S., Demack, S., Handforth R. & Stiell, B. (2019). An Evaluation of the
Further Mathematics Support Programme Research Report. Sheffield Hallam University.
Adkins, M., & Noyes, A. (2016). Reassessing the economic value of advanced level mathematics.
British Educational Research Journal, 42(1), 93-116.
Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) (2015). Beginning teaching: best in class?
High-quality initial teacher education for all teachers of mathematics in England. Royal Society
Alexander, R.J., Rose, J. & Woodhead, C. (1992). Curriculum Organisation and Classroom Practice
in Primary Schools: A discussion paper. London: Department of Education and Science.
Allen, R. & Sims, S. (2018). How do shortages of maths teachers affect the within-school allocation of
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37. Appendices
Appendix 1: Methods
Analytical model
In reporting on policy interventions over the past 40 years we identify, as per Royal Society
Policy development: description of background context
Policy drivers: intended broad aims or goals articulated through policy documents (e.g.,
White papers), ministerial statements & speeches, press releases and legislation
Policy levers (delivery strategies): including through government targets, funding, national
initiatives, inspection
The role of stakeholders in policy development, implementation and change as evidenced in
policy documents.
Overarching forces and perspectives in mathematics education (e.g., accountability,
In addition, in considering implementation of policies we attended to influences on implementation
including barriers.
Policy levers
Policy levers are understood here as ‘the wide array of functional mechanisms through which
government and its agencies seek to implement policies’ (Steer et al., 2007, p.177).
Ball’s ‘policy trajectory’ approach (1993, 1994 – cited in Steer et al.) encompasses ‘interactions over
time and at different system levels’ (Steer et al., 2007, p.177) – these interactions are conceptualised
by Steer et al. in four ways:
1. Different levels of governance system e.g., national, regional, local
2. Interactions at the level of local ecologies or ‘cultures’ e.g., institutional provision, local
labour markets, community, needs, learner trajectories
3. Interactions at institutional levels and within institutions
4. Interactions between policy levers
In this study we are mainly concerned with 1 & 4 given the methodology, scope and aims.
These interactions can lead to policy distortions. Some of these interactions can also lead to
impediments to policy - for example the change to linear A levels causing a disincentive to Core
Mathematics take up (Homer et al. 2020)
. Furthermore, Steer at al. note that ‘the engineering
metaphor of a policy ‘lever’ does not hold at the level of practice because there is little evidence of
practitioners mechanically responding to these levers in simple and predictable ways’ (Steer et al.,
2007, p.187). Thus, lever as a term is used with reservations.
Warrant signifies ‘justification, authority, or “reasonable grounds,” particularly those that are
established for some act, course of action, statement, or belief’ (Cochran-Smith & Fries 2011, p.4). In
their study of teacher professionalism, Cochran-Smith and Fries identify three warrants: the
evidentiary warrant (establishment of a position based on evidence), the political warrant
(justification in terms of public good), and the accountability warrant (arguments posed ‘to
demonstrate that recommended policies are justifiable and justified by the outcomes and results
they produce’ (p.7). They note that the political and accountability warrant must be considered
alongside the evidentiary warrant in considering education reform (here teacher education
Policy forces
Political-social-economic-policy forces that are shaping policy and governance generally within
education or beyond.
These may shape any stage of policy process: development, decision, implementation.
Policy perspectives
Education in general is an arena of contestation over perspectives on purpose, curriculum, pedagogy
and how these should be enacted through policy. Arguably, this is particularly true of Mathematics
In considering policy perspectives we drew on the advocacy coalition framework (Pierce et al., 2020)
model to consider the following types of beliefs
‘Core’: fundamental beliefs that are influence policy but are too broad to guide detailed
‘Policy core’ are more specific such as the overall priorities and purposes of education that
are unlikely to change.
‘Secondary Aspects’ relate to the implementation of policy. They are the most likely to
Such beliefs may be about or inform policy in general, education policy or mathematics education
Policy trends and patterns
These were identified by looking across policy analyses and case studies and so were
inductive/emergent categories which then informed roundtable discussions.
Three models were considered
Policy cycle model
the Advocacy Coalition Framework
multiple streams model
These three models are not necessarily mutually exclusive as they focus on different aspects of
policy development. Models are complex not linear.
Policy cycle model
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Pierce et al. (2020, p. 66).
Multiple streams analysis
Problem stream a policy problem emerges is identified or becomes focus of attention
Policy stream - a perceived solution to the problem is available (developed or identified as existing)
Politics stream policymakers have the motive and opportunity to turn it into policy (Cairney, 2012).
Nature and scope of policy synthesis
As noted in the ITT (537-3), work package 1 is intended as ‘an evidence synthesis which aims to bring
together information from a range of sources to provide an accurate, concise synthesis of national
education policy patterns and approaches’ (p.4).
The research undertaken has similarities in its relation to a comprehensive and in-depth policy
analysis as a rapid evidence review has to a full systematic review. A rapid evidence review is “a form
of knowledge synthesis that accelerates the process of conducting a traditional systematic review
through streamlining or omitting a variety of methods to produce evidence in a resource-efficient
manner.” (Hamel et al., 2021, p.80)
. The additional risk of bias in a rapid review (Royal Society,
2018) was countered by engagement with experts. A systematic review is comprehensive and
typically is undertaken over a period of 1-2 years.
Selection of texts for review: quality criteria
Above, we noted that even for a single policy area, the volume of publications was beyond the scope
of the project. Also, above we used an analogy of a rapid evidence review to describe features of our
rapid policy review synthesis. In rapid evidence reviews, one feature that is retained from systematic
reviews is a consideration of quality criteria. However, an aspect of quality criteria for selection is
the usefulness of the text for addressing the review questions in the timescale required. Taking a
similar approach, we filtered texts by initial selection of texts that were themselves wholly or partly
a policy review that had:
reviewed and analysed primary policy texts
was transparent about methods and analysis (met usual requirements of rigour)
identified one or more feature in the analytical model i.e., policy driver, feature etc
Gaps in the analysis were filled by going to primary sources where available.
Search, review ,and filtering continued till a record/analysis/frame was complete or pragmatically
relevant sources did not appear available or would require a more detailed policy analysis.
The pragmatic choice here was guided by the overall purpose of identifying patterns in the policy
features rather than providing a comprehensive analysis of each individual policy if such an analysis
had not already been undertaken.
Roundtable structure
Roundtables addressed five questions/topics, broadly following this example from the primary
roundtable with some minor variations:
1. What direct policy interventions have influenced primary mathematics education in 2021?
See adapted definitions on p81 Policy analysis texts\Hamel et al 2020 Defining rapid reviews.pdf. And see
also Policy analysis texts\cochrane_rr_-_guidance-23mar2020-final.pdf
Participants were provided with tailored list specific to the roundtable of milestones/policy
interventions in advance of the roundtable event.
2. What indirect policy interventions have influenced primary mathematics education in 2021?
Participants were provided with tailored list of potential indirect policy interventions as stimulus.
3. What change trends have been important in shaping primary mathematics education in
A list of change trends was provided in advance as a work in progress. This was grouped in the
following themes: curriculum, qualifications and assessment, pedagogy, teacher workforce,
resources and technology, system, and purpose and values.
4. What past policy and change trends are important to thinking about future possibilities for
primary mathematics education?
5. Considering mathematics education policy in England as a whole, do you have anything to
add around the themes of influential policies, change trends and future possibilities?
Appendix 2: Policy development and implementation
The OECD promote a framework of three dimensions to support a coherent implementation
strategy, represented in Figure 11 (Viennet & Pont, 2017):
smart policy design
inclusive stakeholder engagement
a conducive institutional, policy and societal context
The figure shows factors that influence, and are influenced by, policy implementation. The process
highlights the ‘specificity of policy, stakeholders and local context’ (Viennet & Pont, 2017, 44). This
model, referred to in Adams & Boylan (2022) has the potential to inform future policy development
in England.
Figure 11 OECD model of policy development and implementation