To get copies of Medline’s
Vendor Routing Guide and
1. Go to
2. Click on the Resources link at the top center of the page
3. Click on the General Documents link on the left side
4. Under Shipping Instructions and Procedures, select:
a. Vendor Routing Guide
for carrier selection and contact.
b. Vendor Routing Guide Instructions for information pertaining to packing slips,
procedures, weight guidelines
(helpful hint – to save the file to your computer, RIGHT CLICK on the link and choose option “save target
as”. These links require Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Use the direct link and
choose the desired form as shown above in step #4.
NOTE: this document is titled Key Vendor Program and is available on the same General
Documents page along with the Vendor Routing Guide and Instructions files.
One Medline Place Mundelein, Illinois 60060-4486
1-847-949-5500 Toll Free 1-800-MEDLINE
December 31, 2005
Dear Vendor Partner:
Medline, like many companies in ours and other industries, is
beginning to standardize our approach to handling our inbound
activity. We have found that the variety of situations presenting
themselves to our people on our receiving docks is making things
more difficult and expensive than we can afford any more. Perhaps
you have experienced some of our receiving pain in the form of late or
short payments, and, if unjustified, we certainly apologize for those
We have decided to attack this problem in an attempt to make it
easier and faster to perform, and also to set the stage for better
further processing as the goods move through our distribution centers.
To that end, we have established the Medline Key Vendor
Performance Program. Our goals and expectations with this
program are to have the mutually beneficial outcome of taking costs
out of both of our supply chains. In order for both of us to remain
competitive in our market places we must plug the cost drains such as
damaged goods, late/missed deliveries, extended driver waiting time,
rework, late payments, missed deadlines and the many other issues
that make our bottom lines suffer. Enclosed with this letter you find an
outline and description of the program.
We believe that the adherence to these expectations will make the
process run more smoothly for all, and we expect all our vendors to
comply with these standards beginning January 1, 2006.
As you will see when you review the program materials this initiative
will be ongoing for Medline and we will communicate results to you on
a routine basis. We began to monitor the various categories and
criteria in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Since we have received many requests like these from our customers,
we understand the seriousness of what we are asking, and we also
understand the cost implications, particularly as they reflect
themselves in transportation. Therefore, we want to remain practical,
and if you feel that either you or Medline will bear increased
transportation cost, not warranted by whatever labor efficiencies that
may accrue, we’d like you to discuss it with us through your particular
product manager. We will work with them to make sure we arrive at
the best course of action for all of us.
Finally, as has happened to us, we will be instituting a series of
charge-backs for serious and ongoing breaches of these requirements.
You will be notified when the problem occurs, and then will
automatically be debited upon payment of your invoice. Please take
this seriously. We need and expect your cooperation. If you have any
difficulties with any of what we are requesting, please discuss it with
your product manager quickly. Please review the attached description
of our program with your distribution staff.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Bill Abington
President of Operations
Medline Industries, Inc.
1 Medline Place
Mundelein, IL 60060
Andy Stolarski Steve Brody
Sr. Vice President Vice President-Logistics
Medline Operations
David Lathrop
Vice President Inventory Management
Peter Saviola Ted Stoecker
Vice President Vice President
Medline Operations-East Medline Operations-West
Warren Schelling Wes Swearingin
Vice President Vice President
Medline Operations & Receiving Medline Operations-Midwest
One Medline Place Mundelein, Illinois 60060-4486
1-847-949-5500 Toll Free 1-800-MEDLINE
Medline Key Vendor Performance Program
We believe that for our mutual success going forward we
must work together to identify opportunities to decrease
costs and improve efficiencies in our supply chain. To that
end, in our Key Vendor Performance Program, we plan to
measure and communicate those opportunities.
We recognize that building and maintaining relationships
with our key vendors is one of the most important factors to
our success. We expect our partner vendors to help Medline
by following our receiving, transportation, packaging and
labeling policies and initiatives.
Medline Key Vendor Performance Program Criteria,
Performance Goals & Reporting
Phase 1:
We have developed initial criteria and performance goals for
four major categories: Packing List, Individual Product
Packaging, Receiving/Load Presentation and Transportation.
Listed below are the categories along with the respective
criteria we will be monitoring over time.
Packing List –
a. Must reference Medline Purchase Orders accurately
b. Must indicate Quantity Ordered, Quantity shipped, and
Balance Due for each item and each PO
c. Must reference Medline Stock Keeping Numbers accurately
d. Must indicate total pieces contained in the shipment
e. Must indicate Date Shipped, Carrier, and Bill of Lading
Individual Product Packaging –
a. Must be strong enough to support its own weight when
stacked to 8 feet in height without buckling, crushing or
caving. Medline sends and receives many products through
UPS & FedEx and we require that the products you send us
be consistent with their guidelines.
b. Carton must be taped closed. Banding is not acceptable as
method for sealing individual cartons or packages.
c. Must be clearly labeled with Medline SKU #, Description, Lot
#, Serial #, Expiration Date and Quantity; in Medline Label
Format; on all four sides of the carton.
d. If private labeled for Medline, carton must be free of all
references to the manufacturer--
e. If products are over-packed for transport, over-pack carton
must be labeled with “MASTER CARTON: MUST BE
Receiving/Load Presentation –
a. Product must be delivered on standard 40 x 48 GMA wooden
pallet, #2 grade or higher. Height should be 75” or less
(including pallet) for LTL delivery. Upon prior agreement
pallets in full truck loads may be taller to maximize trailer
b. All pallets must be shrink wrapped for stability.
c. Stacking pattern must provide for no overhang beyond the
edges of the pallet.
d. Like SKU’s must be consolidated.
e. Packing List must be clearly displayed in a prominent position
in the load.
f. Load bars or airbags must be used to stabilize any load likely
to shift in transit
g. Inbound ASN’s (Inbound 856 Electronic Transmission) must
be initiated when shipment is in route.
Transportation –
a. If Medline is responsible for the cost of freight, the product
must move as directed on the Medline Routing Guide.
b. A delivery appointment must be requested for all non-parcel
deliveries. It is expected that all delivery appointments will
be kept and on time. We deem deliveries not to the receiving
dock within one hour of the scheduled appointment time late.
c. All full truckloads must be sealed and the seal number must
be noted on the bill of lading and transferred to the delivery
For Phase 1 of our initial monitoring program we have
chosen only
eight of these criteria in three categories;
Receiving, Packaging and Transportation. These categories
1. Accuracy of Shipment – does it match the packing list?
2. Delivery Appointments Made and Kept
3. Packing list accompanying shipment
4. Product delivered on Medline sized pallet
5. Product in good condition
6. Product cartons sealed correctly
7. Product correctly labeled
8. Medline Routing Guide followed
Phase 1 monitoring will begin January 1, 2006; reports will
be issued by April 30
Medline’s intention is to initiate and maintain dialogue so we
can achieve our goals.
Phase 2:
Upon receipt and review of the Performance Report all non-
compliant vendors will be asked to improve their
performance to meet Medline’s expectations. Non-
compliance could result in the following penalties:
Packing List – If the packing list is missing or omits of
any information described earlier – The penalty will be
$50 per Occurrence
Individual Product Packaging – If we judge product to
be unworthy of resale, the penalty will be the Cost of
any Lost Product & Repackaging costs for any
damaged product.
Receiving/Load Presentation – If the product is
delivered without pallets and it has not been approved
in advance, the penalty will be $5.00/Pallet Medline
provides plus the cost of the labor to stack that
product. If the load is stacked poorly, the penalty will
be the cost of Labor Associated with Restacking
@$5.00/Pallet or $150.00/ Full Truck Load
Transportation –If delivery appointments are missed
or late $50 per Occurrence. If our Routing Guide is
not followed and we are billed additional freight, we
will recover that additional freight plus $50.
The penalties indicated above will be CHARGED BACK TO
YOU directly in Medline’s account payable process.
Any disputes on charge backs must be resolved within six
months of the charge back date. Any charge back not
questioned within six months will stand as filed with no
further review.
Medline values our relationship with your company and our
goal is to remove costs from both of our organizations’
supply chains. As we work together we can save in areas
such as reduced trailer unload times, reduced delivery driver
waiting time, decreased paper work and reduced errors.
Those are just a few examples that can benefit both our
It is imperative that we communicate to you we are
initiating this program to change behavior and improve
operations; not to be vindictive or petty. Our goal is the
same as yours, to get the correct product, to the correct
customer, at the correct time in the condition expected
when the order was placed.
We look forward to working with you.
All information concerning this program and any updates can
be found on our Website in the Resources – General
Documents section, along with the Medline Routing Guide:
For further information please feel free to contact your
Medline Product Manager. You may also e-mail comments &
questions to:
One Medline Place 1-847-949-5500
Mundelein, Illinois 60060-4486 Toll Free 1-800-MEDLINE
Propriatary & Confidential
Key Vendor Performance Report
Review Period: January thru March 2006
Number of Shipments:
Problem Tickets:
Category: Receiving Phase 1
Standard: Result: Definitions:
Criteria: Delivery Appointment Kept 100%
Load at Receiving Dock Within 1 Hour of Appointment
Packing List Included 100%
Packing List w/Delivery & Prominently Displayed
Piece Count Matches Packing
Order Complete.
Freight Product Delivered on
Medline Specified Pallet
GMA 40 x 48 Wooden Pallet #2 Or Higher
Category: Packaging
Product Delivered in Saleable
100% Product Not Damaged.
Carton Properly Sealed 100% Carton Must be Taped Closed.
Package Clearly & Correctly Labeled 100%
Clearly Labeled w/Medline SKU #, Description, Lot #, Serial #,
Expiration Date.
Category: Transportation
Medline Routing Guide Used 100% Routing Guide on