How to Keep Your
Breast Pump Kit Clean
Providing breast milk is one of the best things you can do for your baby’s
health and development. Pumping your milk is one way to provide breast
milk to your baby. Keeping the parts of your pump clean is critical, because
germs can grow quickly in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains
on pump parts. Following these steps can help prevent contamination and
protect your baby from infection. If your baby was born prematurely or has
other health concerns, your baby’s health care providers may have more
recommendations for pumping breast milk safely.
Wash hands with soap and water.
Inspect and assemble clean pump kit. If your tubing is moldy, discard and
replace immediately.
Clean pump dials, power switch, and countertop with disinfectant wipes,
especially if using a shared pump.
Store milk safely. Cap milk collection bottle or seal milk collection bag, label
with date and time, and immediately place in a refrigerator, freezer, or cooler bag
with ice packs.
Clean pumping area, especially if using a shared pump. Clean the dials, power
switch, and countertop with disinfectant wipes.
Take apart breast pump tubing and separate all parts that come in contact with
breast/breast milk.
Rinse breast pump parts that come into contact with breast/breast milk by
holding under running water to remove remaining milk. Do not place parts in
sink to rinse.
Clean pump parts that come into contact with breast/breast milk as soon
as possible after pumping. You can clean your pump parts in a dishwasher
or by hand in a wash basin used only for cleaning the pump kit and infant
feeding items.
Follow the cleaning steps given on the next page.
Accessible version:
Clean Pump Kit
Place pump parts in a clean wash basin used only for infant feeding items.
Do not place pump parts directly in the sink!
Add soap and hot water to basin.
Scrub items using a clean brush used only for infant feeding items.
Rinse by holding items under running water, or by submerging in fresh water in a
separate basin.
Air-dry thoroughly. Place pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush on a clean,
unused dish towel or paper towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Do not
use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry!
Clean wash basin and bottle brush. Rinse them well and allow them to air-dry
after each use. Wash them by hand or in a dishwasher at least every few days.
Clean pump parts in a dishwasher, if they are dishwasher-safe. Be sure to
place small items into a closed-top basket or mesh laundry bag. Add soap and,
if possible, run the dishwasher using hot water and a heated drying cycle
(or sanitizing setting).
Remove from dishwasher with clean hands. If items are not completely dry,
place items on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel to air-dry thoroughly
before storing. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry!
After Cleaning
Heavy Duty
Normal Fast Sanitize Rinse
For extra germ removal, sanitize pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush
at least once daily after they have been cleaned. Items can be sanitized using
steam, boiling water, or a dishwasher with a sanitize setting. Sanitizing is especially
important if your baby is less than 2 months old, was born prematurely, or has a
weakened immune system due to illness or medical treatment.
detailed instructions on sanitizing your pump parts, visit
Store dry items safely until needed. Ensure the clean pump parts, bottle brushes,
and wash basins have air-dried thoroughly before storing. Items must be completely
dry to help prevent germs and mold from growing. Store dry items in a clean,
protected area.
Learn more about safe and healthy diapering and infant feeding
habits at