Before using Agiliron,
Wagner Custom had separate
software tools for ecommerce,
production management,
order fulllment, inventory,
and CRM. We had to man-
age several databases with
overlapping information. Our
processes were inecient,
prone to error, and limiting
our ability to grow. We wanted
to switch to an integrated
business enterprise package
that could aggregate our data,
simplify our processes, and
make reporting easier.
Being a small company, we
found Netsuite to be cost pro-
hibitive. Agiliron made sense
for us because it enables us to
integrate our CRM, inventory,
ecommerce, production man-
agement, and order fulllment
into one system. Plus, it works
with Quickbooks which we
were already using.
- Pete Wagner, CEO, Wagner Skis
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In todays competitive economic environment, it is imperative for businesses to continually think of
ways to increase top line revenue...while reducing operational costs and administrative overhead.
Solid technology solutions are the cornerstone to achieving these objectives. End-to-end solutions
that larger enterprises use to compete are not aordable, not available as an integrated package
and require signicant dollars for licenses and hardware.
The AGILIRON Complete Multi-Channel Commerce Suite is squarely aimed at solving this dilemma.
The solution is targeted at and designed for a growing business addressing the most common pain
points experienced during that stage:
Inability to grow sales without the right technology infrastructure
Piecemeal Solutions leading to a solution mishmash, silos of information
Lack of business visibility across all business sales channels
Manual processes with duplication of eort and consumption of valuable resources
Cost of multiple solutions acquisition, business customization, deployment, training and ongo-
ing maintenance
The AGILIRON Solution Suite delivers seamless management of all business sales channels while
integrating Back-Oce (ERP) and Front-Oce (CRM) functions to streamline operations. The
modules are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of product-based businesses - Wholesale, Re-
tail, E-Commerce, Distribution, Resellers and related businesses are examples of types of business
categories that can take full advantage of the broad set of capabilities and the unique value proposi-
tion that the AGILIRON solution brings to the marketplace.
Agiliron is The Complete Multi-Channel Commerce Suite” targeted at E-Commerce, Online Mar-
ketplaces, Retail, Wholesale and related Product-based Businesses.
The Solution Suite integrates the following broad capabilities:
Management of Multiple Sales Channels
Agiliron B2C & B2B Webstores
Adapters for Magento, Bigcommerce, Shopify Webstores
Remote Webstore (API Integration)
eBay Auctions & Stores
Amazon Marketplace
Retail POS
Direct Sales
Front Oce CRM
Customer Management
Sales Force Automation (SFA)
Sales Cycle Management
Order Management
Customer Support
Agiliron - Sell More in More Places. Manage in One.
Product Capabilities
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Back Oce ERP
Flexible Product Catalog, Merchandising, Pricing Management
Sophisticated Inventory Management across all sales channels
Order Fulllment
Supply Chain Management
QuickBooks Integration (on Intuit App Center (
Business Intelligence
50 Standard Reports, Add Custom Reports
Customizable Dashboard
Team Management
Role Based Security
User Collaboration
Aordable Solution Suite targeted and designed for growing businesses. The solution is deliv-
ered as a hosted Software As A Service model using a subscription based pricing model. Starting
at Free, we oer a low entry point and ongoing operating costs to deploy enterprise class capa-
bilities for your business with little or no investment in additional hardware or licensed software.
Please see Software As A Service section below for details on the delivery model and the ben-
ets that is delivers to you and your business.
Integrated One Stop Shop...the only solution you will need for streamlining your sales activi-
ties and managing your business operations...does not require expensive piecemeal solutions
and risky software integration projects. AGILIRON interoperates with popular applications (Intuit
QuickBooks®, Microsoft Oce®) and payment (®, PayPal®, Intuit Merchant Services
etc.) vendors to facilitate the necessary business processes and allows you to retain and leverage
your investments in these business solutions.
Figure 1: Agiliron Integrated Business Solution Suite
Product Benets
After installing a system that
cost $30,000, I soon realized
that it was not as easily cus-
tomizable as the sales rep had
led me to believe. It was cum-
bersome to use which made it
difficult for my non-technical
staff members to implement.
Fortunately, I heard about
Agiliron, was able to par-
ticipate in their Beta program
and I quickly become an early
- Judith Henderson-Townsend
CEO, Mannequin Madness
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Grow your top line revenues by adding new sales channels...the ability to experiment with new
sales channels has never been easier...with a few clicks place your products in front of audiences
in new marketplaces or add a new webstore targeted at a dierent demographic or other niche
opportunities. The infrastructure to support these eorts is yours for the taking.
One integrated 360 view of the business...regardless of the number of sales channels, stores
or stock locations...Customers, Products, Suppliers, Orders all in one more islands of
data and cumbersome manual processes to make sense of the pockets of information. Ring in
cost savings by improving your administration, operations and business processes.
Modular Building Blocks - pay and use what you need (dierent product editions available to
support your immediate needs) your needs change add additional modules, upgrade to a
more sophisticated edition of the product or add additional employees as you bring them into
the business.
Dedicated Database for your business data...this combined with latest technologies in secure
communications, storage and role based security built into the system ensure a highly secure
computing, access and data transfer environment for your business information.
Run your business from anywhere...Connect to the Web - Sign in and Go! All you need is an
internet could be at a remote business location, trade-show, on the road for
business or on personal can rest assured that you are only a few clicks away from ac-
cess to realtime information regarding the current state of your business.
Scales with your Business, Add Users on the y. You can sign-up for the service with one or
more users (mapping to their specic roles and functions within the business) that are currently
operating the business. As your business grows and you add employees, you can add users to
the system by providing individual accounts thru the administration capabilities within the tool.
The customer only pays for what they need at any point in time while preserving complete ex-
ibility to add, change or delete users as required adapting to the changing needs of the business.
Low start up & operating costs. The service is delivered on a per user subscription model - What
this means is a low entry point to begin using the system for their business without a large up-
front acquisition cost for a license fee based software product. In addition, the hardware cost of
deploying this system for a multi-user business is small compared to the traditional client-server
model that would require acquisition of a server and a sophisticated intranet connecting all the
systems along with the ongoing maintenance and administration of the IT infrastructure.
No data protection and backup worries. AGILIRON takes care of running your channels and
business operations on redundant failover systems with regular backups of your business data
(see our Service Level Agreement for specic terms) so you no longer have to worry about hard
disk crashes or computer failures. You are leveraging a world class IT infrastructure to run your
business...all our servers run on Amazon Web Services™ cloud computing infrastructure.
No software patches or upgrades. With a hosted solution, the software upgrades and patches
are performed on our servers (you will be notied before major upgrades) and the next time you
login you are automatically using the new version. There are no software installation hassles and
headaches keeping up with the latest versions and associated data migration on your end...just
login and use the system and let us handle the IT infrastructure. You and all your employees are
always using the latest version of the product!
Software As A Service (SaaS) - Secure Access Anywhere, Anytime
We compared Agiliron to
traditional ERP solutions and
found the value/cost equation
very compelling. Implemen-
tation and deployment is an
on-going process. We have
found the Agiliron team to be
responsive and ready to invest
the time necessary to assist us.
- Miguel Mendez, CEO, Klassic
Gem Cuisine
Product Editions
Free Edition
Professional Edition
Premier Edition
Enterprise Edition
See for edition features and pricing.
Business URL and Database
Unique Database for the business
Unique URL for the business (
Administrative Account provided with every business instance, this Admin account can then add
other User Accounts as necessary with appropriate access privileges
System Requirements
Access Anytime, Anywhere
PC running Windows XP/Windows Vista®/Windows 7 OR Apple Mac running Mac OS X 10.x® - 2.0
Ghz or higher CPU, 1GB or higher RAM, Display 1024x768 or higher
Broadband Internet Connection (DSL, Cable etc.)
Web Browser Software -Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 11.0 or higher
and Apple Safari 5.0 or higher are supported
QuickBooks® integration requires QuickBooks Pro 2013 or higher running on a Windows 7/8 PC
Integration with online marketplaces (e.g. eBay, Amazon) requires a seller account with the
marketplace and secure access from the AGILIRON Solution to your marketplace account (docu-
mented instructions provided)
For Retail POS hardware requirements, please see the User Guide (
port/agiliron-solution-help/#User Guide/Retail POS/supported-pos-hardware.html).
Ease Of Use Features
All Modules Organized as Independent Top-Level Tabs that can be turned on/o based on ap-
plicability to the business
Top-Level Shortcuts for “New Entity Creation
Shortcuts for “Last Viewed” Items in Left Panel
Quick Entity Creation Forms on Left Panel for each module
HTML Online Help - Context Sensitive
System-Wide “Unied Search
“Full featured HTML Editor - available throughout system for content creation (e.g. emails,
product description/categories, designs templates, activities, notes, HTML pages)
List of Capabilities (Source/HTML view, Page Preview, View Full Screen, Insert Image/Flash/
Links, Upload Files using Server File Browser, Editing controls and HTML Elements controls)
“Server File Browser” - available throughout system for content upload or access (accessible
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General Service Information & Capabilities
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from HTML editor and otherwise) - File/Content Upload, Browse, Preview, Select
Common Capabilities for all Modules
Field Based Entity Search
Alphabet Based Entity Search
List of Entities in Module with Paging Controls
User Dened Custom Views - Select Field Columns Display, Date Based Filters w/ Chronological/
Reverse Chronological Sort, and Field Based Filters ; Make it the Default View for the Module; Se-
lect number of entities to display in list view; Include in Key Metrics on Home page as necessary
Entity Detailed View - Each entity is correlated to Related Information in other modules (e.g.
Customer Account displays all related orders, products, quotes) thru sub-tabs with paging to
support large number of entries (e.g. notes/activities in reverse chronological order with ex-
cerpts displayed in list view).
Cloning Entities - Easily create new entities from existing ones
Entity Edit View - Edit individual entity eld values
Bulk Edit - Edit eld value for multiple entities at once (available in select modules)
Module Tools - Import, Export of data and other capabilities relevant to the specic module
History - Logging of changes to entities (who/when) in all modules
User Conguration
User Information & Password - Location, Role, Group, Email, Signature and various other prefer-
Email Server - IMAP interface can be setup to one/more email service providers to pull email into
the Agiliron CRM
Module Selection & Customization - Based on Roles and User Prole
Interfaces to External Tools
CSV Format Import/Export Products/Inventory Data, Pricebooks, Leads, Potentials, Accounts,
Contacts, Orders and many others
Bulk Import of Product Images - Import all products images at once into the system
QuickBooks Accounting Integration (using Intuit Partner Platform) - Import and Export
MS Oce - CSV Exports
PDF Exports of Reports, Receipts, Quotes, Invoices, Packing Slips
IMAP for Receiving Email from your email service provider
Agiliron Customer Support
Available through Forums, Email, Phone depending on the selected subscription edition
Self-Help Documentation and Guides
Comprehensive User Guide - PDF and HTML
HTML Online Help - Context Sensitive
Quick Start Guide for Basic, Matrix Item, Serialized, Lots, Assembly products (provided with com-
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plete sample data sets)
QuickBooks Integration Guide (provided with Agiliron QuickBooks Company File Template)
WebStore/Website API Developers Guide (for Remotely Hosted WebStores/Websites to connect
to Agiliron Front and Back Oce)
Service Level Agreement (SLA) & Security
Hosted on Amazon Web Services Data Centers in multiple zones for redundancy & risk mitigation
99.5% Uptime SLA, Automatic Data Backups
PCI Level 1 Compliance - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) Level 1 Ser-
vice Provider Certication - the highest standard of excellence for payment data security
Please see for Terms of Service and Security Policies
Company Information
Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Website, Logo
Warehouse (Stock) Inventory Locations
Unlimited Number of Stock Locations (based on subscription edition)
Create and Manage Users
Proles, Roles, Users
Administrator(s) can Reset Password for users (auto-generated password emailed to user)
Customize Top-Level Tabs
Setup IMAP interface to Email Server
Create and Manage Groups
Add Users to Groups
Group Users into Teams to facilitate Team based allocations of entities, tasks, activities
Module and Field Access
Default Organization Sharing Access - Dene Sharing privileges across organization
Default Organization Field Access - Dene Fields in various modules across organization
Field Accessibility - Constrain Fields by each User Prole
Sales Channel Conguration and Customization
Add/Delete Sales Channels (B2B WebStore(s), B2C WebStore(s), Remote WebStore(s), eBay Inte-
gration, Retail POS)
Details by Channel Type - see list of features for each channel
Accounting Setup
Business Setup and Customization
Agiliron was there every step
of the way, effective in their
communication of the deploy-
ment process and transition-
ing the business over to the
new platform in a timely &
orderly fashion.
- Jen Ryan, Owner, Mooloolaba
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QuickBooks Company File Template provided with QuickBooks Integration Guide
QuickBooks Integration Conguration (using Intuit Partner Platform
com/agiliron) - import QuickBooks Company File Lists (Chart of Accounts, Item List, Payment
Methods, Shipping Methods, Sales Tax Codes, Sales Tax Rates) from QuickBooks
Business Bank Accounts Setup
General Ledger Accounts Setup
Inventory Adjustment Reasons Accounts Setup
Tax Authorities Setup - Authority, Rate, Shipping Tax Rules
Map Agiliron Payment, Shipping, Tax, Adjustment Methods to QuickBooks Methods
Module Customization
Add Custom Fields to any modules
Supported Custom Field Types - Text, Number, Percent, Currency, Date, Email, Phone, Single-
Select/Multi-Select Pick List (Drop-down List), URL, Checkbox, Text Area
Product Module - Apply custom elds selectively to products (i.e. turn them on/o for each prod-
Leads Module - Map Custom Fields to equivalent in Potentials/Accounts/Contacts to facilitate
transfer of elds during conversion of Leads to Potentials/Accounts/Contacts
PickList Customization
All drop-down elds list of choices for user selection available for customization - All modules
Communication and Notications Setup
Dene & Edit HTML Templates - insert eld markers (Contacts, Leads, Users, Company, Products)
for automatic merging of elds during sending of emails or usage of design templates in chan-
nels like eBay
Setup Auto Order Notications By Channel - (a) Order Creation Conrmation, (b) Order Fulll-
ment Conrmation, (c) Order Modications, and (d) Backorders
Customize Auto Order Notications - Content and Recipient List
Inventory Related Notications to Product Stock Manager
Security Token - Generate/Regenerate Token to be used for Website API communication e.g.
Add Leads to Agiliron CRM from Website contact form
Currency Conguration
Single Currency - Conguration to any native currency, it applies uniformly across the applica-
Congure Shipping Carriers and Carrier-Specic Methods
Shipping Taxable or Non-Taxable based on Shipping Method and Tax Jurisdiction Rules
Map to QuickBooks Methods
Congure Payment Methods
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Mapping of Payment Methods to Deposit Bank Accounts and QuickBooks Methods
Congure Payment Processors
Setup Payment Processors for Processing Credit Cards in CRM (Sales Order)
Congure Shipping Processors
Setup Shipping Processors for Processing Sales Shipments to Customers
Product Related Conguration
Product Categories - Add/Delete/Change, Dene Hierarchy Tree, Category Display Order, Cate-
gory-specic Image, Custom HTML Description, SEO Title/Description/Keywords
Manufacturer Conguration - Add/Delete/Change, Manufacturer-specic Image, Custom De-
scription, SEO Title/Description/Keywords
Matrix Item Conguration - Unlimited User Dened Attributes (e.g. Size, Color, Styles), Unlim-
ited Choices for each Attribute (e.g. Size - Black, White, Pink, Yellow...), Automatic Sorting of Prod-
uct SKUs based on the Denition Sort Order
Product Specic Custom Fields - Turn on/o custom elds for individual products
Phone, Direct or Catalog Sales
Can support unlimited number of sales agents
Adding a new agent is as simple as a PC and an internet connection
All account activities, orders, tasks associated with sales agent
Reassign accounts, orders or tasks to other agents
Manage Leads
Track Potentials thru Sales Cycle & Activities
Automatic Conversion to Customer Accounts
Generate Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices
Automatic Conversion of Quotes to Orders to Invoices
Customer Sales & Support History Available
Enter Orders directly into Back-Oce - see “Order Management” section for feature list
“Sales Rep Prole available for restricted access by external reps to information relevant to their
customer accounts
B2C WebStore
Add/Delete B2C WebStore
Select a Design Template
70 Total Number of Templates - 30 Free Templates, 40 Premium Templates ($100-$350)
Specify the Store URL - route domain to AI servers using CNAME at domain registrar (detailed
instructions available)
Sales Channels
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Specify PriceBook and Specials PriceBook
Specify Starting Order Number for the Store orders
Unlimited Number of Products (depends on edition)
Unlimited Bandwidth
Captchas for Forms
Short and Long Descriptions
Customer Account Maintenance - Edit Account Preferences, Change Password, Track Order Sta-
tus and History, Problem Reporting
Specials - Sale Items Section - Strike Through Pricing
Promotional Banners
Cross-Sell - Automatic Generation of “Customers Who Bought Also Bought”
Shopping Cart
Secure Checkout - SSL Security (does not require certicate purchase)
Purchase without Account option available
Order Conrmation and Fulllment Notications to Customer (optional)
Domain Routing at your Domain Registrar
Custom URL(s)
Design Editing and Customization
Select from over 70 Designs; Change to a dierent Design anytime at the click of a button
(old design backed up automatically and accessible)
Easy Customization (optional services available)
Replacing Logo and Images
PSD of the design provided (depends on edition)
Editing the CSS
Editing Header and Footer (depends on edition) layout, design and elements
Server File Browser - Access to stylesheets, images and other collateral les organized
in logical groupings; Multiple Files Upload capability for bulk modications/update of
design les, images etc.
Manage Discount Coupons
Discount Coupons - %, $, Constrain by Date, Constrain Times of Use (per customer, total),
Minimum Orders
Exclude/Include Product Specials from Discounts
Setting up Standard WebStore Pages
Having two separate web
stores, one for retail and one
for wholesale, allows our
wholesale customers to log in
and place orders. This frees up
time we used to spend taking
orders to focus on marketing
activities and growing our
- Joanie Dhillon, Owner, Idawg
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Conditions of Use, Shipping & Returns, Privacy Policy, Contact Us
Custom HTML Editor
Setting up Custom WebStore Pages
Page URL, Page Name, Page Titles, Custom HTML Editor
Up to 20 Custom Pages/Store
Set up Shipping Zones and Methods
15 geographic zones (e.g. US, Canada, Rest of World), 5 shipping methods/zone (e.g. Stan-
dard, Priority, Expedited)
Pre-dened WorldWide Zones available for easy selection
Handling Fees
Tare Weight
Table Rate
Tables based on Price, Count or Weight
Specify Method Name, Table and Mapping to Shipping Method in Back-oce
Shipping cost automatically calculated based on volume and weight information as-
sociated with products in order
Set up Payment Methods - Authorize/Capture - Enter Login ID and Transaction Key
PayPal Website Pro - Enter Username, Password, Signature
PayPal - Enter Email Address
Oine Credit Card
Check/Money Order
Cash on Delivery
Secure - HTTPS processing
Set up Tax Zones and Rates
Based on Nexus
Designate Specic Tax Authorities for each Zone, Rates automatically assessed based on the
Tax Authority Rate settings
Set up Store Options
Select Favicon
Specify Email Address to receive customer emails, order emails, from address for outgoing
Our conversion rates, traf-
fic and overall sales have all
improved by leaps and bounds
since our conversion to the
Agiliron platform. 2009 year
to date we’ve seen a 50%
increase in web sales.
- Nate Koach & Jason Reed, Own-
ers, Suburban Riot
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Specify New Customer Welcome Email in HTML Editor
Customize Home Page - Display Custom HTML, New Products or Featured Products
Featured Items - Highlight specic products, Specify Display Order (selected products
auto updates to store - add/remove)
Display Elements - Browse By, Manufacturer, Brand, Search, Categories, Order History, Best
Sellers, Specials, Shopping Cart, Promotions, Information, Tell A Friend, Whats New, Reviews,
Product Notication, Manufacturer Info - Not all available in all templates though (depends
on columns and template design)
Product Search by various attributes - Basic (keyword) and Advanced
Display Products as List, Grid - Specify number of products/row, Max products per page
Display/Select Matrix Selection (e.g. Color, Size) as Single List or Split List, With/Without
Dierential Pricing
Customer Product Reviews
Specify Image Display Sizes
Unlimited Images Per Product, Enable/Disable Click to enlarge for Main Image or Alternate
Picture Zoom for Product Images
Customize all the Labels in the store
Customize the Display of Product Categories - Number of Levels, Appearance, Display Emp-
ty/Product Count
Browse By - Provide Browse By Selected Custom Product Attributes, Manage the Display
Inventory - Check Out of Stock, Allow/Disallow Checkout, Customize Messages
Google Analytics - Visit Tracking, E-Commerce Tracking of Conversions to Source, Capture
search keywords
Google Base - Automatic feed of all store products to Google Product Search every 24 hours
Selectively Deploy Products to the WebStore - Setup Auto Product, Category, Inventory Up-
dates to Store from BE
Select Products, Pricing, Quantity
Assign Products as Specials to the WebStore
Recorded User Accounts and Orders from WebStore automatically captured to Agiliron CRM in
Search Engine Marketing
Our Internet sales continue
to increase, we saw a 30% in-
crease in our first month after
going live.
- Tarran Pitschka, CEO, Wicked
Quick Industries
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Specify Title, Description, Keywords Meta-Tags for all Pages (Standard, Custom, Categories,
Products, Manufacturers)
Automatic Submission to Google Base
B2B WebStore
Add/Delete B2B WebStore
All features of the B2C Store with incremental capabilities listed below
Special Pricing based on assigned Price Book
Store Access require Login
Restricted Access - Password Protection, Require Login
Passphrase for Account Creation - assign secret code
Passphrase Message to prompt user to action to obtain passphrase
Tax ID, Reseller ID (required/optional) eld for Account Creation
Accounts Management for B2B Customers from Front-Oce (designate which contacts are
B2B customers and should have access to B2B Store)
Email Store Access to B2B Customers - custom URL (Sample Email Template available)
Minimum Order Amount - By Order
Minimum Quantity/Product - By Product (any combinations of SKUs)
Minimum Total Order Quantity - By Order
Payment Methods - All as in B2C Store, can be customized to Terms for B2B Sales
Shipping Methods - All as in B2C Store, can be customized to oer Deferred Shipping
Display Inventory Information (Qty in Stock, Qty on PO/Due Date)
Bulk Add to Cart Table (for quick specication of quantities for multiple skus to add to cart)
Customer Specic Pricing
Display Pricing Table Information (Retail, Wholesale, Customer)
Remote WebStore
Add/Delete Remote WebStore not Hosted on Agiliron
Map Shipping, Payment & Taxes from Remote Store methods to Agiliron methods for auto
capture of orders with the right settings
Integrate w/ Agiliron Front-Oce and Back-Oce thru a REST Based WebStore Integration API
WebStore API Developers Guide (for Remote Stores)
Two-Way Communication between WebStore and Agiliron System
Product Catalog, Pricing and Inventory Information from Agiliron to WebStore
Specials and Discount Coupons from Agiliron to WebStore
Order, Customer and Transaction Information from WebStore to Agiliron in real-time - Also edit
Accounts, Orders (Cancel, Update, Query)
Order, Product, Customer, Fulllment Update Information propagated from Agiliron to WebStore
Adapters for Magento, Bigcommerce, Shopify WebStores
Agiliron integrates with
Quickbooks, keeps customer
& vendor lists, sales histories,
multiple pricing scenarios and
much more. And I’m optimis-
tic about Agilirons plans for
increasing number of e-com-
merce channels.
- Mike Farrace, Owner, Optikrock
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Integrates these shopping carts as a Sales Channel in Agiliron allowing use of Agiliron capa-
bilities with existing e-commerce stores.
Establish Connection between Agiliron and WebStore with API Key Credentials
Two-Way Data Flow Integration that encompasses the following business workows
Products, Pricing, Inventory information push from Agiliron to Webstore - manual, automatic
Customers/Orders capture from Webstore to Agiliron
Map Shipping, Payment & Taxes from Webstore methods to Agiliron methods for auto capture of
orders with the right settings
Order Fulllment information from Agiliron to Webstore
Adapter Software Module available for Customization
eBay Integration (Listings, Stores) - US Only
eBay certied as an eBay Compatible Application”. Add/Delete an eBay Sales Channel (Auc-
tions, Fixed Price and eBay Store)
eBay Integration Capabilities include
Listing Products/Items on eBay (number allowed based on edition)
Options - Highlights, Gallery and many others
Free picture hosting on Agiliron
Option to Lock Inventory of listings
Map eBay Categories for Agiliron Categories - Automatically Sync to eBay Store
Verify Listing Parameters & Conrm eBay Fees before Listing an Item
Listing an Item
Listing Types - Chinese Auction, Fixed Price
Category Selection Wizard
Listing Duration Selection
Product and Pricing (Start Pricing, Reserve Pricing, Buy It Now Pricing, Fixed Pricing)
Shipping and Payment and Fulllment Settings
Tax Settings
List Matrix Item Products (eBay Multi variate listing)
Complete details of Listing, Listing Fees and Link to eBay Listing Available for every listing
Apply Design Templates for Listing Description
Setup once in HTML editor, eld markers merged with product data (regular elds, custom
elds, images)
Revise an eBay Listing
Clone an eBay Listing
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Relist a completed eBay Listing
Questions for Seller
Automatically captured as Ticket under Front-Oce (CRM) “HelpDesk” Module
Respond easily from Agiliron, Responses from Agiliron automatically interfaced to eBay
Recorded Orders from eBay automatically captured to Agiliron CRM in real-time
Customer Order Shipping & Tracking Information propagated back to eBay from Agiliron
Buyer Feedback captured for each Listing
Real-time Dashboard to view all listing, bids and current status
Amazon Marketplace - US only
Amazon ID and Agiliron setup for Connection to Amazon Seller Account
Two-Way Data Flow Integration that encompasses the following business workows
Products (ASIN Lookup available), Pricing, Inventory information push from Agiliron to Amazon
- manual, automatic
Customers/Orders capture from Amazon Marketplace to Agiliron
Map Shipping, Payment & Taxes from Amazon methods to Agiliron methods for auto capture of
orders with the right settings
Order Fulllment information from Agiliron to Amazon Marketplace
Retail POS
Add/Delete Retail POS
Select Inventory Location, PriceBook, Tax Authority - Products, Inventory and Pricing auto-
matically accessed in POS
Unlimited number of lanes (depends on edition) - adding a lane is as easy as a PC and Inter-
net connection
Select Payment Methods, Credit Card Processing through Intuit Payment Services
Customer Receipts - Print, Email or Disable depending on usage model
Customizable User Interface with Company Logo, Information, Quick Access Buttons
iPad/Android Native POS App - Use the POS on your iPad/Android at tradeshows/events or
in the store (download at iTunes Store or Google Play Store respectively)
Add Sales Associates - Free Users
Unique Logins/Passwords, Change Password, Screen Lock, Logout
Sales Associate Permission Controls - Price Changes, Discounts, Sales Returns
110 Quick Access Buttons - Assign/Update Top-Selling Products associated with each button
110 Quick Access Buttons for Categories - Assign/Update Product Categories associated with
each button - facilitates selection of products within those categories to add to ticket.
Pull up Product Information - Image, Stock Information, Pricing
Payment Methods - Cash, Check, Credit Cards
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Processing a Customer Sales Transaction
Add Product by Bar Code Scan, Auto-complete using Product Code/Product Name, Quick
Access Buttons
For Serialized or Lot Tracked Products, select Serial/Lot number
Modify Pricing, Discounts as necessary
Select Payment Method and enter parameters (or use credit card scanner for credit cards)
Accept Split Payments (any combination of payment types)
Record as Retail Sale or if Customer Information is available add (for new customer) or select
(for existing customer); Update Customer Information for existing customers
Sales Taxes automatically calculated based on selected Tax Authority for that POS channel
Print, Email or Disable Transaction Receipt
Customer Receipt Options - Electronic Signature, Gift Receipt
Processing a Customer Return Transaction
Pull up order details based on Order number
Print Return Receipt
Recorded Orders from Retail Store POS automatically captured to Agiliron CRM in real-time
Supported POS Hardware - See User Guide (
help/#User Guide/Retail POS/supported-pos-hardware.html)
Customer Account and Contact Management
Add/Edit/Delete Customer Accounts
Account Form Fields include
Account Number - auto-generated
Tax ID, Reseller ID for B2B Accounts
Credit Limit - Credit Available and Account Balance auto computed based on Limit, Expira-
tion and Receivables
Allow Select in Channel (if channel is restricted to a specic set of company accounts)
Defaults for Taxes, PriceBook, % Discount, Payment Method, T&C, Shipping Carrier/Method,
Deliver From Stock Location - Automatically transferred to Sales Orders
Customizable Sales Person list, Sales Area list, Sales Manager to associate with account
Special Handling - Instructions for Special Handling of Orders for the Account, automatically
transferred to Orders for the Account
Backorder Handling Preference - Ship All, Ship As Available, Cancel Backorder Items; auto-
matically transferred to Sales Orders for the Account
Bulk Edit of Account Fields - Change Field Values for multiple Accounts at once
Import Customer Accounts - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of CSV File Columns to Fields
Export Customer Accounts - CSV Format les, Specify columns and List lters
The biggest value resides in
the value-cost equation that
is very compelling and the
readiness of Agiliron to under-
stand our needs. The Agiliron
solution provides us with a
software platform to manage
orders, accounts, our product
catalog and inventory.
- Miguel Mendez, CEO, Klassic
Gem Cuisine
Front Oce (CRM)
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Customer Accounts Received from Sales Channels - Automatically created in the system
Related Lists for each customer account available - Potentials, Contacts, Activities, Attachments,
Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Returns, Invoices, HelpDesk, Products, History associated with indi-
vidual Accounts
Add/Edit/Delete Customer Contacts - Many-to-one Mapping to Customer Accounts or Vendors
(e.g. one organization, multiple contacts in the organization), Create Account and Contact in
single step
Contact Form Fields include
Name and Address information and associated Account or Vendor
Contact Prole - Customizable Multi-Select PickList (e.g. Buyer, Billing, Manager)
B2B Account ID management from Back-Oce (custom link for customer) - Create login ac-
counts in B2B Stores and email a custom link for customer to login
Bulk Edit Contact Fields - Change Field Values for multiple Contacts at once
Import Customer Contacts - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of CSV File Columns to Fields
Export Customer Contacts - CSV Format les, Specify Columns and List lters
Customer Contacts Received from Sales Channels - Automatically created in the system
Related Lists for each contact available - Potentials, Activities, Attachments, Emails, Quotes, Sales
Orders, Sales Returns, Purchase Orders, HelpDesk, Products, History associated with individual
Sales Management, SFA, Sales Cycle & Oppurtunity Management
Add/Edit/Delete Leads
Bulk Edit of Lead Fields - Change Field Values for multiple Leads at once
Import Customer Leads - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of Columns to Fields
Export Customer Leads - CSV Format les, Specify columns and List lters
Bulk Change Lead Status and Owner - Change Field Values for multiple Leads at once
Convert Leads to Potentials, Accounts and Contacts with ease - auto transfer of all form elds
and mapped custom elds during conversion
Related Lists for each lead available - Activities, Attachments, Emails, Products, History associ-
ated with individual Leads
Capture leads from your Web site forms directly into Leads module (Web2Lead API) - security
token for authentication (embed in server side scripts e.g. php) of calls
Add/Edit/Delete Potentials
Import Customer Potentials - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of Columns to Fields
Export Customer Potentials - CSV Format les, Specify columns and List lters
Create First Sales Order for Potential directly from Potential form
Related Lists for each potential available - Contacts, Activities, Attachments, Quotes, Sales Or-
ders, Products, Sales Stage History, History associated with individual Potentials
Marketing Automation to Customer Accounts/Contacts/Leads
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Send Emails to Leads/Customers - Automatically captured in the CRM and associated with Cus-
tomer History for future reference
Full-featured HTML Editor for HTML Message Creation/Editing
Send Bulk Emails - Email Templates to multiple customers at once - lter customer lists
through module custom views and associate custom actions for targeted campaigns
Automatically merge eld values to replace markers in templates for bulk emails
CAN-SPAM Compliance
Receiving Emails from Customers
IMAP Protocol Interface Setup to connect with one/more email service providers
Read Emails using the system WebMail user interface
Add Customer Emails to CRM - automatically recognizes contact email address and associates
email with existing customer (if any) or creates a new customer Lead
If an email is received from customer, the email is added to the Customer record
If an email is sent to customer from external tool (e.g. Outlook) and CCed to self (the IMAP
mapped email address), the email is added to Customer record that the email was sent to
If an email is sent to customer from external tool (e.g. Outlook) from a non-IMAP mapped
email address and CCed to the IMAP mapped email address, the email is added to Custom-
er record that the email was sent to
Managing Customer Related Activities
Events (calls or meetings, single or recurring) - Include Internal Users, Customer Contacts, Add
Document Attachments/Notes, Email Notications
Tasks - Include Internal Users, Customer Contacts, Add Attachments/Notes, Email Notications
List View provides ltering for Open Tasks and one-click closing of activities
Work Orders - Automatically generated by the system for Assembly product manufacturing with
recipe information
Customer Support using HelpDesk
Create, Assign and Track Customer Support Tickets
Case Message Center
Case by Priority
Case By Product
Queue Management & Case Assigment
eBay Ask Seller Queries Automatically captured as Tickets and Responses automatically propa-
gated to eBay
Ticket Statistics - Review Cumulative Statistics on Open/Closed tickets, By Category, By Priorities,
By Personnel
FAQ - Create a Knowledge Base of FAQs for use by Customer Support
Orders (Sales Orders, Quotes, Invoices) Management
Our Internet sales have
continued to increase and we
saw a 30% increase in our first
month after going live. The
ability to add products quickly
and remove items has allowed
us to keep the commerce side
of our website fresh. Get-
ting new products up on the
web more quickly generates
sales. In addition, the relative
simplicity of managing the
backend and updating the site
saves us time which in a small
company is incredibly valu-
- Tarran Pitschka, CEO, Wicked
Quick Industries
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Create/Edit Quotes
Quote Form Fields include
Auto complete selection of customer account and contact
Auto ll of elds based on Customer Account
Auto complete of product selection, include item notes
Convert Quote to Sales Order
Export Quote to PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-merge for
Related Lists Available - Sales Orders, Activities, History associated with individual Quotes
Create/Edit Sales Orders - Credit Limit Checks for Customer Account
Sales Order Form Fields include
Auto complete selection of customer account and contact
Auto ll of elds based on Customer Account
Auto complete of product selection, include item notes
Status Tracking: Created, Invoiced, Shipped, Paid, Completed
Type, Priority, Ship Q Priority
Call Date (auto-generated based on Order Due Date)
Special Handling - Instructions for Special Handling of Orders for the Account; automatically
transferred from the Account
Backorder Handling Preference - Ship All, Ship As Available, Cancel Backorder Items; auto-
matically transferred from the Account
Multiple Customer Payments for a Sales Order - Record date/amount/payment method details
for each payment
Process Credit Card Payments with click of a button using Intuit Merchant Services
PCI Compliance with Credit Card data
See Total Payments, Amount Due
Create Invoice from Sales Order (Invoice Number automatically generated)
Cancel Sales Order (before Fulllment), Payable created if Customer Paid
Create Sales Return for a Sales Order (after Fulllment)
Create and Manage Backorders (for orders where some of the products are not in stock)
Export Sales Receipt, Invoice, Packing Slip to PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML
template and mail-merge for elds
Bulk Printing of Sales Receipts, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-
merge for elds
Customer (Account) Credit Limit Checks for Create/Edit of Sales Order
Setup Auto Order Notications by Channel - (a) Order Creation Conrmation, (b) Order Fulll-
ment Conrmation, (c) Order Modications, (d) Backorder
Customize Auto Order Notications - Content and Recipient List
We’ve found Agiliron to be
powerful. It has improved our
ability to communicate with
customers, simplified produc-
tion and order fulfillment, and
will enable growth in a well-
organized, efficient manner.
- Pete Wagner, CEO, Wagner Skis
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Related Lists Available - Quotes, Invoices, Activities, Attachments, History associated with indi-
vidual Sales Orders
Create Invoices
Invoice Form Fields include
Total Payments, Amount Due
Export Invoice to PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-merge for
Related Lists Available - Sales Order, Activities, Attachments, History associated with individual
Managing Orders from Sales Channels
Orders from all Sales Channels Automatically captured under “Sales Orders” module in real-time
from channel
“Subject eld includes channel of origin, Channel” eld contains the channel of origin
Channel Order ID” captured in the Sales Order for traceability
Any additional channel related fees (e.g. eBay fees) captured in Additional Fees” eld
Route orders to appropriate stock locations
Update/Modify or Cancel Orders or Create Returns in a unied manner
Updated Order Information - Fullllment Information automatically propagated to channel of
Sales Returns
Sales Return Form Fields include
RMA # (w/ optional auto-generation), Tracking #
Create from an existing Sales Order or without
Track Receipt of Returned items at Receiving, Payables for Refund to Customer
Order Fulllment
Shipping Module - Select Carrier, Shipping Method
Only orders waiting to be fullled displayed by default, fullled orders also available for view/
edit in separate view
Record Fulllment information - Date, Carrier, Shipping Method, Actual Shipping Cost, Tracking
Information, Serial/Lot #s (if applicable)
Bulk Fulllment - Ship multiple orders at once
Import Shipping Information from external shipping tool (if necessary)
Export Order Information for external shipping tool (if necessary)
Export Packing Slip PDF, Bulk Export for multiple orders
Create and Manage Backorders (for orders where some of the products are not in stock)
Customer (Account) Credit Limit Checks on “Shipping” (Optional)
Sales have increased, and
the overall efficiency of the
site has improved. These are
key to our success, especially
as orders increase and fulfill-
ment becomes a major hurdle.
The overall solution has been
the most important. We have
complete control of our prod-
uct and inventory manage-
ment. Since we do both retail
and wholesale sales, product
has to be updated almost
daily; which we are able to do
- Nate Koach & Jason Reed, Own-
ers, Suburban Riot
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Accounts Receivable
Displays Unpaid customer sales orders
Record Payments as they are received for each order
Generate Customer Statements by Customer(s) - Includes all pending receivables and payments
Record payments received from customer that cuts across multiple orders - payments applied to
oldest order rst, payments automatically split if partial amount applied to an order
Export Sales Receipt to PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-merge
for elds
Product Catalog
Product Types
Basic Products (inventory by number of items)
Serialized inventory (serial numbers per inventory item)
Matrix Item inventory (SKUs by Size, Color, Style etc.)
Lot Tracked inventory (lot numbers for set of inventory items)
Assembly products (manufacture from raw materials)
Non-inventory products – Services (e.g. labor)
Product Customizations (e.g. Gift Wrapping options, Engraving Text or Gift Wrapping mes-
Product Substitutes (suggested alternates)
Product Form Fields include
Product Code, Bar Code
Unit Cost, automatically calculated for Assembly products
Commission Rate
Usage Unit (unit of usage of the product - inventory should operate on these units)
Qty/Unit for managing fractional or multiple items per inventory unit
Stock Manager for inventory notications
Accounting Information (Income, Expense, COGS, Asset, QB Item, Tax Category)
Shipping Information - Volume, Weight, Shipping Cost (for individual product shipping
method only)
HTML Editor for Product Description
Product Category (select one or multiple)
Unlimited Images Per Product (include color swatches)
Manufacturer Association
Short and Long Descriptions
After integrating the Agil-
iron back office suite into our
business, it has taken our com-
pany to a more competitive
level. Prior to the integration,
we had a very primitive inven-
tory management system. We
did not keep accurate real-
time inventory and were often
surprised to know we were
running low in a particular
SKU. We now know exactly
where our inventory levels are
at any given moment. This has
enabled us to plan more effi-
ciently and not have to disap-
point customers who thought
we had a particular style/size
in stock.
- Joanie Dhillon, Owner, Idawg
Back Oce (ERP)
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SEO Meta Tags - Title, Description, Keyword
Bulk Editing of Product Fields - change eld values for multiple products at once
Import Products - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of Columns to Fields
Import Product Images - Bulk import of all product images referenced in Product import CSV le
Export Products - CSV Format les, Specify columns and List lters
Add Custom Fields for “Browse By product search in webstore
Make Custom Fields Applicable to specic Products only or All Products
Related Lists Available - Stock Locations, Serialized/Lots/Matrix Items, Stock Adjustments, Price
Books, Channels, Vendors, Purchase Orders, Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Returns, Invoices, Activi-
ties, Attachments, HelpDesk, History associated with individual Products
SEO Title, Keywords, Description Support for Products, Product categories & Manufacturers
Price Books Management
Unlimited Price Books By Customer Segment, Sales Channel or other criteria
Associate any number of pricebooks with a product
Specials Price Book for Promotions - Set Validity windows; Associate with Reference List Price
Vendor Price Book for Product Vendors
Adjust Pricing for selected products at once by amount or % with user selected rounding rules
Dierential Pricing for Product Matrix SKUs
Dierential Pricing by Stock Location
Import Price Books - As part of product import as columns in CSV le
Product Categories Management
Allows creation of Product Category hierarchy tree (no depth or number restrictions)
Easily Adjust Category Display Order by assigning an order ID
Assign a Product to Multiple Categories
Associate Image and Description with Product Categories - automatically included in category
pages on stores
SEO Information for Product Category Pages - Title, Keywords, Description
All changes to Product Categories automatically synced with the channels
Product Manufacturers/Brand Management
Add/Delete Manufacturers
Associate Image with Manufacturers - included in manufacturer pages on stores
SEO Information for Product Category Pages - Title, Keywords, Description
Sophisticated Inventory Management
Basic Products
Optikrock and Melody
Wholesale needed a way
to track inventory no mat-
ter where we were selling it.
Agiliron back office was the
first one I found which man-
aged inventory across popular
platforms like eBay but which
also integrated with non-Pro-
Store websites. It also inte-
grated with Quickbooks, keeps
customer and vendor lists,
purchase and sales histories,
incorporated multiple pric-
ing scenarios and much more.
And I’m very optimistic about
Agilirons plans for integrating
with an ever-increasing num-
ber of e-commerce channels.
- Mike Farrace, Owner, Optikrock
& Melody Wholesale
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Matrix Item Products
Delete/Restore SKUs
Serialized Products
Lot Tracked Products
Assembly Products
Add/Change - Inventory Automatically pulled from Raw Materials, Works Orders generated
for Manufacturing, COGS for manufactured product automatically calculated
Service Products
Manage Inventory at Multiple (Unlimited) Stock Locations
Inventory Transfer between Stock Locations - Individual Products or Bulk Transfer of many
Inventory Tracking Parameters - Qty in Stock, Qty on Order (SO), Qty on Order (PO)
Reorder Levels, Inventory Notications and Supply Chain Management
Inventory Adjustments (+/-) and Reconciliation
Product and Inventory Reimport - All Fields or only Inventory elds
Multi-Channel Tracking and Auto-sync of inventory across Channels
Events that Automatically Trigger Inventory Synchronization across channels
Orders from any channel (WebStores, POS, eBay) automatically pulls inventory (decrements)
available for sale on all channels (that a product has been placed in) to prevent selling inven-
tory not available
eBay Listings provide an option to Lock Inventory (committing inventory for sale on eBay)
which also results in associated inventory being pulled from other channels
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Any manual inventory adjustments made (due to audit or shrinkage or other reasons) also
automatically adjusts inventory in the channels to reect the new inventory levels
Actions Associated with Inventory Synchronization for above Events
If the available inventory (Qty on Stock - Qty on SO (Sales Order)) falls below the inventory
that was placed in any channel - the quantities in the channel is adjusted to available inven-
For Matrix Item products, since all the inventory is placed in the webstore channels, the
quantities are always adjusted on the above events
Optional Auto-Sync (User Selection) for WebStore Channels
Auto Product Update - Any changes to product (triggered by save product) are immediately
updated on the channels that the product is placed in (this includes all the product form
elds including images)
Auto Category Update - Any changes to product category information is automatically up-
dated to channel(s) along with any product mapping changes that may result
Auto Inventory Update - Any changes in inventory of a product (manual edits - Add/Delete/
Change/Transfer) automatically updates the inventory in all the channels that the product
is placed in to available inventory (Qty in Stock - Qty on SO). This switch always deploys the
entire available inventory to the channel - so if the user wants only a subset of the inventory
to be deployed to a channel, they should leave this switch o and deal with it manually
Auto Pricing Update - Any changes in the pricing of a product in a a Price Book automatically
updates the pricing in all the applicable channel(s)
Supply Chain - Vendor Management
Add/Edit/Delete Vendors
Vendor Form Fields include
Credit Limit - Credit Available auto computed based on Limit, Expiration and Payables
Defaults for Taxes, PriceBook, Discount, Payment Method, T&C, Shipping Carrier/Method,
Deliver To Stock Location
Associate Vendor for Specic Products with Vendor Pricing (Vendor Price Book created automati-
cally on vendor creation), Vendor Part Number and Vendor Units (to convert to specied inven-
tory units at Receiving)
Related Lists Available - Contacts, Purchase Orders, Activities, Attachments, Products, History as-
sociated with individual Vendors
Import Vendors - CSV Format les, Custom Mapping of Columns to Fields
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Form Fields include
Auto complete selection of vendor and contact
Auto ll of elds based on Vendor selection
Auto complete of product selection ltered by Vendor associated products, Auto selection
of Vendor Pricing, include item notes
Related Sales Order(s) (if auto generated from Sales Order)
Status Tracking: Created, Shipped, Received, Invoiced, Paid, Completed
Agiliron allows me to of-
fer the features of a robust
integrated system at a fraction
of the cost of similar systems.
We can now spend less time
generating reports and more
time analyzing them.
- Judith Henderson-Townsend,
CEO, Mannequin Madness
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Export to PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-merge for elds
Bulk Printing PDF, Directly Email PDF with pre-dened HTML template and mail-merge for elds
Auto Generation of POs from Customer Sales Orders (e.g. for businesses that do not carry in-
ventory like Drop-Ship or Custom Build to Order businesses)
Related Lists Available - Activities, Attachments, History associated with individual Purchase Or-
Receiving - record receiving inventory, serial/lot numbers (if applicable)
Auto conversion of vendor units to inventory units based on vendor product preferences
Bulk Receiving of multiple Purchase Orders
Accounts Payable
Displays unpaid purchase orders
Record payments as they are made
Accounting - QuickBooks Integration
Intuit Partner Platform Integration - on Intuit App Center (
Import QuickBooks Lists (Chart of Accounts, Item List, Payment/Shipping Method, Tax Rates etc.)
Exporting All transactions (SO, Returns, PO, Inventory Adjustments etc.)
Sales Channel Management
Add/Delete Unlimited Number of Channels - B2B Webstore, B2C Webstore, Remote WebStore,
eBay, Retail POS
Auto Sync of Inventory across all Channels
Auto Sync of Product Catalog, Pricing, Category, Inventory Changes in Back-Oce automatically
to all relevant Channels
Individual Channels can be congured for Inventory Location, PriceBook, Shipping/Payment/
Tax Parameters and Channel-Specic conguration...see “Channels” section for Channel-Specic
Unied Tracking, Capture and Management of Orders, Accounts, Customers Across All
Uniied Merchandising - Single point of selection and deployment of products (all or selective)
from catalog to all channels with channel specic pricing and quantities
All information exchange handled over secure HTTPS
Standard Reports
Account and Contact Reports
Contacts By Accounts
Business Intelligence
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Contacts Without Accounts
Contacts By Potentials
Accounts Export Report
Contacts Export Report
Accounts Without Contacts
Sales By Customer Account
Products Purchased By Customer Account
Lead Reports
Lead By Source
Lead Status Report
Leads Export Report
Potential Reports
Potential Pipeline
Closed Potentials
Potentials Export Report
Activity Reports
Last Month Activities
This Month Activities
HelpDesk Reports
Tickets By Product
Tickets By Priority
Open Tickets
Product Reports
Product Details
Products By Contacts
Product Location Report
Products Export Report
Product by Product Category
Customer Accounts By Product
Products by Matrix SKUs
Quote Reports
Open Quotes
Quotes Detailed Report
Purchase Order Reports
Purchase Orders By Contacts
Purchase Orders Detailed Report
Invoice Reports
Product Data Sheet
Invoice Detailed Report
Sales Order Reports
Sales Orders Detailed Report
Total Sales
Paid Sales
Sales By Rep
Sales By Channel
Sales By Customer Account
Unpaid Sales By Customer Account
Sales By Rep - Shipped
Sales By Inventory Location
Sales By Product Category
Sales By Product
Sales Orders with Product Details
Sales Orders with Product Matrix SKU Details
Shipping Reports
Shipping Detailed Report
Sales Order Export for Shipping Carrier
Accounting Reports
Receivables Detailed Report
Receivables By Accounts
Standard Reports Customization and Data Filtering
Select Tabular or Summary Reports
Select Desired Columns by Fields
Select Date Filters
Select Field Filters
Select Grouping and Sort Order
Select Columns to Add for Summary
Create Custom Reports
Select One/More Modules to be Associated with Report
Select Customization and Data Filtering Parameters
Add to an Existing or New Folder
Export Reports
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Realtime Dashboard
Sales By Channel
Product Sales By Channel
Sales By Location
Sales By Category
Sales By Product
Sales By Account
Sales By Users
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Pipeline By Sales Stage
Pipeline By Month By Outcome
Potentials By Lead Source By Outcome
Potentials By Lead Source
Customize Charts - By Date Range and Selection of Parameters specic to the chart
Add Selected Chart to Home Page
Home Page - Business Snapshot
My Upcoming & Pending Activities
My Top Accounts
My Top Open Potentials
My Group Task Allocations
My Pending HelpDesk Tickets
Key Metrics - Customizable (modify existing ones and/or add new ones)
My Top Quotes
My Top Sales Orders
My Top Invoices
User Selected Dashboard Chart
User Management
Create & Manage Users
Proles, Roles, Users, Administrator can Reset Password for users (auto-generated password
emailed to user)
Team Collaboration
Product Data Sheet
Copyright © 2007-2013 AGILIRON Inc. All Rights Reserved. AGILIRON and related marks are trademarks of AGILIRON Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Visit Web Site:
Additional Product
Contact Information
10940 SW Barnes, Ste. 217
Portland, OR 97225
1.855.AGIL.IRON - 1.855.244.5476
Web Site:
The biggest value Agiliron
brought to our business is
delivering a solid technol-
ogy platform that can allow
us to expand our business
without worrying about the
infrastructure to manage it,
now all the employees have
access to the information they
need anywhere, anytime. This
combined with their incred-
ible customer support helped
us achieve a successful on line
- Jen Ryan, Owner, Mooloolaba
Create & Manage Groups
Add Users to Groups
Role Based Security
Based on User Prole constrain access at the Module level or at the Field Level - View, Create/Edit,
Delete Privileges
Business User Collaboration
Team Collaboration Calendar
Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Work Orders - See “Front Oce CRM” section for details
Notes and Attachments
Add Reference Notes and Document Attachments to all Entities in the system
See “Front Oce (CRM)” section for details.