Instructions for Use
(tacrolimus for oral suspension)
Your healthcare provider has prescribed PROGRAF
Granules, which comes in individual packets that will need to be
mixed with water before giving the medicine to your child.
Read this Instructions for Use and the Patient Information for the first time and each time you get a refill of PROGRAF
Granules (tacrolimus for oral suspension). There may be new information.
This Instructions for Use does not take the place of talking to your child’s healthcare provider about their medical
condition or treatment. Ask the healthcare provider if you have any questions about how to mix or give a dose of
PROGRAF Granules the right way.
Important information:
These instructions are for preparing PROGRAF Granules only.
These instructions should not be used for PROGRAF capsules.
Mix PROGRAF Granules in water to make an oral suspension.
Give all of the prepared oral suspension to your child right away after preparing. Do not save the prepared oral
suspension for later use.
Use glass or metal materials to prepare your child’s dose of PROGRAF Granules.
o Do not use any plastic (PVC) materials to prepare PROGRAF Granules. The granules will stick to a
plastic container and your child may not receive their full dose.
Do not breathe in (inhale) or let the granules in PROGRAF or the prepared oral suspension come in contact with
your skin or eyes.
o If you get the granules or the prepared oral suspension on your skin, wash the area well with soap and
o If you get the granules or the prepared oral suspension in your eyes, rinse with plain water.
If you spill the granules, wipe the surface with a wet paper towel. If you spill the prepared oral suspension, dry the area
with a dry paper towel and then wipe the area with a wet paper towel. Throw away the paper towels in the trash and wash
your hands well with soap and water.
For each dose of PROGRAF Granules mixed with water that will be given using a glass cup, you will need the
following supplies (See Figure A):
Carton containing PROGRAF Granules packets. Follow the instructions on the carton for the number of
packets your child’s healthcare provider has prescribed for each dose.
paper towels
pair of scissors
metal stirring spoon
measuring device
1 small clean glass cup (plastic containers should not be used)
container with drinking water
Figure A
Step 1
Choose a clean flat work surface. Place a
clean paper towel on the work surface. Place
the supplies to prepare the dose on the paper
Step 2
Wash and dry your hands.
Step 3
Remove the prescribed number of PROGRAF
Granules packets from the carton.
Step 4
Using a pair of scissors, cut along the dotted
line on 1 PROGRAF Granules packet to open
Step 5
Empty all of the granules in the packet into
the glass cup. Check for any remaining
granules in the packet and empty these into
the glass cup.
Step 6
If more than 1 packet of PROGRAF Granules
is needed for your child’s prescribed dose,
repeat Steps 4 and 5 using the number of
packets needed for the prescribed dose.
Step 7
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 milliliters)
of room temperature drinking water to the
glass cup containing the granules.
Step 8
Gently stir the granules and water in the glass
cup with a metal stirring spoon. The granules
will not completely dissolve. You will see
granules that are suspended in the water.
Step 9
Give the granules and water suspension in the
glass cup to your child. Make sure your child
drinks all of the medicine in the cup.
Give all of the medicine to your child right
away after preparing. Do not save the
medicine for later use.
Step 10
To make sure all of the medicine is given to
your child, refill the glass cup with the same
amount of water used in Step 7.
Step 11
Gently swirl the glass cup to mix any
remaining granules.
Step 12
Give all of the medicine in the cup to the
Step 13
Wash the glass cup. Throw away the paper
towel and clean the work surface. Wash your
For each dose of PROGRAF Granules (tacrolimus for oral suspension) mixed with water that will be drawn up
and given using an oral syringe, you will need the following supplies (See Figure B):
Carton containing PROGRAF Granules packets. Follow the instructions on the carton for the number of
packets your child’s healthcare provider has prescribed for each dose.
paper towels
pair of scissors
metal stirring spoon
measuring device
1 small clean glass cup (plastic containers should not be used)
container with drinking water
1 non-PVC oral syringe (ask your pharmacist for the oral syringe you should use)
Figure B
Step 1
Choose a clean flat work surface. Place a
clean paper towel on the work surface.
Place the supplies to prepare the dose on the
paper towel.
Step 2
Wash and dry your hands.
Step 3
Remove the prescribed number of
PROGRAF Granules packets from the
Step 4
Using a pair of scissors, cut along the dotted
line on 1 PROGRAF Granules packet to
open it.
Step 5
Empty all of the granules in the packet into
the glass cup. Check for any remaining
granules in the packet and empty these into
the glass cup.
Step 6
If more than 1 packet of PROGRAF
Granules is needed for your child’s
prescribed dose, repeat Steps 4 and 5 using
the number of packets needed for the
prescribed dose.
Step 7
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 milliliters)
of room temperature drinking water to the
glass cup containing the granules.
Step 8
Gently stir the granules and drinking water
in the glass cup with a metal stirring spoon.
The granules will not completely dissolve.
You will see granules that are suspended in
the drinking water.
Step 9
Insert the tip of the oral syringe into the
glass cup.
Pull back on the plunger of the oral syringe
to draw up the suspension.
Step 10
Place the tip of the oral syringe in your
child’s mouth along the inner cheek. Slowly
push the plunger all the way down to give
your child all of the medicine in the oral
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 until the glass cup is
Give all of the medicine to your child right
away after preparing. Do not save the
medicine for later use.
Step 11
To make sure all of the medicine is given to
your child, refill the glass cup with the same
amount of drinking water used in Step 7.
Step 12
Gently swirl the glass cup to mix any
remaining granules.
Step 13
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 until the glass cup is
Step 14
Rinse the plunger and barrel of the syringe
well with drinking water and dry well
before storing the oral syringe.
Step 15
Wash the glass cup. Throw away the paper
towel and clean the work surface. Wash
your hands.
How should I store PROGRAF Granules packets?
Store PROGRAF Granules packets at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C).
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines
you no longer use.
Keep PROGRAF Granules and all medicine out of the reach of children.
This Instructions for Use has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Distributed by:
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Northbrook, IL 60062
is a registered trademark of Astellas Pharma Inc.
Revised: 11/2022